I got a gas-fired alfresco tabletop pizza oven this accomplished summer (an Ooni Koda), and aback I aboriginal accursed it up I had a little agitation alive with it, which larboard me activity a little perplexed. I’ve been authoritative pizza for about 40 years, and accede myself commodity of a pizza expert, at atomic aback it comes to authoritative it at home. Pizza was the aboriginal affair I accomplished myself to cook, and I’ve been tweaking my own recipes anytime since. I’ve additionally developed pizza and flatbread recipes for advertisement for added than 10 years now, starting with the New York-style pie I created for Cook’s Illustrated magazine.

Add to that the actuality that I’ve endemic a adobe “beehive” oven and a beyond oven fabricated from a repurposed oil butt (which I wrote about for Serious Eats years ago), and you can accept why I was a little cool out aback the aboriginal beachcomber of pies I fabricated in my Ooni—which burns at wood-fired oven temperatures abutting 900°F and cooks a pizza in beneath two minutes—started afire afore the toppings and base were absolutely baked. Not charring, apperception you, but burning, sometimes absolutely literally, with bonfire dancing forth the edges of the pie.
Andrew Janjigian
At aboriginal I wondered if there was commodity amiss with my best of oven, but afresh I remembered the admirable pies I saw advancing out of the aforementioned oven all over my Instagram feed. In adjustment to get to the basal of my problems, I absitively to ask some of those Instagram pizza-pros for admonition and reassurance, amid them Christy Alia (a.k.a. Real Clever Food, from New York), Feng Chen (Leopard Pizza, in Bangkok), Ines Glaser (of LA’s Lupa Cotta), and Elizabeth English (of Quanto Basta in Portland, Maine). With their able help, I was eventually able to extinguish the fires and about-face out the array of best pies I could be appreciative of.
The aboriginal affair they accomplished me on was the acute accent of accepting the able chef formula, decidedly alienated any capacity that tend to advance browning, like oil or sugar. But they gave me lots of added advantageous admonition for alive with tabletop pizza ovens, which I’m now activity to allotment with you here, forth with some admonition of my own, now that I’ve got a adjustment I’m blessed with. As far as chef formulation, ideal dough-ball size, and beverage goes, I awning all of that abundantly in my alfresco pizza oven chef recipe, so you’ll appetite to arch there for all the capacity first. In this post, I’m activity to awning aggregate that happens afterwards the doughs are accessible to amplitude and bake.
Andrew Janjigian
As I said, these tabletop ovens are advised to bound ability temperatures of 900°F and above. My Ooni takes about bisected an hour to appear up to temperature, compared to the hours I’d charge to absorb disposed my wood-fired ovens afore I could barrage my aboriginal pie. That said, best anybody I batten to recommended application the oven at hardly added abstinent temperatures.
“I like to broil my pizzas amid 850 and 900 degrees,” said Elizabeth English. “I acquisition that annihilation hotter and the basal gets too aphotic afore the top does, which agency you run the accident of the centermost not actuality absolutely cooked.” As for how she knows aback the oven is ready: “[An] bittersweet thermometer [is] a must-have if you are activity to use these ovens, as the temperature can alter acutely with a huge access of wind, if it is ten degrees acknowledgment that day, you name it.”
After abounding circuit of testing, I acclimatized on a ambition oven temperature of 800°F for the chef and four topped pizza recipes that I developed. The hardly lower baking temperature is added forgiving, but still affluence hot abundant to accomplish a brittle basic and leoparding on the crust.
When demography the temperature of your oven, you appetite to acting the apparent of the baking stone, decidedly in the breadth abutting to the flame. In my Ooni, which has an L-shaped blaze that runs from the advanced larboard to the aback appropriate bend of the oven, that’s the aback larboard quadrant.
Andrew Janjigian

One affair that I noticed with my accurate oven was that a lot of calefaction able from the advanced of the oven as it preheated. While some ovens accommodate a congenital door, abundance did not. I was able to acquisition one fabricated by a third-party on Etsy that was an accessible add-on, and it fabricated a big aberration in how continued it took the oven to calefaction up, extenuative both time and fuel. Because the pies baker so quickly, I never abutting the aperture while I’m accomplishing the complete baking.
However, if you’re cerebration about purchasing a third-party accent for your Ooni, I don’t acclaim it. Ooni absolutely states that any modifications to your oven invalidates its warranty. The aggregation additionally warns about the dangers of application third-party accessories on the oven, and accurately warns adjoin adhering a aperture to the oven, as it “traps heat, builds up alarming gasses, and creates alarming conditions.” The aperture I use is vented, with perforations all forth the front, and with a abundant gap about the aperture aback closed, which I anticipate will abate the likelihood of alarming gas accretion or calefaction buildup. However, altered bodies accept altered levels of accident tolerance, and my advocacy is to acquirement a pizza oven archetypal that comes with a door, as that will abate the bulk of time it takes to get the oven to temperature.
Andrew Janjigian
That’s not to say that you can’t put your oven to use while it’s heating up. In fact, I developed two recipes that complex affable toppings in the oven as it heats up to baking temperature. For my access blooming tomato, shallot, and assemble pizza, I use the preheating oven to accomplish a bright, beginning amazon sauce. And the preheating time window is complete for blaze broccoli rabe for a pizza with Parmesan, Pecorino Romano, and anchovies.
Make abiding to use a bucket that can bear aerial temperatures—stainless steel, casting iron, and carbon animate all assignment well—and consistently use a absolutely dry kitchen anhydrate or oven cuff aback retrieving a pan from the oven. Afire yourself on a bucket handle that’s been in a super-hot oven is no fun.
Andrew Janjigian
Gas-fired tabletop ovens accept adjustable flames, but they aren’t necessarily continuously adjustable in the way a stovetop burner is; the aberration amid aerial and low on my Koda is appealing narrow. You’ll charge to comedy about with your oven to get a faculty of how anniversary end of the punch behaves and to attending for means to ascendancy oven temperature.
Christy Alia—who has the aforementioned archetypal I do—mentioned her access to accepting a super-low flame: “I use the lower ‘secret’ ambience that is amid the off and the agitation setting.” I apparent this not-in-the-manual ambience myself and begin it actual accessible to use aback the oven runs hot. Christy uses it aback she wants to broil at lower temperatures in the 600°F range, for things like New York-style pies: “I preheat on ‘regular’ low for 45 account and afresh go to that super-low [setting]. If I overshoot the acting I’ll sometimes shut it off for a minute afresh go to super-low.”
Mise en place—a.k.a. accepting all of your capacity able and calmly located—is acute for all kinds of pizza-making, but it’s abnormally important for pies that are topped and launched from a bark assimilate a baking surface, as against to pan pizzas, which are topped and broiled in their affable vessels. You charge to assignment bound aback topping and ablution a pizza, to anticipate the chef from abashed to the bark (more on that later). Accepting all your capacity accessible to go and abutting at-hand is critical. Ditto for your tools. “When you’re affable pizza in 60 to 120 seconds, you don’t accept time to attending for your missing pizza peels,” as Christy said to me.
Feng Chen mentioned addition bit of advantageous admonition apropos additive basic and ambience en place: “[You appetite to] accept aggregate chopped and accessible to go, but for capacity you’re abashed ability burn, accumulate them in the fridge until needed.”

Andrew Janjigian
While you can put annihilation you appetite on a tabletop-oven pizza—how you dress your pies is absolutely up to you—the damp akin in your toppings will actuate how bound they cook.
Ines Glaser had lots to say about this aspect of the process. “I go actual agilely on my high-moisture ingredients,” she told me. “Since [these are] such aerial calefaction ovens with baby spaces [to baker in], there is not a lot of time for the dehydration of baptize in cheeses or sauces.” For that reason, she tends to use “a actual ablaze aggregate of well-drained beginning mozzarella, dry low-moisture mozzarella, and a adamantine cheese like Pecorino or Parmesan” on her pies. And she’s not abashed to abacus assertive cheeses post-bake, to bottle their texture: “If I appetite a bigger chaw of beginning cheese, I’ll delay until afterwards affable the pizza to top it with a actual acceptable addle mozzarella, burrata, or ricotta.”
Feng had some cheese admonition of her own to share: “If you acquisition that your cheese burns in the time it takes to baker the crust, [then] cut the mozzarella into blubbery chunks, [to apathetic bottomward how bound it cooks].”
As far as amazon booze goes, I’ve begin that you appetite to accumulate its damp akin on the low side, which is why I tend to cesspool canned tomatoes afore aggregate or crushing them into a sauce. But as Ines mentioned, sometimes you ability appetite a wetter pie: “Remember that added cheese and booze equals a soggier pizza, which there ain’t annihilation amiss with! That’s what a knife and angle are for, Napoli-style.”
Andrew Janjigian
Getting the pie topped and into the oven abundantly is one of the best abounding moments in the pizza-making process. But it doesn’t accept to be, as abounding of the pizza pros I talked to emphasized.
“[I]t aloof takes alliteration and flour, abnormally aback you are aboriginal starting out,” said Elizabeth. “Don’t be abashed to use added abrade than you anticipate you will charge if you are new to administration dough. The affliction affair is accepting your continued chef stick to your peel, so abrade your bench, accelerate your continued pizza beyond the abrade and assimilate your peel, afresh agilely amplitude it afresh to get that nice annular shape. Don’t let it break too continued on your bark afore ablution it, contrarily you accident added sticking.”
Feng had agnate thoughts. “When you’re aboriginal acquirements to barrage a pizza, don’t be abashed of abundantly flouring your bark to ensure that the pizza does not stick to the peel,” she said. “Over time and with practice, you will apprentice to barrage with beneath and beneath flour.”
Andrew Janjigian

I concur, admitting I accept one bit of admonition for beginners, a ambush I abstruse from Dan Richer, chef and buyer of New Jersey’s Razza Artiginale and columnist of the book The Joy of Pizza, and it’s this: Try flouring your bark and your bank top with a 50/50 mix of white rice abrade and white flour. Rice abrade is actual aggressive to arresting moisture, so it’s abnormally acceptable at preventing sticking. And it tends to abatement off the basal already the pie is cooked, so it doesn’t leave a abrasive arrangement behind.
The appearance of bark you use matters, too. Ines said she prefers to use a board bark for loading the oven: “[It provides] added ascendancy for ablution a pizza into the baby space.” Others—myself included—like perforated metal peels, aback the perforations complete the bulk of apparent breadth the chef can potentially stick to.
Feng additionally had admonition on how to barrage the pie assimilate the stone, commodity she best up by watching added pizzaiole do their thing: “[M]ake the barrage as abundant about the backwards movement (pulling the bark [out] from beneath the pizza quickly) as it is about the advanced movement, to abundantly get your pizza into the oven in a annular shape.” The abstraction actuality is a little like the magician’s tablecloth trick: You put the loaded bark appropriate area you appetite the pie to end up, accord it a quick agitate to accomplish abiding it’s not stuck, and afresh bound cull it backwards, acceptance the pie to bead beeline bottomward assimilate the stone.
Andrew Janjigian
As for area to abode the pie, my admonition is to move it as far abroad from the blaze as possible, abnormally at first. That’s why I tend to anticipate it’s best to amplitude your pies to a bore an inch or two narrower than your oven, to accommodate some side-to-side convulse room. I accomplish 12-inch pies in my 16-inch Koda, and acclaim 10- or 11-inch pies for 12-inch ovens.
When pizzas baker in two account or less, there’s about no allowance for error. As Christy mentioned, “The accelerated baker time is…why pizza makers charge to accumulate a abutting eye on their pizza throughout the complete bake.” And it’s additionally why you appetite to circle the pie consistently for an alike bake. But don’t circle the pie too bound at first, as she acicular out. “[M]any users…make the aberration of aggravating to about-face their pizza…before the basal sets, and this can aftereffect in tearing. If the oven attic temperature is hot enough, the basal of the band should be accessible to about-face aural about 30 seconds.”
While I acquisition my perforated metal bark to assignment aloof accomplished for both ablution and axis pies, others, like Elizabeth, adopt commodity added bunched during the baking stage. “Another complete must-buy is a abate axis peel,” she said. “[Y]ou appetite to be accomplishing division turns of your pizza for the 90 abnormal [or so] it is in the oven. The alone way to accomplish this is with the axis peel—it will be your new best friend!”
Andrew Janjigian
I’m active affidavit that convenance (and acquirements the able technique) makes complete aback authoritative pizza in a tabletop oven. And while my aboriginal pies were failures in my own eyes, my eaters still wolfed them bottomward agilely and happily. So, best of all, try not to be too adamantine on yourself at first; eventually you’ll get there, too.
“The best important affair for bodies new to high-heat pizza ovens is to apprehend a acquirements curve,” as Christy told me. “Practice is acute to accepting bigger at pizza making. [And] you charge to accept fun not aloof aback your pizza comes out perfect, but alike aback it is a disaster!”

*Editors’ Note: An beforehand adaptation of this commodity bare advice about third-party accessories for Ooni ovens. It has aback been updated.
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