COMMENT #1 [Permalink]… Floridiot said on 9/15/2005 @ 12:53 pm PT…
I could see Rove activity to a aback allowance about and flipping votes, or alike a stooge accomplishing it from about abroad and Rove watching alive as it happens, wouldn’t be too adamantine the way the set up is put together
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]… bluebear2 said on 9/15/2005 @ 12:53 pm PT…
Don’t admission time to apprehend this all now, but Acceptable Activity Brad. This adventure is the top banderole at Raw Sotry appropriate now. Their articulation brings us here.
I admission my annual set up for tonight I see.
I asume this is the aloft adventure you alluded to yesterday.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]… KestrelBrighteyes said on 9/15/2005 @ 12:55 pm PT…
Well adulate my abject and alarm me a biscuit – AT LAST there’s a ray of hope.
Okay, so how do we accomplish the VERY BEST use of this information?
The 6 or 7 bandage is allurement – what now?
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]… big dan said on 9/15/2005 @ 1:06 pm PT…
We do not admission a capitalism in this country!
How did they get these machines installed able aborigine security? It’s accessible that somehow these machines got boundless throughout the United States, and it was done complete absolute quietly.
1. What is the % U.S. votes done on DIEBOLD machines?
2. What is the % of U.S. votes done on cyberbanking voting machines?
3. What is the % of U.S. votes counted on optical scanners?
4. Does Bev Harris of apperceive about this?
NOW…can we revisit the avenue acclamation that said Kerry won the acclamation by 5 actor accustomed votes, MSM?
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]… Keith Riddle said on 9/15/2005 @ 1:06 pm PT…
I’m apprehensive if this has annihilation to do with the PROMIS software affairs Michael Rupert talks at breadth about in Crossing the Rubicon. Seems that is a affairs that allegedly has the adeptness to back-door itself into about any software program.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]… Ed said on 9/15/2005 @ 1:10 pm PT…
I adore Brad and all you supporters, but nothing’s activity to happen, as usual. It’s not your accountability this is happening. It’s the accountability of the bashful majority who are active watching WWF, porn, and downing Bud Lights.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]… colleenmilitarymom said on 9/15/2005 @ 1:12 pm PT…
HOLY COW, BRAD!! This it! This is the (almost) aftermost straw.Good job.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]… Doug Eldritch said on 9/15/2005 @ 1:15 pm PT…
It was exploited…. That’s for sure….the autograph is all over the walls.
And they’re goiNg to accomplishment it again…..someone has got to shut Diebold and ES&S bottomward and force them to about-face over their antecedent code!!!!
Kkkarl Rove had an accessible sales arrangement a accord with the devil at Diebold and manipulated totals with the advice of some cronies…..Didn’t blackwell additionally admission the aforementioned admissible Diebold tabulator in the office?
If they had to acclimatize all the accord machines….and Diebold was active the basic server that would explain the blab anomolies that anchored the count. They artlessly had to “adjust” to bout the Diebold affairs and afresh abjure anybody admission to the logs.
Someone in Ohio/Nebraska needs to book accessible accusation to these bastards to absolution those antecedent cipher logs!!!! This is no beneath than treason!
Doug E.
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]… peterpont said on 9/15/2005 @ 1:15 pm PT…
Brad: It would admission to me that this advice and all accompanying to it should be in the calmly of Rep. Conyers.Immeadiately)Are you transcribing your conversations with bandage backup(with the approval of the source, and accompanying sources)?Be absorbing to see if the anew awaked MSM is activity to bandy there ample admission in on this developing story.The Clint Curtis adventure seems to admission died a connected but quiet death.Peter in Oregon
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]… colleenmilitarymom said on 9/15/2005 @ 1:16 pm PT…
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]… jIMcIRILE said on 9/15/2005 @ 1:17 pm PT…
I’M WITH YOU, KESTRELBRIGHTEYES. What do we do with this? We’ve e-mailed anybody in the MSM advanced and you all apperceive how far we’ve gotten. Is there anyone who was on the fence and adeptness be pushed over with this?
Certainly annual sending to Paul Krugman at the NYT, Jonathan Adapt at Newsweek, Seymour Hersh at the New Yorker. Jim Lampley, too, admitting I admission no acquaintance advice on him. Possibly Huffington Post. Michael Moore emboldened abundant to run it? WHO ELSE? Geraldo? Keith Oldermann? 60 Minutes?
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]… Jon said on 9/15/2005 @ 1:19 pm PT…
Why can’t you ask your antecedent for the antecedent code? We can get complete Pros to accessory at the code. It should not be too difficult to see if the cipher was accounting to about-face votes from one candicate to another.
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]… Foxhunter said on 9/15/2005 @ 1:26 pm PT…
Hilarious. I’m an IT guy and admission these USCert bulletins…I bethink seeing this authentic annual arbitrary aftermost year. Anesthetized it on to my bang-up with the Diebold admission accent and we wondered about the shitstorm that was abiding to follow. It didn’t accomplish annual then, and it won’t accomplish annual now. Acknowledgment for your hardword on bradblog…I ambition we could get these ‘commercially-made-busy’ bodies of america to deathwatch up and abolish themselves from the boob tube for 15 annual to see what is happening.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]… sc backing said on 9/15/2005 @ 1:26 pm PT…
i’m abiding the admirers that cavalcade actuality admission aboveboard this, but to those who will arise actuality from the raw adventure site, (like me):
see a diebold training video from jan 2004 captivated in texas:
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]… Jeff J. said on 9/15/2005 @ 1:33 pm PT…
Bingo! Abundant assignment Brad. I’ve consistently acquainted that eventually or afterwards a “Dieb Throat” would surface. Will your antecedent affirm at trial, Brad? And are they able to accomplish these claims (“Everyone knew…”) to the accustomed public?
It would be abundant if your antecedent could annular up some advisers at Diebold with affirmation that accustomed what top administering knew, and alike bigger if accession knew of any bunco with “elected” officials. Adeptness be absorbing to alteration Diebold’s buzz records…
What’s been baldheaded actuality is what Bev Harris has been adage for months. What’s important about this adventure is the actuality that its acceptance that Diebold knew how accessible it was to dispense their software & hardware, and agilely had no ambition of “fixing” the glitch. It’s accessible to me that it was larboard there for a complete bright purpose.
Now we aloof allegation a bigmouth from the Bush/Cheney afflicted to arise advanced to affix the dots.
Keep up the abundant assignment Brad. We�re accepting afterpiece and afterpiece and eventually or afterwards something�s activity to tip the scales that�ll rid us of these abyss already and for all.
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]… Nana said on 9/15/2005 @ 1:33 pm PT…
Well done Brad, I’m so animated it was you the ‘insider’ contacted. You allegation admission a reputation, thats good!
OK, I allegation some adulate too…
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]… BigTobacco said on 9/15/2005 @ 1:33 pm PT…
Great Job Brad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]… Ilene said on 9/15/2005 @ 1:36 pm PT…
Just accessory at all the repercussions this actionable vote has had –
– let’s alpha with the Supreme Cloister and the approaching of the Cloister for the abutting few decades!- The lives absent due to Katrina and the bungled federal acknowledgment from Backcountry cronies!- The complete war in Iraq, if we go aback to the aforementioned botheration in 2000! (And maybe alike 9/11, depending aloft the way you feel about Backcountry & Co. abetment in that!)- How abounding in the Assembly and Abode fell due to the aforementioned modem “fixes”? There’s been some allocution of these as well. And now they’re targeting Hillary!!!
The baseborn presidency, the complete majority in both houses, the Supreme Cloister – we admission absent ascendancy of our government “of the people, by the bodies and for the people”!
How can this be antipodal – what acknowledged ramifications are there, and how do we get our government back?
Thanks Brad for this absurd assignment – at atomic SOMEONE’s “vacation” was fruitful! Don’t let up, don’t let this abatement through the holes – amuse let anybody apperceive that needs to know, like Conyers, Bev Harris, and anybody accessory that appointment – this adumbration couldn’t admission arise out at a bigger time!
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]… Rick Gagliano said on 9/15/2005 @ 1:37 pm PT…
I don’t know… Afterwards the Repubs shut bottomward the resolution of assay in the Abode yesterday, it seems there’s annihilation abbreviate of attrition or chaos larboard as achievable solutions.
With complete ascendancy of the government and the media it’s evry man for him/herself. Stay out of abeyant adversity areas and ample cities, use every agency accessible to save $$$ (keep a acceptable bandage of cash), and complete your tax liability.
Stop active aback gas gets over $2.50/gallon. Complain to your administering and their bosses.
Pay no absorption to Hillary and Joe Biden. They’re aloof grandstanders. Accumulate angry but accumulate your own counsel. Refuse to vote in ’06 and beef loudly. Let the govt. and media apperceive that your antipathy for the arrangement is absolute.
Hold on to your hats. It’s activity to be a complete aflutter ride.
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]… texaslady said on 9/15/2005 @ 1:45 pm PT…
Great job Brad ! …says alot for you that accession with this advice is adequate with you to talk.I can admission the abhorrence they allegation admission to allege out.
You know, wouldn’t it admission been added Republican to accede to a Katrina agency afresh fix the facts like they consistently do? I admiration if the accoutrement is bottomward a cog. We can consistently hope. Maybe Rove’s branch stones are acting up.I beggarly it absolutely looks like accession is ambuscade alot !!!
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]… Mick said on 9/15/2005 @ 1:48 pm PT…
from bbc annual 6 november 2004…rld/americas/3987237.stm
“Drawing up blueprints for Backcountry victory”
“By the time acclamation night came around, Mr Rove was in the White House, where, almighty for a political adviser, he has an office.
He set up computers in the Old Ancestors Dining Allowance and started accretion results. He had set up a massive arrangement of contacts, not aloof in accompaniment capitals, but alone districts and precincts to adviser assembly and support.
Early avenue acclamation quoted by media seemed to accord Mr Kerry the edge, but colleagues said Mr Rove adumbrated appropriate abroad that they did not annual with his information.
He acclimated his own abstracts to put Ohio and Florida in the Backcountry cavalcade – bringing acclaim from the admiral and his ancestors aback he went into the Roosevelt Allowance and told them. “
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]… LIONS SHARE said on 9/15/2005 @ 1:49 pm PT…
That is one heck of a job “Michael Brown”. No, haha that’s how they say it in citizenry security.
Why did citizenry aegis of all places apperceive so calmly about the all-embracing accomplishment and do annihilation about it? Hmmm?
I don’t anticipate they absolutely believed anyone would acquisition out….that they were burglary elections.
Now, the important affair is assure this antecedent and accomplish abiding he comes advanced with the antecedent code. Lets get that out in the accessible and afresh the guys like Robert Diekkman who absolutely manipulated the acclamation will arise forward…..
The war is far from over….you still admission to get the accumulated media to affliction about this, and best importantly….you admission to force laws to get passed. The complete laws that could be anesthetized would be a law that none of these machines can accurately be certified aback they breach HAVA.
That would get rid of about all of the diebold accouterment in a heartbeat…..and you’d still allegation a appropriate prosecutor.
One added thing…..Clint Curtis allegedly hid his cipher on several Diebold/Sequoia machines so the best important allotment is get the antecedent code. Either the raw antecedent code, or several sources who aggregate the antecedent code…..
Its time to booty aggregate aback from these crooks….Make abiding Conyers etc gets on the ball!
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]… texaslady said on 9/15/2005 @ 1:50 pm PT…
#18 Ilene – got to acquaint you no one brand vacationing in Texas from June to August. Brad was accomplishing what he does best accepting the facts out to the abstract of us.
This is the best advising blog on the internet.
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]… Nana said on 9/15/2005 @ 1:50 pm PT…
Hey! ACVR, gonna put this in your report??
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]… MarkH said on 9/15/2005 @ 1:51 pm PT…
I don’t anticipate they’re adage the primary botheration is with the Diebold software. It’s that it (Diebold’s GEMS) uses the MicroSoft Admission database arrangement and it’s that database arrangement which is accessible to intruders.
Is there alike a aegis arrangement with Access? Is it as simple as dialing up via modem and accessing it as calmly as one would the aforementioned database on your own home pc?
Trying to get MS to fix their database arrangement is allegedly like allurement them to fix their Internet browser or operating systems. It ain’t gonna happen.
I admiration if there is any assay aisle kept on modem accesses or added database accesses which could still be in existence. Is there any adumbration of what changes might’ve occurred and aback and by whom? Wouldn’t it be admirable if such an assay aisle aback appeared?
This adventure should be on the advanced folio of every bi-weekly in America tomorrow morning in complete ample type. How abundant would you bet that it won’t?
Dieb-throat, acceptable one!
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]… Bejammin075 said on 9/15/2005 @ 1:51 pm PT…
Great job Brad! Accession home run airtight out of the park.
Does Dieb-throat admission any agreeing buddies who will accompany with him/her?
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]… LIONS SHARE said on 9/15/2005 @ 1:51 pm PT…
That is one heck of a job “Michael Brown”. No, haha that’s how they say it in citizenry security.
Why did citizenry aegis of all places apperceive so calmly about the all-embracing accomplishment and do annihilation about it? Hmmm?
I don’t anticipate they absolutely believed anyone would acquisition out….that they were burglary elections.
Now, the important affair is assure this antecedent and accomplish abiding he comes advanced with the antecedent code. Lets get that out in the accessible and afresh the guys like Robert Diekkman who absolutely manipulated the acclamation will arise forward…..
The war is far from over….you still admission to get the accumulated media to affliction about this, and best importantly….you admission to force laws to get passed. The complete laws that could be anesthetized would be a law that none of these machines can accurately be certified aback they breach HAVA.
That would get rid of about all of the diebold accouterment in a heartbeat…..and you’d still allegation a appropriate prosecutor.
One added thing…..Clint Curtis allegedly hid his cipher on several Diebold/Sequoia machines so the best important allotment is get the antecedent code. Either the raw antecedent code, or several sources who aggregate the antecedent code…..
Its time to booty aggregate aback from these crooks….Make abiding Conyers etc gets on the ball!
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]… N. Friedman said on 9/15/2005 @ 1:53 pm PT…
Great work, but the hardest assignment is to run this adventure with the so alleged “liberal media”.
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]… MrBlueSky said on 9/15/2005 @ 2:00 pm PT…
Once again, abundant job.
As you know, I beatific a archetype of your altercation to KING 5 Annual and cc’ed you. I would like them to acquaintance you for followup and interview.
Sadly, however, as all of the blogposts you accomplish that I advanced to the bounded Seattle MSM, they all booty a abnormal amusement in bare us.
COMMENT #30 [Permalink]… John Accessible said on 9/15/2005 @ 2:04 pm PT…
Not to beating BradBlog, but why won’t this guy go to accession like CNN, which is brandishing freshly-sharpened swords at the administration, slicing and dicing on a circadian basis? Or one of the big papers? This is abundant stuff, for sure, but if it’s credible, afresh anybody needs to apperceive about it.
COMMENT #31 [Permalink]… Kira said on 9/15/2005 @ 2:04 pm PT…
COMMENT #32 [Permalink]… glossy baton said on 9/15/2005 @ 2:08 pm PT…
Wake the F up, people; we admission two parties wed to accumulated feedbags and bloggers are aloof vents on the hothouse.
COMMENT #33 [Permalink]… MrBlueSky said on 9/15/2005 @ 2:20 pm PT…
Unfortunately, Glossy Baton is correct.
The admiral that be accommodate both parties. The Dems are acceptable cat-and-mouse for their about-face to rig the elections.
I heard a address on the annual the added day that said that the alarm of ascendancy will beat absolutely to the democrats in 5-9 years from now.
But we allegation to apple-pie up the elections so neither affair can cheat.
COMMENT #34 [Permalink]… Kira said on 9/15/2005 @ 2:23 pm PT…
High-5 to MrBlueSky. Agreed.
COMMENT #35 [Permalink]… Cowicide said on 9/15/2005 @ 2:36 pm PT…
COMMENT #36 [Permalink]… sc backing said on 9/15/2005 @ 2:39 pm PT…
omg, Kira, COMMENT #31
i acclimated to assignment with Danny Casolaro’s brother — he knew his brother didn’t accomplish suicide…
boy, you brought aback memories!
COMMENT #37 [Permalink]… LIONS SHARE said on 9/15/2005 @ 2:41 pm PT…
Mr. John Q Accessible I can acknowledgment that catechism for you.
The acumen he doesn’t go to CNN is the aforementioned acumen Clinton Curtis won’t.
There’s some moles in the accumulated media who could try to admission him asleep or rubbed out. Don’t allegation that to happen. The accumulated endemic media can’t “guarantee” your safety.
Whereas the independant media can, and will accomplish abiding things are able-bodied researched. That’s how we now apperceive Tom Feeney is a bluff and had artifice programs developed is through the independant media.
COMMENT #38 [Permalink]… Ilene said on 9/15/2005 @ 2:42 pm PT…
Gee, I airing abroad from the computer for a few annual and aback there are 34 comments on this cilia – we’re all so aflame about this info! This is hopefully the alpha of the end and the epitaph in the antecedent cilia may be advancing authentic alike faster than we anticipation yesterday!
I allegation acknowledge to #23, Texas Lady. My animadversion apropos Brad’s “vacation” was a echo of what Brad himself said the added day. The aforementioned way that we accumulate referencing the “6 or 7” bradblog readers, I was apropos to Brad’s “vacation” as he himself alleged it, argot in audacity of course!!! I in no way meant annihilation abrogating arise Brad in refering to the animadversion – I anticipation it was agitating that while he was abroad Brad was alive so abundant harder than best of us do every day of the anniversary and with such abundant results. His assignment at Afflicted Casey was admirable and gave us all a abundant faculty of what was activity on there while allowance to added her continuing adventure that we’ll be seeing in the canicule and weeks ahead. I achievement this animadversion didn’t affront you or anyone else.
COMMENT #39 [Permalink]… happytimeharry said on 9/15/2005 @ 2:45 pm PT…
This is old news. Its sad that it’s advised “breaking annual now. Abounding of us were able-bodied acquainted of all this before, during, and afterwards the election.
COMMENT #40 [Permalink]… nonbeliever said on 9/15/2005 @ 2:49 pm PT…
And adulate my abject to!
LOL, alot of buttered butts here.
Great job Brad!! Haven’t been actuality in awhile.
The catechism is what absolutely is the abutting step? MS Admission was never a defended solution.
How do we ensure approaching elections?
Last I heard there were 25 states acute a cardboard aisle for all cyberbanking machines. We’re center there.
What affectionate of technology does ES&S use?
COMMENT #41 [Permalink]… Doug Eldritch said on 9/15/2005 @ 2:51 pm PT…
I can’t delay to apprehend added about this guy…..Great alarming job!!!!
At atomic one person(s) do ‘hard work’ on their vacations and apperceive what adamantine assignment is don’t they.
It’s the bloggers like Brad who aren’t abashed to get dirty, while Mr. Bush-sticks himself says he’s accomplishing the assignment while he lays aback on his fishing baiter and strums that ol’ banjo!!
Three acclaim for truth!
Doug E.
COMMENT #42 [Permalink]… Ed said on 9/15/2005 @ 2:59 pm PT…
Thanks for nuthin, DIEB-THROAT.
An bearding ‘whistle-blower’. Oh, whoopie. HOW ABOUT GET SOME DAMNED PATRIOTISM and arise out about and loudly??!! Aww, abashed to lose your job, huh? Well, the abstract of us are accident our democracy.
At atomic Clint Curtis had the adventuresomeness to allege publicly.
STEP UP and SPEAK OUT. Quit hiding. It does us no acceptable to admission ‘anonymous sources’. Geez.
COMMENT #43 [Permalink]… lapin said on 9/15/2005 @ 3:00 pm PT…
Did anyone go to the US Cert admission for the Diebold aegis report? Hmm? See that cavalcade labeled source? The antecedent of the address is Brad, I admission to say that this allotment of your argument, at atomic to me, is absurd in that it is cocky referential. I don’t see anywhere that an complete acceptance of the arise software absence has occurred. I can’t assurance it if its alone affidavit is itself. But the Dieb-Throat actuality is good.
To all else, don’t anytime apprehend any big media arrangement to address on this. Why would they appetite to derail the gravy train?
COMMENT #44 [Permalink]… JT said on 9/15/2005 @ 3:02 pm PT…
I’d be authentic to get too aflame about this. Sounds like a archetypal Rove bamboozlement campaign. Get those ‘crazy liberals’ talking about possible, but unprovable, aborigine artifice and tkae the focus of Bush’s angled administering of Katrina.
Not adage this should get ablaze bottomward the anamnesis hole, but lets not balloon ‘Rathergate’…
COMMENT #45 [Permalink]… Iwan said on 9/15/2005 @ 3:03 pm PT…
Right afterwards the November 2003 elections I saw some acceptance on voting after-effects compared to avenue polls. Avenue acclamation were everywhere reliable, except for three(?) big states breadth the complete aftereffect of the elections differed about 5% from the avenue acclamation and this was every time favorable for Bush. In all of the three states voting machines afterwards cardboard aisle from Diebold were used.There hasn’t been any chase up on this story.Now, I don’t apperceive if it wasn’t a hoax, but it makes one suspicious. Adeptness the aback aperture admission been acclimated already?
COMMENT #46 [Permalink]… Styve said on 9/15/2005 @ 3:06 pm PT…
Brad…you are the DUDE!! This is the best annual I admission heard in absolutely some time, but I admission consistently been assured that the accurateness would arise out about the BushCo Abode o’ Cards!!
In acknowledgment to #15, by Jeff, and #18, by Ilene, I would like to change commodity I acquaint on Kos aftermost week, and which got no responses…regarding the accent of whistleblowers in accouterment affirmation we allegation to booty aback our democracy. I admission that we admission to animate those on the inside, in the face of a “culture of fear”, as Dieb-throat has done, to aperture to the columnist annihilation they admission adeptness betrayal BushCo artifice and manipulations.
Thanks afresh and we will prevail!!
Styve—————Bring out the Whistleblowers and booty bottomward BushCo~ (none / 0)
Hey Kos-crowd,
How can BushCo assembly be absorbed into aperture added and added advice about BushCo manipulations, threats, deceptions…by publicicizing the aggregate of angled accountability they may face for abetment in treason?!?! I apperceive that sounds like a dream, to absolutely ascendancy BushCo accountable, but if they admission committed crimes, as we apperceive they have, and there is a adventitious that they will be captivated accountable, conceivably those accomplices adeptness admission the annual of accepting out early, to abbreviate their own liability??
I anticipate T-shirts should flood the nation that say commodity alternating the curve of “A BushCo Bigmouth is the ultimate PATRIOT, and this ain’t no ACT!!”
StyvePortland, OR
COMMENT #47 [Permalink]… rhonda from sfs said on 9/15/2005 @ 3:19 pm PT…
KOOOOOOOOOL …… acceptable job …..superb……fabulouass…….felt like a party………thruth isso auspicious in my circadian activity of seeing Booshpretend to be SUPER prez.
COMMENT #48 [Permalink]… ewastud said on 9/15/2005 @ 3:20 pm PT…
With this revelation, added the assay of the acclamation by statisticians attractive at avenue polls, accumulated with the “What Went Amiss in Ohio” address by Rep. Conyers, it seems that we association who admission been abominable agnostic of the aftermost acclamation after-effects admission the adequacy for a abundant case of acclamation fraud. Some subpoenas and acknowledged assay of abstracts acceptance to Diebold and added acclamation accoutrement companies could allegedly betrayal the able bedraggled arrangement and best of its perpetrators — if alone Assembly and added already attenuated government admiral would chase up. There’s the rub. Aloof how boundless is the government bribery that would admission an absorption in accoutrement all this up? We shall see.
COMMENT #49 [Permalink]… chabuks said on 9/15/2005 @ 3:29 pm PT…
Great..but will MSM “kill” this too..will the talking active via Rove (got abroad with treason..nanner,nanner) annihilate and circuit this adventure as the tin-foil hat crowd, the crazy leftists cabal nuts…? How do we get bodies to pay attention..who do we get to best this cause…the “for sale” Democrats..who accomplish money by rolling over for Bush..all the while bold they are on our side…? Or maybe accession tactic..a disgruntled, bitter, aloft abettor of Dieblod..? We allegation some complete proof……and a way to “stick” it in the face of the “non-believers”, the peanut arcade that praises Bush, no aggregate how abominably he screws up….
COMMENT #50 [Permalink]… Jeff J. said on 9/15/2005 @ 3:44 pm PT…
Re: Styve #46
I couldn’t accede more. It’d be abundant to aggregate out a way to accompany out abeyant whistleblowers. But you can be abiding that advancing out is a chancy business with these abyss in power. I’m appealing abiding that there are association who apprehend these blogs who themselves admission advice that could be acclimated to affix the dots on some of Backcountry & Co’s angled activities, but accessory what happened to Ray Lemme! We admission to accommodate a way of befitting these Patriots safe, while auspicious them to allotment what they know. Conceivably we could alpha a “Safe Anchorage Fund” or commodity to accession donations to be acclimated arise absorption these individuals.
COMMENT #51 [Permalink]… jpentz said on 9/15/2005 @ 3:46 pm PT…
Brad IF you apprehend my cavalcade get in abstract with Linda at Authentic Vote Maryland.
We admission all kinds of belletrist about Maryland, Prince George’s and Baltimore county.
Check your email amuse for an email from me. I apperceive you get lots. Authentic Vote has a LOT of advice about Maryland.
COMMENT #52 [Permalink]… Arlene said on 9/15/2005 @ 3:50 pm PT…
I met Indira Singhl aftermost year at a 9/11 Conference.She formed for J.P. Morgan as a accident administrator until she got fired.She activate that P-Tech from Quincy, MA. holds the arrangement for the White House, Air Force One, Senate, House, NORAD, Aegis Department, Postal Services, ENRON, Elections, etc. The buyer is the top financier of Al-Quaida. She declared they admission artificial software that could go into any computer arrangement and change the programming afterwards any knowledge. It can reconfigure anything. Abettor Grassey went to FBI Robert Mueller to analyze about P-TECH. He was told by the FBI to let the answerable bead that this goes appropriate up to the White House. On 9/11 Dick Cheney was amenable for alteration the software to apprehend 22 apocryphal positives on the Air Traffic Controllers screens thoughtout the Northeaster Corridor, she reports.
COMMENT #53 [Permalink]… Doug Eldritch said on 9/15/2005 @ 3:52 pm PT…
Lapin: The antecedent isn’t blackboxvotingorg that’s aloof breadth the address was issued.
Note the able lines….its the Department of Citizenry aegis labeling it as a “medium akin threat” so you can’t aloof say it was some BBV thing.
Now breadth is the Diebold cabal who’s been abject this and knows all about everything….and can acknowledge the antecedent code?
We allegation that antecedent to arise out now….and acquaint Diebthrought he needs to acknowledge his name and accompany in the guys who got the antecedent cipher too.
Doug E.
COMMENT #54 [Permalink]… TaterSalad said on 9/15/2005 @ 3:52 pm PT…
you are good, complete acceptable Brad! Maybe we can get Keith Olberman to address on this. He adeptness be a bit gun shy afterwards his advertisement on Atramentous Box Voting aftermost year, but it’s annual sending him this info. I’ll get a articulation off to Keith and let’s see what he does with it. Again, Brad, you are the best. Your all-embracing journalism shines afresh … acknowledgment for all you do.
COMMENT #55 [Permalink]… jurassicpork said on 9/15/2005 @ 3:56 pm PT…
We’ve already already accustomed abundant of this, acknowledgment to Bev Harris and Howard Dean, who broke into the Diebold arrangement on MSNBC aftermost OCTOBER, the ages afore the election.
All this does is alone verify it. I would like to anticipate that Assembly can put the screws to these agee cocksuckers afore the mid-term elections abutting year but the majority Republicans, obviously, will aloof bandy up red bandage like they consistently do. Afterwards all, how can you apprehend Republicans to annual from prosecuting or at atomic persecuting the complete aforementioned aggregation that illegally put them in power, in the aboriginal abode (you listening, “Senator” Chambliss?)?
Good work, Brad. Btw, surfed in from Crooks and
COMMENT #56 [Permalink]… REDNECKPRINCESS said on 9/15/2005 @ 3:58 pm PT…
Excellent article, additionally on RAWSTORY is a address of voting machines declared actionable in CT. I admiration what machines they will be afflicted to buy?
COMMENT #57 [Permalink]… Styve said on 9/15/2005 @ 4:00 pm PT…
I anticipation a connected time ago that George Soros could added calmly absorb his money by developing a array of “Safe Anchorage Fund” to assure whistleblowers adventurous abundant to accompany these bastards down!!
Fingers beyond that this is in the morning affidavit tomorrow!!
Revolution is in the air!!
COMMENT #58 [Permalink]… dr rw said on 9/15/2005 @ 4:16 pm PT…
this will become some of the amunition bounded groups will admission to use to accost diebolt users. The MSM will avoid it. Of advanced accepting a complete attestant (willing to out himself, so to speak) would be added powerful.
there has been acceptable authentic affirmation of aborigine artifice that any analytic able actuality would accede that ’00 and ’04 were stolen. They will try to asphyxiate this as they admission aside the revelations of all added the crimes they admission committed.
but acceptable work.
dr rwclin psy
COMMENT #59 [Permalink]… voltairean said on 9/15/2005 @ 4:18 pm PT…
This makes no faculty on so abounding levels. What would the Dept. of Citizenry Aegis be accomplishing accurate such a claim? Has anyone heard from the gov’t artisan who put that columnist absolution out? Also, who is absolutely anxious with an alfresco 3rd affair accepting admission to the systems? It best absolutely was an axial job. And how abundant can you absolutely assurance Dieb-Throat afterwards he claims that he was brainwashed to the point of not absolutely assertive annihilation was amiss. Are you badinage me, I am 3,000 afar abroad and knew that their was added fishiness at Diebold than in the White House. Okay, maybe not that much.
Finally, Brad you are one crazy blogger. I absolutely achievement you assassin some anatomy guards. Admitting not abiding what they can do for you if you are declared an adversary combatant. Achievement you like mojitos.
COMMENT #60 [Permalink]… bvac said on 9/15/2005 @ 4:19 pm PT…
Someone needs to aboveboard drudge some babyish to boilerplate sized accessible election, certificate the complete process, and confess. We apperceive it can be done. We apperceive how to do it. Who wants to go to bastille for democracy?
COMMENT #61 [Permalink]… Tocque Deville said on 9/15/2005 @ 4:21 pm PT…
Hate to be a buzzkill, but this has aught believability alfresco of the army who has already fabricated up their minds.
Brad provides aught affirmation that this bigmouth is for real. For all we know, he could admission fabricated him up.
And if he is for real, afresh he is a coward. If he has advice which leads him to admission that these machines are a blackmail to democracy, and he’s still on the Diebold payroll, and he refuses to go on the almanac to assure his paycheck, he’s a coward.
As one who believes that e-voting IS the bigger blackmail to capitalism we’ve anytime known, it pisses me off to see accession address which can so calmly be absolved by skeptics.
All of these artificial claims (and yes, it is absolutely artificial until there is proof) are HURTING the cause.
Not alone should this antecedent be on the record, he should accommodate EVIDENCE to abutment his claims.
This is not claimed adjoin Brad who I acerb doubtable is aggravating to do the appropriate affair here. But he should apperceive bigger than to cavalcade a agglomeration of counterfeit bits and apprehend anyone added than the tin antithesis army to booty it seriously. Deathwatch up people. This is the internet breadth babble runs free.
I abominably appetite this adventure to be true. I abominably appetite a bigmouth to credibly abstract this able e-voting affair advanced accessible and betrayal it for the accident that it is. Alike if accession hasn’t already manipulated an election, which is improbable, the affluence at which it can be done about ensures that it will be done, accustomed the budgetary and brainy stakes involved.
But posts like this, with absolutely no acknowledging evidence, are allowance the e-voting industry. They are like arrant wolf until no one listens anymore. And annihilation that helps Deibold et al. is an adversary to democracy. This post, with its counterfeit bigmouth is accomplishing the business of Diebold and co. It is Brad that should be on Diebold’s payroll.
Now, if “DIEB-THROAT” turns out to be the smoker gun that all-overs the halls of power, I will not admission to retract. Because I am not adage that DIEB-THROAT isn’t for real. I am adage that Brad has provided no acknowledging affirmation that he’s for real. And if Brad is for real, and wants to resemble acceptable analytic journalism, he should abjure from announcement unverifialbe claims. No aggregate how sincere.
The bigger claiming we face in accepting these machines out of our balloter activity is CREDIBLY bold that they are a blackmail to democracy. This agency not affair the evidentiary and journalistic standards of a aloft bi-weekly like the Times. It agency beyond those standards.
Remember, this isn’t about the truth, it is about PROVING the truth. Brad should be alive his antecedent quietly, accepting him to accommodate documentation, antecedent cipher etc. He should booty this to a aboveboard announcer or two who can afar verify the antecedent and the source’s claims. Greg Palast would be good. He shyould admission waited until this adventure is bedrock solid afore alike announcement it. And he should do all of these things afore announcement again.
Again THESE UNSUBSTANTIATED CLAIMS ARE HURTING THE CAUSE. Wanyne Madsen and Bev Harris, admission done far added accident than acceptable by accurate agrarian claims that they can never prove. Now, as a result, a huge block of the blogosphere doesn’t alike admission anymore. And as a result, Deibold benefits. This makes them, inadvertantly or not, the enemy.
Don’t be the enemy.
COMMENT #62 [Permalink]… bluebear2 said on 9/15/2005 @ 4:30 pm PT…
Rick G #19
I allegation to arise to your boondocks to ample up my tank!
$2.99 – $3.09 accustomed cocky serve, $3.49 abounding service, $3.79 for diesel, actuality in Sacramento.
COMMENT #63 [Permalink]… Doug Eldritch said on 9/15/2005 @ 4:33 pm PT…
Jurassic Pork: I’ve additionally heard from several bodies South Dakota has alone them for cardboard ballots and Auto-Mark ES&S machines.
That’s a complete acceptable assurance that they are auctioning them, how can we force UTAH to dump them!???
The governor seems to be on a accumulated lobbyist streak. He’s got to be stopped!
These antic diebold and iVotronic machines allegation to be GONE RIGHT NOW!
And of advanced the neocons in assembly don’t appetite them gone. It was a democrat abettor Chris Dodd who BLOCKED the complete cardboard acclamation bill.
Remember that people….they both are cheating. Dodd said it would be antic botheration for disabled voters……YET about 20 states and now South Dakota admission accustomed AutoMark cardboard ballots are the complete solution.
And assignment for the disabled also….SO WHY DID CHRIS DODD LIE???
Why don’t anybody ask him and get the fires started?Senator Dodd
Doug E.
COMMENT #64 [Permalink]… Harry said on 9/15/2005 @ 4:37 pm PT…
Brad,Get this to Henry Waxman immediately. Additionally to Barbara Boxer and John Conyers. I anticipate we should additionally go to Bill Lockyear and admission him alpha an assay of the Diebold and ES&S owners apropos their machines in California. We can’t go afterwards them in Ohio or Florida as we don’t admission continuing to sue, but we can in California. Let’s get them.
COMMENT #65 [Permalink]… Doug Eldritch said on 9/15/2005 @ 4:43 pm PT…
Harry: Accord him time first, JUST like Clint Curtis it takes time to get these whistleblowers aegis and verify everything.
People jump on Brad for no names and abundant affirmation aback it isn’t alike time for that…..
I beggarly absolutely the Curtis adventure wasn’t complete for WEEKS. Accord it a abstract already. The alone time the accumulated media started advertisement on Curtis is already the lie detector assay had been taken and confirmed.
Where can accession get a REAL bigmouth aegis armamentarium started? He’s got to admission protection…..and may I advanced demography the whistleblowing to Ohio so acceptable old boy Thomas “Fraud” Noe can be beatific to prison….a FEDERAL accusation and angled assay in Ohio would smoke Blackwell out…….
Anyone apperceive some appropriate prosecutors?? Its a acceptable time….
Doug E.
COMMENT #66 [Permalink]… bdevil89 said on 9/15/2005 @ 4:52 pm PT…
Sorry I had to cavalcade a diffuse cavalcade but this advice is from a case that is both arresting and abominable aboveboard (I’ve researched it for 8 years). Its advice talks about how the elections from 2000 on admission been chic or admission been won fraudulently.Please assay the case out, this relevation aloof added proves the crediblity of the case.
CONTACT 367[Thursday, September 9, 2004]Contact person: PtaahGerman excerpt:…katastrophenwahl-usa.htm
Overpopulation’s (7.5 billion) dangers for the EarthBad leaders in government abject the peopleWorld War III (WW3/WWIII) – Meier states that WW3 has been “in abounding course” for a connected time; all-around aggressive conflicts still accessible in 2006, 2010, 2011 & 2012USA, Israel, Palestine & SudanDeath of Yasser Arafat in November 2004: W. Backcountry – a “terrorkrat”; 2nd acceleration to adeptness in November 2004 (stated by Quetzal 15 years ago); all-around aggressive conflicts (WW3) accessible in 2006Republican citizenry of the US led by “the lies and alone promises fabricated by Bush”, etc.; not able to anticipate logicallyIsraelPalestine & Yasser ArafatJohn F. Kerry: Presidential Acclamation 2004 – Backcountry will win by fraudulently appliance 400,000 biased votes artificial during the 2000 acclamation and stored on voting machines; Florida & Ohio will be complicatedRepublicansYasser Arafat’s afterlife in November 2004 – Israel (Ariel Sharon) will anticipate his anatomy actuality active in Jerusalem:…y/0,2763,1345031,00.htmlAriel Sharon – “a thousandfold assassin and terrorist”George W. Backcountry – commensurable to Adolph Hitler, Josef Stalin, Ariel Sharon, Yasser Arafat, Saddam Husain, Nicolae Ceausescu, Slobodan Milosevic, etc.; strives for US angel domination; he isn’t anxious with angel terrorism, the “War On Terrorism” is a awning for advancing added countries to authorize aggressive bases in them & accomplishment them; he is “the affliction [president] who anytime prevailed over the United States of America”US Senators, etc.Approximately bisected of Americans are adjoin to war & alone appetite complete defenses for America, not advancing added countriesSwitzerland – abyss in government, chargeless speech, the press, administrative system
CONTACT 230[Wednesday, October 11, 1989]Contact person: QuetzalGerman excerpts:…/voraussagen_jeremia.pdf…in/s10/zwei_kontakte.htm…ulletin/47/loch-ness.htm
Gulf War 1 (“Desert Storm”) – George H.W. Backcountry will advanced a agglomeration army in 1991 adjoin Iraq but will admission to end it due to able Iraqi attrition & abhorrence of affiliation ally to continue; he will artifice for his son George W. Backcountry to arise to adeptness to accomplishment the accomplishment to absorb Iraq into the US for its oil; George W. Backcountry will become governor of Texas in 1995, he will admission abounding bodies able beneath the afterlife amends (a ample cardinal will be innocent); Backcountry ancestor & son will assignment with accompany to beacon Backcountry Jr. into the admiral in November 2000 by balloter fraud
Loch Ness “monster” of Scotland – explained; 2 ancestor & 1 adolescent Plesiosaurus; why their actuality will be difficult to prove; Meier taken to see them
COMMENT #67 [Permalink]… Robert Lockwood Mills said on 9/15/2005 @ 4:59 pm PT…
“Dieb Throat” is to be commended for advancing forward. However, he gets one axiological actuality wrong.
Diebold didn’t put elections “at risk.” On the contrary, the able abstraction was to annihilate the risk, i.e., that John Kerry adeptness win Ohio and with it the election. They accustomed to ELIMINATE that accident by acceptance crooks to admission their tabluators.
This dispenses already and for all with the babyish angle (still adhered to by the boilerplate media) that a “massive conspiracy” was all-important to rig the election. On the contrary, it took alone a scattering of crooks with admission to the tabulators…which best of us on bradlbog admission accustomed from the beginning.
COMMENT #68 [Permalink]… kmsor said on 9/15/2005 @ 5:00 pm PT…
Hi Brad
I achievement your computers and computer files are complete secure. If not Dieb-Throat’s character will be aboveboard in the blink of an eye. E-mail is an acutely unsecure adjustment of communication. This is the affectionate of advice that whomever is abaft the vote artifice would breach the law (if not your neck!) to get.
Take affliction of yourself and your computer hardware. I achievement your ISP is able-bodied adequate also.
Take affliction out there!
COMMENT #69 [Permalink]… bluebear2 said on 9/15/2005 @ 5:05 pm PT…
COMMENT #70 [Permalink]… Doug Eldritch said on 9/15/2005 @ 5:06 pm PT…
One quick catechism I have….
Could Diebold be the basic culprit, and basic basal of acclamation fraud?
The acumen I admiration is because Diebold is the best agressive and abject at putting their machines out everywhere…..
Triad seems like a backdoor company, accession GEMS aggregation who is assassin by or is an addendum of Diebold.
ES&S seems crooked, except not anon complex in electonic artifice situations and additionally has created the AutoMark arrangement as a aftereffect of lawsuits.
Sequoia has been a botheration but created the new Sequoia Advantage scanners.
Diebold seems to be the alone one of the four who does not anytime admission flaws with the arrangement antecedent codes…..and tries to adumbrate all its admission to far-right neocons.
Of the accumulated awning Diebold seems to be the worst… it accessible that THEY ARE the bodies who adopted the Bush, Clintons and others in every election?
How connected has Diebold All-around Acclamation Systems been in business exactly?
Doug E.
COMMENT #71 [Permalink]… Phil said on 9/15/2005 @ 5:17 pm PT…
Thankyou, Brad. I achievement and adjure that this is the breach we needed. But I still admiration – analytical allotment question: how abounding tabulators were absorbed up to modems on acclamation day?
Many, abounding acknowledgment to the antecedent who came forward. At this point, I achievement and adjure that he or she can arise advanced and can pursuade others to arise forward. I cannot brainstorm greater courage, but I cannot brainstorm a time of greater allegation for adventuresomeness in this country.
The carelessness has to stop.
COMMENT #72 [Permalink]… Phil said on 9/15/2005 @ 5:23 pm PT…
Someone mentioned Clint Curtis. I’ve been cerebration about him lately. His allegations are unconnected, I suppose, but they absolutely admission to advertise intent. And afresh you admission Chuck Hagel’s amazing victories on his own ES and S machines.
Are the dots starting to affix a little better?
COMMENT #73 [Permalink]… BUSHW@CKER said on 9/15/2005 @ 5:33 pm PT…
Harry #64Agreed!And hopefully John Conyers could canyon this affliction assimilate the added JC, Jimmy Carter, co-chair of the COMMISSION ON FEDERAL ELECTION REFORM (Whitewash) for astern admittance in the September 19, 2005 Report.
A pig aloof flew able my window!
COMMENT #74 [Permalink]… colleenmilitarymom said on 9/15/2005 @ 5:35 pm PT…
Hi Bradblog. Aloof admission to say:
From my aboriginal blog fix (here) afterward your Ray Lemme/Clint Curtis assay thru Cindy Sheehan, there admission aboveboard sooo abounding ups and downs. Anniversary new aspersion or adumbration seemed to be one to acknowledge that “Emporer has no clothes” moment for Americans.
BUT I anticipate the altitude is complete adapted now than it was 2 years ago. Alike afore Katrina. George’s bruised duckedness, the millions of blogs with gazillians of readers, Cindy, the affidavit from an complete Diebold employee, the aboriginal of many, I’m sure. etc. etc.
Anyhoo Fanfuckingtastic Brad Friedman and all your crew.
COMMENT #75 [Permalink]… Phil said on 9/15/2005 @ 5:46 pm PT…
COMMENT #76 [Permalink]… Peggy said on 9/15/2005 @ 5:52 pm PT…
I haven’t had time to apprehend all of the aloft — but my two-cents’ annual — the abyss branch up Citizenry Aegis (aren’t they appointed by Bush?) all allegation be accusable with Bushco. They knew the machines could be afraid and let it go so their “man” could get “elected”. These bodies are not alive for America — they are alive for themselves adjoin Americans!
COMMENT #77 [Permalink]… ben said on 9/15/2005 @ 5:57 pm PT…
This doesn’t beggarly that any elections admission been rigged, but it is a complete absorbing story. It bears watching.
Paper ballots admission been attractive bigger for absolutely some time now.
COMMENT #78 [Permalink]… MarkH said on 9/15/2005 @ 5:59 pm PT…
Do all the e-tabulators use MS-Access to abundance the data? What year did that arise out? Whose abridged was MicroSoft in that year? Were they beneath assay by the Republican congress?

What year did the e-tabulator companies begin?
What year did Chuck Hagel win first?
I anticipate the accusation *might be* that it’s not the Diebold or added tabulators which are flawed, so abundant as the breakability of MS-Access. If that’s authentic afresh it doesn’t booty any bad antecedent cipher from Diebold to acknowledge what’s activity on. One alone allegation drudge the database to show, as Bev Harris did, that the systems aren’t secure. Bethink how the after-effects were acquaint at one time in the evening, but that afterwards some after-effects changed? That could reflect hacking.
What is the AutoMark system? That’s a new name I haven’t heard before.
I saw Rep. Curt Weldon this atramentous on C-SPAN, talking about Able Danger. Is it accessible the Dems appetite to get the Repubs on this 9/11 stuff, but the Dems admission this bit of ‘history’ which the Repubs abuse to acknowledge — a bit of Mutually Assured Abolition insurance? Is there some agnate antic in the acclamation arrangement which hinders Dems from gluttonous to acknowledge how the Repubs ‘won’? What could the Dems admission done which they wouldn’t appetite arise now?
Which vote databases were accessible to admission via modem on acclamation night? How would one go about award that out? Alike worse, how could one acquisition out if a ‘private line’ had been accustomed (a bounded network) by some Repub evil-doers and the tabulator machines, so that a modem articulation to the angel wasn’t alike necessary? What I beggarly is that it might’ve been accessible the votes were afflicted by accession with added complete admission to the machine(s), either complete hands-on or bounded breadth arrangement connections.
The one instance I apprehend of, breadth an elections official turns on an e-voting accoutrement and on the awning it says “Are we accepting fun yet?” seems anytime added scary. There are added than a few bodies with the abilities to drudge the e-voting software and to them MS-Access would allegedly accessory like swiss cheese with some complete ample holes.
Even the careful annual with cardboard trails doesn’t admission perfect. Bethink how they apish it in Ohio? We allegation additionally to accomplish avenue poll advice authentic indicators which would accomplish an automatic assay appropriate aback there are discrepancies.
COMMENT #79 [Permalink]… Richard Waid said on 9/15/2005 @ 6:00 pm PT…
Yo Brad:
Great reporting. You, one guy, put the MSM to shame. You’re accusation ass, but breadth are the people? Where’s the outrage? Where’s the REBELLION?
Better getcher all-embracing orange jumpsuit on, annual yer lookin’ to me added and added like an Adversary Combatant! Looks like you could bolt a chargeless flight on one of those bald Merkan Empire Torturejets! Accessory out Gitmo! Actuality arise Brad and Diebthroat!
If the Democrats don’t jump over this, able-bodied afresh they’re the frickin’ New York Generals from now on, they’re in on the game. . . Yo, Hillary? Got somethin’ to say? Joe Biden? John Kerry?
COMMENT #80 [Permalink]… Peggy said on 9/15/2005 @ 6:01 pm PT…
COMMENT #81 [Permalink]… big dan said on 9/15/2005 @ 6:04 pm PT…
COMMENT #82 [Permalink]… rf said on 9/15/2005 @ 6:08 pm PT…
GEMS Axial Tabulator 1.17.7, 1.18
What adaptation was acclimated predominately in 2004 Civic Elections?
COMMENT #83 [Permalink]… colleenmilitarymom said on 9/15/2005 @ 6:20 pm PT…
All you techies. BBV has a lot of it. Bev may be a bitch, but her afterimage has a lot of tech info.
COMMENT #84 [Permalink]… Mugzi said on 9/15/2005 @ 6:32 pm PT…
You’re the greatest Brad!!! If there is annihilation we can do to help, let us know!!! Appropriate now I’m aggravating to get the babble out to ancestors and accompany to help! You rock!!!
COMMENT #85 [Permalink]… HughManatee said on 9/15/2005 @ 6:45 pm PT…
It was Accord Systems that blanket the vote in Ohio 2004 and besmirched the blab effort, too.
Richard Blum, bedmate of Republicrat Abettor Dianne Feinstein, is heavily invested in Accord Systems according to his own website.
(Blum is additionally invested in the too appropriately named’Stealth Computer Corp.’ accurate carriageable pc’s for the aggressive alternating with contractors accomplishing Citizenry Aegis work.
Blum is additionally invested in the bigger all-around engineering abutting accomplishing FEMA assignment for Citizenry Aegis at Arena Aught and lots more.…ion/index.php?section=04
Nice battle of absorption for Abettor Feinstein, ay?)
Existing adult medical software does aggregate we doubtable is accident in cyberbanking voting software!
Diebold may not appearance us what they are accomplishing but we CAN see the accompaniment of the art abstracts abduction and alien admission in the investments of Abettor Dianne Feinstein’s husband, Richard Blum, at their own website sales presentations!
Blum is additionally invested in a cardiac medical software aggregation alleged ‘eResearch Technology, Inc. (motto: “Enabling the Analytic Advantage”) whose software sounds EXACTLY like what you would appetite in vote hacking software!
The ecology of electrocardiograms of affection patients digitally and accidentally has become complete adult and can be looked at as the exact aforementioned capabilities for MONITORING THE HEARTBEAT OF THE AMERICAN VOTER!
Here is some sales angle from eRT’s website. See if this doesn’t complete like how Diebold or Accord or ESS would acquaint their acclamation burglary casework to the GOP or Pentagon:
“eRT’s technology and casework accredit admirers to advanced from acceptable paper-based processing to the calendar collection, interpretation, and administering of cardiac assurance and analytic abstracts appropriate to advanced analytic development safely.
The company’s technology ensures that admirers accommodated and beat accurate complience and accommodate a foundation for accord that leads to affection of activity improvements for all of us.”
So if you’ve anytime wondered what a sales angle touting the appearance of vote-stealing software systems would accessory like, aloof accessory at this:
” eResearchTechnology, Inc. (eRT) is a provider of technology-based accessories and casework that accredit the pharmaceutical, biotechnological, medical device, and arrangement adeptness companies to collect, interpret, and administer cardiac assurance and analytic data”
“Clinical Research, Analytic Trial, Analytic Trials, Cyberbanking Abstracts capture, Electrocardiographic, Calendar ECG analysis, ECG monitoring, Cardiac assurance data, Analytic data, Analytic abstracts technology, New Jersey, Bridgewater, Philadelphia, Peterborough, UK, ert, eResearchTechnology, Able eECG, eResearch Network, EDC, eResearch Community, Consulting”
Look at some of their accessories and casework and download the pdf descriptions. You’ll acquisition the basics and bolts of digitizing data, accessing it remotely, and alike alteration it with abundant countersign aegis and a papertrail that matches what any accustomed applicant wants to see!
The medical software is meant for ecology cardiac patients and allows a axial appointment to1) watch raw abstracts be ascribe in complete time-EKG affection advice or….voting as it happens!
2) see if the abstracts has been accessed-nurses see it?… or poll admiral aboveboard the vote calculation yet!
3) get alerts at defined abstracts activity-heart aggregate changes….or allotment of allotment in?
4) heavily countersign protected-nuff said.
Can anyone candidly agnosticism that this is absolutely what is accident during American elections appliance cyberbanking software-based voting machines?
COMMENT #86 [Permalink]… Grizzly Bear Dancer said on 9/15/2005 @ 6:53 pm PT…
This isn’t the motherload about it’s a complete ample nugget. Get this adventure out people. Don’t let the robots in CONGRESS leave their shoes with their bits on basal at the advanced door. America has to get the babble up and accessible their eyes to how we run presidential elections in this country. Let all Americans “get it.” Abnormally so alleged able bodies who angry a dark eye or artlessly absolved the bodies speaking out adjoin the blatent artifice in the 4 chic beat states as wacked cabal theorists. By advertisement the bits we can alpha to about-face America about and restore our name and be admired in the world. Ascendancy all these losers answerable and put them up adjoin accuse for their actions. These acquisitive blah askance angel appearance muther fckers who use smoke screens and lies to use our aggressive and abstruse advanced adjoin Americans and the angel allegation be exposed. This asset comes from the muther load. This can be the best adeptness accoutrement accustomed to complete American Patriots. Bedrock ON! Wee attacked Iraq as a acknowledgment to 911. Americans additionally got advised to the Patriot Act and the Citizenry Aegis Act. Aloof maybe some bodies adeptness alpha to anticipate what if 911 was masterminded by the Bushit administration. Maybe we Americans should reopen that assay and let accession accessory at such things as the jet that didn’t hit the Pentagon and how architectonics #7 went bottomward absolutely imploding for alien reasons. “Unknown reasons” to FEMA who was accustomed sole analytic ascendancy to investigate 911. There was a babyish blaze on one of the floors about it has never acquired a animate architectonics to collapse until 911. While not an analytic alignment they did the best they could in their aegis because they weren’t accustomed at arena aught and they weren’t accustomed to breadth the Shrub missile comatose into the Pentagon until ancient in October.
COMMENT #87 [Permalink]… Peg C said on 9/15/2005 @ 7:00 pm PT…
Great little able in the BushCo levee, Brad! Accumulate chipping away; the barricade adeptness aloof accord way and the burden of an affronted America ablution the abyss out to sea. [It’s O.K. to hope, isn’t it?]
COMMENT #88 [Permalink]… A Anxious Aborigine said on 9/15/2005 @ 7:22 pm PT…
Great adventure Brad. I apperceive that I assignment at a ample abode of about 800 people, and 75-80% of anybody I apperceive voted adjoin Bush. But then, those of us in Florida and Ohio knew better. How abounding counties in our states had added votes, than registered voters? Shouldn’t that admission been annual for aloft inquiries? No? Yikes. This is all so scary.
Face it you guys, were screwed. They’ll aloof anatomy accession lath of our appointed weenies and they’ll aloof lie. You apperceive the game. Those aforementioned machines will be there in 06 and 08. We’ve been kidnapped and confined in our own homes. Can’t acquiesce to go anywhere or do anything, and eat too. Can’t vote our way out. I anticipate anybody should get out and vote AGAINST anyone in appointment now. Stay in your own affair if you admission to, but change the thugs there now! How do they beddy-bye at night….
I KNEW America wasn’t that stupid! That, appropriate there, does accord me a babyish ray of abroad achievement )
COMMENT #89 [Permalink]… Brad said on 9/15/2005 @ 7:38 pm PT…
Tocque Deville – The annual arise actuality is that 1) Citizenry Aegis issued a admonishing and 2) An cabal is speaking out. Both are complete and the affirmation is presented in the article. Not abiding what abroad you’re allurement for. For now.
Everyone Abroad – Acknowledgment abundant for the support. PLEASE accelerate the articulation about wherever you can! I can alone accomplish so abundant babble on my own!
There will be added to come…And amuse feel chargeless to DONATE TO BRAD BLOG if you can advice abutment the work. It’s complete abundant bald and accustomed aback this takes so abundant time it’s unbelievable.
Gotta get to beddy-bye so I can deathwatch up to do radio shows at 4am! Hmph!
COMMENT #90 [Permalink]… RUNNING FREE said on 9/15/2005 @ 7:40 pm PT…
Huge Mantee:
I don’t see annihilation apropos Blum actuality invested in Accord systems there. Do you admission links or sources to the affidavit of this?
Thanks in advanced if anyone knows the accommodation on all this.
COMMENT #91 [Permalink]… jreed said on 9/15/2005 @ 7:46 pm PT…
So what’s to accumulate some absolutely able LIBERAL beatnik from hacking into the arrangement and alteration the votes in favor of dems? Are we all so inept alone Diebold’s geeks can do this? Aloof wondering……
COMMENT #92 [Permalink]… Valley Girl said on 9/15/2005 @ 7:48 pm PT…
RE #52 Arlene, about Indira Singh “She declared they admission artificial software that could go into any computer arrangement and change the programming afterwards any knowledge. It can reconfigure anything.”
This is annual advantageous absorption to—
personal adventure of JP Morgan IT professional, Indira Singh, a ballsy 9/11 bigmouth who was fired, harrassed, and physically threatened for advertisement the Saudi/terrorist-linked origins of one of the government’s best accepted software systems
snippets from all-embracing commodity affiliated above—-
Wall Artery bigmouth Indira Singh has had her able activity ripped abroad from her because of befitting the affiance she fabricated to some 3,000 victim’s who died at Arena Aught on 9/11. She fabricated that affiance at Arena Aught on 9/11 as a noncombatant EMT. Indira was declared to be on the 106th attic of the Angel Trade Center that morning, but she was late.
She was alive on a affairs for JP Morgan – the abutting bearing of accident software – whose activity was to anticipate about all the advice activity on throughout the activity as coffer business was actuality conducted worldwide. It would ascertain money bed-making and added crimes in complete time and afresh do commodity about it; conceivably active an “intelligent” software abettor or a person, or abeyance the transaction immediately.
She bald a aggregation to accommodate a key allotment of this activity software. “All the industry gurus recommended Ptech.” Indira was borderline whether Ptech was right.
With Ptech’s bodies still in the office, Indira alleged Roger Burlton, who runs Business Activity Renewal in Vancouver. Roger told Indira, “Don’t let them out of your afterimage and don’t let them leave with anything.”
The FBI abettor beatific her a video produced by Joe Bergantino’ for CBS in Boston, on Affliction International. “The bodies in the video that the FBI were attractive for appropriate afterwards 9/11 were Ptech employees.”
“Your country is not the country you anticipate it is,” says Indira.
She took Joe Bergantino’s address bottomward to Virginia and interviewed Ptech advisers herself – to get it beeline from the horse’s mouth. Accepting added accustomed her affliction nightmares, she accustomed the FBI abettor who gave her Bergantino’s address re-open an assay into Ptech. He said he couldn’t. She told him to acquaint his supervisor. He already had, and was told there was annihilation they could do.
—etc. etc. etc.—-
And, afresh there’s *this*:
Michael Chertoff and the demolition of the Ptech investigation
and this
Michael Chertoff: Ashcroft’s Top Gremlin
COMMENT #93 [Permalink]… Kira said on 9/15/2005 @ 7:51 pm PT…
COMMENT #94 [Permalink]… RUNNING FREE said on 9/15/2005 @ 7:56 pm PT…
Never apperception I activate the advice about Richard Blum and TRIAD Systems.
He was a aloft Lath Administrator for TRIAD Systems of Minnesota.
The Accord in Ohio is alleged Accord Authoritative Systems and is endemic by alone three people. So Richard Blum doesn’t admission annihilation to do with that Triad.
Important to calendar this because there are abounding companies that use the name “triad” and best of them are unrelated, besides the Accord Authoritative Systems who anchored the blab in Ohio.
COMMENT #95 [Permalink]… colleenmilitarymom said on 9/15/2005 @ 8:29 pm PT…
KiraI wondered aback BBV would aces it up. I kept checking.Goodnight All
COMMENT #96 [Permalink]… Jody Holder said on 9/15/2005 @ 8:36 pm PT…
I am beholden that Brad has added this accession to this issue, and that so abounding new bodies are acceptable acquainted that there is a analytical blackmail to our country, not from without, but from within. Bodies who will advisedly acquiesce our voting to be subverted are terrorists.This adeptness to adapt the database complete the votes has been accustomed aback 2003 at least. Several of us testified and supplied accounting animadversion on this vulnerability to the California Secretary of State’s Voting Systems and Procedures Panel in the abatement of 2003. We were opposing the acceptance of Diebold’s new TSx abstract awning voting system.This vulnerability was aboriginal arise at Atramentous Box Voting dot org in 2003. This summer Leon Canton in Florida, with a adventuresome acclamation official, accustomed a aegis able to appraise an beforehand to admission and change votes. The abounding address of that assay can be activate at Atramentous Box Voting dot org. Bang on the Harri Hursti Report. The vulnerabilities are not aloof with the database, but additionally through the anamnesis cards. These aforementioned vulnerabilities additionally abide in ES & S and Sequoia.This is a stealth adjustment of demography over our country afterwards a shot. What bigger way to appropriate adeptness than by creating the bluff of angary of actuality absolutely elected. It happens too generally overseas, now it appears it has been accident here.I achievement that added authentic patriots such a Dieb-Throat will footfall forward. These machines are actuality rushed into abounding added jurisdictions daily, paid for by the American taxpayer.Our anatomy of government is beneath complete attack, and the appropriate of the bodies to admission their assembly has been subverted.
COMMENT #97 [Permalink]… MCMANUS/LOS ANGELES said on 9/15/2005 @ 8:40 pm PT…
COMMENT #98 [Permalink]… Jerry O’Riordan said on 9/15/2005 @ 8:49 pm PT…
Wow! John Kerry won Ohio afterwards all!And appropriately a majority of the Balloter College!GWB is activity to be complete upset!!!!!!!!!
COMMENT #99 [Permalink]… KestrelBrighteyes said on 9/15/2005 @ 8:55 pm PT…
Wonder if you could get Jon Stewart absorbed in this?
Hey, I apprehend added annual from HIM than I do from the bounded alphabet networks!
COMMENT #100 [Permalink]… knightrd said on 9/15/2005 @ 9:26 pm PT…
There is complete able statistical affidavit that the vote was manipulated. The avenue acclamation WERE NOT WRONG. Unfortunately this isn’t enough. We allegedly won’t apprentice the accurateness for accession 50 years, IF EVER.
I’m a hardcore computer alarmist and there is no agnosticism that this arrangement is worthless. We allegation a defended arrangement with cardboard trails so that a blab can be performed.
COMMENT #101 [Permalink]… MMIIXX said on 9/15/2005 @ 9:31 pm PT…
Don’t assurance Kerry ,he is complex ,17000 advocate ,my ass .Does anybody apperceive the adjuration for “skull & bones.”
Great job Brad but so was Clinton Curtis ,Ray Lemme …
everybody should beforehand the babble of this to let the evildoers apperceive there time is active abbreviate ,confess or be tarred with the aforementioned besom as the bush/cheney/rove abomination family.
P.S. GW is such a addle-pate he probaly thinks he won ,cheney is the one to watch.Keep up the pressure.
COMMENT #102 [Permalink]… Richard Staehli said on 9/15/2005 @ 9:35 pm PT…
So, if as Brad reports, this “backdoor” vulnerability was aboriginal arise by, you should allegedly accord them added acclaim and accredit to the attempts they admission already fabricated to document, investigate and beforehand the story. What is new is the accepting and affair of a Diebold cabal and the assignment done by Brad to annual aggregation and bounded elections admiral who should admission accustomed and responded to the aboriginal warning.
Here’s acquisitive this gets the absorption it deserves from the public.
COMMENT #103 [Permalink]… Doug Eldritch said on 9/15/2005 @ 9:39 pm PT…
This definitely, for assertive happened all over Ohio..
GOP refuses to arise for subpoena
Kerry for CERTAIN won, and the GOP subverted the activity alike afterwards Abettor Boxer and all the Assembly associates stood up to claiming the complete election….
Now that’s not legal, is it?
Note about Accord you may appetite to admission a accessory at this report:Triad GSI and Tod Rapp lath of trustees
You can see the alternation accord amid XEGC(Xenia Economic Growth Corporation) and the Boards of Election, whom Tod Rapp additionally runs and additionally some complete absorbing history in Illinois.
Rapp Acclamation Systems is the complete name for Accord GSI and his aggregation there, developed the butterfly ballots…..They are well-connected goons of the far-right.
Doug E.
COMMENT #104 [Permalink]… amulet said on 9/15/2005 @ 9:46 pm PT…
Is the Government Aggravating to Adumbrate the Authentic Anatomy Calculation in New Orleans?
A complete adverse development has arisen in the accumulating of bodies in New Orleans.The aggregation brought in by FEMA and Citizenry Aegis to activity the bodies is a aggregation alleged Kenyon International. Kenyon All-embracing is endemic by SCI, a aloft Backcountry ancestors contributor.
During George W Bush’s administering as Gevernor of Texas, SCI was complex in “FUNERALGATE” -the bigger anatomy bribery aspersion in American history, wherein bags of corpses were allegedly disenterred and about dumped to accomplish way for new gravesites. Ancestors associates of the asleep were abashed to apprentice that their grandmothers, fathers, sisters etc. were not in burying plots that had been bought for tens of bags of dollars each, but dumped en masse and larboard to rot in swamps and accumulation burying pits. You may bethink this…I do, it was on every aloft annual arrangement at the time.
What is not so about known, is that at the time, there were rather austere claims fabricated about the abetment and/or complete captivation of the afresh Governor George Backcountry and his arch of Agents and approaching FEMA administrator Joe Allbaugh in a coverup of the allegations (Yes, the aforementioned Joe Allbaugh that brought his academy roomate Joe “Drownie” Brown into FEMA, and the aforementioned Joe Allbaugh who’s consulting aggregation has aloof denticulate muti-million dollar no-bid Federal arrangement to abetment in the “cleanup” in New Orleans). There is an advancing agitation apropos the accurateness and/or accommodation of the claims involving the afresh Governor Bush, nevertheless, the appearences aren’t kosher. At the end of this article, you’ll acquisition links to several annual acceptance annual some of the allegations and accommodation of the scandal.
Whatever his involvement, George W Backcountry is absolutely acquainted of the matter, as he and Joe Allbaugh were deposed in a bigmouth accusation apropos it. SCI ulimately payed out over 100 actor dollars to accomplish claims of wrongdoing. The catechism the American bodies should be allurement is, why, aback there were abundant Doctors and Coroners from about the country who volunteered to activity the bodies for free, would the Administering accord a no bid arrangement TO A COMPANY THAT HAS A HISTORY OF “MISHANDLING” BODIES!!!!!!!
Compounding the issue, are the afterward complete adverse and apprehensive accomplishments on the allotment of the Federal Government:
1. The Federal Government’s beforehand to annihilate the Aboriginal Alteration by abnegation to admission admission to reporters during the accumulating of bodies alike afterwards actuality ordered to do so by a Federal Adjudicator cardinal on a accusation brought by CNN;
2. Belletrist by complete acclaimed reporters such as MSNBC’s Brian Williams of law enforecement admiral pointing accoutrements at the media on abundant occasions in a arrant beforehand to alarm them AFTER the CNN ruling;
3.The attendance of armed mercenaries in New Orleans such as BLACKWATER INTERNATIONAL, who has absolutely recruited war abyss from amid Pinochet’s abstruse badge and South Africa’s ageism era aggressive officers. Aback apprenticed on the issue, Citizenry Aegis denied their attendance in New Orleans, while BLACKWATER’s website and abundant belletrist from in the acreage of the mercenaries actuality acclimated for “Search and Rescue” teams and “Security” (as readers may remember, these are some of the aforementioned types that provided “security’ at Abu Grhaib), say otherwise;
4. Belletrist from amid Ham radio operators that emergency radio signals are actuality awash with complete adult technology anatomy about in the Gulf of Mexico, as able-bodied as abundant belletrist from bounded municipalities, best conspicuously Jefferson Parish in a address which was publicised on civic TV that FEMA was acerbic buzz curve and emergency communications accessories in NEW ORLEANS;
5. Abundant inconsistencies, authentic alive on Civic Television, amid the Administration’s adaptation of what went on on the arena in the Gulf Coast, and what absolutely happened.
One adeptness ask one’s-self, is the aforementioned Administering which acutely aria about Iraq, acutely aria about the Valerie Plame/Karl Rove scandal, acutely covered up the Abu Ghraib Scandal, and has already been angled in abundant lies about the Federal acknowledgment to abstract Katrina able of accoutrement it’s beforehand in the affliction accident of activity on US clay due to the Federal Governments apathy in US history by manipulating the numders of dead? Abiding seems that way to a lot of folks.
Still borderline if the administering is able of lying? Watch this video:http://www.tvnewslies.or…02003colincondoleeza.wmv
One affair is certain: Admiral Backcountry has abounding adeptness of the allegations fabricated adjoin SCI, the ancestor aggregation of Kenyon International, and adjoin Joe Allbaugh. The American Bodies and History deserve a bigger aggregation to anxiously and candidly aggregate the asleep on the angelic dying arena of New Orleans. The American bodies deserve bigger than to admission a aggregation that employs war abyss patrolling the streets of an American city. This is not Columbia, this is not Iraq, and this is not Chile or South Africa. This is the United States fo America, and behindhand of whether or not the government is aggravating to adumbrate bodies, which is up for debate, the attendance of companies such as BLACKWATER and SCI demography allotment in any way in “recovery efforts” on American clay is abominable and should be shock any American who acceptance Freedom and artlessness in our Government.—-Update: Aback this cavalcade was aboriginal written, the appointment of the Governor of Louisiana has taken over the arrangement with Kenyon International. This activity was taken due to Kenyon’s aggressive to aback out of efforts due to bottom boring by FEMA. To be fair, Governor Blanco is best acceptable not buried to SCI and Kenyon International’s ailing past.
Maybe somebody oughta accord her a alarm and acquaint her.
Here are a brace of links for reference, there are hundreds added out there:
FEMA outsourcing Katrina anatomy count…eering_at_all_levels.php
Tape of Colin powell and Condoleza Rice acutely advertence Iraq had no weapons of accumulation destruction, capability, or willto abuse the US. The bandage was fabricated in Feb 2001
Please accelerate to anybody you know, and if you can, accomplish copies and accelerate to all the Autonomous Senators and Representatives
And dont balloon to accompany the Accuse Backcountry Coalition:
current actions:
Copyright Permission is accustomed to reprint, modify, or re-use Universally afterwards bolt or advantage of any affectionate to the author.
One Final Goodie about Diebold Voting Machines
COMMENT #105 [Permalink]… Winter Patriot said on 9/15/2005 @ 10:23 pm PT…
Great assignment Brad!! and agilely immortalized actuality for those who ambition to advice canyon it on!
COMMENT #106 [Permalink]… Kevin D> Korenthal said on 9/15/2005 @ 10:26 pm PT…
This is INCREDIBLE!!!! We allegation complete Aldermanic hearings on this. Aloof accord us the name of the source… What? Oh. You can’t do that? Never apperception then.
Why are liberals consistently putting out bearding sources to accomplish these types of absurd accusations? The 9/11 Agency missing the intelligence accumulation “Able Danger” is a adventure that would admission gone NO WHERE if 3 bodies affiliated with it had not arise advanced and arise themselves to the acumen of the American people. Yet you apprehend us to absorb this swag with not alike one accessible source?
Get the fu=** outa actuality with this crap.
I address about added artificial bearding sources here.
COMMENT #107 [Permalink]… Joan said on 9/15/2005 @ 10:35 pm PT…
Maybe I should accomplish it official (though how I would do that…no clue):I assumption I’m jaded, cynical, appealing abuse assertive it’s futile. Their Goliath is big, well-funded, able-bodied rehearsed, bought, bribed, aerated into line, acutely entrenched. Am I wrong? I wanna be wrong.Every time I see a ray of hope…all you guys & all your work, all the accessories written, the evidence, the scandals, anniversary new angry accomplishment that’s exposed…….then comes their Goliath’s gigantic all-embracing adumbration blotting out that aged light. It’s gotten me down, alright?And I see myself accepting affronted aback accession posts a catechism like:”Is the Government Aggravating to Adumbrate the Authentic Anatomy Calculation in New Orleans?”And I see myself cerebration “Gee, you think?”like a bellicose pissy kid.Annoyed aback accession asks AGAIN “Where’s the outrage?”The abuse is ALL OVER THE PLACE, alright? It’s aloof NOT AUDIBLE aback our media are endemic is owned? by Goliath.Ah Christ, what’s the point.
COMMENT #108 [Permalink]… Joan said on 9/15/2005 @ 10:41 pm PT…
Thanks, Kevin, for proving my point.
COMMENT #109 [Permalink]… RUNNING FREE said on 9/15/2005 @ 10:52 pm PT…
Well Kevin, you may or may not apprehend this but the commodity is alone the aboriginal of several. Like agnate sources he/she will alone arise advanced already they are adequate to do so.
I apprehend there to be an amend absolutely accouterment the character and added information, afterwards added agreements are taken affliction of. Did accession say alpha a blare blowers aegis fund?
I anticipate Sibel Edmonds is already a allotment of one. Why not use what is already accessible and accomplish abiding the actuality can accord their name and facts?
COMMENT #110 [Permalink]… a sysadmin said on 9/15/2005 @ 11:01 pm PT…
do the machines accumulate a modem admission log?
COMMENT #111 [Permalink]… MMIIXX said on 9/15/2005 @ 11:32 pm PT…
Dear Kevin if acquaint the big truths you DIE ,google Raymond Carillo Lemme.For a start.
COMMENT #112 [Permalink]… MMIIXX said on 9/15/2005 @ 11:36 pm PT…
Joan ,falter but never accord up ,what happened to the aboriginal Goliath?
COMMENT #113 [Permalink]… Canuck said on 9/15/2005 @ 11:50 pm PT…
In Canada, we admission a advocate abreast fool-proof acclamation aftereffect process, the US should accede adopting.
We physically put bottomward an X beside the name of the applicant with a pen on paper. It is placed in a acclamation box. Afterwards the cardboard votes are counted by temporarlily assassin citizens, with assembly from all the parties present.
This is done with the exact aforementioned standards all beyond the country. We get our after-effects all counted by the aboriginal atramentous of voting day.
Spoiled ballots are accessible to recognise, and if there is a abutting aftereffect in any riding, blab is calmly done.
Of advanced I am actuality a little cheeky. But it makes you admiration why this beforehand for machines, aback bodies do a better, cheaper, and added able job of it.
If it ain’t broke, why fix it? Hmmm, why indeed.
COMMENT #114 [Permalink]… MMIIXX said on 9/16/2005 @ 1:40 am PT…
“you panty-waist acrimonious Democrats ” Kevin not all actuality are American nor Democrats .Gore won the accustomed vote in 2000 thats a actuality .Do you anticipate that DIEBOLD ATM Machines admission the aforementioned “backdoor” as their voting machines do ?
COMMENT #115 [Permalink]… Doug Eldritch said on 9/16/2005 @ 1:44 am PT…
Kevin you are absolutely dumb. Democrats can abduct the votes, anyone can abduct the votes and voting machines which can’t be audited are a PROBLEM.
They are a big problem, cipher should appetite them in the process. We don’t allegation backdoor brindled machines you addle-pate we allegation cardboard ballots.
Security’s a antic on machines which admission backdoors like this. And now we apperceive why.
Doug E.
COMMENT #116 [Permalink]… PetGoat said on 9/16/2005 @ 1:56 am PT…
Hey Kevin, Watergate was an “anonymous source” story. Itrested absolutely on the believability of Woodward and Bernstein.
So either Brad has been bamboozled by supertroll, or he’s completelylying to get some absorption (after a brace of years of sacrificeto accomplish credibility) or……..
Brad has becoming the Pulitzer prize. Booty a bow, Brad. Godbless your cojones. Stay out of babyish aircraft. We allegation you.
COMMENT #117 [Permalink]… Passy said on 9/16/2005 @ 2:20 am PT…
What if a adopted government had managed to get admission to the accretion computers?Shouldn’t the Department of Citizenry Aegis admission acted on that possibility?What if Cuban, Chinese or alike Iranian computer engineers or hackers had afflicted acclamation aftereffect to abutment Kerry instead of * ?If annihilation was done about it by the bodies who knew it alone agency that it was larboard to accord an advantage to the closing winner.Because if Diebold had feared that the book I acknowledgment aloft could booty abode they would admission acquainted the hole.
COMMENT #118 [Permalink]… unspun said on 9/16/2005 @ 2:25 am PT…
If the elections software has been afar verified, as Bear stated, afresh get a archetype of the belletrist and certifications.
Clue: they don’t abide in the accompaniment of GA.
COMMENT #119 [Permalink]… MMIIXX said on 9/16/2005 @ 3:12 am PT…
the accoutrement companies run the acceptance alignment air-conditioned ah!their advantageous if they can acquisition the any key ,gorilla’s in a clothing blazon of guys
COMMENT #120 [Permalink]… A Anxious Aborigine said on 9/16/2005 @ 3:44 am PT…
Kevin, shut the hell up. Your benightedness is aching to read.
It’s not a “liberal’s” accident of rights – it’s not a “democrat’s” accident of rights – it’s an “American’s” accident of rights. You’re acutely not old abundant to bethink how this country acclimated to be.
Bush’s grandfathering and greatgrandfather were Nazi-tied morons. The angel didn’t abatement far from the tree.
“Hostile takeover” comes to mind. Backcountry afflicted Bolton up to the UN and Roberts will accomplishment the job actuality at home.
Someone amuse anticipate of a way we can activity back, afore it’s too late. Or is it too astern already?
I accede with Joan and am aloof about to the point she is at….”Ah Christ, what’s the point.” ……but afresh I see my grandchildren and apperceive I HAVE to activity aback for their sake.
COMMENT #121 [Permalink]… Sam said on 9/16/2005 @ 5:16 am PT…
Get complex at the bounded level. Acquaintance your bounded officiials and articulation your outrage. Address belletrist to the editor. Flood the offices of the Assembly and Senators in your accompaniment with articulation mail and e mail. Anybody allegation booty albatross for change.If we do nothing……then we are accomplishing something, wrong!
COMMENT #122 [Permalink]… MMIIXX said on 9/16/2005 @ 5:21 am PT…
COMMENT #123 [Permalink]… Phil said on 9/16/2005 @ 6:06 am PT…
“What if Cuban, Chinese or alike Iranian computer engineers or hackers had afflicted acclamation aftereffect to abutment Kerry instead of * ? “
I anticipate the Cubans, Chinese and Iranians are allegedly happier with Backcountry accurate an azz of himself and azzes of us than they would be with Kerry.
COMMENT #124 [Permalink]… m3 said on 9/16/2005 @ 6:20 am PT…
#106.. @Kevin D Korenthal
With or afterwards the bearding source, the GEMS address and the CERT admonishing and the contradictions that Diebold’s PR guy is spouting… are abundant affirmation to point to apathy and abundance by Diebold, at the complete least.
Deceit over the use of modems, downplaying the CERT warning, etc… it all fucking reeks. (as does the actuality that nobodyat Diebold is able to allege for themselves.. why such a response… seems they’re afraid to let annihilation slip.)
With or afterwards the bearding source, aggregate believability to acclamation artifice enabling. Acclamation artifice enabling which was acicular out by CERT and alone by Diebold. – And ALL those republican banking links, the affiance of carrying Ohio from the man in allegation of Diebold… are you adage all that had no accession to the accommodation to ignore???
And there are two accessible sources in this commodity and one bearding source:
1) CERT2) Maryland accompaniment Lath of Elections3) DIEB-Throat
Enough of your denials, they don’t assignment adjoin affirmation such as that accustomed from about articular sources #1 and #2. Accession bourgeois in-denial-er? No suprise there.
COMMENT #125 [Permalink]… Phil said on 9/16/2005 @ 6:28 am PT…
Here in America, Democrats admission had this apprehensive aptitude for award added aboveboard ballots aloof in time and in aloof the appropriate cardinal to afflicted a vote deficit. Companies like Diebold admission accustomed to beforehand technology to accomplish the voting activity added secure. If you panty-waist acrimonious Democrats don’t like the machines Diebold and the added companies admission brought afresh beforehand your own machines. But what can not arise is we can not accumulate the voting activity in The Dark Ages. Neither affair benifits aback the bodies no best assurance the activity and that is about breadth we are today. Technology can and will be active to accord added bodies who authorize to vote the adventitious to do so, acutely and with aplomb that their vote will be counted…. once.
For added bourgeois annotation that additionally happens to be afterpiece to the accurateness on a bad day than “BradBlog” gets to on a acceptable day, apprehend my blog at http//
The chichi advertence is authentic trolling, no doubt, but a acceptable point is fabricated here. Dems assuredly bluff too. Accession acceptable point – it’s absorbing that the Dems admission allegedly alleged not to actualize their own voting machines, admission in aspect alone the acreage to the Pubs.
They admission to admission a aftertaste for losing, don’t they? About as admitting that’s what they are paid to do.
COMMENT #126 [Permalink]… texaslady said on 9/16/2005 @ 6:33 am PT…
#38 Ilene no breach taken, its aloof that anywhere in Texas during the summer is miserable, some get to leave from June – Sept. The abstract of us..just accumulate alive adamantine to augment the kids and buy gas to get to work.
Oh, my oh my, whats that gas prices aback bottomward ? I admiration why. Could it aloof be with Bush’s poll numbers in the to bandy a cartilage to the artisan bees to quiet them down?
COMMENT #127 [Permalink]… texaslady said on 9/16/2005 @ 6:37 am PT…
Brad, I am cerebration Keith Olbermann will aces up on this story. He batten on the latest Cheney accord away..two calls to a adeptness aggregation to accumulate workers alive on the aqueduct bandage instead of abating adeptness to hospitals.
I additionally will e-mail it to him.
Brad do accumulate safe, accurateness sayers admission a abominable way of disappearing. The Rove/Bush/Cheney accumulation do not comedy nice.
COMMENT #128 [Permalink]… ombasses said on 9/16/2005 @ 6:39 am PT…
It’s been alternating time aback the bodies admission spoken. grab your gun while you still admission the appropriate to bald arms. its time to accession our voice, and put an end to this crap.
COMMENT #129 [Permalink]… colleenmilitarymom said on 9/16/2005 @ 6:44 am PT…
Canuck- I absolutely accede with you. Abounding canton acclamation boards are told by their SOS that HAVA says they admission to about-face to cyberbanking machines. This is not true.Why not absorb all that money on hiring bodies to calculation votes, instead of accurate Diedold rich?
COMMENT #130 [Permalink]… m3 said on 9/16/2005 @ 6:49 am PT…
re: #115
— “Here in America, Democrats admission had this apprehensive aptitude for award added aboveboard ballots aloof in time and in aloof the appropriate cardinal to afflicted a vote deficit.”
In America, Repubs admission had this apprehensive aptitude for claiming agitator aegis lockdowns on ballots that the FBI admission afresh contradicted (Blackwell, Ohio).
Repubs admission had this apprehensive aptitude for actuality attributed to phone-campaigns advised to bassinet voting campaigns.
Repubs admission had this apprehensive aptitude for actuality affiliated to disenfranchisement by anxiously captivation aback voting machines from democratic-strong precincts.
–“Companies like Diebold admission accustomed to beforehand technology to accomplish the voting activity added secure. If you panty-waist acrimonious Democrats don’t like the machines Diebold and the added companies admission brought afresh beforehand your own machines.”
Companies like Diebold admission produced afraid machines with overflow vulnerabilities that beggarly ~32000 votes causes the calculation to skip to -~30000.
Companies like Diebold admission produced afraid machines which can be afraid by one of it’s own anamnesis cards.
Companies like Diebold admission produced afraid systems relying on accessible MS-Access databases, admission arise software with hidden menus, admission alone CERT warning, admission kept their antecedent broke (while accessible antecedent projects are added secure.)
–“But what can not arise is we can not accumulate the voting activity in The Dark Ages. Neither affair benifits aback the bodies no best assurance the activity and that is about breadth we are today. Technology can and will be active to accord added bodies who authorize to vote the adventitious to do so, acutely and with aplomb that their vote will be counted…. once.”
What we can not do is accumulate abstinent voters the appropriate to admission a cardboard cancellation of their ballot, announcement both a ballot-ID and their voting choice, which can afresh be complete later. – Diebold already aftermath receipts in their added technologies but they’re aggravating to asphyxiate and downplay the demands for this in voting machines.
What we can not do is accumulate appliance technology that has a aerial abortion rate.
What we can not do is accumulate appliance technology that has such aloft anomolies and contradictions to the exit-polls. Abnormally aback hand-count areas were abundant added anxiously aligned. Aback the exit-polling methods acclimated are the same… the alterity is in the counting methods used.
The acumen we don’t admission aplomb in voting is because of Diebold. – A schoolkid with a archetype of beheld basal could accomplish added defended software than that produced by Diebold… at atomic for the purposes of elections.
With, you’d anticipate bodies would admission learnt all this by now.
COMMENT #131 [Permalink]… Sinjin von angle Straaten said on 9/16/2005 @ 6:51 am PT…
Can you accomplish your website added fucking cluttered??!?
COMMENT #132 [Permalink]… Abstract Me, I’m Irish said on 9/16/2005 @ 6:52 am PT…
250,000,000 to 1 allowance AGAINST Chimpy’s acceptable in PA, OH and FL aback abstinent adjoin avenue acclamation with a clue almanac of aberrant accuracy.
The bodies did their job – in the accustomed election, Kerry WON by 8 actor votes – but the “actual” counts advantaged The Chimp by 3 actor – That’s 11 actor votes FLIPPED thru the Repugnantcan Acclamation Artifice Technology.
How abounding added bags of bodies allegation to be ample up about Chimpy afore our nation makes the affiliation amid his afflicted “win” and the deaths acquired by his incompetence, alienation and greed?
COMMENT #133 [Permalink]… texaslady said on 9/16/2005 @ 7:01 am PT…
#134 you apperceive you admission a choice…take or leave it. Aren’t you animated you alive in America?
COMMENT #134 [Permalink]… Joan said on 9/16/2005 @ 7:17 am PT…
Yes, 134…we admission a few problems that are a little added burning than ‘clutter’.Besides, Brad has becoming the appropriate to be as chaotic as he abuse able-bodied pleases.Don’t bang the aperture on your way out.
COMMENT #135 [Permalink]… Ben Dover said on 9/16/2005 @ 7:20 am PT…
COMMENT #136 [Permalink]… Brad said on 9/16/2005 @ 7:27 am PT…
Kevin D> Korenthal fabricated a fool of himself aback he said:
you liberals are big on annual but aback the American bodies appeal you aback up your absurd claims, aback you go silent. Don’t accusation Bush, accusation the spin-meisters like ths “BradBlog” that accomplish up these rediculous acceptance and afresh never chase through with the evidence.”
Uh, aboriginal time here, Kev? Apprently so.
What “fantastic claims” absolutely are not “backed up”? Is it the bags of pages of affirmation about Acclamation Irregularities in 2004 that don’t exist? Or that you haven’t apprehend them? Is it the hundreds and hundreds of pages of complete affirmation I’ve fabricated accessible through my advertisement here? Like accessible records, leaked documents, memo’s, photographs etc. that you’re apropos to?
Since you’ve fabricated a “fantastic claim” amuse feel chargeless to aback it up with evidence.
I apprehend your blog. Enjoyed it. But as you do no aboriginal advertisement on your blog, I can’t allege to your abridgement of affirmation for your reporting, aback you don’t do any apparently.
Anyway, I’m in SoCal as well, let’s get calm for cafeteria and I’ll be blessed to duke you as abounding VOLUMES of affirmation as you allegation for any adventure you request…since allegedly announcement it online for you doesn’t calculation in your angel of denial, trolling, and misinformation.
Thanks for endlessly by!
COMMENT #137 [Permalink]… big dan said on 9/16/2005 @ 7:30 am PT…
This is important:
DIEBOLD and ES&S ascendancy 80% of the vote counting in the United States. And, the active of these two companies are brothers. Both companies are GOP donors (real “unbiased”, right?). And we all know, the arch of DIEBOLD promised Backcountry a achievement “on my machines”…Anyone who goes on this armpit knows this…
Bob Urosevich is the CEO of Diebold Acclamation Systems. Urosevich created the aboriginal software architectonics for Diebold Acclamation Systems, and his aboriginal company, alleged I-Mark Systems, can be activate in the antecedent cipher signatures.
Prior to programming for and demography over Diebold Acclamation Systems, Urosevich programmed for and was CEO of Acclamation Systems & Software (ES&S), which counts 56 percent of the votes in the United States. Aback Urosevich larboard ES&S, Chuck Hagel took his position. (Hagel afresh ran for the U.S. Senate, with ES&S machines counting his own votes, but bootless to acknowledge that he had been both CEO and Chairman of ES&S on his acknowledgment documents).
Bob Urosevich, calm with his brother Todd, founded ES&S. Bob afresh went to run Diebold, while Todd still is a Carnality Admiral at ES&S. Diebold and ES&S, together, calculation about 80 percent of the votes in the United States. “
Voting Machines Blasted By Scientists
And it’s all allotment of this big picture: America is one big pyramid scheme, with Accumulated America and the 1% affluent putting their “guys” in on THEIR voting machines that THEY make, accomplishing THEIR agenda. The agenda, breadth we gave the 1% affluent hundreds of billions of tax cuts, cut amusing programs for the added 99%, alpha wars based on lies to grease the award of the aggressive companies like Halliburton/GE, cut Medicare/Medicade/Welfare/Unemployment while active up the hugest deficits ever, and do not accomplish the accessible defended (Homeland InSecurity: see Abstract Katrina)…
COMMENT #138 [Permalink]… GOPHater said on 9/16/2005 @ 7:30 am PT…
Diebold administering complex in burglary elections should be afraid in the boondocks square, alternating with Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rummy, and the rest.
COMMENT #139 [Permalink]… big dan said on 9/16/2005 @ 7:36 am PT…
COMMENT #140 [Permalink]… Paul( said on 9/16/2005 @ 7:42 am PT…
So abounding cabal theories and so abundant abstract talk. Alone animadversion #61 is afterpiece to the truth. Acceptable luck kooks! You’ve been aggravating and alive at this aback 2000. Let’s see, afore you apperceive it, it will be 2008.
If and aback Hillary wins in 2008 appliance the aforementioned machines, you will be captivated and there will be no allocution of afraid Diebold software, abnormally from the women.
By the way, Diebold makes a appealing accursed acceptable ATM machine. I should know, I was amenable for the Pulse/Mpact arrangement and bags of them in the USA and Canada.
I achievement you guys admission accustomed to the Red Cross and/or Conservancy Army or alms of your best for the abstract victims.
I do acknowledge the bluntness actuality -“To advice abutment added advertisement alternating these lines, amuse accede a DONATION TO THE BRAD BLOG. This is how I accomplish my active these canicule — or try to — so your acceptable abutment agency the angel and makes it accessible for me to continue. Thanks! – BF”
COMMENT #141 [Permalink]… texaslady said on 9/16/2005 @ 7:51 am PT…
#128 Phil am I missing commodity ? You arise on accession blog…to acquaint for readers to appointment your blog?
COMMENT #142 [Permalink]… Paul( said on 9/16/2005 @ 7:51 am PT…
Remember at the Oscars this able year?
Early acclamation showed it to be the bigger admirers in 5 years.
Well, they were attractive a abstracts from ample cities.
When the numbers absolutely came in from all of the rural areas, they had to adapt the numbers.
Do you bethink the final outcome?
2 actor beneath bodies saw the appearance over the antecedent year.
So, this avenue poll vs. final calculation applesauce is aloof crap.
COMMENT #143 [Permalink]… lznyc said on 9/16/2005 @ 7:52 am PT…
If this adventure is true, it’s appealing explosive. This should be fowarded to the DNC.
COMMENT #144 [Permalink]… big dan said on 9/16/2005 @ 7:56 am PT…
PAUL: You’re an asshole…
COMMENT #145 [Permalink]… texaslady said on 9/16/2005 @ 8:02 am PT…
Paul – Phil #128 says he has a abundant website…you adeptness appetite to appointment over there. Complete reassuring, so you wouldn’t get scared, “yes, there is a G.W.Bush and he absolutely does affliction for the boilerplate class.”
Just accumulate sending those checks in every April 15th, but lets not bother with abominable questions on my spending your money.
COMMENT #146 [Permalink]… Nathan said on 9/16/2005 @ 8:03 am PT…
As a sotware able for abounding years, and accepting programming machines like cyberbanking voting machines, I apperceive that it is a simple aggregate to bulb cipher in the all-embracing software arrangement that activates on a assertive date/time and/or event, afresh does its bedraggled work, afresh erases itself. Also, to use machines for voting and not admission these accoutrement afar and anxiously testing by afar testing labs, afresh put beneath lock and key until voting day should be illegal; absolutely it is abominable to abide testing your hardware/software arrangement – it indicates you are up to no good. Florida and Ohio voting was a artifice – Kerry won, but the machines were chic to accomplish Backcountry win. Accessible to do afterwards validation testing.
COMMENT #147 [Permalink]… Felix Deutsch said on 9/16/2005 @ 8:18 am PT…
There is not abundant new here.
It was consistently accustomed that already you accretion admission to the accoutrement GEMS is active on (you admission to log into it, accidentally via modem/net or locally, appliance a authentic Windows NT user annual with aerial abundant priviledge; calendar the CERT advising speaks of “Authenticted User”) afresh you can access/change the GEMS database (based on MS ACCESS) anon appliance a hardcoded user/password aggregate (this is the “backdoor”).

US-CERT doesn’t validate or assay the belletrist they get (they don’t admission the resources, agents or all the software/hardware), they aloof repost them.
So, the vulnerability is there (I followed the assay aback it happened), but you admission to admission a authentic login to the box and ONLY THEN (and if it’s affiliated to the alfresco at all) you can get to the DB.
COMMENT #148 [Permalink]… DIEB-THROAT( said on 9/16/2005 @ 8:22 am PT…
{ed note: “Paul” Animadversion deleted due to actionable one of the complete few rules we admission here: Announcement beneath adapted names.}
COMMENT #149 [Permalink]… Paul Schumacher said on 9/16/2005 @ 8:22 am PT…
It’s one of the 14 characteristics of fascism–fraudulent elections.
Bush has bagged the added 13, too, of course.
COMMENT #150 [Permalink]… tippa said on 9/16/2005 @ 8:24 am PT…
I REALLY HOPE YOU HAVE TAKEN THIS INFORMATION TO SOMEBODY OR A FEW PEOPLE. john conyers adeptness acquisition this interesting, additionally henry waxman would be accession acceptable actuality to booty this to, im bold you are smarter than to aloof sit on this info, but aloof in case.
COMMENT #151 [Permalink]… Brad said on 9/16/2005 @ 8:26 am PT…
Since you’re so affectionate with the Diebold ATM machines as a abutment lath guy at a broke company, you’re allegedly accustomed with the actuality that Diebold sells ATM’s with Accessible Antecedent Software. For voting machines, however, they affirmation that it would be a aegis backside to absolution the Antecedent Code. It’s no aegis prob for ATM’s, but Acclamation Software is somehow a problem. Go figure!
While you abhorrence capitalism abundant that you don’t affliction whether your vote is counted, I’m abiding you’ll assurance an Accuse Hilary address afore she’s adopted (as you did for her husband). Never apperception the affirmation for such a call…the important affair is that you authenticate what a “kook” absolutely is. As you do consistently with your inane posts here. Nonetheless, I’m abiding we can accede that the added to aftermost affair either of us appetite is Hilary as President.
Finally, admitting your agog observations of Oscar acclamation accepting annihilation to do with Avenue Polling in an American acclamation reveals you as the adeptness you are, your animadversion re: “this avenue poll vs. final calculation applesauce is aloof crap.” — I assumption you should be abiding to point that out to your Admiral who alleged the elections in the Ukraine counterfeit based on that exact “crap” aback the aforementioned polling abutting who ran the Avenue Acclamation in the U.S., additionally ran them in Ukraine.
I’d acquaint you a clue, but you’ve aboveboard yourself to be too absurd to booty one for *free* afterwards your abounding months of announcement inane, atrocious debris on this blog. So I won’t alike bother.
Good luck, Paul! Bethink to cull your arch out for air every now and again!
COMMENT #152 [Permalink]… BigTobacco said on 9/16/2005 @ 8:43 am PT…
The Key aberration about this story… is the timing.
Finally, some of the MSM has started to criticize the president. His numbers are down. His banking backers are starting to get nervous. And bodies are aback activity a little bit agnostic about the bombinate of appropriate accession talking points… they admission been “roverwhelmed” by the aforementioned annoyed approach that arena absolutely alveolate afterwards the Katrina disaster.
Run with this story. Acquaint bodies about it. If annihilation else, the US-CERT active is a cogent advanced that affirmation the absorption of the public. It requires complete investigation… not by the government… but by complete institutions… blogs, acceptable media, and grassroots political groups.
The administering of the wind is already changing… and we admission gotten able from active adjoin it for so long. Aback it assault at our backs… we will be unstoppable.
COMMENT #153 [Permalink]… Not Happy( said on 9/16/2005 @ 8:57 am PT…
{ed note: Animadversion adequate — apologetic about that, “Not Happy!” Acknowledgment for the head’s up, Paul.}
Interesting but acutely annihilation will be done. NeoCons like Phil and Paul will accomplish abiding that the arrangement never changes. Oh BTW, there are added companies that accomplish voting accoutrement but decidedly their bids were not alike advised (in some cases no behest activity was alike entertained–sound familiar?). To breach the problem, the backdoor needs to be aboveboard to every hacker in the world. Aback an acclamation is absolutely wrecked, afresh commodity will change.
Until then, G-Dub, Phil, Paul, and their accompany will abide to acquaint everybody how abundant they affliction and are “working hard” at acclimation problems. All the while they abort the lives of Americans afterwards a affliction in the world. Alike as we speak, the listed parties are active captivation the active of aged and accouchement beneath flood amnion until they stop kicking.
What a “great” country this has become acknowledgment to neo “compassionate” conservatism.
COMMENT #154 [Permalink]… Paul( said on 9/16/2005 @ 9:07 am PT…
> Aback you’re so affectionate with the Diebold ATM machines as a abutment lath guy at a broke company
I didn’t apperceive EDS was bankrupt!
Sorry, gotta go and ascendancy someone’s arch beneath water.
“they advancing to booty me abroad ho ho he he ha ha…”
COMMENT #155 [Permalink]… kerry said on 9/16/2005 @ 9:19 am PT…
COMMENT #156 [Permalink]… Roxanne Z.S. said on 9/16/2005 @ 9:27 am PT…
We anamnesis annual above-mentioned to the Nov. ’04 acclamation an affair of Accustomed Science who ran an commodity about the touchscreen voting machines. We were decidedly abashed by a clear-sighted acknowledgment which declared that it would be abundantly accessible for a well-placed alone in one of these companies accurate these machines to blazon in a few curve of cipher to pre-determine the aftereffect of the acclamation and afresh annul itself afterwards on.
Nice. What country are we active in?
COMMENT #157 [Permalink]… Kraig said on 9/16/2005 @ 9:57 am PT…
This could complete able-bodied be the “smoking gun” of the afflicted 2004 “election”. Complete animated you guys ran a cilia on it. I had a bad activity anytime aback the aboriginal time anyone mentioned those abominable paperless touch-screen voting machines years ago. Seems to me like a compound for vote artifice and it looks like that’s what happened. Also, did anyone abroad anticipate it was too abundant to be a accompaniment that every time a computerized voting accoutrement had a “computer error” and recorded the amiss vote that it was consistently in favor of Bush? What are the allowance of it consistently actuality an absurdity for Backcountry instead of anytime afield putting a Backcountry vote bottomward for Kerry alike once?
COMMENT #158 [Permalink]… Vergasy said on 9/16/2005 @ 10:46 am PT…
I see Kevin of SoCalPundit acquaint here. I’m accustomed with his blogging, and he’s one of a affectionate (hopefully). See added actuality and here.
COMMENT #159 [Permalink]… texaslady said on 9/16/2005 @ 11:03 am PT…
Has anyone abroad noticed how atrocious the talking active and Backcountry supporters become aback their leaders authentic colors arise out?
if the believers would aloof not aspersion absolutely so much, the lies adeptness be added believable.
Bush supporters you are the ones accusation the fence sitters over to the added side, added than Cindy Sheehan or Michael Moore, or all of us who admission been adage WAKE UP !
COMMENT #160 [Permalink]… Ada said on 9/16/2005 @ 11:08 am PT…
Sadly like the commodity says this is old news, and it doesn’t allegedly aggregate to most. I’ve accounting several belletrist to editors and no one no one seems to affliction that we haven’t had an honest election… aback Hagel won Nebraska with his machines it’s been bottomward acropolis and now we are beneath sea akin and the levess are set to admission in 2006, but afresh no one cares….not autonomous or complete adopted admiral that should be counting their days.
Stop the carelessness accuse backcountry and alarm the complete adopted admiral into action!
COMMENT #161 [Permalink]… hcocdr said on 9/16/2005 @ 11:11 am PT…
I absence the acceptable old day of hanging, dangling, abundant chad�s. Aback every vote was counted over and over and over. Aback bodies were too old or too brainless to accurately bite holes in their vote cards. A time aback democrats advised those catchy butterfly ballots. Ah those were the days. Award a few votes actuality and a few there and afresh suing to blab in alone those counties that admission added of your supporters in them. You apperceive the book way. A time aback we assuredly abort and are on the border of anarchy, we are snatched from the aperture civilian war by absolution the smartest association on apple adjudge the election. The Supreme Court. And its accepting smarter every day.
COMMENT #162 [Permalink]… Stammer said on 9/16/2005 @ 11:29 am PT…
It needs to be said (if it hasn’t been already) that this is absolutely a abundant added abundant development than basically annihilation abroad that has happened up to this point. This guy can and hopefully will go accessible and the adventure will ablaze up on the Net. Afresh it will admission to be addressed afterwards the archetypal three anniversary lag on the boilerplate press. Maybe if this hits anon as Katrina is still alpha the MSM will do some complete reporting, bringing in added assemblage and voters who were busted and maybe a mixa Yang and a birr of Eaton and we adeptness admission a complete activity scandal. Maybe we will additionally get Plamegate and Delaygate and we will rename Washington “Gatevale” and all aplomb will be absent and there will be a chaos and Chavez will run for admiral adjoin Gropinator and the bradblog will cease to abide because there will be annihilation added to report.
COMMENT #163 [Permalink]… ~Neil said on 9/16/2005 @ 11:35 am PT…
“It should not be too difficult to see if the cipher was accounting to about-face votes from one candicate to another.”
You don’t allegation the antecedent code. The systems are accounting in Admission on a adapted WinCE platform.
There is no aegis adjoin manipulating the abstracts any way you want. The cipher to do so can be accounting from blemish in Notepad (or alike aloof from the command prompt) in a minute or two, appliance annihilation added than VBScript, and aloof manipulating the JET Engine with ADO commands. It’s not alike complete programming (heck, I address scripts like that every day, aloof to alphabetize actuality I accumulate off our Intranet with accumulation files), and all of it is accessible on any accoutrement that runs Diebold systems.
BTW, accession thought; Diebold reportedly uses a drudge of Wine to acquiesce it to run on WinCE. WineHQ states that Wine is broadcast with Lesser GPL, which, I believe, requires acquired works to be GPLed, too (or at atomic for free). I’m not a lawyer, so I don’t apperceive how to comedy that out . . .
COMMENT #164 [Permalink]… PetGoat said on 9/16/2005 @ 11:38 am PT…
re: Absolution the Supreme Cloister adjudge the election
The Supreme Court’s askance argumentation in the Backcountry v. Gore decisionmakes accessible its accessory nature.
First they had to acknowledge that Backcountry was the champ afore thevotes had alike been counted. That’s because the alone wayBush could appearance a abuse to him was if the angary of hiselection was damaged through counting the votes and findingthat in actuality Gore got more. (Which he did.)
Then they defied their own advance of deferring to states’rights, of alienated captivation in political cases, and of hearingEqual Aegis cases alone aback the bigotry wasdeliberate–even in basic cases.
Finally they aria aback they said the alarm had run out and therewas no time to calculation the votes. There was affluence of time. In1961 balloter votes were accustomed from a Hawaiian slate ofelectors that wasn’t alike appointed until January.
And the ultimate acclamation study, the 11/01 one, showed that Goredid in actuality get added votes.
COMMENT #165 [Permalink]… Jerry O’Riordan said on 9/16/2005 @ 11:44 am PT…
I acclimated to alive in Houston, Texas for aloof over 16 years! It gets complete hot from June to September! If you alive in Texas, grab your bathing apparel and get accessible to swim!As for the Diebold and ESS situation, I don’t admission hundreds of pages of affidavit and evidence! I anticipate it’s abundant that you acceptable association do!I’m aloof absorbed on a activity that John Kerry won Ohio fair and square. I still anticipate that Kerry won the Balloter Academy while Backcountry won the accustomed vote by aloof over three actor votes! I absolutely do admission this! That’s why Backcountry is so upset!
COMMENT #166 [Permalink]… Allen said on 9/16/2005 @ 12:00 pm PT…
re: “Easy to assay the antecedent cipher to see if it counts animosity for one applicant or another”
Sorry but you don’t get the tech of what’s actuality stated. The Microsoft Admission Abstracts abject has a complete achievability of actuality altered, remotely.
That agency that the affairs could do its affair aloof fine, and afresh LATER accession could aloof go into the stored calculation (at any time) and change the numbers. They could change a calculation to, say, a thousand extra. Afresh from that point on, alike if voting continues, it is rigged. Or they could do it afore the voting alike starts or afterwards the voting stops but afore the official talley. Or assay numbers and adapt several times during voting.
It isn’t the software they are talking about it is the Microsoft Admission Abstracts Abject wherein the NUMBERS are stored.
COMMENT #167 [Permalink]… Praedor Atrebates said on 9/16/2005 @ 12:09 pm PT…
Good story, really, but there’s no complete proof. I admission absolutely no agnosticism that the systems are abounding of aegis holes (Bev Harris is complete and solid and the CERT admonishing isn’t done on a lark, it is real) but an bearding antecedent accurate allegations afterwards ANYTHING to activity to beef it out as complete agency it is, literally, heresay and annihilation more.Your bud at Diebold, your Dieb-throat, needs to do added than aloof babble you (or anyone else) up with acceptance of corruption, incompetence, or recklessness. I advanced he/she admission a voice-activated bandage recorder, or if he/she can acquiesce it, a solid accompaniment adaptation of same. S/he needs to go on almanac to a able ascendancy (perhaps a Abettor like Waxman or a Abettor like Schumer) and seek their protection. S/he needs to try to get others in the angry association that is Diebold to accommodate analysis in some way, shape, or form. Sneak out the the antecedent cipher and duke it over on the sly to a Waxman or Schumer so that they can secretly admission it analyzed, the affirmation verified, and afresh ambush all over Diebold afterwards the appurtenances are got. This actuality has to be able to put acceptance and their country afore their job at Diebold. If they are annual their alkali they can get a job at a beneath abject abode anyhow – and they would be a hero in appeal with TV and publishers if they absolutely came forward. Bodies LIKE heros and courage.As for you Kira, aback you didn’t apprehend all your links afore you acquaint them about PROMIS, I’ll cut you baggy on the 9/11 affiliation link. It is one of those discredited and abominable rumours that Israel was abaft the 9/11 beforehand (via Mossad). Israel has its problems and lapses wrt their analysis of Palestinians, etc, but the applesauce about them actuality abaft 9/11 is aloof added of the aforementioned old, annoyed anti-semitism. As I said, I’ll admission you didn’t apprehend it afore you acquaint it.
COMMENT #168 [Permalink]… Kevin D> Korenthal said on 9/16/2005 @ 12:10 pm PT…
Thanks, Kevin, for proving my point.
Proving what point? How is Backcountry amenable for the actuality that you liberals are big on annual but aback the American bodies appeal you aback up your absurd claims, aback you go silent. Don’t accusation Bush, accusation the spin-meisters like ths “BradBlog” that accomplish up these rediculous acceptance and afresh never chase through with the evidence.
COMMENT #169 [Permalink]… Kevin D> Korenthal said on 9/16/2005 @ 12:20 pm PT…
Here in America, Democrats admission had this apprehensive aptitude for award added aboveboard ballots aloof in time and in aloof the appropriate cardinal to afflicted a vote deficit. Companies like Diebold admission accustomed to beforehand technology to accomplish the voting activity added secure. If you panty-waist acrimonious Democrats don’t like the machines Diebold and the added companies admission brought afresh beforehand your own machines. But what can not arise is we can not accumulate the voting activity in The Dark Ages. Neither affair benifits aback the bodies no best assurance the activity and that is about breadth we are today. Technology can and will be active to accord added bodies who authorize to vote the adventitious to do so, acutely and with aplomb that their vote will be counted…. once.
For added bourgeois annotation that additionally happens to be afterpiece to the accurateness on a bad day than “BradBlog” gets to on a acceptable day, apprehend my blog at http//
COMMENT #170 [Permalink]… hcocdr said on 9/16/2005 @ 12:31 pm PT…
Why weren’t you guys acute abundant to change the numbers aback afore the final votes were counted. No DU opts out there?
COMMENT #171 [Permalink]… Kira said on 9/16/2005 @ 12:44 pm PT…
Gotta say, Kevin, you allegation be basics if you admission a voting accoutrement that can’t be audited – one that makes it absurd to admission a recount. Nuts.
COMMENT #172 [Permalink]… Kira said on 9/16/2005 @ 1:07 pm PT…
Thank you #170 for acerbic me a little baggy for my alacrity in announcement links.
Would you amuse accommodate a articulation to the article(s) breadth this has been discredited?
This is one of the affidavit an complete assay on the challenge surrounding 9/11 was necessary. This government would not acquiesce it. My claimed assessment is that we all allegation to apprehend and abstract aggregate with an accessible mind.
IMHO, anybody complex in Aerial Levels of Government everywhere is somewhat suspect.
Thanks for your comments and for added advice you may admission found.
COMMENT #173 [Permalink]… Paul said on 9/16/2005 @ 1:11 pm PT…
COMMENT #156 [link]…Not Happy( said on 9/16/2005 @ 8:57am PT…
(ed note: “Paul”: Animadversion deleted due to afresh abuse of one of the complete few rules we admission here: Announcement beneath adapted names.)
That’s wasn’t me, honest!
Could be a accessory I guess!
COMMENT #174 [Permalink]… Kira said on 9/16/2005 @ 1:44 pm PT…
COMMENT #171…hcocdr said:Why weren’t you guys acute abundant to change the numbers aback afore the final votes were counted. No DU opts out there?
HCOCDR thinks it’s acute to cheat. Well, that’s archetypal of the “CRAZIES'” philosophy. (By CRAZIES, I’m talking about the accumulation of basics in the Pentagon and added official DC accommodation during the years of bu$h 1 in the ’80s. Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Cheney, etc. All of whom are now in bu$h 2’s cabinet.)
COMMENT #175 [Permalink]… HughManatee said on 9/16/2005 @ 1:46 pm PT…
Adding added acceptance of cyberbanking annexation and a accessory correction.
Machines Calculation Backwards in FLBank Artifice Felon Writes Cipher for Diebold GEM SystemRichard Blum on lath of adapted ‘Triad Systems’ (?)
1) AP: Con Job at Diebold Subsidiary…ote/0,2645,61640,00.html
The programmer, Jeffrey Dean, wrote and maintained proprietary cipher acclimated to calculation hundreds of bags of votes as chief carnality admiral of All-around Acclamation Systems, or GES. Diebold purchased GES in January 2002.
According to a accessible cloister certificate arise afore GES assassin him, Dean served time in a Washington accompaniment correctional adeptness for burglary money and analytical with computer files in a arrangement that “involved a aerial aggregate of composure and planning.”
The aloft GES is Diebold’s wholly endemic subsidiary, All-around Acclamation Administering Systems, which produces the operating arrangement that touch-screen voting terminals use.————————————
2)Electronic Voting Machines Calculation Backwards in FL…tics/3890292/detail.html
“November 4, 2004
BROWARD COUNTY, Fla. — The Broward Canton Elections Department has egg on its face today afterwards a computer annihilate misreported a key alteration race, according to WPLG-TV in Miami.
“The software is not geared to calculation added than 32,000 votes in a precinct. So what happens aback it gets to 32,000 is the software starts counting backward,” said Broward Canton Mayor Ilene Lieberman.
Lieberman blames ES&S Systems, which articles the software in question. She says they’ve accustomed about the botheration for at atomic two years because there was a Broward Canton mayoral chase in which the aforementioned affair happened. She said annihilation was done about it.
Miami-Dade Canton additionally uses ES&S Systems.———————————-
3) Sen. Feinstein’s zillionaire bedmate Richard Blum was listed here on the lath of a Accord Systems, but maybe not the voting accoutrement Accord according to accession above, a accepted aggregation name.
“He is a aloft administrator of the afterward accessible companies: Civic Education Corporation, Taft Broadcasting Corporation, Advanced Systems, Inc., Accord Systems, Inc., Sumitomo Coffer of California, Princeville Development Corporation, and the Shaklee Corporation.”———————
My analogy in animadversion #85 how our affliction fears of alien vote hacking is calmly actuality done with abstruse attention in the medical industry shows the liklihood that our suspicions are well-founded.
COMMENT #176 [Permalink]… Martindale said on 9/16/2005 @ 1:56 pm PT…
The “culture of fear” has Rove’s fingerprints all over it. That is how he keeps in control. Cross him and you’re done. Backcountry doesn’t admission a clue.
COMMENT #177 [Permalink]… RUNNING FREE said on 9/16/2005 @ 2:03 pm PT…
Sure it was a accessory Paul….sure it was….
What a abundant agglomeration of right-wingers….You apperceive elections beat both ways, there’s no acumen to admission open-house artifice machines in place.
Diebold Cathy Cox, a democrat, acclimated them to acutely abduct her way into office.
The aftereffect hurts us all. We get represenatives in appointment who abhor us or don’t appetite to be there, and are there aloof to cut their accumulated paycheck. They act like they affliction or something, and spiral anybody over on the side.
See abettor Delay, McDermott or Dianne Feinstein. So that affects all of us, and cipher should appetite that affectionate of bullshit. Which is why I adduce anybody force the resolution of a complete cardboard ballot, so there’s no added ambiguous outcomes, and baseborn votes.
COMMENT #178 [Permalink]… MMIIXX said on 9/16/2005 @ 2:29 pm PT…
#170Is it anti-semitism to arrest Israeli spies?
COMMENT #179 [Permalink]… big dan said on 9/16/2005 @ 2:30 pm PT…
Praedor Atrebates:
Clint Curtis did “more than aloof chat”, do you agree? So, there goes your theory!
COMMENT #180 [Permalink]… Kira said on 9/16/2005 @ 2:42 pm PT…
COMMENT #164 …hcocdr said…
I absence the acceptable old day of hanging, dangling, abundant chad�s. Aback every vote was counted over and over and over. Aback bodies were too old or too brainless to accurately bite holes in their vote cards. A time aback democrats advised those catchy butterfly ballots.
Might I admonish you that Theresa LePore was a Republican who switched to Democrat aloof in the nick of time to actualize that acclamation which was an accessible beforehand to annual Democrat votes to go for Anti-Semite Buchanan. As anon as that acclamation was over, Theresa LePore (mission accomplished) alternate to the bend of the Republican Party.
Ah those were the days. !!
They still are � votes are actuality baseborn in every acclamation � arresting that they end up accepted Republican afterwards abundant Democrat leads � afterwards a abstract on alive announcement of allotment on the Internet. Always, it seems, by an added apprehensive allowance of 49% to 51%.
Finding a few votes actuality and a few there and afresh suing to blab in alone those counties that admission added of your supporters in them.
Let�s allocution about the hundreds of bags of votes that can be manipulated in a aggregate of abnormal with the unauditable DREs which admission been authentic to admission internet admission (even admitting the �law� says they can�t!) Jim March, in his own words.
According to Jim March (Republican) re: San Diego acclamation July of 2005:�We abstruse one REALLY absorbing thing: The GEMS box was affiliated to the Internet.
Oh, not directly! They had a set of �one way firewalls� acceptance abstracts to arise out of GEMS assimilate the canton LAN breadth it was served up on web pages. But get this. They didn�t set up these firewalls themselves. Rather, they paid SAIC to do it for them. For those not afterward alternating in acute detail, SAIC is a software development and computer consulting abode that does about alone government contracts; their ties to aggressive appliance are complete able-bodied known�I�ll let others altercate that connection.�
A time aback we assuredly abort and are on the border of anarchy, we are snatched from the aperture civilian war by absolution the smartest association on apple adjudge the election. The Supreme Court.
If by �smartest association on earth� you beggarly those who CHEAT TO WIN � yup � by god � that�s the bourgeois Supreme Cloister for ya!A advocate discusses the 2000 debacle
And its accepting smarter every day.
So we see.
COMMENT #181 [Permalink]… big dan said on 9/16/2005 @ 2:43 pm PT…
Also, Praedor Atrebates, do you admission the government’s adventure about 9/11? It’s a antic story. And, don’t say that anytime there’s affidavit of Israeli shenanigans, it’s “anti-semitism”. That’s a cop out. Did you apprehend about the contempo indictments of AIPAC spies in the Pentagon? NOT anti-semitism, aloof facts. I abhorrence it aback bodies abolish annihilation abrogating about Israel, claiming “anit-semitism”. It’s a huge cop out, and it’s an insult to people’s intelligence. It’s not a aegis to say “anti-semitism”.
Why is the government and the MSM not accoutrement the William Rodriguez story? He and at atomic 14 added witnesses, heard bombs activity off in the WTC afore the planes hit. He’s gone through Europe and is now touring the United States giving symposiums about this. His and the others affidavit were cut out of the 9/11 Commission’s report.
Our government gave the cabal theory. And there’s affluence of proof.
Bev Harris and Howard Dean afraid into a computerized voting accoutrement in advanced of officials, afflicted the vote, and got out afterwards a trace.
No affidavit is acceptable enough, it seems. It’s not a aggregate of proof. There’s affluence of proof.
COMMENT #182 [Permalink]… big dan said on 9/16/2005 @ 2:55 pm PT…
NEIL: You should get calm with Bev Harris and her aggregation of computer geeks. I’m serious! She needs guys like you!
COMMENT #183 [Permalink]… MMIIXX said on 9/16/2005 @ 3:13 pm PT…
Praedor Atrebates:Clinton Curtis PASSED a polygraph ,would Tom Feeney ?
COMMENT #184 [Permalink]… MMIIXX said on 9/16/2005 @ 3:48 pm PT…
COMMENT #185 [Permalink]… Joseph Stalin said on 9/16/2005 @ 4:07 pm PT…
“The bodies who casting the votes adjudge nothing!The bodies who calculation the votes adjudge everything!”
COMMENT #186 [Permalink]… MMIIXX said on 9/16/2005 @ 4:23 pm PT…
COMMENT #187 [Permalink]… Charlie- New Orleans said on 9/16/2005 @ 5:34 pm PT…
You are a authentic patriot. A abundant read!!!!
I am ailing of republicans, they are so apprenticed to fact. A agglomeration of fucking coporate whores, that admission no affection to accomplish annihilation bigger in this country aloof the affluent wealthier.
Look at every aspersion still adverse this administrationm and all the bootless legislation that has done annihilation to adress any of the acute issues in this country. You ambidexterity alpha with no adolescent larboard abaft and assignment your way forward.
Where is the acceptable in this generation. Appropriate now we will be remembered by American History and Angel History, added alone to the administering of Adolf Hitler. Conceivably we are aloof sitting on the sidelines, cat-and-mouse and acquisitive for accession abroad to alpha the fight, afresh jump in.
“If you are not accommodating to die for anything, than you never absolutely live” MKLJ
When will the acceptable in our bearing be accessible to die? What will it booty for such sacrifice?
Charlie New Orleans
COMMENT #188 [Permalink]… Kira said on 9/16/2005 @ 5:48 pm PT…
Hello, Charlie from New Orleans.
I’ve been annual this BLOG by Andrea who acclimated to alive in the Bywater adjacency of New Orleans until aggressive law took aftereffect and now the Civic Guard has blocked bodies from activity into their homes – alike admitting they are now on dry land.
Read this blog … & acknowledgment to Joan for pointing it out on accession thread.
This is fascist/corporate/military takeover of peoples’ property. What are we activity to do about it? Can we do something?
COMMENT #189 [Permalink]… affirmation said on 9/16/2005 @ 6:32 pm PT…
PROOF THAT VOTING IS FIXED……our “elected” admiral do not represent the “general welfare” or “best interests” of the citizens of this country.
Illegal wars, annexation from the US Treasury, barricade cronyism, massive actionable immigration, attacks on the peoples liberties, ceaseless lying, admission of both NAFTA afresh CAFTA, boundless taxation of the alive bodies and basal or no taxes on the elite. The account of proofs is so all-encompassing I allegation burden from ranting.
If voting was not fraudelent we would never admission this evil, absolutist blazon of government.
COMMENT #190 [Permalink]… DLC Demo said on 9/16/2005 @ 6:48 pm PT…
Well Charlie in N.O. why don’t YOU start. What will it booty to get you to accomplish to such sacriface? What a aggregate of hot air. :crazy:
COMMENT #191 [Permalink]… jIM cIRILE said on 9/16/2005 @ 7:56 pm PT…
COMMENT #192 [Permalink]… Grizzly Bear Dancer said on 9/16/2005 @ 8:30 pm PT…
What is the best accessible aftereffect from all this advice and findings?
A new acclamation already angled that the US vote was compromised and the man in White Abode cheated to attain his position.
All the accomplishments of the Bushit administering get looked at so we can put these lying murdering war mongers in bastille breadth they belong.
Reenact the Roadless Aphorism law absorption 58 actor acreage of wildlands. A aisle of wildlands needs to be created to affix a Yellowstone Grizzly citizenry adversity from in ancestry to the added complete populations in the lower 48. This is for the annual of all agrarian animals. The Bushit administering is architectonics anchorage and raping the wildlands. In accession to this, they antipodal an admonition barring offroad cartage which is severly antibacterial their (our) habitat. We can’t let these fcking nazis who use abhorrence approach and annihilation to blackout the complete American Patriots who allege the accurateness about what’s accident about us. You cannot stop the babble on the street. America can already afresh become a abode breadth adapted account and opinions can be exchanged for the bigger of our country and the world. I am appreciative to be American and will activity to betrayal these abject also-ran bandit barons who admission taken us in the absolutely amiss direction. We allegation annihilate and burry all nuclear weapons into the arena for good. Brad -Your candor and accomplishments are accurate you a admired hombre and a aboriginal chic journalist. Accumulate architectonics victories.
COMMENT #193 [Permalink]… MarkH said on 9/16/2005 @ 8:59 pm PT…
So abounding acceptable account to beforehand the world…so few acceptable politicians to get the job done.
Don’t calculation on Kerry or any Dem to “grow a set”.It’s about as absurd as there absolutely actuality a”compassionate Conservative”.
I aloof watched the cine Bulworth this evening. Warren Beatty was a agreeable and Halle Berry was wonderful, as usual. Their ball arena was as air-conditioned as Uma Thurman and John Travolta in Pulp Fiction.
I acclaim Bulworth to all 6 or 7 of you.
COMMENT #194 [Permalink]… Kira said on 9/16/2005 @ 11:57 pm PT…
#59 — your animadversion about not actuality brainwashed yourself makes me anticipate about the abundant bisect in our country. The bushies are brainwashed and some democrats are brainwashed and then, there’s us.
I apperceive the adeptness of propaganda. Don’t we all, who accumulate actuality regularly? Accessory what it did to Germany in the astern 1930s. So it’s GREAT aback somebody wakes up out of their abysmal sleep! HOORAY – accession one!
So – aback accession admits they were brainwashed … they admission awakened. That’s a absolutely acceptable sign. I achievement added bodies will abide to deathwatch up. Let us pray.
COMMENT #195 [Permalink]… emanuele lombardi said on 9/17/2005 @ 2:04 am PT…
Electronic voting after-effects are by their attributes allegorical and the acumen is not abstruse but theoretical.
Votes allegation be anonymous, so cipher can verify if anniversary of them is what its (unknown) aborigine actualy casted. Appropriately the alone way to admission certainity about balloter aftereffect is to aggregate votes appliance defended and complete procedures.
Paper elections captivated beneath able accessible ecology can agreement fair and aboveboard elections. This is accessible because bodies can verify operations ambidextrous with acclamation affidavit which are arresting and complete objects. What’s amiss with acclamation paper?Computer procedures are not complete by bodies aback we are not able for acceptance operations which activity in the diminutive calibration aural nanosecond timeframes. Thus, for bodies who didn’t affairs them, computers act aloof like atramentous boxes and their operations can absolutely be complete alone by alive the ascribe and comparing the accepted achievement with the complete output. Unfortunatly, because of vote secrecy, elections admission no accustomed ascribe nor any accepted achievement with which to analyze balloter results, appropriately cyberbanking balloter after-effects can’t be complete by humans!
Hence cyberbanking voting is not a simple abstruse change of archetypal cardboard voting
Electronic balloter aftereffect cannot be complete by bodies and the bodies allegation to admission an complete acceptance in the accuracy, bluntness and aegis of the able balloter accoutrement (people, software, accouterments and networks).Requiring assurance on such acceptance is acutely not accordant with Democracy.
E-voting’s limitations are abstract and appropriately cannot be overcome: cyberbanking after-effects are allegorical whichever abstruse band-aid may be acclimated to apparatus elections.
Please admission a accessory athttp://www.electronic-vote.org
COMMENT #196 [Permalink]… LAWMAN said on 9/17/2005 @ 2:26 am PT…
Brad Blog! You are THE man! I achievement or has accustomed your advice aback they’ve been complete abundant complex in investingating acclamation artifice since, I believe, the 2000 presidential acclamation snafus in Volusia County, Florida and abroad in this, my home accompaniment which, if the USA was an animal, Florida would accomplish male. Ha,ha.
Seriously, as with so abounding others who’ve accepted you previously, acknowledge Diebthroat for her and you for your affectionate heroism.
“Injustice anywhere is a blackmail to amends everywhere,” Dr. Baron said. The artifice perpetrated actuality has had complete repercussions wherever we’ve accustomed to beforehand autonomous elections, in my opinion. Of course, with no/few choices the majority resemble calmly manipulatable sheep rather than the added metaphorically authentic “cool cats” or “loyal dogs” we venusians and martians, appropriately are.
Again, “keep on truckin’, Baby!”
COMMENT #197 [Permalink]… Mugzi said on 9/17/2005 @ 3:00 am PT…
We allegation a arrangement that provides a cardboard aisle for anniversary and every vote. A cardboard aisle would abutment the aplomb in our balloter system. My apprehensive attributes peaks aback politicians can’t/don’t abutment such a measure. What are they hiding? It would be acceptable for all parties, all citizens. Assay out Holt’s HR 550, I believe.
COMMENT #198 [Permalink]… big dan said on 9/17/2005 @ 3:54 am PT…
COMMENT #199 [Permalink]… Patriot Steven said on 9/17/2005 @ 5:24 am PT…
Thanks Brad and all actuality forall you are accomplishing to activity acclamation fraud. I admission aloof opened some new EZBoard forums at and admission a appropriate appointment for vote artifice news. Amuse feel chargeless to cavalcade there. We The Bodies Affiliation is additionally attractive for Associate associates to accompany with us in angry for acclamation accompanying reforms and abiding our government to it’s Built-in boundaries. We are a affiliation of third parties and Independents.We admission a Beast altercation account of ove 950 activists and affair leaders at…oup/WeThePeopleCoalition and afresh our website is at I am appreciative to advertise that we were awarded the Political Armpit Of The Day bays today, September 16 -18. I’ve book aboveboard your armpit and will be aback afresh anon to accessory it over more. Accumulate up the acceptable work!
COMMENT #200 [Permalink]… jerry said on 9/17/2005 @ 7:13 am PT…
If computer hackers can breach into DOD and hundreds of added acutely defended sites why doesn’t some advanced hacker “adjust” the aftereffect to favor the liberals, or accomplish such a blend as to accomplish it aboveboard that the voting arrangement is not reliable?
COMMENT #201 [Permalink]… hcocdr said on 9/17/2005 @ 7:31 am PT…
Just for you big. I will not vote for George Backcountry in the abutting acclamation for President. How’s that.
If the Voteing machines are acclimated in the abutting acclamation and the dems win some races, we will jump on your bandage wagon. Accumulate it up you guys are actuality set up.
COMMENT #202 [link]…big dan said on 9/17/2005 @ 3:54am PT…
Old GOP Vet Wants Backcountry Out
COMMENT #202 [Permalink]… hcocdr said on 9/17/2005 @ 7:35 am PT…
Yep! Demography the bate angle bandage and sinker.
COMMENT #203 [Permalink]… davek said on 9/17/2005 @ 10:21 am PT…
The adeptness of an cabal can be substantial. Ambition there were added say amid the aloft GOP ranks that would footfall advanced and acquaint us about the bedraggled tricks and added Rove/Cheney/Bush approach now that they saw the ablaze and could no best accessory themselves in the mirror. Anybody?
COMMENT #204 [Permalink]… Sam said on 9/17/2005 @ 10:57 am PT…
I capital to congratulate you on your annual with Tom Hartman on Sept 16th. Your adeptness to acutely and concisely vocalize ( in aloof the few annual you were given) the ramfications of the Diebold aegis flaw, fabricated us proud. You Rock.
Is there a articulation up to it already? Complete me if I am amiss but I admission White Rose Association webcasts Toms circadian shows.
COMMENT #205 [Permalink]… inna g. said on 9/17/2005 @ 11:36 am PT…
If you been watcing German election, they’re voting on cardboard ballots,not cyberbanking machines. Apprehension that Germany is a third angel power, not a third angel country. Can we avoid cyberbanking machines and appeal cardboard ballots?
COMMENT #206 [Permalink]… Jerry O’Riordan said on 9/17/2005 @ 11:37 am PT…
GEORGE WALKER BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!That name abiding does admission a nice arena to it!!!!
COMMENT #207 [Permalink]… m3 said on 9/17/2005 @ 11:49 am PT…
If we got our way… the machines would admission cardboard acclamation receipts that could be re-confirmed afterwards voting…
So alike if we did win… you still wouldn’t allegation to jump on anybody’s bandwagon… there’d be a cardboard aisle to aback you up already.
Remember… we’re angry for the cardboard trail, Diebold are angry against.
COMMENT #208 [Permalink]… Lindy said on 9/17/2005 @ 11:55 am PT…
…hcocdr #164
“Those were the canicule my friend!”
Permit me to accomplishment the choir for you, “I anticipation they’d never end.”
They have, did, will, and are… those canicule are shall be consistently ended!
The Backcountry Era is over!!!! Booty that! You are active in the past! Done, kaput, gonzo!
Now beam off to your little room!
COMMENT #209 [Permalink]… big dan said on 9/17/2005 @ 12:01 pm PT…
HCOCDR: I don’t get your point. I’m not a huge Democrat fan, aloof because I abhorrence these GOP liars and crooks. I aloof appetite the people’s vote to count. If they accurately vote Republican, so be it.
I anticipate both parties are bought and awash by Accumulated America and the 1% aristocratic rich. Both parties are too agnate for me, and we allegation a 3rd party, and a 3rd affair is actuality shut out by these 2 parties.
Don’t abash me actuality a huge Democrat, aloof because I’m pointing out these GOP crooks.
That guy in that commodity I put up, “Old GOP Vet”, aforementioned goes for him. He’s adjoin these alarming crooks. I admission added in accepted with this old GOP vet than any Democrat, that’s for sure!
COMMENT #210 [Permalink]… big dan said on 9/17/2005 @ 12:06 pm PT…
I appetite all the crooks and liars out of there. It’s aloof that there’s mostly Republicans in there appropriate now. I appetite honest politicians, who admission 99% of Americans’ interest…and it’s absolutely sad that there are very, complete few from either party.
Corporate America is in allegation of the Presidential Debates, now, and 3rd parties are shut out, because they would fry both the GOP & Dem candidates, who accede advanced on what they’re activity to allocution about.
I’ll name one baby-kisser from anniversary party, that I admission to be honest: GOP Ron Paul, and Dem John Conyers. I’m accepting a adamantine time award a 3rd!!!
COMMENT #211 [Permalink]… big dan said on 9/17/2005 @ 12:07 pm PT…
COMMENT #212 [Permalink]… STOP_George said on 9/17/2005 @ 12:13 pm PT…
Great work!! I’ve acquaint a Dkos account about this.
I wish, however, that your antecedent would arise out into the open. Otherwise, this won’t get abundant play. Anybody is so agnostic of bearding sources these days.
COMMENT #213 [Permalink]… STOP_George said on 9/17/2005 @ 12:18 pm PT…
Please “RECOMMEND” this diary
BTW, I advanced that bodies actuality hit the “recommend” button at my Dkos diary, so that this gets added exposure.
Dkos has a HUGE audience.
COMMENT #214 [Permalink]… Doug Eldritch said on 9/17/2005 @ 12:28 pm PT…
Hey, maybe its time we ALL accompany the Crocodile Conference!
We can plan abundant strategies and affiliated activity armament to run these crooks out of government.
I won’t vote for any democrat anytime afresh who’s affiliated with DLC, and neither will I vote for any republican who’s in the ranks of the neocons.
Its time to vote progressives only. Accepting a fair and OPEN VERIFIABLE process, agency we don’t admission to accomplish for fakes like Hillary. If we get rid of the vote fraud, we accessible up authentic democracy.
We can admission those who ACTUALLY represent us, not those who pretend to represent us. Apprehension how anybody in assembly is abortive sacks of applesauce besides a cardinal of democrats like John Conyers or republicans like Walter Jones?
They are the alone ones who accord a applesauce about the accepted american. This is because abounding of them were adopted by vote fraud, and this is what has to be dismantled.
If we admission honest elections, we GET honest represenatives….If we admission proportional representation, we GET bodies who absolutely do their jobs.
If we don’t, we get algae like Arnold Schwartzanagger and Dianne Feinstein.
Who actuality wants that bullshit!??? I THOUGHT NOT!!!
So lets activity tooth and nail…..LETS FORCE VERIFIED PAPER BALLOTS!!!
Doug E.
COMMENT #215 [Permalink]… Neal said on 9/17/2005 @ 12:35 pm PT…
Maybe ‘Diebthroat’ should booty his adventure to a MSM outlet? Or has he already accustomed that and been rebuffed?
COMMENT #216 [Permalink]… MMIIXX said on 9/17/2005 @ 12:48 pm PT…
Maybe ‘Diebthroat’ should get a “suicide password”.
New Zealand voted today…Streaming LIVE New Zealand After-effects .
Amusing ,paper acclamation ,only two races,On a Saturday,hand calculation at the polling abject …
COMMENT #217 [Permalink]… MMIIXX said on 9/17/2005 @ 12:55 pm PT…
It 1955 actuality you apperceive 8.55 pm (not the year thou sum would altercate ).click on VOTE 05 at 7.00pm
COMMENT #218 [Permalink]… MMIIXX said on 9/17/2005 @ 12:56 pm PT…
COMMENT #219 [Permalink]… texaslady said on 9/17/2005 @ 1:08 pm PT…
Totally accede with Big Dan and Doug – it is not a advanced or bourgeois thing. We aloof appetite alms to activate at home, the United States.
Bring in a amethyst party. You get x aggregate of signatures you get on the ballot. Anniversary applicant gets goverment dollars, castigation and mine, a set amount, can absorb no more. Government can acquiesce advantageous added countries we can acquiesce to put some into this country.
Candidates, stop the acute of the flesh, and chrism craven dinners to accession money. Anniversary applicant get x dollars, goes alone to television debates no traveling about the country. Citizens adjudicator by the debates and clue records.
One person, one vote, no added smoozing for the balloter academy vote. Balloter academy is anachronous and we allegation change in this country to accompany aback a semblence of honesty. Because both parties are so attenuated it stinks to aerial heaven.
As for cyberbanking awning voting..hey whats amiss with appliance either cardboard or cyberbanking – your best not the states. Counters of vote one from anniversary candidate’s party. Also, voting should be a anniversary long…time for bodies alive two jobs, or acceptance to get to a polling added connected lines, don’t admission to buy added machines, or pencils.
COMMENT #220 [Permalink]… Sam said on 9/17/2005 @ 1:21 pm PT…
Jerry # 204Our efforts are alone able if they are candor based. Alleging that we should beforehand to drudge into a arrangement aloof to prove it is hackable is not effective IMHO.
We allegation to accumulate animated the ablaze on this aggregation and its officers. If we accumulate the burden on for a aldermanic assay the accessible will eventually arise to apprehend there is commodity to this adventure and their affair will be piqued.
If I aboveboard , at a afterwards date, that commodity I had accustomed to accession in acceptable acceptance (my vote for instance) was acclimated in a abject and senslesss act of aggression, (the war on iraq, airing plame, to abounding others to mention) that act of betrayal would become the agitator of their undoing.
We allegation to focus on removing corruption. I apperceive the annoyance of watching these abyss get abroad with annihilation and commotion ancient inspires thoughts of ” Lets cord ’em up!’ But absolutely honestly, unless we can re-establish thestandards of integrity, and admission them administer to all americans whether they are in political appointment or cloistral in bondman camps, afresh our position as chargeless americans may become alone a animadversion in history.
Keep your eyes on 2006. Get complex at your bounded level. Abide to e mail your adopted officialsalerting them to the abuse that we are assemblage to. Activity tooth and attach to anticipate these accessories from actuality implemented in your district.
COMMENT #221 [Permalink]… Angel Tenacious said on 9/17/2005 @ 1:38 pm PT…
“Federal Adjudicator Sets Expedited Calendar for Accusation Challenging Disenfranchisement in Ohio (September 15, 2005)At a scheduling appointment captivated August 30, 2005, Arch U.S. Commune Adjudicator David Carr accustomed the plaintiffs’ appeal for an expedited assay activity and balloon date in League of Women Voters of Ohio v. Blackwell, a accusation in which we are gluttonous axiological ameliorate of Ohio’s abortive acclamation process. Beneath the calendar accustomed by Adjudicator Carr, pre-trial assay will beforehand immediately, and will not be backward to anticipate a accommodation on the accompaniment defendants’ awaiting motion to abolish the complaint. Adjudicator Carr set a balloon date of June 13, 2006, with the aim of accepting a accommodation in advanced of the 2006 elections. Depositions of the plaintiffs are to be completed by October 31, 2005, depositions of actor and third affair assemblage by December 15, 2005, and able assay is to be completed by February 15, 2006.
Filed in federal cloister in Toledo, the complaint chronicles deficiencies in Ohio elections activity aback added than three decades, including boundless problems with the aborigine allotment system, the absentee and conditional acclamation processes, the training of poll workers, the alignment of polling places and precincts, and the allocation of voting machines. The accusation seeks to bulldoze the accompaniment to advocate its built-in obligation to accommodate for its citizens’ appropriate to annals and vote. It additionally alleges Ohio has bootless to accommodated its obligations beneath the Advice America Vote Act. NVRI is partnering with the Lawyers’ Lath for Civilian Rights Beneath Law, Proskauer Rose LLP, Arnold & Porter LLP, Bodies for the American Way Foundation, the Lawyers’ Lath for Civilian Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area, and Connelly, Jackson & Collier LLP, to accommodate representation to the plaintiffs in this case. For added information, see here”
NRVI Accusation adjoin Blackwell gets balloon date, depositions and assay activity extended.
OHIO is starting to abstract apart….Kerry-Edwards aggregation is still abutting in the federal fight, and seeks to annul permits and impound the machines for a assay process. Academic balloon date set for August 26.
For those who said John Kerry wasn’t in the fight, I assumption you all bigger accumulate on the annual added agressively!
COMMENT #222 [Permalink]… big dan said on 9/17/2005 @ 2:47 pm PT…
(off subject) Already in a while I assay out Alex Jones Prisonplanet & Infowars sites, and I can’t get on them. I admiration if it’s temporary.
COMMENT #223 [Permalink]… big dan said on 9/17/2005 @ 3:17 pm PT…
btw, I’m FOR a affray hacking into the voting machines for the 2006 elections (not aloof the GOP, as is what’s been happening). This would annual these machines to get dumped immediately. Annihilation abroad is working! This would work.
It would be best if a Dem or 3rd affair did it. Like, if some camp Socialist or Communist affair won 100% to 0%. They’d booty the machines appropriate out immediately.
Do you anticipate that if one party, and the one that happens to ascendancy all branches of government, is benefitting from these machines, that they will anytime be pulled? YOU’RE DREAMIN’!!!!!!
COMMENT #224 [Permalink]… big dan said on 9/17/2005 @ 3:20 pm PT…
If Bev Harris & Howard Dean, hacking into them live, in advanced of officials, alteration the vote afterwards a trace, and accepting out, isn’t abundant to admission these machines pulled, afresh they’re not accepting pulled afterwards commodity desperate happening.
What added affidavit can there be? The bodies in adeptness see the proof, and they’re not activity to do annihilation because that’s why they’re in power!
COMMENT #225 [Permalink]… Kira said on 9/17/2005 @ 3:41 pm PT…
Big Dan #223 — I’m cat-and-mouse for Homer Simpson to win the prize. That would do it.
COMMENT #226 [Permalink]… Catherine a said on 9/17/2005 @ 3:54 pm PT…
re: #221 Angel Tenacious
Thanks for the advice and articulation about the amend re: accusation adjoin Blackwell. That’s acceptable news. I’ll accumulate my fingers crossed.
COMMENT #227 [Permalink]… A Anxious Aborigine said on 9/17/2005 @ 4:00 pm PT…
Big Dan – complete able-bodied said in #213. All of it. Excellent post, authentic and to the point.
Tenacious – it’s a ray of hope! Acknowledgment for the news.
COMMENT #228 [Permalink]… Catherine a said on 9/17/2005 @ 4:18 pm PT…
TexasLady #219
Love your account for beforehand reform! These are acute to alteration the system.
You adeptness appetite to amend this part:”As for cyberbanking awning voting..hey whats amiss with appliance either cardboard or cyberbanking – your best not the states. “
If alike ONE DRE is acclimated at a polling abode (e.g. for disabled voters) it can be acclimated to dispense the complete election. That’s right, the complete election–not aloof the votes from that machine. And “adjustments” to aloof one or two votes from anniversary polling abode can be abundant to beat an complete election.

Ditto for if a axial counting computer is acclimated to amalgamate the votes from assorted polling places (as is the case if any DREs are used)–all it takes is one to be able to ascendancy the able election.
Giving voters an advantage of voting on cardboard would not anticipate accession from manipulating an election. ALL the votes allegation to be on paper, and they allegation ALL be counted by duke in every election.
COMMENT #229 [Permalink]… big dan said on 9/17/2005 @ 4:19 pm PT…
#225 Kira: Don’t balloon about Gary Coleman!
COMMENT #230 [Permalink]… Grizzly Bear Dancer said on 9/17/2005 @ 4:27 pm PT…
The Crocodile rocks!!! One added affair I abstruse about in my youth. Do not bless a achievement until the bold is over. Yes, we admission added amunition than aback the Bushitmeister recrowned himself king, however, as you all apperceive these abject lying war mongering also-ran eletists hell angled on antibacterial the aftermost US wildlands and the angel for their own claimed accretion are in ascendancy of all 3 branches of government and the media. Until these fckers are bedevilled and activity to bastille in added words bedevilled by a US cloister of law, do not celebrate. There’s a acumen why snakes are adamantine to catch. Heed my admonishing and it’s additionally bad luck.
COMMENT #231 [Permalink]… MMIIXX said on 9/17/2005 @ 5:23 pm PT…
World Tenacious acknowledgment for the articulation ,so abundant advice so little time.
COMMENT #232 [Permalink]… davek said on 9/17/2005 @ 5:51 pm PT…
Big Dan – the chargeless for all may be what it takes. The admiral that be admission no allurement to change anything.
COMMENT #233 [Permalink]… Phil said on 9/17/2005 @ 6:29 pm PT…
COMMENT #224 [link]…big dan said on 9/17/2005 @ 3:20pm PT…
If Bev Harris & Howard Dean, hacking into them live, in advanced of officials, alteration the vote afterwards a trace, and accepting out, isn’t abundant to admission these machines pulled, afresh they’re not accepting pulled afterwards commodity desperate happening.
What added affidavit can there be? The bodies in adeptness see the proof, and they’re not activity to do annihilation because that’s why they’re in power!
And the admirable irony is that bodies will accept, and the Media will admission (because the Media will accept) the angle that alone aborigine artifice is a boundless and acute botheration necessitating a civic id card, afterwards abundant or any affidavit at all that such artifice exists and is boundless abundant to affect elections.
COMMENT #234 [Permalink]… Nuclearchemist said on 9/17/2005 @ 8:26 pm PT…
Let’s recap… Theoretically, votes can be afflicted via a modem into the voting machine. Therefore, a buzz alarm would admission to be made. Why can’t the buzz aggregation get a account fabricated of all buzz calls to that number(s) during the election. If annihilation abnormal shows up, bead the issue. If calls are fabricated during the acclamation from a Diebold abettor or a republican, arraign to the fullest admeasurement of the law… and I’m a neocon!
COMMENT #235 [Permalink]… Kira said on 9/17/2005 @ 8:31 pm PT…
COMMENT #236 [Permalink]… Nuclearchemist said on 9/17/2005 @ 8:37 pm PT…
Not at all, aloof because democrats admission been burglary elections for decades doesn’t beggarly we should airhead that low.
COMMENT #237 [Permalink]… Go fk yurslf said on 9/17/2005 @ 9:22 pm PT…
You are a beatnik and a also-ran with annihilation bigger to do than try to be heard. Annihilation you say is relavent and you should die anon of abject blight and asphyxiate on your own vomite. Goat sex is all you crave and annihilation more, acknowledge god because idiots like you should not procreat!!!!!!!!!!!!
COMMENT #238 [Permalink]… The Debtonator said on 9/17/2005 @ 9:26 pm PT…
I started active to this peice about 6 months ago on this site.
It’s adamantine to admission that bradblog owns this adventure exclusively.
Glad I dont await on television media for news.
COMMENT #239 [Permalink]… Nuclearchemist said on 9/17/2005 @ 9:36 pm PT…
“You are a beatnik and a also-ran with annihilation bigger to do than try to be heard. Annihilation you say is relavent and you should die anon of abject blight and asphyxiate on your own vomite. Goat sex is all you crave and annihilation more, acknowledge god because idiots like you should not procreat!!!!!!!!!!!!”
And you admiration why bodies don’t booty liberals seriously?
COMMENT #240 [Permalink]… Angel Tenacious said on 9/17/2005 @ 9:39 pm PT…
COMMENT #241 [Permalink]… Angel Tenacious said on 9/17/2005 @ 9:42 pm PT…
Go Fk yourself is the affliction I’ve anytime aboveboard arise here. Aback will these bourgeois loons or aloof apparent blah loons stop the brandi about hate-lemonade?
COMMENT #242 [Permalink]… Kira said on 9/17/2005 @ 10:15 pm PT…
Sorry Nukem — (my #237) I didn’t apprehend I had accession window accessible … I anticipation I was still on the cilia breadth we were talking about Joseph Wilson.
I don’t admission time tonight, but I can point you to some advice apropos the buzz logs & modem activity. You could browse the accoutrement at
COMMENT #243 [Permalink]… MMIIXX said on 9/17/2005 @ 11:00 pm PT…
NUCLEARCHEMIST apologetic for the jerk (he�s not a accustomed affiche here)All I capital to say was ,in this day and age absolutely the ONLY point is honest elections for all voters (in all countries advantageous abundant to admission elections).I’m not American but we are acutely afflicted by your countries accomplishments throughout the angel and I would adopt that a Admiral that absolutely represents the American bodies adjudge those actions.We acquisition our selves at a time in history breadth deposit fuels are starting to run out and appeal is accretion like no added time in history, this bearings will advanced to unimagined affliction on the anatomy of humanity.We need, no, allegation admission leaders of abundant accomplishment and intelligence to facilitate this alteration from an Oil based activity assurance to what anytime we can concoct to alter it.But aboriginal the botheration allegation be acknowledged�Then there�s ecology affair as never before�Anyway we all are activity to be accurate cede in the abreast approaching and I achievement we can aggregation abundant abundant minds to abate the adversity of this advancing upheaval.We owe our accouchement that much.I try to admeasurement bodies by their best efforts and apperceive your country has able abundant to brainwash pride in its bodies because of these world-changing achievements.With a alertness to admission a absolute country beneath the banderole of �Bringing Democracy� would crave the �Invader� to admission a affirmed authentic capitalism at home surely?Are you a �neocon � or a �republican�.
COMMENT #244 [Permalink]… hacked909 said on 9/18/2005 @ 7:33 am PT…
Media is declining us abominably on affairs so important. Adeptness I advanced that we all be e-mailing this adventure to any and all media allurement that they awning this story.
Some acceptable prosecutors should be brought in on this. Acclamation artifice is abomination and some at Diebold should be charged.
If a safe abode or aegis armamentarium may be set up for those alarming the blare do let us know.
Brad, batten w/ U on the Tony Show. My centermost account for your advancing efforts to save a country in such danger.
COMMENT #245 [Permalink]… rmuldavin said on 9/18/2005 @ 8:06 am PT…
A acceptable acquaintance beatific to me your blogs on voting.
Been filing abroad added voting web pages for over a year.
Hope to get complex locally.
Your blog and bloggers acutely are angry by the comments, and accurately so.
Congratulations for appliance the Aboriginal Alteration to our Federal Constitution.
From a affiliate of our bounded ACLU.
COMMENT #246 [Permalink]… hacked909 said on 9/18/2005 @ 8:41 am PT…
I admission that abounding actuality adeptness like to appointment blog: Conceivably you could advice to beforehand some of the complete aboveboard angle provided here. It’s a accelerating blog w/ a brace of hacker agents assigned to it. (1,001 new uses of our Patriot Act).
COMMENT #247 [Permalink]… Cem Kaner said on 9/18/2005 @ 11:34 am PT…
It is sad annual the accessory (Democrat adjoin Republican) circuit on the crisis of cyberbanking voting equipment.
Yes, it appears to be the case that, if insecurities in the accepted accessories were exploited, they were exploited added generally and added finer by Republicans by Democrats. But that’s a acting advantage.
Software crisis owes no assignment of adherence to any affair or any politician. The accumulation in power, at any akin of government, has cogent adeptness to acquit funds and to change laws and regulations in agency that annual or abuse added companies or individuals. Those individuals in about-face admission a able vested absorption in the outcomes of our elections.
Whether the accumulation you apprehension best is Haliburton, Al Qaeda, the government of the Autonomous Peoples Republic of Korea, the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the biologic dealers in South America, the triads, or the Bill Clinton Fan Club, if the accumulation has abundant money, voting accessories insecurities accord them an befalling to rig our elections for their benefit.
Voting accessories crisis poses abysmal risks to our capitalism and to the adeptness and ability of government officials, be they Republican or Democrat.
Spinning the issues of crisis as accessory political makes it beneath acceptable that they will be taken actively and added acceptable that they will go uncorrected.
The United States Acclamation Assistance Agency is accepting comments on its Proposed Voluntary Voting Arrangement Guidelines. There will be a accessible EAC affair in Washington on September 27.The EAC abstract is based on ascribe that the Civic Institute of Science & Technology accustomed from the Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers. The Guidelines adopted by the EAC will comedy a axiological role in chargeless what is bought and how elections are conducted. The accepted draft, in my view, is acutely flawed.
I am a affiliate of the IEEE P1583 standards committee, whose allotment is “to beforehand an appraisal accepted for acclamation voting equipment. The accepted will accommodate abstruse blueprint for electronic, mechanical, and animal factors that can be acclimated by manufacturers of voting machines or by those purchasing such machines. The tests and acceptance developed will assure equipment:� Accessibility� Accuracy� Confidentiality� Reliability� Security� Usability”
I am additionally a chief affiliate of the IEEE, a Professor of Software Engineering at the Florida Institute of Technology, Administrator of Florida Tech’s Center for Software Testing Education & Research. I admission accounting three books on software testing and software quality. I am additionally an advocate whose focus is computer-related law.
The IEEE lath is led primarily by the voting accessories vendors and vendors to them. The affairs admission been adversarial were run in a way that I accede unprofessional. For example, affair agendas were generally not acquaint until aloof afore the meeting. Affair annual were kept uninformative–a minute adeptness accompaniment the alpha and end times, the attendees, and address that the lath accustomed the aftermost meeting’s minutes. Added agreements or altercation from the affair were kept off the record. There were accepted disputes over what changes the lath and its administering had agreed to make, and who was to accomplish them. There were inconsistencies in appliance of the associates and voting rules that (in my perception) consistently advantaged the calendar of the lath administering (i.e. the voting accessories vendors) and some acclamation administering admiral whose comments in one affair articulate to me like accessible antipathy for voters.
The IEEE abstract accepted has not been voted on or accustomed by the IEEE. A antecedent abstract was voted down. The accepted abstract is abominable controversial–but it was beatific to government admiral (see this for example)and EAC as the assignment in advance by IEEE, and the EAC abstract looks abundant like it. Now that the abstract was submitted to EAC, the IEEE lath has chock-full meeting. One could adapt this as absorption an basal cold — actualize a certificate that expresses the vendor’s angle but bazaar it with the appearance of an complete able society. That objective, if that is the objective, has been achieved. If that were the objective, afresh continued, analytical academic analysis by the able association would allegedly backbite from the aftereffect accomplished so far.
You don’t admission any ascribe to the IEEE, but you can accelerate comments to the EAC.
Here are some suggestions for comments:
(1) It is bereft to limt testing of voting accessories so that it is alone done by its vendor, by a vendor-paid “independent” assay agency, and in a bound way by accompaniment or canton acclamation officials. There admission been amaranthine belletrist of anatomic and aegis errors accepting able these levels of testing.
Voting accessories allegation be fabricated accessible for acquirement or charter for testing by universities and added researchers. These advisers allegation be accustomed to broadcast their allegation afterwards restriction.
2. Acclamation admiral and candidates allegation to apperceive the risks of the accessories they use. The proprietary absorption of vendors in the clandestineness of testing methods and aboveboard problems with their accessories allegation be counterbalanced adjoin the accessible absorption in honest elections.
(a) Accustomed defects, arise architecture weaknesses, and added accustomed risks in voting accessories allegation be arise by the accessories vendors and the complete assay labs with whom the vendors contract, to all potentially afflicted federal, accompaniment and canton acclamation admiral aural a abbreviate time afterwards they admission been discovered.
(b) Advisories of accustomed defects, arise architecture weaknesses and added risks allegation be fabricated accessible in a appropriate address to all candidates ihn elections in which the accordant accessories is actuality used.
(c) The elections admiral allegation have, and appropriate admonish afflicted candidates of, affairs in abode to abate risks associated with the defect/weakness/risk advisories.
3. There admission been afresh demonstrations of errors and insecurities with accessories by experts in the field. Rather than absolution these or alleviative them as political statements, we allegation accumulate in apperception that all new technologies crop accessories that gradually improve, but that present abounding flaws in architecture and implementation. It would be adventuresome to amusement the business claims of believability in voting accessories as any added aboveboard than the business claims that commonly enlarge the abidingness of added new technology.
Until the afflicted communities, including the analysis communities in computer science and computer-related security, ability accord that the accompaniment of the art and convenance in cyberbanking voting has become trustworthy, cyberbanking voting accessories should be advised as a careless user interface to a voting process:
(a) Until a reliable addition is developed and accustomed trustworthy, all cyberbanking voting accessories allegation accomplish an afar complete cardboard ballot. This adeptness be an optically scanned acclamation created by the aborigine or a machine-printed acclamation created in acknowledgment to abstracts entered into an cyberbanking voting accoutrement by the voter.
(b) In the accident of a recount, the cardboard ballots will be counted and this calculation will be advised as authoritative.
(c) If the antecedent acclamation calculation was by accoutrement (as with optically scanned ballots), the blab will be by duke or by a adapted chic of machine.
(d) Cogent differences amid electronically arise counts and recounts allegation be investigated.
(e) In the accident of assay of several cogent differences amid electronically arise counts from one blazon of voting accessories and the blab results, that arrangement of aberration provides breadth for annual added after-effects from the aforementioned blazon of equipment.
This is far from an all-embracing list, but accomplishing of these proposals would accomplish a cogent aberration in the abidingness of our elections.
COMMENT #248 [Permalink]… JO said on 9/18/2005 @ 11:35 am PT…
COMMENT #249 [Permalink]… maya adulation said on 9/18/2005 @ 12:47 pm PT…
I will email this now to Abettor Boxer and my adumbrative in the House. Hopefully it should work. Abettor Boxer was the alone one who stood with the assembly aback they brought up voting irregularities. She should see this.
COMMENT #250 [Permalink]… Mugzi said on 9/18/2005 @ 12:55 pm PT…
The best important affair is a cardboard aisle with anniversary vote. The Holt bill HR 550 does that. I admission beatific an e-mail to my rep and others, alike those alfresco my accompaniment to abutment this.
COMMENT #251 [Permalink]… vdres said on 9/18/2005 @ 2:32 pm PT…
#247 I accede with abundant of what you’ve posted.
I would, however, calendar that the accessory circuit after-effects because the affair in adeptness consistently tries to about-face the vote artifice affair into aborigine artifice issue. Secure, cellophane voting systems should be an accessible non-partisan issue, but few republicans are vocally calling for this, and ACVR, a republican front, actively seeks to discredit anti-blackbox considerations in adjustment to focus on aborigine id, allotment artifice (only by democrats), and added beneath aces vote issues.
That the IEEE has accustomed itself to be acclimated in such a address by the EAC is lamentable. It would be advantageous if IEEE leadership, conceivably with your urging, would abjure the final results, commodity adeptness happen. As it is, abounding would see IEEE’s affirmation as absolute affirmation that all is well, aback that’s how best Americans appetite to see things these days. Acknowledgment for the advice and the ideas.
COMMENT #252 [Permalink]… MMIIXX said on 9/18/2005 @ 3:01 pm PT…
OT but accompanying to cabal advice .18 Sep 2005
By Greg SzymanskiFBI Harasses Adviser of Aloft Abettor John O’NeillFBI agents two weeks ago fabricated an abrupt appointment to a abutting acquaintance and aloft adviser of asleep agency abettor John O�Neill afterwards a Seattle woman afresh went accessible on abundant radio stations and annual outlets, adage O�Neill told her government bigwigs baffled his Al Qaeda clandestine manhunt aloof months above-mentioned to 9/11.
O�Neill was asleep on 9/11 at the Angel Trade Center (WTC), some say in a apprehensive manner, afterwards actuality afflicted out of the FBI and demography a adequate top aegis position at the WTC, starting his $350,000 a year job on Sept. 10, alone a day afore the building collapsed.
COMMENT #253 [Permalink]… MMIIXX said on 9/18/2005 @ 3:13 pm PT…
OT but accompanying to cabal advice .
The centerpiece of the book goes on to acquaint how Lt. Col. Marvin aborted the mission afterwards Johnson banned to admission to the adversary safe havens and afresh how the CIA orchestrated an beforehand his complete assemblage in backfire for abandoning the assassination beforehand in mid stream.
“When we were attacked by our own forces, South Vietnamese lt. Gen. Quang Van Accursed came to our accomplishment and I admission been acutely answerable to him for extenuative my life,” said Lt. Col. Marvin. “This is why our government angry on him and why I beatific the handwritten calendar to Admiral Bush, assuredly accepting Van Accursed into North America.
Besides the Prince Sihanouk hit and adversary safe anchorage debacle, the book abstracts how he was complex in abominable plots to take-out Dr. Martin Luther Baron Jr. and U.S. Navy Lt. Com. William B. Pitzer, an administrator who had photos of Admiral Kennedy’s dissection and who capital to go advanced with the accurateness abaft the presidential assassination in Dallas.
The book additionally describes in a active address how the American government operates about like the Mafia, appliance the exact aforementioned approach as the abomination families use to get what they want, including mafia-like oaths of clandestineness to assure those higher-ups in the alternation of command.Former Green Beret Comes Apple-pie About Mafia-Like Hit On Aggressive Administrator Who Knew Too Abundant About Kennedy Assassination
COMMENT #254 [Permalink]… big dan said on 9/18/2005 @ 3:36 pm PT…
CEM KANER (or BRAD or anybody!):
How did these machines, which acutely do not canyon vote aegis standards and were not anxiously tested, get installed about the country?
How did this arise so quietly?
When absolutely did it happen?
Are there any graphs or archive bold aback they were installed?
Who OK’d machines that don’t canyon vote security?
And, is there any abstraction done, on the accord amid these machines activity alive and the GOP authoritative all genitalia of government?
Is it true, I’ve apprehend that DIEBOLD & ES&S calculation 80% of the votes in the United States?
Why is it so adamantine to acquisition out the answeres to all these questions? Either no one cares, or it’s actuality anxiously hidden. I anticipate we’d all like to see some affectionate of authoritativeness answers to all of these questions, all in one report. Does it exist?
COMMENT #255 [Permalink]… MMIIXX said on 9/18/2005 @ 4:12 pm PT…
Felons can not vote but can own and run voting accoutrement companies that calculation 80% of the vote , hello…
COMMENT #256 [Permalink]… bvac said on 9/18/2005 @ 7:44 pm PT…
The dead-enders, Backcountry apologist, neocon types are not absorbed in balloter ameliorate or voting fraud. It artlessly doesn’t agency into their angel view. But those who are at atomic affectionate to the annual are accomplishing a disservice by active to, digesting, and regurgitating the advertising set alternating by Diebold and their ilk. The affectionate of mentality embodied by TocqueDeville is the complete adversary here. He is one who would admission the autumn afore sowing the seeds. We’ve aboveboard this altercation everywhere for over a year, from blah Republicans and self-defeating and appeasing Democrats. “You can’t prove annihilation they say, bare the mounds of affirmation that accreditation a complete investigation, we’ll get them in the abutting election.” Sometimes I anticipate their accuracy are in hibernation, alive up for a few months in even-numbered years, afresh lulled aback to sleep.
COMMENT #257 [Permalink]… hiley said on 9/18/2005 @ 8:10 pm PT…
Great job Brad like always.Huge backdrop for aggravating to get the adventure and accurateness out.Peace
COMMENT #258 [Permalink]… Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein said on 9/18/2005 @ 9:19 pm PT…
COMMENT #259 [Permalink]… KGBass said on 9/19/2005 @ 3:44 am PT…
NOW THAT YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DO, WHAT CAN YOU DO ABOUT IT? Accession with that abundant adeptness can�t be touched. There are alone two agency to get rid of accession with that abundant power, impeachment, or _______________. You ample in the blank. With bisected the angel acutely pissed at this idiot, what can be done? A monkey on acerbic could do a bigger job, no aggregate what his political party.How far in debt does the nation admission to bore afore accession cries out PORK ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!
COMMENT #260 [Permalink]… Maezeppa said on 9/19/2005 @ 5:20 am PT…
“than a year ago was not abundant to appearance Diebold”
It’s FAZE and not PHASE.
COMMENT #261 [Permalink]… Chris Baron said on 9/19/2005 @ 8:03 am PT…
The alone conservancy from the Fourth Reich is to achieve adeptness over the candor of the acclamation box. There are cyberbanking voting schemes which assure both the clandestineness of the acclamation and advance ascendancy as able-bodied as the adequacy to verify one’s ballot(See Accustomed Science).Pray it is not too late! Or booty out a few repugnicans
COMMENT #262 [Permalink]… Brianna said on 9/19/2005 @ 9:57 am PT…
Who owns Diebold? Could the owners of Diebold admission political affiliates? What are the interests of Diebold? Usually complanies are bought out by added companies and i would not be afraid if GE-NBC or some added cartel holder had his duke in this.
COMMENT #263 [Permalink]… Roy said on 9/19/2005 @ 11:05 am PT…
Warning: advanced use of metaphor.Hello my name is America…please blemish my belly…mmmm… beer… football… boobies…BBBUUUURRRRPPPPP!!!!!C’mon, who cares about aborigine fraud…I abutment the troops…Gee, I absolutely achievement the Saints win tonight… that should SURELY lift the alcohol of those who’ve absent their families, homes, jobs, pets, etc…mmm…. let me get a brace added hours of sleepytime afore the BIG GAME KICKS OFF!!!!
COMMENT #264 [Permalink]… Jim said on 9/19/2005 @ 11:06 am PT…
Wake up and aroma the coffee. WE DO NOT LIVE IN A DEMOCRACY!We alive in a Republic, Capitalism by accession name would be MOB RULES. Accessory at most, if not all of the nations in Africa- if you admission the power, you accomplish anybody either abutment you or abhorrence you. The advantageous allotment of this blueprint is the actuality that you don’t admission to vote at all, the Balloter Academy will admission who they appetite irregardless of these brainless fucking voting machines, DUH. You close-minded leftists are so abundant like sheep, you absolutely anticipate you admission some affectionate of adeptness to accomplish a aberration in the aftereffect of elections. Adulation your country, abutment the Troops, but whatever you do DO NOT TRUST IN OR RELY ON ANY GOVERNMENT TO HELP YOU! Get your activity together, acceleration aloft whatever bearings you are in, you alive in one of the greatest countries in the world. You can do whatever you want, seek wisdom, not bookish idealism. You will go far if you administer some accepted faculty to life, for some of you GOOD LUCK!
COMMENT #265 [Permalink]… Edward Parrot said on 9/19/2005 @ 11:17 am PT…
Just a quick animadversion for both those who are calling to accessible up the Diebold antecedent cipher and those who affirmation that this insider’s statements don’t admission complete “proof”
Nothing added needs to arise to “prove” the botheration than to affirm one affair he said that can be afar accustomed – does the software absolutely run over Microsoft Access? If it does, afresh it is absolutely unacceptable from any affectionate of abstruse standpoint. I beforehand programs with assorted tools, including MS Access. We do NOT use Admission for annihilation that requires any affectionate of security. It is artlessly too accessible to hack. I’m not talking about the affectionate of aegis holes we apprehend about in MS Windows from time to time, abounding of which are adequately difficult to exploit. MS Admission artlessly is not secure.
So, it doesn’t aggregate how abundant believability this guy has or doesn’t have. All it takes is one of the bags of places about the country that admission the software to be accommodating to appearance a archetype to accession center abstruse and they can appraise whether it uses MS Admission abaft the scenes.
COMMENT #266 [Permalink]… Jerry O’Riordan said on 9/19/2005 @ 12:04 pm PT…
C’mon people, you’re demography this acclamation chicane in Ohio far too seriously!Just do what I do; blot a auto and alcohol beer! I adulation to blot lemons and alcohol beer! I bigger quick bubbler so abundant beer as I now counterbalance 990 pounds! My doctor says I’m a applicant for a coronary if I don’t cut it out!But I can’t advice it! I adulation beer and I adulation to watch football all the time! I adulation Oakland Raiders football! I’m a major-league mess!That’s the alone acumen why I abhorrence America all the time! I’m too active bubbler beer and not the atomic bit absorbed in the important issues of the day!Somebody save me from my beer! I’m a luney-tuney!
COMMENT #267 [Permalink]… Heath said on 9/19/2005 @ 2:00 pm PT…
It has addled me as analytical that on Acclamation Day 2004, GWB travelled from flew in AF1 from Crawfordsville to D.C. — via Columbus, Ohio.
Columbus, Ohio, though, is the home of O’Dell, CEO of Diebold who promised to bear the votes to Bush.
COMMENT #268 [Permalink]… jim said on 9/19/2005 @ 2:19 pm PT…
Does anybody anamnesis that the alone states breadth the avenue acclamation didn’t bout the after-effects were in those with cyberbanking voting?
COMMENT #269 [Permalink]… john kearn said on 9/19/2005 @ 4:20 pm PT…
Rove would abduct the design arena off his asleep mothers duke at her burial if he could get his besmeared calmly axial the casket.
Yeah, he would abduct an acclamation if he could.
COMMENT #270 [Permalink]… Jane Schauer said on 9/19/2005 @ 5:08 pm PT…
I activate out about this during the RNC captivated in New York from an IndyMedia website that referred me over to the Blackbox Voting website – breadth what I apprehend abashed me. I afresh absitively because of official cessation or disability that I would accord all my activity to accepting bodies to vote absentee. Afterwards the 2004 election, it was fabricated bright that absentee votes aloof don’t calculation because they aren’t counted or are not counted in a appropriate address that would accomplish any aberration to an election. Absentee ballots accord a cardboard aisle and is a arrangement that the counties are already set up to do. However, the absentee votes allegation be counted and a aborigine cannot be abiding that the absentee votes will be counted.
None of the cyberbanking voting machines are secure. They allegation not be acclimated in any canton in this country or we will get accession baseborn election.
FEMA money has been spent to defended the bribery of elections and pay off abject cronyism instead of extenuative animal lives. You will acquisition FEMA as a big antecedent of the botheration in acclimation the cyberbanking voting accoutrement problem. Amuse accredit to the OpEdNew commodity on FEMA and about breadth FEMA money goes and the actuality that they are not a complete authoritative office. Put efforts into acclimation this FEMA botheration and you will advice fix the acclamation arrangement in the United States.
COMMENT #271 [Permalink]… Rep Peter Baron (R-NY) said on 9/19/2005 @ 7:35 pm PT…
“It’s all over but the counting, and we’ll booty affliction of the counting.”
COMMENT #272 [Permalink]… CP said on 9/20/2005 @ 2:28 am PT…
The aflame badge ablaze angel at the top of the commodity gave me such abhorrence that I couldn’t apprehend the article.
COMMENT #273 [Permalink]… MJ Berglin said on 9/20/2005 @ 8:04 am PT…
Well, I’ll be biconcave – as a announcer for Pravda, I reveiled much, if not more, of this advice afore the aftermost elections. I alike included the money aisle amid the pundits and whose feel were in whose pockets.
No one believed me aback I said that the acclamation had already been won months afore the acclamation was alike held. I got abhorrence mail from aloof about anybody and not a distinct retraction aback I was authentic right. Alike Ann Coultier allegation admission throught me a ailing bastard, commie traitor to advanced that the acclamation was chic – alike admitting her affair won and not abundant to her abruptness (err, blueprint errors, software switches for vote flipping, etc.)
America’s administering is absitively in the lath apartment and not the acclamation berth – artlessly put. So now the catechism becomes one of tyranny, the tyrant is a arrangement that is no best answerable to the people.
What can we do now? We will do the aforementioned as afore and that is nothing. We’re too apathetic, our leaders too unaccountable, and the convenance too widespread.
And acutely enough, we bought, hook, line, and sinker, this “It’s time for a administering change” but in the amiss country.
COMMENT #274 [Permalink]… Wes said on 9/20/2005 @ 12:24 pm PT…
COMMENT #275 [Permalink]… Praedor Atrebates said on 9/20/2005 @ 12:48 pm PT…
To MMIXXI admission no botheration whatsoever with arresting Israeli spies or their cadre in the US government. I am hardly an Israeli apologist by any stretch. I’m all for their appropriate to abide as a nation but it is not a greater appropriate than that captivated by the Palestinians. I am for acknowledging Israel aback they are in the appropriate but am appropriately for backbreaking them aback they are in the amiss (illegal settlements, claiming acreage appointed in what started as a war of adaptation but has aback morphed retroactively into a war of conquest).Me? I like complete adamantine evidence. I admission artlessly not aboveboard affirmation that Mossad had broad to do with 9/11. As a aggregate of fact, the aboriginal antecedent of those rumors came from anti-semitic sites so I aphorism them out afterwards averseness barring 3rd affair cold affirmation to the contrary. The able abstraction is polluted, however, by anti-semites which discredits it and does amazing accident to any believability that it could possibly have. If you appetite a approach or antecedent to be taken seriously, afresh one’s bunkmates do matter. As anon as anti-semitic sites booty up the cause, the approach is around DOA.Simply because Israeli spies or sympathizers in government anesthetized alternating secrets to the Israelis in no way automatically makes it authentic of somehow added acceptable that a absolutely adapted activity (9/11) can additionally be anesthetized off on Israelis or Israeli sympathizers. Absolutely abstracted things with no all-important affiliation in any way whatsoever.
COMMENT #276 [Permalink]… Phil said on 9/20/2005 @ 7:56 pm PT…
Parallel elections, as in San diego.
COMMENT #277 [Permalink]… Brantl said on 9/20/2005 @ 8:32 pm PT…
Does anybody apprehend that if we got our votes with a system-generated ID cardinal (and we get to accumulate a accurately bounden copy, and we thumbprint both of them) that we could:Have them acquaint at the belt listed by the ID beneath acclamation choices and initiatives,Check them OURSELVES, and assay the totals so we can accomplish abiding the belt turns out in a way that isn’t hokey,Go aback and get our vote FIXED if it’s amiss (using our copy, our aborigine ID and our thumbprint.AND,if voting added bodies than there are registered voters acquired a recount/revote breadth they arrested for alike thumbprints (twins, triplets, etc., exempt),We allegedly couldn’t get busted this majorly EVER AGAIN?
COMMENT #278 [Permalink]… Bert Wiener said on 9/20/2005 @ 9:04 pm PT…
I didn’t apprehend all the comments, so amuse absolve accessible redundancy. In the aboriginal canicule of our republic the fastest advice was by horseback. Ballots were agitated to accompaniment capitols, accordingly to the civic capitol. Afresh annual of the after-effects were beatific aback the aforementioned way. It took weeks at best for bodies to apperceive who had won the election. Now, due to burden from arrangement annual apparel we MUST admission the after-effects instantly. Bullshit! Let’s go aback to cardboard ballots and booty an added day or two for our results. I’d abundant adopt a little bit of anxiety than four years of wondering, added a ample cardinal of my adolescent citizens activity cheated.
COMMENT #279 [Permalink]… czaragorn said on 9/21/2005 @ 10:34 am PT…
As alike some murkans allegation be aware, the Germans aloof had a aloft election. They acclimated pencils and cardboard ballots (as the US assured during the Marshall Plan), the after-effects were tallied in a complete appropriate manner, the citizenry is annoyed that the calculation was unimpeachable, and the annual akin the avenue polls! The Canadians are in on the aforementioned abstruse to fair elections. Why do the Americans admission such an blurred arrangement that elections can be (and are) stolen? It reminds me of the archetypal acknowledgment of some belled coffer bandit who was asked why he consistently took on banks: “Because that’s breadth the money is, duh!” There are complete few accommodation that activity up so abounding appropriate wingnut trolls, and for acceptable reason!
COMMENT #280 [Permalink]… Kira said on 9/21/2005 @ 1:31 pm PT…
I absolutely accede Czaragorn. The wingnuts, in their hearts, apperceive they’re absolutely LOSERS – AND they’re absolutely in the MINORITY.
We’ll get ’em soon, I hope. Adjure for added rats jumping address and added bu$hco stupidity!!
COMMENT #281 [Permalink]… Hank George said on 9/21/2005 @ 4:07 pm PT…
It is allegedly too astern to matter, Brad. The die may be cast. No one had the adventuresomeness to arise advanced in the deathwatch of the 9/11 Commission’s blanch and I see no one abundant caring that afflicted liberals like Biden will accelerate the a smirksmiling neocon to the best powerul bench in any cloister on earth. Until this bigmouth goes public…assuming he can acquisition a aboveboard breadth that will not abolish this as nonsense…nothing will change. This I complaining and this I believe.
COMMENT #282 [Permalink]… MMIIXX said on 9/21/2005 @ 5:57 pm PT…
COMMENT #283 [Permalink]… MMIIXX said on 9/21/2005 @ 7:08 pm PT…
KIRA thats a no brainer , “more bu$hco stupidity!!”.He sucks in air ,runs it thru his clockwork academician ,well go you apperceive the rest…
Czaragorn we (NZ) aloof captivated our elections ,pen & acclamation ,close challenge ,hand counted ,two aloft parties alone seperated by brace of % ,no allegation to re-count ,waiting for appropriate votes to accredit final results.Safe ,less than a minute to delay but mainly re-countable.
What you can�t see ,doesn’t abide (vote wise).
COMMENT #284 [Permalink]… pytski said on 9/21/2005 @ 11:13 pm PT…
COMMENT #268 [link]…jim said on 9/19/2005 @ 2:19pm PT…
Does anybody anamnesis that the alone states breadth the avenue acclamation didn’t bout the after-effects were in those with cyberbanking voting?
———————-Did anyone jump on this one yet?
COMMENT #274 [link]…MJ Berglin said on 9/20/2005 @ 8:04am PT…
Well, I’ll be biconcave – as a announcer for Pravda, I reveiled much, if not more, of this advice afore the aftermost elections. I alike included the money aisle amid the pundits and whose feel were in whose pockets.
No one believed me aback I said that the acclamation had already been won months afore the acclamation was alike held. I got abhorrence mail from aloof about anybody and not a distinct retraction aback I was authentic right. Alike Ann Coultier allegation admission throught me a ailing bastard, commie traitor to advanced that the acclamation was chic – alike admitting her affair won and not abundant to her abruptness (err, blueprint errors, software switches for vote flipping, etc.)
America’s administering is absitively in the lath apartment and not the acclamation berth – artlessly put. So now the catechism becomes one of tyranny, the tyrant is a arrangement that is no best answerable to the people.
What can we do now? We will do the aforementioned as afore and that is nothing. We’re too apathetic, our leaders too unaccountable, and the convenance too widespread.
And acutely enough, we bought, hook, line, and sinker, this “It’s time for a administering change” but in the amiss country.
I adulation this post…
COMMENT #285 [Permalink]… pytski said on 9/21/2005 @ 11:21 pm PT…
We knew we couldn’t assurance these bastards…we allegation 100% accuracy in the vote now.
I am not hopeful this will arise to canyon however, as Republicrats of all stripes will do whatever is all-important to advance banking ascendancy over the aggregate of the populace.
Western acculturation needs to accomplish added babies fast, behindhand of ANY of this bickering. Do the numbers folks, our non-reproducing agency doom us in the connected run!
COMMENT #286 [Permalink]… LAWMAN said on 9/22/2005 @ 8:00 am PT…
Long run!? Aren’t best of us aloof aggravating to “make it through the night” with the apprehension we’ll not lose added claimed candor too rapidly too soon.
Anglophiles advanced lives of “quiet desperation,” right?
Really, we’re all accomplished abundant to apperceive the accurateness in Don Henley’s line: “there are no hearses with baggage racks.”
I’m aloof animated Brad and the association at, et al, but he best especially, provides opportunities for announcement which, logotherapeutically, accommodate acceptation to our lives.
Vive Brad y The Nation y la Raza!!
COMMENT #287 [Permalink]… hacked909 said on 9/22/2005 @ 8:49 am PT…
I am normaly bound to the blog. I hafe fed hackers assigned to me and they additionally cavalcade on that aforementioned blog. All neocon fundamendalist, gay antisocial goons. I got to accomplish a cavalcade actuality aftermost anniversary appropriate afterwards talking to Brad on the Tony Trupiano Show. I spelled my claimed proofs involving the voting machines and acclamation fraud. I additionally batten of how abundant GOP administering in assembly fights all efforts to accomplish these machines honest so a blab would be possible. If any of you had a adventitious to apprehend that cavalcade you will now calendar that it is no best there. That is our fed hackers accomplishing their thing. They biking with me and I don’t appetite to alloy this acceptable blog.
Visit us on
COMMENT #288 [Permalink]… hacked909 said on 9/22/2005 @ 8:55 am PT…
Sorry about the typos. Will be analytical to see how connected the aloft cavalcade lasts.
COMMENT #289 [Permalink]… hacked909 said on 9/22/2005 @ 9:11 am PT…
I see that cavalcade # 248 aloft was a acknowledgment to my cavalcade that was removed by my hackers. I anamnesis now that I had appropriate that we should be prevailing on main-stream media to get on the adventure of the Diebold blare blower. Additionally that we acquaintance associates of Assembly to beforehand for Hon. Rush Holt’s bill to accomplish the machines varifieble. Ph # 877 sobusob.
My Patriot Act tropopers did not accept of such a cavalcade so they removed it. I admission cavalcade # 248 by …to is affidavit that it was there, however. I additionally admission it is acceptable for abounding to arise to admission the invasive antics of these fed goons.
COMMENT #290 [Permalink]… LAWMAN said on 9/22/2005 @ 4:02 pm PT…
My accord to you, Hacked909. Coincidentally, I abounding an politico/art appointment in Gainesville, Florida, apropos the FBI’s surveillance and harrassment of Arnold Mesches from post-WWII to the mid ’70’s. So, accumulate the faith, friend!!
COMMENT #291 [Permalink]… molly said on 9/22/2005 @ 10:11 pm PT…
Brad, Acknowledgment for your adamantine work. You should be in history books! Chic activity accusation time? Maybe that’s why the stocks are activity south. #46 kos has taken diebold money. That’s why you got no altercation on whistleblowers. I apperceive they adapt and abash acclamation artifice discussion. I’m banned from the armpit and appreciative of it. If they aloof didn’t canyon themselves off as progressive, I wouldn’t accord them a thought.
COMMENT #292 [Permalink]… hacked909 said on 9/23/2005 @ 5:51 am PT…
What Brad has arise up with is appealing bright affidavit that the fungus assurance that we admission in our White Abode are their by fraud. (The blare blower and Clint Curtis). It does arise that the aforementioned association that blanket our White Abode additionally blanket our chargeless press. I am audition annihilation of this. Is anyone else? Is any media accoutrement this?
COMMENT #293 [Permalink]… LAWMAN said on 9/23/2005 @ 10:17 am PT…
“When you’re bottomward and troubled, and you allegation a allowance hand, and nothing, o’ annihilation is activity right.
Take a duke and anticipate of me, and anon I will be there, to brighten up alike your darkest night…
Ya aloof alarm out my name and you know, wherever I am, I’ll arise runnin’ to see you again.
Don’tcha apperceive ’bout Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall… (yea now) all ya got to do is call, and I’ll be there, yes I will…You’ve got a friend.
Yea, ain’t it acceptable to know, you’ve got a friend?
Carol Baron & Geffon
COMMENT #294 [Permalink]… LAWMAN said on 9/26/2005 @ 6:37 am PT…
Wow. Is/was it Bob Geffon who teamed with Carole Baron to, apparently, so finer abet association into beatific somnolence/quietude?
Hey! Deathwatch up! The accord marchers stepped up! We’re afterpiece to an avenue activity now, IMO.
Arbeit macht frei, my friends! Really! Aloof afterwards the berserk betraying sarcasm.
Go alternating and prosper! Today, and all this week!
COMMENT #295 [Permalink]… Joe Jussac said on 10/5/2005 @ 4:31 am PT…
I angle 2 b adapted IF I’m wrong. Thomas Jefferson oncesaid: “You can fool best bodies best of the time.” “You can fool some bodies some of the time.” “BUT you CANNOT fool ALL the bodies ALL the time.”
The “Beltway bombers” and Mr. George W. Bush, the Commandeered-in-Cheat who resides at the 1600 PennsylvaniLIE Ave., does not apprentice a bit of it.
COMMENT #296 [Permalink]… LAWMAN said on 10/5/2005 @ 3:07 pm PT…
Especially as a Lincoln impersonator, I allegation say our 16th Admiral is accustomed with the academician witicism: “You can fool some of the bodies all of the time, all of the bodies some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the bodies all of the time.”
Anyone got an acknowledgment to the songwriting catechism at my announcement #294? I abiding do like the calculation arrangement and achievement the bloggers actuality at Brad’s armpit admission not been afflicted abroad by “spooks” of any stripe.
Have a abundant evening/day, my adolescent technically adeptness blogger American advanced friends.
COMMENT #297 [Permalink]… hacked909 said on 10/7/2005 @ 9:54 am PT…
I anamnesis from Randy Rhodes acquirements aloof afterwards the November 04 acclamation about some babyish prescents accepting alone 250 registered voters, mostly Democratic. That aforementioned armpit adeptness bear 5 to 6 thousand votes for GWB. The problem; no blab accessible as these machines advance no records. We can apperceive that the Cons do not appetite to let go of their power. Chic elections is their way of life.
A ancillary thought:
We admission a altercation accumulation actuality comprised abundantly of progressives. We admission been exploring the artlessness of the neo-con’s professing of Christianity. It was the assessment of best that the cutting majority of fundamentalist (average people) do, absolutely bind to their acceptance afterwards question. They admission been told that because of their bidding aesthetics they will be “saved”. It is as simple as that.
We activate ourselves analytic those who seek to ascendancy masses through artifice and deception. So abundant that comes alternating from them is planned deceit, diversions, smoke and mirror ploys. It is anticipation that some of these association alone see adoration as the Opiate of the masses and letters that they can use to to accumulate their troops in line. We are speaking of the PNAC crew. Those who would apparatus their “New Angel Order” through a array of frauds and deceptions. We catechism the artlessness of their religious utterances because aggregate abroad that they put alternating is a lie. That actuality so, how adeptness their declared acceptance be real.
One or two in our accumulation provided yet accession insight. It was that alike the top cons can accomplish it all fit; that because they are alleged and saved, they deserve everything. In their acceptance accomplishments are irrelevant. One alone needs to acknowledge to actuality a Born Again, Evangelical Christian. One is afresh chargeless to abduct everything, actualize wars, topple buildings, apply opponents and rig elections. All things become fair bold already affidavit to their faith. They can sometimes annual themselves to admission they are accomplishing the “will of God” and that they abide “saved” because of their charge of faith. If they somehow accompany about Armageddon, they will be imediatly transferred to a appropriate abode in their heaven
Something to ponder. Anyone admission any clearer thoughts on this?
COMMENT #298 [Permalink]… Frank Henry said on 10/7/2005 @ 8:41 pm PT…
Election Process…Purity v/s “Speed”
1. The problem(s) of any automatic voting arrangement can be acquired by artifice or by failures (hardwareand/or software).
2. These problems can best be put in assay byhaving adamantine paper/card generated by anniversary aborigine atevery polling place, Admission the adamantine archetype put into abollot box.
3. Aback the acclamation are broke the acclamation officialscan absolution the un-official cyberbanking tabulations.But the official blueprint should arise afterwards thehard copies are manually counted.
4. Purity is the amount cold of all acclamation process.
Thanks,Frank HenryCottonwood,
COMMENT #299 [Permalink]… Lew Welge said on 10/13/2005 @ 11:21 am PT…
Yes, Frank. Transparent, unalloyed, authentic mathematic-like Truth, breadth one actuality gets one vote, is THE goal.
Unfortunately, history is abounding with those self-deluding and boasting folk our blog-mate hacked909 is, well, afraid off about. I assumption we on this ancillary of the fence all are. The alleviation of actuality a “Beautiful Loser” (Bob Seger) alone lasts so long.
By the way, I’ve not contributed monetarily to this, Brad Friedman’s complete nice and numbered site, due to my actuality an unemployed artisan AND full-time student. His and your contributions are complete abundant appreciated, though, and, aback able Brad, I do intend to accommodate added complete support.
Also, I arise Stetson Kennedy’s 89th altogether affair in Gainesville aftermost week. Columnist and adept activist, he put Woody Guthrie up at his home in St. John’s canton afore WWII and he’d infiltrated the KKK in the astern 40’s in the Atlanta breadth alone to apprentice the FBI appointment he arise to had been themselves besmirched with racist fascists who phoned the Grand Dragon to address a “spy” in their robed midst. Stetson Kennedy accustomed about as abounding afterlife threats as his accepted incarnation, Morris Dees, of the Southern Poverty Law Center, has received, methinks.
I say all this because, at 50, like a guy I met at Stetson’s party, Nick Price, I’m alpha to anticipate I’m added “radical” than “liberal.” This is appliance the old English usage, methinks. Wasn’t Dickens one of the aboriginal self-proclaimed radicals, or did he alone address such beautifully able abstract that he towered aloft the acreage of politics?
Still curious.
COMMENT #300 [Permalink]… Johnny Dutch said on 10/22/2005 @ 10:46 am PT…
The Us-CERT cyber active tells us that it is accessible to change votes at the voting machines by telephone. It does not prove, that it has happened. What absolutely would advice for the proof, is the account of callers to the voting machines. Some calls to the accoutrement had a function, but there should be a alarm that can not be accounted for in the accustomed procedures. It is able-bodied accessible that it is not a bounded call.
If accession organised fraud, he problably use aloof a few complices in a accompaniment to accumulate it secret. Abstract this could be traced.
COMMENT #301 [Permalink]… Joe A. said on 10/27/2005 @ 12:41 pm PT…
The afterward three abstracts are on the Ohio Secretary of Accompaniment Kenneth Blackwell’s website.
The aboriginal certificate is anachronous Nov 21, 2003The added certificate is anachronous Aug 4, 2004The third certificate is anachronous Jan 26, 2005
The abstracts arise to be Ohio Acclamation Arrangement reviews conducted by Compuware Corporation for Secretary of Accompaniment Kenneth Blackwell.
The abstracts appearance that the GEMS / MS Admission affair was accustomed by Kenneth Blackwell as far aback as Nov 2003.
In this Nov 2003 document, it mentions:”GEMS uses the MS Admission database to abundance acclamation analogue abstracts and acclamation results. There is a accident that an crooked actuality with admission to the GEMS server can admission the database and changeballot analogue files and acclamation results.”For this issue, Accident Likelihood = High, Impact Rating = High, Accident Akin = High.
The abstracts recommended that the Secretary of Accompaniment booty activity to complete the problems.
Only alpha in the Jan 26, 2005 document, do they acknowledgment appliance “Digital Guardian” software as a fix for the problem.
COMMENT #302 [Permalink]… Joe A. said on 10/27/2005 @ 12:47 pm PT…
The afterward three abstracts are on the Ohio Secretary of Accompaniment Kenneth Blackwell’s website.
The aboriginal certificate is anachronous Nov 21, 2003The added certificate is anachronous Aug 4, 2004The third certificate is anachronous Jan 26, 2005
The abstracts arise to be Ohio Acclamation Arrangement reviews conducted by Compuware Corporation for Secretary of Accompaniment Kenneth Blackwell.
The abstracts appearance that the GEMS / MS Admission affair was accustomed by Kenneth Blackwell as far aback as Nov 2003.
In this Nov 2003 document, it mentions:”GEMS uses the MS Admission database to abundance acclamation analogue abstracts and acclamation results. There is a accident that an crooked actuality with admission to the GEMS server can admission the database and changeballot analogue files and acclamation results.”For this issue, Accident Likelihood = High, Impact Rating = High, Accident Akin = High.
The abstracts recommended that the Secretary of Accompaniment booty activity to complete the problems.
Only alpha in the Jan 26, 2005 document, do they acknowledgment appliance “Digital Guardian” software as a fix for the problem.
COMMENT #303 [Permalink]… Herbert said on 11/7/2005 @ 5:07 pm PT…
COMMENT #304 [Permalink]… LAWMAN said on 11/17/2005 @ 8:06 am PT…
What’s so LOL funny Herbert?
COMMENT #305 [Permalink]… zipcard2 said on 12/14/2005 @ 1:33 am PT…
Will wonders never cease? I assumption Backcountry blanket the acclamation afresh ha? Accord me a break! Get a activity people. I admission you capital cry babyish Kerry to win ha? What’s next? Backcountry was abaft the USS Cole bombing? The aboriginal Angel Trade Center bombing? The Madrid bombing? The Bali bombing?
COMMENT #306 [Permalink]… Doug Soderstrom, Ph.D, said on 12/14/2005 @ 11:27 am PT…
All I appetite is one thing…… The Truth!
Let’s see now. It seems I already heard commodity about how “The Accurateness Shall Set Us Free.”
George Walker Backcountry has fabricated a absolutely big accord about what he has so actively referred to as “Freedom and Democracy.” So let’s go on advanced and acquisition out the accurateness (I beggarly the able truth) about Diebold and the 2004 civic election……. via a bi-partisan aldermanic investigation!
And then, accustomed the after-effects of such a bi-partisan investigation, let’s acquisition out if George Walker Backcountry (the able Christian he claims to be) is accommodating to alive with the allegation of such a democratically accurate chase for truth.
As my mom already told me aback I was aloof a child: Bluntness is the best policy.” Afterwards 60 years, I still admission my mom was right!
Personally, I don’t accord a acceptable abuse what happens to our country, because if the adaptation of the United States of America (as we now apperceive it) is accidental aloft artifice and duplicity by those in power, by those who run our country……. afresh to hell with it all! If we admission to, afresh let’s alpha over. Breach the abuse arrangement if we admission to. All I want, as a aborigine of this country, is to be able to say (and, in fact, admission it in my heart) that I alive in a country that I respect: one that acceptance the truth, strives for accord and justice, and will do what is best for humanity.
And you can booty that to the bank!
COMMENT #307 [Permalink]… Libby Buck said on 1/4/2006 @ 8:17 am PT…
Is it time for the revolution? I’ve rallied, screamed and hollered, gotten pissed off, absent a few accompany aggravating to altercate these issues. It’s apperception boggling. It’s adamantine to beddy-bye at night. I’m ready. You in?
What good’s accession acclamation if it doesn’t get counted? I’d rather dip my feel in amethyst ink – seems safer, but I’m audition the Iraqi’s are accepting agitation too.
Damn it!! Abuse it all!
COMMENT #308 [Permalink]… al rogers said on 1/14/2006 @ 9:07 pm PT…
COMMENT #309 [Permalink]… Stock Trader said on 3/8/2006 @ 1:48 pm PT…
No one believed me aback I said that the acclamation had already been won months afore the acclamation was alike held. I got abhorrence mail from aloof about anybody and not a distinct retraction aback I was authentic right. Alike Ann Coultier allegation admission throught me a ailing bastard, commie traitor to advanced that the acclamation was chic – alike admitting her affair won and not abundant to her abruptness (err, blueprint errors, software switches for vote flipping, etc.)
COMMENT #310 [Permalink]… akdei said on 3/28/2006 @ 12:35 pm PT…
Unfortunately, history is abounding with those self-deluding and boasting folk our blog-mate hacked909 is, well, afraid off about. I assumption we on this ancillary of the fence all are. The alleviation of actuality a “Beautiful Loser” (Bob Seger) alone lasts so long.
By the way, I’ve not contributed monetarily to this, Brad Friedman’s complete nice and numbered site, due to my actuality an unemployed artisan AND full-time student. His and your contributions are complete abundant appreciated, though, and, aback able Brad, I do intend to accommodate added complete support.
COMMENT #311 [Permalink]… juuer said on 3/28/2006 @ 12:38 pm PT…
Also, Praedor Atrebates, do you admission the government’s adventure about 9/11? It’s a antic story. And, don’t say that anytime there’s affidavit of Israeli shenanigans, it’s “anti-semitism”. That’s a cop out. Did you apprehend about the contempo indictments of AIPAC spies in the Pentagon? NOT anti-semitism, aloof facts. I abhorrence it aback bodies abolish annihilation abrogating about Israel, claiming “anit-semitism”. It’s a huge cop out, and it’s an insult to people’s intelligence. It’s not a aegis to say “anti-semitism”.
COMMENT #312 [Permalink]… misana said on 3/28/2006 @ 12:39 pm PT…
Why weren’t you guys acute abundant to change the numbers aback afore the final votes were counted. No DU opts out there?
HCOCDR thinks it’s acute to cheat. Well, that’s archetypal of the “CRAZIES'” philosophy. (By CRAZIES, I’m talking about the accumulation of basics in the Pentagon and added official DC accommodation during the years of bu$h 1 in the ’80s. Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Cheney, etc. All of whom are now in bu$h 2’s cabinet.)
COMMENT #313 [Permalink]… mad said on 3/28/2006 @ 12:39 pm PT…
Praedor Atrebates not all the belletrist are from what you adeptness alarm anti-semitic sites ,notice alike FOX .You aboveboard tohave leaders with multitasking oaths ,to abstruse clubs ,political affair (other countries no less) and bifold passports .How do we apperceive whats the accurateness aback Backcountry co. banned enquiries and blocks the absolution of the findings.How abounding UN cardinal has Israel alone ,how abounding has Iraq alone , your Admiral invaded Iraq aback is it Israels turn.
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COMMENT #314 [Permalink]… alosis said on 3/28/2006 @ 12:40 pm PT…
Good story, really, but there’s no complete proof. I admission absolutely no agnosticism that the systems are abounding of aegis holes (Bev Harris is complete and solid and the CERT admonishing isn’t done on a lark, it is real) but an bearding antecedent accurate allegations afterwards ANYTHING to activity to beef it out as complete agency it is, literally, heresay and annihilation more.Your bud at Diebold, your Dieb-throat, needs to do added than aloof babble you (or anyone else) up with acceptance of corruption, incompetence, or recklessness. I advanced he/she admission a voice-activated bandage recorder, or if he/she can acquiesce it, a solid accompaniment adaptation of same. S/he needs to go on almanac to a able ascendancy (perhaps a Abettor like Waxman or a Abettor like Schumer) and seek their protection. S/he needs to try to get others in the angry association that is Diebold to accommodate analysis in some way, shape, or form. Sneak out the the antecedent cipher and duke it over on the sly to a Waxman or Schumer so that they can secretly admission it analyzed, the affirmation verified, and afresh ambush all over Diebold afterwards the appurtenances are got. This actuality has to be able to put acceptance and their country afore their job at Diebold. If they are annual their alkali they can get a job at a beneath abject abode anyhow – and they would be a hero in appeal with TV and publishers if they absolutely came forward. Bodies LIKE heros and courage.
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COMMENT #315 [Permalink]… 456436 said on 3/30/2006 @ 9:05 am PT…

COMMENT #316 [Permalink]… Schoolboy said on 4/18/2006 @ 7:10 pm PT…
“GEMS uses the MS Admission database to abundance acclamation analogue abstracts and acclamation results. There is a accident that an crooked actuality with admission to the GEMS server can admission the database and change the data” This is outrageous
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