This week, PAR continues its advantage of the apparent abuses of brand ability by analytical new abstracts that shows aloof how dangerous—and alike deadly—systematic over-policing can be. PAR hosts Taya Graham and Stephen Janis breach bottomward several cases that appearance how brand use pretextual car stops to aggrandize their power, claiming the built-in rights of citizens, and aggrandize the ability of the country’s law-enforcement-industrial complex.
Post Production: Adam Coley
Taya Graham: Hello, my name is Taya Graham, and acceptable to the Brand Accountability Report. As I consistently accomplish clear, this appearance has a distinct purpose: captivation the politically able academy of policing accountable. And to do so, we don’t aloof focus on the bad behavior of abandoned cops. Instead, we appraise the arrangement that makes bad policing possible. And today we’re activity to accomplish that ambition by analytical one of the bigger drivers of bad policing that artlessly does not get the absorption it deserves: authoritative greed, and how the charge for banknote is axis cops into capricious compensation hunters. But, afore I get started, I appetite you watching to apperceive that if you accept affirmation of brand misconduct, amuse email it to us abreast at par@therealnews.com, and amuse like, share, and animadversion on our videos. You apperceive I apprehend your comments and acknowledge them. And of advance you can consistently ability out to me anon @tayasbaltimore on Facebook or Twitter. And of course, if you can amuse hit the Patreon accord articulation affianced in the comments below, we do accept some annual for our PAR family.
Now, if there is one affair on this appearance that emerges time and time again, it’s aloof how abundant brand adulation to accomplish accidental cartage stops and accumulation from them. Through absolutely dozens of belief we accept accounted how cops accept pulled bodies over beneath arguable affectation and advance to accord them a ticket, or alike arrest them afterwards a complete justification.
Don’t accept me? Well, accede aloof a few of our contempo shows. There was Arizona disciplinarian Perry Taylor, who was pulled over for the active abomination of advancing active and was afterwards abject from his car and answerable with a crime. Let’s watch.
Speaker 1: Get out of the car.
Perry Taylor: I’m allurement you to accord me a ticket. I’m allurement you.
Speaker 1: You’re not accepting a ticket.
Perry Taylor: You’re aggravating to go for your arrest allocation and I’m not activity to acquiesce it to happen.
Speaker 1: Get out of the car.
Speaker 2: No, don’t.
Speaker 1: Get out of the car, appropriate now.
Speaker 2: Don’t. Don’t man.
Speaker 1: Get out of the car, appropriate now.
Perry Taylor: For what? For what?
Speaker 1: Get out of the car.
Perry Taylor: For what? I don’t feel safe. You see this? I don’t feel safe. [crosstalk] I don’t feel safe. I don’t feel safe.
Speaker 1: Get out of the car, sir.
Perry Taylor: Don’t blow me. Don’t blow me.
Speaker 1: Get out of the car.
Perry Taylor: Don’t blow me. I’m accepting out. Don’t blow me. Don’t blow me. Don’t blow me. You’re aggressive my activity appropriate now. So get out of my face. Get out.
Speaker 1: Put the buzz down.
Perry Taylor: No, I’m not putting my buzz down. No.
Speaker 1: You can leave it recording appropriate there.
Perry Taylor: I don’t care.
Speaker 1: I’m aggravating to be at [inaudible]

Perry Taylor: No, you’re not.
Speaker 1: Listen.
Perry Taylor: I asked you to accord me the ticket.
Speaker 1: Get out of the car.
Perry Taylor: Okay.
Speaker 1: Get out of the car.
Perry Taylor: Let me get out of the car.
Speaker 1: Get out of the car. Get out.
Perry Taylor: Let me get out.
Speaker 1: Get out.
Perry Taylor: Let me get out.
Speaker 1: Get out of the car.
Perry Taylor: I’m allurement [inaudible].
Taya Graham: Or, let’s not balloon Georgia citizen George Spradling, who collection a mile from his home to affirm that a brand checkpoint had been accustomed nearby, aback brand afresh followed him to his driveway and arrested him. Let’s watch.
Speaker 3: I accept every acknowledged appropriate to put you beneath arrest.
George Spradling: Well, you just.
Speaker 3: We’re accomplishing the alley check.
George Spradling: Yeah. I heard you accomplishing a alley check. I heard you.
Speaker 3: Okay, you got your authorization with you?
George Spradling: I do accept my license, it’s appropriate here.
Speaker 3: Okay.
George Spradling: Hey Daniel, appear here.
Speaker 4: I went bottomward there because my neighbors complained that there was a roadblock on our street, so I went bottomward to see what was activity on.
Speaker 3: Okay.
George Spradling: They appetite to accord me his license. I alive appropriate here.

Speaker 3: Okay. Ability appetite to accord me your license.
George Spradling: No, I did not [inaudible aloft voices] [sound of accessible car door].
Taya Graham: Of course, we cannot avoid Daniel Alvarez, the Los Angeles, California, citizen who is pulled over by a San Bernardino Canton Sheriff for active too abutting to addition car and issued a ample ticket. Which, incidentally, was abandoned aback the administrator didn’t appearance up in court. Let’s booty a listen.
Passenger 1: No, you’re not activity to breach my rights. I’m not activity to do annihilation aloof because you anticipate it’s right. No, I don’t owe you my ID.
Passenger 2: And abutting time.
Passenger 1: Acquaint me the law that says I got to accord you my ID.
Speaker 6: I’m cogent you to footfall out of the car.
Passenger 1: No, that’s not the law.
Speaker 6: It is a law.
Passenger 1: [crosstalk] No, I am not active this vehicle.
Speaker 6: …Look it up on your buzz appropriate now. Attending on your phone.
Passenger 1: No, I’m not activity to attending up the buzz that – I am not active the vehicle. I got annihilation to appearance at this stop.
Daniel Alvarez: As him, as a passenger, as I’m actuality chock-full for a cartage stop, he has to ID?
Speaker 6: Yeah.
Passenger 1: No, I do not.
Daniel Alvarez: Is that true?
Speaker 6: Can you acquaint me the law?
Passenger 2: Sir, we’re allurement you a question, sir.
Speaker 6: You allurement me a question?
Passenger 2: Yes.
Speaker 6: [inaudible]
Daniel Alvarez: But is that the law, that he has to ID himself?
Speaker 6: You can ask him the questions, it’s not my [inaudible].
Taya Graham: But the acumen I accompany up these adverse belief is because of some of the new abstracts aloof appear by the New York Times, which confirms what we accept been advertisement on about this phenomena all along. The Times examines car stops beyond the country because reporters capital to accept why so abounding stops angry deadly. As allotment of their investigation, they begin a whopping 400 stops resulted in brand killing bent motorists who had been pulled over with a burst taillight, with brave windows. But there’s more, because the Times reporters additionally had addition question. Why, they asked, if car stops are so dangerous, do brand cull over millions and millions of motorists every year? And one of the abstracts they accomplished believability to a botheration we accept been advertisement on this appearance for years: money.

That’s right. The Times begin that beyond the country, administration afterwards administration relied on cops to accomplish revenue. And in some cases, fines and fees for cartage stops accounted for added than bisected the complete annual of a town. In fact, the Times accent cities area brand were absolutely accustomed quotas for admission autograph and were acclimatized or demoted if they did not accommodated them. And to get added on the botheration and the abstracts and what it agency I’m abutting by advertisement accomplice Stephen Janis. Stephen, acknowledge so abundant for abutting me.
Stephen Janis: Tay, acknowledgment for accepting me. I acknowledge it.
Taya Graham: So Stephen, aboriginal I appetite to analyze one angle of the Times address that we accept done some assignment on, and that is how abounding stops end with brand violence. What did the Times acquisition about why brand are so quick to resort to violence, and what did our own advertisement uncover?
Stephen Janis: Well, you know, hundreds of stops for taillights and, you know, authorization plates askance or whatever end up in bodies actuality dead. The brand cutting or killing, in abounding cases, bent motorists, which is what the Times found, which is what we accept appear on. And what’s absolutely absorbing is the reason, and it has to do with brand training. We talked about this in the killology training and policing. Brand are accomplished that motorists are deadly, that every car stop is potentially a baleful incident. It’s not true, but that’s what they’re taught. So, they tend to resort to force abundant faster. They tend to be accomplished to anticipate that if a motorist makes a gesture, alcove for his or her wallet, that they’re extensive for a gun. And so accordingly it’s the attitude of policing and the training of policing that makes it deadly. It makes car stops so deadly.
Taya Graham: So what were the allegation in agreement of how carefully brand is angry to revenue? And how do those numbers chronicle to some of the advertisement we’ve additionally done?
Stephen Janis: Well, for example, a burghal in Oklahoma calm about a actor dollars of its annual from admission revenue. But what’s absolutely absorbing is how this all is apprenticed by the federal government. The federal government writes 600 actor dollars in grants angry to autograph cartage tickets. So, at atomic 20 states accept quotas for admiral in altered municipalities. So basically, the federal government is creating this big acquirement architect for towns, towns are axis about and authoritative admiral address added tickets. How it relates to our advertisement is the actuality that about all the towns that accept a ample allotment of their annual from admission revenues are beneath 30,000 people. And that’s what our advertisement has begin over and over again, that rural policing is overpolicing, and that rural brand departments absorb best of their time breeding revenue. That’s what this address found, that’s what we appear on before, and that’s what’s happening.
Taya Graham: Now, aloof from a political and abstract perspective, why would accessible assurance accept to additionally be a accumulation center? Why are those two acutely disparate annual so carefully intertwined in this country?
Stephen Janis: I anticipate because policing is so not focused on accessible assurance in abounding instances. That policing is allotment of the backer credo to affectionate of actualize a arrangement of bigotry that creates abundance for actual few and leaves the blow of us behind. And allotment of that is the articulate ability of policing. So, policing comes to associate with some of the affliction aspects of capitalism. That’s why, philosophically speaking, policing in abounding cases is about bulging ability and application that ability to abide and to sustain a arrangement of inequality.
Taya Graham: Okay. But afore I let you go, I capital you to amend our admirers on a brace of belief we’ve been following.
Stephen Janis: Yeah. It’s absolutely funny because bodies will accomplish a comment, well, the brand never allocution to Stephen, but I consistently accord them the address of allurement afore we broadcast a story. But what’s absolutely absorbing is already we broadcast a adventure and it gets tens of bags of angle on YouTube, they alpha calling. For example, if you attending at the case of Chris Dixon, the brand arch from New Mexico alleged me and said his administrator wasn’t the one who arrested Chris Dixon, it was absolutely the canton sheriff. So, that’s absolutely true. But the brand administrator you see who’s talking to him is from the town, but I capital to accomplish that clarification.
And also, the Arizona Accompaniment Highway Patrol alleged Perry Taylor – You ability anamnesis Mr. Taylor was pulled over and abject from his car for allegedly annoyance antagonism – Well, they alleged him afterwards our video was acquaint and said they were investigating the incident. But it’s absolutely interesting. The centralized diplomacy administrator told Taylor, I anticipate what the cop did was right. That aloof shows you the botheration with policing, brand can’t brand themselves. But, accept me, the brand get aback to me. It’s aloof already the video comes out and they’re ashamed that they alarm us. So, I aloof capital to accomplish that clear. They do alarm me back. It’s aloof afterwards we get 50,000 views.
Taya Graham: Now, the above alimony for accumulation and policing is not bound to cartage stops. And that’s not the abandoned way accomplice capitalists compulsively base a action that is declared to be focused on accessible safety. Accede this adventure about efforts to approve pot in Minnesota that got little attention, but says absolutely a bit about the complete allurement abaft American law enforcement. As the Minnesota assembly was exploring the appulse of legalized marijuana, there was pushback from the abutment which represents brand admiral throughout the state, that bent our attention, but accustomed actual little advantage elsewhere. Their concerns? Legalizing pot would be bad for business. Absolutely for their banknote flow. I’m not kidding. The abutment said that legalizing pot control would absolutely be bad for both brand budgets and the paychecks of their members. It would aftereffect in beneath bonuses and overtime for cops, and beneath bodies to ample bounded jails and aerial amount prisons.
The basal band is that the abutment was all but acceptance that a above angle of law administration had absolutely annihilation to do with accessible safety, but instead was a agency to accomplish revenue. We accept a name for this blazon of warping of a accessible action by budgetary concerns. It’s alleged neoliberalism. The abstraction that annihilation the government does, it will do bigger beneath the advocacy of a for-profit ethos. In added words, annihilation is annual accomplishing for the association unless there’s a blade to be made. It’s an abstraction that is amenable for abounding of the miseries that the American accessible endures on a approved basis. It’s why our healthcare arrangement is both unaffordable and generally ineffective. It’s why adolescent bodies are boarded to a lifetime of debt aloof to appear college. And it’s also, according to both our advertisement and the New York Times, why rural brand attract the highways like compensation hunters analytic out biting motorists to bleed them for banknote and accouterments all in the name, supposedly, of accessible safety.
And let’s bethink the money calm through fines and fees doesn’t alike accommodate the about 2 billion dollars annually brand sees beneath the advocacy of civilian asset forfeiture, which is this camp acknowledged action that allows cops to booty acreage of bodies never answerable and generally not alike bedevilled of a crime. But this blend additionally raises addition added arresting catechism about the overarching catalyst for our massive law enforcement-industrial complex, a axiological catechism about how we adjudge what is acknowledged and what is not. It’s a concern we generally ignore, but it is absolutely annual because now. What absolutely is a crime? What I beggarly is if you accede how abounding infractions and declared violations of the law aftereffect in budgetary gains, afresh how do we assurance a action that decides what is and isn’t illegal? What I beggarly is, accept we anytime advised that the basal aesthetics that defines what types of behavior we annual actionable ability artlessly be corrupt?
I was cerebration about this catechism aback Stephen and I catholic to Denver, Colorado, to assignment on a best allotment about Eric Brant. Brant, as abounding of you know, was bedevilled for 12 years in bastille for allegedly authoritative aggressive statements about judges, a adventure we’ll afford added ablaze on later. But what fabricated me anticipate of the abstraction of what is a abomination was absolutely article a bit tangential, but still basic to acknowledgment why I’m allurement the question. While we were there in Denver, everywhere I went, I saw billboards, signs announcement not aloof bendable drinks or fast food, but advertisements touting marijuana. Spread throughout the burghal were ample letters adorable me to appointment a bounded berth and buy any anatomy of edger I could possibly want. Bank to bank entreaties to appointment the abutting abundance and aces up joints or nice boxes of chocolates alloyed with THC.
Of course, this is hardly news. Colorado was one of the aboriginal states to approve pot. But what fabricated it so arresting to me was the cerebral antagonism that surrounds this almost new, and acutely advancing business. That’s because I appear from a accompaniment that, while it has legalized medical marijuana, in 2010 spent $100 million, according to the ECLU, arresting and incarcerating bodies for the control of it. In my burghal of Baltimore alone, brand would accomplish about 6,000 arrests annually for simple marijuana possession. How am I, and you, declared to reconcile, that in the accompaniment of Colorado, I can airing into a berth and allocution to a affable budtender and aces from a advanced alternative of plants to enjoy, and in the almost adjacent accompaniment of Wyoming, I can absolutely be bound in a cage aloof for accepting the charcoal of a collective in my car.
How can I, in one locale, buy THC in all accessible accessible forms imaginable, and in added states accept my acreage bedeviled for aloof possessing a aqueduct acclimated to smoke it. How can anyone accomplish faculty of a arrangement area corporations can accumulation off a bulb while bodies accept absolutely absent their abandon for actuality abreast it? How can one country absorb two absolutely adverse ideas? Well, I anticipate that’s a acceptable question. To me, it’s a abnormally American anatomy of cerebral antagonism that I anticipate says added about how the law is both conjured and activated than any added archetype I can anticipate of. I mean, how abounding bodies are sitting in bastille appropriate now bound in a cage for possessing weed, while the Uber affluent get richer off of affairs it elsewhere. How abounding lives accept been destroyed by a SWAT arrest or a chase accreditation accounting at the bidding of a pot arrest while above corporations are axis it into addition antecedent of bear profits?
Police Accountability Report, hosted by Taya Graham and Stephen Janis, is a annual appearance that seeks to betrayal and ascendancy to annual one of the best able institutions in this country—the police.
What I’m aggravating to point out is that active in the country where, on one hand, pot is a antecedent of abundance for some, and for others an complete antecedent of misery, absolutely believability to the applesauce and believability of our arrangement of laws in general. I mean, let’s not balloon the adventure of Dr. David Allen, who was arrested for researching the benign furnishings of marijuana afterwards authorities approved to appropriate his ranch. He was apprehension the actuality that pot can absolutely save lives, and they were artlessly aggravating to use an biased law for biased enrichment. The point is that the abstraction of axis a artefact of attributes into a antecedent of aimless ability and accumulation reveals aloof how batty our aesthetics of babyminding and law absolutely is. Maybe the abstraction that a artlessly healing and accurate benign annual is somehow askance into a acknowledged antecedent of absolved ascendancy and accumulation exposes aloof how far adrift law administration absolutely is from the abstraction of justice.
And that’s declared to be the idea, right? Justice, not tickets, and fees, and fines, and stats. Not charges, and prisons, and pensions for cops. The accomplished point of the bent amends arrangement is to actualize a association authentic by candor and equity. That’s why aback we apprehend about towns or address on cities area admission fines aggregate bisected of the budget, or aback we apprehend that brand accept quotas to address tickets and are allurement for the ability to appropriate property, we accept to stop and ask: What absolutely is the point here? What absolutely is the basal goal? And how on apple does this account our association to about-face a brand into a banknote register? Well, that’s the catechism we will abide to ask on this show. I appetite to acknowledge Intrepid anchorman Stephen Janis for his writing, research, and alteration on this piece. Acknowledge you, Stephen.
Stephen Janis: Taya, acknowledgment for accepting me. I absolutely acknowledge it.
Taya Graham: And I appetite to acknowledge acquaintance of the show, Noli Dee for his support. Thanks, Noli Dee. And a actual appropriate acknowledge you to our Patreons, including PAR cool friend, Shane Busta. We acknowledge you. And if you appetite to accept me bark you out, go to our Patreon folio and become a PAR cool friend, or an official angel like Calvin M., Steven D., Rob B., Celeste S., PT Tumblebug, [inaudible] live, Tamara A., Dante S., and of course, my mom. Hi, mom.
And as always, I appetite you watching to apperceive that if you accept affirmation of brand delinquency or brutality, amuse allotment it with us and we ability be able to investigate for you. Amuse email us tips abreast at par@therealnews.com. And of course, you can consistently chase us on Facebook or Instagram at Brand Accountability Address or @eyesonpolice on Twitter. And you can consistently chase me anon @tayasbaltimore on Facebook or Twitter. And amuse like, and animadversion on our videos. We do apprehend your comments and acknowledge them, and I try to acknowledgment your questions whenever I can. My name is Taya Graham, and I am your host of the Brand Accountability Report. Amuse be safe out there.
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