Haul out the KitchenAid and get those eggs assault — the 35th anniversary Tribune Anniversary Cookie Challenge has arrived.

Going able back 1986 (except for a bleep in 1999), the cookie challenge seeks out the best, the best scrumptious, and the best deliciously artistic accolade in the Chicago area. Aftermost year’s antagonism — launched in the affliction of the communicable and its after baking chic — saw a almanac cardinal of entries, with 140 recipes allusive for top honors. The winner? Fluffernutter sandwiches alpha with peanut butter, amber and pillowy acquiescent cream.
Recipe submissions barrage online Wednesday. Then we’ll ask readers to vote for their favorites.
Like aftermost year, we’re befitting things virtual. We won’t ask finalists to accompany in their accolade for judging, as was the prepandemic norm. Instead, our aggregation of aliment writers and committed cookie lovers will broil the finalists’ cookies, divvying up the recipes amid us. Then anniversary baker/tester will duke off tasting samples to anniversary judge. Board will aftertaste at home, account and rank.
Here’s what to do
Do you acquire a cookie compound that all your accompany and ancestors agitation for? You should access it in the challenge with the acquiescence anatomy below. The Chicago Tribune’s cookie challenge marks its 35th year in 2021, and your cookie could become a allotment of that attitude and be featured in our anniversary awning story.
To enter, abide the compound — anecdotic why it is appropriate — and a photo of the accolade (if you acquire one) to the Tribune. All submissions will be acquaint on the challenge folio online, area readers will advice acquire the finalists by voting for their favorites. The top 12 vote-getters will become finalists. Those recipes will be broiled by Tribune staff, and the accolade will be tasted and ranked by the team. The top three vote-getters will be our winners.

And the prizes? Aboriginal abode wins $250 cash; added place, $150; third place, $50.
(If you don’t see the access anatomy below, try auspicious the page.)
The capacity
Full official rules
1. NO PURCHASE IS NECESSARY. The anniversary Anniversary Cookie Challenge (the “Contest”) is sponsored by Chicago Tribune Company LLC, 560 W. Grand Ave., Chicago, IL 60654 (“Chicago Tribune”). Challenge is offered alone in the accompaniment of Illinois, Lake County, Indiana, and Kenosha County, Wisconsin (the “Contest Area”). Challenge begins on Oct. 20, 2021, at 12:01 a.m. Central Time (“CT”), and the access borderline is Oct. 31, 2021, at 11:59 p.m. CT (the “Entry Period”). The Chicago Tribune’s computer is the official timekeeping accessory for this Contest. By entering, you accede to these Official Rules.
2. Eligibility: To enter, you charge be at atomic 13 years old or earlier and accustomed citizen of the Challenge Area. If you are beneath 18 years old at the time of access submission, you charge acquire the permission of your ancestor or accustomed guardian to enter. You are not acceptable to access if you are (a) an agent of Chicago Tribune or any of its affiliated companies, or a affiliate of the actual ancestors (defined as spouse, parents, ancestors or children) or domiciliary (whether or not related) of any such advisers or (b) one of aftermost year’s (2020) three Challenge winners or (c) a aliment professional. For purposes of this Contest, a aliment able is authentic as anyone who becoming added than 20% of his or her anniversary assets in the aliment industry (for example, restaurants, aliment manufacturers or distributors, grocery stores, bakeries and aliment media). For purposes of this Contest, assets from agriculture or alive on farms will not be advised aliment industry earnings.

3. Entries: Entries will be accustomed during the Access Period. To enter, complete an official access anatomy at chicagotribune.com/cookies (the “Contest Page”) and abide your anniversary cookie compound (“Recipe”), a abbreviate article (“Essay”) (max 200 words) answer why the Compound is important to you, a photo of your accolade (“Photo”) (collectively, the Recipe, Essay, and Photo will be referred to as the “Content”), and the afterward acquaintance information: your name, address, daytime blast number, and your email abode (if you acquire one). If you are beneath 18 years old at the time of access submission, your access charge be accompanied by accounting permission of your ancestor or accustomed guardian.
4. Access Conditions: Limit one access per being and per email address. Added entries accustomed from any such being or email abode thereafter will be abandoned if apparent by Chicago Tribune, and the aspirant may be butterfingers in Chicago Tribune’s sole discretion. Uses of automatic accessories are not accurate for entry. No accumulation submissions will be accepted. All entries charge be accustomed by Chicago Tribune no after than the abutting of the Access Period. Affidavit of sending is not affidavit of receipt. Entrants who abort to accommodate all appropriate advice and access abstracts will not be acceptable to win and will not be notified by Chicago Tribune. All access advice (but not the Recipes, Essays, or Photos) becomes the acreage of Chicago Tribune and will not be alternating or acknowledged. The advice that you accommodate in affiliation with the Challenge will be acclimated by Chicago Tribune in accordance with its Privacy Policy, which is begin at https://www.tribpub.com/privacy-policy/ and which may be adapted from time to time.
5. Submitted Content: The Agreeable charge not acquire ahead been published. The Photo charge not characterize any apparent individuals. By appointment Content, anniversary aspirant represents and warrants that: (a) the Agreeable is aboriginal to and was created alone by the aspirant and has not been copied, in accomplished or in part, from a copyrighted or proprietary assignment acceptance to accession else, (b) aspirant has all rights all-important to abide the Agreeable in this Challenge and admission the rights provided for herein; (c) the Agreeable does not aperture any absorb or brand laws, and does not plagiarize, libel, slander, defame, disparage, or contrarily borrow on or aperture the rights of any third parties; (d) the Agreeable does not accommodate illegal, indecent, obscene, pornographic, or sexually absolute content, or contrarily abhorrent actual or inappropriate agreeable such as aberrational behavior, clear violence, biologic abuse, or nudity; (e) the Agreeable does not advance bigotry, racism, abhorrence or abuse adjoin any accumulation or alone or bigotry based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, animal orientation, or age; (f) the distribution, reproduction, affectation and any added uses of any allotment of the Agreeable by Chicago Tribune or any of its affiliated companies as acceptable herein will not borrow any third affair rights; and (g) the Agreeable complies in all respects with these Official Rules, including the acquiescence requirements and the Chicago Tribune Terms of Service at https://www.tribpub.com/central-terms-of-service/. Any access that is bent by Chicago Tribune in its sole acumen at any time during the Challenge to aperture the acquiescence requirements or these Official Rules or the Terms of Service, or to contrarily be unsuitable, abhorrent or in poor taste, may be alone and the accompanying access butterfingers and, if applicable, removed from the voting website. Chicago Tribune retains sole acumen as to whether any access satisfies the acquiescence requirements, and its decisions are final. Anniversary aspirant added agrees to authority Chicago Tribune and its subsidiaries, affiliates, distributors, retailers, announcement and promotional agencies, franchisees, and promoters, and all of their representatives, employees, contractors, officers, directors, agents and accompanying bodies (collectively, the “Released Parties”), controllable from and adjoin any and all claims, demands, damages, costs, liabilities and causes of action of whatsoever attributes that are based aloft or appear out of any aperture by such entrants of such warranties or representations fabricated by aspirant or of these Official Rules.
6. Admission of License: By appointment an entry, aspirant grants Chicago Tribune and its affiliates and subsidiaries (collectively, “Chicago Tribune”) a worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive appropriate and absolutely sub-licensable authorization to use, copy, reproduce, distribute, publish, about perform, about display, modify, adapt, translate, archive, store, and actualize acquired works from the Agreeable (including non-winning Content), in accomplished or in part, in any form, format, or medium, of any affectionate now accepted or after developed. After attached the generality of the antecedent sentence, entrants accredit Chicago Tribune to: (a) allotment the Agreeable beyond all websites, adaptable applications, newspapers and added online and offline casework affiliated with Chicago Tribune; (b) accommodate the Agreeable in a searchable architecture attainable by users of the Challenge Folio and added Chicago Tribune websites, adaptable applications, newspapers and added online services; (b) abode advertisements in abutting adjacency to the Content; and (d) use entrant’s name, affinity and any added advice in affiliation with Chicago Tribune’s use of the Content. Aspirant waives all moral rights with account to any Agreeable aspirant provides in the Contest. Aspirant additionally grants Chicago Tribune the appropriate to use any material, information, ideas, concepts, ability or techniques independent in any Agreeable for any purpose whatsoever, including but not bound to, bartering purposes, and developing, accomplishment and business bartering articles application such information. All rights in this area are accepted after the charge for added advantage of any array by Chicago Tribune to entrant.
7. Finalist Selection: On or about Nov. 3, 2021, all acceptable entries will be fabricated accessible to the accepted accessible for voting at www.chicagotribune.com/cookies. The voting aeon will extend through 11:59 p.m. CT on Nov. 10, 2021. Voters should appraise accolade based on the abode of the Essays, the adroitness and boldness of the Recipes, and the beheld abode of the cookies. Accountable to analysis of eligibility, the 12 entrants whose entries acquire the best votes from the accessible will be advised the finalists (the “Finalists”). If there is a tie for the aftermost Finalist position, voting for the angry entries will be continued for after one-hour periods until the tie is burst and the aftermost Finalist determined.
8. Terms Applicative to Voting: Limit one vote per day, per person. Voters charge be amid in the United States back they casting their vote and charge casting their votes through an IP abode amid in the United States. Voters charge be 14 years old or earlier at the time of voting. The use of automatic accessories for voting is not acceptable and will aftereffect in the awkwardness of all votes accustomed through that adjustment and/or from that voter. Any use of robotic, repetitive, automatic, programmed, script, macro, or any added automatic agency or agnate access methods or agents, vote barter websites, vote “farming” or added adjustment to vote or unfairly access votes (including purchasing or alms incentives for votes), as bent by Chicago Tribune in its sole discretion, is banned and will abandoned all votes submitted by that voter. Chicago Tribune affluence the appropriate in its sole acumen to disqualify any vote or aborigine at any time that in its assessment does not accede with these Official Rules. Moreover, if Chicago Tribune determines, in its sole discretion, that any aspirant has colluded with any aborigine to aperture these Official Rules or has alternating in or actively encouraged any banned activity, whether anon or indirectly, Sponsor may disqualify that aspirant from added accord in the Contest. Chicago Tribune is not amenable for votes that are lost, stolen, misdirected, garbled, distorted, truncated, incomplete, illegible, incorrect, or backward for any reason, and all such votes are void.

9. Finalist Verification: Chicago Tribune will attack to acquaintance all abeyant Finalists in accordance with the advice supplied to Chicago Tribune on their entries, and Finalists charge acknowledge aural 24 hours of aboriginal notification attempt. Finalists (and ancestor or accustomed guardian of Finalist who is a minor) may be asked to accommodate Chicago Tribune with accurate identification and a acknowledgment of eligibility, accountability abandonment and/or publicity release. If the abeyant Finalist: (a) cannot be contacted anon by, or does not acknowledge to, Chicago Tribune aural 24 hours of antecedent attempted notification, (b) fails to amuse any accommodation or analysis claim herein, (c) declines to acquire Finalist position or accomplish the requirements of a Finalist, (d) fails to assurance and acknowledgment appropriate abstracts by the deadlines set alternating above, and/or (e) is contrarily bent to be ineligible, Chicago Tribune in its acumen may disqualify that alone and an alternating Finalist may be bent by the belief set alternating above. Any alternating Finalist is accountable to all accommodation requirements and restrictions of these Official Rules. In addition, Chicago Tribune holds out the advantage of assuming the Joe Gray Save: If the editor of Aliment & Dining finds that a aces cookie compound does not accomplish it into the final 12, she can drag it to the finalists, authoritative it alternative No. 13, and in application for judging.
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10. Champ Selection: On or about Nov. 16, 2021, the 12 Finalists will be advised based on taste, adorableness and originality. A console of Tribune aliment writers will aftertaste the cookies, and the three Finalists who acquire the accomplished array will be declared the First, Added and Third Award-winning winners. If there is a tie for one of the top three positions, the board will do accession annular of anticipation to breach the tie. Judges’ decisions will be advised final and bounden in all results. Chicago Tribune affluence the appropriate to baddest beneath than the declared cardinal of Finalists or winners if it does not acquire a acceptable cardinal of acceptable and appropriately submitted entries.
11. Champ Verification: Chicago Tribune will attack to acquaintance all abeyant winners Nov. 17, 2021, in accordance with the advice supplied to Chicago Tribune on their entries, and winners charge acknowledge aural 72 hours of aboriginal notification attempt. Winners (and ancestor or accustomed guardian of champ who is a minor) may be asked to accommodate Chicago Tribune with accurate identification and a acknowledgment of eligibility, accountability abandonment and/or publicity release. If the abeyant winner: (a) cannot be contacted anon by, or does not acknowledge to, Chicago Tribune aural 48 hours of antecedent attempted notification, (b) fails to amuse any accommodation or analysis claim herein, (c) declines to acquire the prize, (d) fails to assurance and acknowledgment appropriate abstracts by the deadlines set alternating above, and/or (e) is contrarily bent to be ineligible, Chicago Tribune in its acumen may disqualify that alone and an alternating champ may be bent by the belief set alternating above. Any alternating champ is accountable to all accommodation requirements and restrictions of these Official Rules. Chicago Tribune may, in its sole discretion, broadcast the names of the absolute Winners and/or Finalists as able-bodied as the acceptable recipes in its Dec. 1, 2021, Arts & Living area of the Chicago Tribune and/or on any of its websites.

12. Prizes: The afterward prizes will be available: (a) One Aboriginal Prize: $250. (b) One Added Prize: $150. (c) One Third Prize: $50. Total amount of all prizes: $450. Chicago Tribune additionally may account and photograph the three award-winning winners for a adventure to run online and in the Arts & Living book area on Dec. 1, 2021, and winners accede to abet with the account and photo session(s). Any award-winning won by a accessory will be awarded to the minor’s ancestor or accustomed guardian on the minor’s behalf. All award-winning capacity are at Chicago Tribune’s sole discretion. Winners accept sole albatross for all costs associated with the prizes not absolutely categorical above, including after limitation, all federal, accompaniment and bounded taxes (if any). Prizes are not redeemable for banknote and may not be sold, bartered or auctioned. Prizes may not be transferred or commissioned except that Chicago Tribune in its acumen may acting a prize, or allocation thereof, with a award-winning or allocation of according or greater amount if it deems necessary. Any such changes will be announced. Any allocation of any award-winning not acclimated by any champ is cost and no banknote acting will be offered or permitted. All prizes offered are provided “as is” with no assurance or agreement either accurate or adumbrated by Chicago Tribune. All appropriately claimed prizes will be awarded, but in no accident will Chicago Tribune accolade added prizes than are provided for in these Official Rules.
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How To Make No Bake Cookies – How To Make No Bake Cookies
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