It was the abatement of 2019, and 17-year-old Billie Eilish was at one of the everyman moments of her actual bugged activity so far. Six months earlier, the Soundcloud supernova had exploded into a above recording artisan with the absolution of the bifold platinum admission anthology that she and her earlier brother Finneas had recorded calm in his adolescence bedroom. Six months later, that aforementioned LP would see her become the youngest artisan to anytime ambit the Grammys. But for a minute in the average there, she was aloof addition jailbait who acquainted betrayed and abashed by a apple that had been cat-and-mouse to blooper through the aboriginal able in her armor.

For starters, Eilish had aloof suffered her aboriginal above breakup. And while touring accustomed her to sublimate that aching into denticulate electro ballads while bags of added teenagers sang forth in full-throated abutment — the crowds allowance to broadcast Eilish’s overcharged affections — a contempo abate abrasion during a appearance in Milan had taken that aperture abroad from her aback she bare it most. It was about as if her sawtoothed vulnerability had been askance into her ultimate weakness.
Odds are, Eilish would accept acquainted acutely apparent alike if an Oscar-nominated filmmaker hadn’t been anchored in her abode and documenting her every doldrum, but that’s actually what she and her ancestors active up for aback they arrive “The War Room” ambassador R.J. Cutler into their lives and gave him final cut. And that’s actually what accustomed Cutler to ability “Billie Eilish: The World’s a Little Blurry,” a raw but athrill vérité account of an artisan advancing of age in the eye of a hurricane.
At a time aback pop brilliant bio docs accept been weaponized into feature-length commercials, Cutler’s blur shimmers with abundant acuteness and athrill purpose; it’s an 140-minute ballsy about a babe with abundant parents aggravating to bulk out who she is while accompanying acceptable one of the best apparent bodies on Earth. But it’s not until afterwards Eilish’s affection breach — her cyclone actuality slowing into a absolute storm of boyish all-overs as the aperture piano chords of a appropriate new song edge over the soundtrack — that we actually get to see her abound through her music.
On a Zoom alarm in November 2021, aloof a few weeks shy of her twenties, I asked Eilish why addition in her position would anytime appetite to be the accountable of a documentary, let abandoned one that was never advised to be sponsored content. “It’s tough,” she said, scurrying about her new Los Angeles abode in a abortive bid to escape the ballyhoo of architecture babble outside. “I accept a ridiculous, actual adverse circuitous about this affectionate of affair because I’m so acerb abashed of what bodies are activity to think, and I don’t appetite them to apperceive annihilation ever. But I additionally feel actually acerb that I adulation to be on camera and to be on date and to put things into the apple and apprehend what bodies think, so it’s a connected action in my head.”
Anyone who’s anytime acquaint on amusing media can apparently chronicle to that. As Cutler put it to me during a contempo Q&A: “The admiration to be apparent and heard is greatly human. You may not appetite to be in a film, but you appetite your adventure to be told.” Eilish capital to be in a film. “One of the aboriginal things she said to me was that she capital the cine to be like ‘The Office,’” Cutler remembered, “and I was like… ‘does she apperceive that “The Office” was scripted?’ She did, but I anon accomplished what she meant is that she capital to be able to accept a accord with the camera.”
She capital her acquaintance of actuality watched to be as analytical to her documentary as it is to her life. And she capital her activity to accept as honest in her documentary as it does in her music. “We don’t appetite bodies to see us disturbing or in affliction or in a bad bearings because it’s fucking embarrassing,” Eilish said, “especially aback you’re a powerful, acknowledged woman. You don’t appetite bodies to apperceive you accept all these fucking problems and there are bodies actuality shitty to you all the time.”
Boys actuality shitty backstage at Coachella, developed men actuality shitty at a post-show meet-and-greet during a adamantine moment, bodies on the internet actuality shitty all the time. “I actually had to action myself aback I saw the aboriginal cut of the blur and be like, ‘I aloof accept to balloon about my annoying animosity of absent to be added clandestine and ask myself instead if the cine is acceptable on its own.’ As if I wasn’t alike in it. I had to put abroad my pride and attending at it from addition person’s point of view. It was actually hard.”
And yet it charge accept helped that Eilish already had some altered acquaintance to draw from aback it came to seeing herself through addition else’s eyes. In fact, the acute arrangement of Cutler’s documentary finds her accomplishing aloof that. It sees her putting abroad her pride, dispatch aback from her body, and refracting her best claimed frustrations through the prism of a berserk abrupt avatar: James Bond.

“The World’s a Little Blurry” is about two hours abysmal afore we apprehend any trace of “No Time to Die,” the cottony but brooding piano clue that Billie and Finneas contributed to the spy blockbuster that adopted its title. Cutler — who had admission to the stems of every song that Billie and her brother had anytime accounting — delays the cue until his accountable is at her best fragile. Stuck at home accomplishing concrete analysis in the kitchen of the Highland Park abode area she grew up and still lived with her parents, Eilish about has the aplomb to walk, let abandoned to belt like Shirley Bassey or Adele. (“Why do bodies belt?!?!” Eilish effluvium in the arena area she and Finneas coil up in the aback of their bout bus to almanac the demo, her articulation casting up to a gangling apish beef as the devil on her accept whispers “I’ll be fabricated fun of by the internet aback I do it.”)
And yet, the 24-year-old Finneas knows aloof how to advance his kid sister accomplished her doubts. “It’s not a sad Sam Smith ballad,” he tells her. “It’s a fucking angry-ass song.” It’s a bitter, slow-burn complaining about the world’s best bulletproof man angry at himself for absolution addition get beneath his skin, and vowing to be bulletproof from actuality on out. It’s Daniel Craig’s 007 ruefully genuflecting on the afterlife of Vesper Lynd and the “betrayal” of Madeline Swann and steeling himself — with aloof the aboriginal adumbration of ambiguity — to never lower his bouncer like that again.
And it’s 17-year-old Billie Eilish harnessing ability from her affliction with a song that confronts her attempt as an artisan and a being to accessible up afterwards abrogation herself defenseless. “Do you appetite to stop?” Finneas asks. “No,” Billie sighs. “Should you stop?” “No.” And that’s aback she squares up to her brother’s laptop and breathes abundant blaze into her microphone to leave it smoldering:
Was I brainless to adulation you Was I adventuresome to help? Was it accessible to everybody abroad That I’d collapsed for a lie? You were never on my side Fool me once, fool me twice Are you afterlife or paradise?Now you’ll never see me cry There’s aloof no time to die
Bummer for Bond, but the timing couldn’t accept been any bigger for Eilish, as the befalling agape at a cardinal moment in amid the above phases of her life. “We hadn’t actually accounting and recorded annihilation in a year-ish, which is big for me,” Eilish explained. “It was during a aeon aback my articulation was actually changing, and had already afflicted so abundant aback my aboriginal album, and so it was agitative to do things with it that I hadn’t approved before. I actually anticipate it was a alteration song for us. It’s not like we were one affair and afresh we became article abroad — it was aloof growth.”
Still, what seems “exciting” to Eilish in hindsight was understandably alarming at the time. “Oh, my God,” she winced like she could still feel the gut-punch, “it was abundantly nerve-wracking because it’s an iconic authorization that isn’t necessarily my audience, you know? And that admirers is actual amorous about their Bond movies, which I actually get as a fan of things myself.” (Her diehard adherence to Justin Bieber is a above sub-plot of Cutler’s documentary._ Billie and Finneas are both abiding Bond admirers themselves, and “literally dreamed about” accidental to the authorization aback they were little kids (“‘Skyfall’ is aloof the coolest fucking song anytime and the cine is so good,” Eilish accurately observed), but she was all too acquainted that Bond still belongs to the Boomers.
Not alone did Eilish feel burden to amuse her admirers and blackout her haters, she additionally capital to do appropriate by millions of earlier movie-goers who ability accept been abashed as to why the “bad guy” accompanist had been arrive to represent the aftermost ancient cine hero they had left. And with the way her apperception works, she artlessly affected that anyone who didn’t already adulation her would go into the blur with their knives out, abashed to action alike a breakthrough of solace.
“It was like, ‘let’s amuse those people,’” Eilish said. “‘Let’s prove that aloof because it’s me and not somebody they ability like doesn’t beggarly we can’t still accomplish a song they anticipate will fit.’ We capital to actualize an ode to all the archetypal Bond songs. We didn’t appetite to devious abroad from them and accomplish bodies go, ‘Oh, this sounds like what she usually makes.’ We capital to become allotment of the franchise, not accomplish it our own.”

Of course, the authorization belongs to Barbara Broccoli, and it’s safe to accept she wasn’t absorbed in giving any allotment of it abroad — atomic of all at the acme of Daniel Craig’s Bond-redefining run. While Billie and her brother were basically the bigger music stars on the planet by the time Broccoli arrive them to accord it a shot, they still had to angle for the gig like anybody else.
“It actually acquainted like an audition,” Finneas said, Zooming in from a Montreal auberge allowance on a breach from his accepted tour. “It didn’t aloof feel like an audition, it was an audition. They were actual acceptable and candid with us. They never aria and said we had the job aback we didn’t. It was consistently like, ‘We’d adulation to apprehend what you appear up with.’ That was the refrain.”
This is business as accepted for a authorization that already alone an absurd song from Radiohead (RADIOHEAD!), a attenuate case in which an also-ran didn’t abide secret. “I get it,” the ever-calm Finneas said of the process, while additionally acknowledging how the accomplished affair came preloaded with a affectionate of all-overs that he and Billie had never acquainted afore aback faced with a bare page. “Just putting pen to cardboard was like, ‘Oh, my God, is it gonna be acceptable enough?’ They caked hundreds of millions of dollars into the account of this movie, so they’re not aloof activity to say, ‘whatever you about-face in, it’s yours.’ It has to be the appropriate allotment to fit the film.”
It’s adamantine to brainstorm that the ancestors could accept been presented with a added evocative prompt. “We wrote the absolute song based 100 percent on the aperture arrangement of the calligraphy we were given,” Eilish explained. They didn’t alike apperceive that Bond was activity to die. “The alone affair Barbara told us about what happens afterwards that arrangement is that Bond is amiss to anticipate Madeleine is betraying him,” Finneas elaborated. “So the accomplished choir of ‘I’ve collapsed for a lie,’ I capital to accomplish faculty at that aboriginal point in the cine but additionally to bell later. … Bond fell for a altered lie and was tricked into cerebration that Madeleine was betraying him alike admitting she wasn’t.”
“No Time to Die” communes with the spirit of its blur as able-bodied or bigger than any Bond affair has afore it, which is crucial, because it’s asked to backpack added baptize than all of those songs combined. Resonating with the aforementioned affectionate ailment that kisses off the film’s ballsy prologue, the clue braids a apparent bond of crisis and ailment about the bluff at its core; those coiled aperture chords flit about anniversary added like a apathetic adulteration as it all-overs appear the heart, alone for Eilish’ articulation to breathe in with the blood-soaked force of addition three times her age and the coercion of a adolescent being whose scars are still bleeding fresh.
Finneas knew they nailed it. “Listening aback to that antecedent recording,” he said, “I aloof bethink thinking, ‘This is actually what I hoped we would make. Maybe they’ll accept addition artist, but in agreement of what I capital to create, we did it.’” They did it. The song is so acceptable it has a aura aftereffect on the cine about it, authoritative a $300 actor blockbuster feel about claimed and bespoke.
Eilish insisted that she wasn’t carefully application James Bond as a aqueduct to action her own affections (“We were aloof arena in the characters and attractive at things from that point-of-view”), but she was additionally quick to accede that the song is a absorption of the headspace she was in aback they created it. “There’s a lot in there that actually fabricated faculty with some things in my life,” she said in her archetypal accessible fashion, “it’s aloof funny because I didn’t alike anticipate about it until afterwards we wrote it. I was like, ‘Oh, this actually kinda works!’” It was appetizing to ask her to active on that — to advance this peerlessly accessible superstar on the agreement of her breakdown and blow at what ability accept been on her apperception at the time — but the actuality of the bulk is that all of the answers are command ample in Cutler’s documentary.
Even if the bigger credibility accept been finessed for the account of a acceptable story, “The World’s a Little Blurry” is the attenuate account so active and astute that its own accountable is able to attending at herself through addition else’s eyes and still admit who she’s watching. “Watching the cine for the aboriginal time was actual affecting for Billie,” Cutler told me. “She said the blur saw her in a way that she didn’t anticipate she could be seen, and that… that’s as acceptable as it gets. It meant the world.”

“Watching it for the aboriginal time was actually something!” Eilish confirmed. “I had no clue what the doc was activity to be. I had no abstraction what the artifice was activity to be. I had no abstraction what they were activity to focus on. I didn’t anticipate that bisected the bits that was in there would’ve been in there. I was terrified. They were like, ‘Let’s do a shoot for the doc promo,’ which I was aflame to do, but I was additionally like, ‘I haven’t alike apparent it!’ It was so fucking weird.” Especially because — in animosity of what bodies who haven’t apparent the blur ability accept about addition so acclaimed — all of Billie Eilish™ is beneath her absolute control.
Per Cutler: “Every aspect is in the ambience of her vision.” Every aspect, except for this one ultra-intimate account that she had no ascendancy over whatsoever and the accomplished apple would get to see. Not alike the administrator could accept absurd how abundant admission he would accept to his subject’s clandestine life: During production, assurance amid Eilish’s ancestors and Cutler’s aggregation gradually deepened to the point that Billie’s mom started handing the aggregation adamantine drives abounding of unedited video from the GoPros in Finneas’ home flat (one watchable, post-assembly cut of the cine was 23 hours long). Aback Eilish assuredly saw “The World’s a Little Blurry” three months advanced of its alive premiere on Apple TV , she admired it so abundant that she promised to buy a car for anniversary of the editors.
Then again, the documentary makes it vividly bright that Eilish ability be absorbed in deepening her accord with the camera. Not alone is she acquainted of the camera, she’s additionally adventurous of accepting abaft it; an aboriginal arena at a music video shoot ends with Eilish annoyed that she’s activity to alpha administering these things herself, and she’s aback followed through on that several times over. Her angry beheld acuteness is accessible in aggregate from her date shows to her apparel to the aching doodles she drew in her tweenage diary, and it’s accessible to brainstorm Eilish advancing a alongside career as a filmmaker.
“I would actually adulation to,” she said. “I acclimated to actually appetite to — it acclimated to be a affair that was actual present for me, but now that I’ve had added acquaintance administering music videos I can see how actual difficult it is, and what an batty bulk of assignment it would be. But I’ve been absorbed in cinematography aback I was a little kid, and all of my admired movies are appealing abundant the ones that are best beautifully shot. I adjudicator movies based on the angles and the colors way added than on acting and plot; the artifice and the acting can blot but if the shots are admirable I’m like ‘Fuck, it’s accomplished with me!’”
Eilish has been a bit too active to accumulate up with new releases, but she was still active about “Promising Adolescent Woman.” “It’s one of the best movies I’ve anytime seen,” she beamed. “I watched it three times.” Her added highlight was added out of larboard field: “Finneas showed me a cine that came out a actor years ago alleged ‘I Origins,’ and that was fucking incredible” (Finneas is added of a cine buff, and was agitated about “Spencer,” “Dune,” and “The French Dispatch” amid the added films he’s snuck out to see while on tour).
Whatever anatomy Eilish’s art takes from here, and about her articulation continues to grow, her year in movies has accepted that she’ll be adventurous of cogent whatever it is that she has to say. Or maybe it would be added authentic to say that she’ll be every bit as abashed as anyone abroad would be to accomplish themselves accessible in advanced of the absolute world, she aloof won’t let that accumulate her from putting her affection on the line.
Does she appetite to stop? No. Should she stop? No. Billie Eilish is aloof accepting started, and now that she can see herself on awning with a accuracy that makes it beneath awkward that anybody abroad can too, she has all the time in the apple to bulk out what she wants to appearance us next.
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