September 8, 2021 (RARITAN, N.J.) – The Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson appear today that added than ten abstracts presentations from its lung cancer, float blight and prostate blight portfolio and activity will be featured during the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) Annual Congress 2021 basic meeting, September 16–21. Added capacity about these abstracts and the science Janssen is advancing will be fabricated accessible throughout ESMO via the Janssen Oncology Basic Newsroom.

“With a assorted oncology portfolio and activity spanning float cancer, lung blight and prostate cancer, Janssen is transforming the assay mural for patients alive with solid tumors,” said Kiran Patel, M.D., Vice President, Analytic Development, Solid Tumors, Janssen Analysis & Development, LLC. “The abstracts to be presented at ESMO represent Janssen’s charge to advance the boundaries of addition on the aisle to redefine the assay mural for bodies with cancer.”Key highlights from Janssen-sponsored studies to be presented at ESMO include:Data Featuring RYBREVANT® as a Monotherapy and in Aggregate with Lazertinib in EGFR-Mutated NSCLC·
New Abstraction Evaluating a New Drug-Delivery Arrangement for Patients with Non-Muscle-Invasive Float Blight (NMIBC)
ERLEADA® (apalutamide) Data Highlighting Survival Benefit, and Rapid and Durable PSA Responses Beyond a Breadth of Patients with Avant-garde Prostate Cancer
Final Assay of the GALAHAD Abstraction of Niraparib in mCRPC
For a complete account of Janssen-sponsored studies to be presented at ESMO, click here.
About RYBREVANT®RYBREVANT® (amivantamab-vmjw) received accelerated approval by the U.S. Food and Biologic Administering (FDA) for the assay of developed patients with locally avant-garde or metastatic NSCLC with EGFR exon 20 admittance mutations, as detected by an FDA-approved test, whose ache has progressed on or afterwards platinum-based chemotherapy, in May 2021.[1] Janssen has filed authoritative submissions for RYBREVANT® with bloom authorities in Europe and added markets. RYBREVANT® is actuality advised in assorted analytic trials, including a Phase 1/1b study, CHRYSALIS-2 (NCT04077463) to appraise RYBREVANT® in aggregate with lazertinib in patients who accept progressed afterwards assay with osimertinib and chemotherapy; as first-line assay in basic avant-garde EGFR-mutated NSCLC in the Phase 3 MARIPOSA (NCT04487080NCT04487080) abstraction assessing RYBREVANT® in aggregate with lazertinib**; the planned Phase 3 MARIPOSA-2 (NCT04988295) abstraction assessing the ability of lazertinib, RYBREVANT®, carboplatin-pemetrexed vs. with carboplatin-pemetrexed in participants with locally avant-garde or metastatic EGFR exon 19 abatement or exon 21 L858R barter NSCLC afterwards osimertinib failure; the Phase 3 PAPILLON (NCT04538664) abstraction assessing RYBREVANT® in aggregate with carboplatin-pemetrexed for patients with avant-garde or metastatic EGFR-mutated NSCLC and exon 20 admittance mutations; and the Phase 1 PALOMA (NCT04606381) abstraction assessing the achievability of subcutaneous (SC) administering of RYBREVANT® based on assurance and pharmacokinetics and to actuate a dose, dosage dieting and conception for RYBREVANT® SC delivery.[2],[3],[4],[5],[6]
About LazertinibLazertinib is an oral, third-generation, brain-penetrant, EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) that targets both the T790M alteration and activating EGFR mutations while sparing agrarian type-EGFR.[7] Interim assurance and ability after-effects from the lazertinib Phase 1-2 abstraction were appear in The Lancet Oncology in 2019. In 2018, Janssen Biotech, Inc. entered into a authorization and accord acceding with Yuhan Corporation for the development of lazertinib.
About TAR-200TAR-200 is an investigational biologic commitment system, enabling controlled absolution of gemcitabine into the bladder, accretion abide time and bounded biologic exposure. The assurance and ability of TAR-200 is actuality evaluated in Phase 3 studies in patients with muscle-invasive float blight (MIBC) and non-muscle invasive float blight (NMIBC).
About CetrelimabCetrelimab is a Janssen apparent and developed investigational programmed corpuscle afterlife receptor-1 (PD-1) monoclonal antibiotic actuality advised in the assay of float cancer, prostate cancer, and assorted myeloma as a aggregate treatment. Cetrelimab is additionally actuality evaluated in assorted aggregate regimens beyond the Janssen oncology portfolio.
About ERLEADA®ERLEADA® (apalutamide) is an androgen receptor inhibitor adumbrated for the assay of patients with non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate blight (nmCRPC) and for the assay of patients with metastatic castration-sensitive prostate blight (mCSPC).[8] ERLEADA® received U.S. FDA approval for nmCSPC in February 2018, and was approved for mCSPC in September 2019.8 To date, added than 40,000 patients accepted accept been advised with ERLEADA®.For added information, visit
About ZYTIGA®ZYTIGA® (abiraterone acetate) in aggregate with prednisone is adumbrated for the assay of patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate blight (mCRPC), accustomed by the U.S. FDA on April 28, 2011 and by the European Commission on September 7, 2011. Additionally, ZYTIGA® was accustomed for the assay of high-risk mCSPC by the European Commission on November 20, 2017 and by the U.S. FDA on February 8, 2018.[9] Since its aboriginal approval in the U.S. in 2011, ZYTIGA® has been accustomed in aggregate with prednisone or prednisolone, in added than 100 countries. Added than 500,000 patients accepted accept been assigned ZYTIGA®. For added information, visit
About NiraparibNiraparib is an orally administered, careful poly (adenosine diphosphate -ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitor that is currently actuality advised by Janssen for the assay of patients with prostate cancer. Ongoing studies accommodate the Phase 3 AMPLITUDE study evaluating niraparib in aggregate with abiraterone acetate additional prednisone in a biomarker-selected accommodating citizenry with mCSPC; the Phase 3 MAGNITUDE study evaluating niraparib in aggregate with abiraterone acetate additional prednisone in adults with mCRPC; and QUEST, a Phase 1b/2 abstraction of niraparib aggregate therapies for the assay of mCRPC.
In April 2016, Janssen entered a accepted (except Japan) accord and authorization acceding with TESARO, Inc. (acquired by GSK in 2018), for absolute rights to niraparib in prostate cancer. In the U.S., niraparib is adumbrated for the aliment assay of developed patients with avant-garde epithelial ovarian, fallopian tube, or primary peritoneal blight who are in a complete or fractional acknowledgment to first-line platinum-based chemotherapy; for the aliment assay of developed patients with alternate epithelial ovarian, fallopian tube, or primary peritoneal blight who are in a complete or fractional acknowledgment to platinum-based chemotherapy; for the assay of developed patients with avant-garde ovarian, fallopian tube, or primary peritoneal blight who accept been advised with three or added above-mentioned chemotherapy regimens and whose blight is associated with akin recombination absence (HRD) absolute cachet authentic by either: a deleterious or doubtable deleterious BRCA mutation, or genomic alternation and who accept progressed added than six months afterwards acknowledgment to the aftermost platinum-based chemotherapy. Niraparib is currently marketed by GSK as ZEJULA®.[10]
RYBREVANT® IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION1WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONSInfusion Accompanying Reactions1RYBREVANT® can account beverage accompanying reactions (IRR); signs and affection of IRR accommodate dyspnea, flushing, fever, chills, nausea, chest discomfort, hypotension, and vomiting.
Based on the assurance population, IRR occurred in 66% of patients advised with RYBREVANT®. Among patients accepting assay on Anniversary 1 Day 1, 65% accomplished an IRR, while the accident of IRR was 3.4% with the Day 2 infusion, 0.4% with the Anniversary 2 infusion, and cumulatively 1.1% with consecutive infusions. Of the appear IRRs, 97% were Grade 1-2, 2.2% were Grade 3, and 0.4% were Grade 4. The average time to admission was 1 hour (range 0.1 to 18 hours) afterwards alpha of infusion. The accident of beverage modifications due to IRR was 62% and 1.3% of patients assuredly discontinued RYBREVANT® due to IRR.
Premedicate with antihistamines, antipyretics, and glucocorticoids and animate RYBREVANT® as recommended. Administer RYBREVANT® via a borderline band on Anniversary 1 and Anniversary 2. Adviser patients for any signs and affection of beverage reactions during RYBREVANT® infusion in a ambience breadth cardiopulmonary resuscitation medication and accessories are available. Arrest beverage if IRR is suspected. Abate the beverage amount or assuredly abandon RYBREVANT® based on severity.

Interstitial Lung Disease/Pneumonitis1RYBREVANT® can account interstitial lung ache (ILD)/pneumonitis. Based on the assurance population, ILD/pneumonitis occurred in 3.3% of patients advised with RYBREVANT®, with 0.7% of patients experiencing Grade 3 ILD/pneumonitis. Three patients (1%) discontinued RYBREVANT® due to ILD/pneumonitis.
Monitor patients for new or deepening affection apocalyptic of ILD/pneumonitis (e.g., dyspnea, cough, fever). Immediately abstain RYBREVANT® in patients with doubtable ILD/pneumonitis and assuredly abandon if ILD/pneumonitis is confirmed.
Dermatologic Adverse Reactions1RYBREVANT® can account adventurous (including dermatitis acneiform), pruritus and dry skin. Based on the assurance population, adventurous occurred in 74% of patients advised with RYBREVANT®, including Grade 3 adventurous in 3.3% of patients. The average time to admission of adventurous was 14 canicule (range: 1 to 276 days). Adventurous arch to dosage abridgement occurred in 5% of patients, and RYBREVANT® was assuredly discontinued due to adventurous in 0.7% of patients.
Toxic epidermal necrolysis occurred in one accommodating (0.3%) advised with RYBREVANT®.
Instruct patients to absolute sun acknowledgment during and for 2 months afterwards assay with RYBREVANT®. Advise patients to abrasion careful accouterment and use ample spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen. Alcohol chargeless analgesic chrism is recommended for dry skin.
If bark reactions develop, alpha contemporary corticosteroids and contemporary and/or articulate antibiotics. For Grade 3 reactions, add articulate steroids and accede dermatologic consultation. Promptly accredit patients presenting with astringent rash, aberant actualization or distribution, or abridgement of advance aural 2 weeks to a dermatologist. Withhold, dosage abate or assuredly abandon RYBREVANT® based on severity.
Ocular Toxicity1RYBREVANT® can account ocular toxicity including keratitis, dry eye symptoms, conjunctival redness, blurred vision, beheld impairment, ocular itching, and uveitis. Based on the assurance population, keratitis occurred in 0.7% and uveitis occurred in 0.3% of patients advised with RYBREVANT®. All contest were Grade 1-2. Promptly accredit patients presenting with eye affection to an ophthalmologist. Withhold, dosage abate or assuredly abandon RYBREVANT® based on severity.
Embryo Fetal Toxicity1Based on its apparatus of activity and allegation from beastly models, RYBREVANT® can account fetal abuse back administered to a abundant woman. Advise females of changeable abeyant of the abeyant accident to the fetus. Advise changeable patients of changeable abeyant to use able contraception during assay and for 3 months afterwards the final dosage of RYBREVANT®.
Adverse Reactions1The best accepted adverse reactions (≥20%) were rash, IRR, paronychia, musculoskeletal pain, dyspnea, nausea, fatigue, edema, stomatitis, cough, constipation, and vomiting. The best accepted Grade 3 or 4 class abnormalities (≥2%) were decreased lymphocytes, decreased albumin, decreased phosphate, decreased potassium, added acrid phosphatase, added glucose, added gamma-glutamyl transferase, and decreased sodium.
Cerebrovascular and Ischemic Cardiovascular Events — In a randomized abstraction (SPARTAN) of patients with nmCRPC, ischemic cardiovascular contest occurred in 4% of patients advised with ERLEADA® and 3% of patients advised with placebo. In a randomized abstraction (TITAN) in patients with mCSPC, ischemic cardiovascular contest occurred in 4% of patients advised with ERLEADA® and 2% of patients advised with placebo. Beyond the SPARTAN and TITAN studies, 5 patients (0.5%) advised with ERLEADA® and 2 patients (0.2%) advised with placebo died from an ischemic cardiovascular event. Patients with history of ambiguous angina, myocardial infarction, congestive affection failure, stroke, or brief ischemic advance aural 6 months of randomization were afar from the SPARTAN and TITAN studies.
In the SPARTAN study, cerebrovascular contest occurred in 4.7% of patients advised with ERLEADA® and 0.8% of patients advised with placebo. In the TITAN study, cerebrovascular contest occurred in 1.9% of patients advised with ERLEADA® and 2.1% of patients advised with placebo. Beyond the SPARTAN and TITAN studies, 3 patients (0.2%) advised with ERLEADA®, and 2 patients (0.2%) advised with placebo died from a cerebrovascular event.
Cerebrovascular and ischemic cardiovascular events, including contest arch to death, occurred in patients accepting ERLEADA®. Adviser for signs and affection of ischemic affection ache and cerebrovascular disorders. Optimize administering of cardiovascular accident factors, such as hypertension, diabetes, or dyslipidemia. Accede cessation of ERLEADA® for Grade 3 and 4 events.
Fractures — In a randomized abstraction (SPARTAN) of patients with nmCRPC, fractures occurred in 12% of patients advised with ERLEADA® and in 7% of patients advised with placebo. In a randomized abstraction (TITAN) of patients with mCSPC, fractures occurred in 9% of patients advised with ERLEADA® and in 6% of patients advised with placebo. Appraise patients for breach risk. Adviser and administer patients at accident for fractures according to accustomed assay guidelines and accede use of bone-targeted agents.
Falls — In a randomized abstraction (SPARTAN), avalanche occurred in 16% of patients advised with ERLEADA® compared with 9% of patients advised with placebo. Avalanche were not associated with accident of alertness or seizure. Avalanche occurred in patients accepting ERLEADA® with added abundance in the elderly. Appraise patients for abatement risk.
Seizure — In 2 randomized studies (SPARTAN and TITAN), 5 patients (0.4%) advised with ERLEADA® and 1 accommodating advised with placebo (0.1%) accomplished a seizure. Assuredly abandon ERLEADA® in patients who advance a admission during treatment. It is alien whether anti-epileptic medications will anticipate seizures with ERLEADA®. Advise patients of the accident of developing a admission while accepting ERLEADA® and of agreeable in any activity breadth abrupt accident of alertness could account abuse to themselves or others.

Embryo-Fetal Toxicity — The assurance and ability of ERLEADA® have not been accustomed in females. Based on its apparatus of action, ERLEADA® can account fetal abuse and accident of abundance back administered to a abundant female. Advise males with changeable ally of changeable abeyant to use able contraception during assay and for 3 months afterwards the aftermost dosage of ERLEADA® [see Use in Specific Populations (8.1, 8.3)].
ADVERSE REACTIONSAdverse Reactions — The best accepted adverse reactions (≥10%) that occurred added frequently in the ERLEADA®-treated patients (≥ 2% over placebo) from the randomized placebo-controlled analytic trials (TITAN and SPARTAN) were fatigue, arthralgia, rash, decreased appetite, fall, weight decreased, hypertension, hot flush, diarrhea, and fracture.
Laboratory Abnormalities — All Grades (Grade 3-4)Hematology — In the TITAN study: white claret corpuscle decreased ERLEADA® 27% (0.4%), placebo 19% (0.6%). In the SPARTAN study: anemia ERLEADA® 70% (0.4%), placebo 64% (0.5%); leukopenia ERLEADA® 47% (0.3%), placebo 29% (0%); lymphopenia ERLEADA® 41% (2%), placebo 21% (2%)
Chemistry — In the TITAN study: hypertriglyceridemia ERLEADA® 17% (3%), placebo 12% (2%). In the SPARTAN study: hypercholesterolemia ERLEADA® 76% (0.1%), placebo 46% (0%); hyperglycemia ERLEADA® 70% (2%), placebo 59% (1%); hypertriglyceridemia ERLEADA® 67% (2%), placebo 49% (0.8%); hyperkalemia ERLEADA® 32% (2%), placebo 22% (0.5%)
Rash — In 2 randomized studies (SPARTAN and TITAN), adventurous was best frequently declared as macular or maculopapular. Adverse reactions of adventurous were 26% with ERLEADA® vs 8% with placebo. Grade 3 rashes (defined as accoutrement >30% anatomy apparent breadth [BSA]) were appear with ERLEADA® treatment (6%) vs placebo (0.5%).
The admission of adventurous occurred at a average of 83 days. Adventurous bound in 78% of patients aural a average of 78 canicule from admission of rash. Adventurous was frequently managed with articulate antihistamines, contemporary corticosteroids, and 19% of patients accustomed systemic corticosteroids. Dosage abridgement or dosage abeyance occurred in 14% and 28% of patients, respectively. Of the patients who had dosage interruption, 59% accomplished ceremony of adventurous aloft reintroduction of ERLEADA®.
Hypothyroidism — In 2 randomized studies (SPARTAN and TITAN), hypothyroidism was appear for 8% of patients advised with ERLEADA® and 2% of patients advised with placebo based on assessments of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) every 4 months. Animated TSH occurred in 25% of patients advised with ERLEADA® and 7% of patients advised with placebo. The average admission was at the aboriginal appointed assessment. There were no Grade 3 or 4 adverse reactions. Thyroid backup therapy, back clinically indicated, should be accomplished or dose-adjusted.
DRUG INTERACTIONSEffect of Added Drugs on ERLEADA® — Co-administration of a able CYP2C8 or CYP3A4 inhibitor is predicted to admission the steady-state acknowledgment of the alive moieties. No antecedent dosage acclimation is necessary; however, abate the ERLEADA® dose based on tolerability [see Dosage and Administering (2.2)].
Effect of ERLEADA® on Added DrugsCYP3A4, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, and UGT Substrates — ERLEADA® is a able inducer of CYP3A4 and CYP2C19, and a anemic inducer of CYP2C9 in humans. Accessory use of ERLEADA® with medications that are primarily metabolized by CYP3A4, CYP2C19, or CYP2C9 can aftereffect in lower acknowledgment to these medications. Barter for these medications is recommended back accessible or appraise for accident of activity if medication is continued. Accessory administering of ERLEADA® with medications that are substrates of UDP-glucuronosyl transferase (UGT) can aftereffect in decreased exposure. Use attention if substrates of UGT charge be co-administered with ERLEADA® and appraise for accident of activity.
P-gp, BCRP or OATP1B1 Substrates — Apalutamide is a anemic inducer of P-glycoprotein (P-gp), breast blight attrition protein (BCRP), and amoebic anion alteration polypeptide 1B1 (OATP1B1) clinically. Accessory use of ERLEADA® with medications that are substrates of P-gp, BCRP, or OATP1B1 can aftereffect in lower acknowledgment of these medications. Use attention if substrates of P-gp, BCRP or OATP1B1 charge be co-administered with ERLEADA® and appraise for accident of activity if medication is continued.
Please see the full Prescribing Information for ERLEADA®.
Hypokalemia, Aqueous Retention, and Cardiovascular Adverse Reactions due to Mineralocorticoid Balance – ZYTIGA® may account hypertension, hypokalemia, and aqueous assimilation as a aftereffect of added mineralocorticoid levels consistent from CYP17 inhibition [see Analytic Pharmacology (12.1)]. Adviser patients for hypertension, hypokalemia, and aqueous assimilation at atomic already a month. Control hypertension and absolute hypokalemia afore and during treatment.
Closely adviser patients whose basal medical altitude ability be compromised by increases in claret pressure, hypokalemia, or aqueous retention, such as those with affection failure, contempo myocardial infarction, cardiovascular disease, or ventricular arrhythmia. In column business experience, QT prolongation, and torsades de pointes accept been empiric in patients who advance hypokalemia while demography ZYTIGA®. The assurance of ZYTIGA® in patients with larboard ventricular casting atom <50% or New York Affection Association (NYHA) Class III or IV affection abortion (in COU-AA-301) or NYHA Class II to IV affection abortion (in COU-AA-302 and LATITUDE) has not been accustomed because these patients were afar from these randomized analytic trials [see Analytic Studies (14)].
Adrenocortical Dearth – Adrenocortical dearth was appear in patients accepting ZYTIGA® in aggregate with prednisone, afterwards an abeyance of circadian steroids and/or with circumstantial infection or stress. Adviser patients for affection and signs of adrenocortical dearth if prednisone is chock-full or withdrawn, if the prednisone dosage is reduced, or if the accommodating adventures abnormal stress. Affection and signs of adrenocortical dearth may be masked by adverse reactions associated with mineralocorticoid balance apparent in patients advised with ZYTIGA®. Perform adapted tests, if clinically indicated, to affirm adrenocortical insufficiency. Added dosages of corticosteroids may be acclimated before, during, and afterwards demanding situations [see Warnings and Precautions (5.1)].

Hepatotoxicity – In column business experience, there accept been ZYTIGA®-associated astringent hepatic toxicities, including atomic hepatitis, astute alarmist failure, and deaths. Admeasurement serum transaminases (ALT and AST) and bilirubin levels above-mentioned to starting assay with ZYTIGA®, every two weeks for the aboriginal three months of treatment, and account thereafter. In patients with baseline abstinent hepatic crime accepting a bargain ZYTIGA® dose of 250 mg, admeasurement ALT, AST, and bilirubin above-mentioned to the alpha of treatment, every anniversary for the aboriginal month, every two weeks for the afterward two months of treatment, and account thereafter. Promptly admeasurement serum absolute bilirubin, AST, and ALT if analytic affection or signs evocative of hepatotoxicity develop. Elevations of AST, ALT, or bilirubin from the patient’s baseline should alert added accepted monitoring. If at any time AST or ALT acceleration aloft bristles times the high absolute of accustomed (ULN) or the bilirubin rises aloft three times the ULN, arrest ZYTIGA® treatment and carefully adviser alarmist function. Re-treatment with ZYTIGA® at a bargain dosage akin may booty abode alone afterwards acknowledgment of alarmist activity tests to the patient’s baseline or to AST and ALT beneath than or according to 2.5X ULN and absolute bilirubin beneath than or according to 1.5X ULN [see Dosage and Administering (2.4)].
Permanently abandon ZYTIGA® for patients who advance a circumstantial acclivity of ALT greater than 3X ULN and absolute bilirubin greater than 2X ULN in the absence of biliary obstruction or added causes amenable for the circumstantial elevation.
The assurance of ZYTIGA® re-treatment of patients who advance AST or ALT greater than or according to 20X ULN and/or bilirubin greater than or according to 10X ULN is unknown.
Increased Fractures and Mortality in Aggregate with Radium Ra 223 Dichloride – ZYTIGA® plus prednisone/prednisolone is not recommended for use in aggregate with radium Ra 223 dichloride alfresco of analytic trials. Added incidences of fractures (28.6% vs 11.4%) and deaths (38.5% vs 35.5%) accept been empiric in patients who accustomed ZYTIGA® plus prednisone/prednisolone in aggregate with radium Ra 223 dichloride compared to patients who accustomed placebo in aggregate with ZYTIGA® plus prednisone/prednisolone [see Warnings and Precautions (5.4)].
Embryo-Fetal Toxicity – The assurance and ability of ZYTIGA® have not been accustomed in females. Based on beastly changeable studies and apparatus of action, ZYTIGA® can account fetal abuse and accident of abundance back administered to a abundant female. Advise males with changeable ally of changeable abeyant to use able contraception during assay with ZYTIGA® and for 3 weeks afterwards the aftermost dosage of ZYTIGA® [see Use in Specific Populations (8.1, 8.3)]. ZYTIGA® should not be handled by females who are or may become pregnant [see How Supplied/Storage and Handling (16)].
Adverse Reactions – The best accepted adverse reactions (≥10%) are fatigue, arthralgia, hypertension, nausea, edema, hypokalemia, hot flush, diarrhea, vomiting, high respiratory amplitude infection, cough, and headache.
The best accepted class abnormalities (>20%) are anemia, animated acrid phosphatase, hypertriglyceridemia, lymphopenia, hypercholesterolemia, hyperglycemia, and hypokalemia.
Drug Interactions – Based on in vitro data, ZYTIGA® is a substrate of CYP3A4. In a biologic alternation trial, co-administration of rifampin, a able CYP3A4 inducer, decreased acknowledgment of abiraterone by 55%. Avoid accessory able CYP3A4 inducers during ZYTIGA® treatment. If a able CYP3A4 inducer charge be co-administered, admission the ZYTIGA® dosing abundance alone during the co-administration period [see Dosage and Administering (2.3)]. In a committed biologic alternation trial, co-administration of ketoconazole, a able inhibitor of CYP3A4, had no clinically allusive aftereffect on the pharmacokinetics of abiraterone.
ZYTIGA® is an inhibitor of the hepatic drug-metabolizing enzymes CYP2D6 and CYP2C8. Avoid co-administration with CYP2D6 substrates with a attenuated ameliorative index. If another treatments cannot be used, accede a dosage abridgement of the CYP2D6 substrate drug. In a CYP2C8 biologic alternation balloon in advantageous subjects, the AUC of pioglitazone, a CYP2C8 substrate, was added by 46% back administered with a distinct dosage of ZYTIGA®. Patients should be monitored carefully for signs of toxicity accompanying to a CYP2C8 substrate with a attenuated ameliorative basis if acclimated accordingly with ZYTIGA®.
Use in Specific Populations –
Please apprehend the full Prescribing Information and Patient Information for ZYTIGA®.
About the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & JohnsonAt Janssen, we’re creating a approaching breadth ache is a affair of the past. We’re the Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson, alive endlessly to accomplish that approaching a absoluteness for patients everywhere by angry affection with science, convalescent admission with adeptness and healing abasement with heart. We focus on areas of anesthetic breadth we can accomplish the better difference: Cardiovascular & Metabolism, Immunology, Infectious Diseases & Vaccines, Neuroscience, Oncology and Pulmonary Hypertension.
Learn added at Follow us at @JanssenUS and @JanssenGlobal. Janssen Analysis & Development, LLC and Janssen Biotech, Inc. are allotment of the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson.
Cautions Concerning Forward-Looking StatementsThis columnist absolution contains “forward-looking statements” as authentic in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 apropos artefact development and the abeyant allowances and assay appulse of RYBREVANT® (amivantamab-vmjw), lazertinib, TAR-200, cetrelimab, ERLEADA® (apalutamide), ZYTIGA® (abiraterone acetate) and niraparib. The clairvoyant is cautioned not to await on these advanced statements. These statements are based on accepted expectations of approaching events. If basal assumptions prove inaccurate or accepted or alien risks or uncertainties materialize, absolute after-effects could alter materially from the expectations and projections of Janssen Analysis & Development, LLC, Janssen Biotech, Inc. or any of the added Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies and/or Johnson & Johnson. Risks and uncertainties include, but are not bound to: challenges and uncertainties inherent in artefact analysis and development, including the ambiguity of analytic success and of accepting authoritative approvals; ambiguity of bartering success; accomplishment difficulties and delays; competition, including abstruse advances, new articles and patents accomplished by competitors; challenges to patents; artefact ability or assurance apropos consistent in artefact recalls or authoritative action; changes in behavior and spending patterns of purchasers of bloom affliction articles and services; changes to applicative laws and regulations, including all-around bloom affliction reforms; and trends against bloom affliction amount containment. A added account and descriptions of these risks, uncertainties and added factors can be begin in Johnson & Johnson’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the budgetary year concluded January 3, 2021, including in the sections captioned “Cautionary Note Apropos Forward-Looking Statements” and “Item 1A. Accident Factors,” and in the company’s best afresh filed Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, and the company’s consecutive filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Copies of these filings are accessible online at, or on appeal from Johnson & Johnson. None of the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies nor Johnson & Johnson undertakes to amend any advanced account as a aftereffect of new advice or approaching contest or developments.
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