Updated 8-20-2021

Note: This is a album on how to get the Standard Best Action (SCO) for accustomed gas and added accessible information, including how to accept an electricity provider. The admonition is all authentic and the SCO appraisement is adapted monthly. To bookmark this URL to see annual updates, use https://www.tinyurl.com/UtilityGuide (link adapted 10-13-2020)
This cavalcade should accord you all of the admonition you allegation to apperceive (and maybe added than you affliction to know!) about how to save money on accustomed gas and electricity.
For some time, I accept recommended the Standard Best Action (SCO), or annual capricious aggregate through approved-Dominion providers. While it does go up and down, the SCO has consistently been assault anchored prices offered by competitors and best affiliation aggregations. (Note: If you are in a NOPEC community, apprehend the admonition below.)
Prices for some time accept been at celebrated or abreast celebrated lows and the forecasts are that they will abide to break low.
Also, because it’s based on a state-approved formula, the SCO is transparent, clashing marketers’ capricious prices.
That blueprint is set anniversary year during a aggressive bargain in February. That bargain determines the “adder” aggregate for one year. The SCO is based on the New York Mercantile Exchange aggregate on the third to aftermost day in the antecedent month, additional the “adder,” which is about annihilation from a few cents to a few dollars.
That new blueprint goes into aftereffect with April/May bills, depending on your announcement cycle.
The new “adder” afterwards April 2021 charcoal at 15 cents cents per thousand cubic anxiety (mcf). It is the aforementioned aggregate as 2020, which was bottomward from 22 cents/mcf for 2019. An bargain captivated in Feb. 2021 concluded in the aforementioned “adder” aggregate for bills starting in April 2021. So you will see no change, but you may get a new provider as they are re-assigned yearly.
Customers who are already on the SCO don’t accept to do a thing. You abide to get the SCO unless you accept your own provider for a anchored aggregate or a capricious aggregate from addition banker or through an aggregation, which is a government bulk-buying group.
Every year in April, Dominion about re-assigns the acceptable bidders in the bargain to customers, so you may see a new name on your bill abutting to the SCO, but it should accomplish no aberration to you.
While I apperceive a lot of readers accept followed me in allotment the SCO and are extenuative money, there are a lot of bodies who haven’t gotten about to it.
I absolutely get it. I’m a alive mother of two adolescence and we are consistently on the run. Heck, if I didn’t accumulate clue of accustomed gas prices for a living, maybe I wouldn’t accept gotten about to affairs out my bill.
But it could be costing you a lot of added money, so it’s annual a quick review.
So while like I feel like a burst record, or a acrimonious and anxious wife, it’s time for you to cull out your gas bill and accomplish abiding you’re accepting the best accord or to affirm that what you anticipate you are active up for is absolutely what you are getting.
Often I get bodies thanking me afterwards they assuredly got about to affairs that bill out, alone to be abashed by the prices they absolutely were advantageous because they let activity get in the way.
Consumers got acceptable annual in February 2020 aback we no best had to accumulate clue of so abounding abbreviations like MVR and accurately allurement for the SCO from Dominion. Sometimes it acquainted like alphabet soup or a abstruse code.
The Annual Capricious Aggregate or MVR, acclimated to be a aggregate some consumers landed on that could sometimes be three times the activity SCO rate.
Luckily, it was alone in Feb. 2020. You can apprehend a column I wrote about that here, with a articulation to a annual adventure afterwards it was approved. But you still accept to attending at your bills aback lot of bodies accidentally bound into high-rate affairs with alone providers.
With the abolishment of the MVR, the default– if you accept it or if you go aback to Dominion afterwards abrogation a arrangement you’ve alleged with a banker or an accession –will be the SCO. That will appear automatically if you are a residential chump or a small, non-residential chump that consumes 200 mcf a year or less.
It’s still important to analysis your bill. I still apprehend consistently from readers who say they are advantageous cool aerial ante as aerial as $5 and $7/mcf.
So go grab your bill and let’s airing through what you allegation to do.
And as I’ve said before: If you accomplish a altered accommodation than me, I’m not activity to be hurt. Some bodies like to acquisition a anchored aggregate that they anticipate is fair with a low abandoning fee and balloon about it.
The SCO, a annual aggregate bent by a state-approved formula, is bent by application the closing aggregate on the third to aftermost day of the antecedent ages on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) additional an “adder,” which is bent every April in a supplier auction. For 2020 and 2021, it is currently 15 cents/mcf, so abreast broad prices.
In the aftermost year, the SCO has ranged from a low of $1.65/mcf (July 2020) to August 2021 $4.19/mcf, but it has mostly been in the aerial $2 to $3/mcf range.
Here’s the latest Standard Best Action or SCO price:
Dominion Energy Ohio’s annual accustomed gas aggregate for residential barter who are on the Standard Best Action (SCO) is activity up in August, abnormally compared to a year ago.
Effective Aug 11, the SCO is $4.19/mcf aback angled up to the abutting cent. That is 42 cents or 11.2 percent college than the July aggregate of $3.77/mcf. It is additionally added than bifold the aggregate from aftermost August of $2.00/mcf. Aftermost summer’s prices were acutely low due to COVID-19 shutdowns and accumulation and demand.
A adumbrative from the Dominion East Ohio ante administration cited the U.S. Energy Admonition Administration’s contempo concise angle in August 2021, citation several factors for the access and that it expects prices to akin out or appear bottomward anon due to college production
I am still advising the SCO, admitting you can consistently attending for a lower anchored aggregate at www.energychoice.ohio.gov if you’d like. Make abiding you do not accede to a aggregate with a annual fee absorbed or if you accept one with a aerial abandoning rate, you allegation to be accommodating to stick with the aggregate for the term.
A price-check of some 12-month ante do exhausted the accepted SCO. Again, if you aces addition rate, accomplish abiding you are accommodating to break with it if there is a aerial abandoning fee if SCO prices bead again.
While I am not captivated with the aggregate that has been inching up, attractive at absolute ambience and belief the EIA’s concise angle that prices should appear down, I am accommodating to ride it out. If prices abide to break up, I’ll attending for addition rate.
All barter pay a anchored basal annual charge. That aggregate is activity up to $36.48, from $34.97. The bigger allocation of that access is due to commodity alleged the Activity Backup Rider, to antithesis Dominion for a 25-year-long activity backup program. Here’s an commodity I wrote that explains the latest access in the fee, able May 12, 2021.

The annual allegation is burst bottomward into these charges:
All customers also pay a usage-based charge, which is angled to 57 cents/mcf to carriage the gas to the home, and gross-receipts tax, behindhand of whether they accept their own provider, accept the SCO, added Dominion rate, or participate in a government aggregation.
All barter additionally accept a “Tax Accumulation Acclaim Rider,” which began in April 2020. The acclaim of $5.41 a ages is a aftereffect of a federal law in 2017, which afflicted tax ante for utilities. Utilities in about-face allegation to acknowledgment those accumulation to customers. The aggregate of that tax acclaim is activity bottomward to $2.61 a ages starting with April 2021 bills. See added admonition in the breadth beneath and in this story.
The Standard Best Action is the absence aggregate for acceptable residential barter and nonresidential barter with anniversary acceptance of 200 Mcf or less, who accept not alleged an Energy Best supplier and who do not participate in a authoritative accession program.
I abide to acclaim the SCO. Prices accept connected to exhausted fixed-rate prices offered by marketers and are still absolutely low.
You can additionally assurance up for aggregate alerts via argument or email from the PUCO aback the Dominion SCO aggregate changes monthly. You can assurance up via a articulation on the Apples to Apples blueprint for the Dominion breadth or here.
Here’s some absolute prices for the aftermost several years:
July 2021 $3.77/mcf, June 2021: $3.13/mcf, May 2021: $3.08/mcf; April 2021: $2.74/mcf; March 2021: $3.00/mcf; Feb. 2021, $2.91/mcf; Jan 2021: $2.62/mcf
Dec. 2020: $3.05/mcf, Nov. 2020: $3.1, 5Oct. 2020: $2.25/mcf; Sept. 2020: $2.72/mcf; August 2020: $2.00/mcf; July 2020: $1.65/mcf; June 2020: $1.87/mcf; May 2020: $1.94/mcf; April 2020: $1.78/mcf; March 2020: $2.04/mcf; Feb 2020: $2.10/mcf; January 2020: $2.38/mcf;
December 2019: $2.69/mcf; November 2019: $2.82/mcf; October 2019: $2.65/mcf; September 2019: $2.47/mcf; August 2019: $2.36/mcf; July 2019: $2.51/mcf; June 2019: $2.85/mcf; May 2019: $2.79/mcf; April 2019: $2.93/mcf; March 2019: $2.93/mcf; February 2019: $3.02/mcf; January 2019: $3.71/mcf;
December 2018: $4.79/mcf; November 2018: $3.26/mcf; October 2018: $3.09/mcf; September 2018: $2.97/mcf; August 2018: $2.89/mcf; July 2018: $3.07/mcf; June 2018: $2.95/mcf; May 2018: $2.89/mcf; April 2018: $2.76/mcf; March 2018: $2.64/mcf; February 2018: $3.64/mcf; January 2018: $2.74/mcf;
December 2017: $3.07/mcf; November 2017: $2.75/mcf; October 2017: $2.97/mcf; September 2017: $2.96/mcf; August 2017: $2.97/mcf; July 2017: $3.07/mcf; June 2017: $3.24/mcf; May 2017: $3.14/mcf; April 2017: $3.18/mcf; March 2017: $2.58/mcf; February 2017: $3.34/mcf; January 2017: $3.88/mcf,
December 2016: $3.18/mcf, November: $2.71/mcf, October $2.90/mcf, September $2.80/mcf, August $2.62/mcf, July $2.87/mcf, June $1.91/mcf, May $1.95/mcf, April $1.85/mcf, March $1.73/mcf, February $2.21/mcf, January $2.39/mcf,
December 2015 $2.23, November 2015 $2.05/mcf
(If you alive in the Columbia Gas territory, your appraisement structures are different, but the attempt are the aforementioned and the SCO would additionally be my choice.)
All barter pay a aggregate for accustomed gas (the SCO, if that’s what you choose, or addition aggregate if you accept your own or go with an aggregation. All barter additionally pay accuse anon to Dominion as the utility: the basal annual allegation and the usage-based allegation to carriage the gas to the home, and gross-receipts tax, behindhand of whether they accept their own provider, accept the SCO, added Dominion rate, or participate in a government aggregation.
The accepted anchored basal annual allegation is $34.97 per month.
That basal annual allegation is fabricated up of three components, some of which accept gone up and down, all accustomed by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio ( PUCO).
The bigger allotment is the Basal Service Allegation of $17.58, which covers the anchored costs of carrying gas to their homes.
Pull out your Dominion bill.
You are attractive for the aggregate you pay, which is abutting to the MCF acceptance on your bill. Bills vary, but attending on the left-hand cavalcade aloft “total accepted charges” for the absolute section.
If your bill has the belletrist “SCO” abutting to a supplier, you are acceptable to go and you don’t accept to do anything. As continued as the bill says SCO, the supplier itself doesn’t matter. Every year in April, Dominion about re-assigns the acceptable bidders in the bargain to customers, so you may see a new name on your bill abutting to the SCO, but it should accomplish no aberration to you.
You will abide to get the SCO unless you accept your own provider for a anchored aggregate or a capricious aggregate from addition banker or through an aggregation, which is a government bulk-buying accumulation (make abiding you apprehend the accession breadth below).
You can additionally use an educational website Dominion has set up with pictures of sample bills, to admonition you acquisition breadth your supplier costs are.
As you spot-check your bill, if you are still on a anchored rate, or college than the SCO, acquisition out how abundant time is larboard on your arrangement and if there is a abandoning fee. Some fees can be ample — but you acceptable will save — if your aggregate is high.
The boilerplate domiciliary uses about 100 mcf of gas a year. Booty the aberration amid prices and accumulate by 100 to see the savings.

To about-face to the SCO, alarm Dominion at 800-362-7557 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday. Mondays tend to be the amid the busiest days, so conceivably aces a altered day to call.
Tell Dominion you appetite to abolish your accepted provider and switch.
It will booty up to two announcement cycles to about-face to what is alleged an “SSO” (the aforementioned aggregate as the SCO). If by the third month, you don’t see “SCO,” alarm Dominion.
During the time you accept the SSO, don’t anguish that the aggregate looks higher.
Despite my advocating for Dominion to change their bill, it does not accord you a abstracted band annual for commitment charges, so that SSO aggregate includes both the SCO and commitment charges, which anybody pays. In baby print, it will annual the SCO price.
One note: a PUCO change a few years ago agency nonresidential barter are no best acceptable for the SCO and allegation accept their own provider or pay what’s alleged the MRR or “monthly retail rate.” You can apprehend actuality for your choices if you’re a baby nonresidential chump — and apprehend a breadth beneath for added information
That’s up to you. I accept that some bodies aloof appetite that stability, alike if they apperceive that ability beggarly they pay a little added or beneath (depending on the SCO appraisement and market) for accord of mind.
You can analysis anchored and capricious ante on the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio’s Apples to Apples chart, www.energychoice.ohio.gov or 800-686-7826. Accomplish abiding you accept “Dominion East Ohio” for your territory.
Some of the annual capricious prices sometimes attending aggressive to the SCO, but accumulate in apperception best of the marketers don’t accept a blueprint they will share, so their prices could exhausted or they could action a bargain aggregate one ages and aerial the next. They additionally may accept a lag and are advertisement aftermost month’s rate. Apprehend this cavalcade I wrote about some bodies who anticipation they were accepting a acceptable capricious price, but it turns out they weren’t. (Followup: This marketer, PALMCO, accomplishing business as Indran Energy, was banned from the accompaniment of Ohio for bristles years afterwards a PUCO investigation.) I additionally acquaint readers who alarm me about a “great” anchored aggregate for say, six months to a year, that they aloof allegation to be accurate if they booty it, that they accumulate clue of aback the arrangement ends and what the aggregate will be after. Too often, I allocution to readers who accept gotten a abundant aggregate and again activity happens and aback they analysis their aggregate a year or so later, they acquisition out they accept been overpaying because afterwards their aboriginal arrangement ended, they got confused to an able capricious rate.
It’s important to bethink that the Nymex is aloof an indicator of what the bazaar believes prices will be. Variables like weather, accumulator inventories, use of accustomed gas for ability bearing and the like will accordingly annual absolute prices to alter from those Nymex projections.
In some ways, we’ve gotten baby with these low prices because we balloon that there were abounding years aback we anticipation a $9.99/mcf or alike a $12/mcf aggregate was bargain while added prices soared to $16/mcf.
Since none of us accept that clear brawl to apperceive absolutely what will appear with prices, I can’t accord you the slam-dunk answer. But what I can acquaint you is that the aberration in our bills if you stick with the SCO, like me, or booty a anchored rate, is appealing minimal, so we are not talking about hundreds of dollars difference.
Where there may be hundreds of dollars of aberration is if you are still ashore on a aerial anchored aggregate that you never got about to blockage on or if you are with a marketer’s own capricious rate, which can sometimes be absolutely high.
I wrote a adventure on Dec. 5, 2019 about a tax adjustment that Dominion accomplished with the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio and Ohio Consumers’ Counsel. This was allotment of a federal law that bargain taxes for companies nationwide. By law, PUCO-regulated utilities in the accompaniment allegation acknowledgment that money. Here’s the admonition about how Dominion barter will accept their credits, alpha with April 2020 bills. Also, I accustomed some aftereffect questions from readers: If you’ve confused abroad from Dominion territory, you do not retroactively or alone get your refund. All PUCO-regulated utilities were appropriate to ability a adjustment apropos how they’d acknowledgment the credits, so if you move to addition annual in Ohio, you would get the credits through that utility, alike if you are a new customer. Aforementioned with addition affective into Dominion territory. Also, municipally-owned utilities, like Cuyahoga Falls, don’t pay the federal accumulated tax or aggregate it from customers, so would not accept any credits to return.
Dominion is accustomed to acknowledgment the money over a 38 year period. The aboriginal year had a beyond acclaim of $5.41 a month. Alpha with April 2021 bills, the acclaim will go bottomward to $2.61 a month.
More: Dominion East Ohio tax accumulation acclaim goes from $5.41 to a ages to $2.61
I’ve accounting a lot about aggregations, or bulk-buying via communities, but there still seems to be abashing about them. Affiliation admiral created accession groups in the aboriginal 2000s, afterwards voters anesthetized election measures acceptance the groups to be formed. Admiral accept told me over the years that they do their best to get the best price, but there’s no agreement that the aggregate is the best or will exhausted what you can get on your own, or afresh with the SCO. Aggregations automatically accommodate affiliation associates who haven’t actively alleged their own anchored aggregate or capricious aggregate supplier. For those of us on the SCO, admitting we’ve “chosen” that, for accession purposes, we’re still included in the aggregations, unless we opt-out, so accomplish abiding you don’t avoid those notices.
If you aback get switched to an aggregation, alarm Dominion and say you appetite to about-face back, but you will accept to go through the action to about-face and remember, you allegation appeal the SCO. Accession affairs about don’t accept abandoning fees, so you can consistently accompany — and if the SCO continues to exhausted it, you can leave.
Aggregations are on altered cycles, but abounding renew in the fall.
I accept not apparent aggressive ante that exhausted the SCO via best affiliation aggregations, so I usually advance that you opt-out.
Two exceptions for an breadth accession plan annual because are the Burghal of Akron’s accustomed gas plan, which was appear in January 2019. Here’s my cavalcade answer my assessment on that. August 2020 update: At the time bodies could accept the Akron aggregation, the aggregate was 5 cents beneath the SCO; about the accepted aggregate of $3.09/mcf anchored through Nov. 2021 is college than the SCO, which in Aug. 2020 was $2/mcf. If you appetite to about-face aback to the SCO, alarm Dominion and appeal it. There is acceptable a $25 abandoning fee.) For admonition on the burghal of Akron’s electricity aggregation, apprehend my adventure from March 2021 actuality or bottomward beneath in the electricity section.
Also, addition is NOPEC, or the Northeast Ohio Public Energy Council. The bunch of about 237 governments with about 500,000 electricity barter and added than 400,000 accustomed gas barter has mostly included arctic Summit County and Portage County in our area. It is the bigger affiliation accession in our area.
Summit County townships and the burghal of New Franklin abutting NOPEC alpha in October 2017. The newest affiliation to accompany NOPEC is Cuyahoga Falls in aboriginal 2018.
Here is admonition I appear about NOPEC on 11/9/2019.
NOPEC or the Northeast Ohio Public Energy Council has some communities that are both accustomed gas and electric – abounding Portage County communities and a few Medina and Summit— but a ample majority in Summit are gas-only communities.
Summit County’s gas accession arrangement is NOT for ALL communities in the county; best accept their own aggregations. Here’s a map to analysis on your community.
NOPEC has commonly offered two programs to its accustomed gas customers: what it calls its “Program Price,” which is about aggressive with the bazaar and can change anywhere from annual to every 60 canicule or so.
Click actuality for the latest NOPEC prices.
NOPEC additionally offers it’s capricious aggregate that is affirmed to be 2 cents/mcf beneath the SCO. NOPEC barter automatically get the “program price,” unless they accurately alarm for the 2-cent-below plan. However, while it beats the SCO, accustomed the bargain prices of the SCO, the boilerplate residential chump uses 100 mcf a year, so we’re talking about a $2 a year savings. So don’t lose any beddy-bye over this.
I’m not a fan of NOPEC’s anchored ante alone because the SCO annual aggregate has been so good. The 2 cent-below the SCO is nice, but I don’t like the actuality that consumers accept to alarm NOPEC to get it and that you accept to re-enroll every two years or you will get the affairs price, which is higher.
It’s not annual 2 bucks to me. So if you appetite to break on the SCO, you allegation opt-out of NOPEC.
NOPEC additionally has abstracted electric ante for accommodating communities (not all accustomed gas NOPEC communities are electric).
Customers on the SCO or those who don’t accept their own arrangement with a accustomed gas provider are automatically included on lists Dominion is appropriate to allotment with retail marketers and accession groups. If you don’t appetite on those lists, opt out through Dominion. Go online actuality to accept to opt out of the “Eligible Chump List” or alarm 800-362-7557 or address Dominion at Box 5759, Cleveland, OH 44101-0759.

Tell them you appetite to get off the “Eligible Chump List.”
I’ve done this so that I don’t accidentally get aggregate into my community’s accession contract, if I appear to absence the opt-out apprehension in the mail.
This doesn’t beggarly all gas offers by mail will end. I still get some offers, acceptable because I’m still on some commitment lists as a aloft customer.
Budget announcement is an advantage offered to accord barter a way to accept constant payments by ciphering acceptance based on accustomed weather, absolute burning and the customer’s aggregate at the time of acceptance or during the anniversary analysis in May. A analysis is additionally conducted in November to accomplish any all-important adjustments to abbreviate ample over-or underpayments for the anniversary true-up in May.
It’s a way for barter to advance out the costs of their heating bill over the advance of a year breadth they will be advantageous the aforementioned aggregate year-round instead of advantageous the aerial absolute costs during the winter. It additionally agency that during the summer months aback actual little accustomed gas is actuality used, you’re advantageous a college amount.
I accept been application annual announcement for years and acquisition it actual accessible so I don’t get huge swings in my bills during the winter heating months. Plus, for the aftermost several years with SCO ante actuality so low, my annual bill amounts accept been abundantly low. In fact, this year, I went four months this summer not accepting to pay annihilation aback I had a antithesis and now my annual has been adapted to about $50 a month.
If you are a baby business or nonresidential account, such as a church, the accompaniment alone the SCO best for you in 2013.
The PUCO accustomed Dominion to annihilate the SCO for bartering or nonresidential customers. Consumer advocates at the time said removing the criterion was unfair, and the arrangement wasn’t broken. Dominion admiral said the bazaar could become added aggressive if the SCO wasn’t accessible to bartering customers.
Those barter had to booty either the MVR, which was that non-regulated annual capricious that was cool high, or acquisition their own rate.
As of Feb. 2020, there’s acceptable news. Again, apprehend my abounding cavalcade on this, but I will try to abridge beneath as well.
But for baby non-residential barter who use 200 mcf a year annually, you can get the SCO as your absence and will automatically be switched if you are currently on the MVR.
A additional set of barter afflicted in this proposed adjustment are non-residential accounts that use a absolute of 200 to 500 mcf a year.
For these customers, if they acknowledgment to Dominion from a supplier, they will not automatically get the SCO, but a new aggregate that replaces the MVR alleged the MRR or Annual Retail Rate. That aggregate has been set up with some “guardrails.”
Marketers who appetite to accept barter on the MRR aggregate anniversary ages will put in their rate. The MRR aggregate for that ages will be the boilerplate or the boilerplate aggregate of all those that are angry in.
So, for instance, if there are an odd cardinal of marketers, like 9, the aggregate in the middle, or the cardinal 5 aggregate will be the MRR aggregate for the month. If there are an alike cardinal of marketers, like 10, the MRR aggregate will be the boilerplate of the two in the middle, or prices 5 and 6. What should animate the marketers to put in a aggressive aggregate is they all allegation allegation the boilerplate MRR aggregate and the marketers whose bids were aloft that aggregate that ages will additionally not get any new customers.
Until we see how the marketers are activity to be behest with the MRR pricing, we absolutely won’t apperceive how aggressive it will be. The PUCO will be administration those numbers acceptable on its Apples to Apples chart.
As allotment of the settlement, barter in this additional set will get the MRR automatically if they acknowledgment to Dominion — but they are accustomed to ask for the SCO, which is good; non-residential barter accept not been acceptable for the SCO aback 2013.
Unfortunately, nonresidential barter who use 500 mcf or added a year are the losers in the settlement. These users (your beyond businesses and in abounding cases churches, depending on size) are not accustomed to ask for the SCO, so their alone choices are the MRR or allotment their own provider with a banker or conceivably an aggregation. For instance, my abbey is activity through an accession of added churches.
One new affair I begin out was there’s a accouterment in accompaniment law for nonprofits that use added than 500 mcf (and are usually not accustomed into government aggregations because of their size) that would acquiesce the nonprofit to appeal an absolution to be added to the government aggregation. To do that, acquaintance the PUCO at 800-686-7826 or your affiliation accession and ask for the “nonprofit acknowledgment form.” That may be a best to get you a bigger rate.
Another advantage is to analysis with an association, such as your abbey denomination, bounded conference, or added baby group, to see if they accept created an accession accumulation or aggregate affairs accumulation to save on utilities. Some abbey denominations participate in aggregations. If you do accept a variable, aback broad ante are bargain now, apperceive that best companies don’t allotment how they actuate their capricious rates, so you’ll accept to accumulate an eye on them.
People generally ask about my admonition for electricity offers. It’s not as simple as the SCO and accustomed gas. You can boutique about at www.energychoice.ohio.gov and attending for a anchored rate, comparing it to your “price to compare” on your bill, an abundant cardinal that you would save if you about-face based on your usage. If you switch, watch arrangement lengths, aggregate and abandoning fees.
More: How to apprehend your Ohio Edison electric bill
Most communities are beneath an accession with Energy Harbor, the anew formed accession afterwards aloft Akron-based FirstEnergy Solutions emerged from defalcation and kept its contracts.
On Aug. 8, 2020, I wrote this cavalcade in acknowledgment to readers allurement whether they should attending for a new electricity provider in ablaze of the July 21 arrest by federal agents of aloft Ohio Abode Speaker Larry Householder and four added men, including lobbyists for FirstEnergy Corp. and its aloft accessory FirstEnergy Solutions, accepted as FES.
On Feb. 14, 2021, I wrote addition cavalcade that addressed the aspersion and was a album on FirstEnergy and electricity. It additionally addressed Energy Harbor.
More: Betty Lin-Fisher: Here’s a album in electricity. Lights will break on admitting annual scandal
There’s capacity about how to boutique for an electricity provider, the cheapest affairs at the time and what questions to ask.
If you appetite to apperceive if your affiliation has an accession with Energy Harbor — best communities in the Akron breadth do — attending on your bill or alarm Energy Harbor at 888-254-6359 or attending up your community’s Energy Harbor aggregate here.
March 2021 update: I wrote this adventure about the Burghal of Akron and added affiliation accession offers with Energy Harbor.
More: Here’s admonition if you got a letter in the mail about electricity aggregations
If you are with a NOPEC aggregation, booty a attending at the admonition I included above.
There are generally calls or offers that marketers accelerate to your abode alms a chargeless ages of electricity or adage they’re cheaper than the utility. Accomplish abiding you’re accomplishing your able research. Often, their prices are not cheaper, alike with one ages free.
Also, bethink that alone about 55 percent of an electric bill, alleged the bearing portion, is “shoppable” for barter attractive for the best rate. The added 45 percent is set by regulators and cannot change.

Beacon Journal agents anchorman Betty Lin-Fisher can be accomplished at 330-996-3724 or blinfisher@thebeaconjournal.com. Follow her @blinfisherABJ on Twitter or www.facebook.com/BettyLinFisherABJ To see her best contempo belief and columns, go to www.tinyurl.com/bettylinfisher
This commodity originally appeared on Akron Beacon Journal: Betty Lin-Fisher: How to get the SCO for accustomed gas, boutique for electricity (updated annual with SCO pricing; 8-20-2021 update)
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