The silence. With no planes or helicopters in the air there was a apparent change in ambient complete until aircraft were aerial again.

Mark Allen
Olney, Ill.
I was editor of baby circadian bi-weekly (currently owner/operator of a weekly) and accomplished contest as alternation of abrupt updates on Associated Press wire. Some examples:
NEW YORK — Alike crashes into Apple Trade Center, according to television reports.
BARKSDALE AFB, La. — Bush says aggressive on high-alert status.
FORT WORTH, Texas — American Airlines says it ‘‘lost’’ two aircraft accustomed 156 people.
It was surreal, jarring, and thoroughly abrupt to accessible the aboriginal active on a collapse: NEW YORK — One Apple Trade Centermost belfry collapses.
Jo Schaper
Pacific, Mo.
I was a lab abettor at Mizzou, teaching Geo 101 Labs. Aback the acceptance heard, their aboriginal acknowledgment was for me to alarm chic off so they could go watch it on TV. I refused. (Contingent on if the university alleged classes off. They didn’t.) A few started to leave, and I told them they would still be amenable for the material.
When the 11 a.m. chic showed up I fabricated this announcement: “We are activity to acquire class. If you feel you charge leave, leave now, but you are amenable for the material.” One adolescent man said his brother was in the Pentagon, and he was worried. He left. It aback occurred to me that the best man at my accretion formed there, too. So I added, “The best affair we can do is aloof accumulate on with chic for today.” And I started annoying not about him, but about the Islamic acceptance and the abbey in town.
I did not watch any of the video for over a year.
Cathy Luh
Creve Coeur
It was abandoned a little afterwards 8 a.m. Pacific time. My bedmate Bill and I were in Vancouver, Canada. We were in the basement of our auberge breadth there were storefronts. We hoped to acquisition a coffee shop. We anesthetized a amplitude breadth a TV was running. I saw the headline: America Beneath Attack. My animadversion was, “Oh, Fox Account is at it again. Aggregate is so dramatic.” Then, we saw the fires and the big plumes of smoke advancing out of the Apple Trade Center.
Beverly M. Wiley
I had been alive at the American Embassy in Moscow, Russia for aloof over a month. My acquaintance and I generally formed backward and as we were abrogation the architecture to go home, on a TV adviser in the hallway, we saw they were broadcasting the account about the planes aerial into the accompanying towers.
The Embassy anon alleged as abounding bodies who were larboard in the architecture and who were associates of the Emergency Action Committee into an official affair to alike with the Department of Accompaniment to affair an official bulletin. The scattering of us who were larboard in the architecture were accustomed an official account and we activated the “telephone tree” — a arrangement brash to bound advertise account to all Americans about a crisis.
After a few hours we accomplished and went home — mostly aloof to cry. I formed in the General Casework section — an appointment that is allotment of Administrative Management — and we were amenable for apartment and furniture, shipping, offices and aliment and equipment, procurement, warehousing, the Motorpool, etc.
We formed in the “New Appointment Building” (NOB), which had been complete in the backward ’80s and aboriginal ’90s. The old, or “Existing Appointment Building” (EOB), was amid about a block abroad on one of the busiest anchorage in Moscow — the Ring Road. It had several lanes activity anniversary administration and the EOB was amid appropriate on the ambit of the road. There were about 120 advisers who formed there — Americans and Russians. Best of them were amenable for Consular casework — arising visas to Russians who basic to go to the U.S. and acceptable Americans in the country. Aural a few canicule there was a blackmail to that architecture and our appointment had to anon abandon all 120 advisers to the NOB.
We had to annex aliment and set up acting offices in the NOB for all of them and acclimated every accessible space, including appointment rooms, representational areas and alike closets. It took months of 10-12 hour canicule to get that appointment completed. We rarely had time to ache over what had happened. The aboriginal few canicule we wondered if we would anytime get aback to the U.S. afresh to see our ancestors and friends, or if WWIII had started. The Russians started laying items at a makeshift canonizing in advanced of the EOB — abundance cards, bouquets of flowers and abounding added items. Eventually we calm all the non-perishables and alien them aback to the Dept. of State.
It was an acutely alarming experience, and I accompany with millions of others who bethink breadth they were and what they were doing.
Becky Woods
I was abrogation a medical appointment and saw coworkers arrant in the booth. I alleged my ancestors to verify breadth they were and bare to apprehend their voices. I badly basic to go home, but had to breach for my shift. I prayed in the chapel, abnormally for Mr. Beamer and his adventuresome act to action for plan control. This day was my complete hardest at appointment ever.
Wilbern Grove
St. Louis County
I was alive as a baker with the St. Louis Metropolitan Badge Department and was assigned to the Additional District.
I was accepting my morning coffee at Rumbolos Deli on The Acropolis at Bischoff and Edwards Street. Sam, the owner, had the television on and I watched as the aboriginal alike struck. I could not acquire what I was watching and never in my activity acquainted so helpless.
David Keiser
I was appointed to be off appointment on the day the advance occurred. As a alive announcer at a bounded television abject I woke that morning and affronted on the TV for the Today Show. They were replaying video of the aboriginal belfry actuality attacked. Accepting formed in the media for over 20 years at the time, I knew how generally we were accusable of sensationalizing and adorning on the ‘what-ifs’ in our world.
It wasn’t until I accomplished the NBC chyron on my TV showed ‘Live Coverage’ on the screen, aloof as the additional alike comatose into the tower.
Not affiliated afterwards I watched the afire anatomy collapse to the ground, apprehensive how can any of this be real.
Moments afterwards my fizz rang. It was work, calling to acquaint me what I already knew. All easily on deck.
It was a adamantine day to work. But added importantly, it was a sad day at work.
Greg Stricker
St. Charles
I was in San Diego with my alarmingly ill wife, who was cat-and-mouse on specialized lung surgery. I was comatose aback my appointment pager went off. A account from a co-worker: “An aeroplane has hit the Apple Trade Center. There is a huge aperture in it!” I anon affronted on the TV, and was watching as the additional alike hit.
Glen Allen Behring
Lake Ozark, Mo.
Working for an appointment articles aggregation as a commitment disciplinarian in Denver, Colorado, I bethink that morning actual well. I was loading my barter as the letters came in about a alike hitting the Apple Trade Center. Afresh another! Anon it was accessible that the USA was beneath attack. I went on my avenue with a abundant heart. Abounding businesses were beneath lockdown. I cried all morning and came abutting to calling my administrator to see if I could acknowledgment to base.
I somehow kept going, with a lot of undelivered merchandise. Started branch home aback my ex-wife alleged me to appear on over and watch the adverse news. A lot of wine was captivated and abounding tears were shed.
Donna Botkin
Manchester, Mo.
We were aerial aback from London and absent to Moncton, Canada. Advice was apathetic in coming. We were guests of the Canadian Red Cross for four canicule (minor alliance hockey rink). No amount how fatigued we got, we were safe.
Addie Schnurbusch
St. Louis
You never balloon breadth you were aback 9/11 happened. For me, I was sitting in English chic at St. Ann elementary school. The arch came over the loud apostle and told the agents to about-face on their TVs (those tiny ones that were in every classroom corner); a alike had comatose into one of the accompanying architecture in New York City. Already the TV was on, we watched, horrified, as the additional alike comatose into the added tower. A activity of atheism and affliction done over me. To this day, that anamnesis is as bright to me as ever. I achievement that association abide to bethink what happened that day and what it agency to us as a country.
David Treichel
O’Fallon, Mo.
I had airline tickets to fly from St. Louis to Savannah. Georgia, to do appointment at Fort Stewart Army Base. Our flight was canceled so we had to drive instead. The affection on the abject was actual somber.
Michele Krueger
Fulton, Mo.
Watching the additional belfry fall. I couldn’t acquire the huge aperture in the skyline I was seeing.

Raymond Papish
St. Charles
At 71 years of age, I’ve lived through abounding difficult times in our country. I was 18 and active at home with my mother and ancestor aback the aboriginal pills were fatigued for the Vietnam war draft. I anamnesis breadth I was aback President John F. Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy were assassinated. I bethink breadth I was aback the Challenger spaceship exploded and abounding added celebrated events. But, with anniversary of these occurrences, the animosity were annihilation like the faculty of affliction and abasement I acquainted aback the accompanying architecture were addled by the airplanes.
I was at appointment in an appointment with over 100 bodies and, as usual, there was a fizz in the air as bodies abrupt about from lath to lath speaking to colleagues about appointment matters, talking on their phones, walking to get coffee or accomplish copies and aloof scurrying about accomplishing their jobs. Addition archetypal day in the office.
It was appropriate afterwards the aboriginal alike addled aback my ancestor alleged to acquaint me an aeroplane had aureate into a architecture in New York, and I anamnesis apprehensive to myself how a pilot could not acquire apparent a alpine building? We talked briefly, concluded the alarm and I went aback to work. Afresh the additional alike struck, and, by then, best bodies in the appointment had heard from accompany and ancestors about what had happened.
People got up from their desks and started filing into the breach allowance breadth a television had been affronted on, and everybody was watching what was activity on. The affair that addled me was the awesome silence. Cipher was talking. You could acquire heard a pin drop. Afresh the tears started flowing, and I bethink seeing men and women arrant and administration the activity of anguish and anguish we all acquainted for our adolescent Americans on the planes and in the buildings.
We backward in that baby breach allowance for several hours while contest agitated out beyond the screen. Afresh our administrator told anybody to go home, alive that cipher was activity to feel like alive that day. Bodies boring began trickling out of the appointment still not talking. They affective their claimed accouterments and larboard for the day.
Sadness. Anguish and the awesome quiet is what I anamnesis the most.
James Harrington
St. Louis County
Seeing on TV the additional alike hitting the tower. At aboriginal I anticipation it was aloof ambit to appraise the damage. Afresh aback I heard about the Pentagon and the alike in Pennsylvania, it actually got scary.
Ann H. Zaqhniser
Greenville, Ill.
My bedmate and I were accomplishing a four-month appointment at a residential biblical studies library in Cambridge, England. That day aloft abiding from shopping, addition aimlessly directed us to the television in the accepted room, now exceptionally abounding with abashed people.
In no time, the additional belfry fell. All reacted in shock.
Well wishers amidst us cogent accord for Americans. We abounding a abbey service. Personally, my bedmate and I reacted in abhorrence at the achievability of addition war.
As the US brash and afresh responded by advancing Afghanistan, accord for the U.S. waned amid those we knew.
Now we apperceive the aftereffect of the US vindictiveness. Instead of asking, “Why were we targeted?” we responded in kind. Twenty years afterwards some of us still affliction the absurdity and the fatefulness of the hasty U.S. response.
Grant Doty
St. Louis
I was sitting at a appointment table during a meeting. A coworker, Joe, came in and interrupted. I assume to anamnesis he was a bit breathless. He asked if we had heard about the Apple Trade Center. Cipher had. Joe afresh said he was activity to go get his adolescent from the adolescent affliction centermost because he anticipation our architecture could be next.
Our affair concluded anon afterwards Joe left. My acquaintance Nate and I afresh absolved to our boss’s appointment to attending at his television to see what was activity on. We watched for a few minutes. Boom. Joe was right.
Beverly Waitz
We were traveling with three couples to Inverness, Scotland, and accustomed at our auberge about 3:30 p.m. The administration of the auberge offered us condolences due to the agitator attacks on the accompanying towers.
We aggregate about a television and watched the additional belfry fall. Afterwards that evening, at sundown, we were walking aback to the auberge aback a abandoned bagpiper stood on the acropolis and played amazing adroitness in account of the lives absent beforehand that day. We all chock-full and captivated easily and cried. I would already afresh like to acknowledge anybody in Scotland for their affection and abutment for the draft of our trip.
Mark Olesnicki
O’Fallon, Mo.
Sitting alfresco in the admirable afternoon of 9/11, I was addled by the silence. No airplanes at all, bound cartage noise, no complete of academy kids. The complete country was on hold. We didn’t apperceive if there would be added attacks, or what the abutting accomplishments should be.
Pat Lueders
Webster Groves
Local women were arena in a golf clash in Jefferson Burghal aback we saw the volunteers acquisition calm on the course. They told us a alike had aureate into the Apple Trade Center. The adviser TV was on, and we watched the additional belfry actuality struck. Because we were in a accompaniment capital, there were fears we were in crisis too. Surprisingly, they affiliated the tournament, but abounding larboard in abhorrence and alternating to St Louis.
Joe Jasensky
Pacific, Mo.
I was alive with a backhoe abettor digging footings at West County Centermost for what would become Nordstrom’s. Aback the aboriginal alike hit Josh Moss told me he had heard on the Bob and Tom radio appearance that a alike had hit the Apple Trade Center. We commented aback and alternating for a minute or two and afresh went aback to work.
When the additional alike hit Josh chock-full his backhoe and added men and machines chock-full all about the site. Anybody went to their job trailers to see if we could acquisition out what was activity on. Some workers backward and others larboard the site. I backward and appointment continued, but there was a amazing cloak over the site. At the end of the day I acquire it was the adamant workers that aloft a behemothic American banderole the flew over the armpit the base of the job. Every time I go to West County the anamnesis of that day returns.
Rick Nolle
St. Louis
We were at the Marriott West for a daylong training affair aback addition came in and appear “some idiot aloof flew a baby alike into the Apple Trade Center.” The fizz in the accumulation grew louder, so we headed to the antechamber to watch CNN on the big TV. Continuing there, watching the aboriginal belfry breaker smoke, we saw addition alike fly into the added tower. “Was that an burning replay?” addition asked.
It wasn’t a replay, and we stood there agape watching the architecture bake as the account adventure began to develop. As amazing as the bearings grew, we somehow fabricated our way aback bottomward the anteroom to the affair allowance to abide our training. I bethink actuality absent by account letters as they came in throughout the morning. In hindsight, the contest of 9/11 actually adumbrate the training but somehow I still bethink both.
Before lunch, it was bright that America had been attacked and we absolved the chic so that anybody could go home to be with families. The drive aback to South County was abnormally awesome as the anchorage were mostly abandoned and KMOX abounding the car with affiliated account of the attack.
Nobody knew actually what to do, but we appealing abundant shut bottomward business and biking in acknowledgment to the attack. The PGA was in St. Louis that anniversary and I had tickets to see the convenance annular on Wednesday. It was a bit surreal afterward Tiger about Bellerive because that was the abandoned affair accustomed about the day. The Cardinals had shut bottomward baseball as cipher basic to actualize ample contest that ability be the ambition of the abutting attack. And afresh the PGA shut bottomward the golf clash with all the pros scrambling to hire cars to drive home to Florida or Arizona.
It was so quiet alfresco the anniversary afterwards 9/11. You don’t apprehend how abundant babble airplanes put into the air until they aren’t flying. As the newspapers dug added into the 9/11 characters and details, the faculty of abhorrence and all-overs affiliated to arise as we actually accepted that the USA was beneath attack. There was belief about sleeper beef and the abutting advance — things that auspiciously didn’t happen.
A anniversary later, aback baseball resumed at Busch Stadium, we were there — all-overs and all. The pregame commemoration emphasized bellicism and backbone as the acreage was abounding with 500 aboriginal responders who continued the bigger American banderole I’ve anytime seen. As I watched the adventurous men and women who circadian put their lives on the band for the acceptable of others, my faculty of abhorrence was afflicted by a civic pride.
Michael D. Grueter
St. Charles
My aggregation had a sponsored covering but advisers could go to the convenance circuit so I was at Bellerive allurement Padraig Harrington for a signature aback the badge man came out and said a alike has hit the WTC. Several account afterwards he came out and appear that the additional WTC architecture was hit. We all ran to the pro boutique to watch the contest on TV. Aback the alike went bottomward in the PA acreage I said out loud, “There were heroes on that plane.” How accurate that was, as several men and apparently women jumped the hijackers and prevented that alike from hitting the White House. Those quick acting bodies will consistently be brash American heroes.
Jeanette Rose Craig
St. Louis
On 9/11, I was an RN/IV Therapist at St. Mary’s Bloom Centermost in Richmond Heights. Every accommodating allowance had their TV acquainted in to the attack. My best affiliated anamnesis was of a aide who lived abreast Scott Air Force Base. With tears in her eyes, she declared she aloof basic to go home and hug her children.
Barbara Rasche
St. Peters
Emergency sirens aural on a bright bright morning account me to about-face on the television. The afterimage of a alike in the ancillary of a architecture makes me wonder, “What cine is this?”
In disbelief, I acquire as Tom Brokaw letters the the Apple Trade Center’s Accompanying Belfry acquire been attacked. This can’t be happening! The campanology fizz arouses me from my absorbed staring of the TV. Our firefighter son, Erick, cogent me that he has been mobilized to standby cachet at their blaze station.
I cannot breach myself abroad from the adverse contest advance and actual heart-wrenching aback the additional aircraft hit and afresh the collapse of both architecture with the commotion that followed. God advice all those victims.
I alarm our 14-year-old granddaughter to see how see was coping, and Bright said it was so scary. She was in one school, her brother in another, and both parents so far abroad at work. I explained that Warrenton should be safe. These bodies basic accepted absorption by advancing a above city.

Since Sept. 11, strangers assume kinder and are added caring. There is a renewed pride in our admirable country. And flags are displayed everywhere. Why does it booty such a tragedy for bodies to apprehend what should be important in their lives and all that this abundant country stands for? God absolve America.
Fred Tilinski
St. Peters
Hard to anticipate September 11 could anytime action a acceptable memory, but it is in that time of tragedy and ambiguity that antithetical bodies appear calm as adolescent Americans. It’s not generally abundant we booty accident at a adventitious to action advice or to put abreast our pride and ability to acquire it aback needed, abnormally with strangers.
The best anamnesis of that day was abatement bidding by a admirable adolescent babe aloof reunited with her parents. She said: “What a day this has been! I woke up cerebration my parents are asleep and both my brothers are dead.”
I flew home to St Louis the afternoon before. That abutting morning I was autograph account from a affair of Protestant Justice Action the weekend afore in Chicago. Beckie came in accepting heard a radio active of a alike blast into a architecture in New York. We affronted on the TV in time to see the abutting alike hit the additional tower. Like all of America we sat absorbed cat-and-mouse to apprentice more. All flights were ordered to acreage anon at the abutting airport.
As a retired airline agent I could brainstorm the fallout. Whenever any airport or burghal receives an annoying accession of passengers, there are never abundant hotels or alternating carriage for them. Past acquaintance reminded me of awash terminals with abandoned passengers, generally with families, and boilerplate to go for aliment or a abode to rest.
Beckie said that we should action what we had to help. I envisioned abandoned families with baby children. We had room — or could accomplish room. I alleged the Lambert airport abbey breadth a abbot acquaintance volunteered. He wasn’t there that day. I talked to a all-embracing priest cogent him, “I’m a above airline agent and accept what anarchy is activity on. My wife and I will aces up and abode any ancestors who has been displaced and had no abode to go, and accumulate them actuality at our home until they can move cautiously on.”
Planes and cartage from agilely landed air operators with no affiliation to St Louis sat on taxiways for hours cat-and-mouse for gates to unload. The terminal was already abounding with abashed and abashed bodies who had no abode to go.
Later the Chaplin alleged us. “I acquire a ancestors who you ability help.”
In backward afternoon we collection to Lambert and best up a middle-aged man and wife who were still in shock but alpha to understand. Their bond was demography off from Affiliated Island that morning and clearing in to a affiliated flight on an airline that did not serve St Louis . They were activity to the West Bank to appointment his parents. Afresh a abrupt advertisement of an emergency landing in St Louis. They had watched ammunition auctioning and were abiding they were doomed. Afterwards a safe landing came a affiliated delay to alight with no complete information.
When we got them to our home they were nervous, restless, and abandoned with strangers. They aboriginal alleged their babe at academy in eastern Ohio and asked her to appear get them. They told us of their sons, one a policeman based at the Apple Trade Centermost and the added a New York fireman. They anticipation both ability acquire not been on appointment that day. Calls fabricated and assay came that their ancestors was intact. They remained agitated — abrupt to be with family. They appear their babe planned to drive ten hours to aggregate them.
We acquainted a charge to do more, and put appropriate whatever was possible. We appropriate active them to Indianapolis — halfway. Account letters were sketchy — some said that gas stations would all anon close. Our van had a abounding tank, abundant to get to Indianapolis — anguish about a bushing to appear home later. We aloof couldn’t leave our dog aback we weren’t abiding aback we ability return. We loaded their accoutrements and our Golden Retriever and set out on agilely catholic anchorage that night. Advanced and rear bench conversations anon appear we were not of the aforementioned backroom or adoration or compassionate why anyone in the apple should abhorrence America. Yet there was no altercation or charge to be right.
At his advancement we chock-full for meal at an enactment that discriminated adjoin gays. I would’ve adopted addition place, but this was not a time for bent and boycott. Greasy abundance aliment was, indeed, comfort.
We accomplished the Indianapolis affair place. Their babe accustomed anon after. Her ancestor insisted we booty money for gas. A acceptable augury was the accessible abject beyond the alleyway breadth both cars could refuel for a acknowledgment trip.
We were atrocious to acquisition some way advice on that day. Some baby allotment of what was disrupted bare set right. We fabricated it home in aboriginal dawn. We had affluence of gas.
Sandra Spalt Fulte
My aboriginal hour AP calculus chic was demography their aboriginal assay aback one of my agents from beyond the anteroom came in and said,”Turn on your TV. A alike aloof flew into one of the accompanying architecture in New York. They anticipate it’s a agitator attack.” I told my chic to stop their tests, that activity as they knew it has consistently changed. This would be the brand of their generation. We watched as the additional alike hit.
Two of my admired agents and I had basic the abutting hour. One asked who could do such a thing? My acknowledgment was, “Osama Bin Laden. He’s the abandoned one who hates that much.” We all spent the day activity as if we had been gutted as we were so hollow, so frightened, so angry, so absent to ability out to anybody we admired and cared about to acquaint them so.
All of a abrupt we weren’t atramentous or white or Republican or Democrat or burghal or rural. We were Americans. Aloof autograph this bond causes tears.
Ann S. Pott
My bedmate and I were on our aboriginal (and only) cruise to Alaska, acquisitive to be able to watch whales. I bethink actuality docked in Juneau the atramentous of 9/10, blind out on the baiter accouter watching seaplanes lazily acreage on the water. Those were some of the aftermost planes that would booty to the air.
My bedmate and I were active on treadmills on the address the abutting morning aback a woman access into the exercise allowance and told us what was happening. So abounding things got bankrupt bottomward then, including the civic parks — we were declared to go to Denali. And of advance all airports bankrupt for a time, dabbling for a day our acknowledgment to St. Louis.
I additionally bethink that any time we were on acreage in Alaska, about every abode we anesthetized was aerial “Old Glory.” The ship’s aggregation was from Norway and they issued a account of adherence and sympathy, aback best of the cartage were American citizens. So alike admitting we were participants in a abhorrent event, there were signs of affront and hope. It was actual affecting and abating for me to see that accord adjoin terrorism.
Richard Wagner
Driving south of Red Bud on Illinois Avenue 3 through the countryside bears no affinity to the bottleneck and business of lower Manhattan, our scene, so peaceful, so quiet. In accepted with NYC we had abandoned a admirable bright dejected sky and complete temperature. R., my adolescent car-pooler, had dozed off. This was generally the case in our hours drive aback we were disciplinarian and not at the wheel. The radio on, apparently KWMU, the aboriginal advertisement of a accompanying belfry actuality addled by a alike came as we were abutting Nine Mile Creek. We were affective at a acceptable country acceleration while in New York anchored structures were actuality confused airliners-as-weapons confused into them. R. awakened. I recalled the beforehand bombing in the alms beneath those barrio and wondered if this addition sabotage. In the abbreviate ambit amid Ellis Grove and the Chester Brainy Bloom Center, our destination, we got the additional announcement. Now there was certainty: We had been atrociously “attacked.”
This brainy bloom centermost is actually a “secure” hospital, with a axial appointment authoritative the comings and goings of all, with electronically controlled gates and aegis agents to appraise the capacity of whatever we ability intend to accompany to our units. All association are judicially allowable to this facility. Some added contrasts to activity in Southern Illlinois and Manhattan.
Entrance to the active units are locked; that is additionally breadth our offices are, breadth secretaries, nurses and security-therapy aides absorb space. A day allowance takes the amplitude amid agents and citizen sleeping rooms. Aback I entered the assemblage best anybody was in the day allowance attractive at the bank army TV. Over and over, throughout the day, the media showed the aforementioned footage of the attacks.Endless repetitions from account announcers articulate asinine and annoying afterwards the third or alternating time. The blitz of aboriginal responders adjoin the site, the beat of citizens abroad from it and the abashed advance with President Bush’s while account to brand schoolers was additionally afresh and repeated. The Pentagon advance and the blast of a alike in a acreage in Pennsylvania accepted what we already knew.
On our way home that evening, we anesthetized curve and curve of cars at gas stations, cat-and-mouse to ample up afore whatever ability appear at us the abutting day. I began to admiration about those I knew who ability acquire been anon affected. Cousin Kate, administration active amplitude with three added women in Hoboken, formed in Manhattan at MSNBC as a writer. I contacted her Mom to inquire. Cousin Lizzy in D.C., accepted as a bike commuter, was appointed to fly home to St. Louis for a friend’s accretion or conjugal shower. No planes in the air. Addie, her able mom, begin a rental car in not too abroad but too far to bike to Richmond. All of my bodies safe, but for so abounding that evening, loss, change, and for all of us, activity has never been the aforementioned since.
John E. Turner
St. Louis
My ancestors had been vacationing in Destin, Florida for a anniversary or so aback accompany abutting us on the weekend of 9/8/2001. By that Monday, 9/10/2001, my best acquaintance and I had talked ourselves into accepting a bolt on a fishing affair baiter at the Harbor Airing Pier, in Destin, for the afterward mornings cruise. The accountant baiter larboard the berth at about 6:00am with 15 to 20 aflame cartage absent to, hopefully, bolt a few basal agriculture Red Snappers. It was a admirable day to be canoeing out in the clear, emerald blooming amnion of the Gulf of Mexico. The baiter captain had chock-full several times at altered locations to acquiesce his cartage to bead our curve to try to snag a few Snappers or whatever abroad that ability chaw our baits. My acquaintance and I were actually adequate this first-time ocean fishing experience.
By 9 a.m., while still adequate our fishing, we aback heard, afresh saw, beachcomber afterwards wave, 10-12, of what I had estimated may acquire been F-16 or F-18 Air Force fighter jets fly overhead. I bethink cerebration that seeing and audition jets fly overhead, in itself, is no big deal. What anxious me, as I told my friend: “There’s article wrong, because they all had their afterburners engaged.”
At about 9:30am, our baiter captain, afterwards explanation, appear that due to an emergency our cruise had to be cut short. With that announcement, the baiter headed aback to the fishing pier. There was a lot of blackout amidst the cartage during our acknowledgment trip.
It took us a while to ability the pier, afterwards chat from our captain about what the emergency was. Some of us afresh accomplished how austere if charge be because abounding of our ancestors associates were cat-and-mouse for us at the pier, including mine. Anguish and tears could be apparent in their eyes. One of the berth business owners had a carriageable TV assuming what had taken abode in NYC. Afterwards abiding to our rental home and for the base of that day there was annihilation but abysmal sadness, tears, abhorrence and the anticipation of: “What’s activity to appear next?” It bankrupt my affection to watch the accident of activity and to watch my wife cry while watching the ceaseless account coverage.
Judy Trouba
We got into a auto in Milan, Italy, breadth the disciplinarian approved to acquaint us what had happened in the U.S. Not compassionate Italian, we had no abstraction until we accomplished the auberge and heard the news. A few canicule afterwards while in Berlin we saw a array of blaze trucks with American flags and wreaths that were anniversary the firefighters who absent their lives in New York. Actual touching.
Sally Taylor
St. Louis
I formed in Chesterfield at a retirement community. The clear, brilliant morning started at my desk, communicable up from my contempo vacation. Vacations are consistently appropriately advancing but ambidextrous with the after-effects can be daunting, so I got an aboriginal alpha that day. The morning blackout was disconnected by a account on the radio in my office: A alike had hit a architecture in New York, one of the Apple Trade Towers.
A arctic went bottomward my spine. I had aloof aureate aback and alternating from the West Bank two canicule earlier. My affection went out to the bodies on that alike — baby planes, any planes, were not my thing. As I formed a bit longer, addition bulletin: Addition alike hitting the South belfry of the Apple Trade Center.
At this point I accomplished that this could be no coincidence. Two planes hitting barrio in New York? I larboard my appointment to airing out in the anteroom and noticed televisions on, alerting anybody to the news. While I had initially afflicted a small, clandestine alike had blurred and crashed, I had no abstraction of the abomination of what was unfolding. Life, aegis and the abundance of alive we were in a able and adequate country, one that would not be the focus of a adverse attack, afflicted forever.
As the day abundant and the Pentagon and Shanksville were adverse additions to the story, I acquainted an cutting anguish and about a aloof activity as I looked about amid coworkers, residents, television letters and back. Blended together, we were a collection of sad disbelief, no one actually alive what to say, speaking cautiously aback we did allege as if speaking our animosity and fears would accomplish them alike added real.
Television letters kept the aforementioned account bend of the planes crashing, architecture collapse and everywhere bodies running. You relived it anniversary time the contest were replayed throughout the day. It seemed that a little allotment of me went added into anguish anniversary time I saw the contest of the day reviewed. I hated to accumulate watching and yet I could not stop watching.
At the day’s end, I collection to my allotment time job at a academy and noticed that gas stations were over run. Bodies were lined up on the Rock Alleyway for about a mile at anniversary abject — agitation buying, it seemed. My academy was closed, no appointment tonight.
I collection home. My bedmate and I watched throughout the night, listened to the President as he approved to advice accomplish faculty of what would never be understood, and affect aplomb aback it was abutting to absurd to accomplish — at atomic at that point.
Twenty tears later, I can acutely see it all over again. I anamnesis the aforementioned activity of absurd sadness, in tune with the abhorrence of what the cartage and bodies in the towers, the Pentagon and that acreage alfresco Shanksville charge acquire felt. There will abandoned anytime be one Arena Aught for me — it is a aggregate of the 4 sites breadth the planes hit on September 11, 2001.
Cora Holt
I was in the Pentagon 20 years ago on a acting appointment assignment. At that time I was an agent of the Department of Defense at the U.S. Busline Command, Scott AFB IL. I was not afflicted physically but the acquaintance did accord me abounding canicule and nights of unrest.
As we were active from the Pentagon for safety, I bethink apprehensive if I would see my ancestors again. Thankfully, I did. I anticipate a lot of bodies still booty our abandon and way of activity for granted. If it doesn’t affect them personally, they tend not to focus or abutment accomplishments taken. I am actual appreciative to be an American and I abutment all the aggressive efforts that accord us abandon every day. I will consistently account the ones who absent their lives so that I can alive in freedom.
Marsha Clark
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The apex hour blast of accretion from Christ Abbey Cathedral in city St. Louis calling for an hour of affiliation and prayer, with admiral in suits, every-day appointment staff, able laborers in asperous abrasion and careful gear, and those who haven’t had a ablution or change of accouterment in whatever breadth of time walking through the advanced doors from north, south, east and west, continuing allowance only, administration the pew hymnals with strangers of all ranks and file. We were unified in our afflicted and responded as one association in all its variety.
Juliette Smith
St. Louis
It is with apprehensive acknowledgment that we, L.Dean and Juliette Smith, accurate our aboveboard acknowledgment for the acceptable and accommodation we accustomed as campaign on September 11, 2001 and the canicule following.
The two of us had abounding the aboriginal September accretion of two acceptable accompany in France. On the morning of September 11, we were aboard TWA flight 819, a complete flight home to St. Louis. By backward morning, we were over the average of the Atlantic Ocean, aback aback the pilot appear that the New York airport had bankrupt down. Our aboriginal acknowledgment was to say to ourselves that this was no affair to the two of us, in as abundant we were on lath a complete flight to St. Louis. Alike the actuality that a solemn-faced copilot absolved by silently blockage the rows of basement cartage did not assume noteworthy. Nor did the actuality that our flight had been absent to acreage in Gander, Canada. Bad acclimate or automated difficulties now and afresh acquired such diversions.
Of advance the copilot advisedly abhorred absolution any information. And so we landed in Gander abutting about 50 added airplanes anchored calm on the tarmac, forth with all genitalia of the apple and all anchored calm forth with all our adolescent cartage we were bedfast to our aircraft and until it was our about-face to advance into an airport building. Supper had been able for us! Afterwards supper, anniversary accumulation of adolescent flight cartage was kept calm and led to a amplitude of its own, agilely fabricated ready: in a amphitheater a bowling alley, a association centermost or a Masonic centermost (that was our destination and still added spaces). It was from the TV that atramentous that we abstruse about the abhorrent adversity that was the acumen for our aberration to Gander.
Why Gander? This boondocks of 10,000 had consistently been a key mean for Apple War II flights amid the United Accompaniment and Europe. Add to this the actuality that Gander had aloof afresh conducted astute and through drills to alternation aboriginal responders for aircraft disasters. As a aftereffect Gander has been brash a acceptable applicant for the abrupt accession of 6,000 guests.
The Gander accommodation never wavered during the three canicule we were so taken affliction of, singing together, affair friends.
Everett Daniel Duncan
House Springs
I’m abandoned 18, but 9/11 to me is I would say the bigger accident of the 21st century. And it afflicted it for the worse. Abundant worse.
Rob Birenbaum
St. Louis
I was visiting the Yamaha boom factories in Jakarta, Indonesia and Osaka, Japan. As the buyer of Boom Headquarters at the time, I was allotment of a accumulation of eight U.S. boom retailers who were accustomed the attenuate befalling for this once-in-a-lifetime trip.
We went to Jakarta aboriginal and afterwards spending aloof 36 hours in that abundant metropolis, we took an brief flight to Japan on what was aboriginal Tuesday morning, September 11, there (early Monday afternoon, September 10 in New York). By the time we got to Tokyo, afresh took a ammo alternation to Osaka and arrested into our hotel, it was about 10 p.m. Tuesday, September 11 (meaning it was about 9 a.m. that acute day in the US).
Most of us were so ashen from the brief flight and the 18-hour expedition that we went beeline to sleep. A brace of guys backward up and saw the tragedy in complete time, while watching CNN International, but they were abashed to deathwatch the others. Aboriginal the abutting morning, I got a wake-up alarm from a acquaintance on the cruise who had backward up to watch aggregate unfold, and he told me what had happened. I anon affronted on CNN and in a about abbreviate time had an compassionate of the force of the situation.
The complete accumulation of eight boom dealers anon went to the auberge restaurant to accommodated with Yamaha advisers from the U.S. and Japan boom divisions, who were our hosts. They had been up best of the night and told us that they had already appear our abode to the US Embassy, appointed our auberge in Osaka for an added anniversary in case we got abandoned there, appointed all of us auberge apartment in Los Angeles for a anniversary afterwards our appointed acknowledgment date in case we couldn’t get home and had cadre at the Yamaha U.S. appointment in California alarm all of our families to assure them that we were okay. Allocution about ability and accurate affair for our well-being!
We requested of our hosts that we watch President Bush’s accent that was appointed to alpha aural the hour (Wednesday morning in Osaka and Tuesday night in the U.S.). So we went anon to the Yamaha branch and met in a appointment allowance that had a television. Unfortunately, we could not apprehend the president’s words because his accent was actuality translated into Japanese. However, one of the Japanese Yamaha advisers proceeded to construe aback into English every chat the President said, so we could accept the speech. The acumen I apperceive that he translated every chat is because he did not leave out the allotment breadth Bush said that what occurred on 9/11 was the affliction tragedy on U.S. clay aback Pearl Harbor. At that moment, every Japanese actuality in the allowance had a attending of abashment on their faces, angled their active and said about in unison, “We are sorry.” That was one of the best able and allusive moments of my life.
Allie Blackwell
I was in St. Louis, visiting from Boston for my mom’s aboriginal annular of Chemo for breast cancer. It had already been an affecting weekend, to say the least. I had boarded my alike early…first flight out of Lambert. My flight was to acquire a abbreviate layover in Cleveland, afresh aback home to Boston/Cape Cod. I’d be home by mid-afternoon. I had abandoned been active in Cape Cod for a few months and while I fabricated the accommodation as to whether I would breach or not, my fat cat Rudy had been blockage in St. Louis with my acquaintance Amy. But I had absitively I admired the east bank and would stay, bringing Rudy aback with me on this trip.
About 30 account shy of our appointed landing in Cleveland, the pilot had appear on and said aggregate looked abundant and we would be landing shortly. Not 10 account afterwards the pilot came aback on and said article had been spotted on the alarm and they were authoritative us acreage in Dayton. Attractive out the window I thought, “What was spotted? It couldn’t be a added complete day.” The sky was bright bright blue. I now accredit to skies like that as 9/11 dejected sky. (I anticipation I was the abandoned one…I watched a appropriate aftermost night and a guy declared it the aforementioned way). The alike landed and were asked to avenue the plane. I had my adipose cat with me, and I autonomous to be the aftermost one off the plane. As I was exiting, some pompous, loud mouth, draft adamantine said to the flight accessory and pilot, “You can acquaint us the truth, pilot. We are adults here.” (I for one, a lifer abashed flier, am animated they gave the explanation, midflight, they gave). Actuality the aftermost one off the flight, I absent the account as to what happened.
All I heard the airline artisan say was, “Please affirmation your accoutrements and there will be a bus cat-and-mouse at the advanced of the airport to booty you assimilate Cleveland.” Still no clue what was happening. I approached the artisan and said, “Ma’am, I was not activity to Cleveland, I was continuing assimilate Boston. Can I aloof delay actuality until the abutting flight to Boston.” (Now I beam as what a affliction in the base I must’ve seemed to this woman). In a actual stern, about blame voice, she said to me, “Ma’am the airport is closing. Grab your accoutrements and leave the airport.” What the…
I absolved through the Dayton airport to get my accoutrements as directed, barmy at the acknowledgment this woman had aloof accustomed me, not already endlessly to attending at a TV. Aback I got to the accoutrements claim, I saw a actual abundant woman I accustomed from my flight. (As a assistant on vacation, those are the bodies I consistently booty agenda of on a flight). I asked her what was activity on, to which she replied “there was a alike blast in NYC.” Alright, but why am I actuality in Dayton. The accoutrements claim, car rental, auberge kiosks was microburst chaos. I had afield not paid my wireless fizz bill, which had actual calmly been affronted off that day. So authoritative a fizz alarm was out of the question. The pay fizz curve were 50 bodies deep. I got my accoutrements and headed for the bus as I was told to do.
I had no abstraction what was accident but all the anarchy larboard me activity actual uncomfortable. As I got on the bus I asked the man sitting beyond the alley if I could use his corpuscle fizz to alarm my brother who lived in Toledo, Ohio. (My cartography sucks and I anticipation maybe Toledo was abutting to Dayton. WRONG). I placed the alarm and my sister-in-law answered. Instantly I affronted into a bawl bones clumsy to get my words out. I bethink Kim saying, I will acquire Kent alarm you appropriate aback at this number. She afraid up afore I could say it wasn’t my phone. But he alleged appropriate aback and the admirer gave me his fizz back. My brother instructed me to get off the bus, grab my accoutrements and delay for him; he was advancing to get me.
Shaking and bawl I got off the bus and sat on the curb. I went and stood in one of the pay fizz curve to alarm my mom. While there I was able to get a bigger compassionate as to what was happening. There was a agitator advance in New York City. (Still not accepting a abounding compassionate the abounding scale). I stood in band abaft a woman who didn’t assume afraid at all. Anything but. She seemed actual put out. Aback she got on the fizz it affronted into a 20-minute, work-related business call. All I could anticipate was my mother with blight is apparently apprehensive breadth I am. I assuredly absitively to tap her on the accept and admonish her this was not the time to break the civic deficit. I had a mother with blight I bare to get a authority of. Wrap it up. She got off the phone, admitting not afterwards aboriginal calling me rude.
I placed my alarm and assuredly got through afterwards several attempts. The aboriginal words out of my mom’s mouth: “Are you in Canada?” (For whatever reason, that still makes me laugh). I told her I ability as able-bodied be. I’m in Dayton. But Kent was on his way to get me. She told me afterwards I larboard she had gone aback to bed. She started accepting fizz calls about 8:30 allurement if she had talked to me. Why would she acquire talked to me, I had aloof left. I hadn’t alike fabricated it to Boston yet. She said my acquaintance Angela brash her to about-face on the TV. With that she started calling the airline. She was told they were administering all calm flights to Canada. I captivated up my fizz alarm and went out to delay for my brother.
I was sitting adjoin the architecture with my accoutrements and my cat, afraid and crying. It was the best abandoned I had anytime felt. Not actually alive what was activity on, I couldn’t allocution to anyone I knew, there was cipher I knew about me. A woman approached me and asked if I was alright. I assured her I was fine, but scared. She asked if I bare a ride about to which I replied, “No, my big brother is advancing to get me from Toledo.” She abreast me that would be at atomic a three-hour wait. She offered me a abode to stay. I thanked her for her action and told her I actually basic to see addition I knew. Aural minutes, the airport was closing. One of the workers, apologetically, told me I could not breach on the premises. I bare to go delay on the account road. I affective my barbarian cat, accoutrements and absolved out to the account road. If I remember, there was a car dealership beyond the street. One of the workers came over and asked if I bare a abode to wait. Nope, I was acceptable on the curb. He afterwards brought me cafeteria and baptize for my cat. Strangers are kind.
As I waited a account van approached. A anchorman asked if I would apperception actuality interviewed. With cameras rolling he asked if I knew what had happened. “Yes, a alike hit the WTC.” And afresh he showed me the account footage…what all I had absent while sitting on the curb. I couldn’t acquire my eyes. I couldn’t acquire what was happening. Humbling, devastated, no words. I bare to get to a fizz quick. I acquire abounding accompany that alive in NYC. I charge to accomplish abiding they were alright. I was in shock.
Shortly thereafter my brother and nephew arrived. I acquire never been so blessed to see a accustomed face. He jumped out of the car and hugged me, allurement if I was alright. Yes, I’m fine…as I threw my accoutrements in the trunk. “Let’s go.” About a block abroad I told him how I had absent the accomplished account aback I exited the plane. My brother afresh asked, “Where is the cat?” “In the trunk.” GEEZ, I aloof put my cat in the trunk…I was so disheveled and disoriented. He chock-full in the average of artery and popped the trunk. That poor cat. He was accomplished and rode up advanced with me until we got to my brother’s house.
When we got to his house, I sat bottomward and watched all the footage. It was a bad dream. This couldn’t be happening. I unpacked and we went to dinner. It was appealing axiomatic about anon that I would be there for a brace of days. All approach of busline had appear to a halt. My added brother was in Cleveland aggravating to get aback to St. Louis. His wife is from New York and she was devastated and bare his support. He concluded up renting a U-Haul to drive aback to St. Louis. To which he joked, “Young breed dig fat guys active a U-Haul” (typical Tres humor).
In the meantime, I alleged a acquaintance aback in the Cape to amuse pop in and augment my added cat. I assuredly got ahold of my mother afresh who told me of all the bodies that had been calling, Including my sister-in-law’s sister…knowing I was a burn/trauma nurse, she would action up a abode to breach if I basic to appear appointment at arena zero. Apperceive that if I had been in Cape Cod, I would’ve been there in a heartbeat. I arrested on all my accompany in NYC. All accounted for but with all-important stories. I spent my anniversary activity to soccer games, shopping, cat-and-mouse for my niece and nephew to get home from school. I alleged appointment circadian to accumulate them up to date as to whether or not I’d be aback at appointment that day or not. I afterwards abstruse my administrator at the time, alleged my mom several times to accomplish abiding she was alright. These bodies were new accompany and coworkers and were already so affiliated to me they knew my ancestors and my mom’s blight were of complete affair to me. Finally, backward Thursday night we got chat that few flights would be resumed Friday morning but we would acquire to get to Cleveland early. And we did.
There was a acutely altered feel about the airport…eerie. As I absolved to the aegis assay point, I had to booty off my shoes (that was a first), alleviate my belt, cycle the top of my jeans down, booty my cat out of the carrier. And afterwards question, I did all of this. I had a brace of hours to additional as I waited for my flight and alleged my acquaintance Amy. I will never balloon her words: “Where the hell are you? I’ve been abashed sick.” I had been in complete shock this accomplished time and this was the aboriginal moment I actually broke. I had acquainted so abandoned through all of this and aloof afresh accomplished I absolutely was not alone. I had so abounding accompany and ancestors abashed who I could calculation on…who were absolutely concerned.
They appear my flight, and as I fabricated the abhorrent airing to the aperture arch to my plane, there was that aforementioned abundant woman. All smiles she greeted me with, “you were on the news. As I sat in the auberge allowance that night, watching the news, I was so blessed to see your face…a accustomed face.” Goodness, I hadn’t alike brash what it would be like to acquire had that aforementioned situation, circuitous with actuality abundant and put up in a aberrant auberge allowance for 3 days. God adulation her.
I white knuckled it the accomplished way aback to Boston, clearing my fretfulness with an aboriginal morning gin and tonic. Already I landed, I about ran to my car…all I basic was to get aback home on the Cape. I basic to get home and go appointment out…work off some of this stress. I got home, afflicted clothes and headed to the gym. In Cape Cod there are abounding commuters…to Boston (such as myself), to NYC. It was not aberrant to apperceive bodies that spent their anniversary in NYC for work, afresh acknowledgment home to the Cape on the weekends. As I got to the gym, I absolved in to the accepted loud aperture clowns that formed the advanced desk. I got to the doors of the weight allowance and saw a account of about 30 names. I chock-full to see what the account was…a account of names of bodies from my gym that were accepted asleep or missing. Ashamed again. There would be no workout. I went home and aloof cried.
Life boring got accomplish to about normalcy. There was a flight aback to St. Louis for Christmas that I about got into a anchor action with the idiot sitting in the bench abaft me that fabricated a animadversion about accepting a bomb on him. He was asked to avenue the plane. (FYI, the shoe bomber, Richard Reed, bearings happened the abutting day). There was my cousin’s flight to see me with questions of whether there were air marshals or not on her flight.
But it was my aboriginal cruise aback into NYC…exiting the aisle alternation from Hoboken to lower Manhattan, my accepted stop…Gground zero, that I will never forget. The afterimage of that astronomic abysm in the average of the ground, which already housed the WTC; abundant with commerce, and chatter, and traffic…was now nothing. I stood there and cried so hard. Sobbing, shaking, humbled.
This day carries a lot of affect for me for everyone. It makes me feel like a appreciative American!
Venita Lake
St. Louis
I had afresh retired and was accepting breakfast at my home in St. Louis. My daughter, Beth Lake, (also in St. Louis) alleged me from appointment and told me to about-face on the TV, which I did in time to see the additional alike hit the Apple Trade Center. My adolescent daughter, Melissa Lake Smith, lived in Washington, D.C., on Capitol Acropolis and was assured her aboriginal adolescent in aboriginal December.
Beth knew that Melissa’s husband, Marc, was in New York Burghal for a business meeting, but we had no abstraction breadth his affair was. Fizz curve in D.C. and New York were active everywhere, but I was able to acquaintance both Melissa and Marc by email. We abstruse that Marc was safe. He had stepped abroad from the affair and could see the Apple Trade Center. The affair was bound canceled and anybody went alfresco and absolved abroad from the breadth of the attack.
At home on Constitution Avenue in DC, Melissa had two men acclimation the barn aperture so it would abutting afore they headed home. Constitution was a one-way artery adjoin the Capitol in the morning and antipodal to out-of-town in the evening, but it was switched to arch out beforehand that day. Two men were there to fix the barn aperture and they accomplished their job afore branch out of town. Melissa spent abundant of the day blockage on the abode of friends. One woman who still works at the Capitol architecture commandeered a Capitol car to get her son from a federal daycare abreast the Pentagon. There were rumors about a bomb at Union Station. Eventually Marc was able to get home by alternation with Melissa’s help.
On a St. Louis ancillary note, I formed for Granco Steel Articles on arctic Broadway in the summers from 1959-1963 aback they were designing their allotment of the attic for the Apple Trade Centermost and the Poplar Artery Bridge accouter here. Afterwards assay showed that the calefaction from the blaze acquired aback the alike abounding with ammunition comatose and broiled their corrugated “Stay in Place” flooring. Amid added things, I did a lot of filing engineering assets while I was alternating secretarial jobs.
Nancy Blakeley
The anamnesis that is seared in my academician is seeing the aboriginal belfry collapse. I was reminded of how it afflicted me in August aback my bedmate and I were in New York for a accretion and I visited the 9/11 canonizing for the aboriginal time and saw it appear afresh on a video screen. I’ll never balloon that.
Mardell Moeller Granger
Chester, Ill.
Being asked by three fourth-grade boys if I would adjure with them. I was the speech/language pathologist at Evansville Attendance Centermost in Evansville, Illinois. My one group, three fourth-grade boys, came into my analysis allowance allurement me if the planes ability appear and bomb Evansville. They had been watching account letters in their classroom. I assured them the terrorists had no ability of southern Illinois and absolutely not of the baby boondocks of Evansville. I told them we were safe and there was annihilation to fear.
Then one of the boys asked if I would say a prayer. Already he asked, the added two asked also. So, we captivated easily and I prayed for New York, our country and for us and our families. All three boys thanked me, hugged me, and we went on with speech/language analysis activities.
John Govin
Rock Hill
I was in Boston. I formed for American West Air at Logan. I saw the American Airlines advance off the aboideau at 8:20 a.m. At about 9:20, addition ran into my appointment and told me to about-face on the TV. Appropriate aback I did, we saw the aircraft hit the tower. No way that happened. The draft of the anniversary was one of my saddest. I knew bodies on both aircraft. I was at the airport 24/7 in case the authorities bare to reinspect my aircraft. I was on the flight accouter of one of my aircraft assuming some apparatus checks, aback I affronted about I was staring at the bigger German Shepard dog I had anytime encountered and two adorable armed Swat members. I served in Vietnam and it was affection wrenching.
Greta Corkhill

My bedmate and I lived in Chesterfield and afterwards finishing breakfast, my babe best me up to drive to Bellerive Country Club to watch the PGA tournament. We anchored and absolved in abutting to one of the holes breadth lots of bodies were, and Tiger Woods was aloof advancing on to that hole. We were so aflame to see him close. He was actual affable and accepting accessible to tee off aback actual loud alarms started activity off. He chock-full and all of us were apprehensive what was activity on. Anon the abhorrent advertisement came of the adversity in New York City. There was complete silence. We affronted to airing aback to our car and all the golfers headed to the clubhouse. It is a day I will never forget.
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