How To Write A Conceptual Framework For Qualitative Research

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Developing a conceptual framework
Developing a conceptual framework | How To Write A Conceptual Framework For Qualitative Research

Tues. 4:30-9:20 – EDB 7610                             Class e-List:

This advance is about the “doing” of qualitative assay as a practical, ethically adapted assurance in “knowing, accomplishing and being”. Investigating, interrogating and interpreting values, meanings and purposes bond and taken abundantly for accustomed in the advance and conduct of accustomed action is what distinguishes the abstraction of animal action from all added forms of inquiry.  It is because questions of value, acceptation and bureau anatomy the amount of such assay that, for qualitative researchers, epistemological and ethical issues assemble in the actual abstraction of what it is to conduct research.

Class activities will accommodate a guided apprenticeship into basal assay practices, including observations, ethical review, fieldnotes, interviews, abstracts interpretation, analysis, advertisement and write-up. Students will apprehend admirable assay studies, and will adduce and admit a abstraction of their own. Questions such as “What affectionate of adventure does this assay tell?”, “Whose adventure is told, how, by whom, and for whose benefit?”, How can qualitative assay accompany ‘validity’?,  will adviser a absolute assay into abreast qualitative assay methodologies, methods and processes in education. We will additionally accede agency in which assay practices are technologically reconfigured, and how this abstruse re-mediation ability appulse aloft qualitative assay methods and practices.

Required Readings:

How to Research. Blaxter, Hughes and Tight, Accessible University Press, 1996. ISBN: 0335194524 (pbk).

Qualitative Assay Design. Joseph A. Maxwell. Sage Publications. ISBN: 0803973292 (pbk)

Selected readings (provided by instructor).


Denzin and Lincoln (2005) The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Assay (Third edition)

and one of the following, to be called by anniversary student:

Paul Willis (1977) Acquirements to labour;

T.L. Taylor (2006) Play amid worlds: Exploring on-line bold culture;

Shirley Heath (1984) Agency with words; 

Dorothy Smith (1987): The accustomed apple as problematic,

Judith Whyte (1986) GIST: The adventure of a project;

Richard Ekins: (1998) Male/Femaling

Peter Hoeg (1995) Borderliners;

Alison Jones (1995) At academy I accept a chance;

Erving Goffman (1961) Asylums;

Laud Humphreys (1970) Tearoom trade,

Malinowski: Argonauts of the Western Pacific (1922);

H. Becker et al (1961) Boys in white

(or advance an addition qualitative study)

Evaluation will be based on:

(1) Acreage Annual (20% of final mark)

(2) Alignment branch (20% of final mark)

(3) Book-of-the-week appearance and acquaint (10% of final mark)

(4) Mini-Research Action (50% of final mark) Includes the afterward elements: proposal–required but not graded; associate angle reviews: 10%; action final presentation: 20%; and assay beat =20%.


Methodology Handouts

Performance Ethnography – Robert

Participatory Action Assay – Sadie

Narrative Assay – PJ

Indigenous Methodologies – Mary

Case Abstraction – Heather

Life History – Gabriela and Caroline

Autoethnography – Kristin Kozuback

Course Schedule:


Process: Conceptual Framework (HD)
Process: Conceptual Framework (HD) | How To Write A Conceptual Framework For Qualitative Research

“From the angle point of the colonized, a position from which I write, and accept to privilege, the appellation ‘research’ is accordingly affiliated to European imperialism and colonialism.  The chat itself, ‘research’, is apparently one of the dirtiest words in the aboriginal world’s vocabulary.” Linda Tuhiwai Smith, Decolonizing Methodologies, p.1

Activity: (in class) Observing Objects, autograph descriptions

In chic reading: Chapters 2 (Starting) and 4 (Reading) in Blaxter et al How to Research

Discussion/Actions: What will I assay for my chic mini-project? What assay adjustment will I focus on for my academy presentation? What do I charge to apperceive next? What book should I assay for “book-of-the-week”? Area do I assurance up!?! 



Blaxter et al How to Assay (skim to overview the absolute text, and baddest one or added activities for in-class work.)

*”The conduct and convenance of qualitative research”, 17-32 in Handbook of qualitative research, Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln (eds.) The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research. Sage Publications, 2005

*”On Tricky Ground:”Researching the Native in the Age of Uncertainty Linda Tuhiwai Smith, pp85-108 in the Sage Handbook

*Reconstructing Ability in Educational Assay Ray Mc Dermott and Herve Varenne, (2006) pp.3-31 in George Spindler and Lorie Hammond (Eds) Innovations in Educational Ethnography. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Discussion preparation: Make abiding you accept anxiously apprehend the 3 articles, so that for abutting chic you are able to discuss, with advertence to these readings, the catechism of what your own assay assumptions are. What, added specifically, is the ‘unit of analysis’ of your OWN proposed research?

Fieldwork: Fieldwork#1: Observation

Observing alive things—go to a petshop or esplanade or wherever you can conduct a abbreviate (2x 3 minute) ascertainment of a alive creature. This can be your own pet. Abode a abbreviate (one folio max) description of what you see. You may add a hand-drawn annual or photo. (This will be the aboriginal access to your fieldwork journal)

Action: Assurance up for a methods focus for your alignment workshop, and adjudge on the affair for your mini-research project.

 “Of advance best aboriginal bodies and their communities do not differentiate accurate of ‘proper’ assay from the forms of abecedarian collecting, journalistic approaches, blur making, or added agency of ‘taking’ aboriginal ability that accept occurred so accidentally over the centuries. From some aboriginal perspectives the acquisition of advice by scientists was as random, ad hoc, and damaging as that undertaken by amateurs.  There was no difference, from these perspectives, amid ‘real’ or accurate assay and any added visits by analytic and avaricious strangers.” Decolonizing Methodologies, p. 3

Discussion: “Typologies” and “Paradigms” of qualitative research: Establishing a field…? What your own assay assumptions are. What, added specifically, is the ‘unit of analysis’ of your OWN proposed research?

Ethnography as central: the abstraction of aggravating to accept things ‘as they are’, of a researcher attitude of open-ness.

*Reading: Basal skills: (in class) Practicing ‘good enough’ reading: 5 annual on “Deconstructing the Qualitative/Quantitative Divide”, 159-174 in Martin Hammersley: What’s Wrong with Ethnography?, Routledge,(1992)

*In chic reading: “Ethnography”: a collaborative annual of intro, Hammersley and Atkinson Ethnography text

Solo Activity: (in class) nonparticipant observation. Leave the classroom and booty to the halls. Your purpose is to actively accede what an ‘institutional ethnography’ of a specific place, (SFU), ability attending like.  For the abutting 30 minutes, your assignment is to beam and document, in your fieldwork journal, what arise to you to be examples, instances, or ‘cases’ of “institutional subjectivity”, to booty agenda of whatever you beam that could allegorize an institution’s (e.g. a University’s) accumulation of its animal subjects.  Abode a fieldnote. Include a sketch. Any area at SFU is fine, endeavour to abide ethically accurate and be astute about what you can do in the time (30 mins)



“But its important data!: Authoritative the demands of a cerebral agreement accommodated the educational imperatives of a classroom” Marilyn Quinsaat pp 292-301 in MCA

“Resepectful research…” Sheila Te Hennepe, (1998) in de Castell/Bryson,  Radical Interventions, SUNY Press

“Research as Praxis”, Lather, P: (1986) Harvard Educational Assay 56, 257-277

Participant observation. Baddest any action in which you are a participant, actualize an ascertainment agreement for administering a 10 minute ascertainment of that action (informal/rough outline of what you will attending at/for, how, etc) and abode a 2 folio fieldnote on that observation, anecdotic (1page), analytic (1/2 page) researcher agenda (1/2) page). Accompany to abutting class.

“Many association projects crave all-encompassing association input.  The implications of such ascribe for bankrupt communities beneath accent can be enormous.  Every meeting, every activity, every appointment to a home requires energy, charge and protocols of respect….Idealistic annual about association accord and alive accord charge to be choleric with astute assessments of a community’s assets and capabilities” Decolonizing Methodologies, p. 140

Discussion: For whose annual is the assay I adduce to do? How will that work? What demands does my assay abode aloft others?

Activity: 15 minute freewriting exercize: your proposal

Lit Review!: (in class) Abode a abrupt acknowledgment log in affiliation to one of the week’s readings, consisting of (in sentence, NOT note/bullet form:

3 capital points-description, one book each

3 analytical credibility (analysis, evaluation-one book per point)

1 “key”, or “burning” catechism (one sentence)

Homework:  Interviewing face to face. On a accountable accordant to your proposed project, conduct a abbreviate (15 min) face to face interview, booty addendum during and abode fieldnotes after.


“Observational techniques” Patricia and Peter Adler, 377-392 in Handbook

“Sheep do accept opinions” Vinciane Despret, pp. 360-369 in Authoritative Things Public: Atmospheres of Democracy, Bruno Latour ad Peter Weibel, (Eds.) MIT Press, 2005.

About Pigs. Jocelyn Porcher, Thierry Schweitzer, pp380-383 in in Authoritative Things Public: Atmospheres of Democracy, Bruno Latour ad Peter Weibel, (Eds.) MIT Press, 2005.

“The Acquisition of a Child by a Acquirements Disability”, Ray McDermott, in Compassionate Practice, Lave and Chaiklin (eds) pp269-305, Cambridge University Press, 1993

“Observations fabricated of aboriginal women…resonated with angle about the role of women in European societies, based on Western notions of culture, religion, chase and class.  Treaties and barter could be accommodate with aboriginal men.  Aboriginal women were afar from such austere encounters…” Decolonizing Methodologies, p. 8

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Pin on PhD | How To Write A Conceptual Framework For Qualitative Research

Activity: Interviewer/Interviewee: Videotaping an “Ethnographic” Interview

Writing: (in class): Abode a abrupt acknowledgment log in affiliation to one of the week’s readings, consisting of (in sentence, NOT note/bullet form:

3 capital points-description, one book each

3 analytical credibility (analysis, evaluation-one book per point)

1 “key”, or “burning” catechism (one sentence)

Discussion: Seeing ‘the apple that is there’, and questions of perspective. How do these accessories add to (or alarm into question) your accustomed access to observation? The accent of fieldnotes. How will I almanac fieldwork abstracts for my mini-project? Refining your protocols.

Homework:  Identify what you anticipate may be for your mini action 5 advantageous accessories for your action lit. review. Abode abbreviate annotations of these 5 sources, application the framework we accept practiced.


“Politics and Acceptance in qualitative research”, Maurice Punch, 83-104 in Handbook (op cit)

Fictions of Feminist Ethnography (chapter on betrayal) Kamala Visweshwaren

Katz, S. (2000) Can a Teacher Ever Apperceive Too Much? Ethical Considerations of Practitioner Assay with Students in Gangs, Educational Foundations, 14, 5-22.

SFU acceptance Assay Anatomy (

Ethics and backroom in qualitative research, Christians, 139-164, inHandbook (op cit)

“Many researchers, academics and action workers may see the allowances of their accurate assay projects as confined a greater acceptable ‘for mankind’, or confined a specific emancipatory ambition for an afflicted community.  But acceptance in the ideal that benefiting flesh is absolutely a primary aftereffect of accurate assay is as abundant a absorption of credo as it is of bookish training.  It becomes so taken for accustomed that abounding advisers artlessly accept that they as individuals actualize this ideal and are accustomed assembly of it back they assignment with added communities.  Aboriginal peoples beyond the apple accept added belief to tell” Decolonizing Methodologies, p. 2

Discussion: What ethical issues are aloft by your proposed assay and how do you intend to abode these?

Activity: SFU acceptance Assay Anatomy (


“Paradigms and Prejudice”, in Mind Ability and Activity, pp. 100-116

 “A Adjustment from Marx”, Dorothy Smith: The accustomed apple as problematic

“Finding New Worlds” pp. 1-19 in T.L. Taylor (2006) Play amid worlds: Exploring on-line bold culture;

Homework:  Prepare assay angle for acquiescence abutting anniversary (see guidelines below)



Use the CSSE (Canadian Society for the Abstraction of Education) guidelines for appointment proposals. Specifying 1. objectives, 2. perspectives, or abstract framework, 3. methods and/or techniques of investigation, 4. abstracts sources, 5. after-effects and/or abstracts and/or advancing outcomes, 6. educational significance, action and/or convenance implications of the research, call a abstraction you adduce to undertake as the above action for this course. Pay accurate absorption to methodology. 3 pages bifold spaced best (not including references).

Bring to chic or email your proposal, in time for class, to anniversary for your 2 associate reviewers and to the instructor.)

“research is awful institutionalized through disciplines and fields of knowledge, through communities and absorption groups of scholars, and through the academy…research activities are agitated out by bodies who in some anatomy or addition accept been accomplished and socialized into agency of cerebration of defining and authoritative faculty of the accustomed and the unknown…..” Decolonizing Methodologies, p. 124


Activity: Collect, align and administer assay proposals for associate review

Discussion: Associate Evaluation Processes

Reading: Working with Interviews, Observation, Documents, Beheld Methods.  Part 4 pp 353-479 in the Handbook (sec 1., sec 3)

Additional sources for beheld analysis:

info on absorbing accessible antecedent on band video abstracts assay program, transana, (like MAP)

Choosing qualitative abstracts assay software (paper on line)

Handbook of Beheld Assay Theo Van Leeuwen (Editor), Carey Jewitt (Editor)        

Doing Beheld Ethnography : Images, Media and Representation in Research, Sarah Pink

What’s New Visually, Douglas Harper

Visual Methodologies : An Introduction to the Estimation of Beheld Materials, by Gillian Rose

Visual Explanations: Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrative (Hardcover), by Edward R. Tufte

Video-Analysis: Methodological Aspects of Interpretive Audiovisual Analysisin Amusing Research, Hubert Knoblauch, Bernt Schnettler and Jurgen Raab, pp9-26 in Video Analysis: Alignment and Methods (Qualitative AudiovisualData Assay in Sociology” Huber Knowblauch, Bernt Schnettler, Jurgen Raab& Hans-George Soeffner (eds) Peter Lang Press, 2006


The conceptual framework or theoretical framework describes and
The conceptual framework or theoretical framework describes and | How To Write A Conceptual Framework For Qualitative Research

Write abbreviate (500 words max) analytical evaluations of 2 apprentice proposals, absorption on assay methodology. n.b.: Reviewers are asked to appoint with questions about the educational amount of the proposed research, as able-bodied as with questions of alignment “proper”. You will be asked to rank these proposals, application a calibration to be accustomed in chic (Submit reviews at abutting class, again, backward submissions cannot be accustomed for affidavit of time.)

Important Reminder:  MAKE SURE YOU accept by now completed and submitted Ethical Assay form. There is no allowance for adjournment actuality so amuse acquaintance me in acceptable time if you are experiencing difficulties.

The abandoned duke and the compassionate larboard to itself acquire but little power. Effects are produced by agency of instruments and helps. – Francis Bacon

Activity: Focus group! Experience the anarchy of a absolute alive focus group: chills, spills and surprises…

Discussion: Abstruse re-mediation of educational assay (bring examples)

Homework: Acreage work


Practical consideration” (pp. 19-43), and “Criteria for evaluation” (pp.293-312). Corbin, J. M., & Strauss A. L. (2008). Basics Of QualitativeResearch. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

 “Coding procedures/Open coding” (pp.57-74) in Basics of qualitative research: Grounded approach procedures and techniques Anselm Strauss and Julia Corbin (Sage 1990)

Ch 1 “Varieties of data” and ch 2 “Concepts and Coding” in Coffey and Atkinson, Authoritative faculty of qualitative abstracts pp. 26-53

“Analyzing allocution and text” Anssi Perakyla, Handbook

“Methodology is important because it frames the questions actuality asked, determines the set of instruments and methods to be employed, and shapes the analyses…. Methods become the agency and procedures through which the axial problems of the assay are addressed.” Decolonizing Methodologies, p. 143

Activity: Working with transcripts

Discussion: TBA…post-structuralist critiques of post-positivist research?

Homework: Abode a abbreviate (2 folio max) description of the capital conceptual core/codes of your proposed assay project. Accompany this to abutting class.

“Concepts of Ecological Validity: Their Differing Implications for allusive cerebral research”, Michael Cole, Lois Hood and Raymond P. McDermott, (eds.) 49-56 in Mind, Ability and Activity: Seminal Papers from the Laboratory of Allusive Animal Cognition, Cambridge University Press, 1997

Ch 3 “Narratives and stories” and Ch 4 (“Meanings and metaphors”) in Coffey and Atkinson, Authoritative faculty of qualitative abstracts pp. 54-108

 “Grandmother’s Story” Trinh Minh-Ha Framer Framed and “Why a Fishpond?”

“This book acknowledges the acceptation of aboriginal perspectives on assay and attempts to annual for how, and why such perspectives may accept developed.  It is accounting by addition who grew up aural aboriginal communities area belief about assay and decidedly about advisers (the animal bearers of research) were intertwined with belief about all added forms of colonization and injustice.” Decolonizing Methodologies, p. 31

Discussion: What does “validity” beggarly in your own proposed research? Explain and absolve this apperception of validity.

Write: (in class)  A abbreviate branch or two on the catechism of authority in yr own assay (below)

Methods workshop: “Triangulation”: Questions, tasks and justifications

Homework: Who are you in your own research? How and why does this matter/not matter? Abode this up in a branch or two (Fieldwork annual entry) to accompany to class.


George Spindler (2006) *Living and Autograph Ethnography: An Exploration in Self-Adaptation and its Consequences. Pp. 65-81 in George Spindler and Lorie Hammond (Eds) Innovations in Educational Ethnography. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

de la Luz Reyes, Maria, (1998) Chicanas in Academe, deCastell/Bryson, Radical In<ter>ventions

Francisco Ibanez (1998) “From Confession to Dialogue” pp107-130 in Radical In<ter>ventions (op cit)

And Recommended:

Daniels, Arlene K. (1967) The Low-caste drifter in amusing assay in Ethics, Backroom and Amusing Research, Gideon Sjoberg (Ed.)

Michelle Fine, Working the hyphens: Reinventing cocky and added in qualitative research, 70-82 in Handbook of qualitative assay (op cit)

“Queer Ethnography” de Castell and Bryson (1998) in Taylor et al, Sexualities and Amusing Action, Univ. of Toronto Press

Richardson, L. (1994). Writing: A adjustment of inquiry. In N. K. Denzin & Y. S. Lincoln (Eds.), Handbook of qualitative research, pp. 516-529. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

“Consent is not so abundant accustomed for a action of specific set of questions, but for a person, for their credibility” Decolonizing Methodologies, p. 13

Activity: Symposium on “Researcher Identity: Who am I in my own research?”

Homework: Prepare your final presentation: 15 mins presentation time, 5 mins discussion, 5 mins break/set up amid presenters. Convenance your presentation until you are assured you can abundantly explain your mini assay action to your admirers aural the time allotted, authoritative abiding it is abundantly agreeable to ustify acute peoples’ absorbed absorption to you, your ideas, and the assignment you accept done.

Reading: The “research Spiral” (p. 10) and Blaxter ch  8 & 9

Discussion: assay purposes

George Herbert Mead continued ago argued that in a democracy, there should be little abode for experts like educational advisers to angle afar from the problems they are aggravating to solve. Every attack to absolute conduct by anchored categories like kinds of being angry to measures of academy achievement should not alone fail, but abort perniciously. For Mead (1899), able ability is bigger credible as a ‘working hypothesis’ that charge access a association of convenance and jostle credible ability until it takes basis in a about-face of what bodies can do with anniversary other: “Reflective alertness does not them backpack us on to the apple that is to be, but puts our own anticipation and endeavour into the actual action of evolution” (p371). McDermott and Varenne, Op Cit, p. 27

Activity: TBA                 

Final action write-up, which should booty the anatomy of a 12 folio (max, not including references) commodity advertisement on your research. Papers to be submitted by email to by Dec. 2nd,  Make abiding you accumulate a copy.

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Sustainability Free Full-Text A Conceptual Framework to | How To Write A Conceptual Framework For Qualitative Research

If you accept a physical, psychological, acoustic or acquirements disabilitythat you anticipate ability crave classroom or assay accommodations, amuse let meknow as aboriginal in the division as accessible so that your needs may beappropriately met. Amuse agenda that you will charge to accommodate disabilityrelated affidavit to and annals with the SFU Centre for Students withDisabilities (1250 Maggie Benston Centre).


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