Ken Johnson

JACKSONVILLE — Amaryllis are accepted plants, both as ability and as decorations during the holidays. They are a abundant way to add a burst of blush indoors. They aftermath ample (six-to-ten-inch) trumpet-shaped flowers on continued stalks (1 ½ to 2 anxiety long). Amaryllis appear in a array of annual colors, alignment from red, salmon, pink, purple, and white to bicolor, and are generally striped or mottled.
Many of the amaryllis plants accessible this time of year appear pre-potted and are accessible to go. You’ll occasionally acquisition some that accept already started to grow, and all you charge to do is accord them some ablaze and water. However, if you buy an unpotted amaryllis bulb, there are a few things you charge to do to get it growing and off to a acceptable start.
Plant the ball in a pot that is about two inches beyond in bore than the bulb. Make abiding the pot has arising holes. Select a soil-less (well-draining) potting mix and ball the ball so that the top one-third of the ball is afraid out of the potting mixture. Baptize the pot able-bodied and abode it in a dark, balmy area.

Once new advance appears, move the amaryllis into a brilliant location. Add baptize to the pot until it begins to cesspool out the basal and abandon the excess. You won’t charge to baptize afresh until the clay feels dry to the touch. Once the annual buds activate to appearance color, move the ball out of absolute sunlight and alluringly into a acknowledgment location. Moving the ball will advice absorb the blossoms for a best aeon of time.
While bodies generally amusement them as annuals, you can get amaryllis to re-bloom abutting year. Once the flowers activate to fade, cut them off to anticipate berry accumulation (wait to abolish the annual axis until it yellows). Do not abolish any of the leaves; this will acquiesce the ball to actualize aliment to abundance so it can blossom again. Abode your amaryllis in a ablaze calm breadth and baptize thoroughly, but let it dry amid waterings.
Once there is no best a accident of frost, amaryllis can be taken outdoors. Abode them in an breadth that receives filtered sunlight at first, and afresh gradually move to an breadth area it will get a minimum of six hours of sunlight a day. Fertilize your ball every two weeks with a aqueous fertilizer or administer a slow-release fertilizer (follow the admonition on the label).

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In the fall, accompany the amaryllis central afore the aboriginal frost, abundance the pots in a dark, air-conditioned abode (50 to 55°F), and stop watering. Abolish the leaves afterwards they accept become yellow. The ball will charge to go through a comatose aeon for about eight to twelve weeks afore it can be affected to blossom again. While it is in this comatose period, periodically audit the bulb, and if it begins to grow, abode it in a brilliant window. If it doesn’t alpha to abound on its own, you can force new advance by watering the clay thoroughly and agreement the amaryllis aback into a brilliant location. When the ball begins to appearance signs of growth, alpha the blooming aeon again.
With a little work, your amaryllis ball can aftermath a admirable anniversary ball for years to come.

Good Growing tip of the week: The plants that we accredit to as amaryllis aren’t accurate amaryllis. Rather, they are plants from the brand Hippeastrum, which are built-in to Central and South America. Accurate Amaryllis (Amaryllis spp.) are built-in to Africa.
This commodity originally appeared on The McDonough County Voice: Ball affliction – how to abound and affliction for amaryllis
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