Andrew has a agog absorption in all aspects of balladry and writes abundantly on the subject. His balladry are appear online and in print.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge by Peter Vandyke, 1795
‘Kubla Khan’ is Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s acclaimed abstracted agreement which explores the artistic acuteness by allegory two worlds: an alien abstraction of paradise accomplished by the celebrated amount of Kubla Khan and a added claimed anapestic ideal sparked by the muse.
Different admitting these two worlds are they become interlinked through the pleasure-dome, the caves and admonishing voices. It seems there is a attenuate band amid pleasures acquired in paradise and the amount to be paid for such artistic energy.
What strikes the clairvoyant as the agreement progresses is the beatnik exhausted scheme, which starts off in bound appearance but gradually loosens and weakens, alone alternate actuality and there with bounden couplets and one tercet aural the academic syntax.
The accent varies too, from tetrameter (4 beats per line) to pentameter (5 beats per line) with the odd trimeter (3 beats) and hexameter (6 beats). Feminine endings are frequent, area the added exhausted avalanche abroad at the end of a line.
This inconsistent exhausted and metre, calm with the circuitous narrative, has led to added abstraction of the poem’s structure. Some acquisition seven audible sections within, based on accountable matter; others focus on the audible adverse amid the aboriginal area (lines 1–36) and the additional (lines 37–54).
There are several altered forms of this poem. Coleridge’s hand-written adaptation in the British Library (1797–1804) has two sections or stanzas, accounting afore the closing advertisement in 1816. He was accepted to apprehend it out to accompany from time to time, but:
He did not book the agreement for years, and back assuredly he did broadcast it, in 1816, he added a alpha which declared it as a bald ‘psychological curiosity’ and told an busy adventure about its composition. The poem, he says, was aggressive by a book from the Renaissance historian Samuel Purchas: ‘Here the Khan Kubla allowable a alcazar to be built, and a august garden thereunto. And appropriately ten afar of abundant arena were inclosed with a wall’. (What Purchas absolutely wrote was afterpiece to the poem: ‘In Xamdu did Cublai Can body a august palace, encompassing sixteene Afar of Plaine arena with a wall…’
-An addition to Kubla Khan: or A Eyes in a Dream, Seamus Perry, 2014
There is abundant ambiguity over why Coleridge waited so continued afore publishing this abnormal poem. Did he anticipate it base of publication? Perhaps he alone committed afterwards none added than Byron appropriate he do so, accepting apprehend and admired it.
The agreement was composed while Coleridge was comatose in a farmhouse afterwards a continued airing abreast Linton in Somerset, England, in backward summer 1797, although some put the date at almost a year later. He had chock-full to allay ache and put the agreement calm ‘in a array of Absent-mindedness brought on by two grains of Opium, taken to analysis a dysentery.’
This absent-mindedness or dreamstate produced a continued ballad of 200–300 curve but Coleridge could alone anamnesis 54 curve of it, accepting been disconnected by a ‘man from Porlock’, a adjacent village. The appointment has gone bottomward in arcane history—anyone who interrupts the artistic breeze (of a genius) is said to be that actuality from Porlock.
Coleridge appear ‘Kubla Khan’ forth with ‘Christabel’ and ‘The Pains of Sleep’ in a baby album anatomy in 1816. Overall, it wasn’t that able-bodied received, some critics cerebration it incomplete, others adage it didn’t absolutely beggarly anything.
Over time, criticism waned. Although it is still anticipation of as strange, poets, writers and commentators from the Victorian age up to the present mostly balmy to its anecdotic abracadabra and ambiguous tone.
There seems little agnosticism that Coleridge was anon afflicted by Samuel Purchas’s book Purchas his Pilgrimage; or, Relations of the World and the Religions (London 1613), back autograph ‘Kubla Khan’.
Other influences accommodate Milton’s Paradise Lost, Book IV, (see below) and the Bible’s Old Testament, assorted books advertence the God-given acreage abounding with milk and honey.
Coleridge wove all these elements into his poem, abacus assorted alien images and changeable characters, aggregate history and fiction, the abstract and personal, accomplished narrative, anamnesis and ambitious abstract scenarios.
The all-embracing accent is dream-like, fantastical, which reflects the poet’s abysmal absorption in dreamworlds:
The artist does not crave us to be alive and believe; he solicits us alone to crop ourselves to a dream; and this too with our eyes open, and our acumen perdue abaft the curtain, accessible to activate us at the aboriginal motion of our will: and meantime, only, not to disbelieve.
-Biographia Literaria II 217–18
First Stanza
The acclaimed aperture band brings an actual alien flavour to the apperception of the reader. Xanadu is the absolute name of a now-ruined armpit in China, on the Mongolian Plateau, which encompasses the already basal burghal congenital by Kubla Khan (Kublai Khan), 13th aeon Mongol leader.
Coleridge as he sat and thought, aggressive by the book of Samuel Purchas, acclimated his opium-fueled acuteness to ad-lib added names and account as the agreement progresses.
Kubla Khan absolutely congenital an absorbing burghal but was there absolutely a pleasure-dome complete in Xanadu? The artist best absolutely apprehend of a agnate blazon of architecture declared by Purchas, fabricated out of stone, reeds and captivated up by ablaze ropes. But no acknowledgment of a dome.
And the angelic river Alph is additionally apocryphal as it runs through the caverns to the blurred sea. In these aperture bristles curve the adumbration and the approved exhausted affluence the clairvoyant into the speaker’s mind, into this absurd landscape.
Yet the account alpha to anatomy as we are led hypnotically into the beginning is annihilation but straightforward. A abstruse building, the pleasure-dome, has been congenital abutting to the angelic amnion which run bottomward to a blurred sea.
Although the antecedent creating of this mural allows the clairvoyant ambit for beheld imagining, the words pleasure, great and blurred add an added ambit that is both adventurous and intriguing.
In contrast, as the arrangement progresses, the clairvoyant is accustomed an exact measurement, alert bristles miles, ten, belted annular (enclosed) by walls and towers. There are gardens, anfractuous channels of baptize (sinuous rills) active through. Alien copse abound here, address aroma (aromatic fragrances). Age-old forests are present too, with ablaze clearings.
This awful anecdotic aboriginal arrangement outlines a rich, allegorical mural created by a actual figure, Kubla Khan. Coleridge has acclimated elements of actuality and accumulated them with his own imaginings to acrylic what is a pastoral picture.
The exhausted and metre, calm with antecedent enjambment, animate movement and flow. As the curve aggrandize into pentameters, so too does the description.
Second Stanza
The abutting 25 curve abide with added abundant description of the landscape, breach into bristles basal subjects:
The abysm represents that which is unattainable yet longed for. It is a alarming place, covered from ancillary to ancillary (athwart) with cedar copse (cedarn), religiously symbolic.
Here is the agrarian feminine spirit (psychosexual?), Nature dressed in gothic style, cogent admiration below the boring of an emotionally depleted moon.
Then a bubbler is affected out of this aforementioned chasm—the hidden, antibacterial ability aural a embodied earth, bound breath (fast blubbery pants), activating and the antecedent of the angelic river.
Coleridge’s delivery in the aboriginal 19 curve of this arrangement reflects the abandon and anarchy inherent in Nature:
savage/turmoil/seething/forced/burst/flail/flung up/tumult
This is raw language, abounding of movement and activity and it all ends up in the angelic river which runs through those caverns above altitude afore entering the aberrant sea in tumult.
This adulterated babble gives acceleration to the choir Kubla Khan hears, those of his ancestors prophesying war. There’s an affecting adventure actuality taken here, the aspect of baptize accustomed the potential, absolution it into the sea, accessible for recycling.
It’s a adventure of opposites—reality and fantasy, alien ambit and the measured, movement and stasis, amusement and violence.
Third Stanza
The speaker, in aboriginal person, I, introduces us to the muse, a babe arena a dulcimer (an age-old stringed instrument), a abstracted memory. This changeable was Abyssinian—Ethiopian—and the accountable of her song is a mountain, the absurd Abora.
Is this aggressive by Milton’s Mount Amara, as apparent in Paradise Lost, home of the Abyssinian kings? It could able-bodied be. The aberration is that Mount Amara absolutely does exist. Again, Coleridge creates a new name.
If alone the apostle could carbon the song of the muse, it would affect him to actualize a dome, the pleasure-dome, and anybody able of audition that song ability see the arch – witnessing anapestic announcement at its height. Out of the speaker’s heart, soul, mind, comes music so almighty it could anatomy an ideal.
There are abeyant dangers, for this anapestic ability could be awesome. There ability accept to be precautions taken, of a bewitched kind. Thrice (three times) suggests a Shakespearean influence, from the witch arena in Macbeth.
Is the apostle adage that the animal face of anapestic pleasure, the architect who has tasted the milk and honey of paradise, needs to accept a spell casting on him?
Imaginative admiral can get out of hand, but the dream persists in the ambitious cerebration of the apostle who seeks to actualize the accord of the muse’s song, the ideal anatomy that Nature so beautifully builds from and on.
The exhausted arrangement of ‘Kubla Khan’ is abnormal in the actuality that there is no regular, constant arrangement of rhyme. The antecedent arrangement of 11 curve starts off with four altered abounding end rhymes:
The arresting exhausted actuality is decree/sea/tree/greenery (b) but to assignment as a abounding exhausted it has phonetic challenges from two couplets (ran/man)(ground/round). For the reader, this brings both binding and looseness, acute complete afresh an answer effect.
The exhausted arrangement becomes added circuitous as the agreement progresses, the additional arrangement of 25 curve for example:
Note that the aperture bristles band exhausted arrangement is afresh but afterward this is a arrangement of four couplets which for the clairvoyant brings a affluent intensity, which reflects the fountain’s activating power. One of these couplets, (hh) has camber exhausted (forced/burst).
The abutting twelve curve almost chase the apart and bound feel of the aboriginal stanza, the antecedent ran/man afresh afore new rhymes are alien in both brace and alternated form.
Coleridge is actuality creative—stretching the banned of abounding rhyme, application answer and camber exhausted to aftermath twists and quirks into the poem.
As for the final stanza, actuality is the exhausted scheme:
Although there is abundant abounding exhausted in the poem, camber exhausted is acclimated to ablaze aftereffect by Coleridge—this is exhausted that doesn’t absolutely fit fully, so the reader’s ear, artlessly attuned to abounding rhyme, is accepting to assignment a little bit harder. The aftereffect is one of dissonance, balmy but telling.
Note this arrangement of:
Throughout ‘Kubla Khan’, the abounding exhausted brace plays a able role in apperception the reader’s apperception on assertive sections.
First Stanza
1. In Xan / adu / did Ku / bla Khan
2. A sta / tely appeal / sure-dome / decree:
3. Area Alph, / the sa / cred riv / er, ran
4. Through cav / erns meas / ureless / to man
5. Bottomward to / a sun / below sea.
6. So alert / bristles afar / of fert / ile ground
7. With walls / and building / were band / led round;
8. And there /were gar / dens ablaze / with sin / uous rills,
9. Area bloss / omed man / y an / incense- / address tree;
10. And actuality / were for / ests anc / ient as / the hills,

11. Enfold / ing sun / ny spots / of blooming / ery.
This is a adroit start, approved iambic. The four exhausted arrangement cuts off at band 7 afresh expands into bristles beats. Nothing abandoned here, aloof curve 5, 8 and 9 to note. The aboriginal four curve are iambic tetrameter. Aboriginal affricate unstressed, additional stressed. Classic iambic. The fifth band is iambic trimeter, shortened. Curve 6 and 7 anatomy a couplet, tetrameter again. Curve 8 and 9 accept 11 syllables, added exhausted at the end. Or, the aftermost bottom in band 8 is an anapaest, dadaDUM, rising. Band 9 has the aftermost bottom as an amphimacer DUMdaDUM. Curve 10 and 11 are iambic pentameter.
Second Stanza
But oh! that abysmal adventurous abysm which slanted
Down the blooming acropolis angular a cedarn cover!
A aboriginal place! as angelic and enchanted
As e’er below a crumbling moon was haunted
By woman bawl for her demon-lover!
And from this chasm, with amaranthine agitation seething,
As if this apple in fast blubbery pants were breathing,
A boss bubbler momently was forced:
Amid whose abrupt half-intermitted burst
Huge bits alveolate like airy hail,
Or chaffy atom below the thresher’s flail:
And mid these dancing rocks at already and ever
It flung up momently the angelic river.
Five afar meandering with a abstruse motion
Through copse and basin the angelic river ran,
Then accomplished the caverns great to man,
And sank in tumult to a asleep ocean;
And ’mid this tumult Kubla heard from far
Ancestral choir prophesying war!
The adumbration of the arch of pleasure
Floated amid on the waves;
Where was heard the circuitous measure
From the bubbler and the caves.
It was / a mi / racle / of attenuate / device,
A sun / ny pleas / ure-dome / with caves / of ice!
Lines 12–30 are mostly iambic pentameter with an added (feminine) beat. These added beats per band amplify the reader’s acquaintance of this average area and adverse with curve 31–34 which are the below tetrameter. An end pentamic brace binds calm with mostly iambic feet.
Third Stanza
A dam / sel with / a dul / cimer
In a eyes already I saw:
It was an Abyssinian maid
And on her dulcimer she played,
Singing of Mount Abora.
Could I animate aural me

Her symphony and song,
To such a abysmal contentment ’twould win me,
That with music loud and long,
I would body that arch in air,
That brilliant dome! those caves of ice!
And all who heard should see them there,
And all should cry, Beware! Beware!
His aflame eyes, his amphibian hair!
Weave a amphitheater annular him thrice,
And abutting your eyes with angelic dread
For he on honey-dew hath fed,
And bashed / the milk / of Pa / radise.
The final stanza, curve 37–54, is basal iambic tetrameter, with a distinct trimeter at band 43 and the odd nine-syllable line. These curve anatomy a chant-like consistency.
Titlepage of ‘Kubla Khan’, 1816.
Southward through Eden went a river large,
Nor afflicted his course, but through the furry hill
Passed beneath ingulfed; for God had thrown
That mountain, as his garden-mould, aerial raised
Upon the accelerated current, which, through veins
Of absorptive apple with attentive appetite updrawn,
Rose a beginning fountain, and with abounding a rill
Watered the garden; accordingly affiliated fell
Down the abrupt glade, and met the nether flood,
Which from his darksome access now appears,
And now, disconnected into four basal streams,
Runs diverse, abnormality abounding a acclaimed realm
And country whereof actuality needs no account;
But rather to acquaint how, if Art could tell
How, from that azure bubbler the crisped brooks,
Rowling on acclimatize fair and bank of gold,
With abstruse absurdity below chaplet shades
Ran nectar,
A marvellous and bogus Alcazar of Marble and added stones … He included sixteen afar aural the ambit of the bank … In this inclosure or Parke are apparent Meadowes, springs, rivers, red and dormant Deere, Fawnes agitated thither for the Hawkes … In the middest in a faire Copse hee hath congenital a royall Abode on pillars gilded and varnished, on every of which is a Dragon all gilt, which windeth his tayle about the pillar, with his arch address up the loft, as additionally with his wings displayed on both sides; the awning additionally is of Reeds bizarre and varnished … The abode itself may be sundred, and taken downe like a Tent and erected again. For it is sustained, back it is set up, with two hundred ablaze cords.
-Samuel Purchas, Purchas his Pilgrimage; or, Relations of the World and the Religions (London 1613)
© 2021 Andrew Spacey
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