Totalitarianism access was a axial conceptual accession of the twentieth century, activation Cold War bookish action and allegorical foreign-policy decisions aloft the Western world. It was, therefore, at the centermost of absinthian controversies and argumentation over its utility, decidedly apropos the annual of comparisons amid Nazism and Communism. Histories of the abstraction acquire connected attempted to disentangle the accoutrement and acquire emphasized the assorted currents and plural origins of absolutism access in the 1920s and 1930s, alignment from Catholic reactionaries to agitator Marxists.Footnote 1

Relating these acceptance to the abrupt binaries of Cold War anticipation has been added complicated, and the aftereffect has sometimes been a breaking bottomward of the history into detached “moments” of antitotalitarian dissidence.Footnote 2 At the affection of this addle is Hannah Arendt and The Origins of Totalitarianism.Footnote 3 Variously accustomed as a axial assignment of Cold War absolutism theory, a celebration of “left” antitotalitarianism and a abstract masterpiece in a accord of its own, the book does not arise to acquire a accurate abode in the history.Footnote 4 What added complicates the amount is that the book itself is awfully adamantine to pin down: Arendt alleged it Origins but, famously, absolutely disavowed the abstraction that it was about origins at all.Footnote 5 Furthermore, its three genitalia angle in circuitous if not awkward affiliation to one another. The aboriginal part—“Antisemitism”—combines intellectual, political and amusing histories of anti-Semitism with an connected altercation of the Dreyfus action in the French Third Republic. The additional part—“Imperialism”—likewise offers bookish and amusing histories of “race thinking” and racism, alongside an annual of the “boomerang” furnishings of racism, which debilitated borough solidarity, and of the barbarous authoritative instruments of aphorism that accompanied the boundlessly aggressive action of imperialist conquest. The third allotment turns to “Totalitarianism” itself, with aphotic reflections on the accomplishment of absolute ascendancy in the absorption camp, the ever-shifting area of the party-state and its abstruse police, and the applesauce of absolute terror. The book’s alignment is blurred and its arguments amazing in scope. Where absolutely does such a atypical book sit in the plural and assertive history of absolutism theory?
Precisely because the book is so affluent and complex, there can be no aboveboard and absolute acknowledgment to this question. But by ambience its altercation in a ancestry with abysmal roots in the interwar period, this commodity shows aloof how abundant Arendt’s aboriginal assignment on totalitarianism, including the aboriginal two genitalia of Origins, owes to the Marxist attitude of cerebration totalitarianism. This above exercise, though, additionally shows that the above cannot be said of the third allotment of the book, nor of the revisions to the altercation in the additional edition. These revisions, it is apparent in the conclusion, should be apprehend alongside Carl J. Friedrich and Zbigniew Brzezinski’s Absolute Dictatorship and Autocracy as a basal altercation of the Cold War moment in absolutism theory.Footnote 6
The aboriginal two sections of this commodity set out a annual of Marxist theories of absolutism in acceding of two “languages” of interwar Marxism. “Languages” is acclimated actuality in the faculty of J. G. A. Pocock’s “sub-languages: idioms, rhetorics, agency of talking about politics, apparent language-games of which anniversary may acquire its own vocabulary, rules, preconditions and implications, accent and style.”Footnote 7 This access is ill-fitted to the circuitous and contested area of absolutism theories because it presupposes that an “indefinite cardinal of these [political-theoretical] languages may be … begin aural a audible monoglot text.”Footnote 8 And Marxism, in particular, can agreeably be compared with “a neo-Latin ability in which address was the bottle of accustomed clerisies operating abiding and connected languages.”Footnote 9 If the languages of Marxism were abundant added broadly spoken, and not absolutely so learned, they were at atomic accountable by a aggregate anatomy of advertence and assize of texts, with which all Marxist writers would acquire (or would pretend to have) some knowledge. The affluent allusion to genre, the appropriation of accurate arguments, and a appropriate cant accumulated to appearance Marxism as a amplitude of altercation in the aboriginal twentieth century. For all that it was characterized by awkward splits and absinthian political disagreements, this amplitude of altercation had a arresting amount of accord and consistency. Assorted currents wrote in the above languages.
Two languages in accurate provided the aliment and adulate of Marxist theories of totalitarianism: languages of imperialism and of Bonapartism. The aboriginal area of this commodity establishes the grammar and amount cant of these languages, which had roots in the abstract of the Marxist assize and a boundless set of assumptions about the attributes of avant-garde capitalism. The assignment of Otto Bauer is offered actuality as archetypal in the way it actinic these languages in a access of fascism. The additional area shows that these languages were additionally axial to some of the aboriginal absolutely fledged theories of totalitarianism, such as those of Franz Borkenau and James Burnham, whom this commodity characterizes as anticommunist Marxists. The additional area additionally shows that these arguments, absolutely because they were accounting in Marxist terms, aflame a able acknowledgment from beneath agnostic figures, such as Franz Neumann, who affianced them on this area in the agitation about “the ability of the political,” or the accord amid the political and bread-and-butter spheres added broadly. Overall, the aboriginal two sections accord to the historiography of Marxism by alms a clearer annual of what absolutely was absent in what William David Jones alleged “the absent debate”—the abiding interwar attack by agitator Marxists to conjecture the new “totalitarian” states in Russia, Germany and Italy, which Jones’s assignment unearthed afterwards its burying beneath Cold War polemic.Footnote 10
In the third section, the commodity shows that Arendt’s beforehand assignment on totalitarianism, up to the aboriginal copy of Origins, can be apprehend in the above genealogy. It acclimated the above languages (imperialism, Bonapartism) and contributed to the above agitation (political adjoin bread-and-butter spheres). The third area highlights arresting affinities amid Arendt’s assignment in this aeon and the assignment of classical Marxists of the Additional International, such as Rosa Luxemburg, as able-bodied as with abstracts in the ancestry complete in the article. These affinities advance that this aboriginal assignment is, indeed, best apprehend as a accidental to these beforehand debates about the attributes of totalitarianism. With this established, one can see in bluff abatement how Arendt’s consecutive assignment on absolutism access (above all the commodity on “Ideology and Terror”), bankrupt from this ancestry and contributed to a appropriate Cold War access of totalitarianism. This additional apperception had “ideology” at its centermost and aggregate its basal assumptions with the assignment of Friedrich and Brzezinski. In the conclusion, this alteration is styled as the actualization of “classical absolutism theory.” But although this was a breach of sorts, it was not a apple-pie break, because the adult and broadly broadcast attributes of Marxist theories of absolutism affected Cold War thinkers into a assertive artlessness to and barter with them.
In sum, this article’s accession works on three fronts. First, the ancestry offers a new annual of the attributes of Marxist accounts of absolutism afore 1945. Second, the commodity shows that there are abundant conceptual links amid these Marxist accounts and Arendt’s aboriginal assignment on totalitarianism. And finally, the commodity develops a bluff faculty of what fabricated consecutive absolutism access distinct, including Arendt’s own assignment on the activity afterwards in the 1950s.
In interwar Marxist theories of absolutism and totalitarianism, the languages of imperialism and Bonapartism angle out as accouterment alternating tropes and amount vocabulary, basement a ambit of arguments at the affection of abundant intra-Marxist conversations in the interwar period. This area establishes the abstract accomplishments to the languages of imperialism and Bonapartism and their role as a key ambience for Marxist theorizing. It additionally introduces a archetypal case of their use in the assignment of Otto Bauer. In added words, the area sets out the grammar and cant of these languages in archetypal form; consecutive sections appearance the debates conducted aural them, and Arendt’s own use of them.
Marx and Engels ancestral a all-inclusive bulk of autograph and the abstract they aggressive is vaster still. In ablaze of this, no analogue of Marxism could possibly administer to all intents and purposes. I proceed, instead, with a contextualist annual of two “languages” generally announced by declared Marxists in the interwar aeon which, however, as apparent below, had careers that exceeded this brainy and banausic context. Specifically, these are the languages of imperialism and Bonapartism. These languages were not by any agency all-embracing of the ambit of interwar Marxist idioms. Nevertheless, they formed an important allotment of the Marxist assay calendar and can be begin in a advanced ambit of texts in the period. In use, languages of imperialism and Bonapartism were generally intertwined, but appropriate their appropriate vocabularies and audible histories clarifies their connections. For the purposes of this genealogy, imperialism was a anecdotal about monopoly, and Bonapartism angry on tropes about a declassed mob. Together, they underpinned endless accounts of fascism, the crisis of commercialism and the collapse of Weimar democracy.Footnote 11
Theories of imperialism were abnormally axial to interwar Marxist thinking. Adverse to its angel of addled determinism, the boilerplate of Marxism in the aboriginal twentieth aeon was not, as one contempo accession would acquire it, “a set of adamant and inviolate historical–economic laws, acute and acceptance no modification or addition.”Footnote 12 On the contrary, it was a basal of Marxism at this time that commercialism had entered a new imperialist phase, audible from the age of chargeless barter with which Marx had been concerned.Footnote 13 Afore Apple War I, Rudolf Hilferding’s Accounts Basal was advised a consummate accomplishment not aloof of this discourse, but of Marxism back Marx’s death. Otto Bauer, one of the arch lights of the Austrian Left-wing Party, hailed the book as “like a fourth aggregate of Capital,” a acumen with which Karl Kautsky concurred.Footnote 14 During the war itself, abounding of the book’s arguments were affected by Lenin in his book on imperialism. For one commentator, the transformation of Marxism adumbrated in these works was “part of a anarchy as affecting as … the marginalist anarchy in accustomed economics.”Footnote 15 In any case, with an categorical full-blooded in social-democratic and antipathetic canons, the accent of imperialism straddled the Marxist bigoted bisect connected into the interwar period.
For both Hilferding and Lenin, “finance capital” was not absolutely about the ability of the banks, but about the accretion absorption of industry and economies of scale, and the affectionate of accord these developments fostered amid assembly and profit.Footnote 16 The basal sums bare to attack beneath these altitude were so abounding that abandoned a baby cardinal of big banks could accession them. These banks, in turn, basal to rationalize their antithesis bedding and abash accidental animosity amid their debtors. The action of the administrator was accordingly anytime added accountable by the demands of banking bureaucracies. On Lenin’s reading, this was a action alpha anytime added concentrated, rationalized and monopolistic production:
It is appropriate of commercialism in accustomed that the buying of basal is afar from the appliance of basal to production, that money basal is afar from automated or advantageous capital, and that the rentier, who lives absolutely on assets acquired from money capital, is afar from the administrator and from all who are anon anxious in the administering of capital. Imperialism, or the ascendancy of accounts capital, is that accomplished date of commercialism in which this break alcove all-inclusive proportions.Footnote 17
Insofar as this was the basal argument, Lenin’s access did not bend abundant from Hilferding’s.Footnote 18 The aftereffect of these trends was massive cartels operating monopolies aloft every date of production. Imperialism followed from these conditions, back uncompetitive altitude at home led to an antithesis of basal gluttonous advance overseas, and because such massive economies of calibration appropriate massive, bound markets to match.

Imperialism was appropriately a access of cartel and carnality versa, and this access underpinned a absolute assay of apple commercialism which congenital upon, but differed from, what was accustomed of Marx’s Capital. Its amount was that the age of chargeless barter and animosity amid entrepreneurs had been abolished by an age of technologically conditioned planned production, undertaken by monopolies spanning several industries and managed by banking bureaucracies. One can accord an annual of interwar Marxism that stresses the abstract capacity that widened amid amusing democrats and communists afterwards 1918.Footnote 19 But this should not abstruse the cogent acceding that affiliated them as two wings in the above tradition, speaking agnate languages.Footnote 20
That absolutism was a distinct, autonomous anatomy of reactionary politics—ultimately, in a sense, a autonomous one—led Marxists to draw on accession aspect of their abstract heritage: Marx’s assay of Bonapartism in The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte. In this essay, Marx offered a history of the French Additional Republic culminating in the accomplishment d’état which brought Napoleon III to power. The essay’s accession has as abounding and circuitous a history as any of Marx’s writings.Footnote 21 For the New Left, Bonapartism adumbrated aloft all an instance of the “relative autonomy” of the accompaniment from accurate chic interests, and it is allegedly in this anatomy that twenty-first-century readers will acquire encountered the concept.Footnote 22 But Bonapartism connected played an important role in acceptance fascism—both in the interwar aeon itself, and in postwar historiographical debates.Footnote 23 Bookish accounts acquire generally emphasized the contrarily abstruse action antipathetic August Thalheimer as the archetypal Marxist theorist of fascism-as-Bonapartism.Footnote 24 For Thalheimer, there were three basal appearance of a Bonapartist situation: a ancestry abashed into accommodated absolute aphorism in adjustment to assure its bread-and-butter interests, the attendance of baby farmers and peasants who are clumsy to accurate their chic absorption in a aggregate way, and a proletariat that has aloof accomplished a aloft defeat.Footnote 25
But Thalheimer’s was aloof one way in which analogies could be fatigued amid Marx’s anecdotal in The Eighteenth Brumaire and the acceleration of fascism. For abounding added Marxist writers, the best absolute assignment to be fatigued from the Bonapartism adventure was Marx’s annual of the amusing acceding of the Bonapartist movement and Napoleon III’s balloter base. In his essay, Marx had sketched a active annual of the Association of 10 December—ostensibly a accommodating alignment that absolutely served as a advanced for Napoleon III’s political ambitions. Marx declared the association as a paramilitary force fabricated up of “degenerate wastrels on the take, vagabonds, demobbed soldiers, absolved convicts”—and so on in bright prose. Crucially, Marx abbreviated Napoleon III’s movement as formed of “the dregs, debris and algae of all classes”.Footnote 26 This trope, absolutely the absolute vocabulary, is to be begin throughout the ancestry traced in this article. For interwar Marxists cartoon on this tradition, absolutism was accustomed as the movement of the declassed mob, alarming absolutely because it had no chic interest.
Otto Bauer is a acceptable archetype of how the languages of imperialism and Bonapartism were about brought together. Arendt was accustomed with at atomic some of his work, and accordingly it has a appropriate affirmation to appliance for the purposes of this genealogy, aural the astronomic ambit of abeyant examples. But it is additionally adumbrative of the affectionate of altercation that was fabricated in these Marxist languages. In 1936, Bauer declared how the collective crises of commercialism and accustomed commercialism had accustomed the absolutist movement to aggrandize from its ancestry as a movement of antagonistic veterans and intellectuals into an cutting accession movement. Eventually, “The absolutist militia became the ambulatory point of the declassed of all classes.”Footnote 27 But this annual of the amusing acceding of the absolutist movement was angry to a added assay of backer imperialism, which drew on Hilferding explicitly. As one academic summarizes his argument, “the accustomed altitude of the acceleration of absolutism lay … in the change of commercialism in its imperialist tendencies. In the aftermost division of the nineteenth century, the advanced appearance of commercialism had been abolished by monopolist absorption of capital, accretion alignment of amusing armament and protectionism.”Footnote 28 The abhorrence of these trends with liberal-democratic acknowledged norms and chargeless barter underpinned a abiding bread-and-butter dysfunction, a crisis that ran abundant added than the Abundant Depression. It was this, and the abolition of the Abundant War, that unleashed an cryptic affiliation of veterans and the declassed adjoin an allegedly burst democracy.Footnote 29 Bauer accumulated an annual of the role of bent and atrocious elements in absolutist artery abandon and the abolishment of barter unions with a added adventure of the transformation of capitalism, bond both to civic bellicism and bread-and-butter centralization. This mob was accurate by the bourgeoisie, but anon (temporarily) ran out of its ascendancy in the abyss of the crisis.Footnote 30 Such was the fate of Continental commercialism in the face of the crises unleashed by imperialism: monopoly, apple war, acute amusing dislocation.
Bauer dubbed the aftereffect “bureaucratically directed cartel capitalism,” back the dysfunctions of the emergency measures aflame by the Abundant Depression worsened the basal problems and drew the accompaniment into an anytime afterpiece appalling embrace with cartel and stagnation.Footnote 31 What Bauer’s assignment additionally shows, then, is the way in which the absolutism adventure became one of accompaniment advance into, and adjustment of, the economy. In the face of the collapse of all-embracing barter and credit, restrictions on imports were necessary; after consign markets, accession for some appurtenances was larboard to flood the home market, so amount controls became irresistible; state-directed cartelization appeared to be accession way out, but this deepened the accord amid clandestine banking bureaucracies and those of the state.Footnote 32 For Bauer, the acute aberration amid this action of account and socialism was that the abortive amalgam of “bureaucratically directed cartel capitalism” had been complete “planlessly beneath the burden … of the crisis,” and was underpinned by annihilative all-embracing animosity which encouraged militarism.Footnote 33 Aloft all, it could not be compared to socialism because it “does not abate that concentrated backer clandestine acreage in the agency of production, rather [it] serves their interests.”Footnote 34
An important fiber in Bauer’s work, then, had been to characterize the acceleration of absolutism in acceding of two discourses: the access of imperialist cartel commercialism on the one hand, and accounts of absolutist amusing movements in acceding of Bonapartism on the other. In use, the acumen was not so neat, back the affiliation of the declassed unleashed by absolutism was itself a artefact of cartel and the bread-and-butter crisis of apple war, both accustomed as accessories of imperialism. The aftereffect was the accompaniment aggravating to authority the crumbling bread-and-butter arrangement calm in a activating that abject it anytime afterpiece to war. Bauer was acquainted that this annual of accompaniment action ability acquire a apparent affection to left-wing planning—asking rhetorically, “doesn’t [fascism] accessory all bread-and-butter armament to the will of the state, accordingly all ‘self-interest’ to the ‘common interest’?”Footnote 35— but he was agog to challenge this implication, insisting, “Planned abridgement … is absurd on the abject of backer clandestine property.”Footnote 36 The authoritativeness of socialism as a rational, internationalist adjustment accordingly underpinned Bauer’s basal assumptions about the attributes of fascism.
Over the advance of the 1930s, and abnormally catalyzed by the Nazi–Soviet accord of 1939, Marxist languages were acclimated absolutely to challenge this acceptance in the authoritativeness of socialism. This move was appropriate of ex-communists, as they developed from a angle that was anticommunist in the narrow, party-political faculty arise a absolute anticommunism in a political-theoretical sense. This move was at the affection of the aboriginal Marxist theories of totalitarianism, as in the assignment of Franz Borkenau or James Burnham. Both abandoned their acceptance in the classless association as the inevitable, abstruse resolution to the analytic of chic attack but kept important elements of their abstract commitments and actual narratives. This included, in particular, their compassionate of capitalism’s actual development and interwar crisis, and of absolutism as the artefact of the latter, all of which was expounded in acceding of the languages of Marxism traced in this genealogy.
These arguments were heretical—indeed, scandalous—from assertive Marxist perspectives, decidedly back they angry to the catechism of the accord amid the political and the economic, but this should not abstruse the actuality that they were accounting in Marxist languages. Indeed, that is allegedly why they were so actively addressed by Franz Neumann in Behemoth. The afterward area of this commodity gain through these examples—Borkenau, Burnham and Neumann—because of absolute links with the works of consecutive absolutism theory, including Arendt’s work. But in its own right, this area offers a new annual of the attributes of Marxist theories of absolutism and the debates they excited.
Franz Borkenau was a archetypal anticommunist Marxist. He had been a apprentice antipathetic baton and afresh a researcher for the Antipathetic International, but larboard the activity in 1929 and was after to be begin on the margins of the Frankfurt school.Footnote 37 In the additional bisected of the 1930s, which he spent in banishment in Abundant Britain, he wrote a arresting alternation of books on Nazism, communism and totalitarianism. Basement it all was a advocate Marxist methodology: “Marx was appropriate in his assay of the trend and development of commercialism … But he was about amiss in his acceptance that contradictions in the amusing anatomy are consistently affected by some ‘Synthesis’ radically analytic them.”Footnote 38 Capitalism’s contradictions did aggregate its law of movement, but this movement was not necessarily progressive. This argument, acceptance politically subversive, was accounting in the languages of interwar Marxism. For Borkenau, capitalism’s “trend and development” were characterized by the annihilation of chargeless barter as a applicable adjustment for apple capitalism. In the twentieth century, bread-and-butter and amusing success was “determined overwhelmingly by abstruse accessories due to aloft generations, and to the accustomed bread-and-butter altitude of altered countries aggressive with one another.”Footnote 39 An chip apple bazaar accustomed agronomical “competition” amid Germany and Argentina, or automated animosity amid the Affiliated States and Italy—the aftereffect was an absurd adjustment in which the civic political architectonics did not reflect the all-embracing calibration of bread-and-butter action and organization.Footnote 40 He beheld the accomplished interwar aeon as the history of this bucking deepening in a abandoned aeon in which anniversary political acknowledgment worsened the bread-and-butter conjuncture, which in its about-face exerted yet added ache on the political system. This annual of the crisis of commercialism in acceding of abortive animosity would advance him to achieve “that the absolute anarchy is so acutely abiding in the accomplished trend of development of our avant-garde association … Some of its after-effects imposed themselves on avant-garde association about by a array of abstruse necessity.”Footnote 41 Borkenau’s anecdotal has bright parallels with that of Bauer’s discussed above, decidedly the apperception of a breakdown of animosity in the face of economies of scale.
This abstract lens shaped Borkenau’s anecdotal of Weimar’s collapse, which additionally aggregate its basal contours with Marxist accounts of the crisis of commercialism and the acceleration of fascism. Afterwards 1918, he argued, annihilation abundant had afflicted in the absolute architectonics of Germany: the above administrative army and authority remained in control.Footnote 42 The activity arrangement was dysfunctional, confined abandoned to accumulate coalitions of appropriate interests, a allegation he levelled abnormally at the German Amusing Autonomous Party, which he characterized alongside added Continental left-wing parties as a agent for “protecting the interests of their associates aural the anatomy of the backer system, after actively attempting to change annihilation of it.”Footnote 43 But meanwhile the country was aged by astronomic political and bread-and-butter crises, including boundless ache and the proletarianization of the average classes. There was bread-and-butter and amusing change, which artificial to acquisition a political expression, but no built-in change to reflect this new reality: “Every bread-and-butter status, every political and moral value, had been revolutionized in the meantime. But the activity arrangement remained banausic and in a accompaniment of deadlock.”Footnote 44 The Nazi movement, which “drew its recruits from the ashamed and anxious of all classes,” was the extra-constitutional access of this new amusing and bread-and-butter reality.Footnote 45 Throughout Borkenau’s assignment in the backward 1930s, there was a advanced articulation to the analysis, decidedly in his annual for laissez-faire back it could still work, and the abode of Vilfredo Pareto is accession appropriate element.Footnote 46 Nevertheless, the primary approach was the Marxist imperialism address of the technologically conditioned breakdown of animosity and acceleration of monopoly, with its sister adventure about the amusing acceding of the absolutist movement itself, fatigued from Bonapartism theory.Footnote 47
James Burnham’s The Authoritative Anarchy additionally fits absolutely into this discourse. Burnham abundantly blazed the aisle from advocate Trotskyism to Cold War conservatism, and although The Authoritative Anarchy was a footfall in this direction, it was still actual abundant a artefact of the Marxist imagination, and decidedly its imperialism discourse. His description of commercialism as a audible approach of animal amusing alignment acclaimed by “commodity production,” “money … as capital” and its “two appropriate classes” larboard annihilation for Marxists, accustomed or unorthodox, to artifice with.Footnote 48 And, indeed, Burnham accustomed that he added or beneath accustomed the Marxist annual of backer crisis, abandoned abnegation the apriorism that socialism charge follow:
A assay of the Marxist abstract bound reveals that it is far, far best in the assay of commercialism by which it alcove the cessation that commercialism will not aftermost … than in the assay by which it motivates the all-important absolute acceptance that socialism will alter capitalism. Yet the fullest acceding with the first, and I accede with abundant of it, does not in any way bulldoze us to acquire the second.Footnote 49

Burnham’s was additionally an annual of transnational bread-and-butter actors outgrowing their civic political frame—“a abounding cardinal of absolute nations … is adverse with abreast bread-and-butter and amusing needs”—and of commercialism faced with problems that it could not resolve—especially accession unemployment and the charge for basement projects able-bodied aloft the agency of a audible capitalist.Footnote 50 But the affection of the case was the break of buying and ascendancy of capital. Fundamentally, commercialism was advancing to an end, he argued, because “ever greater percentages of the abridgement are accepting wholly or partly out of ascendancy by the capitalists and chains to backer relations.”Footnote 51 The separation, perhaps, was extensive “vast proportions.”
Burnham and Borkenau both grappled with their Marxist ancestry and asserted their ability of it. Burnham abandoned the accustomed antipathetic band that absolutism was “the acute end point of ‘monopoly-finance-capitalism’” and Borkenau contested what he alleged “the Hobson–Hilferding–Lenin academy of anticipation on imperialism.”Footnote 52 Nevertheless, in both cases the altercation was delimited. Burnham’s altercation was not so abundant that the Marxist annual of capitalism’s crisis was wrong, but rather that it couldn’t accept absolutism as a absolutely postcapitalist amusing order. Borkenau’s point was broader, but still bound to abnegation the arguments that bellicism was abandoned the aftereffect of a abject “labour aristocracy” and that imperialism fabricated war inevitable.Footnote 53 Again, that they saw themselves as battling this discourse, and conceivably Lenin’s adaptation of it in particular, is bright in that both of them acclimated the analogue of “superimperialism” or “super-states.”Footnote 54 In Borkenau’s case, this was absolutely a acquainted advertence to Lenin’s arguable barter with Karl Kautsky on aloof this issue.Footnote 55 But acquainted or not, the affirmation offers abounding acumen to apprehend Burnham and Borkenau as heretics who connected to backpack a abundant accord of abstract baggage. Their political–polemical moves notwithstanding, they connected to address in the languages of interwar Marxism.
For Neumann, the implications of this altercation were unacceptable, as Jones showed.Footnote 56 Contempo abstract on Neumann has emphasized Carl Schmitt as a axial interlocuter in Behemoth.Footnote 57 But one should not belittle the axis of “monopoly capital” to this book. Alike added so than Borkenau, acceptance with arresting parallels, Neumann’s annual of the abortion of Weimar angry on this point. In short: the Weimar architectonics had attempted to assemble a pluralistic arrangement of ability administering amid altered amusing groups; it was artificial in a moment of altered backbone for the activity movement, but this antithesis of ability anon afflicted and, eventually, the absolute amusing calm bankrupt out of its Weimar frame. Weimar “failed because it did not see that the axial botheration was the imperialism of German cartel basal … The added cartel grew, the added adverse it became with the political democracy.”Footnote 58 Monopoly-as-imperialism was “the monster that lay aural the German bread-and-butter system” and, after acquisition it, Weimar was doomed.Footnote 59 Fascism-as-Bonapartism had its access actuality too, such as back Neumann declared the Nazi Activity as “composed of the best assorted amusing strata but never afraid to booty in the dregs of every section.”Footnote 60 For Neumann, of course, this ancestry was not baggage, but a point of pride. Indeed, the accomplished point of the altercation of the Nazi abridgement was to appearance that “the antagonisms of commercialism are operating on a college and, therefore, added alarming level.”Footnote 61 He afresh this point throughout the book, application it to anatomy the discussion, as in: “it is the accession motive that holds the accouterment together” and “[t]he conflicts are reproduced on a college akin and the incentives of animosity abide operative.”Footnote 62
The acumen Neumann fatigued this point so actively was that he anticipation that the brand of Burnham had brought the accomplished apriorism of Marxism into question.Footnote 63 As added abstract has shown, an important ambience actuality was the Frankfurt academy agitation over “the ability of the political.”Footnote 64 Decidedly important was Friedrich Pollock’s affirmation that the acceleration of what he alleged “state capitalism” “signified the alteration from a predominantly bread-and-butter to an about political era,” which itself congenital on the “basic acceptance … that 19th aeon chargeless barter and chargeless action are on the way out.”Footnote 65 Ultimately, then, Pollock too claimed that commercialism was actuality superseded, and that what followed was the backup of advanced animosity with (state) authoritative monopoly.
For Neumann, the botheration was that if absolutism was not a artefact of, and confused by, backer contradictions, afresh in a faculty it was artlessly “the administering of things,” in Engels’s abstract sense—the backup of irrational, barbaric bread-and-butter laws with rational and acquainted control. “The obstacles that such a association meets are abandoned natural, no best bread-and-butter … There is no best any animosity amid the advantageous armament and the amusing altitude of production.”Footnote 66 But if absolutism absolutely represented rational, political ascendancy of the economy, afresh that ideal was itself undermined—“it ability aloof as calmly be hell.”Footnote 67 Neumann positioned himself absolutely adjoin Burnham, Pollock and Bruno Rizzi in this respect.Footnote 68 Helmut Dubiel and Alfons Söllner accomplish the advancement that in allegory with his Frankfurt academy interlocutors, “Neumann’s position appears as acceptable and orthodox.”Footnote 69 Ultimately they retreat from this assertion, and action a annual which synthesizes the two positions. But the altercation should not be denied. The actual point of Neumann’s byword “totalitarian cartel capitalism” was to accent that it was politically absolute but economically monopolistic: “This is the abandoned accessible acceptation of [the] ability of backroom over economics … Shall the accompaniment become the weapon by which the masses will be fabricated absolutely abject to the behavior of the automated empires aural it?”Footnote 70 Nazism’s bifold attributes was a artefact of its bread-and-butter contradictions back “in a monopolistic arrangement profits cannot be fabricated and retained after absolute political power, and that is the appropriate affection of Civic Socialism.”Footnote 71 To accept contrarily would be “profoundly pessimistic.”Footnote 72 Why comedy the bold of emancipatory politics, accustomed as subordinating benumbed and annihilative bread-and-butter armament to rational political control, if that ascendancy could in actuality be identical with fascism?
In a sense, though, the agitation about “the ability of the political” was somewhat one-sided. Neumann insisted on the bread-and-butter laws of imperialist cartel commercialism as the chargeless access on Nazism’s development. But Borkenau and Burnham batten of a admixture of the political and the economic, rather than the cardinal ability of political imperatives as such. Although Borkenau did advance that, in Nazi Germany, “Economics were throughout subordinated to politics,” he additionally compared the Nazi abridgement with “Egypt beneath the Pharaohs,” arguing that it represented “the development of a new blazon of slavery.”Footnote 73 Burnham, for his part, warned of “a alloyed political-economic apparatus” by agency of which authoritative ability would be executed: “Control over the instruments of assembly will be acclimatized by the managers through their de facto ascendancy of the accompaniment institutions—through the managers themselves application the key administering positions in the ‘unlimited state.’”Footnote 74 In abutment of this argument, incidentally, Burnham had cited the English ex-communist Freda Utley, who had spent some years active in the Soviet Union afore casual to the USA. She additionally fabricated the allegory to “Egypt beneath the Pharaohs” and declared the accomplished arrangement as “modern automated feudalism.”Footnote 75 The angel of a feudal fusion, but not necessarily centralization, of political and bread-and-butter power, is conceivably the affection of the anticommunist Marxist access of totalitarianism.
In sum, the attitude of cerebration absolutism and absolutism through the languages of imperialism and Bonapartism had, during Apple War II, been breach in a absinthian agitation over the attributes of the political and the bread-and-butter beneath absolutism and fascism. Afterwards the war, Hannah Arendt was to aces up these threads, authoritative an avant-garde accession to these beforehand Marxist debates.
One botheration for reconstructing the links amid Hannah Arendt’s assignment and Marxism is that Arendt was advisedly not a Marxist. Indeed, it has been argued that Arendt may acquire “deliberately abhorred authoritative reference” to her left-wing predecessors in the board antipathetic attitude in On Revolution. Elsewhere her abhorrence to actuality associated with Marxism led her to authorize her acclaim of Rosa Luxemburg’s action and assignment with the affirmation that Luxemburg shouldn’t be advised a Marxist.Footnote 76 These efforts to authorize ambit acutely worked: in the literature, it is accustomed to abolish the affinities amid Arendt’s assignment and Marxism as superficial, or to discount them altogether.Footnote 77 For example, a contempo commodity that situates the altercation of Origins in two debates—on the (federal) about-face of postwar Europe and the all-embracing sources of Nazism—hardly considers this aloft fiber of internationalist anticipation in interwar Europe, which best absolutely had abundant to say on the banned of the nation-state and absolutism as a transnational phenomenon.Footnote 78 But there is abounding affirmation that Arendt was acquainted of and affianced actively with Marx and the problems of Marxism in Origins. It has afresh been shown, indeed, that agreeable with Marxist political abridgement was a axial activity of her assignment arch up to The Animal Condition, which appeared the above year as the revised additional copy of Origins (1958).Footnote 79 Back the catechism is airish in acceding of the Marxist languages recovered above, it becomes easier to see Arendt’s debts to Marxism as able-bodied as her departures from it.
The assignment charcoal complicated because Origins, in its final form, is absolutely three altered theories of absolutism in one book.Footnote 80 Sharp changes of focus in the advance of the book’s drafting, as able-bodied as cogent revisions amid editions, beggarly that the book does not accept a single, unified reading. As Roy T. Tsao has shown, best of Genitalia One and Two of Origins were drafted afore 1947, and were conceived as allotment of a book on Nazism alone. It is these genitalia that accord with anti-Semitism, the Dreyfus affair, racism and imperialism, and they are about actual in character. Roughly speaking, these capacity aggregate Arendt’s aboriginal access of totalitarianism. Allotment Three of the above aboriginal copy was accounting over the afterward two years and, argues Tsao, represented an attack to absorb the Soviet Union into her thinking. These capacity accommodate Arendt’s aboriginal annual of “Totalitarianism in Power,” including alarm and the absorption camps, and their abstract appearance is conceivably a artefact of Arendt’s acceptance in the charge for a new amusing science to accomplish faculty of totalitarianism.Footnote 81 In any case, Allotment Three of the aboriginal copy offered a additional access of totalitarianism. Finally, the revisions amid the aboriginal and additional editions, undertaken amid 1951 and 1956, and abnormally as represented by the new final chapter, advantaged “Ideology and Terror,” aggregate accession access again.Footnote 82 This “third” access is discussed in the conclusion. For now, the focus is on the two theories offered in the aboriginal copy of Origins, and abnormally the first.
The “first” access in Origins, as it was fabricated in Genitalia One and Two of the aboriginal copy of the book, is abundant richer and added complicated than the absolutely audible access offered in Allotment Three. At its broadest, it is an annual of the burning of the political by the social. This resulted partly from the cryptic architectonics of the nation-state, the best acerb affirmation of which was the acceleration of political anti-Semitism. It was additionally a aftereffect of “the political commercialism of the bourgeoisie,” who went on to appoint their own interests and the bread-and-butter argumentation of their clandestine lives on the nation-state, the aftereffect of which was imperialism and racism as alternatives to nationalism.Footnote 83 The amusing histories of both anti-Semitism and racism were important elements of this argument. That the nation-state was in agitation with or after imperialism, Arendt anticipation was clear, and absolutely declared the Dreyfus action as aloof such a crisis—as anti-Semitism after imperialism.Footnote 84 The origins of absolutism were in the aggregate of these two elements.
The boldness of this altercation was in Arendt’s compassionate of the crisis of the nation-state as a crisis of the political itself. The axial abode of imperialism in the argument, though, bespeaks the austere akin of assurance amid Arendt and interwar Marxism, and in this allotment of the altercation the continuities are clear.Footnote 85 Languages of Bonapartism and imperialism both played an important role in Arendt’s thinking, as did the agitation about the ability of the political. Afresh as Tsao has noted, her arguments about imperialism were originally advised for a book alleged Imperialism, some of which was arise as articles.Footnote 86 But these pieces contributed to the interwar Marxist agitation about the coaction amid political and bread-and-butter spheres, and accordingly it would not appropriate to argue, as Tsao does, that Arendt’s “concern with commercialism is belted about absolutely to the appearance of the cardinal bourgeoisie” as against to “capitalist abridgement as such.”Footnote 87 On the contrary, it was, Arendt argued, overaccumulation of basal aural the nation-state that tempted the ancestry to appoint their bread-and-butter interests on civic political life.Footnote 88 This led to the acting ascendancy of the bread-and-butter over the political in imperialism’s aboriginal phases. This bread-and-butter advance into the political had a allurement influence, back “[o]nly the illimited [sic] accession of ability could accompany about the illimited accession of capital.”Footnote 89 In audibly Bonapartist language, Arendt argued that, meanwhile, “the debris of all classes,” accustomed as the appropriate artefact of a backer society, acclimatized by racism and financed by the ancestry themselves, became a alarming political force.Footnote 90 The political, then, anon ran out of ascendancy of the bread-and-butter again, until “[o]nly a few aged gentlemen in aerial accounts still believe[d] in the basic rights of profit.”Footnote 91 The bread-and-butter berserk the political, and the political, in turn, berserk the economic. What is conceivably best aboriginal and absorbing about this altercation is that it did not agitation the supremacy or contrarily of political and economic, but rather retraced a analytic accord amid the two. Nevertheless, the acceding of the altercation (including bourgeoisie, accession of capital, the Bonapartist adumbration of the “refuse of all classes,” political adjoin bread-and-butter spheres) and the framing role played by “imperialism” accord acceptable acumen for annual Arendt’s arguments as an action in the intra-Marxist agitation categorical above—an action fabricated in the languages of Marxism.
In Origins, too, Arendt was accessible about her debts to J. A. Hobson, Hilferding, Lenin and aloft all Rosa Luxemburg.Footnote 92 One sees this in her thoroughly accustomed annual of “the overproduction of basal and the actualization of ‘superfluous’ money, the aftereffect of oversaving, which no best finds advantageous advance aural the civic borders.”Footnote 93 Additionally her annual of the actualization of absolutism as “The Accord amid the Mob and Capital” is actual abundant of a allotment with those Marxist accounts of absolutism which traced absolutely this link.Footnote 94 Compare, for example, Arendt’s annual of how “the German ancestry staked aggregate on the Hitler movement and aspired to aphorism with the advice of the mob,” which afresh ran out of control, with Bauer’s annual of how the absolutist militia “became too able for the ancestry to use it as a simple tool.”Footnote 95 Arendt, then, took these accounts actively absolutely as important theories of this aspect of totalitarianism, but basal to bead some of the baggage. At times, her altercation amounted to the Marxian move of axis the imperialism address on its head; in any case, the ancestry and the interlocuters are clear: “Imperialism charge be advised the aboriginal date in the political aphorism of the ancestry rather than the aftermost date of capitalism.”Footnote 96 This is absolutely an allusion to Lenin’s affirmation that imperialism was “the accomplished date of capitalism” and Hilferding’s that it was the “latest.”Footnote 97

The axis of amusing histories of racism and anti-Semitism to Arendt’s assay of imperialism and the crisis of the nation-state is generally advised to be the appropriate affection of her arguments about the activity that sets her afar from the Marxists. The connected diversions into “high society’s consistently growing annual for the underworld” and the moral decline inflicted on the perpetrators of race-imperialism are absolutely aboriginal in abounding credibility of detail.Footnote 98 And yet, alike actuality there are arresting resemblances with the assignment of Luxemburg. In evocative if egg-shaped remarks, which are account commendation in full, Luxemburg had argued in The Russian Revolution,
The Lumpenproletarian aspect is acutely anchored in accustomed association … Events in Germany—and added or beneath in added countries—have apparent how calmly all sections of accustomed association are accountable to such degeneration. The gradations amid bartering profiteering, apocryphal deals, admixture of foodstuffs, cheating, official embezzlement, theft, break-in and robbery, breeze into one accession in such appearance that the abuttals band amid atonement citizenry and the penitentiary has disappeared. In this the above abnormality is afresh as in the approved and accelerated decline of accustomed dignitaries back they are awkward to conflicting amusing clay in an across colonial setting. With the stripping off of accustomed barriers and backdrop for chastity and law, accustomed association itself avalanche victim to absolute and bottomless degeneration, for its centermost law of action is the profoundest of immoralities, namely the corruption of man by man.Footnote 99
The translator addendum that the appellation “degeneration” is Verlumpung in the German, so that the abstraction ability allegedly be apprehend as one of imperialism creating a about abject Lumpenbourgeoisie. It should additionally be acclaimed that the accomplished commodity was arise posthumously and this access in accurate appeared as a footnote, accepting been begin as a abstracted area of cardboard after a bright abode in the manuscript. Finally, although Arendt cited Luxemburg’s Accession of Capital, it is not bright whether she had apprehend The Russian Anarchy at the time of autograph Origins. Nonetheless, the account in it are so appreciably agnate to Arendt’s own in Origins that the achievability of absolute access charge be entertained. Furthermore, this affiliation additionally shows that Arendt’s architecture of “the mob”—described in accustomed Bonapartist-theoretical acceding as “déclassés,” “the debris of all classes” and “the algae of the big cities”Footnote 100—as the “by-product” of chic association had a connected attitude of Marxist analysis.Footnote 101 Arendt did, of course, accomplish aboriginal moves in this argument, as in her affirmation that the actual acceptance in “class struggle” as a “universal … appropriate of avant-garde political life” itself spurred imperialism and the accumulation of a declassed mob.Footnote 102 Nevertheless, if the altercation is aboriginal and, indeed, subversive, it was fabricated by arena on the languages of backer imperialism and Bonapartism in the Marxist tradition.
Arendt’s additional access of totalitarianism, as presented abnormally in the altercation of Allotment Three of Origins, was cartoon on and responding to anticommunist Marxism too.Footnote 103 As the assay turns to “Totalitarianism in Power,” the echoes become fainter, and the sources and capacity are added different. But the beforehand chapters, on the acceleration of absolutism and its activity movement, appearance abundant clearer links. Granted, in the aboriginal affiliate of this section, Arendt absolutely disqualified out the estimation of Hitler as a proxy for cartel capitalism—but so did Borkenau and Burnham.Footnote 104 And yet the actual affiliate title—“A Classless Society”—is acutely a pun on the abstraction of communism as a classless association chargeless of abuse and hardship—the aphotic irony, for Arendt, was that commercialism did absolutely activity in the classless society, but that such a association was a daydream rather than an idyll.
In addition, the primary altercation of this affiliate drew heavily on Borkenau’s adaptation of totalitarianism-as-Bonapartism, in the faculty of accepting its amusing abject in a declassed mob. Of course, Arendt’s altercation about “the breakdown of chic society” and the acceleration of the masses brought calm assorted sources, including Gustave Le Bon, but the assurance with Borkenau was appreciably added sustained.Footnote 105 In an altercation in which she cited Borkenau’s affirmation for the “mass” abject of Nazism and Communism, Arendt wrote in agnate acceding to those of Borkenau. So, for Arendt: “Masses are not captivated calm by a alertness of accustomed absorption and they abridgement that specific chic articulacy which is bidding in determined, limited, and achievable goals.”Footnote 106 Compare this with Borkenau’s affirmation that Continental, class-based democracy, “with all its drawbacks, had its amount in that it set bodies categorical and apprehensible tasks.”Footnote 107 Indeed, the accustomed anatomy of Arendt’s adventure and its capacity appears to owe a abundant accord to the anticommunist Marxist chant for the age of chargeless barter and its allegation of the breakdown of autonomous activity backroom in the classless deadlock that followed.Footnote 108
In sum, then: throughout the aboriginal two versions of Arendt’s absolutism theory, she aggregate with interwar Marxism a adventure of advanced democracy’s collapse in the face of a baleful crisis of backer civilization, a crisis underpinned by imperialism away and its after-effects at home. Like the Marxists, Arendt ran this alongside an arguably Bonapartist adventure of amusing atomization in the metropole, in accurate the crisis of declassed mobs in accord with the bourgeoisie. And the area on which this actual was debated in Marxist circles—the attributes of the political and the bread-and-butter spheres—was additionally her terrain.
Arendt’s third access of totalitarianism—the aftermost to arise as allotment of Origins, acceptance arguably Eichmann in Jerusalem offered added revisions—was accounting in altered political-theoretical languages. The best abundant afterlight amid the aboriginal and additional editions of Origins was the accession of a new chapter, itself based on an commodity arise in 1953. Both affiliate and commodity were advantaged “Ideology and Terror: A Atypical Anatomy of Government.”Footnote 109 It was at this point that Arendt fabricated her altercation for compassionate absolutism as audible from tyranny. For Arendt, it was not that absolute regimes accustomed no law; rather, they answered to higher, brainy laws of history or nature. For those disqualified in this way, the law was aloof as capricious as, and yet added backbreaking than, the anarchy of claimed despotism. This was what fabricated absolutism about novel. As she put it, “Totalitarian lawfulness, defying amends and assuming to authorize the absolute administration of amends on earth, executes the law of History or of Attributes after advice it into standards of appropriate and amiss for alone behaviour,” and appropriately “all laws acquire become laws of movement.”Footnote 110 Back animal carelessness will never accommodate to such awkward laws, Arendt argued, anytime added alarm is appropriate to accompany action into band with these brainy strictures. Granted, Arendt’s use of “law of movement” has its own Hegelian ring, but this accurate focus on credo as the antecedent of alarm cannot be adapted into the Marxist ancestry traced here. The abstraction of totalitarianism’s abolitionist change as such was not new, not alike in Arendt’s own work.Footnote 111 But this apperception of “a atypical anatomy of government,” whose acquiescence to brainy laws of movement bound it into a aeon of escalating, approximate terror, was a absolutely new contribution, and its roots are adamantine to trace in the beforehand copy of Origins.
The byword “a atypical anatomy of government” has an absorbing history of its own which speaks to the contested accord amid Arendt’s Origins and Friedrich and Brzezinski’s Absolute Dictatorship and Autocracy. Although some sources accept an affinity,Footnote 112 there is a boundless faculty of “a absence of alternate citation” amid the texts and, as adumbrated above, of Arendt’s masterpiece operating at accession level.Footnote 113 A abutting annual of both shows a abundant accord of acceding and alternate respect. Up to 1953, Friedrich referred to absolutism as “sui generis” or “historically unique.”Footnote 114 But during the altercation of Friedrich’s cardboard at a 1953 appointment on “Totalitarianism,” Arendt—as able-bodied as signaling her “agreement with about all of Mr. Friedrich’s statements”—suggested that he acting these phrases for her own: Friedrich’s apriorism “can abandoned beggarly that absolute ascendancy constitutes a atypical anatomy of government.”Footnote 115 In Absolute Dictatorship and Autocracy, Friedrich and Brzezinski accustomed Arendt’s recommendation, and the byword “a atypical anatomy of government” took pride of abode in the beginning to this book, with the agnate byword “a atypical affectionate of government” acclimated in the introduction.Footnote 116 This appointment was not fleeting—three years later, in 1956, Arendt presented a cardboard at Friedrich’s appointment on “Authority.”Footnote 117 But added significantly, their administering the byword was not a apparent resemblance; rather, it represented a aggregate apperception of totalitarianism’s defining features. Arendt, indeed, was one of the few authors accorded absolute annual by Friedrich and Brzezinski, and decidedly so on the catechism of ideology. Their altercation that absolutism “considers all accustomed laws abandoned as expressions of laws of attributes and history,” and that its laws were “treated abandoned as the arising of such laws of movement,” could acquire been aerial from Arendt’s work, which, indeed, was cited on this point.Footnote 118 Acceding on the basal role of credo in untamable alarm as the aspect of absolutism could analytic be said to affiliate a array of contributions to a specific moment of “classical absolutism theory.”Footnote 119
What is the acceptation of the ancestry traced in this article? First, it clarifies what absolutely was “lost in translation” as the languages of interwar Marxism were deployed in new contexts or announced with radically altered accents. For William David Jones, what was account convalescent from The Absent Agitation was artlessly that there was a attitude of antitotalitarian socialism.Footnote 120 But one gets beneath of a faculty of what the aggregate perspectives of this attitude were and what set it afar from consecutive theories of totalitarianism. Annual some of the ancient theories of absolutism in acceding of the Marxist languages of imperialism and Bonapartism has accent that a accurate activity with the admixture of political and bread-and-butter power, comatose on aggregate actual narratives about the abortion of interwar democracy, gave a amount of accord and adherence to the anticommunist Marxist moment of absolutism theory. The advancement of a neo-feudal admixture additionally affronted responses from added “orthodox” perspectives like that of Franz Neumann. This accent of political and bread-and-butter spheres can be assorted with the added accustomed public-versus-private framing that about underpinned the classical theories of absolutism in the Cold War.Footnote 121 Similarly, Arendt’s abode in this history becomes a lot clearer. Abundant of her thinking—for archetype about the dangers of classlessness for democracy; the role of imperialism as a politically, economically and alike culturally acerb force; and the alternation amid these two elements as a account of absolutism and totalitarianism—drew on and developed these Marxist languages of imperialism and Bonapartism. On the added hand, the about aperture of the “Ideology and Terror” commodity can be apparent and analyzed added acutely in ablaze of the above discussion.
Second, the ancestry suggests a altered angle on “Cold War” anticipation as such. It was plausibly, and conceivably paradoxically, the accountable of absolutism itself that prompted a thinker like Friedrich to appoint with the abstract of Marxism. Friedrich had not decidedly affianced with Marxist anticipation in the 1930s, in texts such as Built-in Government and Politics, or alike in his ancient assignment on totalitarianism.Footnote 122 This appears to acquire afflicted back he took up assignment in ardent on a book-length assay of the topic. In his cardboard at the above “Totalitarianism” appointment in 1953, he affected his assignment as a bookish synthesis, writing, “A abundant analysis of the accessible affirmation would assume to advance that anybody [sic] of the factors which has been fatigued as alms by itself an account of the agent of absolutism has played its role,” which included “the bread-and-butter crisis and the ‘contradictions’ of an crumbling capitalism.”Footnote 123 Although at times criticizing it sharply, Friedrich and Brzezinski additionally affianced essentially with Neumann’s Behemoth—which was the best cited audible altercation in Absolute Dictatorship and Autocracy—and, ironically, acclimated anticommunist Marxists like Burnham as their capital antecedent of counterpoints to Neumann.Footnote 124 This is not to say that the book was itself accounting in Marxist languages, but it does point to the difficulties inherent in aggravating to arrect any brainy award sanitaire amid “left-wing” or “right-wing” theories of totalitarianism.
In sum, then, Origins emerges as an cryptic and alike adverse achievement: a arresting accession to both the Marxist and the Cold War traditions of absolutism theory—perhaps alike a arch of sorts amid them. Absolutism as “a atypical anatomy of government” no agnosticism had its own sources, and warrants its own genealogy, one that would accompaniment rather than belie the one offered here. But as a theorist of imperialism, and absolutely of the political, Arendt owed a abundant accord to Marxism, one of the twentieth century’s best important spaces of argument.
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