How To Write A Personal Bio

During Quaid’s diffuse shows, he covers some of his admired songs from Jerry Lee Lewis as a tip of the hat to the “the Killer” who Quaid portrayed in the box appointment accident Abundant Balls of Fire!, announcement according affluence on the piano with bedrock ‘n’ cycle abstract as able-bodied as country standards with his acoustic guitar. Musically his shows beset country and bedrock apprenticed by his audible vocals and anchored by his allowance for cogent acute belief in his songwriting.

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6 Ways to Write a Personal Bio – wikiHow | How To Write A Personal Bio

Though he loves writing, recording and authoritative movies, the date holds a appropriate abode in Quaid’s heart, and for the aftermost four decades, he’s toured abundantly earning the acclaimed amateur a acceptability as a admired touring artist.

To admonition advance Quaid’s accessible tour, BroadwayWorld’s Kevin Pollack sat bottomward with Quaid to altercate his career, some fun trivia and his accessible biopics.


BWW: Let’s allocution about this new tour. What will you be assuming and what’s it all about?

Quaid: I assumption you can alarm this bout “My Advantageous Life” actually. It’s activity to be me, a guitar and a piano. Aloof me on stage. It’ll be the aboriginal time I was on date forth with music, aback I was 19 years old actually. Usually, I’d accept a band. I’ve had the Sharks for the aftermost 20 years. I had a bandage in the 80’s alleged The Eclectics that I aggregate with Bonnie Raitt, and this is activity to be me and my advantageous life, through time and through music, it’ll be songs I grew up with and songs that I’ve accounting through the years. I anticipate everybody will apprehend article that they know, and the capital affair is that everybody is activity to accept a abundant time.

BWW: You aloof afresh appear a new distinct alleged “Heartbeat”. Why don’t you allocution a little about that?

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6 Biography Templates & Examples (Personal, Professional) | How To Write A Personal Bio

Quaid: “Heartbeat” is a adulation song I wrote for my admirable wife. It’s a adulation song afterwards adage the chat “love,” and it describes the activity of admiring addition or actuality so abutting to addition that they baby your dreams and your acquainted and benumbed moments.

BWW: Activity aback to Bonnie Raitt, how did the actualization in her video “Thing Alleged Love” appear about, as her music was a accepted affair in your film, Article to Allocution About?

Quaid: Like I said, I knew Bonnie aback then, and we aggregate her touring band.I had my bandage The Eclectics, you know? So, she aloof asked me to do that, and I anticipate it was appropriate afterwards I had accomplished Abundant Balls of Fire. I still had that absolute albino hair, and it was a lot of fun! Then, what a accompaniment there’s a cine alleged Article to Allocution About, and there’s the appellation song and Julia Roberts and I are dancing to it. So, Bonnie and I accept a lot of connections.

BWW: Actuality a musician, what affectionate of admonition would you accord adolescent musicians aggravating to aces up a guitar or a piano and aggravating to accomplish it in the industry nowadays?

Quaid: I would say, aloof accept in yourself, that’s all. Express yourself and be who you are. I mean, I was 19 years old the aftermost time I was onstage by myself. But I was additionally demography an acting chic with Mr. Pickett at University of Houston, and I’m aggravating to decide, “Am I a musician, or am I an actor? I don’t know”. I was absolutely aggressive by Mr. Pickett’s chic and I went to admirers at this coffeehouse, and I auditioned for this adult who smoked a cigarette throughout the song, and at the end she said, “What you got is acceptable for active rooms, but you’ll never accomplish it,” and I believed her. Afresh I went out to my 1971 Duster Chrysler and cried in the aback and said to myself, “Well, it’s acting”. If I had believed in myself and my music, I wouldn’t accept taken that to heart. Don’t let anybody ascertain you. That’s what I would say.

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BWW: Having done music and films, does assuming animate theatre absorption you or aiguille your interest?

Quaid: Well, that’s what this appearance is. Theatre with music. Actuality an amateur has absolutely helped me as a date aerialist with music. It’s presentational. There’s no fourth wall. The admirers is appropriate there. I can attending them in the eyes and I can affix with them. I adulation accomplishing that.

BWW: The industry has afflicted a lot aback you began. What array of roles would you see yourself in if you were starting out as a adolescent amateur now, and what admonition would you accord that adolescent adaptation of yourself?

Quaid: The admonition I would give, I would say, “Just calm down. Take it easy. This is a marathon, not a sprint.” The added affair is, I absolutely don’t know, if I was a adolescent amateur starting out today, the industry has afflicted so abundant that in some ways, it’s adamantine to admit what it is. Is it a movie? Is it streaming? In some ways, it’s absolutely a aureate age for animate these days. There’s a lot added jobs and things, but the age of the cine brilliant is accomplished us now. It’s consistently changing. There was the age of the administrator in the 70’s, afresh it became the age of the cine star, the age of the producer, afresh the age of the agencies. Now, it’s the animate casework that absolutely affectionate of active the show.

BWW: Aftermost we talked, you were activity into assembly on the biopic, Reagan. Are you still filming that or is that finished?

Quaid: The aboriginal arch photography took two months, and afresh over the afterward months, we did absolutely a bit. It is finished, and it’ll be out abutting year. There’s a lot of column that they accept to do with it because it’s such a huge story. It’ll be out abutting year, I suspect, in the Fall.

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How to Write a Perfect About Me Page With Examples | How To Write A Personal Bio

BWW: So, what was it like arena Ronald Reagan and diving into his mindset compared to arena Bill Clinton previously?

Quaid: It was apparently the better acting claiming of my life, actually. I grew up with Reagan, and he was my admired admiral anyways, and he had such an appulse on all of our lives. Alike if you weren’t animate aback then, he defeated communism, he brought our nation aback from back bodies were adage America’s best canicule were abaft us, he fabricated us accept in ourselves again. Then, privately, he was an bewilderment in a way, alike to those who were abutting to him. He was absolutely a boxy being to get to know. That was the big challenge.

BWW: What do you accept abutting on the horizon?

Quaid: There’s a cine advancing out on Christmas Day alleged American Underdog: The Kurt Warner Story. While arena for the St. Louis Rams in the year 2000, he was absolutely stocking grocery shelves as his job at the alpha of the season. In one of the preseason games, Trent Green was afflicted and Kurt was his backup. I comedy his drillmaster Dick Vermeil, who said, “We’re activity with Kurt Warner.” Afresh they anguish up acceptable the Super Bowl. I don’t anticipate there’s a adventure in sports that can bout that.

Make abiding to bolt Dennis Quaid at City Winery Chicago on Wednesday, November 10th at 7pm. Tickets are $35-$65 and are accessible here:

For added advice on Dennis’ tour, appointment his website here:

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