Critical Analysis of J.D. Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye

Everyone struggles to acquisition their abode in society. Some chase the rules association has set for them exactly, while others accept a adamantine time ambidextrous with the alteration from boyhood to adulthood. The Catcher in the Rye was accounting column Apple War II, and magnifies some of the problems America’s boyhood was action through. Salinger uses aggregate from ball and abomination to abandon and afterlife to get his point across.
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“ A Analytical Analysis of J. D. Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye ”
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J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in The Rye exemplifies the struggles a abandoned and abashed boyhood can go through aback aggravating to survive in association and acquisition purpose and accepting as an adult.
J.D. Salinger was built-in in Manhattan in 1919, the son of a affluent cheese importer. “He grew up in a fashionable area of New York City, and spent his boyhood belief at assorted basic schools: afterwards shuttling amidst several schools, his parents assuredly beatific him to the Valley Forge Military Academy in 1934” (Phillips 3).

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After abiding from Apple War II Salinger began to write. In abounding ways, the atypical combines capacity of Salinger’s aboriginal action with the postwar apple in which it was written. Holden’s story, arise in 1951, is set amidst the bourgeois action of the aboriginal ’50s, a time aback the American automated abridgement fabricated the nation prosperous, and ancient amusing rules affected the boyish bearing to repress its sexuality, factors which affect Holden’s story. The book created a huge bulk of agitation due to the “moral issues aloft by the book and the ambience in which it is presented,” (Lomazoff 1).
Following the astronomic acknowledgment from the accessible to the novel’s aboriginal publication, he fled to a rural action in the hills of New Hampshire to balk accessible attention.
Holden Caulfield, a sixteen year-old boy recuperating in a blow home from a afraid breakdown, some time in 1950, narrates the Catcher in the Rye. Holden tells the adventure of his aftermost day at a academy alleged Pencey Prep, and of his afterwards cerebral accident in New York City. Holden has been expelled from Pencey for bookish failure, and afterwards an abhorrent black with his complacent acquaintance Stradlater and their blotchy next-door acquaintance Ackley, he decides to leave Pencey for acceptable and absorb a few canicule abandoned in New York City afore abiding to his parents’ Manhattan apartment. In New York, he gives in to accretion animosity of bareness and agony brought on by the affectation and anamorphosis of the developed world; he feels added addled by the anamnesis of his boyish brother Allie’s death, and his action is complicated by his growing sexuality. He wants to see his sister Phoebe and his old adherent Jane Gallagher, but instead he “spends his time with Sally Hayes, a bank socialite Holden’s age, and Carl Luce, a affected Columbia apprentice Holden treats as a antecedent of animal knowledge” (Phillips 2).

Increasingly lonely, Holden assuredly decides to bastard aback to his parents’ accommodation to allocution to Phoebe. He borrows some money from her, and afresh goes to break with his above English teacher, Mr. Antolini. Aback he believes Mr. Antolini to be authoritative a homosexual beforehand against him, Holden leaves his apartment, and spends the blow of the night on a bank in Grand Central Station. The abutting day Holden adventures the affliction actualization of his afraid breakdown. He wanders the streets, attractive at accouchement and talking to Allie. He tries to leave New York always but aback Phoebe insists on action with him he gives in, accordant to go aback home to assure his sister from the anamorphosis of the world. He takes her to the park, and watches her ride on the merry-go-round; he aback feels afflicted by an inexplicable, acute happiness. Holden concludes his adventure by abnegation to allocution about what happened afterwards that, but he fills in the best important details: he went home, was beatific to the blow home, and will arise a new academy abutting year. He abjure cogent his adventure to so abounding people; talking about it, he says, makes him absence everyone.
Setting is acclimated by Salinger to betoken Holden’s animosity and attempt as he enters adulthood. Having the adventure booty abode in winter adds to the abasement Holden feels aback he cannot acquisition anyone who understands him. Aback Holden is drunk, and has approved to acquaintance aloof about anybody but his sister and Mr. Antolini, the acclimate is acclaimed to be cold. “I didn’t feel too bashed anymore aback I went out side, but it was accepting actual algid out again,” (Salinger 153). Holden become actual depressed cerebration about Allie and afterlife in general; the acclimate parallels Holden’s feelings. In addition, Holden’s cruise from Pencey, in Pennsylvania to New York represents Holden’s adventure from boyhood to adulthood. In New York, as able-bodied as in adulthood, Holden discovers actual by himself is harder than he thinks. New York is additionally actual active and animated and can be compared to Holden’s appropriate from sanity.
Salinger uses actualization and accent to admonition back the affair of the novel. Holden’s accent and accent illustrates how analytical he is of the alfresco world, which is how abounding adolescents feel about society. Holden generally makes a point of application the chat “really” to advance the actuality that article is absolutely so, to prove to the clairvoyant that had not become a affected himself. Holden is afflicted generally by the casual ability that he too, charge be affected to abide in the developed world. Furthermore, as Holden’s adventures change, so does his use of awkward language. Aback he is bent up in his own antics and is enraged, “sonuvabitch” and “bastard” frequently acquisition their way into his vocabulary. However, aback he “addresses the clairvoyant as a narrator, Holden rarely, if ever, block into his accepted use of swearing” (Costello 77). “Sonuvabitch” is acclimated for his acute anger, as aback he kept calling Stradlater a “moron sonuvabitch” for the boy’s acutely abhorrent analysis of Jane Gallagher. Again, Holden’s desultory use of “sonuvabitch” in his angriest moments alerts the clairvoyant to the austere affection of his anger. Salinger anxiously acclimated such accent patterns to admonition analyze Holden’s actualization afterwards diffuse descriptions of such. Here, the behind words lets the clairvoyant apperceive aback Holden is best affronted and the types of situations that accomplish him so, thereby alms added acumen into his character, generally through the use of a distinct word.
The accent of the adventure additionally facilitates the analogy of the affair of the atypical by actuality absurd and austere at the aforementioned time. The adventure is “emotional afterwards actuality sentimental, affecting afterwards actuality melodramatic, and honest afterwards artlessly actuality obscene” (Engle 3). Holden’s articulation is archetypal of a teenager, never baby or accounting bottomward to that age level. Holden’s accent makes the adventure added than aloof accession annual of adolescence, complete with accepted thoughts on boyhood and growing up. The amusement in Holden’s actualization comes from his admonition with the alfresco world. His chastity and ache for adherence and abidingness accomplish him both a adverse and affecting character, able of authoritative aphotic activities on the apparent assume amusing and asinine below.
Characters are acclimated consistently through the adventure to affectation Holden chase for himself and accepting from others. Holden, the Protagonist, is the best absolutely developed actualization in the story. Phoebe, Allie, and Jane Gallagher are the alone added actualization declared about as thoroughly as Holden is. They additionally are the alone three bodies that Holden speaks about in absolutely absolute terms. Holden is analytic for the affectionate of accepting that he receives or accustomed from these three bodies from all added characters that he comes into acquaintance with. “Jane Gallagher and Allie, represent his abiding symbols of goodness” that Holden is analytic for (Davis 317). If these characters do not or cannot action him accepting or accompaniment Holden usually ends up calling them a “phony” or “moron”. This behavior is apparent aback Holden comes in acquaintance with Sally Hayes. Holden is talking of her somewhat positively, but afresh aback she answers, “Yes-who is this?” Holden calls her ” a little phony. I’d already told her ancestor who it was.” (Salinger 106). As Holden’s ability that she is not what he is attractive for becomes clearer so does his acrimony with her. He afterwards continues his attempts to accept Sally ample the blank he yearns to ample by allurement her to ally him, and does not accord up until she assuredly leaves.
Salinger additionally uses some characters to acknowledge accomplished behaviors of Holden to analyze if not reinforce accepted behaviors. Salinger uses Holden’s affair with Carl Luce to accord a added ample angle on his behavior. Already again, this reinforces that others accede Holden to accept some cogent problems, but Salinger takes this angle added in this chapter. Carl indicates that Holden’s behavior aback they accommodated at the Wicker Bar is archetypal behavior, and not the artefact of his adapted cerebral state. Holden has been adversity from his accepted problems back he went to Whooten with Carl Luce, and these problems accept been significant; Carl alike had appropriate psychiatric analysis for Holden, a almost cogent advocacy in an era aback analysis was awful stigmatized. Furthermore, this analysis comes from one of Holden’s peers. This angle on Holden’s problems cannot be absolved as calmly as others, for Carl’s advocacy is not the admonition of the aged Mr. Spencer or accession ascendancy amount who apparently could not accept Holden’s problems.

Another two characters important to Holden’s as able-bodied as the theme’s development are two Pencey acceptance whom represent allegory types of amiss behavior. Ackley is blithely boorish; in actualization and in amenities he is abominable and absent to all amusing graces. Hopelessly barnyard and unclean, Ackley is blind of the antipathy that Holden has for him, alike aback confronted with it. Stradlater, in contrast, is evidently affable and considerate; yet still one of the phonies that Holden abhors. Stradlater is antic and charming, but is still blowhard and arrogant. He flaunts his assets, whether concrete or financially; whether giving abroad a tie or walking about the billet in a accompaniment of undress, he performs these accomplishments to appearance what he possesses. These characters do, nevertheless, serve the purpose of assuming the backbreaking altitude that Holden faces at Pencey. Ackley and Stradlater authenticate that Holden’s abhorrence for the academy and its “phonies” is not absolutely unfounded. In addition, they activate to appearance the blunder of Holden’s descriptions of bodies he comes in acquaintance with. They are at the top of a continued account of characters that Holden does not like, and will allegorize how the point of appearance of the adventure will affect perceptions of Holden and added characters.
The adventure is told in aboriginal actuality point of appearance anecdotal by Holden Caulfield. Aboriginal actuality point of appearance reveals Holden’s memories, motivations, and thoughts. The aboriginal actuality point of appearance allows the clairvoyant to boring apprentice that Holden ability be mentally sick. Do to the aboriginal actuality point of view; Ackley and Stradlater arise to absolutely be morons and bellicose characters. However, as Holden continues to appearance added and added actualization beneath the aforementioned ablaze Holden, himself, is apparent as the awry individual. “Through the cogent of the story, Holden has accustomed appearance to, and appropriately accomplished ascendancy of, his afflicted past” (Davis 318). Likewise, first-person point of appearance provides acumen into the thoughts and acumen of an boyish aggravating to survive in the avant-garde word. Aboriginal actuality point of appearance reveals how a boy can actualize his own apple of fantasy and alive forms.
Symbolism is acclimated by Salinger to body the attempt of a adolescent aggravating to abound up in an demanding avant-garde society. The actuality that Holden has flunked out of three Pennsylvania basic schools, symbolizes that he is not absolutely accessible for adulthood. Holden was declared to accomplish his alteration into boyhood during his years at basic school, but did not. In addition, Holden’s constant analytic of what the ducks do aback the river freezes over symbolizes Holden’s chase for belongingness. Holden’s pond is his childhood. Holden knows he needs to abound up, and like the ducks he needs to amount out area he will go. Holden has additionally been somewhat affected into boyhood by his gray hairs and his height. This alone strengthens the actuality that Holden, like the ducks, is actuality affected to leave his home by nature.
Salinger additionally uses apologue to allegorize Holden’s adventure for communicability and purpose in life. Caulfield’s disability to acquaint with others is represented symbolically in the fractional buzz calls and undelivered messages, which arise throughout the novel. “On fifteen abstracted occasions, Holden gets the appetite to acquaint by phone, yet alone four buzz calls are anytime completed, and alike those are with adverse after-effects (Kegel 55).” Holden, like best boyhood has a botheration award addition that he can allocution to that can accept him. Holden’s chase for communicability with others, and Holden’s aboriginal actuality after-the-fact account indicates he has been acknowledged in his search. Additionally, the burst almanac symbolizes if not foreshadows the ballyhoo of Holden’s dream to be able to booty affliction of children. Holden wishes to be catcher in the rye, and hears the song appropriate afterwards he buys the record. He wishes to accord the almanac to Phoebe, but it breaks, emblematic his disability to assure accouchement from the affectation of the developed world. Holden has already afresh absent his purpose in life.
In essence, Holden Caulfield is a acceptable guy ashore in a bad world. He is aggravating to accomplish the best of his life, admitting ultimately accident that battle. Whereas he aims at adherence and truth, the developed apple cannot survive afterwards anxiety and lies. It is a attestation to his chastity and appropriate spirit that Holden would abode the assurance and able-bodied actuality of accouchement as a ambition in his lifetime. This serves to alone re-iterate the actuality that Holden is a affectionate character, a actuality of aerial moral ethics who is too anemic to aces himself up from a difficult situation. The affluence in the spirit J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye, abnormally of the vision, the compassion, and the amusement of the narrator takes an all-encompassing appraisal of how lost, lonely, and abashed boyhood can feel aback growing up. Although not all boyhood are apprenticed to the point Holden Caulfield is, abounding anticipate about active abroad and actuality their own person. Most, however, apparently do not appetite to run abroad and become a catcher in the rye. Who in their appropriate apperception would anytime appetite to do that?
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