[upbeat music]

I’m Emily, and I’m a akin one chef.
I’m Gabrielle, and I’m a akin two chef.
I’m Penny, and I’m a chef
at the Institute of Culinary Education.
I’ve been a chef for 16 years.
[upbeat music]
Today I’m gonna be authoritative a approved old boilerplate cake
with sprinkles in it.
I’m activity to be making
a amber block with peanut adulate frosting,
which is absolutely affectionate of
a acceptable altogether block in my family.
The altogether block that I’m gonna accomplish today
is gonna be a ablaze adorable white cake,
soaked in St. Germain.
The block is activity to accept sprinkles on the central of it,
and on top it’s gonna accept beautiful
piped buttercream flowers.
This block is gonna draft your mind.
Normally I would use a box mix.
They’re good.
But, actuality it’s a actual appropriate day,
it is,
Epicurious’ birthday!
So I’m authoritative one from scratch.
If you’re gonna accept a altogether cake,
you aloof gotta go for it.
So the aboriginal affair I’m gonna do
is mix calm my dry ingredients.
Flour, baking powder, and salt.
I’m gonna be application a acceptable creaming method,
what I would alarm the basal block authoritative method.
I’m activity to go advanced and put all my dry ingredients
into my mixer.
[Penny] I’m activity to alpha with my
sugar. Sugar.
Cocoa powder, baking soda —
Cake abrade and all purpose flour.
And this mix,
gives me,
a aggregate amid a abiding cake, that has some body.
And additionally it has lightness.
You consistently charge some salt.
Sweet things with a little alkali aftertaste better.
Always salt.
Almost forgot,
baking powder. Baking powder.
Powder peanut butter.
So this kinda gives you the flavors that you want.
Without accepting to anguish about
dealing with the arrangement of approved peanut butter.
And then, my all purpose flour.
[Penny] Okay, so now everything’s mix together.
I’m activity to add my butter.
So the abutting affair I’m activity to do
is amalgamate my adulate and sugar.
Uh, a adorned one.
Look at those settings.
Nope, nope… That’s the way you-
Okay, cool.
[mixer whirs]
Got it!
We’re good, we’re good.
I anticipate some bodies go for a absolutely continued time
with the mixer, but I don’t apperceive why.
So I don’t.
It already smells good.
Now, I’m gonna go advanced and move into my wet ingredients.
And the aboriginal footfall to that, is egg whites.
So, I’m gonna able my eggs on the counter
and never on the ancillary of the bowl.
Because it’s not splintering the carapace as much.
I’d adulation to acquaint you what the secret
to not accepting carapace is, in.
But I feel like if I say it aloud anything
about how to not get carapace in,
I would anon get carapace in.
[mixer whirs]
[Gabrielle] I’m gonna aloof go advanced and barrel this first
and that way I don’t accept to anguish about accomplishing that
with aggregate abroad aggravating to get in.
I’m gonna put a cuff on.
And then, actual gently, I’m gonna go in, and pinch,
with my fingers underneath.
And bead these into a bowl, to accomplish a adorable custard
or article abroad with them later.
[Emily] That’s egg cardinal one.
Now, egg cardinal two.
My accomplished milk,
my egg whites,
vanilla bean paste.
I adopt to use boilerplate bean paste.
I acquisition that it aloof has a abundant stronger boilerplate flavor,
when I’m allotment amid extracts and pastes.
The abutting affair I’m gonna do is add my vanilla
into my milk.
Boop. That’s all.
So, I accept my vegetable oil,
that’s gonna accomplish it nice and moist.
And afresh my buttermilk, which is the key additive here,
because the buttermilk is what absolutely gives it that richness
and that moisture.
I wanna alternating abacus my abrade mixture
and my milk mixture.
I wanna alpha apathetic so I don’t abrasion all the flour.
And you aloof accept to kinda assignment with it
and affluence things in.
I’m aloof account the internet and accomplishing what I’m told.
And I’m gonna mix this
until I don’t see the adulate anymore.
When I add the milk, I like to about-face it on to stir,
and I like to beck it bottomward the ancillary of the bowl.
And I would alarm that, as a brew made.
[Gabrielle] Now I accept my hot water,
and I’m gonna cascade it in absolutely slowly
because I don’t appetite to accidentally baker the eggs
that I accept in here.
Slowly alpha to add my wet capacity in.
My brew is made, except,
I charge my sprinkles!
So, I’m aloof gonna acclaim bend this in.
Because if I exhausted this in, this would aloof be a amber mess
instead of a admirable balloon of cake.
This is attractive absolutely smooth
and that’s what I’m affectionate of attractive for.
I’m not attractive for annihilation specific
in agreement of the attending of the batter,
it’s absolutely added aloof absolution it go for two solid minutes
after the accession of anniversary area of the milk.
So, I like to broil my block in alone layers.
When you broil it in thinner layers,
you aloof get a bigger bake,
because it doesn’t absorb as continued in the oven
so it doesn’t dry out as much.

It may not assume alike but,
it’s a superpower,
it’s even.
One of the best acute steps, I think, in baking a cake,
is authoritative abiding you can get it out of the block pan.
I’m additionally activity to add some amber powder
and afresh that would additionally advice to get
the block out already it’s baked.
I accept a anointed and a block blood pan.
And I’m gonna put my brew appropriate in there.
[Penny] Aloof affectionate of assignment it appear the edges evenly.
I anticipate the capital ambition is aloof authoritative sure
that they’re alike and you do accept abundant room
for them to grow.
Even it out with a spatula.
And afresh I ability accord it like a little shake.
I affectionate of like to accord it a little tap-tap.
The corners are kinda adamantine to spatula into.
Now, you can be as advancing as you want.
[loud banging]
Cake levels itself.
I’m gonna go broil it in the oven at-
[All] 530
Degrees, accepted oven.
For like, 35 to 40 minutes.
My block is in the oven,
so I’m gonna alpha alive on my frosting.
I’m gonna be authoritative a acceptable American buttercream.
And I’m gonna be authoritative it pink.
Today I’m authoritative a Swiss merengue adulate cream.
It’s activity to be a little bit beneath sweet
than your acceptable buttercream,
which is activity to brace beautifully with the chocolatey,
savoriness of the cake.
My buttercream is
a aristocratic icing,
that has adulate added to it.
I’m not 100% abiding what aristocratic icing is,
but it does complete appealing fancy.
Royal icing is something
you ability commonly see on busy cookies.
It’ll dry firm
and it’ll be something
that would aftermost a absolutely continued time
but back we add adulate to it,
we about-face it into an icing
that doesn’t accept any of the greediness
that American buttercream commonly has.
I accept my adulate at allowance temperature
so it’ll be nice and accessible to cream.
So the aboriginal affair I’m gonna do is add my alkali and vanilla
and chrism these things together.
[mixer whirs]
So, what I’m activity to do abutting is actualize a bifold boiler.
I’m activity to accomplish abiding I’m authoritative the temperature
that the amoroso is melting and accumulation with the egg whites.
And I’m gonna alpha by abacus my aerial sugar.
[Penny and Gabrielle] Egg whites.
And I’m additionally gonna add my alkali at this point.
The alkali is for flavor, for sure,
but it’s additionally to advice me breach up the proteins in the eggs
and to get them going.
Having the amber amoroso as adjoin to just
the acceptable white sugar
is activity to accord me a little bit added of
that abyss abounding acidity that I’m attractive for.
And again, this is fabricated with adulation so,
if it’s not perfect, you know, that’s what happens.
But also, fool with threats usually works out, too.
You will be delicious!
So I’m aloof gonna let this go and it’s gonna booty a while.
You’re gonna feel like this is not happening
and it’s never gonna happen
and I affiance you, it will.
Basically we’re authoritative a merengue appropriate now.
And we’re gonna alpha off affectionate of slow,
and afresh we’re gonna go advanced and get it going.
The abutting affair I’m gonna do is alpha abacus in my sugar,
a little bit at a time.
And this is icing sugar, aerial sugar.
I like this speed, we are activity to accumulate it,
we’re on a cruise.
So you apperceive you’re starting to get abutting with the royal,
when you alpha to see a affectionate of captivation shape
around the exoteric of the bowl.
Okay, let’s see area we’re at.
So see how this is actuality captivated up,
it’s actuality abeyant into the air.
Now, I’m gonna alpha adding-
[Penny and Gabrielle] A lot of butter.
And while this is mixing,
I can go advanced and add my boilerplate bean paste.
Just saying, you can add a little bit of addition to this too,
wouldn’t be a abhorrent thing.
Just a little burst of milk.
All right, I anticipate this is appealing abundant ready,
except, I charge to add a brace of drops of my aliment coloring.
Gonna accomplish it pink, so that Epicurious would apperceive I care.
We appetite it a little bit added of this texture,
so that is nice for piping.
Buttercream is done.
So what I’m gonna do is booty bisected of this buttercream
and set that aside.
I’m gonna accept amber buttercream on the inside
and boilerplate on the alfresco for the aesthetics.
Time to put in the blow of my ingredients,
which is activity to be my aerial peanut butter,
my boilerplate and my salt.
And all I’m accomplishing is aloof bond this together
until is good.
So my buttercream is ready.
This looks done.
And now I accept this absolutely admirable frosting,
and it has this nice merengue base.
[mixer whirs]
All right, I acknowledge that, blush buttercream.
All appropriate so, now it’s time to accumulate my cake.
And my cakes angry out beautifully.
This is always, to me,
the best difficult appearance of block baking.
Do I aloof about-face it over?
I ability aloof about-face it over.
Do you anticipate it’ll aloof appear out if I…
I was activity for added of a angled square, anyway.
I accept aggregate accessible to go.
The aboriginal affair that I’m gonna do is mix up
my absorb for the cake,
and for that I’m gonna use simple abstract and St. Germain,
elder annual liqueur, its actual floral.
Come on.
I accept a acceptable feeling.
By baking the cakes my way,
they’re actual even,
we don’t accept to trim off balance cake
and it aloof absolutely bakes absolutely evenly, nice and fluffy.
Basically, the aboriginal affair I’m gonna do

is go advanced and trim off this balloon layer
where it affectionate of rose up,
because I appetite them to be nice and alike layers.
Look at that!
So, my block is a abruptness central cake.
Which agency that back you cut into it
you get an access of something,
and in this case is our absolutely pretty
and adorned aureate sprinkles.
I accept four layers of cake,
one of which would not be choleric with at all,
but the added three,
are gonna accept a aperture punched out at the center.
Little gently, gently.
Look at that.
It’s like I’ve done it before.
Okay you blush buttercream, let’s go.
So, adjustment may be like a able word
for how I frost things,
it’s added of a dump and spread.
I’m aloof gonna aloof get a nice, big atom of this,
put it in the middle.
I’m gonna aloof go advanced and alpha alive it
towards the edges.
One block band goes down, angry upside down.
I consistently about-face it upside down
because this allotment of the block was that was in touch
with the parchment, it’s consistently even,
it’s consistently collapsed and it’s got the best absorptive texture.
Cold cake, balmy syrup.
If the abstract and the block are both cold,
it’s not activity to absorb up.
Now, I’m activity to go advanced and booty my frosting
and alpha aloof applying it to the outside.
I’m activity to accomplish my, what’s called, a atom coat.
I like the abstraction of it actuality a little bit added rustic.
I’m gonna go advanced and alpha creating this atom band look,
it’s arresting on the basal so,
I’m gonna try and accomplish that a little bit added visible
on the top band as well.
And by the way,
this is how you authority an account spatula,
not like this,
it was meant to be like this,
so it moves your duke abroad from the cake.
This is activity to appear as a shock to a lot of people,
but I’m not absolutely the best at frosting cakes.
[Emily laughs]
Now, band two goes over.
And we echo this action again,
turn the about-face table.
And that’ll do the assignment for me.
One added time.
And my sprinkles,
I’m gonna lie bottomward cautiously in the center,
I’m gonna aces it up,
and then,
fill up the centermost of my block with sprinkles.
Frosting a block is like a Bob Ross painting,
you know, like, there are no mistakes
just blessed little accidents.
And my final block will go in the top,
St. Germain amoroso syrup.
And I try to put as abundant icing on top as I anticipate I need
to atom covering the accomplished cake.
Don’t be abashed to be the bang-up of your cake.
So, this is aloof gonna adhere out in the freezer
for about 15 minutes,
it’s gonna get nice and abiding for me,
so I’ll be able to put my abutting covering of icing on
and it won’t move around.
[Emily] Thin band on the sides.
[Penny] Put a little bit added icing this time.
Pile it up appealing aerial on top.
This time, though, I appetite a thicker covering in.
And it’s gonna attending a little varied
but that’s array of attending I’m activity for,
I’m not aggravating to accomplish it attending perfect.
Perfection is for akin three.
Now I’ve switched tools.
It’s adjustable and I aloof leave that here,
and I circuit my about-face table
and it absolutely smooths itself,
I don’t accept to assignment that hard.
Same affair here,
up adjoin the ancillary of the cake,
and circuit the cake.
[Gabrielle] I’ll accept this absolutely admirable swirl
in the middle.
Now, if you don’t leave a little bit of block showing,
people aren’t gonna apperceive that there is sprinkles inside.
And that’s absolutely important.
[Penny] Now, my final blow to this cake,
it’s gonna be to add a agglomeration of comestible glitter.
That’s my block accessible for it’s final decoration.
It’s time to move above what you see
and accomplish it beautiful.
My Mona Lisa.
I accept some of the frosting,
I accept some amber that we’re gonna barber on top,
I can convenance what it’s gonna attending like,
I like that.
[Penny] Let’s alpha out with anybody’s admired rose.
What if I do like this?
Is this pretty?
When you’re decorating a cake,
it’s acceptable to accept flowers of altered sizes,
it adds beheld absorption but it additionally helps
you back you accept some nooks and crannies
where you charge to adumbrate some thing.
I’m not gonna do any of those things.
I’m gonna aloof try autograph Blessed altogether Epicurious
on actuality with the gel autograph pen
and afresh aloof put a agglomeration of sprinkles everywhere.
So, I’m basically a child.
[Emily laughs]
That’s affectionate of big, that’s okay.
It’s fun.
[Penny] I’m gonna aqueduct a annular of icing,
it’s gonna advice me get some height.
So I’m gonna alpha with my better flower,
which is my hero flower.
[Emily] Wow, that is not absolutely how you address a P.
[Penny] Some of my little flowers,
go on my nooks and crannies.
And I’ll add a few vines.
[Emily] This is akin one flowers.
I anticipate for me, aloof application the alpha tip
and array of authoritative these little ruffly roses,
is aloof all I need.
[Penny] Don’t be abashed to overlap.
How cute!

I’m actual blessed with that.
[Emily] As you can see I was, obviously,
an art above in school.
I anticipate that application a aphotic amber bar
is gonna accompany out those flavors absolutely nicely.
Okay, cool.
I anticipate that is a absolute altogether cake
and I accept no questions.
I’m aloof gonna add some sprinkles all over it now.
And that’s it.
How do I apperceive back it’s done?
It’s done.
And this,
is my altogether cake.
[camera shots]
And this,
is my altogether cake.
[camera shots]
And this,
is a Penny Stankiewicz’s altogether cake.
[camera shots]
[tranquil music]
All right, we accept a altogether cake.
Because, it’s Epicurious’ birthday.
What’s any altogether cake, after a brace candles?
Happy altogether Epicurious!
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday!
And now it’s time to aftertaste my cake.
Now I’m ready.
Are you accessible for this?
There’s the magic.
Let’s eat some altogether cake.
Here we go.
I anticipate that’s boss fine.
[Emily laughs]
The block is absolutely moist,
it’s absolutely nice and affluent and chocolatey.
And I feel like the peanut adulate frosting is just,
so ablaze and aerial and creamy and silky.
The buttercream is like,
It’s got aloof the appropriate bulk of salt.
And, I mean, attending at those sprinkles,
how can you say no to that?
It’s delicious, it’s bright, it’s light.
The cake, actuality a white cake, makes the chocolate,
stand out alike more.
The St. Germain has blood-soaked in
and it’s add this floraliness.
And it aloof tastes like joy.
That’s as acceptable as my bells cake.
Of advance my bells cake
also came from a grocery abundance but-
[Emily laughs]
Birthday block says anniversary like no added dessert.
Let’s see how anniversary one of our three chefs fabricated theirs.
[mystery boom music]
Emily fabricated her boilerplate altogether cake
using a acceptable creaming method.
What I would alarm the basal block baking method.
She buttery ashen butter
together with white apparent sugar.
This added aggregate because the amoroso crystals
make the pockets in the abate butter,
allowing air to access and lighten the mixture.
Eggs are added to emulsify or authority the sugar
and adulate calm in suspension.
This ensures that the brew will authority the added liquid
and abrade to accomplish a adorable cake.
Emily, alternately, added her dry and wet ingredients
to the buttery mixture.
This bargain the bulk of bond of the flour,
decreasing gluten formation.
Gabrielle acclimated a aggregate of baking atom and soda.
In this case, the baking atom does best of the leavening.
The baking soda contributes to the leavening as well,
while additionally acrid the acerb ingredients
like the buttermilk and amber powder.
This is a runny, apart brew which will induce
lots of beef to abetment with leavening during baking
and accord the block a college domed top.
Penny acclimated what we alarm a about-face creaming method
for bond her altogether cake.
With this adjustment ashen adulate is added
directly to the dry abrade and amoroso mixture
with some of the milk and egg mixture
to initially bathe the batter.
The abstraction is to covering the gluten proteins in the flour
with fat from the butter
which modifies hydration of these proteins
and thereby banned gluten development.
The arrangement is like Emily’s accepted cake
but hardly added aerial with an anytime so absorptive quality
that absolutely elevates Penny’s block to akin three.
It aloof bakes absolutely evenly, nice and fluffy.
[mystery boom music]
Gabrielle fabricated peanut adulate Swiss merengue frosting.
It’s based on aerated egg whites,
which accommodate proteins, some of which are admiring to water
and some that are repelled.
When you whip them and acquaint air,
the baptize admiring proteins adhere to the water
in the egg white
while the baptize against proteins adhere to the air.
With the continued whipping,
more bubbles amidst by proteins are formed
and it fluffs appropriate up.
She alloyed her egg whites with amber sugar,
which is white amoroso coated with molasses.
So, it has a darker blush with a slight minerally,
tangy acidity profile.
Gradually abacus the adulate in baby amounts,
once the merengue cools is essential.
Otherwise you’ll collapse your merengue and get a smooth,
sweet marshmallowy brew that may aftertaste good
but won’t be blubbery abundant to calmly coast over your cake.
It’s adorable and cottony and smooth.
Penny fabricated two types of aristocratic icing buttercream
for her beautiful, akin three, four bank altogether cake.
I accomplish acceptable cake.
Typically, aristocratic icing is a smooth, stiff
and actual abiding admixture of aloof egg whites
and confectioner sugar.
It’s so abiding because the proteins in the egg whites
combine with the amoroso and amalgamate quickly.
Which means, timing affairs back you’re working
with aristocratic icing.
Penny added comfortable amounts of butter
to accord it flash and abate the arrangement of it.
Making a altogether block is such a blessed way
to bless addition you adulation or in this case,
something we love.
Happy altogether Epicurious and may you accept abounding abounding more.
How To Make Butter Icing For Birthday Cake – How To Make Butter Icing For Birthday Cake
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