Dear Prudence is online account to babble alive with readers. Here’s an edited archetype of this week’s chat.

Jenée Desmond-Harris: Acceptable morning or afternoon depending on breadth you are, and acceptable to this week’s chat. Let’s get started.
Q. Runner-up: My bedmate afresh said article that I am award difficult to process. We were out one night and chatting (he had additionally had a bit to drink), and he blurted out “the adulation of my action is affiliated to addition else.” He was affiliated above-mentioned to me, for nine years, and we acquire been affiliated now for a year, calm for seven. Is this article I should attending past? I feel like he may still be acquisitive abroad for his antecedent wife (who has aback remarried, to her aerial academy sweetheart), and I feel like I am second-best, a alleviation prize, and that he has acclimatized for me but still has not gotten over her. I would like to anticipate I’m with addition who looks at me as their cardinal one. I’m not abiding if I should allocution to him about it.
A: I wonder, is this account acceptance of what you’ve continued been apprehensive based on the way he treats you, or did it absolutely appear out of nowhere? That makes a big difference. If you’ve been action day to day like he’s clearing for you and alleviative you as second-best, that’s a botheration that you would acquire capital to allocution to him about and accord with alike if you’d never had the acceptance of this bashed outburst. So you should absolutely acquire a babble now.
On the added hand, if his account absolutely abashed you and is adverse with a abundant accord in which he’s fabricated you feel admired and adored, the bearings is harder. To adjudge whether to allocution to him about this, I would ask you to try to adumbrate your animosity in altered outcomes to see which ones ability be applicable to you and which you’d absolutely appetite to avoid. For example, I can anticipate of a few accessible scenarios:
1) You adjudge not to accompany this up. Can you argue yourself that it was a bashed animadversion that was meaningless—or at atomic not affiliated to your circadian reality? Or will what he said abode you until you apperceive more?
2) You accompany it up and:
• He explains it away, for example, by saying, “What I anticipate I was action was that I still feel accusable about not actuality able to accomplish my aboriginal alliance work. I don’t adulation her anymore, but she was the adulation of my action and alive addition abroad could accomplish her blessed aback I couldn’t is a draft to my ego. I don’t anticipate about it a lot, but I assumption I got bashed and started cerebration about my failures in life.” Would you acquire it and be at peace? Or would you still anticipate “No, I’m second-best. You accepted it and there’s annihilation you can do to booty it back” and abide fatigued and unhappy?
• He admits that yes, he does accede his ex the adulation of his action but says he loves the accord you two acquire and wouldn’t change annihilation about it. Would you feel comforted by that or would it be a crisis?
• He admits that he’s still acquisitive for your ex and not blessed in your marriage. If this is what he says, are you able to end things—or acquire him acquire that he wants to?
Check in with yourself by apperception scenarios beneath No. 2. Would you feel devastated by this admonition or empowered by it? Could you handle it? If you didn’t acquire him, would you leave or would you break and be miserable? And if you chose book No. 1, could you go on like annihilation happened? Or would you be tortured? Absolutely brainstorm actuality in these situations and accomplish addendum to yourself. Does your accomplished anatomy feel tense? Does your centralized lie detector go off? Booty banal of what you anticipate would account you the atomic ache continued appellation and use that admonition to adjudge whether to sit him bottomward for a talk.
How to Get Admonition From Prudie:
• Accelerate questions for advertisement here. (Questions may be edited.)
• Join the alive babble Mondays at noon. Submit your questions and comments actuality afore or during the discussion.
Q. Your barren friend: My bedmate and I were both diagnosed with infertility beforehand this year. It’s been a difficult process, but we’re accomplishing our best to acquisition answers together.
As thirtysomethings, lots of our accompany acquire amorphous accepting kids. I acquire absolutely struggled captivation assorted affections at once: Joy for accompany who’re accepting the ancestors they want, and despair, jealousy, and annoyance that it’s not that simple for us. In particular, I’m accepting a adamantine time “being there” for accompany appropriate now. I acquire photo updates of their kids. Accompany aperture their frustrations about breastfeeding, abridgement of sleep, and the anarchy that a bairn brings. I acknowledge with acclaim over their beautiful babies, acquire to their frustrations, and bear dozens of freezer commons to altered friends. It’s the affectionate of abutment I achievement to have, should I anytime be advantageous abundant to become a mother. But it absolutely tears me up on the inside. I generally end up bawl aback I acquire argument updates about, “Baby’s aboriginal solid food.” Abundance announcements abort me.
I’ve anticipation about allurement accompany to abeyance sending photos/only accomplishing so aback asked, but I don’t appetite them to anticipate that I don’t appetite to be a allotment of their children’s lives. (I do! I’m aloof addition out what that looks like during this season.) And best of all, I anguish that if I cull aback my abutment now, afresh I won’t be able to ask for admonition should I charge it in the future. How do I appearance my abutment while attention my heart?
A: You’re accomplishing a ballsy job aggravating to be a acceptable acquaintance during an abundantly adamantine time. I tend to accede with your aptitude that you don’t appetite to cull aback child-related abutment or acquaintance absolutely because if we all abhorred updates from bodies whose lives fabricated us anxious aback we faced a attempt like infertility, divorce, illness, or the afterlife of a parent, it would be absolutely adamantine for us to advance able ties and absolute friendships. Tough times ebb and breeze and tend to hit best bodies eventually, and analysis from those who appear to be adequate a acceptable moment in an breadth of their action that isn’t action as able-bodied for you doesn’t acquire sustainable.
But I do anticipate there’s an befalling to assure yourself actuality and acquire far beneath babyish updates, and it starts with actuality absolutely accessible and cellophane to your accompany about what you’re feeling. You didn’t say what you’ve aggregate with them about your infertility, but I appetite to accomplish a case for actuality accessible about it—and the assessment it’s demography on you. It’s OK to say, “This has been really, absolutely adamantine for us and I get so anxious whenever I apprehend about addition else’s baby, because accepting a babyish is absolutely what I appetite and I don’t apperceive for abiding if I’ll anytime acquire it. I generally acquisition myself arrant aback I’m reminded of this, and I abhorrence action this way.” Appropriate now, they ability not apperceive that you’re accepting struggles, or they ability afield acquire that you can artlessly adjustment up a babyish like a pizza with the admonition of science. So it’s accessible they’re absolutely clueless about what a aphotic time this is for you. I anticipate already they know—and already they apperceive how out-of-the-blue babyish pictures agitated you—they will acceptable artlessly cull aback on chargeless updates. Of course, if they don’t, feel chargeless to accurately ask that they not bolt you off bouncer with babyish content. Let them apperceive that you do care, but you appetite to booty it in aback you’re in the appropriate accompaniment of mind, which agency you’ll aloof analysis out their amusing media or ask for pictures aback and if you feel ready. Attention yourself is the best important affair here, and absolute accompany won’t authority it adjoin you.

A hopeful aftereffect of this babble is that your accompany ability bethink that they’re not the abandoned ones action through an acute appearance of life, and they won’t aloof stop with the “baby’s aboriginal food” announcements—they’ll additionally alpha to ability out and action you the affecting abutment you so abominably need.
Q. Crazy cat lady: A few months ago, my bedmate and I adopted a kitten. We absurdly told everyone—friends, family, co-workers, classmates—about our new ancestors member.
Well, we had to rehome the cat. For some reason, she triggered my appealing astringent OCD (previous pets had consistently been a abundance to my anxiety, not a antecedent of it). I apperceive that acknowledgment to triggers can be ameliorative for OCD, and I tried, but I absolutely couldn’t function. I had no beddy-bye schedule, I fell far abaft at work, I’m already babyish and I absent 20 pounds in a ages from not eating. I acquainted attenuated and invaded 24/7. I admired my cat so much, and rehoming her was a affecting decision, but my bedmate and I both feel that it was the appropriate choice—for us and for her. She’s with a new ancestors now who is a bigger fit. And I’m action to accompany abundant added OCD analysis afore I anytime alike anticipate about pets afresh (let abandoned kids).
The botheration now is what to say aback bodies ask how our cat is doing. I don’t appetite to lie or complete callous, but I additionally don’t appetite to bang my OCD analysis around. Alike well-meaning woke bodies don’t absolutely get it; bodies don’t anticipate of OCD the aforementioned way they would a pet allergy. There’s such a huge stigma adjoin rehoming pets, and I don’t appetite bodies to anticipate I did this flippantly, with no attention for the cat’s well-being. But I additionally don’t appetite everyone—especially acquaintances and colleagues—to apperceive how unwell I generally am abaft bankrupt doors. What do I say, Prudie?
A: I anticipate you already said it perfectly. “I admired my cat so much, and rehoming her was a affecting decision, but my bedmate and I both feel that it was the appropriate choice—for us and for her. She’s with a new ancestors now who is a bigger fit” is a absolute answer. I couldn’t acquire accounting a bigger script, and any reasonable being would acquire that account afterwards too abounding questions. Honestly if you’d accustomed her aback to a shelter, I wouldn’t apperceive what to acquaint you—that would be a abundant added arguable best that absolutely would affect a lot of judgment, adequately or unfairly. But your cat is blessed in her new home and you’re in a bigger position to be healthy. Anyone who cares about you at all should bless this.
Q. Peer review: I’m a white woman in my 30s and a apprentice in a master’s affairs for ambitious accent educators. An Afro-Latina acquaintance about my age, whom I’ve had affable collaborations with but don’t absolutely apperceive otherwise, occasionally shares observations in chic about the cachet of what she calls “African American Vehicular English.” I affliction acutely about issues of authority as they chronicle to AAVE, and account for people’s adventures of their own language—especially a marginalized one—is a carefully captivated amount of mine.
But whenever this comes up, I can’t get the abstraction of “vehicular English” out of my head. Would it be out of band for me to accelerate her a accidental clandestine Zoom bulletin about the aberration amid “vehicular” and “vernacular” if this happens again? I feel like this catechism ability acquire a simple acknowledgment of “Of course, it’s a appropriate affair to do ” or “Mind your own business,” but I can’t amount out which one it is.
A: I absolutely angular against the “Mind your own business” advantage because you’re her classmate, not her professor, so it’s not your job to actual her. I can brainstorm how you apparently blench audition this aberration over and over, and may be afraid that she’ll abash herself. But it’s not harming anyone, and clearly, anybody knows what she agency aback she says it. I can’t brainstorm it will be too continued afore she has the befalling to see “African American Vernacular English” accounting out, or afore she types it in a amusing media cavalcade and is promptly adapted by 30 of her followers. So you can sit this one out in peace.
Q. Stuck at the starting line: I’m a added in my mid-60s. It’s been about four years aback my bedmate died and I would like to alpha dating again. I absolutely was complex with a guy for a brace years who I absolutely liked. He pursued me but afresh we had one of those hot and algid things. We had fun during the communicable but he’s backed off again.

So I’m accessible to alpha affair new people. My catechism is whether it’s OK for women to ask men out? I accede myself a feminist and it seems accessible to me, but one of my girlfriends anticipation it was able-bodied alfresco the norm. I ask because there’s a distinct guy I run into on and off. We consistently acquire absolutely acceptable conversations that acquire like they charge to stop afore we’re done. I’d like to ask him out but admiration if I should acquire his not allurement is a assurance he’s not interested. I apperceive I may get rejected, but I don’t appetite to alarm anyone.
A: You’re apparently appropriate that women accomplishing the allurement is acceptable a little beneath accepted for bodies in your generation, but I feel assured that affluence of men would adulation it, and the appropriate man for you absolutely would. If the distinct guy you consistently run into is afraid off by “Would you like to acquire coffee sometime?,” brainstorm how astern and arid he’d be in added areas of life. Go advanced and ask. And to accomplish it beneath scary, you don’t acquire to absolutely say “Would you like to go out with me?” or “I’d like to ask you on a date.” Aloof anticipate of an action you’d like to do and see if he’s absorbed in joining. Acceptable luck!
Q. Re: Your barren friend: I didn’t apperceive my acquaintance was disturbing with infertility until she asked me to abeyance updates about my son on the admonition of the therapist she was seeing. I affiance I was not offended.
A: I adulation the abstraction of adage (even if it’s a babyish white lie) that this is a therapist’s advice, to accomplish it beneath personal. And the accuracy is, letter writer, some bodies will be affronted that you’re not able to be as affianced as they’d like with the best agitative affair in their life. But I don’t anticipate those bodies are the affectionate of accompany you appetite continued term.
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Q. Sister is lying about our baby: My sister is 15 years earlier than me. She is bachelor and does not appetite or like children. We see anniversary added already a year during Christmas and rarely acquaint otherwise. Shortly afterwards my wife and I appear our pregnancy, my sister began autograph continued posts on Facebook about our pregnancy. My sister usually writes continued Facebook posts about her life, but these are baffling. One cavalcade said how animated she was that we absitively not to acquire an aborticide and backpack through with the pregnancy. (Our babyish was planned.) Addition talked about how aflame she was to biking across with our babyish aback we can’t allow to. (We can.) My sister and I are not close. We acquire no abstraction breadth she got these account from or why she is announcement them. I abreast asked her to stop announcement about our abundance and she wrote addition cavalcade about how we asked her to be the baby’s godmother. (We didn’t.) My sister aloof alleged me to advertise that she appointed a auberge allowance adjacent about our due date for three weeks. I was so abashed I aloof afraid up. We acutely do not appetite her around. How do I allocution to her about this in a way that won’t aftereffect in addition lie-filled Facebook post?
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