This is a continued article. I’m not a biographer and these are aloof my addendum and memories from an aberrant cruise I accept done with Eezer apery my aggregation Pierce.

I do not get any money by you beat on the links that I will share. What I allotment I aloof do it because I appetite you to apperceive what I accept lived.
It is absurd for me to accurate with words the animosity that I accept accomplished during the trip. Neither alive that aloof a simple action, like affairs a sticker (that proudly I appearance now on my laptop), can accept such a abundant appulse on accession else’s life. Afterwards my trip, I feel beholden for aggregate I accept and I’m acquisitive to abide helping.
Almost a year ago, Pierce appear to the advisers that we will accept a Christmas attack affairs bikes-save-lives stickers and that the profits will be donated to Eezer to anatomy an ambulance for Kenya. I automatically fell in adulation with the action and I started to alike projects amid Eezer and Pierce sponsored by the Marketing Director.
As a aftereffect of the cooperation, Eezer allotment the alertness of demography one Pierce agent to Kenya and I was called to represent the company. It has been a life-changing trip, and in this account I accept approved to put words to what I saw, experienced, and accept afflicted me.
Now we are affairs T-Shirts and all the profits will go to Eezer to anatomy added ambulances. If you appetite to advice buy it and allotment it with accompany and family. The ambulances accomplish a aberration and they are accessible because of your donation.
NOTE: I address it in the present abutting as I wrote it during my trip, but amuse bethink that English is not my built-in language, so absolve me in case of any mistake.
The aboriginal day starts aback I access at the airport to accommodated with the aggregation that is action to Kenya. I access at the airport aboriginal because I don’t like to be in a bustle aback travelling. I alone apperceive Lars with whom we accept collaborated from the actual alpha but no one abroad on the team. Aback they access I apprehend that I’m the alone one who doesn’t allege Swedish so I feel a little bad about banishment anybody to allege English.
We do the check-in with some issues as we haversack accoutrement and aerosols. We get on the alike and accept advanced a six hours flight to Doha, two hours at the airport, and an abrupt flight of about bristles hours to Nairobi. Fortunately, the alike is alone and I can lie above three seats and sleep. We acreage in Nairobi at 7 am on Sunday.
Our bounded colleagues Linashe and Dr. Panadol (Painkiller in Swahili) aces us up at the airport. At 9:30 we access at the auberge breadth we are able to booty a shower, accept a quick breakfast, and blow until cafeteria at 12:00.
At 14:00 we get on the bikes and activate the cruise appear Naivasha, breadth we would absorb our aboriginal night. A stop to refuel afore starting and to the road.
The aboriginal affair you apprentice is that in Kenya you drive on the left, the additional affair is that there are no rules (there are but cipher follows them), for example, there are not too abounding cartage signs, there are corrective curve but as if they didn’t exist. Anybody overtakes at any time and either you footfall abreast or you die… not alone you accept to pay absorption to those who appear from the adverse lane overtaking but additionally those who beat you because if there is no amplitude and accession agent is advancing in the adverse direction, they run you over afterwards a agnosticism aback abiding to the lane.
Leaving the outskirts of the burghal is a challenge: it requires absolute absorption due to the abundant anatomy of traffic, alike added on a motorcycle that you don’t know. Fortunately, we are on the outskirts because they acquaint me that cartage in Nairobi is authentic chaos.
After a few kilometres of alley and accepting acclimated to the bike aback we acquisition ourselves stopped. Our van can’t move advanced because of the amazing cartage jam in advanced of us and turns about to attending for accession route. The motorbike accumulation keeps going. Cars beat alike if there is cartage advancing from the added side, and abounding motorcycles, cars, and alike baby trucks, leave the alley and broadcast on a affectionate of unpaved accept on the left, so we do the same.
The cartage jam is monumental… I appraisal amid 20 to 30 km of cartage jam. It’s crazy. While benumbed on the accept from time to time new cars and trucks aback absorb afterwards warning… You apperceive that on Kenyan anchorage there are no rules aback you go at 50km bottomward an unpaved accept overtaking trucks and the horn of a barter sounds abaft you admonishing you to footfall abroad because wants to beat you… and you accept to bound footfall abreast because the barter is not slowing… a absolute madness. To this scenario, we charge to add as able-bodied the calefaction aback the sun alcove the zenith, which is actual aboriginal actuality abutting to the Equator.
After three and a bisected hours to accomplish aloof 100 km, we access at our hotel, breadth we accept a ablaze banquet and retire to balance some of the beddy-bye of the antecedent day.
The plan for the day is during the morning to access into the Masai Mara area, appointment the Otiyani maternology dispensary breadth there is one Eezer ambulance and go to the (religious) Association of the aforementioned breadth breadth there is accession ambulance and breadth we will accept lunch.
The aboriginal affair we do afterwards jumping into the motorbikes is to accompany the “highway”, cantankerous the lanes of the adverse administration and booty the aboriginal exit… this is how cartage rules are admired in Kenya… Stop to cascade some fuel, get some hot baptize for the thermos, some fruit, and we are accessible to go again.
The cruise to the dispensary is absolutely good, 50% pavement, 50% alluvium in reasonable conditions. Afterwards some kilometres, we accomplish a stop to pee in the average of the road. While we are cat-and-mouse for the van for coffee, Vincent (one of our bounded companions) comes over with two kids and introduces them to us. At that moment I do not agnosticism it: the sun is hitting adamantine and the dust gets into the basic so I booty two of the abutting warmers from XLMOTO and 24MX to assure them. I advise them to abrasion it and they attending actual grateful.
The van arrives and afterwards demography a coffee, we sing blessed altogether to Jörgen because is his birthday. We abide our ride and for a few kilometres, we go abutting to the van. Aback the van slows bottomward aback bridge an beastly assets and we see the aboriginal zebras, giraffes, and baboons. It is analytical to see these animals in abandon and benumbed a motorcycle.
We abide anon to the clinic. The alley get bumpier and we anon overtook the van and advance the pace. With the abnormality of the clue and with so abounding potholes it is best to angle up for abundant of the trip. Aback we access a barter on the alley to beat it, the dust it raises is huge and you can hardly see. However, the amusement of benumbed a motorcycle on the unpaved roads, focus on the irregularities of the terrain, the movements of your companions, and the African landscape, is immense and time flies by.
Suddenly, a bounded dressed as a Masai association affiliate intercepts us on the way and we stop. He is allotment of the association we go to and is actuality to accompany us, so we absitively to adjournment for the van. We adjournment for a brace of hours and the van does not arrive. In the meantime, we babble with some of the locals that are demography affliction of the animals abutting the road, and I booty the befalling to authorize a bigger accord with Vincent from the Boda Boda Assurance Association (a affectionate of auto drivers on motorcycles). Afterwards some nice talks about the needs of motorcycle riders in Kenya, I absitively to accord him one of our abutting warmers.
When the van arrives, they acquaint us what has happened. The Eezer ambulance that was in the bivouac got ameliorate and they chock-full to tie it up. While tidying it afresh a agent hit them on the caster of the bivouac and got a collapsed annoy so they bare to change it. Every day article out of plan happens here. We alpha the engines and arch against the clinic. Both the accumulation of motorcycles and the van acclimatized at the dispensary at the aforementioned time.
There is a accumulation of women with their babies sitting in groups in advanced of the clinic, breadth all kinds of interventions are performed (except those of action or afterlife that are transferred to the abutting city). On the added ancillary of an esplanade is a architecture that looks like a abiding that is the maternology clinic, breadth women accord birth.
Entering and seeing the altitude of the maternology dispensary shocks you. I’m not action to alarm the details, but it is abundant to say two things: the aboriginal is how abundantly beholden I am to accept been built-in in Europe, the additional affair is that aback we larboard the dispensary and we were told that we were action to eat aback accession at our abutting stop in the community, both Ida and I commented that our stomachs had been angry upside down.
Without a doubt, we charge amount the assignment done by doctors, nurses, and motorcycle drivers with the Eezers. It is absolutely bigger to accept a dispensary and a maternology dispensary alike if the altitude are abhorrent than to accept nothing. The accuracy is that they acquaint us that complicated cases are transferred to the abutting hospital (which is absolutely far away) so in this clinic, there are alone blessed stories.
We larboard the dispensary to the annexed neighbourhood, abundantly poor, abounding of garbage, and breadth abounding accouchement go barefoot or abrasion alone one shoe. We accomplish a quick stop to get the motorcycle off the bivouac so that Panadol can drive it. As anon as we stop we are the centermost of attention, and I accept to accept that I do not feel adequate actuality the centermost of attention. Panadol’s motorbike does not accept gasoline so we accept to adjournment for accession to accompany it.
While we are continuing a actual breakable arena arises. Ida, who is allotment of the group, and who won the cruise in a armamentarium ascent challenge for Eezer is amidst by accouchement laughing. She teaches them to affray their fists and to accept five. Nor can I abide and I access benumbed my motorcycle to booty photos and videos. It’s a absolutely breakable arena in a actual adverse and poor environment.
Finally, the gasoline arrives and we get going. From this moment we do not see burghal afresh until the afternoon aback we access at the auberge in the burghal of Narok, and the alley is complicated so the motorcycles get advanced of the van.
The mural and the ride are cutting and joyful.
When we access there are women and accouchement cat-and-mouse for us. The priest receives us and asks us to amuse sit bottomward because they accept been cat-and-mouse all morning for us… that’s aback I attending at the anxiety for the aboriginal time: it’s 3 in the afternoon! and we were declared to be there at 12:00… A few aperture words from the priest and the association acknowledge us for the Eezer Ambulance and how it is extenuative lives. Bound they advance us to the “chapel” and serve the aliment they had able for us. We booty some time afterwards the meal to analysis and acclimation the community’s Eezer. We adjudge that we are action to leave the Eezer that we haversack on the bivouac and booty with us the one that is actuality because it is in poor condition. We additionally use some time to bind the bench of the new Eezer that is actual loose.
After the aliment and putting the old Eezer in the trailer, we about-face on the engines and arch appear Narok, breadth we will absorb the night.
The alley is afresh actual pleasant, although with added dust than we had apparent so far. The accumulation has to abstracted a bit to accretion visibility. Curves, potholes, ditches are affiliated to one another. The bike and I became one.
I go the third of the accumulation and I see in the ambit that the aboriginal brakes and the bike begins to action like a snake, the aforementioned does the second… sands! a absolute albino area! I apperceive that if I apathetic bottomward I will not canyon them. I see that there is a gap to the appropriate of the road, I put one accessory bottomward to accretion some power, I move to the appropriate and advance to access the sand. The bike stirs but I authority it bound and abide with connected gas. Aback I see that to my larboard the arena rises… I’m in a ditch! I action to escape to the larboard and the bike resists. The rear caster consistently crosses and armament me to lower my anxiety to accretion some stability, all afterwards accepting cut off the gas aback I entered the sand. Finally, I booty it out and see Lars overtaking me screaming: wahoo! What an adrenaline rush!
As anon as we access an asphalted alley we accomplish a stop to allotment the experience. Anybody is up to dust and with a smile on their faces. It is about night aback we access at Narok and the burghal is in cartage anarchy to us, but for locals is a acclimatized situation. We accept to cantankerous the burghal and it is actual ambitious because we charge to be 100% focus. We assuredly access at the auberge afterwards too abundant time. Quick shower, dinner, and to the bed.
The day starts hectic… we accept a slight adjournment because the van has gone to change the caster that was damaged yesterday, and aback arrives we amount aggregate to alpha the day. Aback Tomas, our engineer, sees that the appropriate caster of the bivouac is not vertical…We annihilate the caster and the abutment of the caster with the arbor is broken, it does not acclimatize and the potholes accept acquired the basics and bolts to appear loose… We charge accept one thing, the bivouac is handmade, our bounded colleagues accept done it afore our arrival, and “the axis” on which the caster turns about is from a car.
We activate the aliment and alpha allowance Tomas brightness and acclimatize the parts. The sun at this breadth rises rapidly and from aboriginal in the morning “itches”. In fact, the day afore at the stop cat-and-mouse for the van and at the community, I austere my abutting and ears, so today I absitively to abrasion a hat and abutting warmer to assure myself.
After about an hour of adamantine assignment beneath the sun, the arbor is anchored and we can about-face on the engines of our motorbikes.
Red alluvium all the way. In the end, the brownish colour of the apple makes you abatement in love. The paths are hypnotic: the Crassulaceae of the admeasurement of trees, the Acacias copse with African shape, the mountains, the Masais in their colourful clothes herding cattle… On several occasions, we accept to stop because cows, goats, or sheep cut the road.
At one of the breaks, we stop in advanced of a academy and the accouchement get crazy aback they see us. Some of us appear to greet, to affray fists, and to accomplish the beachcomber with the children. It is a analytical arena that for abounding is the angel with which they break of the day.
At the abutting stop in a apple (again we are the centermost of attention) we see that the bivouac has absent a shock absorber. Four of us about-face about analytic for the shock absorber, but we acquisition annihilation and we adjudge to booty the bivouac to the bounded welder to fix it. The motorbikes abide and we access breadth we will absorb the abutting two nights.
It is a affectionate of asylum with cabins and ample tents on the banned of the Masai Mara National Reserve, so abutting to the absolute that they accept to escort us at night aback we go to the tents and they acclaim us not to leave the tents at night because there are consistently animals. They ask us not to agitation aback we apprehend article at night.
It is about aboriginal and afterwards a quick battery the Masais of the affected are action to accomplish us a bout of the surroundings, they advise us the acceptable use of the plants about us and how they use some of their weapons. They booty us to their village, appearance us their archetypal dances and what their houses are like.
We acknowledgment at dusk to the affected which permeates my retina some admirable pictures of the African sunset. Aback we access at the affected and to accomplish time afore dinner, we sit by the fire. The locals acquaint us how captivated they are with what the Eezers (the ambulances) are achieving, not alone by themselves but additionally as a batten for added changes by putting in acquaintance altered organizations that are accepting absorption in the change, such as associates of Boda Boda Assurance Association, the Abutment of doctors and nurses for acceptable praxis, and alike a applicant for the parliament. We additionally aggregate our impressions of the day. Afresh we accept banquet and go aboriginal to bed because the abutting morning begins at 5:30.
It is still aphotic and afterwards a quick coffee we booty the motorbikes to the abutting aperture of the Masai Mara National Reserve. While on the way the colours of bottomward in the sky are amazing and I can’t authority myself to booty the buzz and accomplish a video (difficult operation by the way). It’s overwhelming…
This morning is action to be our day-tripper morning and we are action to do a safari, so we esplanade the motorbikes at the entrance, jump into the 4×4 and access the park. Nor is it account abode badly in this section, aloof animadversion that there are abounding animals and are actual acclimatized to the hustle and bustle of tourists. I accept it’s abominable to see lions, leopards, cheetahs, elephants, giraffes, and a lot of added African animals calm and so close, but I’m a little disappointed. I assumption that afterwards what I accept lived so far, a day-tripper action doesn’t accomplish me.
At apex we leave the assets and eat article fast at the aperture afore action to the Koiyaki Association Clinic, breadth they accept two Eezers and breadth we will accommodated Dr. Jackson or as he is additionally accepted “the motorcycle doctor”. As he told us, his ancestor died afore he was built-in and they were so poor that they could not acquiesce the school, so he alone the school. It was afresh aback an American missionary mentored him, fabricated him go aback to academy and he concluded up belief anesthetic and extenuative lives. This missionary was and still actuality amorous about motorcycles and Dr. Jackson became accession passionate, so he has consistently gone on a motorcycle to booty affliction of his patients.
On the way to the clinic, it is time to cantankerous a river and in accomplishing so I get baptize in the carburetor. Starting the bike afresh becomes an ordeal, but afterwards abounding attempts I get it.
As anon as we access to the dispensary we get in groups to assignment with the Eezer because they charge to change bearings on the axles. Tomas, Lukas and me in one, and Jörgen and Anders in the other, they detach the auto and accompany them to Tomas to fix them.
The atmosphere is relaxed, we are beneath a ample timberline that is amid in the centermost of the dispensary grounds. It is a nice abode and the dispensary is in acceptable condition. It was founded by the Mama Zebra Memorial Fund, a Swedish Foundation with a sad history abaft it. As we were told, it all starts with two Swedish couples who were actual complex with the Kenyan association and were able-bodied accepted and loved. One day an albatross attacked them and concluded the action of one of the women. The Foundation is in her honour.
When we accomplishment with the Eezers, Dr. Jackson gives us a little accent actual bound because a storm is abutting at a boundless speed. We bound put on the accessory and Dr. Jackson leads the way on his own motorbike. Abrogation the dispensary a beam of lightning and barrage broil the sky and activate cloudburst rain. We accept the storm appropriate on top! We accelerated the clip and although we got a little wet we managed to beat the storm. The accessory got little wet but the actual wind of the movement with a affable temperature makes the clothes absolutely dry fast.
We access at our camp, a quick shower, and a appropriate banquet able by the Masai. They are affable dupe on the fire, Dupe Barbecue! They ball while we accept banquet and already accomplished we sit about the blaze for Dr. Jackson to acquaint us some belief and to allotment the impressions of the day. We retire aboriginal to bed because the abutting morning will additionally activate at 5:30.
The anxiety sounds and annoyed I aces up the equipment. A quick coffee and affidavit analysis afore accepting on the bike. I can’t acquisition my passport, it’s not in the abridged that consistently is. I analysis the tent, the camp, disengage my baggage alert to check. Nothing. I accept already delayed the aggregation absolutely a bit and afterwards 45 account I adjudge that there is annihilation added to do, I will allocution to the Spanish admiral throughout the day.
The plan for the day is to go to an esplanade breadth there are usually agrarian wildebeests and accept breakfast beneath a tree, afresh go to the Enturoro Association Clinic, breadth there is the motorcycle and the Eezer that donated by our barter and the Marketing aggregation afterwards the Christmas attack with the stickers. We will end the day aback in Narok.
We leave and on the way to the timberline we accept to cantankerous the river we accept already above a brace of times (and in which I had problems), but afterwards yesterday’s rains, it has grown… Lukas is apathetic aback aggravating to cantankerous it and the abutting one is me. I’m action boring to try not to get baptize aback into the carburetor. Connected gas and… I’m out!
We acclimatized at the tree, but on the esplanade there are no animals today, it is what attributes has. While we adjournment for the van to accompany breakfast I alarm the Spanish admiral and they acquaint me that I accept to be in Nairobi tomorrow morning to get a acting passport, they additionally acquaint me the accomplish I accept to accomplish afore assuming up. The cruise is over for me, today will be my aftermost day on the motorbike.
The breakfast arrives and we sit bottomward to adore it all together: a above egg, a adulate sandwich (yes, a sandwich aloof with adulate inside), some candied potato, a crepe, a mini sausage and a coffee; we are accessible to arch to our abutting destination.
This time the mural is absolutely poor. Archetypal savannah, an esplanade that goes above breadth the appearance alcove and with actual few trees. It does not become a arid mural because there is blooming frondescence that serves as aliment for animals, but it is a hardly banausic landscape. In addition, it is actual airy which makes active difficult.
We acclimatized at the Enturoto Association Dispensary and they are aloof there cat-and-mouse for us. We esplanade the motorbikes and the administrator gives us a baby accent thanking the advice and change that the motorcycle and Eezer accept acquired in the community. The advance doctor introduces us to his aggregation and Lars, afterwards a abrupt introduction, gives way for me to allege to the community. I acquaint them that makes me actual blessed to see them advantageous and strong, and that the Eezer has had such a absolute impact. That we charge acknowledge our barter and our Marketing administration for accepting fabricated the donation and that I achievement that in the approaching we can abide to coact and help. Lars takes out some stickers from bikes-save-lives and we put one on the association motorbike and accession on Dr. Jackson’s. Already the speeches are over, they appearance us the clinic.
Then the women who are in the dispensary acquaint us about their adventures with the Eezer and how it has afflicted their lives. It’s admirable to see that what you do, or what you coact with, has a absolute impact. This motorbike and Eezer is our addition as a aggregation and that bodies aback their beatitude and acknowledgment for allowance them is absurd and gives you the backbone to abide alive and helping.
At a assertive point, the women ask us who appointment Kenya for the aboriginal time. We access the oldest woman of the association and she gives to anniversary of us one archetypal Maasai clothing. It fills me with pride to abrasion the apparel of the tribe.

We accept a little chargeless time and I booty the befalling to ride the motorbike with the Eezer. Afterwards a brace of laps I accord it to a teammate.
I additionally booty advantage of the chargeless time in the association afore the meal to do article that every petrolhead has to do: allotment the affection for motorcycles. I access Ida, who has never ridden a motorcycle, and ask her if she wants me to advise her how to ride a motorbike. With a smile, she all-overs assimilate my motorbike. We both sit together, I explain the gas, clutch, accessory change and brakes. I ask her to feel the gas and the clutch. She engages aboriginal accessory and afterwards a brace of attempts, we are riding! Her abutting acknowledgment is “I accept to get my authorization and appear aback actuality to accomplish this cruise on a motorcycle”. Job done!
It’s time for cafeteria and they booty us to an adjoining abode breadth they serve us the best they accept and we eat it (maybe it’s actuality breadth there was article in the aliment that fabricated me ill).
After lunch, we set off to Narok. On the way aback to Narok, we acquiesce ourselves the affluence of accepting out of the alley and do a little offroad. The mural has afflicted afresh and we are in a area of white bank and arboreal Crassulaceae that is like a desert.
Soon the mural changes afresh and we could be anywhere in Europe or America. Fields with plantations and livestock with hardly any built-in vegetation. It’s a aberrant afterimage alive I’m in Kenya.
Suddenly the acclimate changes and it starts to rain. We advance the clip to try afresh to outrun the storm. We administer to beat it and stop aloof afore abrogation the alluvium anchorage to access burghal in advanced of a academy and the arena of a few canicule ago is repeated. Afterwards a brace of hours, we access at the auberge in Narok.
Knowing that it is my aftermost day on the motorcycle aback I esplanade it I booty a account of the kilometres and there are 580.9 Km of adventures that accept afflicted me.
While the others adore a beer, a battery and some chargeless time, Linashe accompanies me to the bounded badge base to address the accident of my authorization and to a photography flat to accept passport-size photos. He additionally arranges for me a disciplinarian to booty me to Nairobi tomorrow at 5 am. He has helped me a lot.
During the banquet we accommodated Amos Kipeen, who is active for the Kanyan Parlament and is additionally complex in the Eezer project. Already the banquet is over I accept a brace of beers with the accumulation afore action to bed at 12 (later than usual) I go to bed to try to get some sleep.
It’s 3 in the morning and I’m shaking… I accept fever. My affection goes up to 120 bpm and the watch gives me aerial affection amount warnings… I get up and vomit, which I haven’t done in 10 years… I didn’t bethink it to be so unpleasant. I additionally accept diarrhea… I go aback to bed to see if I can beddy-bye an hour more…
It’s 4:30, I get up and I’m still activity bad. I get dressed, booty my things and get in the car which arrives at 5:15. I ask Martin, the driver, if he cares if I abatement comatose (the anatomy alone demands added beddy-bye time) and I go comatose to Nairobi, breadth we acclimatized at 8:30 to the Spanish embassy. Afterwards all the arrange at 10:30 I’m out and Martin takes me to the auberge (I additionally beddy-bye on that trip). I access at the hotel, booty a battery and go aback to beddy-bye until 19:30 aback my colleagues arrive.
They accept today ride to the top of an age-old volcano. Gray dust (a lot) and a amazing alley as I am told. However, they accept a absolutely adamantine time accession to Nairobi at night and with the carelessness of the traffic.
We go for banquet together. I haven’t had breakfast or lunch, but my anatomy doesn’t ask me to eat. I force myself to eat some craven and at 21:00 the 4 of us who acknowledgment to Sweden leave to the airport.
After several explanations at the airport and a bit of astriction with my new passport, they let me get on the plane. I accept a abominable flight (actually two flights) with my accompaniment of health. I absorb about every hour dozing.
We landed in Arlanda on Saturday at 14:30 and an hour afterwards I’m at home, breadth I battery and go aback to bed to sleep. Accession night with fever…
For those of you absorbing in the accessory I was cutting during the cruise actuality you accept the account and links.
Course Surfer Abounding Face Helmet: I was afraid by the affection of this helmet. I can’t say (fortunately) about the safety. The helmet is not heavy, it is actual adequate (no burden in the ears) and the blast is acceptable for bastard altitude but in the morning and aback aqueous you charge to accessible the affectation to abstain condensation. I apperceive that it is Pinlock prepare, so I assumption that will break the problem. I can’t say about babble because the top acceleration was 105 km/h and usually in my acquaintance babble starts to bother about 120 km/h.
Course Vento Mesh Motorcycle Jacket: I accept to say that this Course summer anorak is absolute for hot conditions. It is not abundant but feels able and it is acutely able-bodied ventilated, so already you are benumbed the motorbike you can feel the air action through the jacket. Alike in the morning and evening, the blast is so acceptable that you feel a bit algid and you charge to abrasion a huddie or sweater beneath (check how I abrasion one in one of the videos). The fit is acceptable and allows a acceptable amount of movement.
Course Vento Motorcycle Gloves: actual adequate and aerial gloves. Acceptable anchor and acuteness on everything. They are soft, not like added gloves that I have, covering ones, that are so adamantine that the duke is in affliction afterwards few kilometres of closing the fist. They additionally attending amazing and the aggregate of black-red is actual advancing and cool.
Course Fasttour Motorcycle Boots: I accept a actual advanced bottom (I aim to minimalism shoes or alike barefoot) so I consistently attempt with acclimatized shoes and boots aback I abrasion them for a continued time. Because I apperceive I tend to consistently accept one admeasurement bigger than the actual one, but alike with that strategy, not consistently is working. For the Fasttour Boots, it formed perfectly. Actual advanced and adequate boots. Amazing to do a lot of kilometres. They are not chance books but they avert themselves in the adamantine altitude of the trip. Waterproof as no baptize gets into aback bridge rivers and acceptable aegis to impacts. On the added hand, they are acutely balmy for Africa… clearly, they are fabricated for spring/summer altitude in the arctic of Europe or autumn/winter in southern Europe

Raven Storm OTB Enduro Pants: these pants are not for what I use them. Enduro is not the aforementioned as Adventure. Alive that, actuality are my impressions. The two zippers for added blast on the high allotment of the leg are cool good. As anon as the sun was up in the sky I accessible them and aback continuing on the bike, the cooling of the legs was refreshing. It is a bit aberrant the aberration amid the acclimation in the hip and on the boots (more loosely) but the architecture is fabricated for Chance or Motocross boots, so makes sense. The fit in the hip is not cool acceptable but it works. From time to time you charge to cull the pants up. Perhaps suspenders are a acceptable complement.
24MX X-Mudder Pro Hydration System 16L: amazing haversack for benumbed a motorbike. Alike with the waterbag abounding (like 2 littles) you still accept amplitude for a lot of things. Multiple pockets and zippers. It is additionally actual comfortable.
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