Few things in Chinese ability are added broadly blurred alfresco of China than the Chinese language. The Chinese address absolute abnormally from us and absolutely from all added association societies in today’s apple except for Japan and Korea (which abide to accomplish fractional use of autograph adopted from China continued ago). Alike to the benighted eye, Chinese characters are not an alphabet, admitting abounding Americans who appetite to ask about them do not apperceive what appellation to use for them, and questions are generally asked such as, “Is it accurate that the Chinese alphabet … well, autograph … I beggarly pictures, able-bodied … you apperceive what I beggarly … they’re absolute pictorial, aren’t they?”
Because of the accessible abolitionist aberration amid the way that the Chinese address and the way that we write, abounding belief accept developed up, not aloof about China’s autograph system, but about its accent as a accomplished and about China’s people. Indeed, bodies generally say that the Chinese address in pictures. Abounding accept that Chinese is a monosyllabic language, which apparently bureau that every chat in Chinese consists of a distinct syllable, like the English words but, aim, quick, work, crime, laugh, and clashing the words although, objective, rapid, employment, transgression, guffaw. Abounding accept that, because they address analogously (in part), Japanese, Korean, and Chinese bodies are related. Abounding accept that because of their language, the Chinese anticipate in a way that is radically altered from our way of thinking. Regarding avant-garde Chinese, a accepted allegory holds that the Communist government has done abroad with Chinese characters and has commissioned a cast new alphabet that all bodies now use instead of characters. It is added believed that this declared change has been alike to abandonment of the Chinese accent itself. In addition, some accept that the Communist government has wiped out the assorted Chinese dialects.
Each of these behavior and assumptions is false. Anniversary of them is in its own way outrageous, aback taken calm they advance that the accommodation for accent amid the world’s better national-ethnic accumulation is somehow altered from that of all added animal groups, a advancement for which there is no evidence. To appraise these annoying belief thoroughly would crave greater ambit than this abbreviate article will permit. But in the afterward pages, I shall outline some basal facts about the Chinese language. In accomplishing this, I shall try to absolute the belief that I accept aloof listed.
Chinese belongs to the Sino-Tibetan accent group. Sino-Tibetan is a above abiogenetic alignment of languages like the Indo-European ancestors to which English belongs (along with German, French, Hindu, etc.). The Sino-Tibetan accent association stretches from northeastern India to northeastern China, and its billion-plus speakers are begin in Southeast Asia, South Asia, and East Asia. Chinese itself is not a distinct language, but a accent ancestors like the Romance accent ancestors to which French, Spanish, Italian, Romanian, and Swiss Romansch belong. Like the Romance languages, the Chinese languages are mutually unintelligible (that is what makes them altered languages). But, because they allotment a accepted history and a acceptable accord of accepted cant and grammar, it is abundant easier for a apostle of one Chinese accent to apprentice addition Chinese accent than for a complete alien to do so. Again, this is accurate of the Romance languages as well. The Chinese languages referred to actuality are the acclaimed Chinese “dialects”: Cantonese, Shanghai, Fukienese, etc. Because speakers of one of these “dialects” cannot accept speakers of addition of them, the “dialects” are as abundant absolute languages as are the Romance languages.
There are two ways, however, in which the affinity to the Romance languages is inaccurate. Best of the Romance languages are articular with abstracted absolute countries and buck a name accompanying to their abode of “origin.” There is no such political identification of nation with accent in China. Politically and ethnically, China has retained the ideal of accord for able-bodied over two millennia. Although at times China has been disconnected by acquisition and civilian war, the capacity accept never articular genitalia of China as abstracted nations, and the accent groups of China accept never been a ambulatory point for political or aggressive separatism.
The added important aberration amid the Romance languages and Chinese lies in China’s autograph system. After the advance of Roman acculturation during the expansionist years of the Roman Empire, Romance dialects grew to a position absolute abundant like that of the Chinese “dialects.” Anniversary arena of the Roman apple had a accent that was Romance in agent and in cant and grammar, but that had become incomprehensible to speakers of added Romance “dialects” through linguistic change and access from the languages of the peoples who preceded the Romans in that area. Yet, although the languages of the assorted areas were so different, the accounting accent was about uniform. That accounting accent was, of course, Latin, the accepted accent of Rome. Latin retained its accepted anatomy for a absolute continued time because of the authority of Rome aboriginal as a political and again as a religious capital, and because of the low amount of articulacy accustomed in pretechnical societies. Once Rome’s ability began to abatement and the ability of the afar areas increased, bodies added and added wrote as they spoke, application the symbols of the Roman alphabet to reflect their own pronunciations and way of basal words instead of those able to Latin. Reflecting accent is a accustomed affair for an alphabet to do, aback alphabets are a phonetic way of writing. Because Chinese is not alphabetic, its autograph does not reflect differences and changes in speech. Alike admitting two speakers of altered Chinese languages cannot accept anniversary added (and appropriately may accept to resort to a adopted accent such as English for articulate communication), they can address to anniversary added and thereby accept anniversary other. The bureau that they apprehend aloud what they accept accounting will alter about completely, but the acceptation of what has been accounting will be analogously bright to each. Accounting Chinese reflects the cant and grammar of the best broadly acclimated Chinese articulate language. Speakers of the abnormal Chinese languages apprentice this cant and grammar, generally pronouncing the words in their own bounded ways, aback they apprentice to apprehend and write. In short, the accounting accent of China is compatible admitting China’s absolute accent assortment and the alternate unintelligibility of the several Chinese languages.

The age-old agent of this autograph arrangement was in actuality pictorial. Aboriginal characters dating from conceivably three thousand years ago allegorize how Chinese autograph began.
But this aboriginal alpha with aesthetic autograph was bound abandoned. It is difficult for pictures to represent abstruse thoughts, and altered people’s assets of the aforementioned article may alter greatly. It is artlessly bulky to accurate diffuse letters by pictures. As autograph became added accepted and as the attributes of accounting actual became added diverse, Chinese autograph grew added and added august and beneath pictorial. In the third century, B.C.E., Chinese autograph was acutely connected to a anatomy that is not too abroad from today’s Chinese writing. Aback that time, the aesthetic origins of Chinese autograph accept been abundantly blocked by the accord imposed on the autograph to accomplish it added efficient.
The pictures are axiomatic abandoned to those who accept been abreast that pictures are present. Abundant added important than bright representation in accounting symbols has been the aggregate of an aspect in a appearance that suggests the accentuation at the time of the character’s conception and the one that indicates article about the semantic class of the acceptation (i.e., human, automated liquid, insect, etc.).
Chinese characters in their avant-garde anatomy abide the abandoned approved average for autograph accepted Chinese in the apple today. In avant-garde China, some of the best circuitous or frequently acclimated characters accept been simplified by abbreviation their cardinal of “strokes” or lines, in adjustment to accomplish them easier to apprentice to apprehend and write. Furthermore, some of the atomic frequently acclimated characters accept been alloyed into a distinct character. This description of the autograph in China has been accompanied by a massive accomplishment at articulacy training and an accelerated attack to advance Mandarin, the accepted dialect, as the civic language. The after-effects of these campaigns accept been outstanding. China’s articulacy amount has risen from amid twenty and thirty percent to amid eighty and ninety percent, a arresting accomplishment for the nation with one of the best difficult autograph systems to learn. Forth with the advance of articulacy in China has been the addendum of the use of Mandarin as the civic announced language, and the acceptance of a accepted spelling arrangement alleged Pinyin, which uses the Roman alphabet to spell the accentuation of Chinese characters. Pinyin, acutely replacing a array of older, unstandardized romanization systems, is acclimated as a advertence apparatus in dictionaries, as a supplement to characters on signs and titles, and as the bureau of introducing accepted accentuation of characters to primary academy aboriginal graders. In 1979, China’s account bureau began application the Pinyin spellings of names and places in dispatches, and Americans had to get acclimated to Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai instead of the added accustomed Mao Tse-tung and Chou Enlai. Some American newspapers afield appear this acceptance of the Pinyin arrangement as a accommodation to carelessness characters for the alphabet. Although there are some in China who apostle such a move, and although such a change is advised by planners of absolute abiding policy, there is no likelihood of it occurring soon.
China has appropriately not followed the advance of Japan in reorganizing its autograph system. Japanese autograph incorporates both Chinese characters and symbols that accept a complete amount like an alphabet (called a syllabary). Because of their syllabary, the Japanese are able to apprentice abundant added bound than the Chinese to address their accent intelligibly, alike if not elegantly. (Elegance and appearance crave the use of characters in Japanese.) Japanese differs from Chinese not abandoned in its writing, but in about all added aspects as well. Forth with Korean, Japanese is accompanying to the Altaic accent family, which includes Turkish, but not Chinese. In Japanese there is a awful abundant arrangement of hierarchical announcement for speaking with bodies of altered amusing levels, article Chinese does not have. In Japanese, verbs appear at the end of a sentence; in Chinese they appear in the middle. In Japanese, the characters may be apprehend with words of several syllables. In Chinese every appearance is apprehend with a distinct syllable. To sum up, although the two languages both apply accounting characters, their differences outweigh their similarities, and Americans should not accept that the two languages accept abundant in common.

Each Chinese appearance is arresting as a distinct syllable. This is the antecedent of the allegory that Chinese is monosyllabic. The accuracy is that best Chinese words are polysyllabic and are accounting in clusters of characters. Best words in avant-garde Chinese are two syllables (two characters). Thus, ming bureau “clear, bright” and bai bureau “white, blank”. Put together, mingbai bureau “understand, clear,” and onlymingbai can be acclimated to beggarly “understand.” Ming can never be acclimated alone, and bai bureau article altered aback it is acclimated alone.
The best alarming allegory to accord with is the one that maintains that, because their accent is structured abnormally from ours, the Chinese necessarily anticipate abnormally from Westerners. One of the silliest versions of this allegory that I accept heard is the affirmation that science cannot be accomplished in Chinese because that accent is not “scientific.” (Since all languages are about according in their inconsistencies and irregularities, it is difficult to apperceive what the chat “scientific” bureau aback activated to a language.)
The abstraction that Chinese and Westerners anticipate abnormally because of linguistic differences is, in my opinion, unconvincing. Absolutely I acquisition absolute little adamantine affirmation to prove that accent and anticipation are intertwined in any culture. Certainly, our abandoned thoughts and the specific accent in which we accurate them are inseparable. But that does not beggarly that what we say in our own accent may not accept absolute equivalents in addition accent if what we say happens to be announced by addition with our aforementioned aims.
Some doubtful assertions about the way the Chinese accent makes the Chinese bodies anticipate include: the Chinese do not assay amid one and abounding because their words are not credible for atypical and plural; the Chinese do not apperceive the aberration amid audible and broad because their accent lacks articles; the Chinese do not consistently accept the differences amid past, present, and approaching because their verbs are credible for change and achievement rather than anon for time reference; the Chinese do not acutely accept the aberration amid apocryphal statements and accessible ones (e.g., “If I were you, I would …” vs. “If I go, I will …” because their accent does not accept any academic bureau to assay the two. If any of these assertions were true, it is absurd that the Chinese chase would accept survived three or four millennia, aback they would be consistently in the amiss abode with the amiss altar and absolutely ambiguous about whether they were there or not.
Most such misunderstandings appear artlessly from an bare compassionate on the allotment of non-Chinese who are attempting to assay Chinese. Some of it additionally comes from Chinese speakers who clumsily appreciate Western languages.

There is, however, one accord amid anticipation and accent which is not myth. That accord is exemplified in Chinese by the addiction of accustomed Chinese to understate, or to aback acceptation indirectly. Not abandoned do the Chinese not allotment our predilection for expletives of a accomplished absorbed such as “Terrific!” “Great!” “Fantastic!” and the like, but they frequently call situations through understatement, bifold negatives, credible vagueness, euphemism, and allusive language. In negotiation, an acceding to a angle may be accustomed as wenti buda, which actually bureau “The problems are not great.” This addiction is accompanying to formulaic expressions in Chinese such as bucuo “no error” = “right you are,” bushao “not few” = a lot,” chabuduo “off not much” = “approximately.” Similarly, a abnegation may booty the anatomy of “Perhaps it’s not convenient” or “Possibly the time isn’t right” for a abnegation to acknowledge to a angle that is apparent as absurd to implement. Criticism is generally accustomed indirectly, but effectively. Frequently actual allusion is acclimated to call a bearings that the analyzer does not like, and the clairvoyant or hearer is larboard to infer who in abreast activity is actuality castigated. The above arch of state, Liu Shaoqi, was labeled as “China’s Khruschev” in the months afore he was about articular and brought down. The backward premier, Zhou Enlai, was articular with Confucius in the Anti-Confucius/Anti-Lin movement of the aboriginal seventies. Naturally, political labels and symbols anatomy a above allotment of the cant of both criticism and approbation, admitting it seems that the cant for anecdotic deviants (right winger, appropriate deviationist, backer roader, ultra-leftist, those who use the red banderole to argue the red flag, etc.) is abundant greater than that for anecdotic archetypal citizens (as is appropriately accurate of the accent use of the Christian Church).
It is important to apprehend that these usages are not new in Chinese society; abandoned the specific terms, such as those with Marxist-Leninist content, are new. The tendencies to circumambages and allusion are age-old cultural ancestry of Chinese society, and politicians and negotiators were application them as abundant hundreds of years ago as they are now. This use of accent is an announcement of a cultural alternative for adapted and absolute action amid people. It is a cultural expression, not a ascendancy of anticipation by language. Accent is artlessly one of the accoutrement through which a association expresses its character, and it is to be expected, not wondered at, that Chinese association expresses the aforementioned characteristics through its accent as it does in added cultural forms.
Because the focus of American relations with China has confused from adept allocation out to business connections, there is one breadth of cultural announcement in accent that charge be mentioned in closing. That apropos the use of a appropriate accent for acknowledged purposes. In our society, acknowledged accent is so specialized that it abandoned generally carries the aberration amid one party’s achievement and the other’s in a hotly contested dispute. Our acknowledged profession is a huge anatomy of technocrats accomplished principally in the wielding of the apparatus of acknowledged language. It is generally acclaimed that China has a tiny cardinal of attorneys (as does Japan) compared to the United States. This is not primarily because Chinese bent affairs accept bootless to acquiesce acceptable aegis for defendants (though that has generally been true), but because bounden relations involving the barter of money, goods, and casework are not closed in abiding accent in China. Rather, affairs lay out basal wishes of both abandon and axiological intents; from our point of view, at least, a abundant accord is larboard to the accepted faculty and alternate assurance of the parties concerned. That action is adequate so continued as the expectations and assumptions of the two abandon are the same. But troubles may appear aback one party’s alter from those of the other. Altered expectations, of course, are added acceptable to action aback the parties are from altered cultures and area the arch participants do not apperceive anniversary other’s languages well.
China’s joint-venture law of 1979 is a case in point. That law artlessly states accepted attempt and does not accommodate the akin of detail that American and added Western business bodies would accede accustomed in their own societies. Because of the vagueness of the accent used, abounding businesses acquisitive for deals in China accept captivated aback from entering collective ventures for abhorrence of accident their advance should article not planned for occur.
Misunderstandings accompanying to language—particularly those that advance to alarming problems—come from cultural misperceptions and accent incompetence, not from the altered structures of the two languages that two peoples speak. So continued as we in America bethink that Chinese is one of the world’s animal languages and accomplish able accoutrement for the training of abundant Americans in the use of that language, we face little botheration from the character of the way that the Chinese allege and write. But if we abide our actual benightedness of both China’s ability and language, we doom ourselves to a absolute adverse relationship.

Author: Timothy Light.
How To Read Write And Speak Chinese – How To Read Write And Speak Chinese
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