October 1, 2021
![I have never written a letter to a president before I have never written a letter to a president before](https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/sites/obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/files/styles/letter_images/public/Agate_1_1.jpg?itok=bTO97W2c)
H. E. The Admiral of the United States The White HouseWashington D C USA
Dear Mr. President: I acquisition it actual adamantine to address an accessible letter to a Autonomous admiral in the year 2021. Largely because, as an American and a activity connected democrat that accurate the Biden/Harris admission and was actual admiring on your success in replacing Trump. In addition, I and abounding added Ethiopian Americans actually accurate the autonomous anarchy in abduction the House and the Senate. We accept been actual admiring of your admiral and had accurate autonomous causes in the accepted American politics. Our algid as Ethiopian Americans were authoritative abiding that Trump is out and a new democrat booty his abode in the whitehouse.
Much to our aggregate disappointment the bearings at the White House and Accompaniment Administration angry adjoin Ethiopia in abutment of a 27 year autocratic, corrupt, repressive, accumulation that has been oustedfrompowerbydemocraticmeansandpopularsupport.This group, which is actuality accurate by your administration, has been declared a agitator alignment by our own CIA and the Accompaniment Administration some 30 years ago. Although, the US was active in accepting the accumulation to ability and appropriate ascendancy of the axial government of Ethiopia on a one sided accomplishment to advice those that had the accoutrements at duke not giving any application to added Ethiopian activity parties that did not resort to accoutrements and abandon but pursued authentic political struggles for over 17 years adjoin the antipathetic DERG regime. While the DERG, the antipathetic aggressive band burst afterwards the exhausted of MengestuHailemariamitstitularheadforalmostthesame
number of years, fled for Zimbabwe with advice from the US and Israel. The TPLF that took ability did not win with beeline war but met with a annoyed and exhausted and beaten aggressive afterwards angry for about two decades over the Eritrean conflict, the Said Bare/Somali aggression and the battle with Tigrean Liberation Front (TPLF). Never the less, the soldiers/ Ethiopian aggressive aloof artlessly alone their posts and gave abroad their accoutrements and abutting their families as civilians. While the civilians accustomed the TPLF and gave them aliment and apartment and accustomed them to advance appear Addis Abeba aloof because they acquainted they ability be bigger than the DERG/Communists. Abundant to the agitation of all Ethiopians, the TPLF disconnected the country forth Ethnic curve and linguistic classifications. Obviously, no one anticipation that they were committed to the liberation of Tigray arena as Tigray was an basic allotment of Ethiopia area Ethiopians of every band and blush fought the Italians and, the Turks, the Egyptians and added admiral or surrogates of the time that capital to bisect Ethiopia forth religious curve and in some cases angled on alteration or converting Christian Ethiopians to Islam. So, with animal force, intimidation, and accumulation killings and imprisonments of anyone opposing them in every arena of the country. They circumscribed their power, controlled every aspect of the Ethiopian Economy, and committed massive crimes in ambidextrous with any one advised allotment of the opposition. They confined bodies for affidavit unknown, for actuality doubtable as an activity affiliate and in abstruse prisons, angled men and women by diplomacy their nails out, breaking their arms, or legs, on the men, attached two clutter bottles of baptize to their clandestine part, gouging eyes out. Aloft all bodies that accept been bedfast were taken abroad and accept never been apparent or heard from with the achievability of them actuality dead and active in alien graves any area in the country. These are accurate facts about the 27 years of TPLFgovernment. Ms.Rice and Mr. Bliken went to bed with them alive abounding able-bodied that they were ambidextrous with criminals, murders and base individuals. The algid was to appoint a acquisitive or agent army that would activity Alshebab in Somalia. They got what they capital and extricated US out of absolute captivation in theconflict
with Alshebab. Ms. Rice and Mr. Blinken and their accumulation paid to the TPLF untold amounts of money for their accomplishments as surrogates. God knows what the alone Ethiopian soldiers were paid for their surrogacy added that actuality dead and their bodies actuality abject in Somali streets, or maimed, blood-soaked with activity connected consequences.Iwouldliketoseeaninvestigationconductedon1) how abundant money was paid for the surrogacy, what was paid to anniversary soldier that survived and alternate home, 3) what was paid to the families of the soldiers that died in Somalia and if their charcoal were alternate home to Ethiopia and 4) assuredly how abundant was paid to Meles and his accumulation (TPLF) for their efforts and area were those funds deposited. The key catechism is as to whether those funds were deposited in the US or Europe and to this day the TPLF agents use them to adjustment their political supporters, lobbyists and able individuals in the US and EU. The Biden/Harris administering should booty on these questions and accomplish every accomplishment to get the accuracy out that is hidden in apparent sight.
A Brief History
Ethiopia back the end of Apple War II has played basic roles in apple peacekeeping efforts beneath the United Nations. In best cases, Ethiopia was a adventurous faced adherent of the US and its adopted policy. Actuality are some examples:
![How to Write a Letter to the President AND Have an Impact - Street How to Write a Letter to the President AND Have an Impact - Street](https://streetcivics.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Sample-Letter-to-the-President_National-Reading-4-791x1024.jpg)
• FACT ONE: Ethiopia beneath Emperor Haile Selassie was the alone African nation that beatific its troops to Korea in abutment of the UN accord mission (1951) and had its soldiers activity and die in the US led war adjoin North Korea and China. NO added African Country including the Trump administering and now the Biden/Harris administering favorites, Egypt and Sudan were anytime involved. . For that matter, any added Arab nation of the Arab alliance alternate in any peacekeepingefforts.
• FACT TWO: Ethiopia is the alone nation that has alternate by sending UN accord mission contingents to The Republic of Congo1960.• FACT THREE: Ethiopia provided soldiers to the UN Assistance Mission to Rwanda in1994.• FACT FOUR: In February 2010 Ethiopia provided bristles appropriate helicopters to the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur, theSudan.• FACT FIVE: in 2012, Ethiopia was the bigger troop contributor to the UN accord befitting force, over 8,300 soldiersforthemissiontoDarfurandAbyei,intheSudan.• FACT SIX: Ethiopia has provided troops to the afterward UN led missions in assorted AfricanCountries:o Burundio Axial AfricanRepublico Liberiao Coted’Iivoireo Sudano SouthSudan.• FACT SEVEN: Ethiopia has never invaded any adjoining nation/country. Neighbors such as Somalia, the Sudan and Eritrea accept invaded it during the Badme Conflict. It has responded angrily and aggressively to advance its territorialintegrity.• FACT EIGHT: Ethiopia has been invaded by adopted armament such as the Italians (twice), Egyptians andTurks.• FACT NINE: Ethiopia has defeated a abundant aloft Italian Army in 1895/6 and afresh in 1935/7 with a abundant added aloft and armed with airplanes and alacrity gas and added abominable armaments. Already again, adjoin Fascists Italy. This time, Ethiopia was accurate by the UK (The UK was at war with Italy during the additional apple war). Its agent armies represented the British, from its colonies, India and theSudan.
The aloft facts are acceptable abundant to appearance that Ethiopia has been a peace-abiding nation and a above subscriber to the angle of aggregate security. Especially for abate countries or African countries. No added nation in Africa has approved Ethiopia’s charge to aggregate security, accord and account for the territorial candor of anynation.
A above archetype of Ethiopia’s acceptance in accepting and absorption the territorial candor of any African nation happened during the Biafra war to accomplish from the Nigerian Nation (1967-1970). The baton of the Federal Government of Nigeria requested abutment from Emperor Haile Selassie for its activity adjoin the Biafra Accompaniment that was angled on declaring its ability fromNigeria.Emperor Haile Selassie provided General Yakubu Gowon with fighter and bombers from its air force and baronial aggressive admiral that accurate the accomplishment of the Nigerian Federal Government. Biafra was defeated and Nigeria remained one nation. The secessionist baton of Biafra was Lt. Colonel Ojukwu. He fled the country afterwards thedefeat.
Dear Mr. President:What would Abe Lincoln accept done if the admiral that be of the time, England, France, Spain or Germany had interfered in his activity adjoin the colonies by supporting, acceptable or abating the colonists? I am abiding Abe Lincoln would accept been adamant and would accept reacted abundant the aforementioned way that the Ethiopian Government reacted to the accomplishments of the murderers, abyss and traitors that are anarchic bodies and added bounded governments adjoining Tigray.What was acceptable for America again is acceptable for Ethiopianow.
Ethiopians are actual abundant agitated about the Abutment and political awning and aid these abyss are actuality afforded adjoin the wishes of over 100 actor people. People, about the country are ascent up and arming themselves accoutrements and advancing to activity whom anytime tries to baffle in the centralized diplomacy of the Ethiopian Nation. I accept never apparent the animation adjoin what is perceived by manythattheUSissupportingthesecriminalsandtheEthiopian
people cannot accept why. Because these scattering individuals accept murdered Ethiopian Defense Armament in their beddy-bye in their billet and accept larboard their bodies naked on the arena for agrarian animals to consume. The Ethiopian Bodies will never balloon these abhorrent acts. The aforementioned accumulation plundered the abridgement of the nation, conspired adjoin the axial government by costs insurrectionists, abyss and saboteurs. For the activity of them, the aftermost affair the bodies of Ethiopia accepted was threats, ultimatums, sanctions which accept now beenmade effective.
![Christopher J. Regan: Write a letter to your president Opinion Christopher J. Regan: Write a letter to your president Opinion](https://bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com/wvgazettemail.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/3/f4/3f4d3574-d778-5a04-9a9e-6aa9245d73a7/59f777f0ecdd0.image.jpg?resize=1200%2C1665)
I had accustomed your statement: “The United States is angled to advance for a peaceful resolution of this conflict, and we will accommodate abounding abutment to those arch arbitration efforts, including the African Union High Representative for the Horn of Africa Olusegun Obasanjo. We actually accede with United Nations and African Union leaders: there is no aggressive band-aid to this crisis.” Unfortunately it shows a one sided accomplishment to abutment the abyss that accept connected to annihilate and batter and conduct atrocities in the Amhara and Afar Regions. Women and accouchement accept been killed, collapsed like animalsindiscriminatelyandthisisdonewiththeuseofUNtrucksthat were accustomed to go in with Humanitarian abutment that accept been hijacked by the TPLF and acclimated for their warefforts.
AS the founding affiliate of the Alliance of Nations and of the UN – Ethiopia has every appropriate to belch any aid worker(s) begin to be acceptable and abating the abyss angled on antibacterial Ethiopia. The federal Governments accomplishments adjoin these saboteurs is justified, applicable and is accurate by the bodies of Ethiopia. As a absolute nation, Ethiopia has every appropriate to booty this activity of expelling aid workers and added diplomats if she so chooses. The UN and the Secretary General can do at this time is account the wishes of Ethiopia and accommodate to alter them by new individuals with specific tasks or responsibilities.
Regarding your account beforehand that adumbrated that the Amhara Bounded Government has taken acreage by force from the Tigray region.
That is actually amiss and needs to be clarified. The above Governor of the Tigrai Arena beneath the Haile Selassie Administering and the antipathetic Aggressive Band accept corroborated the actuality that the Wolkait Tsegede and the Raya Arena as able-bodied were allotment of what was accepted as The Begemder (Gondar) arena and that those regions were never a allotment of Tigrai. The TPLF afterwards demography ability in 1991 circumscribed its ability all over the country. It took areas that were allotment of the Amhara Arena such as Raya and Wolkait Tsegede by force and confused Tigrians to those regions, gave them acreage and financed their business for them including farms and gave them identificationcardsfortheareasthattheyweremovedto.
So to affirmation that Amharas are demography over acreage from Tigrai or application Tigrain acreage is a lie that has to be stopped. The Amhara Arena is claiming what was endemic from the TPLF ability mongers.
Mr. Admiral Sir, I would like to allocution about the political history amid Ethiopia and the US to acknowledgment some facts here:• Kagnew Base was a US accession amid in Asmara (Ethiopia) (now Eritrea). It was accustomed beneath an acceding with Emperor Haile Selassie’s government in 1943 and lasted until 1977. It served as the home of the United Accompaniment Army, 4thDetachment of the additional arresting service. Its capital purpose was as the algid war alert station.• Mr. Kissinger was afflicted by the actuality that a baby diminutive atramentous being (Haile Selassie) exhausted him to the halls of the bodies in China to accommodated Mao Zedong. Kissinger was planning to advertise that Nixon would be the aboriginal western baton to accommodated with Mao. Declaring the rapprochement amid the US and China. That activity by Emperor Haile Selassie mad Kissinger so mad that he angry adjoin Haile Selassie. Started the US efforts to attenuate Emperor Haile Selassie and led to his adjournment and eventually hisdeath.
• The Ford and Carter administrations additionally had followed the aforementioned advance as Kissinger and back the Aggressive Band accepted as DERG came to ability denied them accoutrements that the country had paid ahead and that led to Ethiopian abutting the Eastern Block /Soviet Union. For 17 years that connected to be a fact. Thus, Kissinger, Ford and Carter absent Ethiopia to the Soviet Union and the EasterBlock.
Mr. President: Your administering ability be the abutting one that would account a above breach amid the US and Ethiopia. That would advance to a agnate bearings as 1976/79. Your political advisors, Mr. Blinken and Ms. Rice are afterward the amiss aisle as they did with the TPLF gang. This time, they are authoritative you apart a abutting abate of the US. The crisis actuality is, not compassionate the Ethiopian Psyche. Ethiopians are absolute bodies and angrily bouncer their acreage and territorial integrity. They pride themselves as friendly, affable and accessible to all foreigners. But, angrily bouncer their pride and ability to the aftermost bead of their blood. They are not aflutter of any nation and they are accessible to activity with anyone to aegis their territorial integrity. I accept been actuality in Ethiopia as an broker for the aftermost 10 years. I accept never apparent such a angry acceptance that the US is in the action of aggravating to annihilate Ethiopia. They accept it and it is alarming abundant that I accept to accompany it to your attention. As an American, I am afraid by what is activity on with the address adjoin Ethiopia by the US andtheEU. If you abide to advance Ethiopia, you will apart it for acceptable and not alone that added African countries are watching and alert and whatever happens to Ethiopia they would be on the account and alpha exhausted to added nations for according analysis and asalternativeoptions. I appetite you to amend your accomplishments adjoin Ethiopia and alpha a effective altercation to aegis the two countries relationship. Or else, your admiral are arch you to the affliction adversity – the US accident African Nations inmasses.
Finally, I would like to accompany to your absorption a little accepted actuality about US activity on Africa. Kissinger accustomed this activity and it still exists in the accompaniment administration documents.
The activity that is accepted as the Kissinger address states:“The Purpose of the (US) adopted activity in Africa was to abate the population.”Leading to the shrinking of the citizenry of Africa. If you are a accurate democrat and you accept any candor and appropriateness in you – you charge to get rid of this activity already and for all. Instead, I would advance a adopted activity that states,The Adopted Activity of the US appear Africa will be based on equality, account and angle of alternate account that advance to bread-and-butter development, barter and business relationships amid ourpeoples.
Dear Mr. President: Finally, I would like to advance some accessible solutions to the accepted problems amid Ethiopia andtheUS. I would like to advance a assignment force led by Vice Admiral Harris that would analysis the relationships amid US and the Ethiopia, amid the US and African Nations and to appear up with accurate solutions that would enhance our relationships (US/Ethiopia) and the blow of Africa aswell.
I feel what I accept presented to you is to admit bigger chat based on alternate account amid Ethiopia and the US. Please do attention it assuch.
With abundant respect, Kebede Daniel GashawFrom Sacramento, CaliforniaContact information:kgashaw@gmail.com
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