What we best generally bethink from Virginia Woolf’s 1929 article A Allowance of One’s Own are her thoughts on absolute estate: “A woman charge accept money and a allowance of her own if she is to address fiction.” Yet Woolf additionally recommends article that’s beneath frequently cited, but no beneath important—a acceptable meal. She writes, “One cannot anticipate well, adulation well, beddy-bye well, if one has not dined well.”

As a affiliate of the modernist Bloomsbury Group—a accumulating of arch thinkers and artists of the aboriginal 20th century—Woolf actually dined well, adequate continued lunches abounding with abstract agitation and salade parisienne. While she active cooks, Woolf came to adore baking afterwards in life. Her specialty was a acceptable British double-layered cottage loaf. “She could accomplish admirable bread,” recalled baker Louie Mayer, who formed for Virginia and her husband, Leonard, during the aftermost years of Virginia’s life.
But Woolf’s adventure into the kitchen was complex. She additionally harbored antipathy for calm activity and the women who performed it. “She initially, like the accouchement of the chic she belonged to, would not access the kitchen,” says Francesca Orestano, a assistant of English abstract at the University of Milan, who has researched Woolf’s accord to cooking. According to Alison Light, whose book Mrs. Woolf and the Agents chronicles Virginia’s accord to calm labor, this contradiction—between absent to deliver herself from gender and chic hierarchies, while assiduity them—characterized abundant of Woolf’s activity and work. Light says Woolf’s absorption in affable acceptable sprang from a admiration to become independent—from patriarchy, from illness, and from a assurance on calm workers. “That’s partly why I anticipate she’s so blithesome and animated back she learns to baker simple dishes.”
This joy is credible in Woolf’s cottage loaf. “Cooked cafeteria today and fabricated a loaf of actually able bread,” she wrote in a letter. In a account entry, she acclaimed a baking triumph: “My aliment is actually expert!” Thanks to the recollections of Louie Mayer, we accept a almanac of Woolf’s baking process, admitting not a abounding recipe.
“In a way there’s annihilation appropriate about it—it’s aloof white aliment dough,” says Neil Buttery, a British aliment history writer. What is distinctive, however, is the loaf’s shape, consisting of a abate annular loaf ample on top of a beyond one, acceptable advised to aerate baking amplitude in acceptable shelfless British brick ovens.
Cottage loaf aboriginal showed up in cookbooks about the average of the 1800s—which, to Buttery, suggests that it was accepted at atomic 20 years earlier. Mrs. Beeton, a accepted Victorian cookbook author, prints an angel of the loaf in her 1861 Book of Household Management. But she doesn’t accommodate specific instructions on how to actualization it, suggesting that such ability was assumed. Today, the loaf can be difficult to acquisition in British bakeries and is the accountable of cogent nostalgia. Indeed, by the time Woolf started baking cottage loaf in the 1920s, the accretion adjustment of oil and gas stoves may accept already started apprehension it passé.
In adverse to her writing, for which she generally pushed herself to the point of breakdown—Woolf’s baking was a antecedent of simple pride. “I accept alone one affection in life—cooking,” she wrote in a 1929 letter to her lover Vita Sackville-West. “I assure you it is bigger than autograph these added than asinine books.”
Although she came to adulation baking, it’s actually accessible Virginia never watched anyone accomplish aliment as a child. Built-in in 1882 as Virginia Stephen, she grew up in a rambling, six-story Victorian abode with a ample family. Her mother, Julia Stephen, who died back Virginia was 13, embodied the Victorian ideal of the “angel in the house.” Julia didn’t baker herself. Instead, she did alms assignment and managed a aggregation of servants.
Basement kitchens represented affluent Victorians’ admiration to physically and socially apprehension the alive class. “The basement was the blaze of the house, area the servants—the alleged citizenry of the kitchen—toiled,” says Orestano. Aloof bodies hated the aroma of cooking, attempting to abstract themselves from this assurance of the belly activity that powered their comfortable lives. “You accumulate the agents and the ‘help’ separate; you don’t appetite them in your space,” Light says. “The aroma of the affable is affectionate of like the aroma of them: it’s too close, it has to be tidied away.”
As an adult, Woolf adherent pages of her belletrist and affidavit to animadversion about her cooks. She alleged her adept baker Nellie Boxall a “mongrel” with a “timid angry assistant mind.” She was generally awful to Nelly, with whom she had constant, affecting fights, both women aggressive to bisect the accord alone to afterwards accomplish up. Of course, the all-inclusive alterity of ability amid employer and calm artisan meant these were never according fights.

Woolf struggled to actually accede banal women’s altruism in her fiction, too. In the account “The Cook,” Woolf attempted to acrylic an compassionate account of a calm worker—but, in Light’s estimation, succeeded alone in repeating bathetic aloof stereotypes. “She capital to attending candidly at the things that generally repelled her—including banal women, who she wrote about in the best venomous, abhorrent way,” Light says.
When Virginia affiliated biographer Leonard Woolf in 1912, she could almost abscess an egg. Barbara Bagenal, a acquaintance who formed at Leonard and Virginia’s columnist press, declared a appointment to their home in the backward 1910s. “Virginia said that she did not apperceive what we could accept for supper because the woman who came in to baker for them was ill,” she wrote in a afterthought afterwards Virginia’s death. Back Bagenal said she could accomplish accolade eggs, “Virginia was afraid and said, ‘Can you actually baker accolade eggs?’”
While she couldn’t accomplish food, however, Virginia could actually adore it. In their aboriginal twenties, Virginia and her sister, Vanessa, confused abroad from aloof Hyde Park and set up abode in bohemian Bloomsbury. They fell in with their earlier brothers’ friends, the beginning Bloomsbury Group.
The Bloomsbury artful was a carnal acknowledgment to bathetic Victorian morals. Abounding of them were queer, with what we today would alarm accessible marriages. Virginia, for example, had assorted romances with added women, a actuality Leonard was accept with. And they admired to eat. “Despite a abstruse benightedness of all aspects of aliment preparation, the associates of the Bloomsbury Accumulation were the ‘foodies’ of their day,” writes Jans Ondaatje Rolls, columnist of The Bloomsbury Cookbook. The accumulation advantaged French recipes, like craven alarmist pâté and boeuf en daube, a Provençal beef bouillon that makes a adorable actualization in Woolf’s 1927 To the Lighthouse. Bloomsbury artists paid for the cooks they active to booty French comestible classes, and accurate French baker Marcel Boulestin in the conception of his eponymous London restaurant, a adaptation of which charcoal open.
The Bloomsbury Group’s expensive, catholic tastes were abundantly enabled by the racist bread-and-butter corruption of the British Empire. Virginia’s mother was built-in to a cardinal chic British ancestors in India; Leonard started his career as a colonial ambassador in what is now Sri Lanka. Colonial attitudes bled into Virginia’s writing, including her diaries, where, “She’s usually actually abandoned about added races, added ethnicities” besides white Christians, says Light. In fact, the Bloomsbury accumulation partly acquired their acclaim from an act of racism when, in 1910, Virginia and others dressed up in blackface and, claiming to be the “emperor of Abyssinia” and his retinue, talked their way assimilate a British argosy ship.
Meanwhile, alike as the Bloomsbury Accumulation lingered over their ballsy “painting lunches,” Woolf struggled with food. Since at atomic the age of 13, back she had a breakdown afterward the afterlife of her mother, Woolf accomplished brainy illness. Doctors alleged that affliction abounding absurd things—heart disease, rheumatism, alike influenza—but “neurasthenia,” a all-encompassing Victorian-era “disease of the nerves,” was the analysis that stuck.
We can’t apperceive the absolute origins and analysis of Woolf’s brainy illness. We do know, however, that she suffered from bouts of acute depression, generally ancillary with the achievement of a book; that she sometimes accepted what she alleged her “madness,” assertive it to be angry to creativity; and that she generally hated her condition, and attempted suicide on assorted occasions. We apperceive that as a child, Woolf was sexually abused by her half-brothers, a agony that she batten out about and that abounding of her critics—and alike biographers—dismissed.
And we apperceive that Woolf’s brainy bloom struggles were generally angry to food. Barbara Bagenal remembered a cafeteria in the backward 1910s back Woolf aback “began to cast the meat from her basin assimilate the table-cloth, acutely not alive what she was doing.” Sometimes, Virginia banned to eat annihilation at all. Leonard and added accompany “sat for hours on anniversary ancillary of her bed patiently persuading her to eat. They managed to spoon-feed her a little at a time, but sometimes she would hit the beanery away,” Bagenal wrote. “The best difficult and cutting botheration was to get Virginia to eat,” Leonard Woolf wrote later. “If larboard to herself, she would gradually accept fatigued to death.”
Virginia was never diagnosed with an bistro disorder, but Emma Woolf, for one—Virginia’s great-niece, and an columnist who has accounting about her own bistro ataxia and that of her great-aunt—says she recognizes it as anorexia. In acknowledgment to her struggles with food, Virginia’s ancestors beatific her to “rest homes” in the countryside, area she was affected to accretion weight and banned from account and writing.

Sometime in the 1920s, Virginia’s accord to affable changed. Assertive it to be acceptable for her health, “Leonard encouraged her to do a assertive bulk of calm work, such as cooking,” wrote the couple’s acquaintance Alix Strachey. Both Orestano and Light altercate that acquirements to baker was allotment of Woolf’s life-long adventure for independence. “I anticipate it’s allotment of a action of growing out of the strictures of her class,” Orestano says. The acceleration in oil and electric stoves, which replaced arduous coal- and wood-fired stoves, additionally fabricated kitchen assignment added acceptable for women who didn’t appetite to get their easily dirty. Back the Woolfs acquired an oil stove, Virginia was ecstatic. “I accept aloof bought a superb oil stove. I can baker anything,” she raved in a 1929 letter to Vita.
By the time Louie Mayer started alive for the Woolfs in 1934, Virginia was so accomplished at authoritative cottage loaf, she could advise Mayer. “I was afraid how complicated the action was and how accurately Mrs Woolf agitated it out,” Mayer afterwards wrote. “It took me abounding weeks to be as acceptable as Mrs Woolf at authoritative bread, but I went to abundant lengths practising and in the end, I think, I exhausted her at it.” It’s accessible Mayer was arena up Virginia’s ability in a affectation of chic deference—it’s frustrating, afterwards all, for a woman who’s aloof abstruse to baker to anticipate she can advise a woman who had adapted for a active for years. Regardless, Woolf’s simple faculty of ability was a far-cry from the Victorian prohibition on calm activity with which she’d developed up.
Around that time, Woolf’s belletrist to her lover Vita brimmed with comestible pleasure. “I’d like 3 canicule accomplishing annihilation but eat and beddy-bye at Continued Barn added than anything. An casual kiss on alive and amid meals,” Virginia wrote to Vita in June 1927 (Long Barn was Vita and her husband’s estate).
It’s a aching irony that, afterwards accepting accomplished some affinity of accord with food, Virginia Woolf died in 1941, during a aeon of rationing. World War II was raging, and the Nazi battery of London had assertive abounding that Nazi aggression was imminent. Leonard and Virginia, who were in a “black book” account of British dissidents the Nazis planned to annihilation (Leonard was Jewish; he and Virginia were both about antifascist), agreed that if England fell, they would both accomplish suicide. Aliment was so deficient that Virginia, who already had to be pushed to eat, acted about it. “Food became an obsession,” she wrote in her account at the time. “I accomplish up abstract meals.”
Woolf died by suicide on March 28, 1941. The Nazis had not invaded. Instead, she wrote Leonard a agenda advertence her suicide to her constant attempt with what she alleged “madness.” She larboard abaft a anatomy of groundbreaking feminist thought. Yet Virginia’s bequest is accompanying bedridden by her disability to affix her own liberation to that of banal women and women colonized by the British Empire.
Food and affable created a amplitude that challenged that gap, a amplitude in which Woolf was affected to apprentice from the women she overlooked. As abundant as Louie Mayer talks up her employer’s abilities with cottage loaf, for example, it’s acceptable that Woolf abstruse to accomplish the loaf from calm workers in the aboriginal place. Meanwhile, accomplishment in the kitchen accustomed Nellie Boxall, the baker whose ballsy fights with Virginia abounding Woolf’s diary, to accretion accessible recognition: Afterwards assuredly demography up assignment with a new family, she was featured alongside her beef compound in a 1936 oil stove advertisement. Woolf may accept been the acclaimed writer—but these banal women, too, were artists. “Food allows you to become an author,” says Orestano. “Food gives you authority.”
It’s fitting, then, that ultimately the best complete compound we accept of Woolf’s isn’t a comfortable boeuf en daube, but a cottage loaf. In a activity abounding with so abundant contradiction, there charge accept been article aboveboard and acceptable about baking that simple loaf of bread. Afterwards all, alike if she generally didn’t heed her own insight, Woolf knew that what prevents marginalized artists from accomplishing acceptance isn’t a abridgement of ability but a abridgement of nourishment. Virginia Woolf knew the accent of accepting one’s own shelter—and one’s own circadian bread.
If you or a admired one are experiencing thoughts of suicide, abutment is available. You can ability the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 24/7 by buzz or chat.
Adapted from Neil Buttery’s recipe. I additionally consulted Louie Mayer’s afterthought of Woolf’s address in Recollections of Virginia Woolf By Her Contemporaries and Elizabeth David’s account with Mayer in the 1977 English Aggrandize and Aliment Cookery.

3 cups aliment or advantageous flour1 ¾ teaspoon salt⅓ ounce or 3 teaspoon burning yeast1 ⅓ cups balmy water1 ¾ tablespoon ashen adulate or oil
1. Mix the flour, salt, and the aggrandize in a ample bowl. Accomplish a able-bodied in the centermost of the abrade and cascade the balmy baptize and adulate into it. Mix until a apart chef begins to anatomy and afresh accompany the chef calm with your hands.
2. On a agilely floured or bashed assignment surface, aerate the chef until it feels bound and adaptable beneath your hands, about 10 minutes. You can additionally aerate it with a chef angle on a mixer, about bristles minutes.
3. Roll the chef into a bound ball, put it in an bashed bowl, awning it, and leave it to acceleration until it doubles in volume. This can booty amid one and three hours depending on the temperature in your home. Generally, warmer temperatures accomplish chef acceleration faster; Louie Mayer larboard her chef to acceleration on an aerial basin rack.
4. Back ready, bite out the air and cut abroad a third of the dough. On a lightly-floured assignment surface, anatomy a brawl with the chef by affairs the abandon bottomward afresh tucking your easily beneath it, agee hardly to accomplish a bound ball. Repeat with the added allotment of dough.
5. Sit the baby loaf anon on top of the ample one. Then, abrade the aboriginal three fingers of one duke and attempt them through the chef until they hit your tabletop. Repeat one added time and your two pieces should be alloyed together. You can additionally accomplish a few slashes with a denticulate knife, about a division of an inch deep, about the top and basal loaves for a archetypal cottage loaf look.
6. Put the loaf on a baking tray and awning it with an chaotic bag or bowl. Leave it to acceleration afresh until it’s alert the size, but still adaptable to the touch. Elizabeth David recommends 10 minutes, and says it’s bigger for the cottage loaf to be hardly under-risen, rather than over-risen, in adjustment to advance its shape. If you see that your loaf has amorphous to angular alarmingly to one side, accord it a little nudge and get it beeline in the oven. Calefaction the oven to 420 degrees Fahrenheit.
7. Abode the loaf in the oven. Louie Mayer—and therefore, perhaps, Virginia Woolf—put the loaf anon into a air-conditioned oven. The bit-by-bit access in calefaction allows for accession acceleration and helps the loaf anatomy a nice crust. Bake for 30 to 40 minutes, or until the loaf has formed a golden-brown band and smells delicious. Don’t anguish if your top loaf leans to the ancillary like a airy hat—that’s how cottage loaves generally look, including in Mrs. Beeton’s 1861 cottage loaf illustration.
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