You don’t charge to be a able chef to accomplish sushi. As continued as you accept a sushi mat, accepted as a makisu (巻き簾), and a backpack of Japanese rice, you can accomplish your own sushi advance at home. Actuality are 8 accessible sushi recipes simple abundant for you to try with your kids at home.

Image credit: martin becker
Hosomaki (細巻; attenuate roll) is a annular rice cycle with one blazon of filling, be it cucumber, backtalk meat, or egg. It originated from Kanto, and charcoal one of the best accepted types of sushi to date.
If you adjudge to put added than one blazon of additive into your hosomaki, afresh the sushi is alleged a futomaki (太巻き), which absolutely agency “fat roll”. The afterward compound is for a shrimp mayonnaise futomaki, but you can alter the fillings as you like. For those after a makisu, you can use adhere blanket instead.
Makes 14 rolls
Filling and assembly
Sushi rice
Check out the aboriginal compound here:
【料理動画】ラップで作るエビマヨ巻き寿司の作り方。節分の恵方巻にも!Cooking Shrimp Mayonnaise Nori Cycle Sushi/
Video credit: Botan Dining Room
Image credit: Youjeen Cho
Uramaki (裏巻き) agency “inside-out roll”. It’s basically astern hosomaki or futomaki, in which the rice is captivated about the nori seaweed instead.
Contrary to expectations, the sushi blazon was absolutely not invented in Japan – it hails from America instead. In Little Tokyo, which is a Los Angeles commune with Japanese actuality the indigenous majority, there’s a restaurant alleged Tokyo Kaikan. One of its chefs, Machita Ichiro, created the chaotic cycle as American barter weren’t a fan of the nori seaweed’s texture.
The capacity in the afterward compound can be commissioned with those of your choice.
Makes 14

Check out how the rolling of uramaki is done:
【第2回 裏巻き寿司】お家ご飯をグレードアップ♪家庭でも見栄え良くボリュームたっぷり美味しい巻き寿司!
Video credit: よだれ飯
Image credit: Crystal Jo
Nigiri was created by a man alleged Hanaya Yohei in Edo during the 1820s. To the green eye, the sushi artlessly appears to be a allotment of sashimi draped over a brawl of rice. However, the art of acute the nigiri into the appropriate shape, consistency, and temperature absolutely takes years of convenance to ability a able level.
Of course, you don’t accept to adept the address to accomplish yourself a adorable basin of sushi.
The tutorial will breach bottomward how a apricot nigiri is made. Be patient, and you’ll get the adhere of it soon.
Makes 16
Watch how the nigiri is assembled:
寿司職人はこうして寿司を握ってる‼️今までに無かった職人目線からのアップ動画how adept sushi chef‼️
Video credit: 大将寿司屋の
Salmon roe gunkan sushi with a nigiri at the ancillary Angel credit: FLY:D
Gunkan was invented by Ginza Kyubey, a acclaimed actual sushi restaurant, in 1941. Its kanji name “軍艦” anon translates to “war boat”, and it’s not adamantine to see why as the actualization of the sushi absolutely resembles a address abounding with cargo. In added words, the gunkan is a blazon of sushi which has a allotment of seaweed captivated about about its filling.
The afterward compound uses ikura as topping, but you can accept any affectionate of topping and booze of your choice.
Makes 16
Watch to see how gunkan maki is assembled:

寿司職人歴60年の軍艦巻き マグロぶつ 芽ネギ 山芋 ナメコ/How to accomplish gunkan cycle by sushi chef
Video credit: 大将寿司屋の
Image credit: @yuki7718
Originating from the Kansai arena of Osaka about 400 years ago, oshizushi (押し寿司) agency “pressed sushi”. It is fabricated with an oshibako – a board or artificial mould that helps you actualization the sushi into a defined, ellipsoidal block.
The mackerel in the afterward compound can be commissioned with added types of fish, such as salmon.
Makes 10
Watch how oshizushi is made:
【月夜の小料理 ちなみ】サバの押し寿司
Video credit: アラフォー独身派遣社員女の気ままな生活
Note: If you can’t get an oshibako, you may manually actualization the sushi cycle into a ellipsoidal block with your calmly and adhere wrap. However, the actualization will be beneath defined.
Image credit: yonkyu4949
Sushi usually takes the anatomy of rice captivated in seaweed. But for the inari sushi, the rice is captivated in deep-fried tofu pockets.
For the afterward recipe, you can advisedly change up the capacity and backpack the absurd tofu packets with whatever you like.
Makes 12
Check out the aboriginal compound here:
超簡単 いなり寿司の作り方レシピ How to accomplish Inari Sushi

Video credit: Hearty
Image credit: @mammam0309
Kakinoha-zushi is a appropriate acceptable sushi from Nara. It consists of angle and rice captivated calm in a Japanese persimmon leaf. As the persimmon blade contains an amoebic actuality alleged tannin, which has bactericide properties, the sushi can be kept for canicule at allowance temperature after action bad.
The afterward compound uses the best accepted angle blazon for kakinoha-zushi, which is the saba.
Makes 15
Check out the aboriginal compound here.
Image credit: @oh.jaesung
Temaki (手巻き) is accepted as sushi duke rolls. It has a cone actualization that allows the user to authority it easily. The afterward compound makes abate temaki, admitting you can use bigger bedding of nori seaweed to accomplish beyond ones that will ample your stomach.
Makes 20
Check out the aboriginal compound here:
手巻き寿司の作り方 【簡単】- how to accomplish hand-rolled sushi – temaki-zushi – W strings
Video credit: W Strings
Making sushi is a fun action to do with your accompany and ancestors after fearing that the kitchen will be larboard in shambles. Try out these sushi recipes and amusement yourself to the adorable rice rolls.
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Cover angel acclimatized from: Helga Christina, Lana Mattice and Valentin B. Kremer
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How To Make Sushi At Home – How To Make Sushi At Home
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