Paramount Pictures / Via

Check them out:
Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures / Via
“So aback I was in preschool and kindergarten, they could allow to accelerate me to a appealing nice clandestine school. The abecedary would alarm out my name in class, and I adequately consistently adapted her and told her I was a angel and she should abode me as such. She charge accept been adolescent because she believed it. So one day, she alleged my parents about article and was cogent my mom that Angel _____ had done whatever that day. I accept never heard my mom bedlam so hard. I didn’t alike apperceive I was lying. It wasn’t awkward for me as abundant as it was for my parents.”
Giphym / Via
“In that world, 20 afar was like an ocean. I anticipation I was so safe, but one of my accompany looked anxiously at the annual and knew her and absolutely bankrupt me.”
Story continues
Hulu / Via
“One day, a acquaintance of abundance on ICQ asked me to download some audio files for her and accompany them to academy on a billowing because she couldn’t get them to download on her computer. They were sex clips absolutely alleged ‘oooooooh.wav’. Didn’t assume like a big deal, so I did it. I didn’t alike accept to them because who the fuck cares about adult complete files aback there were boobies to be ogled?
“The abutting day, my dad threw a fucking bits fit because he clicked on ‘run’ accidentally and started accounting — and the auto-complete abandoned bottomward the names of the audio files. He couldn’t alike comedy them because the deejay was continued gone. I told him the complete accuracy and got ashore from the computer for a month.”
NBC / Via
“One day, my dad asks if I accept pictures of nude women on the computer, and I acquaint him, ‘No, of advance not.’ Afterwards all, I anticipate I’m a super-smart 11-year-old who knows about book attributes, and my dad charge not apperceive anything. So he runs the command to appearance all hidden files on the computer (‘dir /s -ah’), and this huge advertisement of pictures flies beyond the screen. I had to annul them all, and aback it took 45 annual to download one picture, that was a big loss!”
Giphy / Via
“I additionally had afresh credible this aberrant cine trivia chatroom, breadth addition would acquaint the plotline of the cine in a generic-enough way to accomplish it fun to guess. (Sidenote: That absolutely was fun. Anyone apperceive any air-conditioned ‘guess the movie’ kinda sites?) Actuality geeks themselves, my dad and one or two sisters would sit about the computer while we played. One night, we’re all accepting a appropriate time in that chatroom, aback out of the blue, an IM ancestor up…”
NBC / Via
“Needless to say, afterwards a while we concluded up patching things up afresh and started to go out. And as abundant as I approved to coffin the accomplished Hellacious Account under, it kept award its way into conversation. The abuse affair took a activity of its own, as I was affected to add accretion and whistles to the adventure every fucking time it came up, like places I had gone, things I’d done and conversations I had with this ‘foreign girl.’ It was abhorrent — in adjustment to assure the lie, I had to accomplish it absolute and accord it abyss and consistency. I had to allot a ample allotment of my academician to accomplish abiding the dates and places all matched. And whenever I slipped, I had to bound acquisition a analytic way to awning myself (like, ‘Oh, that’s right! We larboard Port Francis the day afore because Lucia capital to go arcade afterwards that night’).
“So of course, afterwards abounding months of arena the acclimation act, as I hosted for lunch, my sister brought the accomplished abode of cards bottomward by contradicting my account in advanced of my above ex, who approved to actual her, who afresh told her I had spent the year at home accomplishing annihilation in particular. And above like that, the cat was out of the bag. Fuck. What an afflictive day that was, seeing the attending of alpha apperception on my above ex affronted girlfriend, about to become my ex again. We chock-full seeing anniversary added anon afterwards that :P”
BBC / Via
“One day my mom asked me if I had been attractive at porn sites. I denied it. Afresh she showed me an email she got from a porn site. I was abashed because I’m assertive that I wouldn’t use one of those sign-up sites, and abiding as bits wouldn’t be impaired abundant to use my mom’s email address. I bound accomplished that it charge accept been my adolescent brother (11 or 12 years old).

“At the time, it blew my apperception that he would be attractive at porn at 12 years of age, so I manned up and accepted to my brother’s crimes. I still haven’t told him. I should apparently banknote in those bro credibility sometime.”
—u/porcuswallabee / Via
“I absitively to adumbrate some links to my admired porn images (I accept the website was or something) in there. My accompany agreed that my web folio was absolutely awesome. Oh, the links were alleged ‘Secret!’ and such and laid out in a way that you would not see them with the wallpaper there.
“After my mom proudly showed off my web folio to some friends, it became credible that my plan was not absolutely anticipation out. It turns out that file://c:/my documents/webbackground.jpg doesn’t appointment for added people. Somehow I managed to snake my way out of it with denial, and I may accept alike abhorrent hackers.”
Giphy / Via
“He fabricated it through the aboriginal two circuit of interviews and fabricated it to the aftermost annular of interviews, aggressive with six added people. The account was appointed for Tuesday; meanwhile, his accompany alleged him to go fishing the aforementioned Tuesday.
“He LOVES fishing, so he alleged his accuser and said he bare to reschedule the account to a afterwards date because of a ‘family emergency.’ So he enters the interview, and one of the questions was, ‘What is your admired pastime?’
“He answers: ‘I adulation fishing; above this aftermost Tuesday…’
“He knew appropriate afresh and there that he wouldn’t get the job.
“TL;DR: Assistant loses a abeyant job because he went fishing.”
Giphy / Via
“One of those mornings, I absitively that I would appearance a acceptable ashtray out of paper. So I bankrupt up a breadth of A4 into a advantageous tray and promptly perched it on the armchair. Finished my collective and barbate it out in the ashtray, bound and finer afire a aperture in the daybed like a approved boyish genius.
“My account for this? Well, I acclimated to own a Game Boy. Aback in the canicule afore they had backlit screens, you could additionally buy attachable lights — adjustable LEDs that hovered over the screen. Surely, I could accept created such a mark if I ‘accidentally’ larboard my Game Boy on, with the ablaze acclaim comatose adjoin the sofa, afire a cigarette-shaped hole? Surely, this would abundantly abate any array of abuse I ability receive? Surely?
“And my parents absolutely bought this ridiculous, about absolutely absurd fib! Or, at least, they affected to. I anticipate the closing is added likely. Regardless, my dad came home aboriginal from appointment a few weeks later, bent me in the exact aforementioned act (minus the appliance burning), and my lies got the bigger of me. Ashore for a acceptable three months. Absolutely deserved.
“TL;DR: Smoked weed, austere stuff, lied, got caught.”
Giphy / Via
“I logged into his email, cogent two of my abutting accompany what I was doing, and emailed out added appointment to two of my atomic admired classmates. While I was accomplishing it, two girls from the brand beneath me came by (I was accomplishing this at school) and asked what we were whispering about. I was all abounding of pride with what I was doing, so I told them.
“The abutting day, there was a big analysis about the accomplished thing, and every apprentice got interviewed. I adamantly insisted I had annihilation to do with it. I assumption I got ratted out ’cause I got into some abysmal trouble.”
Paramount Pictures Studios / Via

“About center through Indiana, I was talking with my mom, and she was allurement what Chicago was like. We had briefly apprenticed through Chicago in the aphotic on our way to New York, so I above started talking about accidental things I vaguely remembered about the burghal (Wrigley Field, bad traffic, alpine buildings, etc.). She afresh asked what Lake Michigan looked like from there.
“I froze up. I bethink thinking, Breadth the fuck was Lake Michigan?! It was night and I was bisected comatose aback we collection through. Should I be seeing it now? Should I accept apparent it at all? Is it prominent, or do you accept to go attending for it?
“‘Uhhhhhhhh…I dunno yet. We haven’t, uhhhh, we haven’t arrested it out yet.’
“There was a continued abeyance on the added end afore she assuredly said, ‘Oh…OK.’
“We afraid up, and my accompany asked what happened. I told them and they were in absolute shock, saying, ‘You’re fucked, dude. Lake Michigan?! It’s appropriate fuckin’ there, man. Right…there!’
“My mom alleged aback an hour afterwards and asked breadth we absolutely were. I told her we were center to New York and to not acquaint Grandma and Grandpa. We still beam about that one.
“TL;DR: Aria about activity to Chicago, got bent because I said I hadn’t apparent Lake Michigan.”
Buena Vista Television / Via
“I’m sitting there, aerial as a kite, and my dad looks bottomward at me and asks, ‘Are you smoker weed, son?’ And I’m like, ‘No,’ with lungs as abounding as they could go, and I exhaled the huge hit all into his face. Yeah, I acquainted like a fucking idiot. He above absolved out afterwards adage anything. Don’t absolutely apperceive how to feel about that night…we never talked about it; it was never bought up anytime again. My parents did annihilation at all. It was like, okay, son, smoke as abundant edger as you want.”
Giphy / Via
“I absolved into the abode at the end of the night, and both parents were sitting there cat-and-mouse for me. Mom asked if I capital annihilation to eat; I said, ‘No, above activity to bed.’ She asked why I was so tired…
“I approved to say, ‘Because I woke up absolutely aboriginal this morning and couldn’t abatement aback asleep.’ I’m not abiding what came out of my aperture — some bastardized adaptation of this — and my parents both started bedlam at me. ‘Hard as hell to allocution to people, ain’t it, son?’ Dad asked. I couldn’t authority the bark of amusement in any longer.
“They above beatific me to bed, and I laid there alive for two to to three hours, absolutely freaking out and apprehensive what they were activity to do to me. I knew I was never activity to be accustomed out of the abode again.
“They never mentioned the adventure afresh until six years afterwards aback I asked my dad about it.”
Giphy / Via
“She asked me about it while I was with my brother and he got actual upset, cerebration that he had bootless to assure me. I had to acknowledge to him that I had lied, and actuality the awesomest big brother, he asked me, ‘Are you above lying to me now so I won’t anguish about you actuality safe in our neighborhood?’ And I had to acquaint him afresh that no, I had fabricated up a stupid, sensationalist adventure to affect addition whose assessment didn’t alike absolutely amount to me. Because of that one brainless lie, I anticipate my brother still doesn’t assurance me completely. What an idiot I was.
“Thinking about it now makes me nauseous.”
Giphy / Via
“Some assholes in my chic bankrupt into my locker and apprehend the journal, afresh put it back. They cornered me at a academy accumulation and told me that they were activity to acquaint Christine about my crush. This COULD NOT happen. I was a huge loser, actual overweight, and had above transferred in from addition school. I knew if this advice got out, it would be addition alibi for the chic to apish me.
“A brace of canicule later, the kids started cogent anybody in chic about my drove on Christine, and ‘Isn’t it pathetic?!’ and so on. I sat there, stone-faced, and said, ‘It’s a lie.’

“They bankrupt into my locker (with the fucking abstraction anteroom abecedary WATCHING, I ability add) and pulled out my journal, acquisitive to appearance anybody the proof. However, I had anxiously removed all of the pages that referred to Christine and larboard a agenda on the aftermost folio that read, ‘Dear journal, I anticipate addition has been account my entries, so I absitively to see who it was by autograph that I had a drove on Christine. I begin out that it was Drew and Mike, so I won’t be autograph in my account anymore.’
“They alleged bullshit, and I anticipate everyone, including Christine, knew that it was, but my little camouflage was abundant to alpha a chat with a brace of people, including Christine, who eventually affronted into actual acceptable friends. So I WON.”
New Apple Pictures / Via
“Teacher [picks up my test]: Breadth are your corrections?
Me: What? Oh, I charge accept larboard them at home.
Teacher: Really?
Me: Yeah, they’re absolutely on my desk.
Teacher: So, then, you’ll be able to accompany them in tomorrow, alike if I aggregate your analysis now.
Me: Fuck.”
Giphy / Via
“I asked my mom to assurance a bare breadth of cardboard so I could see what her signature looked like. I black the aback of that breadth with a pencil and afresh lined it up with the blush breadth and traced the signature. Afresh I went aback over the affair with pen and asleep the pencil. In retrospect, the accomplished operation was bedevilled to abort from the alpha because my forgeries were terrible. Every signature looked absolutely the aforementioned because they were all traced from the aforementioned source. But fifth-grade me anticipation I was a goddamn genius.
“Cut to several months later, and I’m abutting my parents in a parent-teacher conference. I’m sitting there, cerebration we’ll be talking about my advance in the fifth grade, aback my abecedary pulls out my many, many, abounding artificial blush slips. Boom. From what I can remember, cipher was alike that affronted at me. But I acquainted absolutely terrible.
“I absolutely wrote a academy appliance about this. I don’t bethink which college, though; nor do I bethink if I got into that college.”
IFC Films / Via
“When I was in aerial academy and told bodies I couldn’t allege Greek, bodies would say, ‘Bullshit, you above don’t appetite to allege it in advanced of us.’ I don’t apperceive why they anticipation that…why the fuck would I pretend not to allege addition language? I accept basal phrases, but that’s it, unfortunately. So above to get bodies to shut up, one day I said, ‘Yeah, OK, I allege Greek,’ ashamed off a few words that I knew, and for a few years, that’s what bodies believed.
“Until I was 17. My English abecedary was Greek. One day she was talking about how, aback added bodies allege in addition accent about addition who doesn’t accept it, it alienates them. Had article to do with the cine we were belief at the time (Dead Letter Office). For some reason, bodies didn’t accept why. So my abecedary picks me out, starts speaking Greek to me, and…I didn’t accept a chat she said. Slightly embarrassing. Although mostly relieving.”
Camera Film / Via
“Toward the end of the party, I noticed a acquaintance of abundance had appear in and was sitting at one of the about accessible tables. She was a able hostess and was out with one of her customers, so she was done up to the nines and looked, to put it simply, fucking incredible. She bent my eye and came over to say hi. She said she’d anon be done accepting banquet with the guy who was with her, so we should go for a alcohol afterwards our corresponding ‘duties’ were done with. Anyway, to cut a continued adventure short, we both got abundantly bashed and concluded up in a adulation hotel. I larboard the auberge at about 6 a.m., went aback to my apartment, annoyed up my daybed a bit to accomplish it attending like I’d slept the night, and headed out to my job. My adherent would accept gotten aback about 7.30 a.m., so I acquainted that my advance had been covered.
“That evening, aback I got home from work, she asked me if I’d had a acceptable night, and I said I’d spent best of the black at home watching TV. She asked if I’d been out, and I said I went to the accessibility abundance for a few cans of beer, but afar from that hadn’t done much. At this point she accomplished into her abridged and pulled out a allotment of paper. ‘What’s this, then?’ she said. In my not-yet-sober accompaniment aback I got home aboriginal that morning, I’d emptied my pockets out assimilate the kitchen table (as men generally do aback they access home), and amid the bits was the cancellation for the adulation hotel, sitting there, proudly cat-and-mouse for my admired to ascertain it on her return.”
“I won’t go into the bleeding capacity of her antecedent reaction, but causeless to say, afterwards a brace of days, she absolutely forgave me, partly because she had the absurd adroitness to see amusement in how abundantly brainless I’d been, not above to lie, but to leave the anathema affirmation breadth anyone could see it. Several years later, we concluded up accepting married, and to this day, I accept never alike entertained the abstraction of actuality adulterine again.”

Note: Some responses accept been edited for breadth and/or clarity.
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