I was digging up lilies back addition I alive with came alfresco and said: ‘Sophie Calle’. A cordless blast was indicated. I realized, afterwards a moment, that he meant that Sophie Calle – the ‘narrative artist’, a term she herself approves – was on the line. I ran to answer, as you do, I’ve arise to understand, back Calle is calling.

It was a little afterwards midnight in France. Calle wondered if, perhaps, I capital to reconvene addition time, accustomed I was panting. I told her that I anticipation we should appropriate the moment. I was cerebration of the absent access in her work: a aboriginal date that takes abode a year backward in her autobiographical vignette ‘The Husband’, included in True Stories (2018); the lover whose disturbing abortion to arise she relentlessly anecdotal and re-narrated for Exquisite Pain (2004). I afraid that, if I were to adjournment now, I’d never apprehend from her again. It didn’t actually accomplish sense, accustomed all Calle’s communications with me appropriately far had been alert and direct. In acknowledgment to my bizarre self-introductory message, for instance, she’d replied with a buzz cardinal and aloof two words: ‘Call me?’
Over the abutting 90 minutes, Calle batten to me about the origins of her convenance and the added bureau her assignment has accustomed her over the years. Critics sometimes advertence Calle’s animosity of busy explanations of the motivations and meanings of her accumulated texts and images. A band from a 2002 account with Fabian Stech appear in Kunstforum All-embracing – ‘Let’s say I’m a conceptual boutique girl, or shop-girl-ish conceptualist’ – may be cited. In a not-entirely-flattering archive commodity for Calle’s 1991 exhibition at the Musée d’Art Moderne de la ville de Paris, biographer and columnist Hervé Guibert declared her, admitting her common origins, as ‘a boutique babe in chase of impossible, eternal, absolute love’, and you admiration if she appointed the appellation from him. In my own interactions with her, I begin that Calle’s acceptability for aggressiveness – or faux-naïveté, depending on whom you ask – was, in a sense, justified. Calle was not her own interpreter. She would accede little to me above what I could already all-powerful for myself, as a eyewitness and clairvoyant of her work. Yet, in addition way, she aggregate more: her reflections were personal, absolute if not actually autobiographical.
Many of Calle’s pieces – like aboriginal works by Vito Acconci and Adrian Piper, to whom she is occasionally compared – affair the act of following. Calle told me there was a pragmatic action for her pursuits in such acclaimed projects as Suite Vénitienne (Venetian Suite, 1983), for which she followed a drifter to Venice, documenting the stalking action in autograph and photographs, and L’Homme au carnet (The Abode Book, 1983), Calle’s account of a man generated through interviews with individuals included in an abode book he had absent on the street. She told me: ‘When you do the assignment I do, you actualize situations that are emotional.’ Her aim, she said, in breeding interpersonal dynamics that ill-fitted her aesthetic fiat, was to acquaintance relationships in which she was ‘not dependent’. Of the continuance of such relationships, she explained: ‘I decide. Back it was over, it was aloof over.’ Somewhat paradoxically, the accomplished point was not to become involved. Calle accorded an acute absorption to the men she pursued, afore the attention we tend to anticipate is accustomed in a adventurous encounter. Her arid was possibly affected and actually logistical: it complex the use of disguises, hidden cameras, all-embracing biking and algid authoritative labour in the anatomy of amaranthine buzz calls and interviews.
I acknowledgment our chat – which, in addition act of balmy control, Calle asked not be reproduced actuality – so that you apperceive what array of clairvoyant of her assignment I am: I accept to be unsuspicious, alike as I adore what Calle’s best apprehensive interpreters accept apparent in her practice. My favourite amid these, the art historian Yve-Alain Bois, wrote a lovely, if periphrastic, commodity on Calle blue-blooded ‘Paper Tigress’ (2006) in October. ‘She undermines the foundations of her “person”,’ Bois writes. ‘She alone gives appearance to this affectation in adjustment to allay it as an illusion.’ Linda Nochlin is beneath accommodating in ‘Sophie Calle: Word, Image and the End of Ekphrasis’, a ahead abstruse commodity calm in Women Artists: The Linda Nochlin Clairvoyant (2015). She considers Calle’s hard-to-categorize displays at already ‘annoying and provocative, alluring and boring, abased generally on claimed anecdotal but abnegation affecting closeness’. Of course, afterwards this clashing salvo, Nochlin expends several thousand words on a assiduous account of ekphrastic tendencies in Calle’s texts and images. According to Nochlin, Ghosts (1989–91), for which Calle asked building workers to call missing or baseborn accustomed works of art by macho artists, ‘unintentionally’ creates ‘an benumbed feminist acknowledgment to the Great Art of the building and its accustomed discourses’. Like Bois, Nochlin finds Calle lacking: a affectation instead of a person, an benumbed acknowledgment instead of advised critique. Did Calle mean, in Ghosts, to announce the adverse absence Nochlin herself identifies in her acclaimed essay, ‘Why Accept There Been No Great Women Artists?’ 1971)? Or, does Ghosts, with its addiction to humorously abbreviate works by Pierre Bonnard and Johannes Vermeer – as one interviewee animadversion of Bonnard’s Nude in the Ablution (1936): ‘Nothing special. It’s a nude in the ablution in the water’ – aloof accordingly action as an analysis into what we adore by way of badly admired art? To extrapolate: is Calle in control?

The acknowledgment is yes. But the acknowledgment is, also, no. As a thunderstorm traverses the basin beneath my abode and our affiliation begins to bead in and out, Calle tells me that the responses her prompts arm-twist – the phrases, feelings, credibility of appearance – are abnormally groomed, edited. For Transport-amoureux (2007), a assignment hardly discussed in the abstract on Calle, the artisan arrive commuters at Jeanne d’Arc busline base in Toulouse to abide claimed addendum apropos absent encounters. These letters were again displayed on screens throughout the station. I acknowledgment to her that the listings website Craigslist already hosted these sorts of communications, and that I acclimated to apprehend them for ball and to try to accomplish faculty of the world, that 2007 was apparently the aiguille of my engagement. I say I don’t actually apperceive what’s on Craigslist these days, although it seems to accept afflicted a lot back 2018’s Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act in the US and the annihilation of the ‘Personals’ section. ‘Yes,’ Calle says. And actuality she tells me that it was all-important to abstinent the Transport-amoureux messages, that addition apprehend and accustomed them afore they were broadcast.
This case of official bare credibility to the way in which Calle’s work, alike if bedevilled of a audible animation that some accept accustomed as artlessness or dilettantism, co-exists anxiously with assorted acknowledged and quasi-legal regulations accompanying to property, privacy, abomination and accessible space. Her autograph cautiously excavates abstruse regions in which the claimed becomes abashed with authority. For her accession and advertisement Que faites-vous de vos morts? (What Do You Do with Your Dead?, 2019), she arrive visitors to her 2017 exhibition Beau doublé, Monsieur le marquis! (A Accomplished Double, Your Honour!) at the Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature to acknowledgment to the titular catechism on the pages of a bare notebook. The handwritten responses were reproduced as received, without, as far as I can tell, alteration or culling. Yet, this in itself is an beat choice, back it leaves complete so abundant alliteration and banality: over and over, writers (probably children) blithely explain that they ‘eat’ their dead: ‘On les mange!’ Elsewhere, the anticipated necrophiliac surfaces: ‘On les encule,’ which I won’t translate. Added ardent respondents call catchword addictive and bewitched thinking. Throughout, there is a arresting abridgement of description of protocols for the auctioning of asleep bodies and of questions about the official adjustment of concrete adulteration – an absence that renders the accompaniment unsettlingly present. As with the mechanics of birth, Western association seems to adopt to accede the acumen of afterlife alone back they are actually unavoidable, and again to balloon them as apprenticed as accessible afterwards.
More frequently discussed are emendations to Calle’s Suite Vénitienne. At the publisher’s request, the photographs of ‘Henri B.’ – himself a columnist and filmmaker who was aloof locations in Venice during the two weeks Calle stalked him in assorted disguises – were re-taken by the artisan on a consecutive trip, application a macho acquaintance as stand-in. The year of Calle’s aboriginal appointment to the burghal was additionally changed. These alterations were undertaken to anticipate a accessible accusation – to relocate, as it were, the activity aural a credibly fabulous realm, alike admitting the work’s force comes from the reader’s acceptance that they are encountering indexical traces of a absolute act of obsession, as approximate as it is actual. Calle did this for no reason, you ability think, alike as you concern at the aggressiveness it took and the odd and awful ambiguous interpersonal dynamics generated. Fortunately, our fantasy about Calle’s afterward ‘Henri B.’ is hardly punctured by the changes. Indeed, the alteration may alike serve to heighten our curiosity. If it’s not real, why does it feel so real? But you should know, as Calle told babysitter and editor Bice Curiger for ICA London’s ‘Talking Art’ alternation in 1993, that there is consistently a ‘lie’ in anniversary of her works: ‘It is what I would accept admired to acquisition and didn’t.’
Far from barrier aloft a amplitude of autograph in which the absolute and the abstract lose their distinctness, Calle concluded up actuality actual abundant by admiration and design. Critics generally action appear the similarities with surrealist and situationist relationships to burghal amplitude and questions of adventitious back attempting to ameliorate Calle’s motivations and techniques. But, admitting absolute surrealism accountable the eyewitness or clairvoyant to accost the hypocritical bashfulness of avant-garde culture, and situationism approved to abode the attendance of absolute narratives in the congenital environment, Calle’s affirmation is not actually on or about beyond systems, except in that they appear to amount in her strategies as raw material. Calle aims at a added attenuate animal mechanism, one that goes by assorted names: attachment, repetition, obligation. I’d add addition appellation you see beneath frequently in the autograph on Calle: inheritance. Alike as her activity takes abode in public, it is generally about airing the activity of calm arrangements. How much, she asks, can we buck to accept about our own actions? Calle compels us to appear to what we accept decided, wilfully, to balloon – whether this is absorbing about strangers, blank our own mortality, mindlessly adherent political monuments or works of art, application a payphone, chief what to eat on a accustomed day or whom to marry, and on and on.

When Calle tells me that her overarching ambition is ‘to decide’, and thereby control, her interactions, I understand that it is her aim to abstract herself from a commonplace affecting life, one that generally goes un-thought. Although her assignment diverges from the aerial conceptualism of the 1960s and ’70s – in that it does not focus alone on the act of art-making or the artwork’s medium, its institutional ambience or accompanying economies – it does animadversion reflexively on the origins of anecdotal in accustomed life. The accidental self, in control of a allegedly accustomed story, is absent in Calle’s anxiously staged endeavours, but an art commodity is gained. For Calle, this commodity is usually a book.
While Calle has produced fine, apprenticed editions – including La Fille du docteur (The Doctor’s Daughter, 1991), a box anchor atramentous and white photographs documenting her 1979 achievement The Striptease calm with facsimiles of adulatory cards beatific to her parents afterwards her birth – best of her publications are added attainable. Offered in French by Actes Sud and in English by Thames & Hudson and Siglio Press, Calle’s artisan books are banal yet beautifully designed, printed and apprenticed in hardcover, about consistently with a baby trim admeasurement that suggests portability as able-bodied as intimacy, an astonishing hominess. There is, additionally, an air of the children’s story, biking guide, angelic argument or change book about them, a assortment of genres and contexts that somehow adhere into a abnormally Calleian style, as berserk active as it is refined.
As Calle explained to Gagosian administrator Louise Neri in Account in 2009, she has been accused of putting ‘open books on the walls’ with her exhibitions of images and texts, perversely privileging account in settings commonly associated with looking. She tells me that creating animal acquaintance is her primary ambition as an artist. Although, as she additionally tells me, she generally thinks about whether commodity will assignment ‘for the wall’, she seems beneath a addict of galleries than of Stéphane Mallarmé’s angle that all the apple is destined to end up in a book, which for Calle is a multivalent, animal location. For her best contempo English-language publication, The Hotel (2021), this has meant bizarre edging, full-bleed accurate images with a painterly breeding and a witty, cloth-bound awning breeding three best wallpaper patterns – amounting to a modern-day reliquary. You do not apprehend The Hotel: you footfall into it, lie down, feel and aroma the claimed items of the aimless guests Calle, assuming as a maid in 1981, accurate with her camera and daily writing.
With Calle, it is beneath a catechism of representation of a real apple via apocryphal media, than of a agreement amid our acquaintance and her creations that can feel arcane and unnerving, for she offers commodity added nuanced than cold truth. Hers is a agilely cardinal abstract that poses ceaselessly as what has already been written, as that which belongs to the bureau and fantasies of others, as what was alone and alone accidentally found, in which ‘I’ is a abstruseness to be abounding in by strangers. Near the end of our conversation, I aggregate my adventuresomeness and attempted a meagre joke. ‘You’re a actual advantageous person,’ I told Calle, and she laughed. I was absurdly appreciative of myself, as if I were the aboriginal biographer to auspiciously describe her.

Sophie Calle’s best contempo book, The Hotel (2021), was appear in English as a single, standalone copy by Siglio Press this month
This commodity aboriginal appeared in frieze affair 223 with the banderole ‘The Apple in a Book’
Main image: Sophie Calle, Detail from ‘Room 24’, The Hotel, 1981/2021, photograph
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