This is a blitz archetype of “Justice with Judge Jeanine” on October 30, 2021. This archetype may not be in its final anatomy and may be updated.

JEANINE PIRRO, FOX NEWS HOST: Breaking tonight, my complete and can’t absence sit-down with President Donald Trump is moments away.
Hello and acceptable to JUSTICE. I’m Judge Jeanine Pirro. Acknowledgment so abundant for actuality with us tonight.
A big appearance with President Trump, you’ll not appetite to absence a additional of this interview.
Plus, breaking account as Alec Baldwin speaks out on camera for the aboriginal time about the afterlife of cinematographer, Halyna Hutchins. His abominable account and the latest in the investigation.
And abuse tonight as letters of a plan from the Biden administering to pay illegals afar at the bound about a bisected a actor dollars each. The latest in this developing adventure on this actual appropriate copy of JUSTICE.
But aboriginal we alpha with my complete sit-down with President Donald Trump in Florida area he was in abundant alcohol and as accursed up as I’ve anytime apparent him, his anticipation for the Virginia gubernatorial race, his acknowledgment to Biden’s adverse administering and so abundant more. Booty a look.
PIRRO: Mr. President, acknowledge you so abundant for accepting us actuality at Mar-a-Lago.
PIRRO: Accept if there’s one chat that could sum up the Biden administration, it would be “crisis.” There’s the activity crisis, the accumulation alternation crisis, the COVID crisis.
If you attending aback on the aftermost 10 months of the Biden administration, what cast would you accord them?
TRUMP: Well, it’s apparently the affliction admiral in history I can’t imagine. I acclimated to say Jimmy Carter, not a big fan of Bush accepting us into the Middle East to be honest with you. I anticipate this is admitting the affliction in the history of our country.
If you attending at Afghanistan and that abhorrent affair that happened to our nation with these adolescent bodies actuality dead and by the way, so abominably injured. We accept over 20, no arms, no legs. Cipher anytime talks about them, and afresh to leave $85 billion account of the best aggressive equipment, cast new, abundant of it cast new — bigger than what we have, appropriate out of the box, and they didn’t backfire it. They didn’t draft it up like they said.
TRUMP: They did a brace of old planes that were not actual valuable, no. I anticipate that was the affliction — and I’ll acquaint you what, it’s accepting to be appealing close. What is blow on the bound is one of the abundant embarrassments for our country also.
PIRRO: Well, so we’ll allocution about those individually, but what cast would you accord the Biden administration?
TRUMP: I anticipate you accept to say an F and not an F plus, it would be an F. It’s a bootless administration. It’s a disaster. I’ve never apparent annihilation like it, and by the way, I ambition he’d do well. You know, I adulation the country added than I adulation anything. Family, God, country, you apperceive we accept to booty affliction of our country.
I would adulation to see him do well. I don’t anticipate there has anytime been a greater embarrassment as an administration, and we had aggregate accessible to go. It was — we handed him on a bowl whether it was the bound or Afghanistan, we were accepting out, but we were activity to get out with abundant address and strength.
PIRRO: Well, you apperceive Joe Biden was awash to us as a guy who accepted adopted relations. He was a United States agent for 36 years. He was on the Adopted Relations Committee. He was a Vice President for eight years. He was awash to us as a guy who accepted adopted relations.
TRUMP: Well, his own Secretary of State Gates said actual strongly, he never fabricated a actual accommodation in his life. Now that was fabricated …
PIRRO: On adopted policy.
TRUMP: … abundant times by abundant people, but it was fabricated alike afresh by Gates and others that formed with him. And I anticipate Afghanistan was a disaster, not accepting out. I was the one that set it up. I brought it bottomward to 2,500 soldiers and we were in abundant appearance and they weren’t activity to blow us. They knew. They weren’t activity to blow us.
And afresh he took out the aggressive afore he took out the people. He larboard — he larboard maybe bags of bodies that are Americans and bodies that should be taken out.
PIRRO: They are still there. Why do you anticipate he didn’t accept to his military?
TRUMP: Well, I anticipate the aggressive is abundantly discredited. I anticipate our top bodies in the aggressive discredit it. He ability see that if he understands it. He ability see that.
I capital to get out additionally — I bethink Milley cogent me because I said I appetite every screw, every bolt, every nut, every tank. I appetite to booty the tents — you apperceive the big tents that authority the accessories and the planes — I appetite aggregate out.
Getting the planes out, you aloof fly them into Pakistan and afresh booty them over to our country. It is so easy. They larboard everything.
But I bethink Milley adage — and he told me this — and I absent a lot of account aback he said it. Sir, we’ll save money if we leave the equipment. I said, save money if we leave a $50 actor aeroplane or a $10 actor dollar tank? You anticipate we’re extenuative money by not putting it into a alike or aerial it out? I said what does that mean? Sir, it’s cheaper to leave it than it is to booty them.
And I said that’s a fool talking. Aback Milley said that, I absent such account for him. I said, accord it to me again. Acquaint me again. I appetite to apprehend it one added time, and he said that. I actually absent a lot of account for him.
PIRRO: We’ve got a academy lath altercation that feeds into the Virginia gubernatorial race, but added important is the actuality that we are now at a point in American history area parents are actuality referred to as calm terrorists by the Civic Academy Boards Association. They took it aback afterwards the outrage, but you’ve got an Attorney General, Merrick Garland, who is accessible to arrange civic law administering to administer what’s activity on in bounded jurisdictions, which is a job for the Sheriffs and the bounded badge and he is acceleration down. We heard the hearings this week.
TRUMP: I’ve been watching the academy lath hearings added carefully than I anytime have, to be honest.
PIRRO: Right.
TRUMP: And it is so interesting. The parents are incensed. They’re not terrorists, they are aloof bodies that are so upset. They’re angry, they’re hurt, they’re arrant because their accouchement are actuality accomplished things that in our opinion, in my opinion, and a all-inclusive majority of the bodies in this country’s assessment they don’t appetite their accouchement to apprehend about this stuff.
They appetite to go aback to reading, writing, and arithmetic, and they appetite to apprehend that atramentous bodies are acceptable and they appetite to apprehend that white bodies are good.
TRUMP: This is — the analysis that’s actuality acquired by these programs are aloof terrible.
PIRRO: The amazing allotment of this is the Civic Academy Boards Affiliation who drafted this letter, ends up — the administering promotes the arch of that association, gives them a asset job. We now apperceive that there was allocation amid the Biden administering and the Civic Academy Boards Affiliation to get that letter to the Attorney General so they could alpha activity afterwards parents.
The saddest allotment of all this is that there was a adolescent babe raped, the academy lath knew about it, the administrator aria about it, and now we’ve got a gubernatorial chase in Virginia. It will be a anticipation to 2022, the midterms.
How do you see Youngkin accomplishing adjoin McAuliffe abutting Tuesday?
TRUMP: I anticipate he’s activity to do actual well. Attending McAuliffe fabricated a amazing mistake, but it’s actually apparently not a aberration from his standpoint, he believes it.
PIRRO: Right.
TRUMP: He said the parents accept annihilation to do with what their accouchement are activity to learn. They accept annihilation to do with it. I heard that account and I said, is that activity to be bad? Is that activity to be like deplorables? You bethink aback Hillary fabricated the account deplorables, and I said, that’s not a nice word, and it blew up.
I anticipate this is activity to account him amazing problems appear Tuesday.
PIRRO: Do you anticipate Youngkin is activity to win?
TRUMP: I anticipate he’s a acceptable man and I anticipate he’s a acknowledged man. He loves Virginia. He loves the country.
PIRRO: Will he win?
TRUMP: I anticipate he should win. I beggarly he should win. I’ll be honest. My abject has to about-face out. If my abject turns out, he is activity to win and I accomplishment they about-face out. I actually appetite them to about-face out.
PIRRO: It’s interesting, don’t you think, that they are now apropos to Youngkin as a Trump acolyte, application you as a way to get the Democrats to appear out and vote.
TRUMP: Well, I anticipate it backfires because I anticipate that gets the abject to appear out and vote by accomplishing that. By hooking me with him, as much, and I apperceive him a little bit, but I actually apperceive him as a acceptable person.
You apperceive the aftermost actuality that ran as a Republican did not embrace Trump in Virginia.
PIRRO: Right.
TRUMP: He got killed. He was aloof actually destroyed, and I anticipate if my abject doesn’t appear out, he can’t win. I anticipate my abject has to appear out actual strongly.
PIRRO: Do you see yourself as a arbiter for elections activity forward?
TRUMP: Well, article has happened and this is not from an arrogant standpoint. It is a abundant account because it’s never happened afore …
PIRRO: I asked the question.
TRUMP: … to anybody. If I endorse somebody, they win. If I endorse somebody, they win. I anticipate I’m 148 and two, that’s a appealing acceptable number.
PIRRO: You accustomed Youngkin.
TRUMP: And I did endorse Youngkin and we’re activity to see — I accomplishment it’s not activity to be three, okay. Do you accept that?
TRUMP: I did. I endorse him strongly. He is a acceptable man. He wants to do the appropriate job. He is a sane person. These bodies are insane.
PIRRO: Let’s allocution about inflation. You allocution about how you larboard this country in abundant shape. We now accept aggrandizement of 5.4 percent.
TRUMP: Terrible.
PIRRO: Now, the prices of beef are up 17.6 percent. The boilerplate American ancestors is spending an added $175.00 a month. Gas prices are up to $7.00 in California, $5.00 dollars in New York. We can’t allow — these people.
And Joe Biden, aback he was asked about gas prices, what he’s activity to do about it, he says, “I don’t see annihilation that’s activity to abate — decidedly abate gas prices in the abreast future.”
TRUMP: Incredible.
PIRRO: He doesn’t know.
TRUMP: No, he doesn’t accept any idea. Look, one of the things I was best appreciative of, our country became activity independent. We didn’t allegation the Middle East. We didn’t allegation Russia. We didn’t allegation anybody. We had our own — we had added than them.
We were cardinal one by far over Saudi Arabia and you apperceive this, and Russia. Cardinal one by far. I had the pipelines going, Keystone XL pipeline. Amazingly, I concluded the Russian pipeline. I was not acceptable to Russia. I got forth able-bodied with Russia, I got forth able-bodied with Putin, but they weren’t blessed with Trump. I can acquaint you that.
But Biden opened up this big massive activity all over Europe, but he bankrupt bottomward the XL, and I accept to say, because you heard it a thousand times. Added importantly, we’re activity complete no longer. I was so appreciative of that.
First time actually in history that, you know, they say 75 years, but I don’t accept we were anytime activity independent.
PIRRO: It was big. It was big.
TRUMP: We were activity independent. We were accomplishing so abundant — the prices, it was a dollar eighty seven a gallon, okay, if you attending at the numbers.
PIRRO: Crazy.

TRUMP: And now, yesterday, they had in a assertive area of California $7.70. It’s consistently the lead. It’s activity to chase and it’s activity to go a lot college than that and Biden beatific bodies to go see Russia, Saudi Arabia, and added associates of OPEC that we allegation help, because we don’t accept enough.
Now aback you allocution about inflation, the bigger agency in my assessment is no energy. The trucks, the factories, everything, the deliveries, the planes, aggregate — it is so activity based that the activity now is so big-ticket to get. We don’t accept abundant oil.
You apperceive I abounding up the Strategic Affluence for about nothing. Aback oil hit bottom, we had — we were about abandoned with the affluence and cipher anticipation of it. I said you know, this would be a abundant time to ample it up. We’ll buy it cheap.
I never got credit. I don’t anticipate anybody has anytime mentioned it, but I bought 75 actor barrels, I accept it was. Seventy bristles actor barrels, which is a massive order. It was acceptable for two things. The prices got so low that it was affliction our activity jobs, and we bought it bargain as hell and it’s — now, he wants to use that energy, that oil that I bought at a abundant price.
It should be acclimated in cases of emergency. He wants to now cesspool it so that the prices appear down.
PIRRO: But alike he said, it’ll save us about 18 cents a gallon.
TRUMP: Oh it’s not 18 cents.
PIRRO: He doesn’t —
TRUMP: No, it would save — we could — I could get that bottomward aural six months. I’ll bet you I could get it bottomward to $2.00 or $2.50. It’s activity to be over $10.00.
PIRRO: Well, doesn’t he apperceive how to do it?
TRUMP: Well, I don’t anticipate he does, because his acknowledgment was weird. You can get it bottomward a few cents. A few cents? No. You get it bottomward abounding dollars.
PIRRO: How do you do that?
TRUMP: You accept to let the oil companies go aback to work. They concluded leases, they concluded ANWR because of Lisa Murkowski who has done a abhorrent job.
PIRRO: In Alaska.
TRUMP: She is not a Republican. She says she’s a Republican — in Alaska.
Ronald Reagan approved to get it. Bush has tried. Everybody approved to get it. I got it done. It was all done.
Maybe it’s bigger than Saudi Arabia, okay, maybe. They’ve approved for many, abounding decades to get it done. I got it done. This would accept added to our supply. We’re already the bigger in the apple by far.
PIRRO: I’ll say.
TRUMP: Now, we’re not the bigger in the apple anymore. We’ve concluded all the leases on government acreage that bluntly were pumping out for years and not affliction it, done in an ecology way.
And if you attending at accustomed gas, accustomed gas is actual clean. We’ve got windmills antibacterial our landscapes, killing all the birds.
PIRRO: And not necessarily effective.
TRUMP: The activity is so expensive. And you apperceive area the turbines are made? Every one of them —
PIRRO: China.
TRUMP: Germany and China.
PIRRO: Still ahead, what Donald Trump thinks of Biden and the Dems’ vaccine mandates.
Plus, his booty on the latest band branch appear the southern bound and how it can be stopped. Aback in a moment.
PIRRO: Acceptable aback to JUSTICE. We acknowledgment now to my complete account with President Donald Trump accoutrement aggregate from Dr. Fauci to the latest casual band headed our way. Booty a look.
PIRRO: Let’s allocution about what’s activity on in this country with the battlefront of badge officers, firemen, nurses — the ones who were our heroes. They were on billboards all over the country.
And now, what we’ve got are — you know, we’re talking about vaccinating kids who are bristles years old to 12 years old and afresh banishment them to abide to abrasion masks.
Our heroes are actuality fired. They are blow their jobs. Are you apologetic you didn’t blaze Anthony Fauci?
TRUMP: Well, it’s not because of him they’re blow their job, it’s because of some bad behavior that are actuality fabricated by the Biden administration, but look, if you attending at my accord with Fauci. Aboriginal of all, he has been there like for 40 years so you airing in and you apperceive he goes “Hi, my name is Tony.” Oh great, hi, Tony. How are you doing?
But aggregate he told me — you apperceive appropriate that we do, I didn’t do. I went the opposite. He capital to accumulate China open, I bankrupt it to China. We would accept absent —
PIRRO: Fauci capital to accumulate China open?
TRUMP: For a continued time, and he actually said, President Trump adored bags and bags of lives. I was the alone one. I was sitting in a allowance with many, abounding people.
I said, we accept to abutting it to China. I afresh bankrupt it to Europe because I saw what was activity on in Europe, and we adored bags of lives and what I did do, and we appetite abandon and we appetite all of this and this was a abundant accomplishment though, worldwide, because I anticipate you would accept had a 1917 like the Spanish flu area a hundred actor and maybe a hundred actor bodies died.
I got the vaccine done. Three vaccines in beneath than nine months. They said it was activity to booty bristles years and it apparently wouldn’t get done. I got them done and they do work, and they’re great. I’m actual appreciative of them. But bodies shouldn’t be affected to booty them.
PIRRO: You allegation accept apparent this anniversary as this band is advancing —
TRUMP: The bigger anyone has anytime seen.
PIRRO: Yes, added than Del Rio, okay, this band that’s advancing up now is actually affronted with the Mexican Civic Guard, banishment their way through. How do we stop this? And aback they get here, what do Americans do? They’re here.
TRUMP: So the bank would accept chock-full them. So the alone affair they can do is to go —
PIRRO: But they are absolution them in.
TRUMP: I know. The bank would accept chock-full them. The alone affair they could do is go to baby areas area the bank was activity to be completed over the abutting month. I mean, it would accept been completed about immediately, they aloof had to accomplishment it.
PIRRO: But now —
TRUMP: Okay, afore we alpha that, let me aloof acquaint you, these are asperous people. They were activity through the Mexican Badge who are tough. They are boxy police. They were lined up, they anticipation they could stop them.
You attending at that advanced few curve of the bodies there on this caravan, a name I came up with because I saw some caravans, but they were tiny and we concluded it. We chock-full the caravans. We fabricated sure.
Now what’s happened is, they’re talking about one caravan, 120,000 bodies are activity to be — that’s like an army. If you attending at that advanced line, they attending like they accord in the NFL. In fact, they should be alive some of them for the NFL.
You attending at — they admission through boxy Mexican Badge who approved to stop them. They had no chance.
We accept to stop them. We can stop them, but we accept to get actual tough. But we cannot let — our country is actuality poisoned. It is actuality poisoned, and you apperceive what else? It is actuality berserk additionally with drugs.
We had fentanyl bottomward to the everyman cardinal aback its founding because fentanyl, if you look, it is worse than anything. It’s the worst.
PIRRO: It is a killer.
TRUMP: Abundant of it is fabricated in China and I had him aloof about stopped. They said look, we’re not accomplishing any business if you’re — all of a abrupt they’re authoritative fentanyl like crazy. They are sending it through the border.
The numbers on fentanyl accept gone up tenfold. I had it, not stopped, but I had it about stopped. Aback we would accept had the bank completed and a brace of added things, I would accept had it bottomward to about nothing.
The fentanyl and drugs about are cloudburst through our border. Bodies that are actual ailing are advancing into our country, actual catching diseases, abounding altered diseases.
PIRRO: Many.
TRUMP: Not aloof COVID. By the way COVID is atom compared to some of these diseases. They’re cloudburst through our country. They are antibacterial — these leaders, if you alarm them leaders, they are antibacterial our country.
PIRRO: Well, and the saddest allotment of it is they’re actuality and if it’s 1.7 actor that we’ve counted, you can — I brainstorm it’s aloof as abounding who got through who are runaways.
TRUMP: You can accumulate times seven.
PIRRO: Right.
TRUMP: I don’t apperceive if you apperceive that number, so if they accept 1.7, they say you accumulate times seven that’s the cardinal that appear in unchecked, actually unchecked.
PIRRO: Really?
TRUMP: And the added affair — so you’re talking about — you’re talking about tens of millions of bodies over a almost abbreviate aeon of time, over a two-year aeon of time we would accept added than 10 actor bodies advancing into our country. Our country can never be the same.
PIRRO: Right.
TRUMP: Our country is afflicted already.
PIRRO: Do you accept a plan to go to the bound to addition assurance there?
TRUMP: Well, I’ve gone to the bound abounding times. I mean, I don’t apperceive —
PIRRO: Are you activity again?
TRUMP: Well, I aloof got back. I was there recently. I saw what Biden said he was there sometime, but he wasn’t there.
PIRRO: Yes, in 2008, but yes.
TRUMP: He wasn’t there. I don’t anticipate he was alike —
PIRRO: Yes, he said he doesn’t accept time.

TRUMP: No, I’ve been to the bound abounding times. I don’t anticipate it helps for me at this moment to go. I’m not the President. He is the President. He’s got to go to the border.
The Bound Patrol bodies are incredible, okay. Aback I was there a few months ago, I was there like three months ago. They are so incredible. I.C.E. bodies — and they’re boxy people. They accept to be tough.
PIRRO: They accept to be.
TRUMP: They adulation our country. You know, they actually appetite to do their job. That’s the amazing thing. It would be easier if they didn’t. They appetite to do their job, they’re boxy bodies but they’re abundant patriots and they’re actuality advised with amazing disrespect.
PIRRO: Still ahead, President Trump responds to the ascent abomination billow in America. Plus, he has a bulletin for Hunter Biden that you don’t appetite to miss.
ASHLEY STROHMIER, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CORRESPONDENT Acceptable to “FOX Account Live,” I’m Ashley Strohmier.
Actor Alec Baldwin speaks out about the adverse blow that dead a adolescent colleague. Baldwin faced photographers beforehand today in Vermont area he and his ancestors accept been in aloneness aback the baleful cutting on a cine set in New Mexico.
Baldwin says he is in connected acquaintance with Halyna Hutchins’ family. He alleged Hutchins a abutting friend.
Baldwin accursed the baleful attempt not alive his prop gun was loaded. An analysis into the blow continues.
And the chase for the Virginia governor is tonight final stretch. Tuesday’s aftereffect could analysis the metal of the Democratic Party activity into the 2022 midterm elections. Appropriate now, Democrat Terry McAuliffe and Republican, Glenn Youngkin are bound in a political bender that’s too abutting to call.
I’m Ashley Strohmier. Now aback to JUSTICE WITH JUDGE JEANINE.
PIRRO: Acceptable aback to JUSTICE. And our complete account with President Donald Trump. We now allocution about abomination in America and of course, that includes Hunter Biden.
PIRRO: I appetite to allocution about my admired subject, crime. They are aggravating to defund the police, abash the police. They are now battlefront police. You know, we’ve got abominable account from aggregate and Biden absolution a gender disinterestedness plan to accomplish abiding that women are released, eliminating banknote bail, and all kinds of crimes.
And two San Francisco prosecutors accept quit, Chesa Boudin is the DA there. I aloof appetite to booty one additional and I appetite to apprehend this one case.
TRUMP: Well, they abdicate in beef because they say what’s activity on over here, so —
PIRRO: Yes, because he’s not authoritative arrests, but he is absolution bodies out. But in one case, a man answerable with robbery, eight above-mentioned abomination convictions, was appear aboriginal by the DA, Chesa Boudin in San Francisco, Nancy Pelosi’s playground. He is afresh arrested four added times for added crimes, but the District Attorney’s Appointment never answerable him.
Nine months afterwards he was set free, he hit and dead two women while alive bashed in a baseborn car.
This is America today. What can we do about this?
TRUMP: Well, this is America today, it’s alone activity to get worse because you accept all of these millions of people, abounding of them are the affliction people, the affliction people. Somebody would say, oh, that’s not a nice affair to say.
Some of these bodies are the complete affliction bodies are the affliction bodies on Earth.
PIRRO: But the DAs are the worst.
TRUMP: They don’t — all they appetite to do is arraign Republicans. That’s all they do. They appetite to go afterwards Republicans.
They use the DAs, the Attorney Generals, and the federal government. Now, sometimes you accept fair people, sometimes you don’t. They’re acceptable at antibacterial Republicans. They are abhorrent at antibacterial crime. They are absolution these bodies that are killers go out.
You attending at Chicago. You attending at New York what’s activity on with the abomination in New York. New York is like a altered place. Actuality is the acceptable news. It could be changed, okay?
You know, otherwise, it would be so sad. You wouldn’t alike appetite to allocution about it, but what’s happened to New York — de Blasio is the affliction mayor. It is begrimed dirty. Bodies are alive on Park Avenue. They’re alive in tents on the best absurd streets area bodies appear from all over the apple and they pay tax, which gives our badge the money.
They accept to acquittance the badge they accept to accord the badge added money, but what’s blow in New York and what’s blow in Chicago area 88 bodies were attempt aftermost ages and six died. I don’t alike apperceive how alone six died, 88 bodies were shot.
You attending at a weekend they had a little while ago area they had a weekend — Labor Day weekend area abounding bodies were shot.
PIRRO: Let’s allocution about Hunter Biden and this appropriate counsel. This week, Merrick Garland was asked afresh about whether or not he would accredit a appropriate admonition to investigate Hunter Biden. Again, Hunter Biden who couldn’t get his art — alleged art — listed in any arcade until his ancestor became President, now affairs at the aforementioned prices as a Monet or a Degas. No appropriate counsel. That’s got to eat at you.
TRUMP: You know, I anticipate that’s the atomic of it, but the art — the art is so terrible. So he is accepting a bisected a actor dollars a painting.
PIRRO: Right.
TRUMP: And I was seeing that a Monet is accepting less, okay. It’s such a abhorrent bearings and we’re not activity to apprentice who the buyers are. Should I buy one?
PIRRO: But isn’t —
TRUMP: It can accord me abundant admission to the White House.
PIRRO: But they say that there is a wall. They accept no idea, but there are bodies who are actually advancing to the exhibits.
TRUMP: Aboriginal of all, the abstraction of it is antic and you said it couldn’t get in the accomplished — I don’t anticipate he anytime corrective before. I anticipate he aloof started, so he is acquirements by the numbers, and let me acquaint you, I accept that as bad as that is, it is atom compared to added things, okay, but it’s so acutely horrible.
I’ve had bodies say that’s a abhorrent thing. That is a abhorrent affair what’s activity on and they’re accepting numbers like cipher has anytime gotten.
PIRRO: It is a lot of money, a lot of money is abounding in.
TRUMP: In actuality I’m cerebration about aperture up my own gallery.
PIRRO: You are?
TRUMP: I’m giving it —
PIRRO: How abundant are you activity to charge?
TRUMP: I anticipate a brace of actor dollars of painting. If he gets 500.
PIRRO: Who are you activity to paint?
TRUMP: I’ll acrylic whatever the hell I accept to pay to get $2 million.
PIRRO: Mr. President, acknowledge you so abundant for accepting us actuality at this admirable Mar-a-Lago and acknowledge you for demography the time for us.
TRUMP: Acknowledge you, Jeanine. Acknowledge you actual much.
PIRRO: And there is abundant added JUSTICE advanced including a beauteous aperture from the Biden White House. Did you apperceive they’re because advantageous immigrants $450,000.00 anniversary who illegally beyond our bound in 2018?
Tomi Lahren and Leo Terrell are actuality with the latest, next.
And don’t forget, at the end of the appearance I’m activity to accept a absolute appropriate contentment for you. Stay with us.
PIRRO: Acceptable aback to JUSTICE. Tonight, “The Bank Street Journal” is advertisement that the Biden administering is because advantageous $450,000.00 per actuality to illegals afar at the bound in 2018. The Amends Department, Homeland Security, and H.H.S. are all complex and accept the payments could appear abutting to $2 actor for every ancestors of four.
In total, it is believed that the payouts would bulk to over $1 billion. That’s right, $1 billion with a B.
Here is reaction, FOX Nation host, Tomi Lahren and FOX Account contributor, Leo Terrell.
All right, Tomi, I appetite to alpha with you. I’ve got so abundant to say about this that I’m activity to stop and go appropriate to you.
TOMI LAHREN, FOX NATION HOST: Every American should be so affronted about this, but let me accomplish this actual clear, we owe actionable immigrants annihilation but a displacement apprehension and removal.
The actuality that we are prioritizing actionable immigrants in this country advanced of the American bodies cerebration about advantageous them out about bisected a actor dollars a family, listen, it is —
PIRRO: Not a ancestors — Tomi, not a family. Tomi, it’s per actuality so a ancestors of four gets $2 million.
LAHREN: Oh alike better. They accept won the action for illegally advancing into our country.
Let’s anticipate about this though, it is a abhorrent tragedy to be afar from your family, but the best way not to be afar from your ancestors is not to cantankerous our bound illegally, but you did that, you put our country, you put the American bodies at risk. You are owed annihilation by the American taxpayer, like I said, but a displacement and a abatement notice.
Every American should be so lividly affronted with this. We are advancing up on the best big-ticket Thanksgiving to date. We’ve got gas prices hitting $5.00, in some places more, and we’re activity to be handing out money to actionable immigrants?
This is Joe Biden, “Let’s go Brandon.”
PIRRO: Yes, “Let’s go Brandon.” All right, Leo.
LEO TERRELL, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Oh let me acquaint you appropriate now, Judge, the cerebral agony is not by these actionable aliens, it’s by the American people. The American bodies accept been traumatized by these criminals, actionable aliens accepting $450,000.00 per pop. Your Honor, Judge, I can avert those cases and exhausted every one of those cases.
This is annihilation added than claret money to the ACLU and these unions. Abyss accepting accumulation by bridge over the bound and will actualize a allurement for others to cantankerous the border. They wouldn’t cull this achievement during the Trump administration, they’re accomplishing it appropriate now on the Biden administering because the Biden administering is pro-illegal immigration.
These lawsuits are frivolous, Judge. You apperceive that. If I presented these cases to you, you would abolish them because they are frivolous. They accept no merit.
In actuality those attorneys should be sanctioned.
PIRRO: Well, you apperceive what, it is not alike the lawsuits. What’s activity to appear now is they’re activity to say, everybody appear on in if you were brought in in 2018. And you apperceive what they’re giving that money for, guys? They’re giving them money for anxiety, abhorrence of strangers, and nightmares.
Excuse me. Did they not biking 2,000 afar on basal with coyotes? Suffering all kinds of injuries and injustices? And they’re activity to get added money now that they’re alive in America, in the acreage of the chargeless and the affluence that we accommodate for them than some of the families of the 9/11 victims whose ancestors associates were killed?
So they appear here, I agreement they’re not activity to pay taxes. I’m affronted by this thing. I am so bent about this aback aggressive Americans are artlessly aggravating to accomplish a living.

All right, let’s allocution about Virginia. Tomi, the acclamation is on Tuesday. We’ve got, you know, we’ve got McAuliffe like parents accept no appropriate to get complex in their kids’ apprenticeship and we’ve got Youngkin. What do you think?
LAHREN: I anticipate that this chase is what’s activity to actually affiliate the American bodies because they fabricated a actual bad mistake, the Democrats fabricated a actual bad mistake. They absitively to go afterwards parents.
Now parents, whether they voted for Donald Trump or Joe Biden they accept one affair in common, they appetite the best apprenticeship for their accouchement and they’re activity to angle up for that apprenticeship and that academy environment, so they fabricated a abhorrent accommodation weaponizing the Amends Department adjoin parents.
And we apperceive that this is arena out afore our eyes and Virginia is a absolute archetype of this. This is activity to be a litmus analysis for the nation. I anticipate we’re activity to see a abundant achievement for Republicans and it’s activity to conductor us into the midterms and afresh appropriate into 2024, we booty aback the white abode and accomplish America abundant again.
PIRRO: Well, wouldn’t that be great. Leo, go ahead.
TERRELL; Oh no, problem. No agnosticism about this, Judge. As a above teacher, every ancestor has the appropriate to be anxious about their kid’s curriculum. You can allocution about the Democrats who are aggravating to abjure parents the appropriate to see and analysis the curriculum, additional this analytical chase theory, which is absolute authentic racism.
The Virginia parents allege for every ancestor in this country because as Tomi said, apprenticeship is the key to breaking the abjection aeon and added importantly, the apprenticeship is the key for advance in this abundant country.
So I see a Youngkin victory. I see analytical chase approach actuality the centermost point of a Republican achievement in 2022.
PIRRO: All appropriate now, let’s allocution about what’s activity on with some of the academy boards who affirmation that they’re victims aback in fact, the Civic Academy Boards Affiliation had to accept that they were actually amiss and apologized, although Merrick Garland angled down. We saw that this week.
But we’ve got a academy lath affiliate in California bent on a hot mic adage to a ancestor who is advancing to academy accusatory about what’s activity on adage “F you.” Tomi?
LAHREN: Listen, they accept been so emboldened. These agents unions accept been so emboldened by this administration, by the Amends Department that they feel there are no after-effects for their actions. They can behave about they wish, about they amuse because they apperceive that they will not face any after-effects for it — yet.
But the American bodies are alive up. Parents, no amount who they voted for as I said again, they’re not activity to angle for this. The agents unions, these administrators, these academy boards accept far too abundant power, but the American bodies are demography it back.
PIRRO: Go ahead, Leo.
TERRELL: And that hot mic appear — that acknowledgment was disingenuous. She got caught, Judge. She got caught.
PIRRO: She got caught.
TERRELL: Yes, and it told you how she has no account for parents and that is a admonishing sign. You see this happened in California what is blow in Virginia. It is beyond the country.
These academy boards, these districts that are Democratic accept no account for parents and parents accept a appropriate to be complex in their kids’ education. This is a wake-up call. This is the cardinal one affair in America apropos apprenticeship and affectionate control.
PIRRO: And the amazing allotment of it is, afterwards all of the — you know, the babble by academy boards and the cursing and you know, “I’ll F you up” from the accomplished few months, you’d anticipate they abstruse from it, but they’re still accomplishing it.
They abhorrence the parents, the academy lath hates the parents.
All appropriate I accept aloof a little time. All appropriate now, Andrew Cuomo, the above Governor of New York answerable with a sex crime, Tomi? Shocked?
LAHREN: It’s not shocking, but I anticipate the best affair that happened to him was abominably a tragedy that happened to our nation and of course, the world, what we saw in Afghanistan. We abundantly angry abroad from Cuomo, we angry abroad from his brother.
The best affair that they could do is to both abandon off the alarm in shame, but they are too egotistic to do that. So whether he is answerable or not, I accept a activity that we’re activity to be seeing him abundant added often. This is how the Democrats operate. They get a chargeless canyon for everything, and they are so in adulation with themselves that they will not alike go away, alike if they are in shame.
PIRRO: And you know, Leo, what Cuomo had the nerve, the arrant acrimony to say was, he is calling on the Sheriff — the Sheriff — to bottle all the annal and so the Sheriff is activity to get rid of them, so you accept 15 seconds, Leo.
TERRELL: Yes, the basal band is this. Look, this is a little amends apropos these bent accuse adjoin Cuomo. This is a man who is amenable for nursing afterlife in New York.
TERRELL: This is a man who has collapsed from adroitness in New York, and the best affair that can appear is he never holds addition bench or political bench in this country again. Conviction and no alive for appointment again.
PIRRO: Tomi Lahren and Leo Terrell, acknowledgment as always.
And next, new acknowledgment from Alec Baldwin over a anniversary afterwards the killing of one and the abasing of addition on his “Rust” cine set. Master armorer, Mike Tristano joins me abutting to breach bottomward what we apperceive and what we don’t. Stay with us.
And don’t forget, at the end of the show, I’ve got a amusement for you.
ALEC BALDWIN, ACTOR: She was my friend. The day I accustomed in Santa Fe to alpha shooting, I took her to banquet with Joel, the director. We were a very, actual — alibi me — we were a very, actual you know, well-oiled crew, cutting a blur calm and afresh this abhorrent blow happened.
BALDWIN: I can’t acknowledgment any questions about the investigation. I can’t. It’s an alive analysis in agreement of a woman dying. She was my friend. She was my friend.
I met with her husband, Matthew and her son. The guy is afflicted with grief. This is aloof article that you know, there are accidental accidents aloft blur sets from time to time. But annihilation like this.
This one in a trillion.
PIRRO: That was Alec Baldwin breaking his blackout afterwards the adverse cine set cutting that dead cinematographer, Halyna Hutchins and afflicted the director, Joel Souza. But as the analysis continues into what happened and why, so abounding questions abide unanswered.
Take a accept to what the Sheriff had to say this week.
ADAN MENDOZA, SANTA FE COUNTY SHERIFF: I wouldn’t — as of appropriate now, I wouldn’t alarm it an blow at all. It’s a bent investigation.
PIRRO: Master armorer, Mike Tristano, who has formed in the industry for three decades joins me now with reaction. Mike, acknowledgment for actuality actuality with us tonight. You know, do we apperceive whether or not this was a prop gun or a absolute gun? Do we apperceive that?
MIKE TRISTANO, MASTER ARMORER: Well, aback you are filming a western, the accoutrements are mainly, they are absolute guns. They may not be absolutely from the western period, but they ability simulate —
PIRRO: I am not allurement that. I am aloof allurement a simple question, was it a prop gun or a absolute gun, do you know?
TRISTANO: I anticipate it’s a absolute gun.
PIRRO: Okay, so, we’ve got alive armament in a absolute gun. We’ve got a barrow that is brought out and Alec Baldwin takes it and he shoots. You accept been on 600 cine sets as an armorer. Acquaint me all the mistakes that are fabricated from the get-go in agreement of this gun.
TRISTANO: Well, the actuality that the accoutrements were never arrested properly. They were never laid out unloaded. The ammo should be been out also, and it should accept all been blanks, obviously. I don’t apperceive area the armorer was the aboriginal AD aloof affective the gun, which never happens and handed it to Mr. Baldwin after — and he says, he arrested it, but obviously, it wasn’t a actual absolute analysis if he did.
PIRRO: All right, so aback you say aboriginal AD, we are talking about Dave Halls, and the armorer actuality is this Hannah Gutierrez-Reed who is the babe of a actual acclaimed armorer. She is alone 24 years old, and there were several mishaps we heard about on this set. Are you accustomed with what those mishaps with the gun were?
TRISTANO: I anticipate there were behindhand discharges of the gun. In added words, it went off aback it wasn’t declared to.
PIRRO: Right. Right. And that’s twice.
PIRRO: Okay, so now, the actuality that there is a alive annular in this gun that’s a absolute gun, why is it alike acicular at an alone aback I anticipate the rules are, you should be 20 anxiety abroad and never point at an individual.
TRISTANO: You are correct, Judge. I accept that this was call and I anticipate they were lining up a attempt area in the attempt Mr. Baldwin was declared to be pointing the gun appropriate off of camera.
PIRRO: Okay, so the botheration is the camera is captivated by a animal being. This isn’t a accidentally controlled camera. So we’ve got him close, aural 20 feet. We accept got him with a absolute gun with alive armament and we accept additionally got him with this drawback. So, he has got a gun. He has got to cull the bang and cull the activate in adjustment for that gun to shoot. Am I correct?
TRISTANO: You are correct.
PIRRO: All right, so there is a lot of actions, and we don’t apperceive absolutely absolutely what the role of Alec Baldwin here. We apperceive he is the controlling producer, but isn’t the controlling ambassador complex in the hiring of aegis and safety?
TRISTANO: Not necessarily. Sometimes that avalanche to aloof a band ambassador or the UPM. He may not accept been involved.
PIRRO: All right, and what about the actuality that in the eyes of law enforcement, they accept got three bodies at the actual atomic in their afterimage appropriate now — aural their sights, and there is a abomination of behindhand control of a gun, I believe. It’s a abomination in New Mexico. Who could get answerable with that, Mike?
TRISTANO: I accept the armorer could get charged, the aboriginal AD could get charged.
PIRRO: Dave Halls.
TRISTANO: Yes, Dave Halls. He could get charged. I don’t apperceive about Mr. Baldwin because he was told it was a algid gun, in cine agreement that’s an abandoned gun.
PIRRO: All right, Mike, we don’t accept abundant time. Acknowledge you so much.
TRISTANO: Acknowledge you, Judge.
PIRRO: All right, next, a Halloween abruptness with some abrupt and bristling visitors appropriate actuality in my studio. Don’t go anywhere, the anarchy is about to activate and you’re activity to adulation it, I promise.
PIRRO: And finally, tonight, you all apperceive that I was crestfallen aback my little Prince Lancelot anesthetized to accompany Mikimoto at the Rainbow Bridge.
Stella and I were actual depressed and I absitively the alone way to boldness this was to get addition dog. But instead, I got brothers, Red and Ted. They are inseparable.
In fact, they are actual afar from Stella who has buyer’s remorse, but things consistently assignment out in the end with the brothers.
And now the three of them are actuality to bless Halloween. About-face around, Ted, say — this is Red, this is Ted. Ted, about-face about they allegation to see your hat. Alibi me. Ted, about-face around. About-face around, Ted. About-face around. Okay. All right, and this is Stella, who is actual laid aback as you can see.
Stella angle up, she is actual — I didn’t say lay back, I said angle up, Stella.
Anyway, I accomplishment you accept a abundant Halloween. Hey, Red, say accost to them.

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