Alice Cooper and his bandmates had been alive against the boilerplate beforehand they enjoyed with “I’m Eighteen,” the hit distinct that collection the success of their third anthology “Love It to Death,” through some appealing angular years.

As Neal Smith, their drummer, recalls, “The aboriginal canicule in Topanga Canyon, we were freaking starving. We almost had money for beer. And accept me, if it came bottomward to beer or food, again beer would win.”
Now they’d assuredly tasted success — a Top 40 anthology and single, bigger gigs, a little added beer money.
“A lot of bodies accept hit albums,” Cooper says.
The ambush is what you do with that drive on the follow-through.
“Can you hit it out of the esplanade with that one?” Cooper asks.
The acknowledgment — a aural yes — accustomed a little beneath than nine months later, on Nov. 27, 1971.
“Killer” added than lived up to the affiance of their antecedent release.
An adept eight-song adept chic in advantageous the spotlight, it account the full-throttle bedrock ‘n’ cycle bluster of beforehand as catching as “Under My Wheels” with darker, added alpha touches and an ballsy accelerating bedrock apartment advised to prove that they could comedy their instruments abundant bigger than some tin-eared critics had suggested.
If the singles didn’t blueprint as aerial as “I’m Eighteen,” that hardly seemed to matter.
“Killer” ailing at No. 21 in Billboard — a new career aerial for the accompanist and the bandage that aggregate his name.
In Rolling Stone, Lester Bangs accepted the album’s “absurd and abandoned collages of chatty borrowings accumulated with a audibly teen-age faculty of the morbid.”
Johnny Rotten, who auditioned for the Sex Pistols miming forth to a jukebox arena “I’m Eighteen,” would go on to herald “Killer” as “the best bedrock anthology anytime made.”
To this day, it’s anticipation of in some circles as their finest hour.
“‘Killer,’ for some reason, was the critics’ favorite,” Cooper says.
The alley to “Killer” started in the Cortez Aerial Academy cafetorium in Phoenix, area in 1964, the accompanist fabricated his aboriginal onstage actualization with the Earwigs, singing Beatles parodies alongside approaching bassist Dennis Dunaway and guitarist Glen Buxton.
Two years later, by which point the Earwigs had become the Spiders and recruited North High’s Michael Bruce to play guitar, they charted a bounded hit with the age-old barn bedrock of “Don’t Blow Your Mind.”
They’d confused to California and become the Nazz by 1967, aback Smith joined, commutual the calendar a year afore one final name change set the date for Alice Cooper to absolution a admission alleged “Pretties for You” on Frank Zappa’s Straight Records.
This is the adventure of how they got to “Killer,” told by Cooper and the added three actual associates of the Alice Cooper group (Buxton died in 1997), administrator Shep Gordon and the man they like to anticipate of as their claimed George Martin, ambassador Bob Ezrin.
Countdown to ‘Killer’: One fan’s unapologetically abstract baronial of the catalog
Cooper: Bodies listened to “Love it to Death” and they said, “Oh, my gosh, Alice Cooper’s got a complete now.” “Killer” took the complete to the abutting step. Like it should. Every bandage should get bigger and bigger and better.
Gordon: We confused from watching the apple to actuality the centermost of the world. It was all advancing so fast. We did two albums that year, additional maybe 150 dates. So it was appealing abundant a blur. But it was a abundant blur. The dream was advancing true.
Cooper: People admired that we actually black alfresco the lines.

Ezrin: There wasn’t a able hell of a lot of time to accept a appropriate bold plan or to accept anticipation about the implications of “Love it to Death.” In fact, “Love it to Death” was actually aloof demography off about the time aback we had to alpha writing.
Cooper: You were accomplishing albums as bound as you could, because Bowie was accomplishing two a year. So was T. Rex. All the bands you were aggressive with were accomplishing two albums a year. And you’d bigger accumulate up.
Ezrin: We actually became Alice Cooper on “Love it to Death.” So I’d say the prevailing affect was one of panic. The bandage was out playing, acknowledging the record. And the abutting day, figuratively speaking, we were accepted to appear up with a new album.
Cooper: You’d address an album, go in the studio, almanac it, again go out on the alley and beforehand it. While you’re on the road, you’re autograph songs for the abutting album.
Ezrin: We had acclimated all the material, all the actuality that had been in the demos they’d been stockpiling. It was ad-lib fast, accomplishment fast and get it out fast. We were on a cycle and we capital to accumulate the cycle going.
Dunaway: “You Drive Me Nervous” had been blame around a while. We couldn’t get the appropriate groove. So we would air-conditioned it. Bob assuredly said, “I was continuing alfresco the call allowance listening, and I apperceive what it is. Neal, align the exhausted out.” All of a sudden, it took off.
Bruce: Aback we assuredly got the acreage in Pontiac, Michigan, we had that horse paddock out back, so we could rehearse 24/7. We took full advantage of that.
Dunaway: “Killer” was accounting in the aforementioned call allowance as “Love it to Death.” And that was a big aberration from our aboriginal two albums. Aback we would come home, man, we’d absorb sometimes 10-hour canicule in there alive out songs.
‘The affair that never ended’: An articulate history of Alice Cooper’s ‘Love it to Death’
Smith: Account were aloof advancing appropriate and larboard from Glen and Dennis, Michael, Alice and myself. Actuality artistic was not one of our problems. Ever.
Cooper: We would put it calm appealing bound on a abominable little bandage recorder. And Bob would actually apprehend what the angle was. Appealing anon that song was accessible to go.
Smith: It was a claiming for us to try to accept an anthology that was bigger than “Love it to Death.” But we didn’t actually anticipate about that. We aloof capital the musicianship to be absurd and do article a little bit different.
Dunaway: I would dream about music. And afterwards we rehearsed, we’d go up to the abode and end up in Michael Bruce’s allowance with acoustic guitars.
“Under My Wheels” was appear in beforehand on the album. The additional single, “Be My Lover” appearance the iconic line, “She asked why the singer’s name was Alice/ I said, ‘Listen baby, you actually wouldn’t understand.'”
Bruce: Dennis and I were below beneath this couch that was angry on its ancillary to accept some privacy, aggravating to address “Under My Wheels.” I bethink Dennis said he had a song. I said, “Well, comedy a little for me.” He goes (singing), “The blast is ringin’….”
Dunaway: The guys in the bandage would say, “I can acquaint Dennis wrote this song. It has a accentuation in it.” That was one of my things I approved to force into every friggin’ song.
Cooper: The abstraction aback again was you had to accept at atomic two singles. Three minutes. Catchy. Then, you did the anthology tracks.
Dunaway: “Be My Lover” came in late, which of advance is a abundant song. So it had to be on the album, but it agitated the abstraction of every song actuality about a killer. Although some adeptness amplitude the analogue and say, “This was a analgesic babe that absolved into the room.”
Ezrin: Once we’d done “Under My Wheels,” I array of knew that I had a acceptable record, that I was covered. Aback ‘Be My Lover’ came in, there was no catechism in my head.
Dunaway: Michael was on a flight, sitting abutting to an earlier lady, and she’s talking to him about “What do you do?” He says, “Oh, we accept a bandage called Alice Cooper.” She says, “Why is the singer’s name Alice?” He said, ‘You wouldn’t understand.’
Cooper: Bob never let us do filler. He said “If we put this on the album, it’s got to be as acceptable as what we anticipate the distinct is.” So that was the alpha of us actually acquirements how to address for radio and at the aforementioned time not lose Alice Cooper.
Ezrin: “Halo of Flies” was actually a affectionate of cardinal moment for us.

Cooper: A analysis said, “Well, they’re actually acceptable at these three-minute, four-minute singles, but that’s about all they can do.” We affectionate of looked at that and went, “Oh, you don’t anticipate we can do prog?” So we wrote “Halo of Flies.” Aloof to prove that we could.
Dunaway: Alice is actuality affectionate to the reviewers. It was added like “These guys are application theatrics as a crutch.”
Ezrin: Everybody said they couldn’t play. The actuality is they were all able players in their own lane. What this anthology did was it let us aggrandize the amplitude of those lanes.
Cooper: I said, “Let’s aloof amplitude it out.” Let’s do a seven- or eight-minute allotment that has 22 changes in it.
Dunaway: We had all these bacilli of account aloof blame around, and we decided, “OK, let’s aloof accomplish a assortment of the best of all these germs.”
Ezrin: It was complicated but it was great. And it was fun to do.
Dunaway: We were all visiting Phoenix and we had a behemothic chalkboard in this abandoned barn we were using. So we alleged the genitalia and wrote them on this chalkboard. If that didn’t work, we’d abolish it and move the genitalia around and try it that way.
Ezrin: We apposite that affair for canicule to get all the pieces to fit and aback we assuredly were able to get all the way through it from top to bottom, we looked at anniversary added and gave ourselves a cheer.
Dunaway: With the success of “I’m Eighteen,” walking into the aforementioned flat for “Killer,” we were all activity our oats beyond the board. We had gotten a lot of gigs. And we were bound because of that. It was a able altered ballgame.
Cooper: We were kinda rip and tear. Bob was the one that would booty that and appearance it to the point area as anon as you heard it, you went, “Oh yeah!”
Ezrin: There was some attrition from the bandage to the abstraction of putting aspartame on anything. But again already they heard it, they admired it.
Cooper: We were still aggravating to be the Yardbirds. Authentic guitar-rock guys.
Ezrin: “Desperado” wouldn’t accept been “Desperado” afterwards the cord parts. And “Under My Wheels,” there was article actual bedrock ‘n’ cycle added by accepting the horns.
Cooper: The actual aboriginal time we heard him say, “Let’s put horns on ‘Under My Wheels,'” we all affectionate of went “Whoa, whoa, whoa. We don’t use horns.”
Dunaway: The bald clue was so bedrock ‘n’ roll. And it had so abundant energy. I’m like, “It doesn’t charge horns. In my opinion, you’re aloof putting horns on it because the Doors are accomplishing that.”
Ezrin: I’m captivated and captivated that they would allow me in that way. I affectionate of went to academy during that anthology on autograph for non-rock instruments, although I had advised so I had some knowledge. I feel like I came of age on “Killer.”
Cooper: We didn’t appetite to be a horn band. We didn’t appetite to be a keyboard band. But aback we heard the record, we’d accept to attending at anniversary added and go, “OK, we were wrong.”
Dunaway: When we were in Chicago, recording the album, Rick Derringer alleged and said, “Hey, I’m in town.” We said, “C’mon down, man. And accompany your guitar.” He absolved in while we were accepting accessible to track Glen’s guitar breach on “Under My Wheels.”
Smith: Bob, I guess, talked to Glen, because Glen would commonly comedy the guitar solo, which he did live. But he was air-conditioned with it.
Dunaway: Rick was our buddy, you know? And aback our accompany were in the studio, we were admiring that they were there. We didn’t appetite them to aloof appear bottomward and watch us work, you know?
Ezrin: “Desperado” opened up a able new apple for me in agreement of my apperception of what Alice Cooper was and could be. This was different. This was deep, actually attractive central oneself and additionally arena a little bit with the aphotic ancillary of the personality.
Smith: Theatrically, I adulation it. Instrumentally, I adulation it. I apperceive some bodies like 100% authentic bedrock ‘n’ roll, but with Bob’s accomplishments and adeptness to add a little bit of aspartame and chart to booty a song to addition dimension, with our affected goals that we had? It fit perfectly.
Ezrin: “Desperado,” for me, accomplished the palette for the future. It acquainted real. And that acquainted dangerous.
Cooper: On those affectionate of theatrical, creepy Alice Cooper things, Bob would sit bottomward on piano and address those actually addictive genitalia that angry it into article really odd. We would never accept anticipation about putting a cello or an oboe in a song. And yet, it all seemed to fit.
Smith: Songs like “Killer” and “Desperado,” “Halo of Flies,” that was a able new big affected and agreeable administration for us.
Dunaway: We consistently anticipation in affected concepts. “Dead Babies” was a agent for the Alice character. “Killer” was a agent for the Alice character.
Smith: When we came up with the Alice Cooper name, that was a apple-pie slate. We could accomplish that painting with every brushstroke. Anthology afterwards album, song afterwards song, it aloof kept advancing added in focus.
Gordon: The alley was activity actually well. People were advancing to the shows, adequate them. Reviews were great. We were additionally accepting what we wanted, which was accepting banned in a lot of cities. Banning consistently meant abundant success for Alice.
Bruce: I bethink we started accepting affliction over the song “Dead Babies.” We would acquaint bodies the name of the song. They’d go “Dead Babies!?” So we’d say, “Oh, it’s actually about adolescent corruption and behindhand parents.”
Dunaway: Part of my altercation for, “Hey, we’ve gotta do this song ‘Dead Babies'” is that we can chop up babyish dolls and it’ll be a abundant affected thing, which it was. It was one of the highlights of the show.
Smith: There has to be a acumen for the execution. That’s aloof old-school movie-making. You don’t aloof annihilate addition or rob a coffer and airing abroad and that’s the end of the movie. You paid a amount for actuality a bad boy or girl.
The Warner Bros. prop administration congenital two scaled-down versions of the gallows they acclimated in movies for the “Killer” tour, replacing the electric armchair they had been using.
Smith: “Desperado” array of opened the doors for us to try article new. And actuality from Arizona and the Wild Wild West, we admired Westerns as abundant as abhorrence movies. So we came up with the abstraction of the gallows for the tour. It was the abutting footfall on our amusing way.
Bruce: I bethink at one of the shows, Glen pulled the allurement doors on the gallows and Alice didn’t fall.
Smith: It was a ‘Spinal Tap’ moment if there anytime was one. Alice was aggravating to jump up and bottomward to breach the abuse affair so he’d abatement through. But accept me, what did Alice counterbalance — 120 pounds? He wasn’t about to do it. But 99.9% of the time, it formed altogether and it was a abundant show.
Bruce: At aboriginal we were picturing article actually complicated for the cover, like a kid throwing newspapers out of a barter and it says ‘Killer convicted’ on the cover. Then aback we went to New York and did the photoshoot, we took Kachina, Neal’s snake.
Smith: Out of the hundreds of pictures that were taken, and there were a lot of actual air-conditioned ones, there was one attempt area she had her argot out. Aback her argot comes out, it’s like lightning. It’s a breach second. I said, “That’s the anthology awning appropriate there.” It was actually perfect.
Cooper: That able anthology was authentic Alice. It captured what affectionate of a bedrock bandage we capital to be.
Smith: Everybody has their own personalities, strong personalities. But it was consistently a accurate democracy. Nothing would be done unless everybody agreed. So it was a absolute artistic machine.
Bruce: The affair that impresses me is it’s still appealing wonderful. The complete actually holds up able-bodied over 50 years.
Cooper: Johnny Rotten said “Killer” was the greatest bedrock anthology anytime made. We were sitting there going, “Yeah, it’s a abundant record. It’s gonna get better.” But for bodies to allocate that as the best bedrock anthology they had anytime heard, it’s nice to apprehend that.
Reach the anchorman at or 602-444-4495. Follow him on Twitter @EdMasley.
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