A above CAA assistant, Callaham has now bound the scripts for films such as ‘Wonder Woman 1984’ and ‘Mortal Kombat,’ with the aftereffect to ‘Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse’ and Disney’s live-action ‘Hercules’ up next.

September 9, 2021 11:15am
[This adventure contains spoilers for Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings.]
Much of a screenwriter’s time is spent alive on projects in secret, apprehensive if they will anytime get made. While Dave Callaham has acquaintance with that, the accomplished year has apparent a boundless cardinal of films address his name released, like Wonder Woman 1984, Mortal Kombat, Netflix’s activated ball America: The Motion Picture and now Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, Marvel Studios’ aboriginal blur absorption on an Asian lead.
The screenwriter, 43, who grew up in the Bay Area and is affiliated with one daughter, formed carefully with administrator and co-writer Destin Daniel Cretton to ability a claimed account that is as abundant about ancestors dynamics as it is about action. Their appointment has paid off, with the Simu Liu-starring blur breaking annal for Labor Day weekend at a time aback box appointment revenues abide bedfast by the basin variant.
The in-demand biographer is alive on a aftereffect to the Oscar-winning Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse with Phil Lord and Chris Miller, and is additionally penning Disney’s live-action Hercules for the Russo brothers. In a chat with The Hollywood Reporter, Callaham dives into accepting Ben Kingsley for his aboriginal Marvel big-screen role aback 2013’s Iron Man 3, the cerebration abaft that pulse-pounding bus scene, and crafting Shaun (Liu) and Katy’s (Awkwafina) onscreen relationship.
How are you activity as you are actualization Shang-Chi?
It’s a dream appear true. As an Asian screenwriter, but additionally as an Asian man in America, I accept not apparent a lot of Asian faces in all-embracing Western media. I wasn’t abiding if I was anytime activity to see it. Crazy Rich Asians acquainted complete big. But Marvel is a accomplished added scale.
There’s an internet allegory that says that you formed on Ant-Man. What was your accord with Marvel afore Shang-Chi?
I did not apperceive that was an internet myth. That’s interesting. I had met at Marvel a cardinal of times on a cardinal of projects. Some of which were things defective tweaks and some of which were, “We’re about to do x activity and we’re about to accompany in a agglomeration of writers to pitch.” It accustomed me to get to apperceive best every controlling there. But I hadn’t landed the appointment of accepting to able a affair from the jump. I was still acquisitive to do that, and they alleged about Shang-Chi and it was amazing. I had been, as all writers tend to be, balked at altered times in my career. To apperceive you are accepting affairs at all at Marvel in the 2010s was complete meaningful, and it acquainted abundant to apperceive they apperceive who I am, but I absolutely capital to do it. Aback Shang-Chi happened it aback all affectionate of fabricated faculty in the larger-picture way. “This is how it consistently bare to be.” This was my adventure to acquaint in a way that none of the added movies anytime could accept been.
Before you boarded, ambassador Jonathan Schwartz did a lot of analysis in a allowance abandoned with the comics. Aback you are activity in to pitch, is he giving you comics and added things he’s attractive for?

At the alpha they accelerate out a altercation document. If you are not accustomed with the comics, there is consistently a section, “This is who Shang-Chi is in the publishing. This is what we see him as. These are the things we’d like to avoid. These are accessible storylines.” But they are not at all prescriptive. I acclimated to anticipate aback I got these things, “OK, they appetence me to aloof say this aback to them.” But it’s absolutely aloof meant to acquaint you what is accessible to you, and they allure you to appear in and accord your perspective.
I apprehend the document. I was not accustomed with Shang-Chi as a character. They gave me a agglomeration of comics as well. A cardinal of the beforehand ones, the abettor adventure ones, are appealing ambiguous in agreement of Asian stereotypes. It became a activity of addition out, “What speaks to me the best about this appearance and adventure and putting an Asian face on-screen?” I would appear in, I would allocution about that and area that ability fit in an MCU-type of movie. Jonathan would accelerate me addendum back. Every now and afresh you’d get too abutting to something. He can’t acquaint you what it is. “Ehh, break abroad from that genre. That’s in addition allowance appropriate now” — after anytime advertisement too much. Added than that, they’d let me do my affair and let me apperceive aback they anticipation it was air-conditioned and aback it was accessible for Kevin, and afresh I pitched Kevin and the aggregation and abroad we went.
Sir Ben Kingsley’s Trevor Slattery allotment to the big awning for the aboriginal time aback 2013’s Iron Man 3. How does that happen? Do you address the activity and afresh aloof achievement you can get him? Are you allurement accomplishment from Kevin Feige to accommodate him?
In our case, Sir Ben’s character, Trevor Slattery, was absolutely the alone affiliation tissue we had accessible to us to affix to any antecedent abundance of the Ten Rings or the Mandarin, because Tony Stark is dead. We knew we capital to use Sir Ben if it was possible, and that was a catechism we asked complete early. “Would Marvel be accessible to that? Was that a acceptable experience? Did he adore arena Trevor Slattery?” It’s been some time aback he was in Iron Man 3 so I din’t apperceive what his appetence is for advancing aback to a role like that. We asked and Kevin said, “Sounds great. We all adulation Trevor here. We’d adulation to see him again. But you guys charge to ability the adventure and afresh allurement him in. And that will be on you guys creatively, to accord him article juicy.” I don’t apperceive if we did outlines or had an complete calligraphy at the point we aboriginal approached him. That’s the moment I accept some adaptation of Destin accepting to do a Zoom affair or article like that happened, and he declared what we were thinking, and it turns out Sir Ben complete abundant brand to comedy Trevor Slattery. It formed out.
Shang-Chi has baby moments that allege accurately to Asian and Asian American audiences clashing any cine of this calibration before. What do you anamnesis about putting those moments in with Destin?
That was aloof us autograph our experiences. We didn’t attack to address in actuality we heard added Asian American bodies acquaint us to put in because that didn’t feel accurate to us. Aback we started the casting process, and aback we started accepting added crewmembers, we did ask Simu [Liu] and Nora [Lum, aka Awkwafina], “What is your acquaintance as an Asian American? Accept you accomplished racism?” We’d absorb those types of account into those characters.
I admired the accord with Shang and Katy as a abysmal friendship, but not necessarily a adventurous one. How abundant did you and the aggregation coquette with the abstraction of, is there added to this than a friendship? Was there allocution of a kiss at the end or article actual like that?
We flirted with a lot of variations of that relationship. That accord was the amount affecting accord for Shang-Chi aback he is in America. His name is Shaun, he’s aggravating to cipher switch, aggravating to adumbrate from his ancestry. Katy became this abundantly admired appearance for actuality the audience’s eyes. We knew it was activity to be an affecting relationship. We knew as you get added into this adventure and these two are accepting to allotment these truths with anniversary other, that was activity to accept a abundant added than surface-level aftereffect on the both of them. We aloof didn’t apperceive what the endgame ability be at the end of this cine or what the endgame ability be activity forward.
When did you activate to home in on the accent of the father-son relationship?
I would absolutely say that was added of a Destin element. I’m complete admiring to it. It’s aloof a accepted story. Darth Vader, right? We aren’t reinventing the wheel, but there is a assertive aspect — a lot of Asian cultures, there is the abstraction of binding allegiance and adorable your parents and active up to their expectations and the way that ability be altered for a macho adolescent against a changeable child. Destin tells these complete character-driven, compassionate stories. That is his background. He is so abundantly accomplished at it. That was the abstraction he homed in on immediately, the father-son relationship. But I was complete abundant acquisitive to accompany him for that ride.

When you get an amateur as iconic as Tony Leung on lath as Wenwu, does that accomplish you appetence to clothier the script, as I brainstorm he brings so abundant to the role?
That was a appearance that was absolutely adamantine to beating into the final form. Not because of Tony, certainly. It’s aloof because of the things that he believes and because of the motivations he’s utilizing to get to these added awful ideas. One footfall too far in either administration and he’s not alarming abundant or he’s absolutely unrelatable and affectionate of a nonsense villain. We capital this appearance to be three-dimensional. He’s motivated, ultimately, by love. He is this burst man who has fabricated a bit of a blend of his complete continued activity and aloof wants badly to accept he can put things aback together, and that’s all complete animal and complete relatable. But we did still charge him to be the figurehead of a behemothic agitator alignment who is attractive for bewitched villages and apparently disturbing bodies in his alcove and all this added stuff. Finding that antithesis was tricky.
You’ve said aback you address a blueprint script, your aesthetics is to put your best arena complete aboriginal in the film. What was the calculus of accepting the bus arena so early? It ability be the best activity arena Marvel has anytime done, and it came so early, acceptable afore audiences would apprehend article like that would arrive.
It wasn’t consistently that early. You comedy about a lot in the writing, in the cutting and abnormally the editing. That arena was consistently advised to be early, but there are flashbacks and backstory all throughout the movie. Those sequences, it was always, “Would it appointment bigger here? Can we move it over there? Aback do we acknowledge this?” In agreement of why that arrangement is area it is, that arrangement serves as an addition to this hidden character. We accommodated Shaun. He’s accepting a acceptable time. He’s a valet. He’s got this air-conditioned best friend. They aloof affectionate of dick about a lot. They drive cars. They alcohol with their friends, they get drunk, they do karaoke. This all feels complete real-world. Afresh aback — we knew there had to be an absurd appulse for the moment of acknowledge aback aback Katy thinks she knows this person; it can’t aloof be a reference; it has to be, the accomplished apparel comes aerial off at already — he is able of this concrete affair that is ambiguous superhuman. You aloof charge to be there with her watching as this guy she has consistently anticipation of as a guy who would never lift a feel is aback a kung-fu master. Afresh it would aloof amplify from there. That was additionally an abstraction Destin had, was accomplishing a arena on a bus. I do bethink the day we started attractive at pictures of San Francisco buses and acumen they had the accordions in them and we were like, “Oh yeah!” Now there is a accomplished additional bisected to the fight, because now we can cut the affair off.
You’ve formed with Marvel Studios and with Warner Bros. on a DC movie. How do you analyze the two in agreement of abyssal flat backroom and notes?
I had what I anticipate is a appealing typical, admirable Marvel acquaintance in that they were hands-on at all times, gave me every accessible ability I needed, but I knew activity in that I was not accomplishing it by myself. I knew I’d be alive a lot with [Marvel’s] Kevin [Feige] and Jonathan [Schwartz] and Destin. On Wonder Woman 1984, Patty [Jenkins] brought me into that cine because we had an complete relationship. Any back-and-forth was amid me and Patty. I alone alike met at the flat twice. I got assassin after affair at the studio, which is abundantly attenuate and was an complete delight. (Laughs.)
You formed with Phil Lord and Chris Miller on America: The Motion Picture, area you got their absorption years ago anonymously autograph that calligraphy and your collective abettor bottomward it to them. How did you appear to address their Spider-Verse aftereffect with them?
They said, “We accept this activated Spider-Man cine we are doing.” They were still alive on the aboriginal movie. They couldn’t acquaint me what it was activity to attending like. Because it’s them, I said, “I’ll appear in and see what you have. I don’t get it.” They showed me an animatic, which at the time looked like napkin assets with acting vocals and no activity administration abaft it. I could feel the affection abaft it, but I couldn’t brainstorm how amazing this affair could be yet. They showed me some still images of some of the art they had been alive on. With them, I assurance them about and I believed they were activity to do article special. I said, “OK,” and they said, “Great. Angle us a sequel.” So I began the complete aberrant activity of alive on the aftereffect for a year afore the aboriginal came out.
That is agrarian that you apperceive you are autograph a aftereffect to an Oscar-winning cine that would become a cultural touchstone.
It wasn’t until that cine came out that it fabricated any faculty to anybody in the alfresco apple what it was that I was up to. Afresh aback the absorption went from aught to 100 overnight. Aback bodies admired the cine and a brace of months after it wins an Oscar and afresh the aisle changes a little bit.

On a Marvel movie, a biographer ability be on set to abuse things. It’s somewhat loose, admitting on activity things charge to be set in bean abundant earlier, at atomic the script. Is that what you’ve found?
(Laughs.) That has not been my experience. I accept Phil and Chris will cop to this so I don’t anticipate I’m speaking out of school. They will boggle as continued as they can get abroad with it. Because they appear from the academy of, “You can consistently accomplish it better.” I’ve alone formed on two activated projects and they are on both of them. So maybe this is not normal. But both America and Spider-Verse accept been complete continued development processes area you are autograph scripts and afresh things are advancing in and out and you are seeing art at the aforementioned time and they are aggravating things. But it feels added like an ever-evolving script. Marvel, you are additionally accomplishing that, but it’s absolutely added set in bean in live-action because at some point, bodies accept to basic that stuff. There is a point area sets accept been built, so this is area this is accident now. Animation, you can futz about with actuality for a complete continued time.
Is your appointment on Spider-Verse 2 done? Accept you handed off the calligraphy to Phil and Chris and confused on to added stuff?
No, I am still (laughs) — the activity continues. I am now autograph it with Phil and Chris. The three of us. Sometimes it’s one of us. Sometimes it’s two of us. Sometimes it’s three of us, depending on our availabilities, which I am absolutely complete animated for, because they were too active finishing the aboriginal cine aback I was autograph the antecedent abstract of the second. But I can’t challenge their autograph style. I do my best, but now I’ve been able to see how they do their affair and it’s been great. I’m abiding we will be autograph actuality for that cine until it releases.
Did alive with Jean-Claude Van Damme on Amazon’s Jean-Claude Van Johnson accomplish you appetence to do added television work?
I admired the TV experience. It wasn’t article I was jonesing to do. I am not a biographer who is atrocious to be the sole articulation of a project. So I hadn’t gone into the abstraction of TV afore until Scott Free alleged me and said, “Jean-Claude Van Damme wants to do TV.” And I was like, “Yeah!” I loved, loved, admired Jean-Claude Van Damme as a kid. I grew up in the ’80s on activity movies. I do not attending like Jean-Claude Van Damme now or at any date of his or my life. But he was added relatable to me because he was “smaller” [compared to others ’80s activity stars] and he was the guy who relied added on acceleration and activity and training rather than accoutrements and muscles. So I anticipation that was cool. I admired him. Got the befalling to appointment with him. I got the befalling to actualize a writers room, to appointment with added abundant minds. I admired every additional of it. It’s the best artistic acquaintance I’ve anytime had, to accomplish that show. And I don’t appetence to try it afresh because I’m absolutely afraid that it was too perfect.
How did you aggregation with the Russo brothers for Disney’s live-action Hercules?
I had a accord with them that anachronous aback to about in amid Civil War and Infinity War. I had met with them on a altered project. I formed on a affair with them that didn’t go anywhere and we aloof had a acceptable relationship. I anticipate we accepted one addition and the way we all approached storytelling. And afresh they vanished for two or three years to go shoot those two movies back-to-back. Afresh they alleged me two years ago now and said, “We accept this affair and we anticipate you’d be abundant for it. It’s Hercules.” I was afraid at first. I was acquisitive to appointment with them, but afraid about how abounding times Hercules has been attempted in means that some bodies ability say accept not been as successful. I apperceive this is different. I apperceive this is a Disney Hercules and that there’s an complete cine and a affair that bodies love, but I did attempt for absolutely some time with, “How would I accomplish a live-action adaptation of Hercules angle out from all the added Herculeses?” Aback I ultimately told them how I anticipation I could do that, they were acceptant and they championed me and they’ve been great. We are still alive on it.
Do you anticipate aback affectionately on your time starting out as a CAA assistant?
I admired it. It’s abundantly a adamantine affair to do. I was not accepting paid decidedly well, and I was alive abysmal overtime and had no time to myself. I did not go to blur school, so for me, it was such a determinative moment. And I blanket scripts from desks and apprehend them, and that is how I abstruse to write.

Interview edited for breadth and clarity.
A adaptation of this adventure aboriginal appeared in the Sept. 8 affair of The Hollywood Reporter magazine. Click actuality to subscribe.
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