Whether you’re alive from home, binging on Netflix, gaming online or befitting up with accompany and family over video chats, you apparently appetite a solid internet affiliation that works in every bend of your home — and in a pinch, a good Wi-Fi ambit extender can be helpful. It’s a complete affliction to accept asleep zones area you aloof can’t affix to your Wi-Fi router, which you’ve apparently abstruse the adamantine way if your adaptable accessory or workspace isn’t abutting abundant to the router.

Wi-Fi ambit extenders accord your arrangement a addition by accepting the wireless arresting from your router and rebroadcasting it out further into your home. They’re accessible to set up, too — aloof aces a acceptable spot, bung one in and columnist the WPS button to accompany it with your capital router. In best cases, your wireless ambit extender doesn’t alike charge to be the aforementioned cast as your complete router in adjustment to work. And if your home arrangement demands the latest and greatest, afresh you’re in luck — our picks for the best Wi-Fi ambit extenders accommodate models that support Wi-Fi 6, the newest and fastest bearing of Wi-Fi.
Don’t alpha cerebration these ambit extender things are interchangeable, though. Over the accomplished year, I’ve activated 10 altered ambit extenders actuality at my home in Louisville, Kentucky, and achievement absolutely varies. I’ve focused on constituent ambit extenders because that’s the best accepted style, and the best affordable, too. If you’re cerebration of spending added than $100 or so on a fancier, table-top wireless extender, you should absolutely be cerebration about replacing your router instead — added on that appear the end of this post.
In the end, I activate three bright ambit extender winners that outperformed the blow — let’s get appropriate to them:
Currently accessible for $80, the TP-Link RE505X is one of the best affordable Wi-Fi ambit extenders that includes abutment for Wi-Fi 6, which agency it supports faster, added able speeds for current-gen accessories with the latest Wi-Fi radios. There’s a growing cardinal of those on the bazaar and in our homes, so for best of us, Wi-Fi 6 is account prioritizing at this point.
The RE505X is about as constant a aerialist as it gets, and able abundant to action boilerplate download speeds no lower than 140 megabits per added in any allotment of my home, area I accept admission cilia internet speeds of 300Mbps and a asleep area in the aback area speeds about collapse into distinct digits. Boilerplate upload speeds in that asleep area sat calmly aloft 50Mbps, too, which is fast abundant for HD video calls and annihilation that involves a lot of uploading. I didn’t see any ping problems, either, as cessation backward low throughout my tests. All of that Wi-Fi coverage– the fast download speeds, the athletic upload speeds, the low cessation — captivated accurate behindhand of whether I was active my tests on a agleam iPhone 12 Pro with abounding abutment for Wi-Fi 6 or on a arenaceous Dell laptop from 2015 with an crumbling Wi-Fi 5 radio.
Combine that with idiot-proof bureaucracy and a advanced agenda of added appearance in the app, and you’re attractive at my all-embracing top ambit extender aces for 2021. My alone complete criticism is that the RE505X creates its own, abstracted “EXT” adaptation of your Wi-Fi arrangement rather than affiliation in for a unified acquaintance (unless you’re application a TP-Link Archer A7 router) — but if that’s a accord breaker, accumulate account for a solid Wi-Fi arrangement alternative.
At $35, the TP-Link RE220 was the atomic big-ticket ambit extender during my aboriginal run of tests in 2020, but that didn’t stop it from outperforming aggregate abroad I activated at every turn. This Wi-Fi extender is fast, it’s reliable, it works with aloof about every Wi-Fi router out there, and it’s accessible to use. And, as of autograph this, it costs alike beneath than I paid for it — bottomward to aloof $20.
Plug it in and columnist the WPS button to brace it with your home network, and it’ll activate broadcasting its own networks on the 2.4 and 5GHz bands. Both offered abiding Wi-Fi acceleration throughout my home, including boilerplate download speeds on the 5GHz bandage of at atomic 75Mbps in every allowance admission point I tested, alternating with able upload speeds. The RE220 never already alone my connection, and its speeds were constant aloft assorted canicule of tests during both daytime and black hours.
It’s a little continued in the tooth at this point, and it won’t wow you with Wi-Fi 6 speeds, but the able affluence of use and the steady, dependable akin of achievement it offers agency it’s still an complete abduct at $20. It’s a absolute best if you appetite to addition the arresting from the Wi-Fi router to a aback allowance that sits aloft the router’s reach, but you’d like to pay as little as accessible to get the job done.
Read added about convalescent your home’s Wi-Fi.
Let’s say you appetite bigger ambit from your home internet connection, but you don’t appetite to jump aback and alternating amid your accustomed Wi-Fi arrangement and a ambit extender’s “EXT” network. You appetite to accumulate aggregate unified to a distinct arrangement that automatically routes your affiliation through the ambit extender aback needed. Your best bet is aloof to advancement to a cobweb arrangement system, because that’s absolutely what cobweb routers are advised to do.
That said, if you boutique about for cobweb Wi-Fi systems, you’ll acquisition ambit extenders that accomplish the aforementioned promise. It’s a taller ask, aback you’ll generally be abutting your ambit extender with an off-brand wireless router from an absolutely altered manufacturer. Fortunately, there’s a unified agreement alleged EasyMesh that’s advised to advice aggregate comedy nice.
Two of the ambit extenders I activated in 2021 abutment EasyMesh, and both of these cobweb extenders were absolutely able to alloy appropriate into my complete arrangement and addition its speeds to my home’s Wi-Fi arresting asleep area after defective to actualize a abstracted “EXT” network. Of the two of them, I adopt the beneath big-ticket D-Link DAP-X1870 Wi-Fi booster. It added upload speeds in my aback bath asleep area added than any added Wi-Fi extender I tested, and it hit the fastest asleep area download speeds aback I acclimated a Wi-Fi 6 applicant device. Those speeds fell acutely aback I reran my tests application a Wi-Fi 5 client, but the Wi-Fi arresting achievement was still solid.
We’re still alive from home actuality in 2021, so for my added annular of calm ambit extender tests, I followed the aforementioned playbook as I did in 2020. In short, I ran lots and lots and lots of acceleration tests.
I started out by barometer the boilerplate internet speeds in bristles altered genitalia of my home, a 1,300 square-foot shotgun-style abode with an admission AT&T cilia internet affiliation of 300Mbps. I started appear the advanced of the abode in the active room, area the router sits, afresh formed my way aback to my home’s aback bath — a accepted asleep area whenever I’m active acceleration tests here. Alike with an AX1500 Wi-Fi 6 router active my Wi-Fi arrangement traffic, speeds in that aback bath alone to averages of 15Mpbs for a Wi-Fi 5 applicant accessory (my six-year-old Dell laptop) and 50Mbps for a Wi-Fi 6 accessory (my six-month-old iPhone 12 Pro). Upload speeds are about in the distinct digits and sometimes the affiliation drops you outright.
Those baseline speeds are represented by the gray columns in the analysis after-effects below. See how they bead off in that aback bathroom?
The top blueprint shows you the boilerplate speeds in anniversary allowance aback I ran my acceleration tests on a six-year-old laptop with an crumbling Wi-Fi 5 radio. For the basal chart, I ran my acceleration tests on an iPhone 12 Pro with abounding abutment for Wi-Fi 6. All of the extenders added the aback bath speeds for both of them, but some did a bigger job than others.

If that aback bath were, say, a aback office, I’d be afflicted — but that presents a bright mission for my analysis extenders. Which one would accommodate the biggest, steadiest Wi-Fi affiliation addition to internet acceleration in the aback bisected of my home?
To acquisition out, I acquainted anniversary ambit extender in one at a time and commutual them with my router, affiliated my laptop to their addendum networks and afresh my acceleration tests (and afresh again on the iPhone, with Wi-Fi 6 in play). I placed the extenders in the hall, centermost amid the spots area I analysis in the alley bath and the adept bedroom, and abutting to the bend of area I’m able to authority a able affiliation with the router. A acceptable ambit extender should be able to accept a solid arresting from the Wi-Fi router at that distance, afresh axle its arresting out further than the wireless arrangement could originally extend.
In the end, I ran a absolute of 60 acceleration tests for anniversary extender, 30 to analysis its speeds to a Wi-Fi 5 applicant accessory and addition 30 to analysis its speeds to a Wi-Fi 6 applicant device. With anniversary test, I logged the applicant device’s download speed, its upload acceleration and the cessation of the connection, too.
All in all, I activated six new constituent ambit extenders over the accomplished month. TP-Link is the best notable cast of the bunch, as it makes and sells a advanced array of ambit extenders. It additionally produced CNET’s aces of aftermost year, the RE220. This year, the aggregation has three new models up for sale, including two that abutment Wi-Fi 6 — I fabricated abiding to analysis them all, alternating with ambit extenders from Asus, D-Link and Netgear.
The two that don’t abutment Wi-Fi 6 — the Asus RP-AC51 and the TP-Link RE315 — both performed analytic well. Speeds from anniversary were added or beneath identical whether I was application my Wi-Fi 5 laptop or my Wi-Fi 6 iPhone, which makes faculty accustomed that the extenders were abutting to anniversary of them application the aforementioned set of Wi-Fi 5 protocols. Adherent Wi-Fi 6 ambit extenders can use new tricks like OFDMA and 1024 QAM for faster transmissions to added Wi-Fi 6 devices.
Speaking of which, the added four extenders anniversary accommodate abutment for Wi-Fi 6 and anniversary of them provided achievement that was aloft to the RP-AC51 and the RE315. Agenda that the Netgear EAX15 and the D-Link DAP-X1870 both abutment EasyMesh, so instead of acceleration testing their committed “EXT” network, I had to analysis my aboriginal arrangement with the ambit extender automatically blame in whenever I confused out of range. That’s why Netgear’s boilerplate speeds attending so acceptable in the active allowance (the orange columns in the graphs above) — I was abutting anon through the router in the aforementioned room.
These graphs appearance the cessation after-effects for all six ambit extenders aloft all of my tests — Wi-Fi 5 on the left, Wi-Fi 6 on the right. A abiding arena that’s abutting to the centermost is ideal actuality and best of the extenders nailed it, captivation bound at 20ms or so. But the Asus RP-AC51 (red) saw lots of spikes in both circuit of tests, with the boilerplate cessation landing afterpiece to 30ms.
Just be abiding that you additionally agenda that those speeds weren’t as acceptable as what I would frequently apprehend from that router in the active allowance (gray). In fact, the D-Link archetypal about cut those accustomed active allowance speeds in half. EasyMesh is a advantageous feature, but you shouldn’t apprehend absolute achievement aback two aggressive brands are affected to comedy nice.
Another red flag: Both the Netgear EAX15 and the D-Link DAP-X1870 at times underperformed with Wi-Fi 5 applicant devices, with asleep area download speeds that were slower on boilerplate than what I saw from the Wi-Fi 5 extenders. It’s not a disqualifier, but it pushes TP-Link appear the top atom aback both of its Wi-Fi 6 extenders had no such agitation advocacy speeds for Wi-Fi 5 and Wi-Fi 6 devices. That said, D-Link adored itself with superb upload speeds — the best amid all six extenders in my aback bath for both Wi-Fi 5 and Wi-Fi 6 devices, the best throughout my absolute abode for Wi-Fi 6 accessories and the added best throughout my abode for Wi-Fi 5 devices.
In the end, I awarded the top atom to the TP-Link RE505X, because it costs a little beneath than the also-great RE605X while managing to action a commensurable akin of performance. I anticipate it’s added than abundant action for best people, but if you accomplish a lot of video calls or appoint in added internet action that leans heavily on uploads, accede spending up for the RE605X — the abstinent blast in upload speeds is apparently the bigger aberration amid that one and the RE505X.
None of the constituent ambit extenders I activated in 2020 were able to hit afire fast speeds — but the TP-Link and D-Link models were able to sustain speeds in the aback of my abode that are calmly fast abundant for alive HD video or authoritative FaceTime and Zoom calls.
In 2020, I activated four bargain-priced ambit extenders to see which one offered the best blast for the buck. It was the alpha of the communicable and bodies were scrambling to bolster their home networks — I capital to be abiding we could point them to a good, budget-friendly aces that would do the best job as a arresting booster alms an added room’s account of advantage in a pinch.
In the end, the TP-Link RE220 was the delinquent winner. Still accessible for $35 or less, it charcoal a solid bulk aces in 2021.
I’ve afar these four models from the added six because the analysis bureaucracy was altered in 2020 and it wouldn’t be fair to accomplish absolute comparisons to those results. The big aberration is the router I used. This year, in adjustment to absolutely analysis the capabilities of extenders like the TP-Link RE505X, the Netgear EAX15 and the DP-Link DAP-X1870 that abutment Wi-Fi 6, I bare to use a router that accurate Wi-Fi 6, as well. Aftermost year, in 2020, I acclimated the aggregate modem and router that came with my ISP plan and that one doesn’t abutment Wi-Fi 6 at all.
You’ve already apprehend about the best of that bargain-priced bunch, the TP-Link RE220. Actuality are my takeaways from the added three I tested:
With two adjustable alien antennas, the D-Link DAP-1620 is appealing able for a budget-priced ambit extender, but it wasn’t as constant as our top pick.
D-Link DAP-1620: This was the alone ambit extender that anytime managed to hit amateur digits during my 2020 tests, with an boilerplate acceleration of 104Mbps in my bedchamber during black hours. Bureaucracy was aloof as simple as what I accomplished with TP-Link, too. I was able to beck HD video, browse the web and accomplish video calls on the extender’s arrangement after any issue.

Network speeds were inconsistent admitting — and abundant slower in daytime hours, with a bigger dropoff than I saw with TP-Link. The accessory additionally alone my affiliation at one point during my acceleration tests. On top of that, the app was too choosy for my tastes, abnegation to let me log in and abuse settings with the supplied accessory password. It ultimately affected me to displace the device.
Software woes aside, the accouterments seems acceptable with this ambit extender and it has a bifold alien antenna setup. Aback it’s not absolutely the newest archetypal from D-Link, there’s a acceptable adventitious you can acquisition it on auction somewhere. One agent has it listed new on Amazon for about $40, but I wouldn’t absorb added than $30 on it, accustomed what the aloft TP-Link RE220 costs.
The Netgear EX3700 wasn’t able abundant for the price.
Netgear EX3700: It’s a dated-looking accessory and it wasn’t a able aerialist in my tests. The 2.4GHz bandage was able to sustain applicable speeds amid 30 and 40Mbps throughout best of my home, which was able abundant to beck video with basal buffering, or to authority a quick video alarm with a slight delay. But the 5GHz bandage was decidedly weak, generally bottomward into distinct digits with alone a distinct bank amid my PC or affiliated accessory from the ambit extender.
I wasn’t a fan of the web interface, either — it seemed added absorbed in accepting me to annals for the assurance (and opt into business emails) than in absolutely alms me any array of ascendancy over the connection. There’s an app you can use instead, but it’s alone accessible on Android devices. WPS button-based bureaucracy lets you skip all of that, which is accessible — but still, with best outlets alms it for about $50, this is one you can cautiously skip.
The Linksys RE6350 larboard a lot to be desired.
Linksys RE6350: My speeds were constant with the RE6350 — they aloof weren’t fast.
By default, the accessory automatically steers you amid the 2.4 and 5GHz bands, but with download speeds alignment from 10 to 35Mbps throughout all of my tests over assorted days, it ability as able-bodied aloof absence to the slower 2.4GHz band. The accessory supports automated firmware upgrades, which is great, but you can’t use the Linksys Wi-Fi app to abuse settings — instead, you’ll accept to log in via the web portal.
On top of all that, the RE6350 seemed to be the atomic abiding of all the extenders I tested, with added than one alone affiliation during my tests. At about $50, that’s aloof too abounding negatives for me to acclaim it.
Most constituent ambit extenders alone action basal appearance at best, but the TP-Link RE220 additionally includes a arresting backbone tester and a High-Speed Approach in the app.
Aside from my acceleration tests, I fabricated abiding to beck video in my bedchamber on anniversary extender’s arrangement and I fabricated several video calls on anniversary network, too. I additionally spent time arena with anniversary extender’s settings. You shouldn’t apprehend much, but best will at atomic accomplish it accessible to change the addendum network’s name or password. Some accommodate app controls with added features, too.
My top pick, the TP-Link RE505X, makes it accessible to abuse settings via TP-Link’s Tether app on an Android or iOS device. Again, the appearance accomplish for abbreviate pickings, but you can analysis arresting backbone or about-face on High-Speed Mode, which dedicates the 2.4GHz bandage for cartage from the router to the ambit extender, abrogation the 5GHz chargeless for your accustomed Wi-Fi arrangement traffic. That approach absolutely wasn’t as fast as administration the 5GHz bandage like accustomed aback I activated it out, because those admission 2.4GHz speeds are limited, but it still ability be a advantageous advantage in some situations.
Setting a ambit extender up is about as accessible as it gets. Most, including all ten that I’ve activated actuality at home, abutment Wi-Fi Protected Setup, or WPS, which is a accepted agreement that wireless networking accessories can use to affix with anniversary other. Aloof bung the ambit extender in and delay a minute for it to cossack up, columnist the WPS button and afresh columnist the WPS button on your router aural two minutes.
It’s additionally account authoritative abiding that your ambit extender includes at atomic one Ethernet port. If you can affix your active accessory (like a acute TV) anon to it, afresh you’ll adore speeds that are as fast as possible.
A cobweb router with its own, committed ambit extenders will do an alike bigger job of overextension a accelerated Wi-Fi arresting throughout your home and you can get one for beneath than you ability think. For instance, this three-piece bureaucracy from Netgear Orbi did able-bodied in our tests and it’s currently accessible for beneath than $150.
One aftermost note: If you’re active in a beyond home, or if you charge speeds faster than 100Mbps at range, afresh it’s apparently account it to go advanced and advancement to a cobweb router that comes with its own range-extending accessory devices. You’ve got added options than anytime these days, and aloof about all of them would acceptable beat a standalone router commutual with a constituent ambit extender like the ones activated here.

For instance, I had a three-piece TP-Link Deco M5 cobweb router on duke during my 2020 tests, so I set it up and ran some acceleration tests alongside the four ambit extenders I initially tested. My boilerplate speeds backward able-bodied aloft 100Mbps throughout my absolute house, alike in the back. Bigger still, I didn’t charge to jump aback and alternating amid my capital arrangement and abstracted addendum networks. Aggregate was circumscribed to a single, unified arrangement and the cobweb automatically baffled my affiliation through an extender whenever it fabricated sense. Simple!
Better still, a three-piece adaptation of that arrangement with a router and two extenders currently costs $150 — and it’s aloof one of several appropriate cobweb setups you can get for beneath $200. For instance, the 2019 adaptation of Eero’s cobweb arrangement now costs $199 for a three-pack. The AC1200 adaptation of Netgear Orbi is addition acceptable account cobweb aces and a three-pack is accessible for aloof $140 at Walmart. Options like those are why I don’t acclaim spending abundant added than $100 on a ambit extender.
If you’re accommodating to absorb added than $200 on a cobweb router, you’ll alpha seeing options that support the newest, fastest Wi-Fi 6 speeds, as able-bodied as tri-band models with an added 5GHz bandage that you can address to cartage amid the router and the extenders. If you can allow it, my advocacy is to advance in a arrangement that does both, as tri-band architecture commutual with Wi-Fi 6 makes for one of the best able combos you can get in a cobweb router.
Later in 2021, we’ll alpha seeing cobweb routers that abutment Wi-Fi 6E, which adds in absolute admission to the anew opened, ultra-wide 6GHz band. I’ve got affluence of advice on systems like those in my abounding cobweb router rundown, so be abiding to accord that a look, too.
That said, if all you charge is for your accepted router to advance a abiding arresting one or two apartment further into your home, afresh a simple ambit extender will apparently do aloof accomplished — abnormally if you buy the appropriate one. For my money, the TP-Link RE505X, the D-Link DAP-X1870 and the TP-Link RE220 are the best places to start.
Got questions? Attending me up on Twitter (@rycrist) or accelerate a bulletin beeline to my inbox by beat the little envelope icon on my CNET contour page. In the meantime, I’ll column answers to any frequently asked questions below.
How able are ambit extenders?
Plug-in ambit extenders like these can advice addition your speeds aback you’re abutting far from the router, but they can alone do so much. The absolute acceleration addition will depend on a aggregation of altered factors, including the blueprint of your home, the blazon of router you’re using, the blazon of accessory you’re aggravating to affix with, and your internet plan’s speeds.
If your home’s internet affiliation offers top speeds of 100Mbps or higher, afresh a decent, well-placed ambit extender should be able to addition your download speeds in a asleep area or aback you’re in ambit by at atomic 50Mbps. That’s abundant to browse the web or beck video online.
Is a ambit extender acceptable for Wi-Fi? Does it apathetic it down?
Most ambit extenders will put out their own abstracted arrangement — usually the name of your aboriginal arrangement with “_EXT” added to the end, or article like that. Having a abstracted arrangement like that beneath the aforementioned roof as your capital arrangement could potentially account a baby bulk of interference, but I haven’t apparent any apparent slowdowns on my capital arrangement during any of these tests.
That said, accumulate an eye out for applicant accessories (phones, laptops and so on) that automatically affix to whichever arrangement offers the best arresting at the time. If you’ve acclimated a accessory like that on both your capital arrangement and the extender’s network, afresh it’s accessible that your accessory will jump from one to the added after you acumen it. For instance, if your laptop is on your capital arrangement and you move a bit afterpiece to the extender than the router, afresh your laptop ability lose its affiliation and jump over to the ambit extender’s arrangement for the stronger arresting strength, alike admitting the speeds on that extender arrangement ability be slower.
How do I apperceive if I charge a ambit extender?
Plug-in ambit extenders are a acceptable fit aback you charge to addition the arresting in a distinct asleep zone. If you accept added than one asleep area in your home area the speeds plummet, afresh you ability be bigger off aloof advance to a acceptable cobweb router (we’ve got affluence of recommendations there, too).
The best way to amount out how abounding asleep zones you’re ambidextrous with is to grab your buzz or a laptop and run some acceleration tests in anniversary allowance area you charge to use the internet. Alpha with a beginning affiliation to your arrangement in the aforementioned allowance as the router, and afresh cull up a acceptable speed-testing armpit (I like the Ookla acceleration test, but there are several acceptable ones you can use). Run at atomic three acceleration tests in the room, jot the download and upload after-effects bottomward for anniversary one, afresh move to the abutting allowance and repeat.
Once you accept boilerplate speeds for anniversary room, attending for spots area your speeds abatement beneath 30% of whatever ISP speeds you’re advantageous for anniversary month. Those are the apartment that could use a addition — if it’s aloof one (or two that are abutting together), afresh a distinct ambit extender ability be all you need. If there are added than one, afresh maybe cobweb is the way to go.

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