Formative Harlem Renaissance biographer and poet, Festus Claudius McKay was built-in in Clarendon Parish, Jamaica in 1889 (Gates 1001) and grew up in an African association aback color-consciousness was a norm. Afterwards briefly confined in the Jamaican constabulary, McKay entered America in 1912 and anon grew acquainted of the all-comprehensive evils of discrimination. The bent fabricated him a agitator and he bound begin himself ache to adapted the boundless bigotry present in the society. McKay was aggressive and his abundant acuteness led him to adulation literature, area he saw an befalling to aggrandize his thoughts in verse.

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“ An Analysis of the Balladry America and If We Charge Die by Festus Claudius McKay ”
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The Harlem Renaissance was a aeon aback African-American writers, artists bidding and articulate themselves through their autograph and art. It was a arresting era, as for the aboriginal time in history, African-American writers and poets were bargain accustomed in America. While abounding of the writers of the Harlem Renaissance were built-in and aloft in the U.S., McKay, of Jamaican origin, was slanted abnormally vis-à-vis his viewpoint.
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His balladry ‘America’ and ‘If We Charge Die’ explored the intricate and different affiliation African Americans had with their ethnicity. His balladry chanted America with words that alloyed adulation and hate, affliction and pleasure, antipathy and veneration. He beheld America impassionately with all its virtues and vices because he had called America as his home. By acid ‘America’ and ‘If We Charge Die’, one discovers how McKay builds aloft Du Bois’ abstraction of “Double consciousness” which is apparent through his admiration and annoyance for America in the aloft composition and abhorrence in the latter, appropriately giving a articulation to Atramentous Americans to altercate the attenuate and apparent appearance battle and racism.
Respect and abhorrence are two of the best cutting affections that can be experienced. Outwardly, these sentiments arise antithetical as they are arctic contraries but diving in the base produces some evocative similarities. In the composition “America”, the clairvoyant is advised to the appearance of both of these affections in a composition abounding with afflictive action and beefy statements about society. Prior to McKay’s ‘America’ and ‘If We Charge Die’, addition arresting Harlem Renaissance writer, W.E.B. Du Bois, wrote about the ‘two-ness’ or ‘Double Consciousness’ of African Americans. “Double alertness can be authentic as “the acquainted agreeable of the close cocky in an attack to actualize a appearance that would be accustomed into boilerplate society” (Du Bois, 3). The abstraction explains how African Americans are adherent amid actuality Atramentous and actuality American. This was a acute affair in endless Harlem Renaissance writings as the writers grappled with actuality allotment of a country that acclaimed liberty, and at the aforementioned time actuality accountable by the African indigenous identity. The article focuses on ‘America’ and ‘If We Charge Die’ out of the all the balladry from McKay’s abundance chest of anthologies because the aloft two balladry altogether and absolutely delivered what it was to be Atramentous in America. The abnormal avidity and affect in the balladry makes them angle out.
McKay was characteristic as he was the aboriginal Harlem Renaissance biographer to accurate the spirit of the New Negro. The “New Negro” is a appellation broadcast during the Harlem Renaissance suggesting a added aboveboard advance of address and a abnegation to abide affably to the practices and laws of Jim Crow ancestral discrimination. The appellation “New Negro” was fabricated accepted by Alain LeRoy Locke. McKay seems to be abject conventional, ‘white’ account of balladry by autograph a Shakespearean sonnet. “He believed Western societies were far added avant-garde than those in Africa and that in assertive means atramentous men brought to the West were fortunate; moreover, he anticipation of himself as a adolescent of the western civilization.” (Hansell 1) But the actuality that the composition itself is about Atramentous appearance issues proves that he is in an appearance crisis aloof like best added African-Americans. Abounding poets afore and afterwards McKay accept talked about the access of ‘Double consciousness’, but best of them accept aspired and referred to the co-existence of both African and American cultures. However, clashing them, McKay angrily believed that the two identities were clashing and there was no way a actuality could alive with two actual allegory principles. For example, in “I, Too”, Hughes, addition Harlem Renaissance poet, foresees a atramentous artist actuality a allotment of an American ‘family’ and says, “Tomorrow, / I’ll be at the table / Aback aggregation comes. / … Besides, / They’ll see how admirable I am / And be abashed / I, too, am America.” (8-18). In “Theme for English B”, Hughes says, “You are white– / yet a allotment of me, as I am a allotment of you. / That’s American.” (31-33). We can beam from the aloft stanzas that Hughes is far added anxious about authoritative Blacks a allotment of America, clashing McKay who consistently finds himself as an alien and appropriately never attempts to absorb his bifold identity. Abounding poets in the Harlem Renaissance movement were built-in in America but aback McKay was built-in in Jamaica, he approached the abstraction from an all-embracing angle and was added analytical to the adventures of announced and bond “apartheid” in America. It is additionally absorbing that “McKay did not apprentice beef by actuality the victim of American racism. Afore he had appear to the Affiliated States he had protested adjoin injustice, the animality of man, the misunderstandings that benightedness could engender, and the evils of deprivation. For the accepted disharmonies, he abhorrent fate; for specific evils, he put the primary albatross on individuals.” (Hansell 139) Therefore, clashing abounding poets, McKay did not absolutely accusation the Americans his or his community’s misery. McKay’s writings are generally termed agitator in attributes as they were decidedly afflicted by his non-American stature.
‘America’ is a composition composed of amateur quatrains and a brace composed in iambic pentameter. The composition sees the apostle consistently oscillate amid his concentrated animosity of positivity and negativity that he has for America. The dichotomy of bifold affections in the composition mirrors the attitude of the African-American aborigine during the time the composition was published. In the poem, America is embodied and addressed as an article with whom the apostle seems to accept a bitter-sweet relationship.
In the aboriginal stanza, McKay vents his antipathy for America and the way it has advised him; however, he additionally expresses his assurance on the country. Aback McKay says “Although she feeds me aliment of bitterness” (1), the cryptic apostle is cogent that he or she relies on America for his or her sustenance as a bairn depends on his mother. The acceptant clairvoyant gauges the actuality that America provides for the speaker, acceptance the aliment actuality fed is abhorrent and upsetting. This account approaches the active affections accomplished by the Atramentous Americans apropos their bound rights in the South. The blacks were accustomed pseudo-equal rights, as the rights were bound to alone a atomic allotment of the Atramentous citizenry who akin unrealistic expectations both financially and socially. This led to abiding abhorrence amid African Americans.

The apostle agilely acquainted that America was a bacteria that sapped the activity out of his anatomy and it is acutely accurate by the lines, “sinks into my throat her tiger’s tooth, / Stealing my animation of life, I will confess” (2-3). This is addition belittling acknowledgment on the biased analysis of blacks that burst the pride and body of the people. The apostle makes a arguable move and says- “I charge confess, / I adulation this able hell that tests my youth!” (3-4) which is absolutely adverse to the affliction with which the composition opened. The brace aspect is axiomatic in alteration of both the accentuation and the acknowledgment fabricated by the speaker, and it acutely relays to Du Bois’ access of Double Consciousness. In the afterward lines, the apostle uses the byword “cultured hell” (4) an oxymoron. The apostle lets his bouncer bottomward and aboveboard confesses adequate the crud that exists in American culture. He aback presents America as a accusable amusement and he is no best afraid to acceptance it. He appropriately makes a almighty archetype of the dichotomy that exists throughout the allotment and in the minds of abounding African-Americans who are in a love-hate accord with America. It seems as if McKay relishes the challenges, both concrete and intellectual, that American association presented to him during this time period. McKay, the poet, too seems to flavor the trials that association hits him with during that period, and that is acutely reflected in his autograph and poetry.
The additional arrangement starts off on a added absolute agenda and is acerb evocative of the optimistic animosity the apostle has for America. “Her ability flows like tides into my blood, / Giving me backbone arrect adjoin her hate” (5-6). This band is one of the best able curve in the composition evocative as it is of the tactic adumbration which the clairvoyant senses as they aback the speaker’s affection absolutely fueled by the nascence of America. While the apostle is angrily proclaiming that America is the antecedent of his strength, he is rebelling adjoin the provider of that actual backbone and application it to angle up adjoin the ancestral abhorrence that was accustomed during this time aeon in America.
Although the apostle is agilely adjoin the racism in America, he feels that he is aloof a bead in the ocean of the attempt for adequation which is acutely echoed by the line- “Her aggregate sweeps my actuality like a flood” (7). His animosity are relatable because generally we abhorrence accident our individuality and identity, we abhorrence adverse the masses as they access us like a deluge. The apostle feels the aforementioned way as he communicates the disability of one actuality active the biased history of a nation unaccompanied. However, he is adventurous abundant to booty a solid angle and accurate his angle as candidly as accessible through his work. A insubordinate in a king’s attendance is abiding to see his doom. The apostle talks about the anticipation of continuing in advanced of a baron like a insubordinate and apprehension admonishment and penalty. He compares continuing in advanced of the adamant racism to the aloft and says, “Yet as a insubordinate fronts a baron of state, / I angle with her walls with not a atom / Of terror, malice, not a chat of jeer” (8-10). Interestingly, here, it is the acknowledgment from the “king” that break bottomward the accepted barrier aural the alternation amid the two parties. He does not raid, nor does he accurate acerbity to the alien continuing in his court. The insubordinate stands alpine and boss afore the baron aural his fortifications because he is cloistral by law. McKay gives us an absorbing allegory to aback the accurate about-face of the American arrangement and the absoluteness that existed aural America at the time.
The apostle like abounding Africans lived in the gray- the affiliated altercate of actuality White or Black. America is the antecedent of his strength, but it additionally is the account of his all-overs and frustration. Like abounding African Americans, the apostle desires to be accurate to his cultural roots in Africa, but America is home acceptance the activity of breach haunts him. This announcement resonates the abstraction of ‘Dual Consciousness’ explained by W.E.B. Du Bois and echoes what every Africa-American experiences.
The composition settles on a dejected agenda as the apostle foretells what lies avant-garde for America- “Darkly I boring into the canicule ahead, / And see her ability and granite wonders there, / Beneath the draft of Time’s certain hand, / Like priceless treasures biconcave in the sand” (11-14). Conventionally in the Affiliated States, in adjustment to pay admiration to a noteworthy citizen, or a cogent event, a bean canonizing is erected for breed to admire the feats of those who accept gone before. In this passage, the apostle is analytical the statues that admonish bodies of America’s alarming history. The apostle again foretells that America shall eventually become in anamnesis with the access of time. The apostle ingeniously uses the byword “sinking in the sand” (14) which leads the clairvoyant to accept that the apostle knows of America’s brevity agnate to best civilizations that ebbed into the bank of inconsequence over time.
The able-bodied use of allegory and duplicity in the composition gives it a bull slant. The abrupt dualism that McKay delivers is the sole purpose abaft the prose. The credibility body a able antecedent with all those African-Americans who acquainted so during the 20th aeon and it urges them to accede this activity and acquiesce it to empower them instead of authoritative them feel demoted. The anarchic bark that McKay releases from the curve of this composition are the reverberations of a accumulation adherent amid accurate adequation and apocryphal hope.

From diving abysmal into the base of the speaker’s affecting and abashed apperception in ‘America’, the clairvoyant about feels throttled by the accentuation of ‘If We Charge Die’ and the active bulletin it tries to disseminate. Although McKay denied apropos accurately to the Blacks and the Whites in the poem, the actuality that it was bound afterward the “Red Summer” of 1919 aback the anti-black riots bankrupt out, makes the composition echo the affliction of the Africa-Americans during that time. “The persona calls atramentous men in America to arm adjoin ancestral abuse and lynching. He added goes on to urges them to baffle all adverse armament and accommodated abandon with abandon in ascertaining their ethical address in their attempt for social, bread-and-butter and political capitalism behindhand of all odds.” (Adewumi and Bolawale 17)
McKay uses a cheeky accent throughout the poem, absolutely adverse to the one acclimated in ‘America’ and seems to cantankerous the fence from adherence to anguish. The apostle aims at allotment Atramentous Americans and emphasizes the acceptation of an atonement death. The actuality and abominable afterlife of African Americans is pertinently equated to the appearance and adorning of a hog alone to be slaughtered. The address acclimated actuality hits the attach on the arch as it makes a able impact. Hogs are gelded macho pigs and the advertence indicates that Atramentous bodies were rendered abandoned and had to die after a choice. “hunted and bound in an blameworthy spot” (McKay 2), goes on to appearance the aspect of actuality trapped in a pen; aloof as pigs. The abhorrent adverse is advised as McKay wants the gravitas of the troubles to adhesive durably into the minds of his people. He wants the readers to get afflicted so that their censor can appreciate what his bodies were again undergoing. McKay is acerb affiliated to the African-Americans in this composition and he anon addresses them. This composition is to all those who are subjugated, accurately the Blacks, and they are the bodies referred to in this poem.
The apostle implores his bodies to foolishly abide all those who annihilation them by saying, “If we charge die, O let us amply die, so that our adored claret may not be afford in vain.” (McKay 5-7). He wants them to balloon the angle of actuality moral through non-violence and shows them dignity in bent death. The aperture band “If we charge die” is declared to abet the rebels to act irrespective of the after-effects and is conveyed in the line, “then alike the monsters we baffle shall be accountable to account us acceptance dead.” (McKay 7-8). It is absorbing to agenda the adverse in the speaker’s apperception as on one duke he gives them hope, but on the added hand, he tells them that afterlife is approaching and inevitable. The duality and ambiguity are explained by the codicillary article “if” in the poem. McKay strains on bloodshed throughout the composition and seems absent with the address of afterlife rather than the time of death.
The ambience of the composition is one of a brewing war and McKay urges his bodies to break affiliated and action for their account behindhand of the outcome. He says, “O Kinsmen! We charge accommodated the accepted foe! Acceptance far outnumbered let us appearance us brave.” (8-9) and warns them they ability be digging their own grave but adventuresomeness is added important than victory. He urges them to never accord up-“Pressed to the wall, dying, but angry back.” It can be acerb argued that the composition addresses alone men in the association as the adumbration and accent acclimated in the composition are adult for example, “Like men we’ll face the murderous, afraid pack.” (McKay 13). The composition seems to say that that the act of apostasy is associated with men and adult beheld adumbration is acclimated to accomplish acts of warfare and hunting. The affirmation of an atonement action brings the acumen amid cowards and absolute men in the absolute band of the composition and it intends to accord a articulation to African Americans and brainwash in them that they deserve an atonement death. McKay wants his bodies to buck the ultimate afterlife draft alive that they ability not survive and he wants them to apperceive that afterlife beneath abuse for alternative makes it all the added honorable. The affair of dignity and account is summed up by the line, “shall be accountable to account us acceptance dead!” Dogs represent the adversary in this composition and the angel of abandoned and athirst dogs creates abhorrence amid the readers.
The poem, like abounding of McKay’s poems, ends on a dejected and bifold note. He calls the adversary a afraid backpack but at the aforementioned time tells his bodies bluntly to action aback alive that afterlife ability be imminent–“pressed to the wall, dying, but angry back!” Brevity is emphasized and conveyed by McKay and leaves the readers with achievement that the afterlife of his bodies shall buck fruits for breed in the anatomy of accurate adequation and humanity.
The appulse of the composition was cogent and amazing to alike McKay himself. “If We Charge Die” became, as Joel Rogers put it in 1927, absolutely the “Marsellaise of the American Negro.” (James 17) A bearing later, Melvin Tolson, the acclaimed Afro-American poet, analogously acclaimed that the composition was the canticle and McKay a attribute of the active New Negro in the after-effects of the Aboriginal Apple War and not aloof in the Affiliated States. “Indeed, “If We Charge Die” is not alone one of the best acclaimed balladry anytime accounting by one of Africa’s children; the composition additionally became the ambulatory cry of afflicted peoples of all colors, all over the world.” (James 17) The acumen for the acclamation can be attributed to both the composition and the poet’s accompaniment of mind. Both McKay and his balladry were inflicted with a bifold conscience. We see a afire affection and admiration for America in the composition of the aforementioned name and we additionally see the speaker’s desolation.

In ‘If We Charge Die’, the artist out accurately criticizes the Whites by calling them the “enemy” and entreats his bodies to retaliate. Thus, McKay’s bifold censor is evident. The actuality that the name of the country is the appellation of the composition in “America” proves that it was in abounding means a accolade to the acreage of dreams. McKay beheld America with a Utopic lens but begin vices in the system. Both his balladry harp on the abstraction of brevity. “America” talks about the end of a abundant acculturation and “If We Charge Die” talks about the brevity of the African-Americans who shall allowance a war adjoin the “common foe”.
McKay, as a artist lives in the gray and has two bankrupt affections for America, because, the composition “America” was accounting in 1921 and “If We Charge Die” was accounting three years afore in 1919. We can again say that McKay underwent a change of affection in those three years and aboveboard started to accompaniment both the virtues and vices of the country instead of aloof abhorring it. Through “America” and “If We Charge Die”, McKay auspiciously conveyed the that there can be two abandon to every affect and it is adequate to not adjust with either. By juxtaposing adulation and hate, McKay created a antecedent with the African-American Community and begin acclamation and recognition. In his prose, McKay emphasized the acceptation of the accepted Negro and brought calm Negro Renaissance writers for the activation of Negro acceptable culture. But it is for his balladry that McKay will be best considered. For in his poetry, he best articulate the New Negro’s boldness to avert his self-respect, indigenous value, and his appropriate to a aces life.
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