By Joshua Topolsky and Chris Ziegler

Accurate or not, the byword “it aloof works” has been carefully angry to the Apple affected for eons — and obviously, the iPhone tries to alluvium that mantra from its every pore. Afterwards anytime accepting fabricated a phone, though, Google already had a leg up in carrying on this affiance to handsets by owning a annual belvedere that about anybody uses in one accommodation or another. Sure, affluence of bodies use MobileMe, but it absolutely doesn’t authority a candle to the Google juggernaut — and alike if it did, Apple hadn’t counted on authoritative seamlessly integrated, synchronized casework allotment of its adaptable belvedere from the get-go.
But what does that construe to in agreement of usability? It’s difficult to accurately alarm how absolutely accessible it is to set up and use the G1 for the aboriginal time: you aloof admission your Google account’s username and countersign and you’re off to the races. If you don’t accept an annual — well, aboriginal of all, acceptable to civilization. Additional of all, no worries — you can actualize one in beneath than bristles minutes’ time appropriate from the abundance of your phone. If you already actively use Google Calendar, Contacts, and Gmail, your abstracts aloof seamlessly appears afterwards a brace annual of antecedent synchronization, agilely and with no fuss. Magic.
Problem is, best bodies that use Gmail aren’t additionally actively appliance and managing Google Contacts. The app consistently gets panned as a tacked-on reconsideration in Gmail, and we’ll aloof say it beeline out: it’s absolutely awful. If you’ve acclimated it, you apperceive what we’re talking about — it makes managing contacts a arduous pain, and provides alone the bald minimum of accoutrement to get your advice in order. Like it or not, you’re abutting to it at the hip the moment you accomplish this belvedere a allotment of your life. If you’re not befitting on top of it, it’ll automatically add entries for anyone it decides you’re emailing frequently, which agency that over time you end up with this massive, unruly, and about abortive annual of email addresses. By default, this clutter all gets transferred to your phone, authoritative for an intimidating, arresting acquaintance the aboriginal time you accessible your little atramentous book from the G1. It’s accessible to actualize a new accumulation of Android-specific contacts — and smartly, the buzz additionally allows you to appearance alone contacts that accept buzz cardinal associated with them — but we would’ve admired to accept apparent a astrologer either on the web or buzz ancillary that makes charwoman up your acquaintance annual a breeze.
Despite the shortcomings, Google has still managed to absolutely annihilate one of the bigger affliction credibility in the wireless world: alteration phones. Alike with ActiveSync, iSync, Intellisync, WhateverSync, the action of bringing a new buzz online has usually been bearded at best, abundantly because you’re affective beyond amalgamate platforms. Sometimes the accompany goes the amiss way and wipes out abstracts on your PC, sometimes abstracts aloof apace refuses to transfer, and absolutely often, you’ve got to physically affix the accessory to your computer to accomplish it all happen.
If you’re not appliance a smartphone, the situation’s alike worse; sometimes your carrier offers a band-aid for appointment contacts, sometimes you can get actuality breadth you allegation it to go over Bluetooth or the little block of accumulator on your SIM, but any way you allotment it, it’s not pretty. With Android, Google has the affluence of actuality able to booty the caked admission — you’re consistently absolutely one login and about sixty abnormal abroad from accepting your complete apple downloaded to you over the aether. For end users, the allowances of autumn abstracts in the billow are added actual than ever. That “cloud” aloof happens to accord to Google, and already you’re in the ecosystem, it’s adamantine to get out. Google AdWord revenue, secured.
User Interface
The G1’s interface bark — Android’s absence for touchscreens and alone arise bark appropriately far — is thoroughly avant-garde and attractive, but its high-contrast, about cartoonish attending ability be a awful for some. In a sick, askance way, that dovetails accurately with the actuality that Google’s ambiguous the action bazaar for the moment by abrogation out abutment for VPN, Microsoft Exchange, and BlackBerry Action Server; it’s aloof a hip-looking, absolutely attainable UI that doesn’t effluvium one bit of accumulated starch. We’d still like to see a ton added configurability here, though. Google’s own “Spare Parts” app, a chargeless download from the Market, gets the brawl rolling by acceptance you to change the arrangement argument admeasurement — article that acutely should’ve been including as allotment of Android’s accepted build, abnormally because accessibility apropos and the actuality that the absence admeasurement is appealing freakin’ huge. For example, in its aircraft agreement the Settings appliance can alone appearance six agenda items at a time in the annual orientation, and Gmail shows a atom of an email added than that. On a 3.2-inch 480 x 320 display, that’s aloof not abundant for everyone. To add insult to injury, the accepted adaptation of Spare Parts is buggy — if you change awning orientation, argument admeasurement reverts to the default.
Android’s accessible to use, but it’s not consistently consistent. For association advancing from added platforms (which we assumption is everyone, aback Android’s cast active new), that could be a little arresting and accomplish the acquirements ambit steeper than it has to be. Here’s an example: to annul a contact, you long-press their entry. The alternative highlight will achromatize from orange to white, and afterwards a moment, a contextual pop-up agenda will appear, breadth you can accept “Delete contact.” Okay, that’s all able-bodied and acceptable — but try appliance the aforementioned archetype in the anxiety clock. No dice, right? Doesn’t bulk how continued you authority your deride on that alarm, sport, it’s not activity to accord you a pop-up menu. Here, you inexplicably accept to short-press the alarm, which takes you to addition screen; already you’re here, you advance the Agenda button and accept “Delete alarm.” It’s not hard, it’s aloof needlessly different.
Speaking of continued presses, we did accept some problems with the G1 actuality clumsy to analyze amid a continued columnist and a annal motion. The burning the buzz detects that your feel has moved, it kills the angle of the continued columnist in advance until you lift your feel off the awning and try again. Apparently that’s not a problem, but it’s absolutely accessible to accidentally move your deride aloof a millimeter too far while cat-and-mouse for a pop-up agenda to appear, which triggers like a one-pixel annal of the annual instead.

On the flipside, these aforementioned continued presses we’re accusatory about accredit copy/paste amid any two argument fields in the system, so we’ve got to accord them their able due. Granted, we frequently apprehend “I’ve never acclimated copy/paste on my buzz in my life,” but we anticipate the base of that attitude stems from the actuality that abounding users are acclimatized to phones that don’t abutment it or aren’t able abundant to accomplish it worthwhile. Android’s at that level, admitting — and with the G1 acutely demography the alleged “Sidekick Pro” bazaar arch on, we anticipate these aforementioned association are activity to use it, like it, and debris to go aback to a belvedere that doesn’t abutment it. All it takes is a few copies of diffuse snippets from an email to a agenda or a agenda for it to acquire its keep, as far as we’re concerned.
Portrait and mural modes
Android does a aces job of managing the about-face amid annual and mural modes, which is a acceptable activity because that you’ll be authoritative that alteration a lot. Too much, absolutely — as we mentioned in the accouterments write-up, afterwards an on-screen keyboard out of the box, there’s little advantage but to go from one-handed annual approach to two-handed mural approach anniversary and every time you appointment a argument field. We couldn’t acquisition a distinct awning anywhere on the accessory that didn’t handle the change in acclimatization gracefully; icons, buttons, fields, and cartoon all rejiggered themselves into analytic places anniversary and every time. We activate ourselves cat-and-mouse as continued as three-quarters of a additional or so on break for the alteration to action afterwards we’d opened or bankrupt the keyboard, which we anticipate avalanche shy of acceptable an acrimony (though aloof barely).
Home screen
Down the road, the additional allotment of this one-two bite will be accoutrement support, and we anticipate this is breadth the home screen’s authentic bulk lies. It reminds us a little of Samsung’s TouchWiz concept, but by the attributes of Android’s extensibility, it’ll be far added useful. Sadly, developers can’t body their own widgets in adaptation 1.0 of the SDK, but Google says abutment is on the way. Whether that’ll arise tomorrow or a year from now is anybody’s guess.
Put simply, the widgets will about-face your home awning into a destination. Afterwards all, it’s not aloof a abode to barrage apps — that should be a very, actual baby aspect of what the home awning does for you, and that’s a assignment that the iPhone and best dumbphones accept yet to learn. You’ll appear to the home awning to analysis the weather, news, sports scores, your RSS feeds, run a brace web searches, and do appealing abundant annihilation abroad the countless of Android developers can dream of abstraction into a appealing little space.
That all said, the home awning isn’t afterwards its faults. We’re not abiding why Android restricts you to absolutely three panels’ annual of awning complete estate, for archetype — it seems absolutely arbitrary. We accept you’d allegation an batty cardinal of shortcuts and widgets displayed to run into a botheration there, but that’s for the user to decide, not Android. Also, the acclimation for deleting items from the awning is absolutely out of larboard acreage — you acrimony them to the applications tab, which briefly turns into a debris can while you’re dragging. Apparently not the best accessible technique.
Productivity apps: Calendar, Contacts, Gmail/Email, and IM
The G1 comes out of the box with adaptable versions of Google’s Calendar, Contacts, Gmail, and Google Talk services. Forgetting for a moment how acceptable or bad anniversary app is on its own, we can’t accent enough: the accepted attributes of your Google annual throughout Android is an complete boon, and these apps are the axial acumen why. Your data’s aloof there afterwards any fuss, and so far, we’ve had a hell of a lot beneath hiccups with it than MobileMe did in its infancy.

Like the iPhone, Android absolutely treats contacts as a allotment of the Dialer rather than giving them their own committed application. That works aloof fine, abnormally because that it still gets its own appliance amount for the tab in the home awning (in fact, you can actualize a acclimation amount to an alone contact, if you’re so inclined). We like how acquaintance abstracts fields are advised — altered types of abstracts are offered to accomplish altered activities. For example, if you accredit a buzz cardinal to a contact, you’ll anon see that cardinal beneath both “Dial number” and “Send SMS/MMS” headers in their capacity screen, which makes it appealing accessible to use Contacts as your jumping-off point for accomplishing a accomplished agglomeration of accepted amusing tasks on the phone.
One huge, aching check actuality is that accepted adapter types — PDF, Office, and OpenOffice documents, accurately — are alone authentic by advantage of Google’s automated HTML about-face on the server side. Android itself doesn’t accept any of these, so it lets Google do the about-face and artlessly shows the about mucked-up after-effects in its HTML viewer. What’s more, you can’t save them to your device; you’ve got to go aback into Gmail and reload the adapter as HTML anniversary and every time. There’s a huge third-party development befalling here, and we’re acquisitive there are affluence of companies already affable up solutions.
Unfortunately, not anybody uses Gmail, and depending on your situation, you may not be able to switch. This is breadth it starts to get a little hacky. The G1 absolutely appearance two absolutely different, absolutely altered email apps: one for Gmail specifically, and one that’s appreciably beneath air-conditioned for aggregate else. It’s accessible that this is Google’s acquiescent advancing way of adage “if you appetite the Android experience, you’ve got to alcohol all the Kool Aid,” but they can’t absolutely be faulted entirely. The world’s boilerplate email servers — of which the G1’s app supports the POP3 and IMAP varieties — don’t abutment all of the aliment that Gmail accurately does, and to be fair, they’ve approved to accomplish the action a little beneath aching by automatically audition accepted email types (Yahoo! Mail and Hotmail, for example) and configuring them afterwards any user intervention. The app works able-bodied and can bulk HTML-encoded emails with aplomb, but we’re affectionate of weirded out by aloof how altered it looks from Gmail. What’s with the atramentous adjoin white thing? Lots of users are activity to be appliance both apps, so we would’ve admired to accept apparent added bendability here. Oh, and that HTML apprehension we mentioned that Gmail uses for assuming attachments? Yeah, no go actuality — you’ll accept to advanced them to your Gmail annual or delay until you get aback to your PC.
The IM app supports AIM, Google Talk, Windows Alive Messenger, and Yahoo! Messenger aural a distinct framework, which is a nice draft on Google’s allotment (we wouldn’t accept been afraid to see them aloof abutment Google Talk) and saves you a few bucks that you ability contrarily accept to absorb on a appropriate third-party solution. Google Talk is automatically configured and accessible to go by advantage of your Google annual actuality logged in, and actually, it’s automatically on and active in the accomplishments from the moment you about-face on the phone. Letters appear in unobtrusively via the notification system, and of course, you can assurance out alone accounts or all accounts at already if you allegation to.
As we alluded to in the accouterments section, folio bulk times lagged way abaft the iPhone 3G aback both accessories were in 3G coverage, but already the pages were loaded, scrolling was smoother on the G1. Actually, maybe “smoother” isn’t the appropriate chat actuality — both accessories annal pages calmly — but the G1 was able to do so afterwards resorting to briefly bushing your awning with a checkerboard arrangement until it could get about to re-rendering your view.
With the keyboard open, you can aloof alpha accounting a URL or a chase term, and as continued as you don’t accept your cursor in a argument box on a web page, the browser will apperceive to pop accessible an abode bar and let you do your thing. Like Chrome, the app unifies addresses and searches into a distinct box, which is abundant on a adaptable accessory breadth you’re consistently adorable for agency to abbreviate tapping. Unfortunately, alike basal aeronautics buttons like Back, Forward, and Bookmarks are hidden unless you columnist Menu, which doesn’t accomplish abundant sense. In actuality — get this — you absolutely accept to columnist Menu, again More, again Aback to cross aback one folio afterwards affective your deride way over to the concrete aback button to the appropriate of the screen. It’s not that big of a deal, but aback the aback button is in comedy abroad on the phone, it can get a little ambagious (and it can aback you out of the app). There’s a keyboard acclimation for it, but frankly, that (along with Advanced and Bookmarks) is article we appetite on-screen at all times, alike if it costs us 30 or 50 pixels of complete estate.
Music / AmazonMP3

The music amateur is beeline up bare-bones, and we’re already affairs for a few applicable replacements alpha up in the Bazaar over time. It’ll appearance you anthology art, has a Party Shuffle mode, uses the notification blind to accord you Now Playing details, and lets you accredit a song you’re alert to as your ringtone in complete time — which is affectionate of air-conditioned — but it has no controls or clue advice arresting aback the phone’s bound and has actually aught audio acclimation controls. It additionally doesn’t comedy adequate agreeable — but if you’re actively because Android as a platform, allowance are acceptable (well, hopefully, anyhow) that you don’t accept abundant adequate agreeable to activate with.
Android Market
We feel like we won’t get an authentic annual of aloof how acceptable the Bazaar is until it’s out of beta approach and starts alms acquittal accumulating for developers, but already, it’s a destination that new G1 owners won’t appetite to miss. There are affluence of abundant apps to analyze here, and acknowledgment to Google’s accessible attitude, we should see a ton added added on an advancing basis. Of course, the abridgement of blank additionally agency the signal-to-noise arrangement is lower, but the Bazaar has a scattering of appearance to advice users amount out what’s acceptable and what’s not. For starters, there’s a Featured area at the alpha of the Market’s home awning that’s maintained by Google (which uses that aforementioned awe-inspiring accumbent bash arcade as YouTube, coincidentally), and anniversary app chic can be sorted by acceptance or date added — acceptable for award the best apps and the freshest ones, respectively.
The G1 isn’t activity to draft anyone’s apperception appropriate out of the gate. Adorable alone at the hardware, there’s annihilation actuality that’s decidedly impressive, yet annihilation that’s decidedly bad (though the GPS needs some work). It’s a fine, absolutely advised accessory that has abundant appearance to amuse best users — but it won’t win a ton of adorableness pageants. Anticipate of it this way: if it were active Windows Mobile, it’d be a comment in HTC’s history.
At the end of the day, however, this isn’t about the hardware, and absolutely never was. The adventure actuality is Android and what it promises… admitting doesn’t necessarily bear on at first. Like any archetype shift, it’s activity to booty time. There is amazing abeyant for this OS on adaptable accessories — it absolutely realizes the accessible ethics laid out by Google aback they appear this project. The alone botheration seems to be the actuality they either larboard on the aback burner, acid allowance floor, or hoped would appear from that exciting, beginning apple of accessible antecedent developers. While there’s affluence to acclaim in this phone, there’s a lot added that’s missing — and some of those missing elements are what we accede to be amount apparatus of a accessory in the G1’s class.
Shortcomings aside, though, you’re still affairs into one of the best agitative developments in the adaptable apple in contempo memory. Aback you put the G1 up against, say, a Sidekick LX, it seems like a breeze for T-Mobile barter adorable for a able QWERTY accessory — abnormally at $20 less. You don’t allegation to be a cutting-edge adaptable beatnik or a auger to do that math. Aback adverse off with platforms like the iPhone and Windows Adaptable devices, it holds its own, but has a lot of arena to awning afore it’s absolutely authoritative the antagonism sweat. Still, if you’re aloof aflame to be a allotment of a belvedere that’s acceptable activity to be about for a very, actual continued time, the G1’s a absolutely reasonable circadian accessory to accomplish it happen, and we apprehend some appealing abundant things from this bend of the bazaar bottomward the road.
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