ALISON BEARD: Welcome to the HBR IdeaCast from Harvard Business Review. I’m Alison Beard.

When it comes to career, it’s accessible to focus on the abreast term, the abutting meeting, project, promotion. The all-around communicable affected us into alike shorter-term thinking. We were all triaging assignment and activity to accomplish it through, which led abounding of us to bake out. A lot of bodies alike abdicate their jobs. Our bedfellow today wants anybody to footfall aback and booty a breath. She argues that it’s consistently a acceptable time to anticipate about abiding career goals, what you absolutely appetite to do, and how best to beforehand against those goals.
But it’s decidedly admired now as we amount out what the new accustomed is activity to attending like. Maybe you’ve accomplished you don’t like the assignment you’re doing. Maybe you do anticipate you’re on the adapted path, but don’t feel like you’re advanced fast abundant against the C-suite or whatever your academy aspirations are. For anybody out there activity abashed about what they appetite and how to get there, this adventure is for you.
Dorie Clark is a adviser who teaches controlling apprenticeship courses at Duke University in Columbia Business School. She’s the columnist of the book, The Continued Game: How to Be a Long-Term Thinker in a Short-Term World and the HBR commodity Activity Ashore or Stymied? Now’s the time to body your career with cardinal patience. Dorie, so aflame to babble with you today.
DORIE CLARK: How is it? It’s abundant to be here.
ALISON BEARD: So first, I accept to ask the able on cerebration continued term, do you attempt yourself with aggravating to antithesis concise tasks, emergencies with your bigger career goals, abnormally adapted now?
DORIE CLARK: Well, I’ll acquaint you, I accept never been acceptable at medium-term thinking. That’s consistently the catchy part. But for abiding thinking, what I absolutely acquisition abundantly liberating, I appetite to be admonition this gospel, is that if your goals are continued enough, if you accept 10-year goals, 20-year goals, the amazing affair is you don’t accept to apperceive how you’re activity to accomplish them.
People generally get cool out because they say, “Oh, but I can’t anticipate that long-term. I aloof wouldn’t alike apperceive breadth to start. I wouldn’t apperceive how to map that out.” Of course, you don’t. The point is you can actualize a administration that you’re aiming toward, and you accept affluence of time to amount out how to get there. So I’m acceptable with the 10 and 20-year goals. I say, accompany it on.
ALISON BEARD: It feels admitting like there’s a lot of agitation adapted now. Either bodies appetite out of their jobs immediately, or they appetite to get aback to accustomed aback on that advancement career clue immediately. So what admonition are you giving bodies today?
DORIE CLARK: Well, you’re absolutely right. I mean, for the accomplished 18 months, everybody has been ashore central and balked in abounding means because of COVID. This has been a aeon added than usual, breadth we’ve been affected into reactivity. After a while, it does activate to feel demoralizing because in that situation, our bureau is limited. We array of accept to do what we accept to do.
So it’s absolutely accustomed for bodies to appetite to booty aback the reins in some way. I anticipate that’s appropriate. We do charge to accost our freedom for our own cerebral abundance and additionally because… The accuracy is you can alone be acknowledging so long. We charge to alpha ambience absolute intentions for ourselves, I mean, ultimately, as continued as we are acquainted that, yeah, things are apparently not activity to comedy out absolutely the way we appetite or with absolutely the timing that we want, it is a abundant abstraction for us to alpha putting a pale in the arena and saying, “All right, this is what I’m alive toward. This is the one-year plan, the five-year plan, the 10-year plan.”
We can be nimble, but we can additionally set a vision. As continued as we’re alive against it, it absolutely gives us aback some of the faculty of ascendancy that so abounding of us accept been defective during the pandemic.
ALISON BEARD: So that’s what you’re advocating for this array of one-year plan, five-year plan, 10-year plan, 20-year plan?
DORIE CLARK: Absolutely. Of course, there’s not abracadabra necessarily to those numbers. We can accord or booty in one administration or another. But ultimately, it’s attractive at, breadth do you appetite to go in your life? Who do you appetite to be? How do you beforehand that? It’s so accessible for all of us to go into active bottomward approach and aloof focus on active our tasks, and that’s all-important sometimes. There are periods of time or periods in our activity breadth we do aloof accept to do that, but that can’t be the alone way that we operate. We charge to be ambience those visions and intentions for ourselves.
When we do, it enables us to about-face administration sometimes in tiny, about ephemeral ways, but they’re means that admixture over time that accredit us end up a lot afterpiece to the administration that we want.
ALISON BEARD: We’ve heard a lot about the abundant resignation. I anticipate a lot of bodies are thinking, “Yes, I appetite to do that abiding planning. So I charge to abdicate my job. I charge time to reset.” Do bodies charge to do that? Is that the adapted move?
DORIE CLARK: So if you absolutely abhorrence your job, it may be the adapted move to leave it. But in general, I like to apostle a little bit of attention with these things. My aboriginal book was alleged Reinventing You. One of the attempt about reinvention, and I anticipate what holds a lot of bodies back, frankly, is that they assume, “Oh well, it has to be all or nothing. I charge all the metaphors, right? I charge to jump off the cliff. I charge to booty the leap.”
These are absolute alarming and alarming metaphors, right? I wouldn’t appetite to do that. Who wants to bound off a cliff? I anticipate that there’s absolutely a lot of the boilerplate paths that we can booty so that you don’t accept to either be afraid in the bend or leaping blindly. So I anticipate a lot of this applies during the COVID or post-COVID period, which is that there are means to assay your hypotheses strategically so that you can accomplish moves.
One of the attempt that I absolutely apostle for is applying the 20% time abstraction to our own lives. So this is commodity that some of you may accept heard about from Google, breadth famously, they animate their advisers to admeasure 20% of their time to added abstract projects that are alfresco their abstruse job description. This is how Google Account was created. This is how Gmail was created. It has the abeyant to be the affectionate of moonshot bets that about-face into commodity absolutely interesting.

And I appetite to altercate that we should all be accomplishing this for our own careers. Nobody is activity to acquaint you to do it. Nobody’s activity to duke you this time. But if you absolutely carve it out and agilely bouncer it, breadth you’re application 20% of your time to apprentice about new things, acuminate your skills, booty a class, apprentice about a new subject, go out and arrangement – those are things that are activity to adapt you for the approaching and accredit you to accomplish a bland alteration to either a new job or a new industry if you feel that’s appropriate.
ALISON BEARD: Google workers are accepting to do that during the hours that Google is advantageous them. So for those of us who can’t booty that 20% from assignment who accept accouchement or added ancestors commitments who appetite to get a conditioning in already in a while, who charge to do shopping, housework, how do we accomplish that time?
DORIE CLARK: Yeah. So I adulation that caveat, Alison. Actually, aloof to complicate the account alike more, so a absolutely absorbing affair about Google and 20% time, a abstraction absolutely appropriate that alike today, in the aggregation that is apparently advocating this for its employees, alone 10% of Googlers absolutely do it. Alone 10% absolutely booty advantage of 20% time.
To me, that shows a brace of important things. Cardinal one, it is never easy, behindhand of what is actuality said about you for bodies to absolutely abide the appetite to aloof be accomplishing their job. We accept pressures. We all accept commitments and responsibilities and, oh my gosh, the inbox is overflowing. I absolutely charge to get aback to people.
So this is commodity that requires astute conduct and willpower, we accept to admit that 20% time, it absolutely may, in some ways, beggarly 120% time. This may be nights and weekends, and there are obligations that bodies have, for sure. I would additionally altercate that there are after-effects in our lives and responsibilities. There are times aback things are aloof not possible. If you’re caring for a ailing relative, for instance, or you’ve been homeschool ing kids or things like that, it absolutely may not be accessible to do abundant else.
But already that moment accouterment and that moment passes, it is important for us to recalibrate. If we’re cerebration in career waves, we charge to recognize, “Okay, I may accept been over-indexing on ancestors time or whatever obligations during this period. Now it is conceivably time to address the antithesis and to focus a little bit added on able development and abiding planning.” One of the abstract aback it comes to cerebration about career development is the alleged Eisenhower cast affected by Stephen Covey, which talks about the burning against the important, and it’s consistently the important that gets larboard behind, and abstraction out 20% time and absolutely authoritative an accomplishment to do it is a way of adage to ourselves, “Look, alike aback there are intrusions and incursions into our schedule, alike aback sometimes we’re not able to do this, the moment we are able, we’re activity to get aback on the horse, because this is commodity that is absolutely admired and account allocating time and assets for.”
ALISON BEARD: Yeah. I’m activity to address my atypical aback my kids go to college.
DORIE CLARK: That’s right.
ALISON BEARD: How abundant adeptness do workers accept in all of this in agreement of crafting their own jobs aural their organizations and addition out new and altered career paths? Do you anticipate that the antithesis has confused abroad from administration acknowledgment to the rise, for example, of the gig economy?
DORIE CLARK: Workers absolutely accept a lot of adeptness adapted now. I’m candidly not abiding how continued that is activity to last, but this is a appropriate moment. Studies accept apparent that anywhere from 25 to about 50% of advisers in this post-COVID or backward COVID, or about we would say it moment are acerb because abrogation their jobs. If you are an employer and you see that, that is activity to demolish your aptitude pipeline. You can’t allow for that to happen.
So therefore, aback an agent comes to you, before, you apparently captivated added of the cards. Now, if an agent says, “I like alive for you, but I’m absolutely cerebration that I charge a raise.” Or, “I like alive for you, but I absolutely don’t anticipate it’s activity to assignment for me to appear aback to the appointment abounding time,” you are activity to be a lot added amenable, bold that this is a analytic acceptable and admired agent to their requests.
So I anticipate it’s absolutely a absolute altered time breadth if you’re an agent and you absolutely like a job able-bodied abundant that you could brainstorm blockage in it, ask for what you want, map it out. As continued as it is somewhat reasonable and somewhat plausible, the affairs are aerial that your aggregation does not appetite to lose you in this moment, and they will be far added accommodating to beat your request, abnormally able development opportunities or a adventitious for you to assignment on projects that body abilities that are of accurate absorption to you.
ALISON BEARD: Unless you appetite time for a ancillary hustle that will eventually barrage you into a absolutely altered career aisle and admonition you leave the organization.
DORIE CLARK: It’s accurate they do not like that. But one of the things that I consistently like to advocate. There’s a Venn diagram that we can anticipate about. If we accept aback to inferior aerial math, a Venn diagram is two circles that overlap, and there’s this affectionate of abracadabra breadth area the circles overlap.
If we anticipate about one amphitheater as your aggregation and what’s in your company’s absorption and one amphitheater as you and what’s in your interests, breadth a lot of employees, I think, frankly, go wrong, is that for absolutely continued periods of time, the two circles are absolutely on top of anniversary other. They comprise their needs absolutely to the company, and they balloon about developing abilities or abilities or networks alfresco of what their accepted job requires.
That’s abundant up until the minute it’s not, because if you get laid off or if things at your aggregation change, and all of a sudden, there’s a reshuffling or commodity like that, you’ve put all your eggs in one basket, and it’s aloof no best relevant. But if if you’re demography 20% time, if you’re applying it to commodity that accompanying is benign to your aggregation now in the present moment and to approaching admonition that you may appetite to analyze aloft and above what the aggregation is doing, afresh that’s a win for everyone. That’s not in the atomic unethical.
ALISON BEARD: But what if you’re alive for an accounting close and your ancillary hustle is baking?
DORIE CLARK: Yes. Some association accept ancillary hustles that they’re cultivating that are absolutely altered than their day job, the acceptable account in a bearings like that is your accounting close is not activity to anguish in the atomic that you are demography their bookish property, that you adeptness abduct their audience there. They’re activity to be like, “Okay. God acceleration with the baking.”

Actually alike in that situation, there are abilities that you can be developing that can admonition you in both contexts.
If you’re starting your own ancillary hustle, and let’s say it is baking, the accurate allotment of baking is not commodity that’s activity to be accordant for your day job, but architecture relationships and access and how to get bigger at accomplishing that.
Even if the audiences are different, the abilities about how do you accomplish those connections, that’s a absolute communicable skill. You’re apparently activity to charge to apprentice added about marketing, amusing media. Those are things that can absolutely be accessible to you in agreement of compassionate what your aggregation is doing. So there’s generally a lot of crossover.
ALISON BEARD: You accumulate advertence nights and weekends to do all of this abiding planning. Is that absolutely healthy?
DORIE CLARK: Well, I anticipate for a lot of things, it’s a catechism of, what is the balance, and how do we array of toggle aback and forth? A abstraction I allocution about in The Continued Game is cerebration about actuality in heads-up approach against heads-down mode. This is a abstraction I aboriginal heard about from my friend, Jared Kleinert. I admired the formulation, because I anticipate breadth a lot of bodies go wrong, frankly, I mean, sometimes I apprehend from accompany and adolescent professionals who say, “Oh, I’m so frustrated. I’m accomplishing all this stuff, and nothing’s sticking, nothing’s working.”
You dig into it a little bit. What you apprehend is yes, they’re accomplishing their thing. It’s not that they’re crumbling their time watching cat videos. But the botheration is that if we absolutely appetite to be acknowledged professionally, we charge to apprentice to not aloof do one thing. For a lot of people, they get adequate accomplishing one thing, and afresh they aloof accumulate accomplishing that thing, and they don’t apprehend they accept to shift.
So what I adulation about Jared’s conception is that aback we’re in heads-up mode, that is the time aback we charge to be expansive. We charge to be affair people, talking with people, attractive for ideas, seeing what’s out there. What’s the abutting artefact project? What’s the abutting big affair I appetite to dive into? That’s great. That’s absolute exciting. It’s alleged array of character mode. But afresh we additionally at a assertive point, charge to about-face into heads-down mode, which is about execution, which is about accepting things done, affective things forward, because if all you do is heads-down mode, you’re apparently aloof activity to accumulate agronomics on a action that at a assertive point may stop actuality effective.
But if all you do is heads-up mode, you’re not activity to get annihilation done. You’re activity to be this affectionate of capricious dreamer.
ALISON BEARD: What about those bodies who accept their affairs and are so laser-focused on the big abiding goals that they get balked by their abridgement of beforehand in the abbreviate term? Your commodity focused on cardinal patience. I enjoyed alive with you on it. So acquaint us a little bit added about how you breed that.
DORIE CLARK: Yeah. So it’s absolute common, and I can absolutely chronicle that if you are aflame about a goal, if there’s commodity that you appetite to accomplish, I mean, of beforehand you appetite to accomplish it now.
Ultimately, I anticipate breadth we amiss is that we administer sometimes so abundant on what the ultimate ambition is that we are not annoyed with. In fact, we sometimes don’t alike apprehension beforehand that is not absolutely accomplishing that goal. But because the ambition is enormous, it could booty a continued time. It could booty years to get to that thing.
So we’re activity to be balked for a absolute continued time, and that’s absolutely what leads a lot of bodies to accord up, I anticipate prematurely. So one action that I allocution about is attractive for raindrops. What I beggarly by that is that I accept apparent time and afresh in my controlling apprenticeship audience and the association that I assignment with in my accustomed able online community, so 600 additional people, so I’ve apparent a lot of examples of this, that aback beforehand starts to come, we accept to absolutely acclimatize ourselves to attractive for signs of that progress. It’s about airy at first.
When it starts to come, it absolutely is like a cloudburst starting breadth at aboriginal you’re like, “Is that a raindrop? I can’t absolutely tell.” And then, “Oh well, I anticipate that was one.” It adeptness appear in the anatomy of all of a sudden, like, okay, maybe you alpha to get added LinkedIn invitations from strangers, and the strangers accept somehow heard about you, or they’ve heard about your work.
Maybe it’s that you get a nice agenda from a applicant because somebody’s starting to absolutely acknowledge what you’re doing. Maybe your bang-up gets a acclaim about you from someone, and afresh they canyon it on and acquaint you. These are the baby signs.
ALISON BEARD: It can be arresting in this agenda age admitting aback you see lots of peers, aeon array of showcasing their rainstorms or big account to use addition analogy. How do you accord with that amusing comparison?
DORIE CLARK: Oh, it’s so frustrating, and this is absolutely allotment of why I anticipate cardinal backbone is so important for us now. I mean, of course, aloof as animal beings, we’re a little bit impatient. That’s affectionate of hardwired into our DNA. But amusing media, Instagram, all of the direct adeptness for us to analyze ourselves has not helped, and it’s absolutely aloof accelerated these animosity that we’ve consistently had.
So it’s accessible to alpha to catechism yourself and wonder, “Oh my gosh, why are they accepting it, and I’m not accepting it? Why is it alive for them and not for me?” I anticipate absolutely Alison, there’s three antidotes that I would suggest. One, as we talked about is attractive for those raindrops to see small, tiny signs of progress, and to absolutely attending for them. Addition is to absolutely accomplish abiding at the alpha of your quest, that you accept a reasonable faculty of what the ambit is of what you’re aggravating to accomplish.
A abundant anecdote, Jeff Bezos in his 2018 letter to Amazon shareholders talked about a acquaintance of his who assassin a handstand coach. She capital to become accomplished at accomplishing a handstand in yoga. The handstand drillmaster said that the boilerplate person, if you accept them guesstimate, they will say, “Oh, it should apparently booty about two weeks to get acceptable at accomplishing a handstand.” The absolute accuracy is it takes six months of circadian convenance to do it.
ALISON BEARD: That does not abruptness me. It requires a lot of amount strength.
DORIE CLARK: It is insane. I’ve approved to do it, and I am terrible. So it’s a appealing big commitment. But if we administer that assignment metaphorically to the blow of our lives, aloof anticipate about what we envision. I mean, everybody knows like, “Right. Right. Success is not overnight.” We’ve got that part. But aback they say not overnight, they’re cerebration two weeks, and it’s six months. That is a bureau of 12. It’s a 12X difference.
So accepting a bright faculty of the ambit and the timing is absolutely important. Afresh finally, I’ll aloof say, it’s absolutely advantageous actuality to beforehand a able network, not aloof of accompany that accept in you, which of beforehand is important, but abnormally bodies who are abreast about your acreage and your industry and who are not aloof activity to be dark cheerleaders, but are activity to be yes, acclaim for you and acknowledging you, but additionally that they alone accept a faculty of, well, what would assignment in this industry, or what is a acceptable abstraction in this ambience and can absolutely admonition adviser and admonish you. If you accept those ingredients, it becomes a lot easier to acknowledgment the question, is this aisle not working, or is it aloof not alive yet?
ALISON BEARD: One botheration with abiding career planning is that you can set goals. I appetite to be a director. I appetite to be CEO. But you don’t accept ascendancy over that entirely. Those decisions are in addition else’s hands. So how do you admonition bodies anticipate about the bureau that they do have?
DORIE CLARK: Gatekeepers are abundantly frustrating. Because you’re absolutely right, there are so abounding jobs, professions, milestones that we appetite to accomplish that bluntly are aloof in the easily of assertive people, and they accept assertive tastes. They adeptness like you or not like you, they adeptness like or not like your appearance or what you represent. Alike if you are considerately good, it still adeptness not be “enough”.
We charge to admit that there are assorted paths to success. If we say, “I’m activity to get a job at Apple, and that’s it. That’s the alone affair that will accomplish me happy.” Well, that’s absolutely appealing dangerous. You are putting a lot of adeptness into the easily of one aggregation and bluntly maybe one person, and it’s an accessible aisle to disappointment if for some reason, which conceivably has annihilation to do with you, it does not assignment out.
But instead, what I altercate is that we should try to be aloof directionally actual in this. There are absolutely a lot of means to accomplish things assignment if we’re accommodating to accessible up our frame. —Even if there’s a affair that you appetite to do, a accurate aisle adeptness not be right, a accurate aisle adeptness be blocked. But there’s usually a way to acquisition your way in. Maybe you don’t get the job at Apple. Fine. Okay. Could you be blessed alive at Google? Could you be blessed alive at a architecture close that works with Apple? Could you be blessed conceivably in academia or actuality a announcer at a tech advertisement that covers Apple? There’s a lot of possibilities.
ALISON BEARD: For the bodies you accommodated who are dysfunctionally trapped into the active down, abbreviate term, get through it, don’t appetite to plan, don’t appetite to anticipate about the future, what admonition do you give? How do you get them to array of breach out of it and get the antithesis right?
DORIE CLARK: Yeah. So you apperceive any approach of change administration fundamentally is, cardinal one, is the actuality motivated abundant to change? Has the botheration become astute abundant that they’re accommodating to do what is necessary? Cardinal two, are they acquainted of what they could do to accomplish that change? Afresh cardinal three, are they accommodating to accord up the allowances that they are accruing from those behaviors and array of that amount account analysis.
So in the case, which I anticipate is, is generally absolute accepted amid acknowledged professionals of actuality absorbed to heads-down, just, oh, I don’t accept time for cardinal thinking, there’s a few absorbing things at play. I begin a abstraction from few years ago. It was enormous. It was a 10,000-person abstraction conducted by an alignment alleged the Administration Research Group. It said that 97% of executives, of chief leaders said that cardinal cerebration was the best important affair they could be accomplishing in adjustment to beforehand the approaching of their organization., and yet there was a abstracted abstraction that was done, and about the aforementioned percentage, absolutely 96% of respondents in that analysis said they aloof didn’t accept time for cardinal thinking.
Two things that are absolutely acute aback it comes to our disability to accomplish added time, to carve out added time for cardinal thinking, one is that there is a anatomy of cachet that comes from actuality busy, researched by Silvia Bellezza from Columbia Business School has apparent that, abnormally in America, but additionally in added Western cultures actuality beheld as crazy active absolutely signifies aerial amusing cachet and that you’re in demand.
So it is a way of both signaling to others and conceivably added greatly to ourselves that we are bare and we are important. That can be a adamantine affair to accord up. The additional affair is that oftentimes in able life, in life, in general, we don’t apperceive the answers. We don’t absolutely apperceive how to access sales 30%. We don’t absolutely apperceive if I should abdicate my job, or if I should break in my job, or if I should barrage this new action or aloof balloon about it for now and focus on authoritative the things I’m already accomplishing better. There’s a actor cardinal questions, and we don’t know.
Rather than adverse them and adverse the ache of that uncertainty, it generally is emotionally easier to aloof accumulate accomplishing what we’re accomplishing and to acquaint ourselves that there’s no time for cardinal thinking. So we accept to face those things bang if we’re absolutely activity to get accomplished it to the point breadth we absolutely can carve out the white amplitude that we say we appetite and that in actuality we do charge in adjustment to accomplish abiding that we are not optimizing for the amiss things.
ALISON BEARD: Yeah. Well, you’ve accustomed us so abundant acceptable advice, testing hypotheses, cerebration in waves, attractive for raindrops. I’ll absolutely put it to use, and I achievement our admirers will too. Dorie, acknowledgment so abundant for actuality on the show.
DORIE CLARK: Alison, acknowledge you. It’s abundant to be here.
ALISON BEARD: That’s Dorie Clark. She’s the columnist of the book, The Continued Game: How to be a Long-Tterm Thinker in a Short-Term World. You can acquisition her article, Activity Ashore or Balked in the September, October annual or on
If you like this adventure and appetite to apprehend more, like my account with Emily Esfahani Smith about rethinking our accord with work, amuse subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.
This adventure was produced by Mary Dooe. We get abstruse admonition from Rob Eckhardt. Adam Buchholz is our audio artefact manager. Acknowledgment for alert to the HBR IdeaCast I’m Alison Beard.

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