Last month, Ashley Gjovik was accursed from her chief affairs administrator position at Apple. Now, she’s aloof completed midterms during her final year of law school.

As she advised for her activity law exam, Gjovik told Insider that she noticed the “unlawful examples” mentioned in her arbiter were “nearly identical to agreement in Apple’s agent policies.”

Gjovik said that led her to book complaints with the National Activity Relations Board on Tuesday in which she alleges that Apple’s anti-leaking attitude and austere agent handbook violates US activity laws.
Apple did not anon acknowledge to Insider’s appeal for comment.

The aboriginal complaint references an email CEO Tim Cook reportedly beatific to agents aftermost month. In it, he wrote that “people who aperture arcane advice do not accord here,” the filing says. One day later, the email was leaked to The Verge.
“I appetite to assure you that we are accomplishing aggregate in our ability to analyze those who leaked,” Cook reportedly wrote. “As you know, we do not abide disclosures of arcane information, whether it’s artefact IP or the capacity of a arcane meeting.”

Gjovik emphasized that while there are IP laws attention a company’s arcane artefact information, attached altercation about agent affairs potentially prevents workers from communicating about abode concerns, a appropriate adequate by the NLRB.
The filings, which were acquired by Insider, additionally adduce that several rules categorical in Apple’s agent handbook breach US activity laws. The guidelines listed in the complaint bind Apple advisers from speaking with reporters, absolute co-workers’ compensation, and application “vulgar” accent on amusing media.

“This seems like one of the best axiological changes that charge to appear to accredit abode and agent acclimation at Apple,” Gjovik said. “If bodies are abashed that they can’t allocution to anniversary added about assignment altitude or allocution to a activity advocate about assignment altitude – a abutment couldn’t alike activate to organize.”
How To Write A Complaint Email Against An Employee – How To Write A Complaint Email Against An Employee
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