100. “Vertigo” (1958)

Critic score: 94%
Audience score: 93%
What critics said: “It’s as abundant a admiration of anxiety as it is a archive of the director’s capacity and an apologue for his own art of enticement-and for the amative pitfalls of his métier.” — The New Yorker
99. “The Amusing Network” (2010)
Critic score: 96%
Audience score: 86%
What critics said: “At last, a cine you can absolutely altercate afterward. And not aloof on Facebook or Twitter. No, you’ll appetite to bite it over in person, with friends, for hours.” — The Wrap
98. “Tokyo Adventure (Tôkyô monogatari)” (1953)
Critic score: 100%
Audience score: 93%
What critics said: “The way Ozu builds up affecting affinity for a faculty of disappointment in its assorted characters is area his ability lies.” — Time Out
97. “Rashômon” (1951)
Critic score: 98%
Audience score: 93%
What critics said: “What Akira Kurosawa and his tiny assembly aggregation wrought is now an accustomed adage of avant-garde life, a canon by which to animate in a apple area anybody has a blog and an opinion.” — Boston Globe
96. “A Streetcar Named Desire” (1951)
Critic score: 98%
Audience score: 90%
What critics said: “Brando’s achievement as Stanley is one of those attenuate awning legends that are all they’re absurd up to be.” — The Washington Post
95. “Army of Shadows (L’Armée des ombres)” (1969)
Critic score: 97%
Audience score: 94%
What critics said: “From the aboriginal afterimage of German soldiers goose-stepping able the Arc de Triomphe to a addition that spells out the fate of characters whose moral abashing is all too real, ‘Army of Shadows’ is a cine of its time — and ours.” — Rolling Stone
94. “The Lighthouse” (2019)
Critic score: 90%
Audience score: 72%
What critics said: “An extraordinary, abashing blur that will break with you continued afterwards the final credits.” — NME
93. “Apocalypse Now” (1979)
Critic score: 98%
Audience score: 94%
What critics said: “It has coherence, truthfulness, and conviction-up to a point.” — New Yorker
92. “I, Tonya” (2018)
Critic score: 90%
Audience score: 88%
What critics said: “[Allison Janney’s] undiluted unsentimentality is the absolute acclaim for a antic underdog cine that disobeys the rules.” — Irish Times
91. “Touch of Evil” (1955)
Critic score: 95%
Audience score: 92%
What critics said: “It was Orson Welles’s aftermost Hollywood film, and in it he makes absolute use of the American technology his ability throve on; never afresh would his assets be so affluent or his acuteness so fiendishly baroque.” — Chicago Reader
90. “Hidden Figures” (2017)
Critic score: 93%
Audience score: 93%
What critics said: “An affirmation of altruism and civilian rights that is authentic accurate aliment for soul.” — Tribune News Service
89. “Uncut Gems” (2019)
Critic score: 92%
Audience score: 52%
What critics said: “Uncut Gems is an acclaimed blur that plays out like a pulse-pounding Greek tragedy set in 2010s New York.” — Polygon
88. “Dolemite Is My Name” (2019)
Critic score: 97%
Audience score: 91%
What critics said: “Murphy brings the spirit of Blaxploitation underdog Rudy Ray Moore to life, with tell-it-like-it-is radiance. His timing is, as always, cobra-strike precise.” — Time
87. “Kind Hearts and Coronets” (1949)
Critic score: 100%
Audience score: 94%
What critics said: “Robert Hamer’s 1949 blur is generally cited as the absolute black, aberrant British comedy, yet it’s several cuts bigger than about annihilation abroad in the genre.” — Chicago Reader
86. “The Hurt Locker” (2009)
Critic score: 97%
Audience score: 84%
What critics said: “Like every war afore it, the U.S. aggression of Iraq has generated its allotment of movies. But ‘The Hurt Locker’ is the aboriginal of them that can appropriately be alleged a masterpiece.” — Miami Herald
85. “Battleship Potemkin” (1925)
Critic score: 100%
Audience score: 86%
What critics said: “Because Battleship Potemkin is an address to accord and aggregate action, it is abandoned appropriate that the apology assignment creates a added immersive film, one that places no barriers amid a 21st-century admirers and its monumentally able imagery.” — Guardian
84. “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows — Part 2” (2011)
Critic score: 96%
Audience score: 89%
What critics said: “When the cine was over, a adolescent boy sitting abaft me said, “That was great!” He was satisfied, and accurately so.” — The New Yorker
83. “First Man” (2018)
Critic score: 87%
Audience score: 67%
What critics said: “An amazing blur that conveys the consequence of one of mankind’s greatest achievements in a way that makes a moment that occurred 50 years ago and added than 200,000 afar abroad feel absolutely claimed today.” — Digital Trends
82. “The French Connection” (1971)
Critic score: 98%
Audience score: 87%
What critics said: “Apart from cogent a appealing agitative adventure with abundant automated skill, Friedkin examines the cop and his casualty with a sceptic’s eye.” — Guardian
81. “The Wrestler” (2008)
Critic score: 98%
Audience score: 88%
What critics said: “This sad, able barbarian of a blur keeps us affianced to the mat with the backbone of its benevolence and the cutting force of its axial performance.” — Houston Chronicle
80. “Blade Runner 2049” (2017)
Critic score: 88%
Audience score: 81%
What critics said: “If every new blur fabricated today is to a greater or bottom amount an answer box of able possibilities, what’s notable is how abundant Villeneuve gives those echoes allowance to breathe and to be new.” — Blur Comment
79. “Hell or Aerial Water” (2016)
Critic score: 96%
Audience score: 88%
What critics said: “A blur with the array of across-the-board amplitude that today’s filmmakers rarely aspire to, let abandoned fulfill.” — Wall Street Journal
78. “Creed” (2015)
Critic score: 95%
Audience score: 89%
What critics said: “It’s an aesthetic allotment of homesickness that fuels a bigger adrenaline blitz with its acme than any big-budget blockbuster could provide.” — The Atlantic
77. “Chinatown” (1974)
Critic score: 99%
Audience score: 93%
What critics said: “Roman Polanski’s American fabricated film, aboriginal back ‘Rosemary’s Baby’ shows him afresh in absolute command of aptitude and concrete filmmaking elements.” — Variety
76. “12 Angry Men (Twelve Angry Men)” (1957)
Critic score: 100%
Audience score: 97%
What critics said: “This is a blur area astriction comes from personality conflict, chat and anatomy language, not action.” — Chicago Sun-Times
75. “The Treasure of the Sierra Madre” (1948)

Critic score: 100%
Audience score: 93%
What critics said: “Greed, a abject affection out of which added abject ferments may spawn, is hardly advised in the movies with the aboveboard and acrid antipathy that is vividly embodied against it in ‘Treasure of Sierra Madre.'” — The New York Times
74. “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri” (2017)
Critic score: 90%
Audience score: 86%
What critics said: “Watching it is like accepting your funny cartilage addled repeatedly, expertly and actual abundant too adamantine by a karate super-black-belt able of bringing a cornball to its knees with a distinct bite abaft the ear.” — Guardian
73. “Bicycle Thieves (Ladri di biciclette)” (1949)
Critic score: 98%
Audience score: 94%
What critics said: “So well-entrenched as an official masterpiece that it is a little amazing to appointment it afresh afterwards abounding years and apprehend that it is still animate and has backbone and freshness.” — Chicago Sun-Times
72. “Marty” (1955)
Critic score: 99%
Audience score: 87%
What critics said: “Marty will accord you a auspicious allotment of life, abounding of bluntness and humor.” — Orlando Sentinal
71. “Brooklyn” (2015)
Critic score: 97%
Audience score: 87%
What critics said: “Although not after moments of anguish and tragedy, ‘Brooklyn’ is alluringly adorning and activity affirming.” — ReelViews
70. “The Babadook” (2014)
Critic score: 98%
Audience score: 72%
What critics said: “A cautiously adroit and psychologically answerable abhorrence adventure that trades on the agency in which the anticipation of affectionate abortion can be aloof as alarming a boogeyman as any monster beneath the bed.” — Buzzfeed
69. “The Dark Knight” (2008)
Critic score: 94%
Audience score: 94%
What critics said: “An awfully smart, absorption account with some agitating performances.” — CNN
68. “Jaws” (1975)
Critic score: 98%
Audience score: 90%
What critics said: “A abominable film, generally animal as sin, which achieves absolutely what it set out to accomplish-scare the hell out of you.” — Newsweek
67. “M” (1931)
Critic score: 100%
Audience score: 95%
What critics said: “Lang’s cine is that attenuate thing, a nail-biting soul-searcher. While ‘M’ steers bright of apologue deviance, it is amazing in its musings on which abuse fits an barbaric crime.” — Philadelphia Inquirer
66. “Shoplifters” (2018)
Critic score: 99%
Audience score: 91%
What critics said: “Writer-director Hirokazu Kore-eda fills the blur with adroitness notes, amusement and able observations, ambit and bushing out anniversary appearance while aptitude added on chastity than corruption.” — Detroit News
65. “Schindler’s List” (1993)
Critic score: 98%
Audience score: 97%
What critics said: “A near-documentary, blithely advised and choreographed, [and] a appearance abstraction in which Ralph Fiennes, the winningly affable Liam Neeson, and the alluringly apathetic Ben Kingsley attain a memorable affecting intensity.” — Afterimage and Sound
64. “Pain and Glory” (2019)
Critic score: 96%
Audience score: 91%
What critics said: “While still all-embracing the beheld facades that accomplish his films such a amusement to watch, Pain and Glory finds him stripping abroad the affecting facades, bringing us afterpiece to him than anytime before.” — Chicago Reader
63. “Spider-Man: Homecoming” (2017)
Critic score: 92%
Audience score: 88%
What critics said: “Marvel has assuredly started to amount out what the approaching of superhero movies ability attending like.” — IndieWire
62. “Never Rarely Sometimes Always” (2020)
Critic score: 99%
Audience score: 52%
What critics said: “Portraits of active abashing and fear. Eliza Hittman, who specializes in an intimate, about procedural access to affecting disorientation, fabricated a alley cine about a adolescent Pennsylvania woman” — The Ringer
61. “Baby Driver” (2017)
Critic score: 92%
Audience score: 86%
What critics said: “Put in your emblematic earbuds, about-face the key in the ignition, and adore the accurate highlight of the summer so far.” — The Atlantic
60. “The Godfather, Part II” (1974)
Critic score: 96%
Audience score: 97%
What critics said: “An admirable, amenable production, beneath emotionally advancing than its predecessor, but a admirable actual ballsy belief the attributes of ability in the United States’ heritage.” — The Hollywood Reporter
59. “The Action of Algiers (La Battaglia di Algeri)” (1967)
Critic score: 99%
Audience score: 95%
What critics said: “It uses accuracy as an effect, documentary as a style. You feel that you’re absolutely there, and you can’t advice but be moved.” — Village Voice
58. “Widows” (2018)
Critic score: 91%
Audience score: 61%
What critics said: “It offers aggregate adults acclimated to adulation about cinema.” — Observer
57. “The Florida Project” (2017)
Critic score: 96%
Audience score: 79%
What critics said: “The Florida Project is a song of chastity and of experience: mainly the former.” — Guardian
56. “War for the Planet of the Apes” (2017)
Critic score: 94%
Audience score: 84%
What critics said: “The best summer blockbuster in years, a smart, thoughtful, confrontational and arduous apologue for a apple run amok.” — Detroit News
55. “1917” (2019)
Critic score: 89%
Audience score: 88%
What critics said: “It’s a tense, alarming ride that accomplishes its ambition of advice the first-person acquaintance of war bigger than any war movies that accept appear afore it. It’s a akin up.” — Detroit News
54. “L.A. Confidential” (1997)
Critic score: 99%
Audience score: 94%
What critics said: “A cine bull’s-eye: noir with an attitude, a abstruseness packing punches. It gives up its angry secrets with a smile.” — Chicago Tribune
53. “Shadow of a Doubt” (1943)
Critic score: 100%
Audience score: 89%
What critics said: “Shadow of a Doubt may or may not be Hitchcock’s greatest film, but it’s his best affectionate and heart-wrenching.” — New Yorker
52. “Alien” (1979)
Critic score: 98%
Audience score: 94%
What critics said: “A screamingly chilling sci-fi account with added than a few echoes of ‘The Thing’ but echoes which enhance rather than detract.” — New York Daily News
51. “Call Me By Your Name” (2017)
Critic score: 95%
Audience score: 86%
What critics said: “You may not apprehend how able the acting is until you epitomize the cine in your arch later.” — Boston Globe
50. “The Bridge on the River Kwai” (1957)

Critic score: 100%
Audience score: 95%
What critics said: “The film’s continued anxiety sequences deserve a abode amid the abundant stretches of cinema.” — Chicago Sun-Times
49. “La La Land” (2016)
Critic score: 91%
Audience score: 81%
What critics said: “I’m acquisitive that ‘La La Land’ will be a hit for the ages, for all ages. It’s a blur that re-enacts, with attenuate originality, a archetypal role for the cine average — escapist ball in afflicted times.” — The Wall Street Journal
48. “Manchester by the Sea” (2016)
Critic score: 96%
Audience score: 77%
What critics said: “The anguish of ‘Manchester by the Sea’ is the affectionate of anguish that makes you feel added alive, rather than less, to the brightness of things.” — Boston Globe
47. “Argo” (2012)
Critic score: 96%
Audience score: 90%
What critics said: “Let’s aloof say that the movie’s final area is so nail-bitingly tense, acknowledgment to a able aggregate of acting, autograph and crosscutting, that it puts Affleck in the big leagues as a director.” — The Wrap
46. “Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood” (2019)
Critic score: 85%
Audience score: 70%
What critics said: “It is Tarantino’s best, bravest and best confrontationally arrant cine back Pulp Fiction.” — Financial Times
45. “12 Years a Slave” (2013)
Critic score: 95%
Audience score: 90%
What critics said: “Every arena of ’12 Years a Slave,’ and about every shot, conveys some biting accuracy about America’s aboriginal sin.” — Dallas Morning News
44. “Leave No Trace” (2018)
Critic score: 100%
Audience score: 81%
What critics said: “It covers difficult ground, but to say it leaves no trace would be a lie. It absolutely makes its mark.” — Detroit News
43. “The Maltese Falcon” (1941)
Critic score: 100%
Audience score: 91%
What critics said: “Frighteningly acceptable affirmation that the British (Alfred Hitchcock, Carol Reed, et al.) accept no cartel on the address of authoritative abstruseness films.” — Time
42. “Metropolis” (1927)
Critic score: 97%
Audience score: 92%
What critics said: “A absolutely able assignment of art whose access on science fiction, set architecture and apologue can hardly be put into words.” — St. Louis Post-Dispatch
41. “Boyhood” (2014)
Critic score: 97%
Audience score: 80%
What critics said: “The abutting affair to a lived activity that fabulous cinema has yet produced.” — St. Louis Post-Dispatch
40. “Gravity” (2013)
Critic score: 96%
Audience score: 80%
What critics said: “Unfolding as a alternation of alarming article acquaint in Newtonian physics, the cine lends new acceptation to the byword ‘spatial geometry.'” — The Atlantic
39. “The Best Years of Our Lives” (1946)
Critic score: 98%
Audience score: 93%
What critics said: “The Best Years Of Our Lives is an affecting accolade to alternate veterans [and] a magnificent, ablaze addition to motion pictures as an art.” — Boston Globe
38. “On the Waterfront” (1954)
Critic score: 99%
Audience score: 95%
What critics said: “It’s adamantine to abjure that Marlon Brando’s achievement as a berth artisan and ex-fighter who assuredly decides to rat on his bandit brother (Rod Steiger) is appealing terrific.” — Chicago Reader
37. “Marriage Story” (2019)
Critic score: 94%
Audience score: 85%
What critics said: “The cine is 136 minutes, but the accretion aeon is, well, at atomic the blow of the night.” — TV Guide
36. “All Quiet on the Western Front” (1930)
Critic score: 98%
Audience score: 89%
What critics said: “From such abominable abstracts the accepted cinema is rarely drawn. The blur is awe-inspiring in the adventuresomeness that risked its manufacture.” — Time
35. “The Favourite” (2018)
Critic score: 93%
Audience score: 69%
What critics said: “Yorgos Lanthimos’ dryly funny actual affection is all about power, and that agency actually cutting the pants in a aberrant time.” — Indiewire
34. “Double Indemnity” (1944)
Critic score: 97%
Audience score: 95%
What critics said: “This shrewd, calmly blatant thriller, directed by Billy Wilder, is one of the aerial credibility of nineteen-forties films.” — The New Yorker
33. “Arrival” (2016)
Critic score: 94%
Audience score: 82%
What critics said: “Amy Adams is a phenomenon worker-she makes us accept in this anesthetic mindbender about conflicting communication, directed with analytic apperception and affection by Denis Villeneuve.” — Rolling Stone
32. “La Grande apparition (Grand Illusion)” (1938)
Critic score: 97%
Audience score: 93%
What critics said: “This chant for the afterlife of the old European elite is one of the accurate masterpieces of the screen.” — The New Yorker
31. “Seven Samurai (Shichinin no Samurai)” (1956)
Critic score: 100%
Audience score: 97%
What critics said: “The greatest cine anytime fabricated about warriors and battle.” — Chicago Reader
30. “Rear Window” (1954)
Critic score: 98%
Audience score: 95%
What critics said: “It’s one of Alfred Hitchcock’s aggressive audience-participation films: watching it, you feel titillated, horrified, and, ultimately, purged.” — The New Yorker
29. “Selma” (2015)
Critic score: 99%
Audience score: 86%
What critics said: “‘Selma’ focuses on the one affair we don’t apprehend in a cine about Martin Luther King Jr. – his doubts – and Oyelowo comes through with a acutely acquainted and absolutely ablaze performance.” — Boston Globe
28. “The Farewell” (2019)
Critic score: 97%
Audience score: 87%
What critics said: “You’ll be spewing with tears afore the aboriginal act is done.” — Times (UK)
27. “Spotlight” (2015)
Critic score: 97%
Audience score: 93%
What critics said: “It’s not a amplitude to advance that ‘Spotlight’ is the finest bi-weekly cine of its era, abutting ‘Citizen Kane’ and ‘All the President’s Men’ in the pantheon of abstract of the genre.” — The Washington Post
26. “Thor: Ragnarok” (2017)
Critic score: 93%
Audience score: 87%
What critics said: “The abstraction of bond the oft-dull Thor with a alternation of camp assembly is an inspired, if necessary, move — so abundant so that it’s abstract it has taken Marvel this continued to smarten up.” — Globe and Mail
25. “The Shape of Water” (2017)

Critic score: 92%
Audience score: 72%
What critics said: “Del Toro’s alertness to cloister applesauce and bad aftertaste serves to agreement his integrity, proving he hasn’t absolutely gone respectable.” — The Age (Australia)
24. “Star Wars: The Aftermost Jedi” (2017)
Critic score: 91%
Audience score: 42%
What critics said: “Rian Johnson’s average affiliate in the accepted Star Wars leash is the ballsy you’ve been attractive for. Capped by Mark Hamill in the achievement of his career, it credibility the way advanced to a abutting bearing of skywalkers – and, thrillingly, to a new hope.” — Rolling Stone
23. “Dunkirk” (2017)
Critic score: 92%
Audience score: 81%
What critics said: “Masterful beheld storytelling on an ballsy scale.” — NPR
22. “Portrait of a Lady on Fire” (2020)
Critic score: 98%
Audience score: 92%
What critics said: “Weisz and Stone are both blithely amusing and nimble, but Colman’s achievement is annihilation abbreviate of sublime.” — New York Times
21. “Logan” (2017)
Critic score: 93%
Audience score: 90%
What critics said: “The abandoned botheration with calling it the boldest and best affecting superhero flick in abounding years is that it’s about a superhero cine at all.” — NPR
20. “His Girl Friday” (1940)
Critic score: 99%
Audience score: 90%
What critics said: “Roughest spots in the aboriginal versions accept been sandpapered or excised, the pressroom’s whiskey acrimony bass bottomward to bisected of one per cent, but the ball still has abundant Hecht-MacArthur bang to accomplish after interpolations aroma synthetic.” — Time Magazine
19. “Rebecca” (1940)
Critic score: 100%
Audience score: 92%
What critics said: “It is the finest job of administration able by a adept administrator and may accurately be alleged Alfred Hitchcock’s masterpiece.” — New York Daily News
18. “A Quiet Place” (2018)
Critic score: 96%
Audience score: 83%
What critics said: “There are moments back the cine takes us durably by the duke and escorts us bottomward a blurred path, and they advance to one of the best abstruse of common pleasures: the complete of a cine admirers agreeable as one.” — Slate
17. “A Star Is Born” (2018)
Critic score: 90%
Audience score: 79%
What critics said: “At its huge, pulsating affection this is a adventure about lovers badly aggravating to save one addition — from the accident of candor in an industry that disdains it and from self-destructive impulses with roots too old and abysmal to be touched.” — London Evening Standard
16. “Wonder Woman” (2017)
Critic score: 93%
Audience score: 88%
What critics said: “The moviegoing apple deserves the best that Hollywood can deliver, and this time we’ve appealing abundant got it.” — The Wall Street Journal
15. “Roma” (2018)
Critic score: 96%
Audience score: 72%
What critics said: “Roma captures, as able-bodied as any blur I accept seen, the spirit of ‘magical realism,’ after anytime hinting at the supernatural. Its abracadabra is pure, beauteous accurate technique.” — The Atlantic
14. “Sunset Boulevard” (1950)
Critic score: 98%
Audience score: 95%
What critics said: “One of Wilder’s finest, and absolutely the blackest of all Hollywood’s scab-scratching accounts of itself.” — Time Out
13. “Moonlight” (2016)
Critic score: 98%
Audience score: 79%
What critics said: “A disarmingly, at times about unbearably claimed blur and an burning amusing document, a adamantine attending at American absoluteness and a composition accounting in light, music and active animal faces.” — The New York Times
12. “All About Eve” (1950)
Critic score: 99%
Audience score: 94%
What critics said: “Joseph Mankiewicz was Hollywood’s midcentury adept of banana drama, and All About Eve, from 1950, was one of his arresting achievements.” — The New Yorker
11. “The Godfather” (1972)
Critic score: 97%
Audience score: 98%
What critics said: “Francis Ford Coppola has fabricated one of the best barbarous and affective chronicles of American activity anytime advised aural the banned of accepted entertainment.” — The New York Times
10. “The Irishman” (2019)
Critic score: 96%
Audience score: 86%
What critics said: “‘The Irishman’ is long, to be sure, but it’s never beneath than acute — Scorsese, De Niro, Pacino and Pesci, all in their mid-to-late-70s, are anniversary accustomed a lifetime of work, with accomplished ease.” — Seattle Times
9. “BlacKkKlansman” (2018)
Critic score: 96%
Audience score: 83%
What critics said: “The filmmaker rips from the headlines, but the struggles abide the same.” — Slate
8. “Mission: Impossible — Fallout” (2018)
Critic score: 97%
Audience score: 87%
What critics said: “It keeps on activity and going, afterward one agitative arrangement with addition and again another.” — San Francisco Chronicle
7. “Lady Bird” (2017)
Critic score: 99%
Audience score: 79%
What critics said: “A ardent coming-of-age adventure that altogether captures the apricot alteration from boyhood to alpha adulthood.” — Village Voice
6. “Knives Out” (2019)
Critic score: 97%
Audience score: 92%
What critics said: “‘Knives Out,’ in the end, believes agilely in the whodunit, it aloof wants to about-face it central out. To say added about that would blemish the fun. But accumulate an eye here, and elsewhere, on de Armas.” — Associated Press
5. “Casablanca” (1942)
Critic score: 99%
Audience score: 95%
What critics said: “Across seven decades, the Humphrey Bogart-Ingrid Bergman starrer has emerged as Americans’ absence admired movie.” — The Hollywood Reporter
4. “Avengers: Endgame” (2019)
Critic score: 94%
Audience score: 90%
What critics said: “Endgame consists about absolutely of the blow scenes that were consistently secretly everyone’s admired genitalia of these movies anyway.” — Slate
3. “Parasite” (2019)
Critic score: 98%
Audience score: 90%
What critics said: “Bong delivers a beauteous acknowledgment to anatomy with this newest venture.” — The Wrap
2. “Citizen Kane” (1941)
Critic score: 99%
Audience score: 90%
What critics said: “More than a abundant movie; it is a acquisition of all the acquaint of the arising era of sound.” — Chicago Sun-Times
1. “Black Panther” (2018)
Critic score: 96%
Audience score: 79%
What critics said: “Whether or not this is the best blur Marvel Studios has fabricated to date — and it is acutely in the altercation — it is by far the best thought-provoking.” — The Atlantic
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