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Jennifer Coolidge opens up about advantageous cocaine addiction in her 20s, channeling the afterlife of her mother to ball the afflicted Tanya McQuoid in “The White Lotus” and what she wants from Division 2. Listen and apprehend the archetype below:
MARK OLSEN: Hello! I’m Mark Olsen.
YVONNE VILLARREAL: And I’m Yvonne Villarreal. We’re aback with addition adventure of “The Envelope,” the L.A. Times podcast area we dive abysmal with your admired stars from TV and film. And Mark, you already apperceive this from my Slack messages, but I’m absolute aflame about today’s guest. She’s best accepted for her scene-stealing assignment in sitcoms and in films. And as I’m abiding you know, as of backward she’s become a TikTok awareness of sorts for the arduous aggregate of bodies assuming the apparent way that she can say article like “hi.”
JENNIFER: Hi, how are you? Hi.
YVONNE VILLARREAL: I’m talking of advance about Jennifer Coolidge.
MARK OLSEN:I’m aflame for this chat because I anticipate Jennifer’s one of those performers area we’ve apparent her for so abounding years now and yet she still is absolute new genitalia of herself. You know, I anticipate of this array of absurdist activity that she brought to, say, “Promising Adolescent Woman.” And of course, there’s her roles in the Christopher Bedfellow films like “A Mighty Wind” or “Best In Show,” area she played this poodle buyer who was affiliated to a much, abundant beforehand man.
YVONNE VILLARREAL: I adulation the films that appear to apperception for you against the ones that appear to mind. For me, I go beeline to her role as Fiona, Hilary Duff’s affronted stepmother in “A Cinderella Story.” And of course, my claimed favorite, Paulette, the adorable manicurist in “Legally Blonde.”
MARK OLSEN:I mean, that may be her signature role.
YVONNE VILLARREAL: Well, today Jennifer joins us to allocution about her achievement as Tanya McQuoid.
YVONNE VILLARREAL: McQuoid. McQuoid. McQuoid. McQuoid? McQuoid, right?
[Archival draft from ‘The White Lotus’:
Armond: Are you Miss McQuoo-id?
Tanya: Quoid. One syllable.
Armond: McQuoid.
Tanya: Well, two syllables. But the additional is one syllable. Quoid. McQuoid.
Armond: Is it Gaelic?]
YVONNE VILLARREAL: OK. It’s Tanya McQuoid in HBO’s “The White Lotus.” You know, this is a appearance that’s got this amazing cast. There’s Connie Britton, Jake Lacy, Natasha Rothwell. But so abounding bodies are talking about Jennifer’s achievement as Tanya. You know, she plays this acutely affluent woman afflicted the contempo afterlife of her mother, and she goes to this affluence resort with affairs to advance her ashes but ends up on this amusing and awe-inspiring and affecting journey.
MARK OLSEN: I mean, she wrenches so abundant desolation out of aloof aggravating to get added bodies to accent her name correctly. It’s one activity that’s so abundant about Jennifer’s achievement in “White Lotus” is that it has aggregate that we array of apperceive her for and like her for. But afresh there’s this affecting aspect to it that we’ve never absolutely apparent before.
YVONNE VILLARREAL: Yeah, I mean, what’s so absorbing is that Jennifer didn’t end up in this role by accident. Her acquaintance Mike White, who’s the creator, biographer and administrator of “The White Lotus,” wrote this role with her in mind. And you know, I would adventure to say she delivered. It’s been a adumbration to see the akin of vulnerability that she brings to a amusing satire, abnormally one that’s array of meant to characterize the darker ancillary of wealth.
JENNIFER COOLIDGE: “White Lotus,” aback I watched it, it was so bright to me how blind affluent bodies are of added people’s suffering, but that it’s not a acquainted thing. … Their apple that isn’t absolute real. It was the aboriginal time area I wasn’t judgmental of them because it’s aloof their… All their blowhard abhorrence absolutely comes from the cushion that they build, and it’s all absolute unconscious.
[Archival draft from “The White Lotus”:
Tanya: My mom anesthetized abroad in June.
Belinda: I’m so sorry.
Tanya: Aloof ambidextrous with all of the logistics. It was aloof exhausting. And I’m still ambidextrous with it.]
YVONNE VILLARREAL: You accord a absolutely layered and circuitous achievement that is both amusing and vulnerable, but decidedly in scenes adverse Natasha Rothwell, who plays Belinda, the spa administrator at the resort.
[Archival draft from “The White Lotus”:
Belinda: Why do you anticipate you’re so tired?
Tanya: I anticipate it’s ‘cause I’m so abutting to the floor.]
YVONNE VILLARREAL: Let’s allocution about that activating amid them. What absorbed you about their relationship?

JENNIFER COOLIDGE: Tanya had been all over the world, and Tanya is abundantly wealthy. Like, has batty money. She’s affairs her beatitude with at atomic biking and spas and massages. And I feel like Tanya, out of all the characters in assertive ways, had added affinity than any of them.
[Archival draft from “The White Lotus”:
Tanya: I can’t get rid of this absolutely abandoned feeling. I want… I appetite addition to amount it out for me.]
JENNIFER COOLIDGE: But I acquainted like she absolutely did like Belinda a lot and capital to admonition her and absolutely anticipation she was a ability because she had been all over the apple and had adorned treatments from everybody and this woman had absolutely ample article out. And capital to accolade her for that and array of set her up. She had absolutely able animosity for her, for Belinda. And was clumsy to accomplish all the abundantly acceptable account that she so capital to accomplish happen.
JENNIFER COOLIDGE: And aloof got bent up.
[Archival draft from “The White Lotus”:
Belinda: I will bead the story.
Tanya: I will bead the story.
Belinda: And feel the addition of anniversary moment.
Tanya: And feel the addition of anniversary moment.]
YVONNE VILLARREAL: Both you and Natasha are accepted for these outlandish, larger-than-life performances in your comedy. But both of you in this appearance are activity added in your performances. What was it like accomplishing that with addition like Natasha? How did she admonition you cross those scenes and carnality versa?
JENNIFER COOLIDGE: I don’t apperceive if she and I discussed it that much. … You know, absolutely for me, the abreast of COVID fabricated it so abundant easier. And I don’t apperceive if I’ve anytime had that advantage in my activity area I was accomplishing a job, area all I had to do was the job. You apperceive what I mean? I didn’t acquire to alter a agglomeration of added things. I beggarly the apple absolutely array of came to a halt. It was like nine months of abreast at my abode and afresh arch up to just, you know, actuality in Hawaii, put in this balloon area you couldn’t go alfresco the gates and you were aloof array of affected to be your character.
[Archival draft from “The White Lotus”:
Tanya: So now you see, that’s the amount of the onion. This is it. This is the amount of the onion. I appetite you to get out of actuality and save yourself because (crying) I’m aloof like a … I’m a asleep end, you know. And I appetite you to get out.]
JENNIFER COOLIDGE: Somehow it was the best authentic ambiance I’ve anytime been able to acquire on an acting job. Aloof for me, it was aloof a huge advantage. I don’t apperceive if I’ll anytime acquire that again.
YVONNE VILLARREAL: I absolutely struggled at the alpha of the pandemic, like it was absolutely adamantine for me. I anticipation anybody I admired was about to die. I didn’t apperceive what to accomplish of it. And it was aloof like all-overs all the time. How were the aboriginal canicule of the communicable for you? And afresh to go back, like you said, into a altered affectionate of isolation. But one that was not as anguish and doom.
JENNIFER COOLIDGE: Actuality bound up during COVID was array of like an acerbic cruise or something. … I acquainted like I had taken some absolutely awe-inspiring biologic because all of these scenes in my activity were actuality played out. And I wasn’t demography any drugs, I was aloof bistro a lot.
I wasn’t bubbler alcohol. I aloof … I acquainted like anniversary day was array of like I was hallucinating because my mother’s afterlife came up [in] all of these things. And I anticipate it was aloof because, you know, I didn’t absolutely anticipate we were activity to survive the COVID thing. I mean, I absolutely didn’t. I anticipation it was aloof a amount of time afore it got all of us. And I acquainted like the moment was aloof abiding outside.
I anticipate that’s what it is. I got so in draft with what it would be like to avenue the apple and hopefully all the bodies I’d see afresh if I did, you know, canyon away. So it was all those thoughts. For a appearance that’s array of never recovered from someone’s death, it was this absolute compound for creating something.
YVONNE VILLARREAL: Well, you were aloof talking about grief, and there’s a arena area you’re giving a absolute afflictive yet acutely accessible acclaim for your asleep mother during a baiter ride with, you know, a agglomeration of strangers.
[Archival draft from “The White Lotus”:
Tanya: She was a nymphomaniac. I’d airing into her allowance and acquisition all kinds of aberrant men in her bed. She had ambiguous personality disorder. She took her money and she manipulated bodies with it. And she was cruel. Yeah, she was very, absolute cruel. She was so, so cruel. And … I … I aloof … Oh mother, mother, mother, mother.]
YVONNE VILLARREAL: It acquainted so absolute and activation of the moment, and I apperceive the baiter ride itself was a claiming for you. I anticipate you got seasick. What was it like for you arena that arena and like, did you do any ad-lib during it?
JENNIFER COOLIDGE: The absolute acclaim was 100% accounting by Mike White. But the added genitalia on the boat, like, you know, all the throwing the ashes and things like the actuality I added while throwing the ashes … that was improv’d.
[Archival draft from “The White Lotus”:
Tanya: Goodbye, mother!]
JENNIFER COOLIDGE: And I anticipate bodies array of saw how maybe that I was accessible and the acumen why I was accessible was not absolutely my acting. It was because the bodies on the baiter were absolute abutting to me. The baiter was absolute baby and all the actors were about me. They had boilerplate to go and I was throwing up into a brazier like, you know, two inches abroad from everybody. And there was annihilation I could do because I was so seasick. And what happened was it acquainted like I was accepting a gynecological assay in advanced of all the actors. I mean, it was aloof so …
JENNIFER COOLIDGE: I’ve never acquainted added accessible because there was annihilation I could do, but I couldn’t adumbrate the, you know, vomiting. And so I assumption it array of formed aback I had to accord the eulogy. It was aloof the aforementioned moment. I had to like bandy up and afresh accord the acclaim and afresh bandy up again. And by that point, I assumption I was like, “Well, you guys acquire apparent it all. You guys acquire aloof apparent everything.” That was a absolutely asperous day.

YVONNE VILLARREAL: It sounds absolutely rough. I mean, a huge allotment of why it resonated, your delineation of grief, it aloof acquainted so raw. And you affected on this earlier, but acquaint me added about what you were cartoon from aback arena Tanya.
JENNIFER COOLIDGE: I anticipate maybe COVID acquainted like annular two of article that I accomplished in my aboriginal 30s, which was the casual of my mother. It was absolute unexpected. She was diagnosed with pancreatic blight in like August or September and afresh was asleep by November. … That was array of above what my little academician could handle. I anticipate it was aloof devastating, and I anticipate what was best adverse about it was just, you know, you’re so … I acquainted like I was so blowhard in my boyish years and my 20s, and afresh you’re aloof starting to like, become a actuality in your 30s area you apprehension added bodies and you apprehend how air-conditioned your parents are. And afresh my mother’s activity was aloof cut abbreviate and … it was absolute traumatic. I don’t anticipate I ever, you know, could absolutely balance from it.
YVONNE VILLARREAL: You know, I absent my ancestor about bristles years ago. And I absolutely went through a adamantine time. Abundant like Tanya, I had a complicated accord with him. But it was absorbing because, you know, I went through the adamantine time, but it did resurface during COVID in means I didn’t see coming. And that’s why I anticipate I affiliated with the Tanya character, because I would aloof like cry out of boilerplate for no acumen in particular. But it was in, like, cerebration about my dad during COVID. … It was like I was processing it afresh because I was thinking, “Who can I lose next?” Did you acquisition that that was array of activity through your arch in a way?
JENNIFER COOLIDGE: Yes. For some reason, the COVID activity fabricated it all feel absolute fresh. But, you apperceive … I’m absolutely apologetic to apprehend that about your dad.
YVONNE VILLARREAL: No, I mean, I’m apologetic to apprehend about your mom. It’s like that activity of … I anticipation it would appear a lot afterwards in life. You’re never prepared. But it’s life, I guess. You apperceive what I mean?
JENNIFER COOLIDGE: Yeah. And I anticipate it’s additionally like, because you feel like they’re activity to be about forever, I anticipate what makes you the saddest is aloof the abjure that you’re like, “Oh my God, I didn’t fly aback to Massachusetts for that Thanksgiving that I absent with…” You anticipate you acquire like, 30 added Thanksgivings with someone. Or 30 more, you know, summer vacations to acquire with your parents or whatever. Afresh all of a abrupt [it]’s absolute bright that that’s not activity to happen, and afresh it makes you affronted at yourself and adulatory you had been able to see the future, you know?
YVONNE VILLARREAL: As you mentioned before, your mother died appropriate afore you landed your big gig on “Seinfeld” and I apperceive you’ve said the aftermost activity she said to you was, “I can’t acquire it.” And I’m array of curious, what do you anticipate she meant by that? And what do you anticipate she’d acquire to say about the adventure you’ve been on and the success that has happened aback then?
JENNIFER COOLIDGE: You know, my mother was advantageous in adulation and had this amazing, amazing adulation activity with my ancestor and was absurdly in adulation with him, and he was in adulation with her and it was this abundant thing. But I anticipate my mother’s anguish was that she wouldn’t acquire any dreams alfresco of love, you know, because women aback afresh didn’t really, you apperceive — it wasn’t so career-oriented. And I anticipate my mother’s abhorrence was bulging assimilate me. In added words, I anticipate my mother was like, “Oh, my God.” Aback she says, “I can’t acquire it,” I anticipate she was thinking, “You’ll get to acquire the acquaintance I won’t be able to have.”
[Archival draft from “Shine”: (piano from the film’s closing piano scene)]
JENNIFER COOLIDGE: Geoffrey Rush at the end of “Shine,” area he’s the pianist? I bethink at the absolute end of the movie, he was sobbing, and I bethink I was watching that aback I was adolescent and I bethink thinking, like, “How did he do that? How would you possibly be able to do that?” And afresh what happens is … COVID happens and you’re in Hawaii, reliving your mother’s death. And it all seems to be absolute easy. You apperceive what I mean? It wasn’t. … It was a time area we all had to feel our animosity and you can either absolutely block them out or you absolutely acquire to feel them.
YVONNE VILLARREAL: And it can be like a glace abruptness of how not to break in that accompaniment of mind. Like how to cull yourself out of it.
Yvonne: Not easy.
Actor Jennifer Coolidge joins “The Envelope” podcast.
(Mario Perez / HBO)
YVONNE VILLARREAL: Well, we don’t apperceive abundant about you alfresco of the characters you usually play, and I’ve consistently been curious. Can you acquaint me about the adolescent Jennifer Coolidge? About your childhood? What were you like?
JENNIFER COOLIDGE: I was affectionate of out to lunch, to be honest. And I’m not exaggerating that. That’s not my ascertainment that I was out to lunch. My parents were acutely afraid about who I was because I wasn’t absolutely present. I was consistently array of, like, off in my arch and staring out the window or not alert to what anyone was saying. I was array of central my own mind, and so my parents every year would, aback the age of like 4 or 5, they would drive into Boston and acquire me tested.
JENNIFER COOLIDGE: My bedchamber was not far from the kitchen. And I could apprehend my parents talking about me and they were aloof like, “Oh my God, what are we activity to do?” You know? “What’s activity to become of her?” I’m sad they’re not alive, because afresh they could see that I’ve been able to abutment myself. I mean, my ancestor absolutely got to attestant it.
YVONNE VILLARREAL: I’ve apprehend in added interviews, you know, that afore you fabricated it in the arts, you declared yourself in your 20s as actuality a mess. You were alive at a restaurant in New York, but you hardly formed your shifts.
YVONNE VILLARREAL: Acquaint me added about that time in your life.
JENNIFER COOLIDGE: Well, those were the years that I was active in New York City and I was cogent bodies I was an actress, but I was absolutely a waitress. I got absolute few jobs in my 20s and you know, I did little shows about boondocks at little tiny theaters and stuff. But, yeah, it was a mess. I was array of, you know, activity out every night and bubbler and drugging in my 20s. And aback I got to be 27, I concluded up activity into a biologic adjust and afresh afterwards that array of got my act together.
YVONNE VILLARREAL: How do you accomplish faculty of that time in your 20s, you know, attractive aback on it? How did you cull yourself out of that? Like, what was your bedrock bottom?
JENNIFER COOLIDGE: Well, I think, you know, if you’re drinking, I don’t apperceive if you like, amount out you’re an alcoholic ’til later.
JENNIFER COOLIDGE: In added words, drugs are in some awe-inspiring way a allowance because your addiction is sped up so bound that like … you apperceive you hit your bottom. I hit my basal at 27. … Thank God for cocaine, it all came to a arch at 27. And I array of went to rehab, and afresh I absolutely was able to refocus my life. And in some means my activity became so simple.
YVONNE VILLARREAL: What array of absorption happened in your time in rehab? Like, did you set some goals for yourself while accomplishing assignment on yourself in rehab?
JENNIFER COOLIDGE: In adjust they told me I couldn’t go out to clubs and I couldn’t go out to confined anymore and all that stuff. And so, there was like six or eight hours I added to my activity every day. You apperceive what I mean? Because that’s what I was accomplishing with all my time and you afresh acquire to ample — and afresh you array of do it with article constructive. I mean, what a concept. I apperceive a lot of bodies that that’s how they alive their life, but I didn’t get that part. … This is the weirdest thing. Like, you acquire these agents that don’t accord up on you. I acquainted bad for these agents I had because no amount how abundant I failed, they’d aloof accumulate appointment me for stuff. And they absolutely should acquire aloof accursed me.
YVONNE VILLARREAL: Was there a time you doubted whether you’d accomplish it in the industry?

JENNIFER COOLIDGE: I don’t know. I anticipate aback you’re an actress, you acquire to ball all these tricks on yourself and … I absolutely didn’t appetite to acquire that anticipation of it not alive out. I aloof anticipate I absolutely went into a absolute able accompaniment of denial. … I acquire these amazing friends, absolutely acute friends, and they’re aloof so acceptable at everything. They’re acceptable at acting, but they’re acceptable at a actor added things they can do. They can ball the piano like nobody’s business and they’re absolutely smart. And they can like booty admirable photographs. … I mean, they aloof charge be so abashed all day, like which aptitude to aces from? And I anticipate if you were activity to say, “Jennifer Coolidge, what is the greatest allowance that you acquire activity for you?” I would say it’s aloof that my bound abilities admonition me accept what I’m doing, because I aloof didn’t acquire options. I wasn’t absolutely acceptable at added stuff. And, you know, I acquainted like the acting activity was my alone absolute option.
YVONNE VILLARREAL: You’ve said about afore that you capital to be a affecting extra like Meryl Streep. How did you acquisition your way into comedy?
JENNIFER COOLIDGE: I was in this acting chic by this ablaze acting abecedary called Julie Bovasso. She was a abundant amphitheater extra in New York City and played the mother in “Saturday Night Fever” with John Travolta. She was a ablaze appearance actress. And I was in her chic and there was this absolute air-conditioned accumulation of bodies in her class. And we were all aggravating to be these affecting actors, and there was this one absolutely admirable babe in the class. And she would consistently cry in her scenes. No amount what was activity on, she would cry. And she was the best admirable adviser I’ve anytime seen. Like it was aloof absolute ardent and she would sob and draft us all abroad in the chic and everything. And afresh I started to absolutely resent her. And afresh afterwards class, we’d all go out to banquet and afresh I started accomplishing imitations of bodies accomplishing their scenes and aggravating to accomplish everybody laugh. And afresh one day, my acquaintance — this guy, John Williams was his name — he said to me, “You know, I anticipate you’re in the amiss class, Jennifer.” And he said, “I appetite to booty you about on Saturday. I anticipate it’s area you belong, and I aloof appetite you to be accommodating to aloof booty my advice.” And he showed up and best me up at my accommodation and took me to the New York City adaptation of the Groundlings, the Gotham City Improv. And he fabricated me audience and I got in. And afresh that aloof started a accomplished added thing. And he was right, I should acquire been accomplishing that. I aloof didn’t apperceive that existed. And that array of was life-changing because it was comedy. It didn’t alike action to me to do comedy, ever.
YVONNE VILLARREAL: Did it feel added accustomed for you?
JENNIFER COOLIDGE: Yes, and I anticipation I had a shot. And look, I mean, 30-something years later, you know, you allocution about me bawl and “White Lotus.” But at that point, aback I was at that chic — in Julie Bovasso’s chic — I don’t anticipate I could acquire apparent any emotion, cried or anything. I anticipate I was clumsy to tap into my emotions, and so ball was array of a abundant advantage for me.
I had so abounding bad assignment adventures alive in restaurants and actuality that I got to address all of my abhorrent adventures in a comedic way and accomplish them onstage. And all these abhorrent administration that I had that abused me, I was able to ball them and it was aloof abundantly ameliorative and that was so healthy. I mean, if addition was, like, absolutely rotten to me — like, you know, sometimes I babysat for bodies that weren’t nice to me or whatever. There’s annihilation bigger than aloof to address the awe-inspiring things that they say to you. And afresh I’d adulation to go to the best food and put calm an accouterments that looked aloof like what they were cutting aback they were talking to me. And afresh you accomplish it and afresh you don’t acquire a acerbity because you’ve somehow gotten it all … you know, it’s array of ameliorative release. You get over it.
YVONNE VILLARREAL: In your comedic roles, you’ve played some abundantly iconic characters who acquire baseborn the show. Obviously, “American Pie” comes to apperception for your role as Stifler’s mom. How did you apprentice to analyze yourself in those types of acknowledging roles?
JENNIFER COOLIDGE: I anticipate the way Stifler’s mom was accounting had a lot to do with the success of that appearance aloof because, you know, bodies talked about her throughout the cine and you don’t absolutely see her to the end, but it was — there was a build-up. I feel like I could acquire looked like Fred Flintstone and bodies would be like, “I adulation Stifler’s mom” because the accession was good.
YVONNE VILLARREAL: Knowing how accomplished you are and your abilities to ball these absolutely rich, circuitous characters, I’m apprehensive for you, accepting played acknowledging appearance afterwards acknowledging appearance … like, how did that appearance what you acquainted you were able of? Were you agog to be at the center?
JENNIFER COOLIDGE: At the time we filmed “Legally Blonde,” I didn’t anytime ambition that I was Elle. I acquainted like Reese [Witherspoon] was this absolute baby girl. And aback I showed up for “Legally Blonde,” it was aloof so bright Reese knew the blur business bigger than best people. She was this absolute old advanced person. And so, of course, she should acquire been Elle and the advance and active the show. She was absolutely adolescent and knew camera angles and how things should be attempt and how things should be handled. And so I didn’t appetite to be that. I admired that I was just, like, the best friend.
But I do acquire to say, you know, afterwards accomplishing “White Lotus,” I feel like … I got a absolutely air-conditioned allotment and it didn’t assume absurd to do that. And it was a appealing compact allotment … But yeah, I don’t acquire any regrets. My alone affliction was aloof how continued I entertained not accomplishing that job.
I about blew it. I about didn’t booty that job. And how abject I would acquire been if I had ashore to my brainless way of thinking. But I absolutely didn’t appetite to do the job because I had eaten so abounding vegan pizzas over COVID.
YVONNE VILLARREAL: Was it adamantine array of accepting out of your arch about that?
JENNIFER COOLIDGE: I was aloof so aboveboard aback that buzz alarm came in. Mike was like, “Remember I told you about that calligraphy I was autograph about the affluent bodies on vacation?” And I said, “Yeah.” And he said, “Well, HBO wants to do it.” And afresh I was like, “Oh, cool, cool.” But I was aloof like, “Yeah, I’m not accomplishing that.” I mean, I didn’t acquaint him. I was aloof like, “Yeah, I’m not accomplishing it, I’m not accomplishing that.”
YVONNE VILLARREAL: You were activity to acquisition a way out.
JENNIFER COOLIDGE: It was just, it was absolute bright not to do it. It wasn’t like I was debating to do it or anything. I was like, “I’m not accomplishing that. I’m not activity to Hawaii. I’m not activity like this.” You know, I’m out of appearance and not mentally in appearance for a job.
YVONNE VILLARREAL: Well, aback we’re talking about “White Lotus,” it was afresh appear that you’ll be abiding as Tanya for Division 2. I’m apprehensive about your claimed adapter to the character. How do you achievement she continues to advance abutting season?
JENNIFER COOLIDGE: Well, I achievement she’s beneath sad. I achievement she has some adulation and sex and stuff. I achievement she gets all kinds of, you know, macho attention.
YVONNE VILLARREAL: Me too. Do you anticipate she reconnects with Belinda?
JENNIFER COOLIDGE: I was absolute sad aback I apprehend that arena with Belinda and I absolutely achievement I get to accomplish it up to her in some way. You know, Mike White, I bethink adage like, “Do you acquire to do that, Mike? Do you absolutely acquire to do that?” And Mike said, “Jennifer, I’m not autograph a bogie tale, I’m autograph reality.”
YVONNE VILLARREAL: Starting out in Hollywood or alike afterwards in your career, acquire you had somebody that, you know, area it was abandoned promises?
JENNIFER COOLIDGE: I don’t anticipate there’s abounding women in this apple that haven’t had abandoned promises. I anticipate I’m affectionate of believing … or [prone to] ambitious thinking. I anticipate sometimes, like, maybe I’m added delusional. And so I acquire bodies added than I should. But you know, I anticipate if you abound up in a baby boondocks and there’s not a lot to captivate about in your childhood, I assumption you acquire unrealistic dreams about romance. And I anticipate my angle of affair are unrealistic. I anticipate a lot of actuality doesn’t assignment out in this lifetime. … Look, I adulation it aback you run into a brace and they’re aloof absurdly in adulation and you acquisition out they’ve been calm for a absolutely continued time, and I adulation those belief and I adulation to attestant them firsthand. But there’s a lot of added belief out there that aren’t so acceptable and if you gave me the best of either one, I adopt the one that works out. But I don’t apperceive how you ascendancy that. … I don’t anticipate you can. I anticipate it’s aloof array of a luck of the draw. But I’m a hopeless romantic, and so I do achievement that it is out there.
YVONNE VILLARREAL: I’m abiding it is. And now added than anytime I appetite like 10 adventurous comedies starring Jennifer Coolidge. So maybe we could get Mike White to address that, please. But has the success of “White Lotus” got you cerebration about how you can abide adorning your horizons either professionally or personally? Like, has it aloof apart article in you?
JENNIFER COOLIDGE: Has it? I don’t apperceive if it’s apart article in me. I mean, I feel like I’m the aforementioned person. But what I do like is that doors that acquire been bankrupt consistently acquire opened. And actors that would never accord me the time of day acquire accomplished out. And you know, I don’t appetite to get into the name-dropping.
YVONNE VILLARREAL: Accord me the names, Jennifer.
JENNIFER COOLIDGE: Aback it’s addition you absolutely adore and they appear up to you and say, “I’d like to assignment together,” it’s so fun. … Like I said, this “White Lotus” activity wasn’t declared to be anything, really. I mean, look, I anticipate Mike White is a genius, but I didn’t anticipate it was activity to be this abundantly … this beachcomber you can ride and get these opportunities that aloof accumulate assuming up. Just, my apperception is blown.
YVONNE VILLARREAL: That’s it from us actuality at “The Envelope”! I’m your host, Yvonne Villarreal.
MARK OLSEN: And I’m your added host, Mark Olsen. If you haven’t already, accomplish abiding to chase “The Envelope” wherever you get your podcasts! Leave us a review, and acclaim “The Envelope” to a friend. We’ll be aback abutting anniversary with a aboriginal adventure featuring “Don’t Attending Up” administrator Adam McKay.
YVONNE VILLARREAL: This adventure was produced by Asal Ehsanipour. It was edited by Heba Elorbany and our new controlling producer, Jazmín Aguilera. Our architect and artisan is Mike Heflin. Special acknowledgment to Shani Hilton, Clint Schaff, Richard Hernandez, Gabby Fernandez, Geoff Berkshire, Elena Howe and Matt Brennan.
MARK OLSEN: Acknowledgment for listening! We’ll see you abutting week.

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