(CNN) — On April 4, 1955, a massive army flocked to Taiwan’s Keelung Harbor.

Firecrackers were lit. Champagne corks popped. Speeches were made.
The celebratory atmosphere was a attenuate comedy in Taiwan at the time. The island was in the bosom of the aboriginal Taiwan Strait crisis adjoin the Communists in acreage China, while the furnishings of Apple War II and the Korean War lingered.
Politicians, media and association of Keelung Burghal had appear out to bid adieu to the Free China, a half-century-old clutter boat, and its six aggregation members.
The boat’s name was bestowed by the governor of Taiwan — a advertence to the advancing action with the acreage — who sponsored allotment of the chance afterwards account about the crew’s aggressive affairs in a newspaper. A appropriate commemorative postmark was alike created for the occasion.
Carrying the hopes and dreams of the six aggregation associates and their supporters, this baby clutter baiter with a politically burdened name was about to set captain above the Pacific Ocean to attempt in an all-embracing yacht race.
The blow would bang off on the added ancillary of the world, starting from Newport, Rhode Island in the US, catastrophe above the Atlantic in Gothenburg, Sweden.
There was aloof one problem. What the revelers in Keelung Anchorage didn’t apprehend was that none of the bristles Chinese crew, nor the American vice-consul who abutting at the aftermost minute, knew how to captain a clutter boat.
Meet Paul Chow, the administrator
Paul Chow, now 94, was the administrator of the voyage.
A retired physics assistant at California State University, Northridge, Chow grew up in a about affluent ancestors in China — his parents were amid the few able to acquire an apprenticeship in the US.
His dad was a government railroad manager, acceptation Chow spent his adolescence bent about cities.
In 1941, with the Japanese army blame into the region, Chow’s mother took her four accouchement and confused from Hong Kong to acreage China.
“Then Pearl Anchorage came. At that time, my ancestor was in Haiphong, Vietnam. Our ancestors and accompany were all in Hong Kong. We were absolutely cut off,” Chow recalls in a contempo account with CNN Travel.
Chow and his brother alone out of aerial academy to accompany the army. They accustomed at Myitkyina in Myanmar in 1944, breadth Allied armament would win an important action at the Siege of Myitkyina. They were afresh aureate aback to China, angry battles as they fabricated their way to Japan-controlled Guangzhou. Aloof as they were about to barrage an advance in Guangzhou, the Japanese army surrendered.
“So we didn’t advance Guangzhou. We marched into Guangzhou as victors,” says Chow.
After the war, he flew aback to Shanghai to accumulate with his mother.
“I came to the harbor. The aboriginal affair I noticed was the aroma — ooouf — the aroma of food,” says Chow.
The scents were advancing from the agile of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration — agent boats brought from the United States to advice restore China’s war-torn fishing agile — docked in the Huangpu River.
“I had been craving aback the war, aback 1937 aback the Japanese came. Aliment was all we dreamed about. They asked me to appear on lath for a meal first. That was the aboriginal American aliment I had anytime had. You could eat as abundant meat and cakes and pies as you wanted.
“So I told my mother: ‘That’s it. I’m not activity to college. I’m activity to be a fisherman,'” says Chow.
This is how he got acquainted with Reno Chen and Benny Hsu. The alert adolescent fishermen bound bonded, abutting assorted crews in chase of new thrills. They afresh met adolescent fishermen Marco Chung and Hu “Huloo” Loo-chi.
In 1949, the bristles fishermen were abandoned in Taiwan aback the Communists declared achievement and took ascendancy on the mainland, abrogation them cut off from their families.
They remained in Taiwan for the abutting few years, administration an accommodation in Keelung until one day in 1954, Chow saw a chance in the bi-weekly about an all-embracing yacht race. He asked his adolescent sea mates, “Do you anticipate they would acquire a Chinese clutter to join?”
While animate on a agent baiter for nine years, Chow fished alongside acceptable Chinese clutter boats. But never on one.
“One time in a big storm, we hauled our aftermost net and rushed for shelter,” he says. “We put our 300-horsepower-diesel baiter on abounding speed. The clutter baiter appropriate abutting to us pulled up all their sails. By the time we got to the shelter, they already alone their anchors and were abrasion their deck. They exhausted us to it.
“I was actual impressed. I anticipation to myself, ‘If they could exhausted a agent boat, they could exhausted a yacht.'”
Chow absitively to address a letter to the bi-weekly that had featured the post.
Unexpectedly, he accustomed a acknowledgment from the North American Yacht Antagonism Union — a buzzer advertence that Chow’s “junk boat” was accustomed in the yacht race. It was alike assigned a antagonism number: 320.
There was aloof one hiccup: Chow didn’t own a clutter boat.
Acquisition a boat, afresh a aggregation
With aloof a few months to spare, Chow catholic about Taiwan’s islands attractive for a clutter baiter — he says he was about bent in a angry action amid the Communists and Nationalist (Kuomintang) armies on Yijiangshan island at one point — afore abiding to Keelung.
Then he saw her.
“It was the aftermost anytime bartering clutter with a burden of absolute angle from acreage China,” says Chow. “The trades were cut off afterwards that and all added junks were adapted to angry junks (because of the conflicts amid the two sides).

“The buyer accomplished that it was the end of his career. Meanwhile, there was no added way for me to get a junk. So we were like the alone boy and alone babe on apple — the alliance was anon settled.”
Chow awash all his valuables, scrounged up every penny of his accumulation and adopted added money from Hu. He bought the baiter for a absolute of TWD46,000 ($1,670).
“Sink or swim, I ample I wouldn’t allegation those alluvial accouterments anymore,” says Chow.
The Free China’s six-man crew.
Courtesy Paul Chow
Chow enlisted bristles shipmates. Chow was to be the navigator and the radio master. Marco Chung, actuality the “nicest guy,” was voted to be the captain. The multi-talented Hu Loo-chi was to be the captain adept and de facto barber. Reno Chen was appointed accountant and Benny Hsu was to be the boatswain in allegation of maintenance.
Lin, who was to be the sixth affiliate of the team, alone out at the aftermost minute.
Their chance anon fabricated the account and abutment started rolling in. Their admirable plan started to booty shape.
A six-month aliment accumulation was donated by the Rotary Club of Keelung and Taipei, complimenting the three tanks of alpha baptize and two hens they already had.
But addition claiming loomed: Securing US visas for the bristles aggregation members.
When they got to the consulate, Chow says a affable attractive guy came out and started allurement questions. He gave the aggregation “10,000 affidavit why we couldn’t go”.
That guy was Calvin Mehlert, carnality consul.
A few canicule later, the American showed up at the anchorage accidentally and asked to see the sleeping breadth on the boat.
“Well, you accept six bunks but alone bristles people. How about let me accompany the crew,” Mehlert asked the team, while able they’d get their visas.
That was how Mehlert became the aftermost affiliate of the aggregation — and videographer of the journey.
“We array of railroaded him into this for the acceptance — or he railroaded us into it for the passage,” says Chow.
Two months afore the chase
Sixty-eight canicule afore the race, they ancient Keelung Harbor.
Although there were bristles accomplished fishermen on board, none of them had operated a baiter like this before.
“Fortunately, there was no wind on that day so, ‘naturally,’ we bare to be towed out of the harbor. Out of sight, out of trouble,” says Chow.
It took the aggregation bristles hours to amount out how to assignment the clutter boat. They sailed all night. The abutting morning, Chow, the navigator, got up to analysis their latest coordinates.
“We were still in the aforementioned place,” he recalls.
Shortly afterwards readjusting their advance again, they faced their aboriginal challenge. The boat’s braiding and sails had jammed. They weren’t far from breadth they started and there were bags of afar advanced of them.
Defeated, the aggregation requested a tow aback to Keelung.
The burghal mayor, who had started to accept doubts about throwing his abutment abaft the crew, let them barrage a additional time afterwards some convincing.
The aggregation set captain with two egg-laying hens.
Courtesy Paul Chow
This time, the aggregation vowed they would bore with the baiter rather than abort and acknowledgment to Taiwan.
Luck wasn’t on their side.
A draft hit. Aggregate bankrupt — again.
The aggregation beatific out an emergency arresting to appeal abetment from adjacent ships.
“It was about 4 p.m. A big freighter came. It was like attractive at a building in New York,” says Chow.
They started aflame the lights in Morse code, allurement the aggregation to get accessible to carelessness ship.

The aggregation replied, “No. We aloof appetite a tow.”
The abettor of the freighter said, “Well, acceptable luck then” and left.
Thinking about the chance now, Chow says he understands the futility of their request.
“How could a 10,000-ton freighter tow a 20-ton clutter boat? It’s like towing a ping pong brawl on a freeway — the ping pong brawl is activity to be crushed.”
Ready to ride through the draft head-on, the aggregation angry aggregate bottomward and waited.
At 1 a.m., Chow saw a ablaze advancing afterpiece and closer.
“We were activity to collide, so I started sending ‘Disable Ship!’ in Morse code,” says Chow.
Right afore the ships met, it stopped.
A brighten shone bottomward on Free China and a articulation — this time application a big loudspeaker — shouted, “Are you accessible to carelessness address yet?'”
“We aloof laughed. It was the freighter that larboard earlier,” says Chow, still amused by the situation.
“We aloof said, ‘Go away.'”
The bristles Chinese associates of the aggregation affectation in advanced of their baiter afterwards accession in the US.
Courtesy Paul Chow
The big barge circled the baby clutter for about an hour afore axis on the brighten and apostle again.
The anchorperson said, “Get accessible to acquire the tow.”
The Free China was towed to Okinawa, Japan. Aback the bad account accomplished Taiwan, the island’s fishery ascendancy reportedly beatific a buzzer to the anchorage ascendancy in Okinawa allurement them to not let the aggregation captain again.
“One reason, I guess, is because of the name Free China. It was declared to represent Taiwan. What if Free China goes down? It would be a bad omen. Also, they were apparently a bit anxious about our assurance and their all-embracing image,” says Chow.
“But, you see, we had a agent on the boat,” he adds with a smile.
Chow says Mehlert talked their way out of the bearings and told the anchorage authority, “You accept no rights to authority us because we didn’t do annihilation amiss and we aren’t smugglers. As anon as we acquaint you we are accessible to go, you bigger let us go.”
It worked.
By the time they larboard Yokohama, afterwards assorted repairs, it was June 17. They had already absent the alpha of the race, which started on June 14.
To actuate themselves to continue, the aggregation absitively they were in their own chase now, alone the ambit was abundant longer.
“From Yokohama, it took us addition 52 canicule to cantankerous the ocean,” says Chow.
‘We fought like bodies and dogs’
Life on the baiter was banal and uneventful, alternate by arguments, moments of joy and baby storms.
Chow compares it to activity in apprehension during the Covid-19 pandemic.
“My grandkids came to appointment aftermost year and got ashore actuality for six months. Every day they said, ‘Boooring.’ That was our lives on the boat,” says Chow.
“On the junk, we fought like bodies and dogs.”
He recalls one “almost mutiny” abreast the end of the chance aback Hu, “the tai chi master,” swore to bandy Chung, the captain and “nicest guy,” into the sea.
On the aftermost few canicule of the journey, they sailed through blubbery fog. Chow’s sextant, a aeronautics apparatus that abstinent angelic altar and the border — the alone aeronautics accessory at that time — was useless.
“We were sailing in blind,” says Chow. “As the fog broadcast finally, we were alone inches abroad from hitting a cliff. We’d arrived,” says Chow.
By the time they pulled into San Francisco, on August 8, 126 canicule had anesthetized aback their aboriginal abandonment from Keelung.
“We originally had all these plans, continuing our chance to Sweden and then, the blow of Europe. But already we were landed, no one capital to set bottom on the baiter again,” says Chow.

Activity afterwards Free China
Squabbles aside, the chance affirmed the six aggregation associates for life.
Although they concluded up dispersing to altered genitalia of the world, they kept in touch, afterward ceremony other’s lives and allowance out whenever possible.
When they accustomed in San Francisco, Chow says elders in Chinatown begin out that the aggregation had accustomed up aggregate for the journey. They gave ceremony affiliate $1,400 ceremony to alpha a new life.
Today, Chow is the sole aggregation affiliate still alive. As for his friends’ post-sail lives, he says Chung was “writing to a babe he was alien to aback fishing in Thailand” during the sailing and he confused aback to Taiwan anon afterwards they completed the journey. He got affiliated and congenital a acknowledged business afore brief to the United States.
Hsu — who “couldn’t alike allege Cantonese able-bodied and almost batten any English” — abutting a shrimp fishing aggregation in Alabama afore continuing his studies. He concluded up accepting a master’s amount in analysis at the University of Washington and animate for the United Nations.
The aggregation met and took this photo on the 40th ceremony of their journey. Benny Hsu was the alone one missing — he died in a car blow in the 1960s.
Courtesy Paul Chow
Chen and Chow absitively to restart their lives in California together.
“Reno and I spent $500 and bought a acclimated 1951 Buick to serve as our abutting home and apparatus to alpha addition venture,” says Chow.
“Think of what a fun New Yorker was like in the 50s — that was Reno. He loves dancing, bubbler and smoking. He was a academy drop-out, abundant bigger than the blow of us — who were alone aerial academy drop-outs,” Chow says of his abutting friend.
To allow the big-ticket adopted students’ fees, Chen alone out of academy so they could assignment and pay for Chow’s education. He afresh boring formed his way up an American electronics aggregation as an engineer.
“I abounding everyone’s burial — Benny in Seattle, Reno in Palo Alto, Marco in Los Angeles, Huloo in New Zealand and Calvin in San Jose. Until now, I accept been aggravating to accumulate in blow with their wives and children,” says Chow.
How about the clutter boat?
After a “melancholic” goodbye, it has gone through a few owners.
A palm-sized photo of the aggregation is still printed on the Navigator Monument at San Francisco’s Fishermen’s Wharf, a apprehensive admonition of their arresting feat. But the chance has been abandoned by many.
“You allegation to allocution to Dione, Reno’s daughter,” says Chow, administering us to his backward crewmate’s babe to acquisition out added about the junk’s final journey.
Free China’s acknowledgment to Taiwan
Dione Chen and her brothers grew up with her father’s shipmates — or “crew uncles” as she calls them — in their lives. She still visits Chow and his wife, as able-bodied as Mehlert’s wife, from time to time.
After her ancestor anesthetized abroad in 2007, Chen says she regretted not alert to his belief with added account aback she was young. Wanting to apprentice more, she approached Chow, who told her: “Go see the baiter first.”
Discarded in a shipyard in Bethel Island, it was cat-and-mouse to be demolished. Masts already cut, the acrylic was crumbling and it was missing sails .
Yet Chen fell in adulation with it anon and vowed to save it.
Lacking abundant in the way of resources, Chen says it was a arduous four-and-a-half-year plan. Afterward up on every accessible advance and talking to every media aperture that would accept to her, she eventually enlisted the advice of the Taiwanese government and scholars.
Following Reno Chen’s death, his babe Dione boarded on her own chance to acknowledgment the Free China clutter to Taiwan.
Courtesy Paul Chow
Chen generally compares her own chance with the Free China to the aboriginal crew’s agrarian adventure.
“It seemed like either of the trips were a aggregate of luck. But it was about authoritative your own luck one footfall at a time,” she says.
Chen hopes her chance will animate others to analyze their ancestry afore it’s too late.
“I mean, I anticipate my ancestor would accept admired it if I had adored the baiter before…”
Chen doesn’t accomplishment her sentence.
But the accent of the chance of the Free China goes above her family’s legacy. It serves as one of the few admired documentations of a Chinese clutter baiter and charcoal allotment of America’s immigrant history.
“Speaking as an American, I anticipate it’s actual important to save immigrant history. The point is that Asian American history is American history — not article separate. It’s abnormally accordant now because of the anti-Asian hate,” says Chen.
“Growing up in America, I didn’t anticipate it was air-conditioned to be Chinese. I do feel prouder now. I am appreciative of my parents and what my dad did to accompany the American dream.”
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