… the earth, the actual adumbration of solidity, has confused beneath our anxiety like a attenuate band over a aqueous …—Charles R. Darwin, The Boating of the Beagle 1839 [1, p. 217]

The ambition of movement anatomy is to actuate how, why, breadth and aback bacilli move [2–4]. Answering these questions can be arduous for bacilli with circuitous action histories involving capricious advancement [5]. For example, about all barnacles advance from pond planktonic abecedarian stages to a sessile benthic developed date [6]. Already added to a basement by their adhering adhering [7–11], barnacles are about advised butterfingers of added crabbed movement unless apprenticed by agee growth, carapace adjustment or reattachment [12–17]. In arresting contrast, the epizoic barnacle Chelonibia testudinaria (Linnaeus, 1758) has been appear translocating distances greater than 30 cm over several months’ time beyond sea turtle carapaces [18]. This atypical address is decidedly notable because that alive locomotion has not been empiric in any added barnacle breed aback their agent 500 Ma [19] and that the basal mechanisms and adaptive purposes of such movements are currently unknown. The basement inhabited may buck on the phenomenon, but while some epibiotic barnacles accessory with accurate sea turtle breed [20], C. testudinaria is the atomic host-specific of the turtle barnacles [21] and is additionally begin on manatees [22] and crabs [23].
The best avaricious annual for crabbed movements in C. testudinaria is displacement by alien forces, such as baptize currents. However, as bent previously, barnacles move predominantly appear the arch of the turtle and appropriately into the prevailing breeze [18]. Alternatively, turtles could additionally actively ‘knock’ barnacles in a assertive administering aback abrading their carapaces on reefs or bedrock ledges [24]. Yet such behaviour is absurd to advance to around-the-clock movements over time. Consideration charge accordingly be accustomed to the acceptance that C. testudinaria is able of intrinsically initiating alive locomotion. Like several added acorn barnacles, C. testudinaria has a adjustable basal membrane, a acceptable analytical pre-adaptation for movement in this species, rather than a adamant calcareous basal bowl accepted to abounding species. The abject is supplied with adhering ducts out of which adhering adhering is expelled throughout the action of the beastly [25,26], conceivably modulating alternating adapter and disengagement in the case of C. testudinaria.
Why (and when) C. testudinaria makes directed movements could be to access the adventitious of accolade a mate. Barnacles are abnormal amid sessile bacilli in breeding via pseudo-copulation amid outcrossing hermaphrodites [27]. This creates ample another burden for individuals to achieve in clusters because they are answerable to alliance with adjoining neighbours [28], appropriately their ascendancy of almighty continued penises [29]. In addition, C. testudinaria has acquired an awfully attenuate androdioecious beastly adjustment wherein commutual (i.e. dwarf) males and hermaphrodites action aural the aforementioned changeable citizenry [30]. This may be a acknowledgment to bargain mating-group admeasurement [31–35] accumulated with the aberration of this barnacles’ substratum. Thus, alive locomotion to accompany individuals afterpiece calm could added access the anticipation of acknowledged mating.
An alternating annual for the ecological role of locomotion in C. testudinaria is to advance its agriculture position. Barnacles are abeyance feeders, employing a fan of cirral appendages to abduction amoebic particles and baby bacilli [36]. As foraging success is aided by baptize currents, barnacle larvae about seek to achieve in positions breadth breeze is aerial [37]. Yet, for C. testudinaria, its aboriginal adjustment breadth may not abide optimal indefinitely because breeze dynamics change as the host grows or alters its behaviour. Additionally, accepted breeze is decidedly important for C. testudinaria because, as a credible aftereffect of its epizooic lifestyle, it is the alone barnacle accepted to await absolutely on acquiescent agriculture [38]. Thus, alive locomotion could admonition ensure that this barnacle charcoal in optimal agriculture locations on its dynamic, alive substratum.
To affirm directed locomotion in C. testudinaria, we monitored barnacles on agrarian and bound sea turtles over several months. We additionally conducted class abstracts application alone barnacles reattached to constructed substrata to assay if movement bigger their accession for agriculture or reproduction. Furthermore, we advised the barnacle adhering adhering beneath ablaze and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
Loggerhead turtles were bent incidentally by bounded fisheries aural the Communidad de Valencia, Spain, and brought for rehabilitation to the Área de recuperación y conservación de fauna berth (ARCA), which is managed by the Fundación Oceanogràfic beneath permits accepted by the Valencian Regional Government. For this experiment, we called bristles turtles accepted to the ARCA amid December 2019 and May 2020 that anniversary hosted at atomic 10 C. testudinaria. Aloft acceptance to ARCA, the turtles were adversity from decompression affection and were appropriately advised and monitored for up to 18 weeks afore actuality appear aback into the agrarian (for accommodation on veterinary care, see [39]). Sea turtles were housed in annular tanks, alignment from 2 to 6 m in bore with a baptize abyss of 0.95 m and maintained at a baptize temperature of about 24°C. All animals were fed alert circadian application a mix of vegetable and bend material.
We monitored barnacle movements on the bristles turtles in the ARCA by epoxying 1 cm adjustment confined aural 30 mm of any clusters of C. testudinaria on the turtles’ carapaces. Every two weeks, we photographed anniversary arrangement of barnacles with the camera placed erect to the carapace and the abutting 1 cm adjustment bar aural the acreage of view. We abstinent the advance and movements of 10 about called barnacles from anniversary turtle in ImageJ (v. 1.52p) by application the 1 cm adjustment confined as anchored advertence credibility of accepted size. To actuate the directionality of the barnacle movements, we acclaimed whether the barnacle confused appear the advanced of the carapace (i.e. anteriorly), appear the aback of the carapace (i.e. posteriorly), appear the midline of the carapace (i.e. medially) or abroad from the midline of the carapace (i.e. laterally). We additionally acclaimed whether anniversary alone C. testudinaria bore absorbed commutual males.
To access observations of barnacle movements in the wild, we asked able underwater defined at Siao Liu Qiu Island, Taiwan, for photographs of turtles with barnacles. We accustomed images of three blooming turtles that both had acceptable numbers of barnacles and were afresh photographed over a 16-week period. We acclimated the actualization of the post-ocular scutes to affirm the character of the turtles and afresh inspected the photos visually to actuate the movements of the barnacles [40].
We calm Charybdis crabs from the shores of Taiwan application backtalk accessories and called individuals with C. testudinaria barnacles (electronic added material, amount S2A). To abolish the barnacles, the crabs were euthanized and anniversary crab’s carapace was anxiously akin to the bend of anniversary barnacle’s base. Aural 3–4 days, the actual carapace adhering to the barnacles’ bases abject (approx. 3–4 days) afterwards damaging the bleary abject of the barnacles. The ‘cleaned’ barnacles were placed on 15 × 15 cm acyclic plates until reattached (electronic added material, amount S2B). Acknowledged reattachment of the barnacles was accepted by the actualization of white adhering about the ambit of the abject (electronic added material, amount S2C). In total, 15 specimens auspiciously reattached.
We monitored the movements of these 15 C. testudinaria application time-series photographs for up to 1 year in a polyethylene tray (70 × 20 × 10 cm) with connected aeration. Anniversary barnacle was photographed already per anniversary at the apical, crabbed and basal actualization application a agenda camera (Panasonic, Lumix DMC-G1). On anniversary acrylic plate, four chicken brand dots were placed on the bowl as advertence credibility and abandoned shells of C. testudinaria were absorbed to the bowl as position adjustment markers. The specimens were fed alive developed Artemia already per day, the seawater was afflicted circadian and the carapace surfaces were brushed apple-pie every 3 canicule to abstain algal overgrowth.
This agreement was afresh but in the additional instance, we acclimated three C. testudinaria acquired from the carapaces of asleep abandoned blooming sea turtles. These barnacles were already afresh photographed in apical, crabbed and basal actualization but photos were taken circadian instead of weekly. These barnacles were monitored for three, bristles and eight months, respectively.
Observing that affective barnacles generally larboard abaft a aisle of cement, we inspected the adhering to chase for added insights into the apparatus enabling barnacle locomotion. We credible that adhering readily alone from its substrate afterwards air-drying for added than one week. We attempted added air-drying (up to a month) but this resulted in arise of the actual (figure 3a). We additionally attempted to use SEM (FEI Quanta 200) to access arrangement bend of the centralized microstructure of the adhering trail; however, acid the adhering with a razor brand destroyed the microstructure forth the cut bend (data not shown). Instead, we advised the edges of accustomed cracks that ran about erect to the longitudinal arbor of the adhering strip. Adhering aisle bits were army on SEM stubs and gold coated above-mentioned to observation.

To analyze the adapter backbone of barnacles reattached to acrylic plates and those artlessly adhered to backtalk carapaces, we activated a microburst force alongside to the basement afterward methods defined in ASTM (2005) [41]. The force appropriate to abstract the barnacle was abstinent with a force barometer (FG-20G, Taiwan). Barnacles on acrylic plates were disconnected into four groups for assay based on their reattachment time and nested by admeasurement (1–10 (n = 10), 11–20 (n = 5), 21–30 (n = 10) and greater than 365 canicule (n = 5)). Individuals from the final accomplice were agnate in admeasurement to those artlessly absorbed to crabs to which they were compared. Aberration in the force bare to abstract the barnacles was analysed application one-way assay of about-face (ANOVA) afterwards the abstracts anesthetized a accord of about-face assay [42].
To abstraction the aftereffect of unidirectional baptize breeze on barnacles, six individuals were reattached to the centre of carbon 60 × 60 mm acrylic plates. Anniversary bowl was placed in a 60 × 50 × 28 cm catchbasin and positioned in the breeze of an underwater pump (flow amount 10 l min−1) directed out of a annular PVC carry that was fabricated by acid the basal out of a 250 ml bartering PVC bottle. The centralized bore of the address tube of the underwater pump was 9.24 mm and, thus, we estimated the breeze acceleration to be 2.48 m s−1 (velocity = breeze amount × tube arrangement area). The beginning architecture included six carbon plates for three adapted treatments: (i) barnacles with the belvedere (cirral net) adverse appear the breeze (i.e. adverse the attenuated aperture of the funnel), (ii) barnacles with the belvedere (cirral net) adverse abroad from the breeze (i.e. adverse the advanced aperture of the funnel), and (iii) barnacles on ascendancy plates amid into the carry but with the baptize pump shut off. Baptize temperatures were maintained at 25°C for all abstracts (electronic added material, amount S1A–C). The distances traversed and the angles of movement of barnacles were abstinent afterwards three months (electronic added material, amount S1D), application the circle point of the commutual scutum and tergum opercular plates of the barnacle as the centre point. All barnacles were fed with Artemia nauplii, broadcast and recirculated for 6 h d−1. Afterwards feeding, the catchbasin baptize was replaced.
To investigate whether barnacles move to abate alliance distance, we absorbed six pairs of barnacles on 16 × 16 cm acrylic plates at inter-individual distances of 5 and 10 cm, and accession six pairs of barnacles on 16 × 24 cm acrylic plates at inter-individual distances of 15 cm. The plates were maintained in 25°C aerated seawater. Barnacles were accustomed to reattach for three weeks above-mentioned to demography any measurements. Barnacles were fed 6 h d−1 and the agreement was monitored for 10 months. We analysed aberration in inter-individual distances in anniversary assay application commutual t-tests.
For a additional experiment, we placed bristles barnacles on to 16 × 16 cm acrylic plates at an inter-individual ambit of 5 cm (electronic added material, amount S1E). We ran bristles replicates for this agreement and anniversary agreement lasted for three months. To appraise whether barnacles were clustering, amid or affective randomly, we affected the breadth of the minimum arched polygon bare to beset the breadth alive by the barnacles both at the alpha and end of the experiment. The differences in areas were analysed application commutual t-tests (figure 4).
For a third experiment, we reattached 29 and 31 individuals assimilate abstracted 36 × 36 cm acrylic plates. The barnacles were placed at inter-neighbour distances alignment amid 30 and 50 mm. Photographs of barnacles were calm annual over 12 weeks. In anniversary photograph, the ambit to the abutting neighbour for anniversary barnacle was abstinent application angel assay software (Sigma Scan Pro 5) and a abutting neighbour base (NNI) was acclimated to appraise the administering [43] application the afterward formula:
R n = D ¯ ( Obs ) 0.5 a / n ,
During all class movement experiments, barnacles were kept at 25°C baptize temperature, which is archetypal of seawater temperatures during summer in Taiwan aback best barnacles aftermath complete gonads for reproduction. Several C. testudinaria had complete ovaries and testes aloft anatomization at the end of the experiment, suggesting that abounding individuals were reproductively alive during the experiments.
We monitored the movement and advance of 50 C. testudinaria, 10 on anniversary of bristles bound loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) over 14–18 weeks. The carapace bore of the barnacles (maximum rostro-carinal length) initially ranged from 14 to 41 mm (mean 24 mm) and added to 14 to 45 mm (mean 26 mm) by the end of the abstraction (electronic added material, amount S4). To annual for any aftereffect of barnacle advance on the movement measurements, we assured about-face had occurred alone aback the ambit travelled was greater than 5 mm in 14 weeks, as this exceeded the fastest advance amount empiric in any barnacle in the study. A absolute of 30 barnacles were accurate affective at a acceleration of 1.4 mm per anniversary including three individuals with commutual males (figure 1a–e). The extreme ambit any confused was 54 mm (0.5 mm d−1). We empiric that 14 barnacles travelled appear the advanced of the carapace (i.e. anteriorly), nine travelled to the aback to the carapace (i.e. posteriorly), bristles travelled appear the midline of the carapace (i.e. medially), while no barnacles confused abroad from the midline of the carapace (i.e. laterally) (figure 1f). Two barnacles afflicted administering amid through the study: one barnacle initially confused in a afterwards administering afore affective anteriorly, while accession initially confused in an antecedent administering afore aberration medially. Movement acceleration was not decidedly activated with carapace bore (Pearson’s alternation accessory test: R2 = 0.11, n = 44, p = 0.47) (figure 1g).
Figure 1. Advance and movement of barnacles on bound loggerhead and agrarian blooming sea turtles. (a–c) Bristles loggerhead turtles were photographed every two weeks for up to 18 weeks. Red and blooming circles highlight the starting position of two barnacles that confused distances over 30 mm on a audible turtle (curved carapace length: 52 cm) aural the abstraction period. (d,e) Movement of two barnacles with absorbed commutual males (black arrows) on loggerhead turtles. (f) Administering travelled by 30 barnacles on the carapaces of loggerhead turtles. Variable administering refers to individuals that afflicted administering during the study. (g) Aberration in affective acceleration and barnacle admeasurement on bound loggerhead turtles. (h,i) Movement of a barnacle on the arch of a agrarian blooming sea turtle over 138 days. (Online adjustment in colour.)
We additionally monitored barnacle movements from adept time-series photos of three agrarian blooming sea turtles Chelonia mydas from Siao Liu Qiu Island, Taiwan. Barnacles were empiric on the alive of two abstracted turtles and one of these turtles had a barnacle positioned forth a bordering scute of the carapace (figure 1h,i). Aback the aforementioned turtles were photographed over 16 weeks later, all barnacles had confused in an antecedent administering on the turtles. A aisle of white adhering was empiric appearance the movement alleyway (electronic added material, amount S5).
We removed 15 C. testudinaria from Charybdis crabs (electronic added material, amount S2A,B) and relocated them assimilate cellophane acrylic panels in the laboratory. Aural three months, 14 of the reattached individuals (93%) had confused a beggarly ambit of 7 mm (0.08 mm d−1; cyberbanking added material, amount S3). Best individuals confused in a audible direction, but not consistently rostrum-first. One alone during the balloon adapted advance by 90° at 265 canicule column reattachment yet did not adapt the acclimatization of its body. In total, this alone confused 79 mm in 365 canicule (0.22 mm d−1; figure 2a,b). While moving, all barnacles larboard abaft a aisle of buried adhering (figure 2a,b).
Figure 2. Advance and movement of barnacles on constructed basement (no flow, aeration only) over 1 year afterward reattachment to cellophane acrylic panels. Lines, chicken dots and abandoned shells serve as spatial advertence points. (a) Topside actualization of a panel. Time-series photos of a barnacle ‘surfing’ on a band of cement. By day 79, notable movement had commenced, abrogation a aisle of cement. On day 203, the barnacle afflicted administering 90° to the larboard with no associated carapace rotation. (b) Underside actualization of the aforementioned console assuming basal bend of the adhering trail. (c) Basal actualization of the barnacle on day 168 (upper image) and day 175 (lower image). At day 168, there was no credible beard of new cement. By day 175, a aside rim of beginning adhering was empiric backward the arch bend of the shell. (d) Adhering aisle beheld beneath a stereomicroscope with adventure ablaze antecedent (lower actualization at aerial magnification), assuming rings of adhering and credibility of beard forth the annuli. (e) Displacement of two called barnacles (upper and lower plots, respectively) transferred from sea turtles assimilate panels based on circadian ascertainment of bases. Arrows announce the accumulation of absurd rings. (Online adjustment in colour.)

In a consecutive alteration experiment, we acclimated three C. testudinaria calm from the carapaces of asleep abandoned blooming sea turtles and the movement of anniversary barnacle was monitored application time-series photography at circadian intervals for up to three, bristles and eight months, respectively. The circadian photographs adumbrated barnacles confused intermittently, basic a arena of adhering at acting ‘stops’ (figure 2c,d). Rings were fabricated every about 8–10 canicule and the ambit amid them was about 10–14 mm (figure 2e). In amid these rings, movement occurred at 0.5–0.9 mm d−1 (figure 2e).
We abstinent the force appropriate to abolish 30 barnacles from their basement at several time intervals (1–10, 11–20, 21–30, greater than 365 days) column reattachment. Barnacle admeasurement was absolutely activated with adapter backbone (F4,30 = 4197, p < 0.05), apparently attributable to the added apparent breadth accessible for adhesion. Column hoc Student–Newman–Keuls tests appear that by 365 canicule there was no cogent aberration in the force bare to abolish individuals on constructed panels (approx. 42 N) compared to those artlessly occurring on crabs (approx. 48 N) (electronic added material, amount S6).
Observation of the adhering trails by ablaze microscopy showed that they are buried at the arch bend of movement (figure 2c). In addition, afterwards several months, abounding individuals had deposited a aisle of overlapping rings of adhering advertence alone episodes of beard (figure 2c,d). The cardinal of rings was activated with ambit (figure 2e) and they afflicted acclimatization in bike with movement of the individuals (figure 2a). Added assay of the adhering trails beneath SEM (figure 3a–e) appear microstructural variations that coincided with position (time aback secretion). Aback beheld on bend from the side, newer adhering appeared to be a constant solid composed of cubic crystals that originated from beneath adjacent, earlier deposits which appeared amalgamate (figure 3b,c), while anniversary instalment apparent an alternating bi-layered architecture advertence some aperture during beard (figure 3). Appearing in regular, alternating adjustment (figure 3f), the alien band looked agnate to accessory adhering apparent in barnacles that accept partially aerial and reattached [15]. Such adhering trails added abutment the cessation that beard and movement is incremental and not connected (figure 3f).
Figure 3. Imaging of adhering plagues. (a) Piece of a broken adhering applique (orig: antecedent reattachment point; atramentous arrow: administering of movement). (b) Edge-view by scanning electron microscope (SEM) of the broken adhering applique from (a) (small, white dotted box; baby white arrows announce the abuttals amid two absolute beard events). (c) Detail from (b) (white dotted box) assuming asperous amalgamate adhering (He, in red) and bland constant adhering (Ho, in blue). (d) Aerial deepening of amalgamate cement. (e) Aerial deepening of constant adhering anchored with baby cubic crystals. (f) Ancillary actualization diagram illustrating micro-stratification of alternating adhering bi-layers in the adhering trail. Elevated confined accord to the concentric rings apparent in (a) and mark the end of a beard episode. (Online adjustment in colour.)
Barnacles reattached to acrylic bedding with their cirral nets adverse appear the accepted confused beggarly distances added than four times added than barnacles in added treatments (F2,15 = 4.88, p = 0.023; figure 4a). Those barnacles with cirral nets adverse appear the accepted tended to biking assiduously (average 327° angular travel, figure 4b; agenda 0/360° is the administering from breadth the accepted originated), while barnacles with cirral nets adverse abroad from the accepted confused backwards (average 178° angular travel, figure 4b). All barnacles in the accidental ascendancy assay confused distances beneath than 0.3 mm and did not move in a directed address (figure 4a,b).
Figure 4. Manipulated baptize accepted (see the amount for methods) and abutting neighbour-distance experiments. (a) Beggarly (±1 s.d.) distances barnacles confused aback aggressive with belvedere and cirral net adverse appear the current, belvedere and cirral net adverse abroad from current, and ascendancy (no current). (b) Beggarly ( 1 s.d.) angular atrophy of barnacle movement about to unidirectional breeze (0/360°), with barnacle belvedere and cirral net adverse appear the current, belvedere and cirral net adverse abroad from the current, and ascendancy (no current). Agenda alone the translocating barnacles in anniversary assay were analysed (n = 4 in both breeze treatments; n = 1 in no-flow control). 0° indicates the antecedent position. (c) Aberration in beggarly (±1 s.d.) change in inter-individual distances amid barnacle pairs over three months in 50, 10 and 15 mm distance-treatments. (d) Histogram assuming the bend of movement of the inter-distance groups (see the cyberbanking added material, amount S1D for methods). 0° indicates the antecedent position. (e) Aberration in the breadth of barnacle groups (each with inter-individual ambit 50 mm) afore and afterwards the agreement (three months). All plates with bristles barnacles initially attached, but one barnacle died in plates 1–3 aural two weeks of set-up. (f) Bowl with 29 consistently spaced barnacles absorbed (each with 3–5 mm inter-neighbour distance) at day 1 and at day 40. (g) Aberration in abutting neighbour ethics of barnacles on two acrylic plates over a aeon of 84 days. Note, a abutting neighbour amount abutting to 1 indicates a accidental distribution.
The movements of barnacles placed on acrylic plates at three inter-individual assay distances (50, 100 and 150 mm) did not decidedly abatement inter-neighbour adjacency (paired t-test, p > 0.05; figure 4c). By contrast, individuals confused in all directions, with best individuals repositioning themselves at angles of 80–240° (figure 4d). Similarly, there was no statistical change over time in the admeasurement of the minimum arched polygon for barnacles that were reattached in groups of bristles assimilate audible acrylic bedding (paired t-test, p > 0.05; figure 4e). Finally, barnacles were reattached in clusters of 29 and 31 individuals on two abstracted acrylic sheets. The movements of these individuals over 12 weeks were analysed application abutting neighbour assay and the NNI of these panels afflicted from 1.3 to 0.9 and 1.4 to 1.2, appropriately (figure 4f,g). As NNI ethics abreast 1 announce a accidental administering pattern, ethics abreast aught announce clustering, and ethics abutting 2.15 betoken an alike distribution, this indicates that the administering of the barnacles became more accidental over time.
Our after-effects absolutely affirm the observations of Moriarty et al. [18] that C. testudinaria is able of directed movement, contradicting the accepted acceptance that all developed barnacles are inherently sessile. Our acreage observations and abstracts announce that these movements serve primarily to move individuals into areas of college accepted flow. This suggests that barnacles use locomotion to advance agriculture altitude instead of to enhance changeable opportunity, admitting both outcomes are not necessarily mutually exclusive. The apparatus enabling these animals to translocate requires added study, but the ecological appulse of this adjustment for C. testudinaria is assuredly profound. While it seems absurd that acorn barnacles possessing a adamant calcareous abject are able of directed locomotion, the abnormality of alive about-face claim assay in added barnacle breed from sea turtles [21,44], breed with bleary bases in accepted and added taxa that are sessile. Indeed, a contempo abstraction has accustomed that a breed of abyssal blot is additionally accidentally able of spatial about-face [45], accouterment added allurement to abstraction the movement anatomy of added evidently sessile invertebrates.
Barnacles beneath class altitude and in the agrarian both showed a bright addiction of affective into the prevailing accepted and so these movements cannot be the artefact of hydrodynamic forcing. Moreover, adherence for all individuals at any time point was abundantly able to aphorism out baptize breeze as a abeyant motive force. This acerb supports the abstraction that the empiric barnacle movements represent directed locomotion, yet conceivably the best acceptable affirmation is that we recorded four instances breadth barnacles confused their administering abruptly mid-experiment afterwards any perturbation to the beginning accoutrement (figure 2a).
For barnacles to be able of alive movement, they charge periodically attach and abstract from a substratum. Barnacles attach via a adhering formed of awful hydroxylated acrid and baffling proteins [10,11]. Chelonibia testudinaria must, therefore, be able to periodically deliquesce the adhering or abstract from it during bouts of movement afore reattaching. We empiric that C. testudinaria secretes aerosol of adhering to anatomy audible layers that apparently represent consecutive beard events. This contrasts with accepted acorn barnacles (family Balanidae), whose adhering secretions anatomy a attenuate monolayer of adhering fabricated from nanometre-sized globules that cure as a gel-to-solid on the basement [46,47]. Accession agency assuredly important to movement is that C. testudinaria possesses an uncalcified, bleary base. This agency that aback new adhering is buried abreast the ambit of the basal membrane, the axial region, if alone from the substratum, does not calmly re-adhere. This accident may facilitate about-face by abbreviation the breadth defective to be periodically untethered from the substratum.
Based on our observations of the bi-layered adhering and circumferential adapter of C. testudinaria, we brainstorm that this breed can periodically absolution the bend of its basal film afore accretion and secreting a new band of adhering into the submembrane space. Application one or a aggregate of (i) accelerated carapace growth, (ii) metachronal coil of either the allowance or the absolute basal membrane, and (iii) directed centralized able-bodied tension, the barnacle takes advantage of still adhering new adhering to accelerate or ‘surf’ on the top of the doughy adhesive. Baby anatomy inserting askance from the abject could ability after-effects in the film apparent which, accompanying with backdrop of the film and adhering cement, aftereffect in accelerating movement like pedal after-effects in the bottom of gastropods on fungus during adhering locomotion [48]. Alternatively, these anatomy could arrangement at the afterwards (carinal) allowance and somehow ‘pull’ the accomplished arrangement of carapace plates forward.
The accommodation of C. testudinaria for alive locomotion could advance to a ambit of adaptive possibilities not accessible to added barnacle species. Our abstracts advance spatial about-face in C. testudinaria serves to optimize foraging conditions. In abutment of this conclusion, barnacles in abstracts on alive and constructed substrata tended to move into the accepted and aback kept in aerated tanks afterwards unidirectional accepted breeze in the laboratory, they confused in accidental directions, sometimes advanced or sideways. By contrast, our class abstracts showed that barnacles did not consistently move to abate inter-neighbour distances and barnacles with commutual males still confused alike admitting they had a abeyant acquaintance in their actual proximity. While this suggests that C. testudinaria does not necessarily move to access the anticipation of hermaphrodite–hermaphrodite copulation, if all individuals move appear areas with college accepted to feed, this aggregation could accompanying account reproduction as well.

The best accepted administering for barnacles to translocate was appear the antecedent regions of the turtles’ carapaces, constant with the antecedent that this enhances feeding. Admitting acutely rheotactic, barnacles still confused in the absence of flow, but in accidental directions, possibly in chase of agriculture currents. The claim for acquiescent agriculture in C. testudinaria [43] suggests that movement is a beneath cher another evolutionarily to blockage anchored in a breadth breadth alive agriculture is required. Lacking admonition on energetics, it would be absorbing to apperceive what trade-offs abide amid breeze acceleration and locomotion.
In adverse with directionality, there was no alternation amid amount of movement and barnacle admeasurement (shell diameter), suggesting movement is not specific to a accurate age or time of action of a barnacle. This is added affirmation that movement does not action or access aback individuals are in changeable phase.
All bearcat assay was accustomed by the beastly abundance lath of the Fundación Oceanogràfic.
All the abstracts presented in this arrangement are included in the associated abstracts or cyberbanking added material. Raw abstracts are additionally accessible from the Dryad Agenda Repository: https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.crjdfn34d [49].
B.K.K.C.: conceptualization, abstracts curation, academic analysis, allotment acquisition, investigation, methodology, action administration, resources, supervision, validation, visualization, writing—original draft, writing—review and editing; Y.H.W.: conceptualization, abstracts curation, academic analysis, allotment acquisition, investigation, methodology, action administration, resources, supervision, validation, visualization, writing—original draft; N.J.R.: conceptualization, abstracts curation, academic analysis, allotment acquisition, investigation, methodology, action administration, resources, supervision, validation, visualization, writing—original draft, writing—review and editing; J.-C.L.: conceptualization, abstracts curation, academic analysis, investigation, methodology; S.-P.Y.: methodology; N.D.: conceptualization, autograph and editing; I.-J.C.: methodology; J.T.H.: conceptualization, abstracts curation, academic analysis, allotment acquisition, investigation, methodology, action administration, resources, supervision, validation, visualization, writing—original draft, writing—review and editing; J.D.Z.: conceptualization, academic analysis, methodology, supervision, visualization, writing—original draft, writing—review and editing. All authors gave final approval for advertisement and agreed to be captivated answerable for the appointment performed therein.
The authors accede no aggressive interests accommodate paid application or consultancy, banal ownership, apparent applications, claimed relationships with accordant individuals, and associates of an advising board.
B.K.K.C. is adjourned beneath the assay admission in Academia Sinica. Y.H.W. was accordingly accurate by the Innovation Team Action of Universities in Guangdong Province (no. 2020KCXTD023) and Accustomed Science Foundation of Shenzhen University accolade (no. 2019019). Allotment was abundantly provided to J.D.Z. by The Citadel Foundation. N.D. was accordingly accurate by a bifold amount alum admission from the Taiwan International Alum Program (TIGP) and the Accustomed History Museum of Denmark (SNM). J.T.H. was financed by the Danish Academy for Absolute Research.
We accede Prof. Shirley Lim (Nanyang Technical University, Singapore) for admonition and advance on the abstraction and Su-Mei Lin (Academia Sinica), Pei-Chen Tsai, Wei-Peng Hsueh (Academia Sinica) for acceptable with class affairs of samples. We accede Jose Luis Crespo Picazo (Fundación Oceanogràfic) and Vicente Marco Cabedo (Fundación Oceanogràfic) for their abetment demography photos of loggerhead turtles in the ARCA. We accede able defined Su Huai (photo acclaim for amount 1h,i, S5), Da-Bing Zhong, and Chia-ling Feng who supplied underwater photos of sea turtles. The South Carolina Department of Accustomed Assets assisted in accepting barnacles from sea turtles in the USA.
†These authors contributed appropriately to this study.
Electronic added actual is accessible online at https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.5629009.
© 2021 The Authors.
Published by the Royal Society beneath the agreement of the Creative Commons Attribution License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/, which permits complete use, provided the aboriginal columnist and antecedent are credited.
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