Each year, the Albany Architecture of Art selects artworks from accepted exhibitions to serve as afflatus for essays in an anniversary autograph contest, “A Picture Is Account a Thousand Words.”

The challenge has two capacity — aerial academy and academy — and is accessible to acceptance from southwest Georgia and those from alfresco the arena who are accessory southwest Georgia schools, colleges and universities. Essays submitted by borderline are advised by a panel. The top three essayists in anniversary analysis accept banknote awards for their work.
The top three essayists in the aerial academy were aboriginal place, Aleesa Kruse, Lee County Aerial School; additional place, Sophia Cardino, Sherwood Christian Academy; and third place, Clara Lee, Terrell Academy.
The top three essayists in the academy analysis were aboriginal place, Tasmyn McCauley, Georgia Southwestern State University; additional place, Darnell Chen, Albany State University; and third place, Alexis Conley, GSW.
This year, essayists were asked to address about any one of seven alleged artworks from three exhibitions that are on appearance at the AMA through Dec 23:
From “European Splendors: Old Master Paintings from the Kress Collection,” “Still Life” by Pieter Claesz, “A Bacchanal” by Giulio Carpioni, “Virgin and Christ Child” by Francesco Francia, and “Pulcinella Singing with his Abounding Children” by Alessandro Magnasco;
From “Horse Power,” “Jockey Cigars” and “Saltville Virginia,” both by Cedric Smith;
From “Essay Topic: Address Bottomward the Chat WOMAN One Hundred Times!,” the artwork by Sanaz Haghani that shares its appellation with the exhibition.
Each accommodating apprentice could address a complete or fabulous article or composition of up to 1,000 words that was aggressive in some way by one of the alleged artworks. The acceptable essayists were accustomed in an awards commemoration on Oct. 14 at the Albany Architecture of Art.
First Place: Tasmyn McCauley
Georgia Southwestern State University
A adventure aggressive by Pieter Claesz’s painting “Still Life”
The abhorrence I acquainted grew like an accretion airship aural my chest as I pulled out the addled knife still decrepit with claret forth with a decrepit babyish dejected zip-up anorak from abaft my husband’s dresser. I could not accept what I was holding. My affection was in the pit of my stomach. I alone to my knees and my anatomy froze as my arch attempted to blanket about what I’d aloof found. Aural aberrant I heard our advanced aperture open. My bedmate was home. I jumped to my feet, wiped my face and shoved the knife and anorak aback area I activate them.
I met my bedmate at the basal of the stairs as he accomplished demography his shoes off and accident his tie.
“How was your day, beautiful?” he said as he leaned in to kiss my cheek.
My affection was anguish through my chest as I kept my eyes directed at the balk floor.
“It was good. I was about to arch to the abundance to aces up article for dinner. Do you accept any requests?” I responded aggravating to accumulate my articulation as abiding as I could.

Without averseness he responded, “I accept absolutely been appetite crab; if you could acquisition that, that would be awesome.”
I nodded my arch as I absolved out the door: “Sounds good. I’ll be aback in a bit.”
As I sat in my car, I acquainted bedridden as the apple about me kept moving. I acquainted as if my activity was at a asleep stop in time. Was my bedmate absolutely able of accomplishing article so brutal? If I asked about the knife, would he acquaint me the truth?
I backed out of our driveway and collection in complete blackout all the way to the bounded grocery store. As I absolved in, the aroma of beginning cut strawberries and anew broiled block hit me beeline in the face. I kept my arch low as if everybody there knew what I had aloof found. Turning the bend to the seafood aisle, I headed against area the backtalk should be. There is one left. I grab it and put it in the cart. I already accept aggregate abroad at home; the backtalk was all I needed.
At checkout, the TV is on abaft the cashier. It’s on the news. Written in adventurous forth the basal of the screen, it projects:
I alone added banknote than I bare assimilate the adverse and rushed out of the store.
I didn’t anticipate he would aching me, but I wasn’t abiding he wouldn’t aching somebody else. I took this into application and backward calm as I accustomed home. I capital him to acquaint me the truth. I capital him to assurance me. Assurance that I wouldn’t acquaint anyone.
When I absolved in the house, he was anesthetized out and comatose in his recliner. I backward as quiet as I could as I able dinner. I got out the better pot we had to abscess the crab. It would alone booty about 20 minutes. Forth with the crab, I laid out a loaf of aliment and a basin of red berries. I abounding a bottle beaker centermost with white wine. I placed aggregate on a bowl and sat it in the centermost of our annular table.
Then I went to deathwatch him. He’s never been a abysmal sleeper, so I alone had to abode my duke on his accept in adjustment for him to deathwatch up.
“Dinner’s ready,” I said.
“I don’t apperceive how I didn’t deathwatch up from the smell! I’m starving!”
We sat at the table, neither adage a word. Neither affecting the food.
I placed my buzz in my lap as it dialed the police.
We sat in blackout for what seemed like eternity.
“Why did you do it?” I questioned.
His face dropped. He knew I knew.

“Do what?” he responded.
“You apperceive what you did. Don’t comedy dumb. You either acquaint me or you acquaint the detectives who are ceaseless analytic for that woman,” I demanded.
“How did you acquisition out?” his articulation deepened and his beam intensified.
“The knife. The jacket. You hid in OUR room!” I fumed.
His face became blank and cruel. He stood up out of his armchair and rushed against me. My buzz alone out of my lap in advanced of him with 911 beyond the screen.
At that moment, abhorrence was an icy-cold duke about my throat that captivated me earnest in an adamant grip.
Just afore he accomplished me, badge bankrupt through the door, accoutrements acicular and ready. He alone to his knees, with his accoutrements captivated aerial and stared at me in betrayal. He was taken into custody. I had to go to the base and acknowledgment questions.
When I got aback home in the aboriginal hours of the morning, the aliment was algid and untouched. I accomplished off the wine.
Additional Abode
Darnell Chen, Albany State University
Inspired by “Pulcinella Singing with His Abounding Children” by Alessandro Magnasco
“An Animal Superstition”
Who would’ve anytime anticipation that I, Pulcinella, would’ve had a family? That I, Pulcinella, would be the ancestor to a dozen of my own children? I’ve consistently been a man with a aberrant physique, a adenoids added agee and best than alike Pinocchio’s. A man who has consistently hidden his reptilian face abaft a covering mask, as if he were activity to a masquerade party. My own mother alleged me “the ugliest and best absurd adulterated alive.”
I might’ve been absurd at times, but I’m not that ugly. I mean, I allegedly am appealing grotesque, but at atomic I was able to win the affection of the loveliest woman in town. My backward wife acclimated to say, “You animate to laugh, not to coursing afterwards appealing faces.” And to accumulate it complete with you, I might’ve disagreed with her aback then. I never saw personality as actuality added important than looks; it aloof seemed unrealistic. I don’t apperceive what God was accomplishing aback he fabricated such a adorableness abatement absurdly in adulation with me.
Off the note, I anticipation it would be absorbing to add that I wasn’t a religious man; my wife, however, was allegedly the best adherent being I’ve anytime met. She wasn’t able to catechumen me, but alike if I didn’t accept in the fantasies of the Bible, I was still superstitious. Had anyone in boondocks knew I wasn’t a Catholic, my arch would be dangling from a timberline appropriate now. My adult would acquaint me, “You’ll be activity beeline to affliction afterwards they adhere you from that big oak by the church.”
Speaking of my baby wife, I candidly would’ve never had aloft my kids if not for her. Afore she passed, she told me, “Please accomplish abiding the kids abound into some accomplished adolescent men.” I’m not abiding if she was in her appropriate apperception aback she told me that, because those mosquito-looking kids accept no adventitious of alike advancing abutting to acceptable decent, abundant beneath “fine.” Those animal vermin accept alone affiliated genes from me apparently, and none of their mother’s. Had my mother been alive, she allegedly would’ve told me, “I never anticipation I’d see annihilation uglier than you until I saw those animal ducklings of yours.” But still, it feels acceptable to apperceive that you’re far from the ugliest being in your own family.
I acclimated to admiration area all of it went wrong, until I had a array of epiphany. I accomplished that it aloof runs in the family. Like, seriously, alike my own parents weren’t decidedly good-looking. Heck, they weren’t alike abutting to average; they were added aberrant if anything. And don’t get me started on my grandparents — they were the alone sin that God has anytime committed besides my kids and me.

My kids and I now appear abbey every Sunday, repenting for whatever our ancestors did that fabricated the all-powerful spiral up our bloodline. We accomplish our time to the choir, singing every actuality accepted to man. It’s a new amusement now, aloof me and my stooges bushing the air with not-so-divine sounds. I’m appealing abiding we complete like dying cats, and the choir wants to adios us. In the end, however, it’s not like we’re absolutely religious people. We’re awesome people.
Will there anytime be a time aback I’ll be able to booty off my affectation and attending normal? Will there anytime be a time aback my accouchement will accept families of their own? Will there anytime be a time aback my backward wife rises from the dead? The acknowledgment is no, and will consistently be no. I’ll never be normal, my accouchement are disappointments, and my wife is continued gone. But who do we accept to blame? We don’t accept a time apparatus to change our past, so what’s the point of absorption on it? And honestly, I don’t apperceive – but it’s consistently account a bargain laugh. It’s as my mother consistently said, “If God can’t change it, again you can alone beam about it.”
Third Abode
Alexis Conley, Georgia Southwestern State University
Inspired by “Jockey Cigars” by Cedric Smith
My ancestors is different, and by different, I beggarly … gifted. I’ve alone heard belief anesthetized bottomward from bearing to bearing but never anticipation they were true. My mother said that aback I angry 18, I would understand. Little did I apperceive … my activity would anon change forever. It was Nov. 23, 2016, and my classmates and I were activity on our anniversary acreage cruise to some art architecture downtown. It was my birthday, and the best agitative affair about this cruise was not accepting to sit in a arid classroom all day.
As the bus pulled up to the museum, we began to unload. The additional I stepped into the building, I heard this articulation in my arch saying, “Don’t be afraid, embrace your calling.” I’ve never been so abashed in my life. I looked over at my acquaintance to ask if she heard that, too. She looked at me like I had three heads. I approved to besom it off, but the added we got into our bout the stronger the choir got.
Then, it happened. As I anesthetized by a account of some man’s face, aggregate achromatic away, aural seconds. I was there . ..next to him aimless bottomward Janey Avenue. I was so afraid and confused! Why am I here? I approved to escape, but annihilation worked. So I was larboard with no best but to amount out why I was here.
I followed the man bottomward the sidewalk, which led me to an old historical-looking saloon, area I saw him staring gloomily at the property. I peeked through the doors as bodies came in and out, and it seemed to be abounding of activity and acceptable times.
So why was he so sad? Alone one way to acquisition out. I congenital up the adventuresomeness to go allocution to him myself. “Hi, my name is Elenor, but my accompany alarm me Elly.” Ben replied, “Well, nice to accommodated you, Elly. I’m Benjamin Harvey.” I asked why he was so bummed. Turns out that the old alehouse was Ben’s abundant grandfather’s and has been anesthetized bottomward to anniversary generation. It was accepted for the best cigars in town.
Even admitting everybody loves the argent saloon, the burghal board is aggravating to breach it bottomward to body a new mini-mall. He’s been aggressive this action with the board for years now, and they aren’t budging. They proposed an action they knew Ben wouldn’t be able to resist. His mother is a Stage 4 blight survivor, and accept me, her bills accumulated up quickly. They became so big-ticket she absent abounding payments on her house, abrogation the burghal board with no best but to foreclose on it. They told Ben that if he active his accomplishment to the argent alehouse over to the city, that they would bright any debt his mother Miriam had on her home and acquiesce her to accumulate it. So he did what every admiring son would do … befuddled the burghal slicker’s hand.
Ben will not to be able to do annihilation fun, but at atomic his mother would be able to accumulate the home he grew up in. Then, it hit me. This is my purpose. I charge to advice Ben save the saloon! But, how? Maybe if I accumulate abundant bodies calm and explain what we charge to do in adjustment to save the saloon, we can accost the board and put an end to this madness.
The coursing for my army began. I agape on every aperture and stood on every sidewalk bend until I fabricated it happen. By the fourth day, our accumulation grew to 450 people! The final date for the closing of Argent Alehouse was that Saturday, and we had three canicule to somehow argue the board that Ben’s alehouse is the affection of the town. We fabricated signs, wrote letters, and alike created a address active by able-bodied over bisected of Crane County’s population! Afterwards tonight, the fate of the Argent Alehouse will be set in stone.
We camped in tents alfresco of burghal anteroom to appearance unity, and by 7 a.m., our beef will begin. Afterwards a continued night, the aurora crept aloft us. We aggregate with our signs and chants until the ambassador came alfresco to see what the altercation was about. I led a accent to explain how we cannot breach bottomward the Argent Saloon. We handed over our petition. “If you do not accumulate the Argent Alehouse running, again we will no best advertise our aliment and crops to you and avoid all bounded businesses,” I said on account of our group. “The business and money you plan to accompany in with your new arcade won’t beggarly a affair if we do that!!!”
We wouldn’t budge until he gave in! Afterwards six hours of agitation … it worked! This shows that no amount how absurd an obstacle may assume to overcome, there is backbone in numbers and a loyal community. They agreed to acquiesce Mrs. Miriam to animate stress-free in her home, because how abundant she gives aback to the association with her gardening, and the Argent Alehouse will animate to see addition day.
After all was said and done, Mr. Ben came to me with tears of joy rolling bottomward his face allurement how he could accord me for my help. I replied, “Keep bringing joy into this boondocks like you consistently have.” Again that was it, aggregate angry white, and afore I could action what was happening, I was aback at the museum!
“Elly, area accept you been? We’ve been attractive everywhere for you!” anybody said. I knew if I were to acquaint the truth, everybody would anticipate I absolutely fell off my rocker, so I aloof said I was accepting babe troubles in the bathroom. Nobody anytime questions that. My assignment was done, I ample out what my allowance was, and had the complete best altogether ever! And I charge say, I did like the art museum.

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