A distinct area of cardboard contains four typed statements — anniversary active by a altered agent — annual apropos about how Frank Dorn managed workers and handled animals at the state’s apprentice governor’s school.

But the folio lacks context.
It doesn’t explain who solicited these statements, why they were taken, whether the South Carolina Governor’s Academy for Agronomics at John de la Howe approved Dorn’s annual of what happened or why they were placed in his cadre file. They aren’t affiliated to any accurate antidotal action, which is the gold accepted for aback allegations accomplish their way into such files for accompaniment employees.
What is bright from abstracts accustomed from an accessible annal appeal is that Dorn was confused from his column as administrator of agronomics beforehand this year and fabricated abettor administrator of facilities.
This folio is not the alone anomaly in the file, which was arise to the Index-Journal beneath a accessible annal request. It additionally independent an bearding 90-day antidotal plan beatific to animal assets 47 canicule afterwards achievement and an email cogent apropos that was printed months afterwards it was written, but was afresh active and anachronous for afore the bulletin was alike sent.
In a analysis of these documents, the Index-Journal apparent instances aback the academy did not chase animal assets guidelines abundant in its agent handbook and on the accompaniment Administration of Administration’s website. It’s the latest accolade of Uncovered, an analytic activity led by The Column and Courier to ascertain out ambiguous behavior amid adopted admiral and accessible advisers beyond South Carolina. The Index-Journal is one of 16 newspapers partnering with Charleston advertisement for the project.
In April, The Column and Courier arise abundant cases of ambiguous spending and ethical practices, abnormally payments to contractors from Edgefield. The afterward month, the Index-Journal apparent how academy leaders funneled hundreds of bags of aborigine dollars to their contractors of choice. These belief led to letters from the accompaniment Appointment of Ambassador Accepted and Division of Accretion Services that detail a laundry annual of violations.
Dorn is now suing the school. In a civilian activity filed Oct. 8 adjoin the school, Admiral Tim Keown and abecedary Elizabeth “Libby” Templeton, Dorn alleges Keown defamed him, and that Keown and Templeton conspired to bones his credibility.
Dorn, Keown and the academy beneath to animadversion on the lawsuit. Templeton did not accede to a appeal for comment.
Responding to a accessible annal request, John de la Howe additionally gave Index-Journal a letter from the Accompaniment Ambassador Accepted annual an analysis into Templeton that austere her of atrocity in purchasing allegations that Dorn mentioned in his lawsuit.
In February 2019, afresh interim-president Sharon Wall bills Huguenot Cottage as a arrangement for John de la Howe’s added cottages.
No accomplished complaints
Dorn started at John de la Howe in 2015 as an ag abecedary afore acceptable a acreage assistant, advertisement retired Edgefield County administrator Sharon Wall amid his references on his appliance for employment.
Then a crumbling boarding academy for afflicted adolescence that was at accident of closure, Dorn was a key amateur in accolade John de la Howe’s new administration as a academy for agriculture. And afterwards Wall became the school’s acting baton in 2018, the third actuality to captain the academy aback Dorn’s hiring, he was animated to administrator of agronomical operations.
Before Keown became the school’s president, Dorn’s cadre book shows no antidotal activity or accurate complaints.
A distinct announcement capacity abrasion amid Dorn’s administration and another, with the certificate agreement accusation on the added administration for “relaying misinformation.” Recorded on John de la Howe Academy letterhead, the announcement abstracts a affair on Sept. 18, 2017 that included Dorn, the added administration head, a advocate and two witnesses. It was accounting that day and it lays out a four-point plan for cooperation amid the departments.
Wall filed an agent appraisal in June 2020, her aftermost ages as acting president. Dorn was “exceptional” in about every category, and Wall acclaimed that Dorn “has been one of the capital apparatus to the awakening of JDLH.”
She did annual in the appraisal one point she hoped Dorn would address: “Work on not demography things so alone — ‘wearing your animosity on your sleeve.’ We are all in this together!”
What about his emails?
Three emails Keown beatific to Dorn on Feb. 26, 2020 are at the centermost of his lawsuit, and all are in his cadre file.

There is no annual of who placed them in the book or why, but all buck Dorn’s signature.
The aboriginal email from Keown, beatific at 9:42 a.m. to Dorn and six others, went afterwards Dorn’s administration for not demography affliction of collapsed leaves or weeds in the sidewalk.
“The campus looks the affliction aback I’ve been actuality in July,” he wrote in the email. “I was absolutely ashamed by the comments from parents and lath associates aftermost Friday. … At our abutting annual day of March 7, if the area attending in the aforementioned poor activity as aftermost Friday, we will charge a austere altercation and apparatus an advance plan for the area employees. I will not be embarrassed/ashamed again.”
While the academy had arise in December 2019 that Keown would be the abutting president, he was still administrator of the apprenticeship centermost and months abroad from bold the school’s top role aback he beatific the emails.
In an email beatific 13 annual afterwards to Dorn and Wall, Keown wrote: “I’m sending this to both of you to agenda that Frank invites himself to affairs that do no affect to him. Frank, do not arise addition affair that I alarm that you are not arrive to. Some affairs ability be alleged to altercate claimed affairs that Frank does not charge to be buried to. I’m not the alone one that Frank does this to. It needs to stop now. Focus on the acreage and area (your lane), not anybody else’s business.”
The third email, timestamped 2:27 p.m., lays into Dorn, acquainted that he’s “confronting all of these issues now afore July” aback Keown becomes academy president: “I accept been told by assorted sources that you accept went abaft my aback to co-workers and JDLH lath members, calling me lazy, a drunk, cogent untruths about my tailgate at Clemson (might bigger apperception your own tailgate), added claimed things that you accept no clue about in my life. I’ve been told by the antecedent themselves that you said those things about me. So, accurate who you decline me to, I ability aloof apperceive them. … My best admonition to you is, accumulate your advanced balustrade swept, I’ll accumulate abundance swept. Tend to the skeletons in your own closet afore cogent arrant lies about me. Accomplish abiding we are bright about that.”
In the email, Keown blames Dorn for problems recruiting in Edgefield and Saluda counties, accuses him of actuality focused on added departments instead of his own, warns him that agronomics agents will anon be calling the shots about acreage operations and accuses Dorn of adage abrogating things about him and Principal Greg Thompson.
“If one of your absolute advisers tells me article about you in confidence,” he wrote, “I will handle it through the HR process. No agent actuality should feel abashed to allege to me or Greg. Nor should they be abashed by Frank Dorn.”
Dorn’s complaint singled out this email as “vitriolic.”
If Wall agreed with Keown, she did not acknowledgment it in Dorn’s review. And if she accounted the emails inappropriate, there is no adumbration of it in Keown’s cadre file.
Tim Keown, admiral of S.C. Governor’s Academy for Agronomics at John de la Howe, speaks during a Sept. 10 lath affair while administrator Hugh Bland, left, listens. Neither accept responded to questions about whether the academy abandoned accompaniment law during closed-door meetings.
90-day plan
In a certificate blue-blooded “Employee Advance Plan for Frank Dorn,” Keown lays out a cardinal of allegations he’s heard about Dorn: The ag administrator acclimated a abridged knife to crowd beasts at the Saluda Auction barn, and he aerated hogs too hard, abrogation bruises; Dorn shouts and blame at his employees; he takes over or crashes affairs and doesn’t accord agronomics agents abundant say in the farm.
It doesn’t say who arise these allegations, how they were advised or whether Dorn offered a altered account. The 90-day advance plan additionally misses key apparatus declared in accompaniment animal assets guidelines, including how Dorn should actual some of the problems aloft or what happens to him should he not.
The certificate says the allegations and plan were discussed in a two-hour affair on Feb. 3. The complaint in Dorn’s accusation calls the claims discussed at the affair “false and exaggerated” and alleges abounding originated from Templeton.
The plan itself is undated, but it would accept been accounting ancient amid the affair on Feb. 3 and Keown emailing it to animal assets 47 canicule afterwards on March 22 — the day Dorn says he was confused to a altered position. Neither Dorn nor Keown active the document. Both should accept signed, according to the school’s Agent Handbook and HR advice from the state.
Dorn’s complaint alleges he has not apparent the plan. It says Dorn filed a letter to his cadre book arduous the allegations. One scanned angel in the cadre book shows a closed envelope anachronous Feb. 5 in the book with Dorn’s signature over the flap. It appears to abide unopened.
Agent complaints
Two pages in Dorn’s cadre book certificate apropos from employees.

One seems to certificate article that happened on March 19. Dorn said in his complaint that he “disciplined his agents for not working” and arise what happened to Keown.
According to the folio in Dorn’s cadre file, his advisers said he accursed three of them because they were all alive on one job and acclimated aggressive accent adjoin them. Beyond that occurrence, the workers declared Dorn as actuality ill-tempered, too asperous with animals and difficult to assignment for. A annual attributed to one agent said Dorn “is not able-bodied planned and stresses anybody out.”
Typed statements from anniversary of his four workers arise calm on a distinct page, with anniversary signing abutting to their statement.
There is no affidavit about why the statements were aggregate or who aggregate them. Complaints about alone end up in cadre files aback an bureau verifies allegations and takes antidotal activity adjoin an employee. If Dorn was disciplined, there is no affidavit of it in the cadre file.
The agent handbook requires affidavit of alike exact warnings, with the agent and administrator both signing to accede it happened. It additionally gives advisers the appropriate to accomplish an added acknowledgment to such matters. No such acknowledgment appears in the file.
Separately, an email from one of Dorn’s workers letters that Dorn had problems befitting his acrimony in check.
Part of the email, including the date, is cut off from the printout, but it references the day it was beatific as “July 31.” Afterwards it was printed on April 1, it was active by the agent and anachronous July 15, 2020 — or 260 canicule afore it was printed.
This, too, was not affiliated to any affidavit of an analysis or antidotal action. There is no adumbration anyone got Dorn’s annual or batten to him about it. It is cryptic why it was included.
The Index-Journal acclaimed some of the issues in the cadre book to John de la Howe in an email. The academy did not respond.
The bi-weekly additionally approved animadversion from Dorn about the activity and the complaints from advisers in his cadre file. In an emailed response, he beneath to animadversion on the lawsuit.
“But if my book has complaints, they are ones that I accept never seen,” he wrote. “I active all the paperwork in my book on March 22nd and they were not in there then. My compassionate is that any academic complaints accept to be aggregate with the agent and active for accepting of receiving.”
Neither folio documenting agent complaints contains Dorn’s signature.
Frank Dorn, afresh administrator of agronomics at John de la Howe, feeds a dogie in 2018. Dorn has filed a accusation adjoin the school, its admiral and a abecedary afterwards he was removed from his column and fabricated abettor administrator of facilities.
Change in position
Dorn was told March 22 that his workers were abashed of him and he was actuality removed from his position, according to the complaint in his lawsuit. That affair was not recorded in his cadre file.
Emails arise beneath an beforehand accessible annal appeal verify that Accessories Administrator Ken Durham began authoritative Dorn in backward March and that his responsibilities had changed. Abstracts in the cadre file, however, announce the change wasn’t formalized until later.
It wasn’t until April 17 that Durham became Dorn’s supervisor, with approval for the change in appellation to abettor administrator of accessories advancing two months later, according to that documentation. And the academy acicular to a reorganization, not antidotal action, as the acumen for Dorn’s reassignment.
Dorn’s salary, currently $62,102, did not change.
State HR regulations and the agency’s agent handbook both say if an employee’s pay doesn’t change, the move isn’t a anticlimax and can’t be challenged through the affliction process.

John de la Howe abecedary Libby Templeton, left, accomplished band how to admit altered cuts of livestock on July 19. Templeton was called in a accusation filed by Frank Dorn.
Purchasing delving
Along with cadre files requested months earlier, John de la Howe additionally arise a letter from Accompaniment Ambassador Accepted Brian Lamkin with the after-effects of an analysis by his appointment that austere Templeton of allegations of atrocity surrounding purchases from a aggregation area her bedmate worked. Those allegations were mentioned in Dorn’s complaint. Unlike accomplished Freedom of Information Act requests from the Index-Journal, which generally accept taken every moment accustomed by law or more, the academy arise the letter annual this analysis aloof one day afterwards the bi-weekly requested it.
The analysis began in acknowledgment to an bearding complaint fabricated April 28 — canicule afterwards The Column and Courier appear its aboriginal allegation about the school.
The bearings started in July 2020 aback Templeton’s husband, Wayne, beatific her a adduce of $42,292.80 for assorted agriculture-related items from Crouch Hardware and Acreage Supply in Saluda, which is about an hour’s drive from John de la Howe and had not ahead done business with the governor’s school.
That acquirement did not move forward, but Templeton and two added advisers fabricated $24,712.56 in purchases beyond three orders from the abundance anon after. The orders were anachronous Aug. 20, Aug. 27 and Oct. 1, all in 2020.
Lamkin’s appointment advised purchases and begin that while two of the purchases independent some of the items from the antecedent quote, a cardinal of the items were altered and the third adjustment independent none of the items. Lamkin assured in his letter these purchases acceptable weren’t structured to abstain bid requirements.
Lamkin said his appointment additionally looked into whether captivation of Libby and Wayne Templeton in some of the purchases was unethical. Because Wayne Templeton was an alternate agent who did not accept a agency and was alone tangentially complex in the process, Lamkin wrote in his letter that the bearings did not breach belief laws administering conflicts of interest.
In acknowledgment to an emailed appeal for comment, Dorn wrote: “As far as the SIG address I do feel that they were never accustomed the accomplished story. As we accept already seen, adding purchases to abatement beneath assertive levels is illegal.”
Nothing of agenda
Durham, who listed amid his job references accompaniment Sen. Shane Massey of Edgefield and accompaniment Rep. Bill Clyburn of Aiken, has alone one performance-related certificate in his cadre file: a aglow analysis from Wall.
She rated his achievement as “exceptional” in assignment afterwards assignment in a analysis anachronous May 6, 2020, autograph that “Ken has been a savior to the concrete needs of the JDLH campus.”
Durham’s administration was at the centermost of a accretion analysis that bent de la Howe abandoned purchasing law for $1.5 actor in contracts, in allotment to avoid the school’s spending ascendancy and to accolade assignment to adopted vendors. On Sept., Durham told the agency’s board, “Did I accomplish a mistake? Hell yes.”
None of this was acclaimed in his cadre file.
There was additionally no affidavit of apropos that at atomic two assembly aggregate with Keown about how Durham managed his department. The book additionally had no advertence to the tensions aural the administration that The Column and Courier accurate beforehand this year.
Scott Mims, Durham’s No. 2 in facilities, was additionally heavily complex in accretion for the department. There were additionally apropos raised, both in advertisement for Uncovered and in an ambassador accepted report, about his accord with a architect who was awarded $70,000 in work. None of this is acclaimed in Mims’ file. He does, however, accept a absolute achievement analysis from Wall.
The Index-Journal acclaimed these omissions to Keown and offered him a adventitious to explain. He did not accede to that email, but did acknowledgment to a appeal for animadversion about the lawsuits.
“As you know, I can’t animadversion on the accepted litigation,” he wrote. “My capital focus every day are our amazing students. Every accommodation I accomplish could/will eventually affect our apprentice body. That is a assignment I do not booty lightly. I will consistently accomplish decisions with the mindset of: ‘will this accommodation absolutely or abnormally affect our students?’
“I adjure circadian that our acceptance are not anytime abnormally afflicted by developed decisions. I debris to acquiesce negativity to be to be able here. Our campus is abounding of action and positivity.”

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