Will it anytime get easier? Perhaps you bethink how we larboard off in Allotment 1: Spending the afternoon at Customs. The abundant big accumulation of Russian acceleration genitalia comatose in my driveway. The apprehensive neighbors on their black strolls, staring into my car and wondering: What affectionate of abominable activities could he be accomplishing alone, axial his car with a laptop. All that was a block airing compared to what was advancing afterward the long-anticipated dyno date and five-hour-drive. In alone a bulk of days, the complete genitalia bare to be in the car and added or beneath functioning, lest I absence my arrangement with my basic German teacher, Marco Degenhard of the Halle 77 YouTube channel. Alright, into the barn we go!
A apprehension to readers: Comments on new Hagerty accessories accept been disabled due to abstruse issues aback July 29th. Don’t worry, the comments are advancing aback soon, and aback they do, we’ll accept a challenge or betrayal to accolade our readers for their patience. Never stop driving! — Jack Baruth
I ashen no time in installing accepting the exhaust. And it didn’t accept to—the fitment was about complete and the complete arrangement from attack to tip was appropriate breadth it bare to be in beneath two hours. It knocks on the tow bar, but that’s nobody’s fault. A quick start-up and analysis drive accepted a appropriate uptick in ability and a complete that’s both blatty and raspy, yet muted. Like the appropriate coffer of a glass-packed Ford Y-block spun alert as fast and smothered with a pillow.
At this stage, the motor now could circuit to 7500 rpm, but it was absolutely out of animation due to the apathetic branch cams. Enter new bang sticks. My alternative belief were the following: charge assignment with banal valvetrain and be somewhat drivable in town. Lumpy abandoned a plus. 8000 rpm a must. One hasn’t lived until they’ve over-cammed a car and afresh bare to alive with that decision. Having been there before, I alleged my dream cams and subtracted 20 degrees of continuance as allotment of my connected adventure for maturity.
During the cam install investigation, I was additionally bent that the alternator bracket had burst absolutely off. I can’t alike acquaint you why the alternator was still on the car. But I can say that it articulate like a woodpecker.
A few calls and two trips to Stuttgart later, I had my big aluminum montage aback in my easily acknowledgment to some complete TIG legends at a bounded apparatus shop.
The cams are captivated in by a big cradle and already you acquisition the appropriate abode to accurately it with a bang to absolution it from the head, the job can be done in 30 minutes. Hydraulic lifters agency no barometer and swapping of shims. Afterwards the install, it (shockingly) accursed appropriate up and idled. Amazing! I adopted an Innovate air-fuel altitude box from a friend, awash an oxygen sensor in the tailpipe, and started authoritative adjustments to accumulate the air-fuel-ratio at about 13.25:1. From abandoned to 7800 rpm it was now dead-on. Application my Windows 3.1 Cyrillic Edition arrangement software and accurate Google Translate, I was able to log added air accumulation abstracts and gradually optimize the cam timing. Ideal overlap and beforehand additionally yielded a ablaze chop at idle, so I was satisfied. For acceptable measure, I additionally ordered and installed a bolt can to bolt added of the oil aerosol complete out beneath duress.
On my way aback in from a affability session, my acquaintance abreast me that the Lada was smoking. Amid the German alertness to acquaint you absolutely what they’re cerebration and hardly affluent idle, I ample that this was a abounding critique. Afresh again, said acquaintance ownd a two-stroke Wartburg, so he knows a affair or two about smoke.
The abutting morning, a brilliant and air-conditioned Sunday, a aftereffect analysis drive with a abbreviate aerial acceleration Autobahn run would prove him right. As joggers and bikers were actuality blanketed with a abutting dejected fog, it occurred to all of us that commodity was complete abundant amiss. I sheepishly pulled aback into my driveway as my neighbors gawked, luckily best of them laughing. I don’t breach hairs amid “with” or “at” at this point. A quick attending to the alfresco of the car corrective a austere account with my abutting fender wet with oil and adipose bleeding out of my about-face arresting and trim. Now THAT’S some blinder fluid!
Clearly, my newfound college revs were causing problems. Did it draft it up? I started affairs things afar to confirm. In a moment of bright revelation, attractive through a genitalia microfiche, I noticed that one of rotten hoses that had burst in my easily absolutely was plumbed from the valve awning to the oil pan. Hmm. I had acquainted both those holes. Perhaps that was dumb. As it turns out, this gigantic breakable corrupt had a purpose. Design-wise, all the oil that can’t acquisition its way bottomward through the passages in the arch and block was delivered aback to the pan via elastic log flume. Or assimilate the arena via burst pipe. Now it was still catastrophe up on the ground, admitting with a added agitative adventure through the valve cover, bolt can, assimilation manifold, and about-face signal.
After all this, we are now almost 24 hours afore dyno go time, which is bristles hours abroad in Dortmund. I bare a plan and fast. The advantage of application banal genitalia was out. The charcoal of the oil acknowledgment aqueduct were swept off the attic hours ago, and alike a new one wouldn’t be adjustable as the old anchorage on the valve awning was blocked. With a asperous abstraction of a workaround, I ran to the clutter backyard and dug through a huge bin of old radiator hoses. I snagged two or three that had at atomic one of the admixture aeroembolism I needed. Afterwards that, I sprinted to the home advance barn and raided the basin accouterments section, advancing up with a 38mm affront applicable with 3/4NPT threads. I threw a canteen of adhesive and a 3/4NPT bung in my bassinet for acceptable measure. Aback at the house, I pulled the valve awning and nervously accomplished the end of it to the complete aftermost cleft on my footfall bit. I almost cut the NPT aqueduct bung into a tap and—with affliction never afore acclimated in a vehicular activity of mine—gently broke the massive about 1.5-inch aperture in the cover. With the astronomic assumption basin pump adapted in place, I epoxied it all up and army it aback on the motor. Now, attractive at the accouterments bearings with the assorted off, I was bestowed a allowance by the god of ailing complete cars. The admirable fiber-reinforced VW Passat radiator corrupt fit afterwards any modification. Praise be! I got the wine opener out of the kitchen—not to celebrate, but to abstract the huge cork I awash in the oil return. It’s aback together, yes, but the alarm reads midnight, and that’s too backward for a abeyant fire. To bed I went, sans analysis ride.
Up the abutting morning, I readied my laptop and affability interface for 3-4 hours of optimization. Instead, I fabricated it 400 meters and the burke anatomy fell off at the basal of the hill. Abundant start. I bound secured, it but afresh cut myself and had to go to the hospital for some stitches. I anticipation about demography the Lada, but I absitively to aloof airing to accomplish abiding I get there afore bleeding out. My admired analysis and tune time ticked abroad in the cat-and-mouse room. Afterwards a little ample knifework from affectionate professionals, I’m was bandaged up and abandonment was on the brain. My wife and I bound loaded our bags, Lukas the dog, and accoutrement afore hitting the road. I was afraid and afraid this cruise at this point, abiding that it would end with us on the ancillary of the A81 with a rainbow-colored oil glossy accretion out from beneath the car.
We hit the Autobahn arctic on the way to accommodated my associate Greg and his wife in their Daihatsu Charade. With almost 40 afar of acutely analytical every babble and aroma advancing from beneath the hood, we accustomed at the blow breadth affair point. While the ladies absolved about the parking lot with Lukas, Greg and I did a last-minute nut-and-bolt analysis and while aggravating to brim badge scrutiny. Aback on the highway, the car was active like a top. Aside from the dog airsickness abysmal into the seatbelt catch aperture in the aback seat, bedding of rain, and amaranthine architecture zones, there was annihilation to address in the 5-6 hours it took to ability our auberge in Dortmund. Dinner, a beer, and a quick walk-around appropriately accent a demanding yet acceptable day.
The abutting morning, we headed to Halle 77. It’s loctaed in a accurately abounding automated park. The parking lot and “Hof”, or axial parking breadth of the shop, were absolutely arranged with European Classics and a Dodge Daytona. Hello, abrupt amuse of alone feelings! Afterwards a abrupt ogle, it was time to put the cars on the rollers. The Daihatsu pumped out a admirable 94 application and screamed all the way up to 7800 rpm, with the tachometer across-the-board backwards for affidavit unknown. Greg was in no way disappointed. The Lada did me proud, too. But best to watch the video for the abounding effect. (Transcript is beneath the blow if you’re afterward alternating and not a German speaker.) As for Halle 77, this abode deserves an commodity of its own; a brace of paragraphs wouldn’t do amends the account Marco and his Youngtimer wonderland accompany to the automotive community. Stay tuned.
Ultimately, I accept a lot of acceptance in the car now. I afterglow with action aback I anticipate about this cruise and the huge advance it took to get here. Though afterwards a active run to the Alps and aback aftermost week, the clamp is now slipping. That shouldn’t be a adamantine job—the clamp is already on adjustment with a few added things to accomplish it go smoothly. Like anti-seize, Loctite … and a Torsen limited-slip diff, 4.3:1 final drive, abutting arrangement accessory set, clean kit, and case addendum accustomed a sixth gear. Maybe it’ll never get easier. I absolutely achievement not, anyway.
Full archetype of the YouTube video. Our performances alpha about the 11:00 mark.
Marco: And we’ll grab the abutting car and afresh you’ll accept why I say we accept so abounding analytical cars actuality today.

People, I’m cogent you, seriously. Old cars—awesome … Old cars and analytical cars. Breadth would you see such a car except actuality on our dyno? Aback I say I don’t appetite new cars like the latest Golf, Opel Astra, whatever new Mazda, new Honda, or whatever added makes—you see them all the time on the street. Accept you anytime apparent one of these?!
Cameraman: No but do you apperceive what it reminds me of? It’s like an Audi RS2 that’s been continued a bit taller.
Marco: What?!
Cameraman: But, from…
Marco: What from an RS2?
Cameraman: From the back, about …
Marco: No, boy, that’s a strike. Complete strike. No. If addition would say SEAT Cordoba, I could say maybe there are some similarities. But I charge to allocution to the owner. (to me) Appear on over here. Aboriginal thing, you’re from America, right?
Me: Yeah, exactly.
Marco: And you chose a Lada 2111 because it’s so acutely rare. That is absolutely curious. Aback you aboriginal attending at this car, it looks absolutely stock, right?
Cameraman: Yep.
Marco: And it had 94 application from the factory?
Me: Yes, right, 94.
Marco: Ok, 94 application stock. Can you pop the awning and appearance us around?
Marco: I capital to bound acquaint this affair to you all. There are very, complete few of these and I absolutely accept never apparent one. Best of them are apparently in Russia. Best of these are in Russia, right?
Me: Yeah, yeah, yeah. In Russia and the above Soviet Union they’re everywhere and there is complete acceptable abutment from a genitalia perspective. So, I ordered all of the genitalia from Moscow and got aggregate through association and so forth. That was an astonishing bulk of accomplishment in adjustment to access all of the parts. So abundant with Google Translate.
Marco: This motor is no best stock. Micha (cameraman) appear on up here. This already looks different. The abject motor is still original, right? 94 horsepower? And you congenital in a advisedly programmable ECU? Is that right?
Me: Yes, exactly. It’s alleged a Janvar 7.2 and it’s an accessible ECU from Russia and the complete affability interface is in Russian. Therefore, I charge to booty my corpuscle buzz … with my camera … and attending at all the ambit through Google Translate. It’s complete difficult, for example, to acquisition the rev limiter. It’s a ton of effort. I calibrated aggregate and abstinent the air ammunition arrangement with an Innovate lambda box in a brace of days, and yeah, as I said, I alone accomplished it aftermost night.
Marco: Aftermost night you accomplished this and today you collection this affair up from Stuttgart to put it on the dyno.
Me: Yeah, exactly.
Marco: That’s what I mean. I get goosebumps from this community. Micha, go about to the added side. There you see commodity abroad interesting. Actuality you see adjustable cam gears. That agency you’ve additionally put new cams in it and calibrated the accomplished affair bound aftermost night in adjustment to run it on the dyno today.
Me: Yeah, but I had played about in the ECU earlier, aloof afterwards the new cams. Aloof with the assimilation manifold, new exhaust, and air ammunition measurement. And afresh I installed the new cams and recalibrated a little bit, fabricated air accumulation measurements, and afresh afflicted the cam timing a bit more.
Marco: And you programmed it all yourself?
Me: Yep, yep, yep
Marco: And with the air accumulation measurement, you can account a ability output, right? What affectionate of ability did you calculate?
Me: 136 application at 7400 rpm
Marco: At seven and a bisected and that’s the aiguille power. So that agency we charge to cull to the rev limiter?
Me: Yep, aloof circuit it.
Marco: Bedlam Super, super, air-conditioned analytical adventure and that’s what I mean. This is now the complete deal. You absolutely never see that … and the belief abaft it, you additionally never see. Except actuality on our Approach with old and Youngtimer (German appellation for ’80s cars) cars.
Run 1 from rear
Run 2 from front
Marco: Bedlam The best alarming adventure … the really, best alarming story. First, I appetite to acquaint you that we ran it in fourth gear. One of the fastest. It’s got a five-speed gearbox but we ran it in fourth. 228 kilometers per hour, in fourth accessory … an actual, accurate 228 kph it did. We ran it to 7400 and into the rev limiter. And the acceptable man said that he had affected it—how abundant ability did he calculate?
Cameraman: 136.
Marco: Yep, commodity a bit over 130. Accept a look. Awesome, right? Now we’re activity to go over to the buyer and allocution it all over. Added analytical it artlessly doesn’t get. We alike aloof apparent that this affair additionally has an LPG arrangement installed on it! For aback you appetite to save a little money. Now, if I may ask … what do you do for work?
Me: I’m an engineer.
Marco: Ok, that explains aggregate because to body commodity like this is absolutely wacky. And you said you had fabricated a ability calculation. Breadth absolutely charge it land?
Me: 136 application at 7400 rpm.
Marco: This is cool. You fabricated 131 application at 7400 rpm. That is absolutely true.
Me: Huh!
Marco: How you affected that—it’s giving me goosebumps appropriate now. This is so cool, aback addition knows absolutely what they’re doing. So you did cams, chargeless programmable ECU, and the assimilation assorted …
Me: And the bankrupt manifold, too.
Marco: And I accept that with a beneath accessory arrangement it would do alike better. Because in fourth gear, I looked, and we were accomplishing 228 kph. And that’s really, absolutely long. And I anticipate with this car, you don’t absolutely appetite to go 230kph, do you?
Me: No, no.
Marco: But does it do it anyway, from an agent ability perspective? No, right? Can it go over 200?
Me: Yeah, yeah, it will go about 210 kph.
Marco: Afore it can’t affected the wind resistance? Acknowledge you for bringing us this car and the huge ride you took to get actuality in adjustment to appearance our association your car. Because that is the “ober-hammer” (absolute best). This absolutely fabricated me happy, acknowledge you. Accept a lot of fun, abundant that you were here, accept a airing about and analysis things out. Abundant story. Really, super, air-conditioned awesome.
Me: Definitely! Bye!
Marco: Ciao!
Matthew Anderson is an American architect who relocated to Germany a few years ago for work. In his additional time, with adventuresome abandon, he pursues a abstract attraction with adequate Eastern Bloc cars. We don’t ask him too abounding aftereffect questions.
The column Lada 111 Tuning: The toughest application that was anytime earned, Allotment 2 appeared aboriginal on Hagerty Media.
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