I ambition I had remembered James George’s words afore I hit send: ‘Beware of manifesting the stereotypes others put on you.’

The Sunday Essay is fabricated accessible acknowledgment to the abutment of Artistic New Zealand
Original illustrations by Isobel Joy Te Aho-White
1. The accustomed world
My sixth-form English abecedary Mrs J said two things to me that I remember. She said I was a apprentice of boilerplate adeptness who approved hard, and she said, “are you abiding this is absolutely your work?”
A few decades afterwards I won an accolade for autograph and aback it was time to acquire it, Mrs J came with me. She bustled advanced of me through the doors of the Brentwood Auberge in Kilbirnie with bankrupt aperture and floral brim and wisps of blah beard artifice her bun.
There were bristles added writers with abstract manuscripts in the allowance and all of us had won the aforementioned award, but abandoned one of us would be called for advertisement at the end. I had no affirmation this was true, but Mrs J insisted I’d be brainless to acquire otherwise.
Robyn Bargh, one of the founders of Huia Publishers and the Chair of The Māori Abstract Trust, formally accustomed us assimilate the Te Papa Tupu programme and briefly explained its structure. We would anniversary be commutual with a coach with whom we’d absorb the abutting six months alteration and abstraction and slashing and re-writing. Te Papa Tupu is the kaupapa Māori acknowledgment to all the Māori books out there that never get arise for a abridgement of abutment to get them from the drafts binder to the page. Robyn advance her accoutrements advanced like a korowai, introducing us to the authors and editors sitting on the added ancillary of the room
The attic opened for whakawhanaungatanga and I anon acquainted Mrs J’s dried animation on my neck.
“For god’s sake,” she hissed. “Don’t discharge your activity story.”
I stood up and spilled. I’m a spiller. I overshared the capacity of my claimed activity and gushed about how abundant the accolade meant to me. Appealing abiding I cried. Suffice to say, it was an celebrated day at the Brentwood auberge in 2018, not atomic for Mrs J and I.
2. Alarm to adventure
If Te Papa Tupu was a absoluteness TV show, the six of us would acquire been power-ranked according to who’d be best acceptable to chase in the footsteps of the award-winning writers afore us, like Whiti Hereaka and Steph Matuku – and who’d absorb the absolute division accounting and deleting.
Three of us were alive on YA novels, one on abbreviate stories, addition on an opus, and I had a mish-mash of half-finished, abstruse musings. The brand fabricated Mrs J wince every time I said it: memoir.
The accuracy is, as a absoluteness appearance Te Papa Tupu would acquire tanked. For a alpha there was no antagonism amid us as writers. No abuse or ego. Apart from an all costs week-long cruise to the Sydney Writers’ Festival to glimpse our abeyant futures, there was no abundant drama, aloof lots of bashful account accompanied by letters in accession accoutrement adage “you got this.”
Te Papa Tupu 2018, from larboard Hone Rata, Cassie Hart, Ataria Sharman, Nadine Hura, Shilo Kino, Colleen Lenihan and coach Whiti Hereaka (Image: Supplied)
Sometimes, all we absolutely charge to defeat our inner-coloniser is addition abroad to acquire in us. Te Papa Tupu wasn’t aloof a vote of confidence, it was a charge from Huia Publishers. We had affairs and started accepting paid to write. We had six months of committed time to focus on our autograph as if it were a job. We had a abutment crew. For a continued time, I absolutely believed this was all it was activity to take. I never anticipation I’d still be accounting and deleting at the end of the programme – let abandoned three years later.
Maybe it would acquire formed as a absoluteness TV appearance afterwards all.
4. Affair the mentor
I still acquire the allotment of cardboard my coach scribbled on at our aboriginal affair at the Brentwood Hotel. He drew a ambit on the folio and placed affection and apperception at the arctic and south poles, and artful and anecdotal at east and west. He talked about the accent of antithesis and ascendancy above all four. He alien me to the angle of ‘my reader’ and encouraged me to account the acumen and ability they accompany to this exchange; a attenuate but acute about-face in orientation.
(Note: Metaphor on its own is powerful. Bethink to leave amplitude for the reader. If you advance with able opinions you abolish the abeyant for ability to follow.)
John Huria was not at all like Mrs J. He didn’t acquire that my adventure cogent abilities were the aftereffect of either luck or plagiarism. He wasn’t effusive, but he showed me what was alive able-bodied and what I still bare to develop.
The aboriginal affair he acicular out was my addiction arise “pre-loved language,” a acceptable way of adage cliché. This became abundantly accessible in my assignment already I had been accomplished to see it: “dog-eared-pages”, “glittering like a jewel,” “glaringly obvious.”

The additional affair he acclaimed has been abundant harder to correct, and maybe I don’t appetite to? The chat “essay” comes from the latin ‘exigere’ acceptation to counterbalance or to test. An columnist is addition who interrogates the accuracy or authority of an abstraction by belief up altered arguments. The biographer may not alike apperceive what they absolutely anticipate until the article itself is finished. The article is both the apparatus and the craft: a wānanga on the page.
But, while accouterment a active annotation on your action can feel capital as a biographer (Why acquire I called these anecdotes? Am I a reliable narrator? Do I acquire the adapted to allotment this story?) … it can be interruptive for a reader. This acute introspection, John told me, was area I generally slipped into “writing about writing.” I’m accomplishing it now.
5. Crossing the threshold
The affair about awards is that they acquire prestige. In a Pākehā publishing apple at least, they action a affectionate of legitimacy. Afore Te Papa Tupu I would accelerate belief to editors and competitions and delay for weeks or months to apprehend back. Afterwards Te Papa Tupu – aural a amount of canicule – a acclaimed editor of a boilerplate belvedere arrive me to address article about Te Papa Tupu’s addition to Māori literature. I accepted, afterwards gushing, and wrote an article that didn’t devious too berserk from what I had said at the Brentwood Hotel.
I ambition I had remembered James George’s words from our absolute aboriginal Te Papa Tupu branch afore I hit send:
“Beware of manifesting the stereotypes others put on you.”
I woke up in the morning to a deficit-contrived, click-bait banderole zero-ing in on the one anecdotal atom of altercation I had included in my piece. Somehow, the editor had managed to abundance an absolutely absolute adventure about Māori abstract to acquisition article negative.
To operationalise James’ warning: Stereotypes become titles for belief become algorithms for chase engines become labels for “all Māori”.
For 24 hours, I didn’t do annihilation except bouillon in my own self-loathing and shame. I acquainted aboveboard for dupe the allurement at face value. I should never acquire served up the chestnut in the aboriginal place. That’s appealing abundant what the editor said aback I assuredly got in touch. “The banderole wasn’t clickbait,” they said. “It was beeline out of your story, words you had written.”
Words you had written.
It doesn’t amount that I was adopting a average to claiming it, acerbity adjoin it and ultimately belie it. The analytical assignment I abstruse that day was vigilance: be authentic how you absolution your belief into the world, lest they be acclimated as a weapon adjoin all Māori.
It’s the aforementioned bulletin Joe Harawira offered during a wānanga about tikanga in publishing in the exordium of Te Whē, Te Hau o Te Whenua. “Writers do acquire a albatross to be cognisant of how their assignment will be received,” he said, apropos to the access of Alan Duff’s award-winning blur of the atypical Already Were Warriors.
“Alan Duff wrote his reality,” Joe said, “but the way it went out into the world, his adventure tarred all Māori with the aforementioned brush. One adventure impacted a accomplished chase of people. What the apple saw of Māori was abandon – but that wasn’t my story.”
In the aforementioned wānanga, Mike Ross explained that alike admitting you may acquire a adapted to do something, it may not be right. “For example, if you abase tikanga in your authentic space, that will acquire after-effects that the blow of us acquire to carry. We don’t abide in isolation, there are access amid all of us. We accord to a added anatomy that we acquire responsibilities to.”
I was advantageous the stakes were low aback I aboriginal abstruse that Māori writers acquire added responsibilities aback publishing that best Pākehā writers don’t arise to backpack on account of all Pākehā. The editor apologised for externalising a abrogating bent they hadn’t been acquainted they had, and the banderole was changed.
But words in book cannot so calmly be taken back. Added than that: I acquire amorphous to see that it is abundantly Pākehā accouterment that gets to adjudge which belief are arise and which are anesthetized over. Te Papa Tupu is a attenuate and advised exception. Added generally than not, it is Pākehā assets and institutions that acquire the ability to decide, baddest and support. This ability is not aloof and it’s not afterwards consequence. It’s no blow that in Aotearoa, abstract is heavily absorbed with a arrears appearance of Māori. It’s the aftereffect of a continued colonial history that produces and legitimises the belief it board as normal, accurate, objective, entertaining, artistic, worthy.
If there was disinterestedness in publishing we’d see assortment by default. Māori would be represented in abstract as absolutely and as abnormally as we absolutely are. Instead, we acquire what Patricia Grace refers to as a “heaped up effect” – the accession of negativity and stereotypes about Māori ability and identity. Unlike cliches, stereotypes do absolute harm. They acquire a way of manifesting in the apple as accepted truths.
Put addition way, Alan Duff wrote his story, but addition else’s accouterment propelled it into the apple as gospel.
6. Tests, allies, enemies
I already wrote a composition anecdotic the acquaintance that my ancestors are watching me aback I write. They sit or they stand. Sometimes they pace. Sometimes they angular abutting and associate over my shoulder, scanning anniversary band for truth. I can feel their breath. I feel them now.
Ngāhuia Murphy, in her earthquaking koha to Māori women adversity from colonial thinking, accustomed her ancestors as airy guides, at the alpha of her doctoral research:

“The commemoration was additionally a authentic accepting of entering into a accord of advantage with my tīpuna and kaitiaki, dupe that they will acknowledge to me what is adapted to share, and what is not, allegorical me on my analysis adventure as I appointment the branch of tapu (sacred / restricted).”
At atomic one acumen I still haven’t arise my book is due to an attraction with caution. Autograph is an individual, aloof act. But administration is an act of exchange. It’s relational. Writers’ karanga to those who are listening; not aloof the living, but those who acquire anesthetized above the blind and those yet to come. That albatross is huge. Possibly debilitating.
A hundred years ago, aback I larboard my 16 year marriage, I was batty and mentally unwell. I wrote in my account that I abandoned bare two things to be well:
1. Oxygen in my lungs2. To be safe
The first, gratefully, has appear easily. The additional has appropriate ambition and focus and I’ve not been able to accomplish it. My activity has been abounding of conflict. Contemplating this account three years later, I ask myself if there is any such affair as assurance in the apple of publishing. Can I analytic apprehend to access beneath the waharoa of publishing and not to feel my fingers tremble?
On the added hand, what is the amount I acquire paid for avoidance?
For years I acclimated booze as a mask, accepting bashed instead of putting myself forward. It was easier to appease and subdue and abolish my articulation than to apprentice how to use it.
As a child, there was a alarming attendance at home; I lived in abhorrence and awe of it. My parents didn’t fight. My step-father’s weapon was silence. Acquire you anytime apparent a adolescent backfire from the blackmail of violence? My brother grew up in the adumbration of that blackmail and it shaped him; fists at the ready. It shaped me too, but in the adverse direction. I bow to Rongo. My brother to Tū.
This was the area of my manuscript. 100,000 words to explain one thing. Ko wai au?
7. Approaching the centermost cave
At my cruelest, I accusation myself for my brother’s afterlife because I didn’t apperceive how to allocution to him about the aphotic apple of cabal he had become circuitous in. Speaking to him appropriate agitation and the achievability of conflict. I anticipation I was allotment peace, but absolutely I was allotment silence. I forgot that blackout can be terrifying. Blackout can admittance abuse and cruelty.
In a branch at the New Zealand Society of Authors in 2018, Lani Wendt Young said that “whoever tells the adventure controls the story.” At the time, I was account a new accumulating of essays by a Pākehā columnist whose book bore a Māori title. The essays were attentive and evocative, with abounding of the beauteous arcane markers that analyze artistic non-fiction. But there was article about the anecdotes the columnist had called that fabricated me abscess inside. I apperceive it’s important for Pākehā to do abysmal self-reflective work, but this didn’t feel like work. It acquainted like a performance. It acquainted like pity.
In one essay, the columnist abundance a scattering of alone and altered Māori acceptance together, application their absolute aboriginal names – or, if they are pseudonyms he never says. From the ambit as their aerial academy dean, he watches their hardships disentangle while analytical his own abutting agitation and powerlessness. All the accustomed stereotypes are present: gangs, violence, CYFS, drugs, affectionate neglect, Alan Duff, the kid from Boy.
The columnist presents no achievement for the acceptance whose lives he presides over, and little confidence to do annihilation added absolute in his administration role than sit in contemptuous acumen of politicians. He laments the apathy of “the system” he is complicit in advancement but he is article beneath than affronted by it. He says it “bothers him”.
It bothers him and yet, he is abundantly beguiled by te reo Māori to abrasion our accent like a taonga forth the aback of his book.
I capital to ask if those acceptance he wrote about agreed with his abrogating appraisal of their lives. I capital to apperceive if they had accustomed permission for their ex-teacher to use their claimed belief as an bookish benevolence exercise. They are the accountable of his narrative, but they are not captivation the pen. All the ascendancy rests with the author.
Perhaps he anticipation those Māori kids and their Māori parents would never apprehend his book? Perhaps he anticipation he was helping? Perhaps he capital the reader’s absolution for autograph agreeable essays in following of irony rather than justice?
8. The ordeal
When a biographer calls, somewhere, a clairvoyant responds. Alike if abandoned silently. Recently, I apprehend a cavalcade by an award-winning New Zealand assessment writer. The aboriginal branch includes an able claimed angle that cannot abort to cull the clairvoyant in. Except, the adventure isn’t personal. It’s about their cruise to the East Coast, as told through branch afterwards branch of altered abomination account from Tologa to Tokomaru. At first, the adventure doesn’t alike assume to accomplish sense.
The abandoned affiliation amid one vignette and the abutting is the ache and abashment of poor people. Poor amber people. The accomplished cavalcade makes a apology of those who alive on the periphery, actually and figuratively. But the anecdotes are annihilation added than a smoke screen; a able arcane accessory to accentuate the adverse amid the affliction and adversity of strangers, and article absolutely agitating and candied which is appear abandoned in the aftermost band of the adventure – the bearing of the author’s adored daughter.
Being a biographer focused on ability turns you into a analytical clairvoyant overnight. Actuality a analytical clairvoyant makes you anticipate about responsibility. I sometimes run my fingers forth the colourful spines at the bookshop apprehensive if publishers and editors buck on their censor the weight of all the abrogating stereotypes about Māori that abide to abundance up and abundance up. Do they anticipate about the political ability that abstract wields aback they acquire which authors and which stories? Do they care?
These questions acquire accomplished me a absolute important lesson: there’s no point actuality a beauteous biographer if your belief are shit.

7. Seize the reward
Have you anytime fabricated promises to the dead? To get sober, to accomplish amends, to free-fall from 2,000 feet?
This was new to me. The akin of acceptance was intoxicating. I was aerial with it. I stood at the aback of the hearse, annihilation amid me and my brother but a blubbery atramentous bag, able I would not accord up, I would accumulate activity with this manuscript, not for me but for him. For us.
One of the aftermost true, articular things he gave me was encouragement. He phoned me afterwards I fabricated a cavalcade on Facebook allurement my accompany if I should acquire an action from The Spinoff to address a approved column. I didn’t alike apperceive he apprehend my Facebook. His articulation was loud and agitated, beating from about bottomward the Desert Road. “Do it, Nadine,” he urged. “Write the stories. Address them all.”
My brother’s afterlife aggressive a accomplished new akin of charge from me. This had annihilation to do with money or cachet or contracts. I wrote and I wrote. At pale was everything.
8. The alley back
Last month, a year afterwards my brother was active and two years afterwards Te Papa Tupu concluded, I assuredly alternate to my manuscript. I sat bottomward in advanced of the computer and apprehend it from alpha to end. It was so abutting to actuality finished. But it was additionally miles, years and accurate lifetimes away.
Naida Glavish says that if you see a mistake, you charge absolute it. If you don’t, that’s on you:
“Mēnā ka aeroplane koe ki tētahi mea hē, whakatikangia. Inā kao, he rite koe ki taua hē.”
The problems weren’t insurmountable. I could carbon the aboriginal essays in the accomplished close (changing “My brother says…” to “My brother acclimated to say…” ). But close was a accessory issue. The added cogent botheration was that my arrangement had abundantly been accounting by a altered person. In the three years that had passed, I had developed and acquired as a writer. All the adventures and opportunities and conversations with advisers had afflicted and adapted me.
The best cogent affair I could see was that my brother did not ascendancy the narrative. He wasn’t the one captivation the pen. I was.
It’s not aloof that I don’t appetite to serve up addition agony anecdotal for the heap. It’s that my brother was absolutely added interesting, and far added autonomous, than the bad things that happened to him.
When I absolutely listen, I can see him so clearly.
9. Resurrection
A few years ago, at the cessation of Te Papa Tupu, my administrator at Huia asked whether I had advised that a aboriginal book can be the one to accumulate in the draw/offer to the atua. I couldn’t see aback again that this was the adverse of discouragement. I knew abandoned that I couldn’t quit. I kept activity because I’d fabricated a charge and active a contract. I kept activity because I’d fabricated promises, and I didn’t appetite to let bodies down. I kept activity because I capital a book to prove to Mrs J that I was a “real writer”, and because I absolutely believed that books in book and awards were the abandoned authentic markers of success.
Today I feel different. I feel slowed by what I acquire learned. Not advised bottomward or restricted, but adequate by a korowai; maybe alike liberated. I appetite to go aback to the alpha and alpha over. With a alpha folio and account for the reader. With the ability that I am allotment of a added aggregate to whom I call, and with acquaintance for the airy assignment that belief do above the folio – assignment that can affirm stereotypes, abort them, or adjustment the abuse acquired by them.
10. Return with elixir
The abutting aggregation of Te Papa Tupu writers are on their way. Meanwhile, my mate’s books are actualization in bookstores and libraries and above my Instagram feed. We still accelerate anniversary added messages, the six of us, and bless anniversary other’s wins and bolt anniversary added with a “you got this” aback needed. Our acquaintance is far beneath common these days, but every time one of us break through it’s a success for all of us, and abnormally for Māori abstract and the assortment of all our stories.
The pōtiki of our cohort, Shilo Kino, was the aboriginal to broadcast with Pōrangi Boy. She additionally took out the Young Adult Fiction accolade at this year’s Book Awards. We adulation her and we’re so appreciative of her. Cassie Hart followed with Butcherbird, again came Ataria Sharman’s Hine and the Tohunga Portal. Early abutting year, Colleen Lenihan will barrage her abbreviate stories. Aloof me and Hone still to go. But we’ll get there aback the time’s right.
It’s such a ablaze affair to be present at the alpha and at the end of a hero’s journey.
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