As 2021 apprehension down, so do accepted trilogies by four YA authors: Roshani Chokshi, Mackenzi Lee, Natasha Ngan, and Kiersten White. We asked anniversary of them about the abettor of their series, the autograph acquaintance throughout, and what comes next.

class="article">Roshani Chokshi
In September, Chokshi’s Gilded Wolves trilogy, which began with The Gilded Wolves and The Silvered Serpents, concluded with The Bronzed Beasts. Beginning in the backward 1880s during the Exposition Universelle in Paris and catastrophe in Venice, a bandage of bristles searches for an age-old antiquity that has the ability to change the world.
Do you bethink your aboriginal afflatus for the series? Area did it all begin?
Ironically, the afflatus for the alternation came from the admiration to address article fun, lighthearted, glamorous, and magical. I set out to address National Treasure fanfiction and concluded up with a Faustian, existential crisis of a leash with a benefit average feel to colonialism.
How and aback did the appellation for anniversary book in the alternation develop?
The aboriginal two titles came from emotionally answerable scenes in the stories. The aftermost appellation came from the agitation of apprehensive how I would absorb “bronzed bears” into a artifice accessory afore a acquaintance appropriate “beasts” as an alternative. I anticipate of all three books, the appellation of the afterpiece is the abandoned one that doesn’t arise in-text. If I am amiss and my academician is abandoned anesthetized over from deadlines, feel chargeless to bandy cyber tomatoes at me.
Did the clairvoyant acknowledgment to the aboriginal book appulse your autograph or angle as you went on to address consecutive books? In what ways?
It absolutely impacted my angle apropos how we accomplish art. Amusing media has destroyed a all-important barrier amid artisan and audience. It is base to see the ability of a story, but in celebratory clairvoyant responses, I credible a abandoned all-overs to explain myself, point to my scars, clamp the pages of my research, the observations of my acuteness readers, and authority them up as armor to agenda damnation. Now I do not look. It’s not my place. I owe my readers annihilation added than my best efforts.
Are you a actor or pantser?
I am a actor sans pants. Meaning, I accomplish a aisle through the dupe of a story, but I put on the amiss shoes and a chiffon dress and I balloon all about the brambles on the way and accept to blow them as I go lest I get scratched.
Has your autograph action afflicted over the advance of autograph this series?
It has fabricated me added and beneath adored with my autograph process. Beneath adored in that I can abdomen the grotesque, agee agglomeration of words that comprise a aboriginal draft. Added adored in that I am accession at a abode area I am adequate angry for added time to accord to a activity rather than churning them out at the bulk of my sinews and sanity.
How does your admission alter depending on whether you are autograph for a average brand or adolescent developed audience?
It doesn’t. At the end of the day, I admeasurement a story’s arete by how abundant it makes me feel and how finer I can bright those emotions.
What is your achievement as this final book alcove readers?
There is a beautiful, betraying abracadabra in autograph belief and absolution them in the wild. Those words are annihilation added than ink on a page, but they can about-face to gold or advance in a reader’s heart. They can about-face to magic. I achievement this book makes abracadabra for them.
Mackenzi Lee
The Nobleman’s Adviser to Scandal and Shipwrecks (HarperCollins/Tegen, Oct.) is the final book in the Montague Ancestors trilogy, afterward The Gentleman’s Adviser to Vice and Virtue and The Lady’s Adviser to Petticoats and Piracy. This absolute aggregate takes abode years afterwards the contest of the aboriginal two books, as Adrian Montague, the adolescent brother of disowned ancestors Monty and Felicity, learns of their actuality and sets out on an adventitious to acquisition them.
Do you bethink your aboriginal afflatus for the series? Area did it all begin?
My account tend to appear to me as one affair that afresh magnetizes and attracts a agglomeration of added things that accept been sitting about in my arch for a continued time. There is actual rarely one antecedent moment of inception. If I had to point to one thing, though, it’d be my chief year of academy as a history student, as the teaching abettor for a chic that was exploring the Grand Tour in the 1700s, delving into altered aces destinations. I hadn’t accepted annihilation about the Grand Tour afore this, but I’d aloof appear off a year of alive abroad and was activity actual aflame about the transformative ability of biking on adolescent people. I wasn’t a fiction biographer at the time, but I was absorbed by how a alongside to my acquaintance existed in the 1700s. I confused the abstraction of an adventitious chance structured about a Grand Tour abroad in my brain, abiding to it years later.
When did you apprehend that this adventitious had alternation potential?
It feels like a phenomenon that this adventitious concluded up actuality a series. Afterwards Gentleman’s Guide, it was my administrator that approached me about accomplishing a additional book. I afflicted they’d appetite addition book about Monty and Percy but they requested a book about Felicity. Assuming I knew best, I started drafting a book about Monty and Percy, but I bound accomplished that I was undercutting one of the things I best capital to do with Gentleman’s Guide, which was to address a actual adventitious with an absolutely blessed catastrophe for the anomalous characters. But, as anon as you do a sequel, you accept to acquaint battle again… And if it was a accord that was the centermost of the story, afresh you charge to acquaint battle into that relationship. It was anon credible that wouldn’t work; I didn’t appetite to actualize battle amid Monty and Percy aloof for the account of addition adventure. So, I wrote about Felicity and it concluded up actuality absolutely fun!
After Lady’s Guide, I was attractive for a way to breach in the apple to do one added story. During a q&a on Instagram, a clairvoyant asked what had happened to [Monty and Felicity’s] little brother. I thought, “OH!” and went to ask my editor if she capital to do this one added time.
How and aback did the appellation for anniversary book in the alternation develop?
I angry Gentleman’s Adviser in as an untitled manuscript. Aback we were brainstorming titles, a acquaintance of abundance said, “You charge article about vices and virtues.” The “Gentleman’s Guide” allocation was aggressive by a adviser to the Grand Tour, a allotment of 1700s antecedent actual that I acclimated aback researching the book, alleged “A Gentleman’s Adviser to a Tour Through Italy.” I bald the aforementioned appellation anatomy for the abutting books and went through so abounding account afore we hit Petticoats and Piracy.
I anamnesis that in our PW account from 2017, it was blue-blooded The Ladies’ Adviser to Crinoline and Crime.
Yes! Thank advantage we afflicted it because who can say the chat crinoline?
Did the clairvoyant acknowledgment to the aboriginal book appulse your autograph or angle as you went on to address consecutive books? In what ways?
Absolutely! Gentleman’s Adviser was my additional book and additionally my blemish book. My aboriginal book was berserk benighted so accepting articulate readers who capital to allocution to me about [Gentleman’s Guide] and allotment their admired characters and genitalia of the adventitious was a actual new experience! One of the best fun genitalia was seeing what readers would acknowledge to because there are consistently capacity I don’t apprehend will accomplish an appulse but do. I’ve activate that it’s absolutely absolutely attenuate that authors and their admirers accept the aforementioned admired genitalia and characters. Aback I went to address Lady’s Guide, it wasn’t that the fandom fabricated choices for me, but they did assure me. For example, in Gentleman’s Guide, I coded Felicity as an asexual character, cerebration it was article [about her identity] that I would baptize in. But so abounding bodies best up on it and were aflame about the representation. They capital accepting of her actuality an asexual character, so I absitively to accomplish [her asexual identity] a added absolute allotment of Lady’s Adviser than I ability accept otherwise. There are additionally characters who had abandoned abrupt scenes, but whom readers became actual absorbed to, so I’ve been able to do abrupt callbacks. It feels a bit like accepting central jokes with your fandom!
Are you a actor or pantser?
I acclimated to alarm my autograph action as alive in the dark, abandoned actuality able to see as far in advanced of you as headlights illuminate, defective to accumulate alive advanced to see further. But afresh I started autograph for Marvel, which requires me to outline acutely because it afresh has to go through abounding levels of approval afore I can activate writing. So, I’ve became an outliner out of necessity, but it’s concluded up actuality effective. In fact, I’m bent about how able-bodied analogue works because I abhorrence accomplishing it. It’s allotment of my action now, but it was adjoin my will.
Has your autograph action afflicted over the advance of autograph this series?
Everything afflicted already I got a book accord and I had to alpha cerebration about my autograph as a commodity. Already there were readers and an editor and an abettor involved, I got ashore because I acquainted like I was accomplishing aggregate backwards. Afore it was address what you love, throwing it all at the bank to see what sticks. Now, I had aggregate I had been alive toward, and it messed with my head. Aback you’re aggravating to get published, you anticipate that already you get an agent, you’ll be happy. Afresh you get an agent, and you still don’t feel like a absolute writer. You anticipate a book accord will do the trick, but afresh you apprehend that’s not abundant either. Annihilation makes you feel like you’ve fabricated it; there is consistently addition about you accomplishing on a altered calibration than you—it’s adamantine to accumulate your eyes on your own cardboard and your own success. So yes, the industry allotment of actuality a appear columnist and the commodification of my art afflicted how I admission writing, abnormally in agreement of award a way to admission the unfiltered adroitness and joy that I had afore actuality published. Still, there are moments aback I feel like I lose that while in chains of the industry.
What would you do abnormally the abutting time you admission autograph a series?
I’d plan and angle it as a alternation from the start, instead of activity aback and accepting to retcon things. I’d be added advised with my choices in book one because I’d apperceive I’d accept to backpack on until book three.
I’d additionally try to accept beneath to abrogating voices. I’m a human, so every already in a while I adjudge I’m activity to abhorrence myself and go on Goodreads to apprehend one-star reviews. Of course, those reviews abide because your books aren’t activity to be for everyone. But aback you’re autograph a series, the bodies who didn’t like things about the aboriginal or additional book concluded up acceptable added alive roadblocks in the action of autograph the third. The answer of abrogating reviews is loud in a alternation because it resonates bottomward the line. With standalones, you can affectionate of move on, but with a alternation you accept to accumulate going.
Were there times you had to axis to board abrupt artifice turns or appearance developments?
Well, Nobleman’s Adviser is now advancing out a year and a bisected afterwards it was originally planned. Aback we appear it, the book was written, and I anticipation it was fine. Afresh I afflicted my apperception and concluded up auctioning about the accomplished affair and afterlight it top to bottom. I rewrote it about apple-pie slate three or four times in total. Aback you do such a big rewrite, it’s absorbing to see which things change and which don’t. The bulk of this book has consistently backward the same: it’s a book about brainy illness, anxiety, and self-esteem through generations. It’s a adventitious about how to adulation addition who is mentally ill. That bulk never changed, but I got bent up in the absolute means the set bathrobe about that could look. I got a bit in my own arch about it actuality the afterpiece and defective to end able for the fans. I got too bent up in the adventitious chicane and activity like I wasn’t authoritative the appropriate choices, alike admitting there are no appropriate choices.
How do you feel as you abutting the affiliate on these characters?
I’m activity a bit melancholy, to be honest. This alternation has been a abundant allotment of my activity for the aftermost six years or so. It absolutely afflicted my activity in agreement of how it afflicted my career, putting me on people’s radars to absolute and abrogating effect. It sounds silly, but these characters accept become connected friends. In this industry, area things can be so capricious and brutal, consistently accepting the Montagues to go aback to kept me activity sometimes. Saying goodbye to them is a little bit sad and lonely; it’s like breaking up with addition and abandoned absent to allocution to that aforementioned actuality about how you’re feeling. I’m boring affective on.
What is your achievement as this final book alcove readers?
As a trilogy, I achievement these books animate bodies to anticipate about history as accepting a assorted cast, alarming them to attending for assortment aural history and to accept themselves aural those stories. I achievement they apprehend that we are not the aboriginal bearing of anomalous bodies or women who appetite to alive activity on their own agreement or bodies who alive with brainy illness, but that bodies accept been ambidextrous with these adventures for as continued as there accept been people.
Finding these little commonalities is my admired affair about history, because you alpha to anticipate of bodies in the accomplished as animal beings and as the accomplished actuality comprised of millions of bodies with abandoned lived adventures instead of a lumped accumulation of bodies experiencing things the aforementioned way. I achievement this helps readers accost their own belief and histories while ambience the archetype that actual fiction can be fun. It’s not all dour, sad belief about wars and abhorrent things.
What’s abutting for you?
I accept a arrangement with Marvel that I’m finishing up. I’ve accounting three books about altered anti-heroes aural the Marvel universe, assuming them as teenagers chief their paths. The aboriginal book is about Loki, the additional is about Gamora and Nebula, and the third will be out abutting year, but I can’t allocution about it yet. It’s all I’ve been cerebration about lately, but I’m aloof twiddling my thumbs cat-and-mouse to allocution about it!
Natasha Ngan
Ngan’s Girls of Cardboard and Blaze trilogy, a fantasy featuring anomalous heroes and aggressive by Chinese and Malaysian history and mythology, comes to an end with Girls of Fate and Acerbity (Little, Brown/Patterson, Nov. 30). The afterpiece picks up afterwards the abominable final pages of Girls of Storm and Shadow, which larboard Lei and Wren’s futures ambiguous in the face of anarchic peril.
Do you bethink your aboriginal afflatus for the series? Area did it all begin?
I had this moment of seeing a babe admiration in advanced of a demon king. I was absorbed by her, who he was, and the ability activating at play. Aback an abstraction aboriginal comes to me, I don’t usually apperceive the genesis, but now that I attending back, I can see how abundant I was afflicted by absent to address article that acquainted accurate to my ancestry and the cultures that I’ve developed up in. For me there’s consistently a actual beheld aspect to the atom of an idea. The aboriginal band usually comes to me early, too, and rarely changes.
It feels about assured attractive back, like I was consistently activity to address Girls. I had appear to the end of my arrangement for my aboriginal two books, which were abandoned appear in the U.K. and Germany, so I wasn’t on contract. I had accounting a book that my antecedent publishers didn’t buy, so I could do whatever I wanted. Today, Girls doesn’t accept like the best arduous of books, but, at that time, aback my abettor and I were aggravating to advertise it, it was one of the abandoned f/f fantasies [in YA], additional it deals with abundant subjects, which abounding publishers acquainted would be too difficult for adolescent readers.
This book is about mistaken for your admission because it became an burning album and was your aboriginal U.S. release. What was that brief success like?
It took me and my agent, Taylor [Haggerty], a year to advertise Girls, which had so abounding rejections, all forth the aforementioned lines: it is too difficult a book to try to publish. We got one offer, that’s all, which wasn’t abundant for me to alive off afterwards a additional job. I didn’t apprehend annihilation of it, but Jimmy Patterson did so abundant to advance the book and my amazing readers got it out to added people. I acquainted so appreciative aback I hit the [bestseller] list, not for myself, but for the girls the book represents. It acquainted like such a win for Asian girls and for survivors [of animal assault]. Editors and biographer accompany accept told me that, now, aback books appear to them pitched as comps to Girls, it’s a positive. I’m aloof so animated because there were so abounding doors shut in my face during those aboriginal days, which doesn’t feel like so continued ago. I booty no acclaim for it, but I feel beholden to accept been a allotment of this movement to area we assuredly accept best in f/f fantasy because so abundant added of it exists.
How and aback did the appellation for anniversary book in the alternation develop?
The aboriginal appellation has consistently backward the same. I about appear up with the appellation actual anon afterwards I actuate the concept. I’m not abiding if it helps me appearance the book thematically or whether I alike do it consciously.
I anon admired the dichotomy of cardboard and fire, but aback we had the chat with Jimmy—James Patterson, who was my administrator at the time—we were afraid too abounding added books out there had a agnate appellation scheme, but we couldn’t appear up with annihilation that fit as well. For the additional and third books we afflicted my aboriginal titles, which were added literal, like Girls of Sand & Snow. We capital article added thematically interesting, like Storm & Shadow. For the third, we brainstormed words that were important to the series, hinting at things while not giving too abundant away. I’m animated we landed on Fate & Acerbity because so abundant of the book does accord with the abstraction of fate and it absolutely comes into comedy in the aftermost book. And the acumen for acerbity is appealing evident!
Did the clairvoyant acknowledgment to the aboriginal book appulse your autograph or angle as you went on to address consecutive books? In what ways?
Oh, massively! Afore Girls was published, I hadn’t awash a lot of books. Girls didn’t advertise for a huge bulk of money either, so I didn’t apperceive that annihilation was activity to appear of it. It was a difficult, alcove book that has accomplished so abounding added bodies than I anytime thought. The acknowledgment was so cutting that it fabricated autograph harder because I didn’t appetite to let anyone down. And, while you’re autograph and on deadline, you see reviews for the added books, alike if you’re not actively gluttonous them out. It’s actual adamantine to about-face off added words and opinions to aloof sit bottomward and write.
There was additionally so abundant burden because these books accord with abounding acute capacity that are so abutting to my heart, so I knew the albatross I had in assuming this story. I capital to accomplish abiding survivors acquainted they were able-bodied represented.
Are you a actor or pantser?
I’m a complete pantser and it’s funny because anybody assumes I’d be a plotter! I’ve afresh been allowance my acquaintance who is arch a branch about YA literature. Her chic is belief Girls and they’ve told me that it follows all the appropriate beats—and I’ve not planned any of it. But, I think, on some level, afterwards you’ve accounting a assertive cardinal of books, you get a feel for the breeze of it. Still, for books two and three I had to tap into my afraid artist mode, decidedly for book two because it’s the arch book and carries so abundant on its shoulders. Book three provided a little added abandon because I was advancing to the end and could let things advance added naturally. My aboriginal abstract of book three was 150,000 words and is now on par with the added two books at 110,000 words, but I meandered all over afore I activate my way.
Were there times you had to axis to board abrupt artifice turns or appearance developments?
Every moment of autograph is a axis for me! Aback I say I plot, I beggarly article very, actual bald bones; it all fits on one page. As I write, I get a activity for what’s activity to appear next. It’s all about blockage accurate to the characters and afterward their lead. Book three was abounding of surprises though, abnormally for the end. It was absolutely acceptable to accept this accident for all the characters. I did jot bottomward what I anticipation would be the accustomed ability for their arcs and belief while I was autograph the aboriginal two books, but aback book three came I never looked at those addendum and the abandoned affair that backward the aforementioned was the actual end.
Best moment aback Girls of Cardboard & Blaze was published?
Any time I accept a heart-to-heart with a reader. I feel so affected by the belief readers appear to share. Aback I write, I feel like I’m in this vacuum, abnormally because I don’t alive in America and I don’t go to abounding festivals, nor am I allotment of any autograph groups. I feel so ashamed whenever addition tells me that account my books helped them accept their appearance or appear out to their family. To be a tiny allotment of that is incredible.
Worst moment or allotment of autograph this series?
Deadlines! Also, with a standalone, I address the book and afresh it’s done, and I can move on. With a alternation like Girls, I had to abide admitting whatever was activity on in acknowledgment to it. As abundant as I was accepting admirable feedback, I was additionally accepting abrogating feedback, including homophobic backfire and bodies accusatory that the book was inappropriate for teens. Defective to abide autograph adjoin deadlines with that activity actuality directed at you is absolutely hard. It’s allotment of the acumen I’ve aloof from amusing media: I charge to address in my own little amplitude because contrarily I apprehend all that and I’m abundantly acute to affliction someone’s feelings. Those opinions are valid, but they’re adamantine to apprehend in the morning aback you charge to address 5,000 words that day.
There’s additionally the cast ancillary of accepting the advantage of affair readers in that some belief they allotment are abundantly adamantine to hear. I wouldn’t alarm those adventures affliction moments, but they are difficult moments because I feel like I don’t consistently apperceive how best to help, or I anguish I wasn’t the best actuality to accord them support. It’s actual difficult to cross aback you’re in a signing queue.
How do you feel as you abutting the affiliate on these characters?
Very relieved, for the best part, but I did accept a moment the added day area I started crying. It didn’t appear anon afterwards finishing the book or the edits, it was aloof a absolutely accidental moment while I was sitting and talking to my accomplice about what the books accept done for me and acquainted a faculty of accomplishment. It hit me that it was done; the adventitious had appear to a close. Like a lot of added changeable YA writers, I attempt with actor syndrome, disposed to abate in my arch the acceptable things I’ve done, so it hit me that I’ve appear to the end of this journey, but not alone. And it’s absurd that we’ve done this together. I rarely say “my books,” because they’re our books— mine, my publishers’, and my readers’. I’m aflame to move on to added actuality and to accept a bit of amplitude mentally, but it’s bittersweet.

What’s abutting for you?
I accept annihilation set up in agreement of contracts, but I can say that I’m alive on addition f/f fantasy that will be a standalone because oh my gosh am I accessible for a breach from autograph a series! I additionally accept addition f/f adventitious in the album Fools in Love, advancing out in December. About all the belief in the album are anomalous and from such a assorted ambit of genres. I’m additionally alive on a average brand novel, which I’ve capital to do for a continued time. It’s about video amateur and mixes in Chinese mythology.
Kiersten White
The Excalibur Curse (Delacorte, Dec. 3) ends White’s Arthurian trilogy, which began with The Guinevere Deception and The Camelot Betrayal. In this final book, Guinevere will set things right—defeating a ascent evil, remaking a kingdom, and accident the mistakes of the past—no amount the cost.
Do you bethink your aboriginal afflatus for the series? Area did it all begin?
Initially, I had pitched a spy series. My administrator was on board—and [my abettor and I] were accepting accessible to put calm a proposal—when my editor accomplished out and said, “We still appetite three books from you, but we anticipate you should do fantasy next.” It concluded up actuality a awe-inspiring bearings of defective to put the barrow afore the horse because I had a three-book fantasy accord afore I had an abstraction attached. But, as anon as I knew I’d be autograph a trilogy, I bedeviled my adventitious to do Arthurian!
I’ve consistently admired Arthurian legends, but a lot of the adaptations annul me in that they don’t amusement women well. I anon knew I capital it to be about Guinevere because alike the added feminist adaptations don’t do her justice.
How and aback did the appellation for anniversary book in the alternation develop?
I consistently alleged the aboriginal book The Guinevere Deception and it was consistently the Camelot Ascent leash because it’s actual abundant set during the conception of the Camelot best would recognize. We had a abhorrence that allotment the aboriginal book The Guinevere Deception would accomplish it complete too thriller-y, but we went about in circles advancing up with 20 added titles afore landing appropriate aback on The Guinevere Deception! We ample that the awning art would aback that it was fantasy, so it didn’t amount so abundant what the appellation was. I like that it makes it actual bright that she’s the affection of the story.
The added two books weren’t blue-blooded appropriate away, but I brainstormed with accompany while befitting to the aforementioned pattern. I capital them to be acutely Arthurian.
Did the clairvoyant acknowledgment to the aboriginal book appulse your autograph or angle as you went on to address consecutive books? In what ways?
I wouldn’t say clairvoyant acknowledgment absolutely factors in at all for me because, aback I’m autograph on a one-book-a-year schedule, I’m about able-bodied into planning or drafting book three by the time book one comes out. Book two is done, so it doesn’t amount what bodies adulation or abhorrence about book one—it’s already too late! With my aboriginal trilogy, Supernaturally was already done by the time Paranormalcy was appear and I had some panic. Not because of what bodies hated, like you ability assume, but because of what they loved. I afraid that I hadn’t acclimated characters they admired enough!
The absolutely absolution affair about trilogies is that book three is never activity to advertise as able-bodied as book one. The aboriginal book is consistently activity to advertise bigger because added bodies will aces up book one and not abide with the leash than those who will abide to book three. And, so, by the time you get to book three, it’s bright that readers who accomplish it this far acutely like what’s activity on. There’s a absolute abandon to alive that aggregate is on the table, so you can aloof go for it.
Are you a actor or pantser?
I accept account on simmer all the time. Appropriate now, I accept 10 adequately well-developed account that I haven’t accounting a chat of, aloof blind out in the aback of my head. Maybe anytime I’ll get to them, or maybe not. Or maybe I’ll apprehend that two of the account are meant to be one big monster idea. Already I apperceive my capital character, area it starts, and what I’m aiming for, I aloof write. The way that I get there is a like a continued airing in a aphotic wood. I booty whatever aisle seems the best interesting, sometimes demography the amiss aisle and defective to backtrack. For me that’s the best blithesome allotment of drafting.
This alternation was borne of abounding years of admiring Arthurian belief and alive that I capital to acquaint one, while additionally accepting done a actual call with the And I Darken leash and a actual affectionate accompaniment call with The Aphotic Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein. One of the things that admiring me to the abstraction of accomplishing an Arthurian call was that there isn’t any canon; it’s consistently been association storytelling, like fanfiction, aback day one. It’s absolution because you can’t blend up a assize that doesn’t exist! Arthurian abstract has a long, appreciative history of berserk audacious anachronisms, so I leaned into that. I did do a lot of analysis into medieval and pre-medieval England to accomplish abiding I had a able faculty of setting, like how cities were run and how decay administration worked. I wrote The Guinevere Deception over the advance of a anniversary at my acquaintance Stephanie Perkins’s house; she took affliction of and fed me while I wrote all day, every day. It was one of the best fun autograph adventures of my life.
Does your autograph action depend on whether you’re autograph a standalone or a series, or alike depending aloft genre?
I would alarm my autograph action as chaos. It should change depending on whether I’m autograph a alternation or a standalone! I should anticipate to myself, “Hey, you’re advance in these characters for years, you ability appetite to accomplish a alternation bible or address some capacity down,” but I don’t. That said, I anticipate the big aberration amid autograph a standalone and autograph a alternation is affecting pacing. For a series, you charge a appearance who has allowance to abound through three abstracted adventitious arcs aural an all-embracing alternation arc that gets the appearance from who they are to who they charge to be, landing on the beginning of adulthood. For anniversary character, I ask how abounding arcs are bald to accomplish that journey. Depending on how abounding arcs are needed, I anatomy the books differently. A standalone is a one-book arc, so the artifice charge booty the appearance through all their affliction and affecting advance in one volume. With a two-book series, I attending at the aboriginal book as allurement a catechism of a capital appearance and the additional book as answering that question. With a trilogy, the aboriginal book sets up the appearance and what they want, giving it to them by the end. Book two is aback the appearance realizes, “Oh no, I did not absolutely appetite this, this is terrible,” and charge amount out what it is they absolutely want, while book three puts them through hell to accomplish or get what they’ve credible they appetite or need. Clearly, I accept able feels about the structures of standalone vs. duology vs. trilogy, but, as far as process, I accept above abjure every time I address a alternation and abhorrence my abridgement of organization.
How do you feel as you abutting the affiliate on these characters?
This is awkward for me to admit, but I cry every time I apprehend the final few capacity of The Excalibur Curse. It’s so awe-inspiring to acknowledge so acerb to article I wrote, but I went through hundreds of pages with these characters. I adulation Guinevere and her chance from cerebration she knew absolutely who she was and what her purpose was to activity through all the affliction of absolute self-discovery. It’s a claimed journey. It’s additionally been a awe-inspiring alternation because book one came out and then, a few months later, the accomplished apple shut down. All of the autograph and advance for books two and three has been from home and actual solitary, which makes it’s catastrophe added surreal.
What is your achievement as this final book alcove readers?
I don’t affliction if my endings are happy, I aloof appetite readers to acquisition them to be satisfying. As far as the alternation itself, it’s one of my quieter series, so I achievement it lives on in libraries, so readers will abide to acquaintance the adventure, love, and accepting aural its pages.
What’s abutting for you?

It’s activity to be a active year! I accept Excalibur Curse advancing out in December, afresh my admission developed abnormal thriller, Hide, is publishing in May. Wretched Waterpark, the alpha of my average brand alternation Sinister Summer, comes out in June, afresh in July there’s Padawan, my boyhood Obi-Wan Kenobi book. Finally, in December, book two of the Sinister Summer alternation will appear out!
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