How To Write A Feature Story

Instagram has afresh launched a new affection that allows you to broadcast collective posts with added users.

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UIL Feature Writing (6 of 6) | How To Write A Feature Story

Known as “Collab”, this action was trialled in a few altered territories beforehand this year (including the UK and India) and was again formed out globally in October. As such, it is now accessible for anybody on the amusing media belvedere to use.

In a nutshell, the affection allows you to co-author your Instagram augment posts and reels with added people, so that cipher has to alike content. These collective posts will be accustomed to all users, with them administration the likes, angle and comments amid them.

For a contempo archetype of one of these collabs, Kourtney Kardashian and fiancé Travis Barker acclimated the affection on Halloween to appearance off their Edward Scissorhands brace costumes.

By attractive at the attack at the top of the screen, you will see that the collective column has been attributed to both “kourtneykardash and travisbarker”. If you again bang on either of those accounts, you will apprehension that the column is additionally featured in their corresponding feeds, with all of the aforementioned assurance abstracts accustomed over.

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There are assorted allowances to application this collab feature. For a start, it prevents you from defective to upload posts that are around identical to your friends’. Not alone that, but it artlessly expands the ability of your content, as it will now be aggregate to your followers, as able-bodied as the followers of your co-authors.

The affection is abundantly aboveboard to use already you acquire had a little practice. With that in mind, Newsweek has able a abbreviate adviser answer how to do one of these collective posts on Instagram.

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Article Formats-Feature and Coloumn Writing-Lecture Handout – Docsity | How To Write A Feature Story

To do a collective post, tap on the additional figure in the top right-hand bend of your iPhone or Andorid accessory screen. This will booty you to the actualize menu.

From there, chase the accepted accomplish for creating a column or reel. When you get to the folio that allows you to address a caption, tap on the advantage aloof beneath that is labelled “Tag people”. This will again booty you to a abstracted screen.

Here, you will apprehension that there is a new advantage (next to “Add Tag”) for agreeable collaborators. Tap on this and again chase for the Instagram annual that you would like to acquire as a co-author for your post. You can baddest assorted users, but there is a adamantine absolute of 20.

During this process, you will see a pop-up bulletin that reads: “If [Instagram username] accepts, your column will be aggregate to their followers, and they’ll be apparent as an columnist of the post”.

As this states, you cannot unilaterally accredit somebody abroad as a co-author for a collective post. Instead, you are alone allurement them to collaborate, which is an allurement that they can either acquire or decline.

Once you acquire added everybody, tap the “Done” button in the top right-hand bend of the awning to save your settings and again broadcast as you commonly would.

To summarize, the accomplish are as follows:

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Interview icebreaker by Piedmont Open IB Middle – issuu | How To Write A Feature Story

If somebody abroad has arrive you to coact on a collective post, again you will accept a notification on Instagram.

Open this notification and again bang on the advantage to “review”, at which point you will be prompted to either “Accept” or “Reject” the invitation.

If you accept the former, again you will arise as a co-author on the collective column in question, and it will be aggregate with all of your followers.

For added advice acceptable a amusing media aficionado, Newsweek has able guides on how to use Google Dark Mode with your assorted apps, and how to assuredly annul a Facebook account.

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