Taya Graham: Hello. My name is Taya Graham, and acceptable to the Badge Accountability Report. As I never get annoyed of saying, this appearance has a distinct purpose: captivation the politically able academy of policing accountable. To do so, we don’t aloof focus on the bad behavior of alone cops. Instead, we appraise the arrangement that makes bad policing possible. Today we’re activity to do so by advertisement on a advancing video out of a baby boondocks in California, area a agent sheriff kicked a man decumbent on the arena and agape him unconscious. Well, what happened afterwards this advance occurred makes the adventure alike added apocalyptic of the affair of this show, because it’s how the arrangement is administration this case that we will ameliorate and address on in detail.
But afore I get started, I appetite you watching to apperceive that if you acquire affirmation of badge misconduct, amuse email it to us abreast at par@therealnews.com, and we adeptness be able to investigate for you. And, of course, you can consistently bulletin me anon @TayasBaltimore on Facebook or Twitter, and amuse like, share, and animadversion on our videos. It absolutely does advice us, and you apperceive I apprehend your comments and acknowledge them. We acquire a Patreon for donations affianced in the comments below. Okay, now we’ve gotten that out of the way.
Now, one of the best adverse patterns in American policing is how generally cops are aloft the laws they enforce, abnormally aback it comes to conduct for bad behavior. A abridgement of captivation admiral answerable can generally advance to added agitation bottomward the road. What do I mean? Well, accede a case we appear on abundantly before. It complex the afterlife of a 19-year-old declared Anton Black. Anton was walking with his accessory in September of 2018 in a baby boondocks declared Greensboro on Maryland’s lower Eastern Shore. A Karen declared the badge and falsely accused him of kidnapping a 12-year-old boy who accompanied him on his walk. It turns out that adolescent was a relative, but that didn’t anticipate the Greensboro badge officer, Thomas Webster, from accosting Anton, as you can see actuality in this anatomy camera footage.
I acquire to acquaint you the video that follows of Anton actuality confronted, chased, tasered and afraid by badge is disturbing, so amuse fast advanced through that footage if you don’t ambition to see it.
Webster chased Anton aback to his mother’s home, area the adolescent clue brilliant and ambitious archetypal hid in a ancestors car. Administrator Webster, for affidavit that still abide unknown, absitively to amplify the bearings by smashing the window, alike admitting Anton did not present a threat, a move that led to this. Annual later, a 200-pound badge administrator lying his anatomy beyond Anton’s, an act which his attorneys say led to his death. But the acumen I accompany up this case today is due to what was abstruse afterwards this adverse incident. That’s because as badge balked the delving into his afterlife we abstruse that administrator Webster had been complex in addition high-profile case of badge brutality. As you can see in this birr cam footage, Webster had kicked a man in the jaw, breaking it, during an arrest. The case led to accuse of advance of which Webster was begin not guilty.
But alike admitting Webster was active in at atomic a dozen added cases of atrocity in Delaware, he was able to cantankerous accompaniment curve and get a job as a cop in Maryland. The acumen I accompany this case up today is because of the video I’m assuming you now. It involves addition archetype of a cop appliance accidental force, and it’s additionally adopting abounding of the aforementioned questions that administrator Webster’s clue almanac fabricated clear. Can the arrangement absolutely authority badge accountable? That is the catechism the advocate for the man apparent in this video is asking, afterwards he was agape benumbed by a San Bernardino canton sheriff in May of 2020 during this arrest.
As you can see actuality in the video, Willie Jones was acknowledging with an officer’s adjustment to lay on the arena afterwards a hunt that concluded in Victorville, California. But for affidavit that acquire yet to be explained, the cop kicked Mr. Jones in the face and arch as he lay decumbent in a parking lot. So, to acquisition out more, we contacted Willy Jones’ lawyer, Zulu Ali, to get his booty on what happened, and the aberrant accord that was offered to Mr. Jones afterwards the adventure occurred, and why it’s adopting questions about the adeptness of badge to badge themselves. Mr. Ali, acknowledge you so abundant for abutting us today.
Zulu Ali: Acknowledge you actual abundant for accepting me.
Taya Graham: First, acquaint us about the affairs that led to the car stop and chase. Aback did this happen, and where?
Zulu Ali: The allegations were, I believe, it was June the 16th, 2021, ancient in the morning or afterwards midnight or abutting to midnight. There is an accusation that my client, Mr. Willie Jones, had committed some array of cartage violation. In acknowledgment to the declared cartage violation, they were allegedly affianced or aggravating to appoint in a cartage stop, and declared that Mr. Jones had abhorred or fled their attempts to stop him. But, at any rate, Mr. Jones concluded up at a car lot in Victorville, California, which was depicted absolutely in a cine or video surveillance that was absolutely caught, I acquire it was a aegis aggregation that had a video surveillance of this car dealership.
While he’s at this car dealership the admiral fabricated acquaintance with Mr. [Jones], and afterwards authoritative acquaintance with Mr. [Jones] they gave him some commands. He was afterward the commands. He had laid bottomward on his abdomen and advance his accoutrements out and was no blackmail to the officers, was in compliance. The administrator again aloof absolved over to Mr. Jones and kicked him alert in the arch and again placed him in handcuffs. Mr. Jones brash that at some point in time he was unconscious, and at some point, I anticipate amid the time of blame him the additional time and demography him to the convoying vehicle, I acquire he remembers some of that, but that’s the continued and abbreviate of it. We’ve been asked–as of today Mr. Jones was arrested for abomination evasion. However, there’s never been any advice with commendations to why the cartage stop was absolutely actuality fabricated or what cartage corruption he allegedly was in corruption of.

Taya Graham: What injuries did he suffer? I acquire apparent injuries from bliss like this damaging the alternate ridge, accident of teeth, fracturing of the jaw. There absolutely can be astringent injuries from incidents like this.
Zulu Ali: He does acquire injuries. To the admeasurement that I can accord capacity about the exact medical assay of those injuries at this point, I’m not absolutely at alternative to say, but he did sustain injuries.
Taya Graham: Now, according to what we’ve heard from the community, Will was offered a accord not to book a complaint. Can you allocution about that?
Zulu Ali: Yes. Already he was absolutely taken to be brash medically, or taken to the emergency room, again he was taken aback to a bastille ability or a careful facility. While he was at the careful facility, aural a actual abbreviate aeon of time, he was approached by assembly who gave him some abstracts to absolutely sign. My compassionate is that this is appealing accepted for this accurate department, actuality the San Bernardino Canton Sheriff’s Department. They generally do that with–I’ve alike heard the situations area they try to get bodies to assurance waivers while they’re still in hospital beds. But, at any rate, they approached him and gave him some abstracts to sign, aggravating to see if they would absolution his claims for $4,000. I do apperceive that there are added cases–obviously those aren’t accustomed in best cases or in any cases that I apperceive of–but they try to get bodies to sign. They accelerate the [inaudible] and again whenever they banknote the money, I assumption they try to say that they entered into some array of agreement, but yeah, that was what they attempted to do.
Taya Graham: As a lawyer, do you anticipate this is ethical?
Zulu Ali: Absolutely not. I anticipate that there’s a lot of problems with that. Acutely you’re ambidextrous with someone, aboriginal of all, who is in custody. Additional of all, addition who has absolutely been aloof brash medically, and aural annual of accomplishing it they’re approached by agent sheriffs. Oftentimes, I anticipate that abounding of these cases are apparently not alike afterwards the county’s knowledge. I don’t alike apperceive if the canton council, or county, or at atomic abounding of the superiors, from my understanding, at atomic would acquire that they apperceive that they’re affianced in that blazon of conduct. But yeah, that’s acutely unethical.
Taya Graham: What are the acknowledged accomplish you’ve taken? For example, acquire you filed a lawsuit?
Zulu Ali: Absolutely. Of course, because of the attributes of the lawsuit, it begins with what they alarm a abomination claim, which is an authoritative process, which we are in the antecedent authoritative process. Then, already we complete that process–which usually takes anywhere amid 45 to 60 canicule from the date that the affirmation is filed–then they either acquire the affirmation and it’s resolved. Or, if it’s not resolved, again we will be filing a accusation in court.
Taya Graham: What has happened to the officer, and do you anticipate he should be acclimatized for his actions?
Zulu Ali: Yeah. He absolutely has been identified. I do acquire that–right now, my compassionate is he’s still on authoritative leave. My compassionate is it’s paid authoritative leave, and they’re investigating. My compassionate is additionally the commune attorney’s appointment is in the action of free whether bent accuse are activity to be filed adjoin the deputy. At atomic at this point I don’t acquire that the Sheriff’s Administration has completed their investigation, or at atomic about brash the after-effects of the assay actuality completed, or the disposition of that. We haven’t heard annihilation yet aback from the commune attorney’s office. But he absolutely should be, I anticipate he should be criminally charged.
I anticipate that what we empiric was addition who was absolutely committing a crime, and he should be brash as such. I acquire that at atomic what we saw on the video was acutely a bent offense, and I anticipate that the commune attorney’s appointment should accompany bent accuse adjoin this officer. That was aloof unbelievable. I apperceive that we see so abundant of it, and we’ve apparent so abundant of it lately–and aback I say lately, I mean, that’s I assumption an understatement. It’s been activity on for absolutely some time. We’re aloof communicable it now on video. This conduct and these types of accomplishments by law administration admiral has to stop.

Taya Graham: My advertisement accomplice Stephen Janis has additionally been all-encompassing out to the San Bernardino Sheriff’s Appointment for comment. Stephen, acknowledge you so abundant for abutting me.
Stephen Janis: Taya, acknowledgment for accepting me. I acknowledge it.
Taya Graham: Stephen, you’ve accomplished out to San Bernardino Canton sheriffs for comment. What did they say?
Stephen Janis: Well, cardinal one, they didn’t say annihilation yet, but what I asked was actual specific. I capital to know, cardinal one, what was the appliance cachet of the deputy? Was he terminated, was he still on paid authoritative leave? I additionally capital to apperceive if it’s accepted convenance to action $4,000 to bodies who are answerable to badge abuse. How generally does this happen? Is this what they consistently do? I additionally capital to apperceive aback the centralized assay would be done, and if they’d be administration after-effects with the public. Those questions are outstanding, I will hunt them, continuing.
Taya Graham: Stephen, this is not the aboriginal time we’ve appear on the San Bernardino Sheriff’s Administration in a accessible case of badge abuse. Can you allocution a little bit about what we’ve baldheaded before?
Stephen Janis: Well, Taya, let’s bethink aloof a brace of weeks ago we appear on Daniel Alvarez accepting addled by this San Bernardino canton sheriff. We acquire the video appropriate here. He was pulled over for no reason, and again asked if he was on acquittal or parole, and again the guy pulled out his handcuffs. So, no, this seems to be a botheration with them accepting in trouble, and ambiguous arrests and ambiguous stops.
Taya Graham: So, finally, we discussed the afterlife of Anton Black and the actuality that administrator Thomas Webster, who accomplished the stop, was able to get a job admitting accepting an all-encompassing almanac of aborigine complaints. Can you acquaint us what happened and what we eventually learned?
Stephen Janis: Well, Taya, what we abstruse was it’s actual accessible for a badge administrator to about-face jurisdictions, or go to a altered burghal or town, and abolish their bad almanac in addition place. Basically, the arch of Greensboro aloof larboard out all the bad complaints about administrator Webster that he accrued in Delaware, and didn’t abide them as allotment of the application, alike admitting that’s appropriate by law. Webster was certified afterwards any of that information. It angry out that he had to arraign the arch for accomplishing that, and he concluded up argumentation accusable to delinquency in office. But the assignment abstruse is that it’s actual accessible to capsize the action area admiral can be captivated answerable for accomplished actions.
Taya Graham: It seems bright to me that captivation this administrator answerable for his accomplishments is not aloof activity to be difficult, but conceivably impossible. They absolutely approved to accomplish an bent accord with Mr. Jones anon afterwards the adventure occurred, which bureau the likelihood the bureau is activity to do a fair and cold assay absolutely charcoal in doubt. But as the adventure unfolds, and the administration makes excuses for the behavior of the cop in question, I’m reminded of a action law administration has acclimated adjoin us that adeptness be annual because as a tactic to ensure that cops don’t abstain after-effects for their bad behavior, aloof like they say we shouldn’t either. Let’s alarm this abstraction putting the shoe on the added foot, and seeing if it fits. What do I mean? Well, let’s alpha by abandoning a badge action admiral and the law administration enactment loves, but angry out not to be so accepted with the people. I’m talking aught tolerance, a action that basically presumes anybody is guilty, and that alike the best accessory offenses, behindhand of circumstance, should buck the abounding burden of the law.
The abstraction was abiding in an article that was appear in 1986 by two amusing sciences, they declared it the burst windows theory. It posited that to basis out abomination in agitated neighborhoods, it was important to accomplish alike the best petty offenses as agonizingly as possible. The acumen was the authors argued, that accessory crimes were like a architecture in disrepair, a assurance to the association that their adjacency was not aloof actionable but dysfunctional. The approach was that by agilely administration accessory crimes you could accelerate a arresting to the added agitated bent that their behavior would not be tolerated. This led to the alleged aught altruism strategy, a policing tactic that meant aback you discharge on the sidewalk, or drank a beer on your advanced porch, or urinated in an alley, you’re activity to jail.
In Baltimore, the action had adverse consequences. In a burghal of 600,000 people, about 100,000 bodies were arrested year in and year out for about a decade. Tens of bags of bodies were answerable illegally for bubbler a beer on a stoop, or walking through a adjacency area they didn’t live. The cardinal of arrests were so absurd, a new appellation was coined, accepted as a walkthrough, which meant that bodies arrested would artlessly be absolved through a axial booking ability afterwards absolutely actuality bound up, all because they’d artlessly arrested too abounding bodies to fit them in the facility. Abundant to the abruptness of the politicians and badge unions that accustomed the idea, this action was not effective. The cardinal of homicides backward almost the same, and today are worse now than ever. But the acumen I accompany this action up is because maybe it’s time to accord the academy that came up with this annihilative action a aftertaste of their own medicine.

So what absolutely am I adage here? Well, how about we acquire aught altruism for bad behavior by cops? Instead of paid vacations and promotions aback they get into trouble, how about we allegation them with the aforementioned accessory crimes they affected aloft us? How about accepting abeyant anon afterwards pay aback a video like this surfaces? Or bigger yet, like the blow of us, fired? How about they get a admission every time they balloon to abrasion a seatbelt, or they get a bent commendation for not mowing their yard? Or how about they get abeyant afterwards pay–let me repeat, afterwards pay–as any of us would in the aboriginal footfall of an centralized investigation, not the last? Why not administer the aforementioned acrimonious laws to yourselves that you administer to us?
Of course, I can apprehend the arguments from the badge abutment now. Cops are alone human, anybody makes mistakes. It’s the absorbed of the law, not the letter of the law, that matters. You can’t arrest your way out of a problem. Gee, area acquire I heard that before? An altercation that was met with alienation and skepticism by badge unions and partisans who appetite law and adjustment at all costs aback aught altruism was antibacterial people’s lives. Area was the alarm for altruism aback the citizens of this country were answerable to the strictest of enforcements of bent law in the history of any nation? Who was allurement for charity aback we became the beyond incarcerator of animal beings in the history of civilization? That’s why I anticipate it adeptness be advantageous to administer the aforementioned accepted to them as they do to us.
Perhaps the administrator pictured in the video should be accursed first, and rehired if he’s accepted innocent later. Let’s alarm it aught altruism for bad badge behavior. Why shouldn’t they be brash like us? Conceivably it will advise them a assignment that best of us already know. Administration the letter of the law has adverse consequences. Maybe it’s time for law administration to accept aloof how adverse that can be.
I’d like to acknowledge my guest, Mr. Zulu Ali, for abutting us and acknowledgment the capacity of this case. Acknowledge you. Of course, I acquire to acknowledge audacious anchorman Stephen Janis for his writing, research, and alteration for the piece. Acknowledge you, Stephen.
Stephen Janis: Taya, acknowledgment for accepting me. I acknowledge it.
Taya Graham: Of course, I appetite to acknowledge acquaintance of the appearance Noli Dee for her support. Thanks, Noli Dee. I appetite you watching to apperceive that if you acquire affirmation of badge delinquency or brutality, amuse allotment it with us, and we adeptness be able to investigate for you. Amuse ability out to us. You can email us tips abreast at par@therealnews.com and allotment your affirmation of badge misconduct. You can additionally bulletin us @PoliceAccountabilityReport on Facebook or Instagram, or @EyesOnPolice on Twitter, and, of course, you can consistently bulletin me anon @TayasBaltimore on Twitter or Facebook, and amuse like, share, and comment. You apperceive I apprehend your comments, acknowledge them, and I try to acknowledgment your questions wherever I can. Of course, we do acquire a Patreon annual declared Badge Accountability Reports, so if this blazon of advertisement affairs to you, maybe booty a moment and see what we acquire to offer. We acquire a few aliment for our patrons. My name is Taya Graham, and I am your host of the Badge Accountability Report. Amuse be safe out there.
Police Accountability Report, hosted by Taya Graham and Stephen Janis, is a annual appearance that seeks to betrayal and authority to annual one of the best able institutions in this country—the police.
The barbarous advance on a doubtable afterwards a accelerated hunt that was captured by a aegis camera reveals how badge acquire abounding hidden mechanisms to brim accountability. In this episode, PAR examines not aloof the affairs surrounding the advance on a man who was acknowledging with badge orders, but how law administration acclimated ambiguous approach to absolute their own accountability for what happened.
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