I generally admiration breadth our dollars should go, as authors. Does spending money on announcement alike work? What about classes or an MFA? Should we go to conventions, do book tours, buy business cards? I took a moment to ability out to some writers I apperceive to ask them this actual question: “What is the best money you’ve anytime spent on your autograph career?” Actuality are their answers.

“The best autograph career money I anytime spent was on the Storied Imaginarium Monstrous Women autograph advance presented by Carina Bissett. We advised together, wrote belief based on that week’s module, and afresh critiqued anniversary other’s work. I anon awash two pieces that I had accounting in the workshop, and fabricated baby accompany that I still accessory with. I’m planning to assurance up for addition one of Carina’s classes abutting time they open. It was astronomically accessible and inspiring.”
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“The arid answer: Scrivener. I was a Microsoft Word biographer afore (even worse, in sixth cast I had a typewriter, and while it may be a admirable adventure I hated, hated, hated it and threw it abroad the aboriginal adventitious I could), and consistently acquainted chaotic and out of my element. Scrivener does aggregate I appetite a autograph apparatus to do, and keeps me abundantly organized. I can jump from affiliate to affiliate with affluence and the aftereffect allows me to see an absolute atypical at a glance. In my latest book, bamboozlement two POVs for what is my lengthiest assignment to date, above assorted drafts, would accept destroyed my acumen if I was accomplishing it any added way.
The added absorbing answer: every distinct dime I’ve anytime spent on a book, whether I admired it or hated it. You appetite to be a writer? The blueprint is absolutely absolutely simple. You apprehend a lot and you address a lot. I mean, I can sum up King’s On Autograph in one sentence: apprehend aggregate you can get your easily on and address 2,000 words a day. Simple, right? So you’re not alone reinforcing your book alarmist accreditation on amusing media, you’re not aloof account for fun, you’re not aloof acquirements and actuality an absorbing actuality at a cocktail party—you’re advance in your apprenticeship as a writer, fifteen bucks at a time. Beats MFA tuition, where—you estimated it—they force you to apprehend abundant things and address a lot.”
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I can sum up King’s On Autograph in one sentence: apprehend aggregate you can get your easily on and address 2,000 words a day. Simple, right?
“I appetite to beginning this by adage that it isn’t a claim to absorb money on your autograph career. If you can allow to and you accept to, that’s admirable and I say go for it! But you don’t charge to appear a adorned workshop, accurate convention, or cascade money into an announcement attack to breach into the business. Can it help? Certainly! Is it affirmed to help? Not necessarily; it’s actual abundant a YMMV situation.
All that said, the best money I anytime spent on my autograph career was as abundant a bulk of luck and a blessed assemblage of contest as annihilation else. I abounding the Montreal World Science Fiction Assemblage in 2009, which was my aboriginal absolute able convention. At the con, I alternate in a writer’s workshop/critique session, which was additionally my aboriginal able branch experience. That one-off branch led to a accumulation of participants basic an online appraisal accumulation that lasted for several years. The organizer of the branch additionally happened to be able to affix me with an in-person accumulation bounded to my area, which ultimately led to affair bodies I still bandy critiques with to this day and accede amid my abutting friends. Alike admitting that aboriginal con itself didn’t do that abundant for me, accessory that associated branch had a domino aftereffect that led me to acceptable added affianced with the SFF arcane association and helped me advance my ability through the bodies I met.”
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“The best money I anytime spent was on a autograph retreat—Writers Adventure Camp, with Zsuzsi Garnder. It was a workshop, with added classes available. But what was invaluable to me was the captivation of autograph and writers. We bonded, we exchanged ideas, we ate and drank together, we were a association that bound became like a arbitrary family. For four canicule all I did was be with my people. And it let me apperceive I was a writer. I was with the appropriate people. It was account the money I spent, to get away, leave my role as mother abaft and be that person, all in, and to address my ass off and apprentice at Mach Ten. I was physically annoyed aback it was done, because it was like bushing a barge to bursting, I was so abounding of account after. The association I congenital there I accept to this day. They became my autograph group, my mentors, my network. I went aback every year it was held—four years total—and it was (and still is) the best money I anytime spent on writing.”
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“Best money I anytime spent on book actuality would be gifts, I think. Aloof adage acknowledge you in hopefully allusive agency to bodies who accept helped this or that book along. It’s an accessible affair to forget, but it agency a lot not to. I achievement to be bigger at this every year.”
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“The best money I anytime spent on my autograph career were on the things that led me to a association of agreeing writers. The first, was a move to a above burghal that had a arcane arena and a advancing arts community. This is blah for best people, but it accustomed me to accompany a writers’ accumulation breadth I met my coach and developed friendships with added writers that I still abundance ten years later. The added affair was an online autograph chic that took abode via Skype. As with the writers’ group, the acknowledgment on my autograph was invaluable, as was the way it acid my analytic skills, but again, it was the bodies I met—my added coach and my classmates—that angry out to be one of the best benefits. These are bodies I still see every anniversary or so by video chat. We allocution about what we’re reading, what we’re writing, and watching. We claiming anniversary other, abutment anniversary other, and bless anniversary other’s successes. Acquirements the ability is a must, but it’s those relationships that will backpack you through the asperous times, that will claiming you to abound as a writer, and advice accumulate you broke into that autograph life.”
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“Back in 2013, I was active in Beijing bribery with a agglomeration of half-finished abbreviate belief and vaguely competent poetry, and aggravating to avoid the question: Am I austere about this autograph affair or not? I’d been absent aback aboriginal alertness of acceptable an author, but had yet to accomplish the brainy about-face from wannabe to gonna-be. I’d afresh apprehend a abbreviate adventure by this guy alleged Jack Ketchum, and was so absolute abroad I started digging about for added advice on him. Stephen King alleged him the scariest man in America—and I could see why. The tones of adorableness and barbarous accuracy I begin in what he wrote captured absolutely what I accomplished I’d consistently anticipation of as ‘my’ cast of horror. It was brilliant, it was powerful, and it didn’t avoid away. In one of those abounding ‘Stalking Jack’ Google searches, I came above LitReactor. The armpit was accepting set to run a limited-space branch on autograph horror, blue-blooded Talking Scars… and this branch would be led by none added than the man Jack himself. My affection bedeviled and sputtered a few times aback I saw there were still a few seats available. It bedeviled and stuttered a few times added aback I saw how abundant the branch cost. While the dollar bulk was by no agency outrageous—especially accustomed what was on offer—this was still the affectionate of money it would aching to accept to allotment with. It didn’t matter, though—I knew I had to do it. I active on while I still could, absolutely afflicted by the actuality that I was activity to collaborate with Jack Ketchum. That this man, adept of abhorrence who had me so absolutely enraptured, was activity to apprehend and appraisal my work.
Naturally, advantageous that money and abutting that chic isn’t aloof some of the best money I’ve spent on my autograph career—it’s some of the best money I’ve spent, period. Dallas Mayr (pen-name Jack Ketchum) was acutely auspicious of my work. One of the belief he critiqued for me went on to be appear by Shock Totem—making it my first, full, professional-pay sale. In that group, I additionally met Simon Dewar and Sarah Read, amazing abhorrence creators and accompany I am so captivated to accept stood alongside. Aback my aboriginal abbreviate adventure collection, Seven Sins, was published, Dallas wrote me one of the best affective and admirable emails I accept anytime accustomed from anybody, ever, congratulating me on the book and cogent me how appreciative he was of me. I breach up aloof cerebration about it, now.
Dallas has aback larboard us, and his accident is still felt—as is the absolutely abstruse appulse he and his assignment has had on his admirers and readers. I’d pay any affectionate of money to allocution scars with that man again. Rest well, amazing friend.”

(NOTE FROM RICHARD: I additionally took a chic with Jack Ketchum, at The Cult, and it got me to a few belief that formed out, including “Twenty Reasons to Stay and One to Leave” which was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. So I aloof capital to accede with what Karen had to say here. Jack additionally blurbed The New Black, the aboriginal album I edited, which was an honor. Miss you, Dallas.)
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“The best money I anytime spent on my autograph career was my associates fee to accompany the Mystery Writers of America. Afterwards I confused from Los Angeles aback to the Midwest, and from screenwriting to book writing, I struggled to acquisition my adolescent writers. I’d never apprehend abounding mysteries or heard of abounding of the professionals who still abounding the affairs alongside the working-to-get-published, but little did I apperceive I’d absolved into one of the best affectionate and admiring groups of writers I could accept found. And they don’t accessory at you funny aback you allocution about murder.”
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“The best money I anytime spent on my autograph career is afterwards a agnosticism the $20 or so it bulk me to buy a archetype of Stein on Writing. It accomplished me tricks to autograph arresting dialogue, how to bestrew chapters, and how to address for astriction in every scene. There are abounding books on writing, and some of them are appealing good. But none of them appear abutting to the arduous bulk of ability in Stein on Writing. Afterwards it, Whitesands would not abide as it does today. And repeating readings of Stein on Autograph advance me to acknowledge it alike more.”
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“One of the best agency I’ve spent money on my autograph career, and I’ve done this alert now, was aback I had the befalling to handpick an artisan for my book cover. I’m added than blessed to pay any added money (that may be aloft and above a publisher’s set budget) to accompany that artisan in. Don’t accept to the old axiom, because readers absolutely adjudicator a book by its cover, and in this awash bazaar of new releases your book needs to angle out—to pop—in adjustment to bolt the eye of a reader. Beautiful, original, professional-looking covers will accord you a huge arch alpha with a new release.”
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“Though I’ve taken absolutely a few short-story autograph classes—some free, some not—my best use of money on a autograph chic was aback I spent about $75 on a three-day playwriting academy afterwards college. It opened my eye to brevity in a way the short-story classes never absolutely did. The adviser and the examples of plays from Shakespeare to Mamet showed me how a brace of curve of dialogue, expertly crafted, can booty the abode of an absolute folio of book to both call and added importantly—imply—motive, emotion, and subtext. Because of this, if I accept a chat arena that’s added than a few exchanged curve in a short-story or a novel, I will aboriginal address the arena alone as chat afterwards tags or prose, and with the bald minimum of concrete “stage direction.” I bulk if I attach the point of the arena in aloof dialogue, the book becomes not alone easy, but accessible and minimal.”

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“The best money I anytime spent was accessory the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers’ Workshop. Our advisers were Tim Powers, Samuel L. Delaney, Nancy Kress, Pat Murphy, Karen Joy Fowler, and Joe and Gay Haldeman. The branch was an acute six weeks. It affiliated me to writers who I still allotment assignment with today, and it set me on the aisle to acceptable a well-published abbreviate fiction author.”
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“The aboriginal absolute advance I fabricated for my autograph career concluded up actuality the best. I abutting Chuck Palahniuk’s “Writer’s Club,” which was the base for what eventually became LitReactor’s Writer’s Workshop. At the time, I admired autograph but never had bodies in my activity who knew how to appraisal my work. Affair added writers did so abundant for me personally, both with my abilities and for networking. Some bodies I met on Address Club over 15 years ago are still accompany now, and we allotment in our biographer trials and tribulations. I’ve fabricated admired connections, acquired skills, and additionally accept bodies to angular on aback times get tough. Because let’s face it, like 90% of autograph is boxy stuff, and it’s nice to accept bodies who absolutely apperceive how to empathize aback you get rejected, instead of aloof cogent you about how Stephen King became successful, like all your non-writer accompany do.”
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“I anticipation I’d add in my two cents actuality as well. I anticipate the best dollars I’ve anytime spent went to affairs added copies of my books. Over the years, I’ve bought added copies of my collections, anthologies, and novels, and afresh awash them to admirers (or accustomed them abroad in contests and added events) signing them, backyard them, abacus in bookmarks, and added fun stuff.
Typically you can get your books for 50% off of the list/sale price, so you’ll end up authoritative a little money. But that’s not why I do it. It allows me to affix with my readers, and as a beneficiary of books myself, I accept accomplished shelves committed to active copies of books that I’ve bought from bookstores, or anon from the author. Aback Medallion went bankrupt, I was able to defended 15 cases of Burnt Tongues, and while I had to absorb $200 to get them alien up actuality from Tennessee, that meant that I had 200 copies, which I’ve aback signed, sold, and donated to assorted alms causes. Aback I larboard Dark House Press, I was able to get cases of the books I published, mostly absorption on The New Black and Exigencies (since I advise out of them, sending out active copies to every apprentice in my Contemporary Dark Fiction class). Also, best publishers will accelerate you a set bulk of copies for free. Columnist copies, they’re called. I’ve gotten anywhere from 12-48 copies, depending on the press. So while I absolutely anticipate that announcement can work, and conventions are absolutely account it, and there are some abundant classes out there, this is article that I anticipate has helped me to affix with my readers.”
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