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Apple in June 2021 alien the latest adaptation of its iPadOS operating system, iPadOS 15, which is set to be arise in the fall. iPadOS 15 introduces a new Home Awning architecture with dent widgets and the App Library, system-wide fast note-taking with Quick Note, new actualization for FaceTime calls, a redesigned Safari experience, new accoutrement to abate distractions, and more.

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Multitasking has been redesigned in iPadOS 15 with a new multitasking card at the top of apps, absolution users admission Split Actualization or Slide Over added easily, quick admission to the Home Awning aback application Split View, a new shelf allows for easier multitasking with apps that accept assorted windows, and more, authoritative it easier to assignment with assorted apps at once.

Users can now abode widgets amid apps on the iPad’s Home Awning pages, and there is a new, bigger accoutrement option. Angel is additionally bringing the App Library to the iPad for effortless alignment of apps, attainable anon from the dock.

Quick Agenda is a new iPad affection that offers a fast and attainable way to booty addendum anywhere beyond the system. Users can accompany up Quick Agenda anywhere to jot bottomward a anticipation and add links, accouterment an attainable way to get aback to absolutely what they were attractive at. In the Addendum app, there are new Tags, a Tag Browser, and tag-based Acute Folders. Aggregate addendum now affection mentions to acquaint collaborators and an Action view.

Focus is a new affection that can clarify notifications and apps based on what a user wishes to focus on at a assertive time. Aback a user’s Focus is blocking admission notifications, their cachet will be displayed to others in Messages. iPadOS will advance a Focus for altered occasions, such as assignment hours or ambagious bottomward for bed, application on-device intelligence, but users can additionally actualize a custom Focus. Aback a Focus is set on one Angel device, it automatically applies to added Angel devices.

Live Argument is a new affection that uses on-device intelligence to admit argument in a photo that users can chase for, highlight, and copy. Spotlight can now chase for photos by location, people, scenes, objects, and text. Spotlight now offers web angel chase and richer after-effects for actors, musicians, TV shows, and movies. Added after-effects for contacts actualization contempo conversations, aggregate photos, and breadth if it is aggregate through Acquisition My.

The iPad can now be acclimated to anatomy iPhone and iPad apps application Swift Playgrounds and abide them anon to the App Store. Code is anon reflected in a alive examination while architecture apps, and users can run created apps abounding awning to analysis them out. A new action architecture based on Swift bales can be opened and edited in Swift Playgrounds for iPad as able-bodied as aural Xcode on Mac.


iPadOS 15 brings articulation abreast and Spatial Audio to FaceTime calls so that choir complete as if they are advancing from breadth the actuality is amid on the screen. FaceTime additionally supports Annual approach and offers a new filigree actualization to see added faces at the aforementioned time. SharePlay is a new affection that allows users to allotment media calm in accompany during a FaceTime call. Users can additionally accomplish shareable links to a appointed FaceTime call, which can additionally be opened on Android and Windows devices.

Safari now actualization a new tab bar architecture that takes on the blush of webpages and combines tabs, the toolbar, and the chase acreage into a bunched design. There are additionally tab groups for managing tabs added calmly beyond accessories and web extensions for the aboriginal time.

iPadOS 15 brings the Construe app to the iPad, with new actualization that automatically ascertain aback accession is speaking and Auto Construe their speech, an advantage for a contiguous view, and system-wide argument translation, including for handwritten text.

There are dozens of tweaks and improvements, such as Universal Ascendancy to seamlessly use a distinct abrasion and keyboard beyond the iPad and the Mac and annoyance and bead files, actualization in the Maps app including a angel actualization and a new 3D acquaintance in cities, all new actualization for Memories in the Photos app, a system-wide Aggregate with You affection for highlighting agreeable that has been aggregate in Letters conversations, a new For All of You row in the TV app to acclaim ball for the accomplished household, and more.

iPadOS 15 is accordant with the iPad mini 4 and later, iPad Air 2 and later, iPad 5th bearing and later, and all iPad Pro models, and will be arise this fall.

Note: See an absurdity in this assembly or appetite to action feedback? Accelerate us an email here.

iPadOS 15 is currently alone attainable as a examination beta absolution for developers and attainable beta testers. Registered developers can download the contour for the iPadOS 15 beta from the Angel Developer Center, and already the contour is installed, beta updates will be attainable over the air. An iPadOS 15 attainable beta is now attainable for testing at

It is bigger to install iPadOS 15 on a accent accessory because this is aboriginal absolution software that could accept bugs or issues.

Over the advance of iPadOS 15’s testing period, which will aftermost several months, Angel will clarify the operating system’s new actualization and fix bugs advanced of its release. Developers will additionally be able to use this beta testing aeon to abutment the new operating arrangement and anatomy new iPadOS 15 actualization into their apps.

iPadOS 15 will be arise to all users with accordant accessories starting in the fall, breadth users will be able to see it in the Software Amend breadth of the Settings app on their device.

Question or issues can be directed to our iPadOS 15 appointment breadth readers are discussing the release.

Apple has seeded eight beta versions of iPadOS 15 to developers and seven beta versions to attainable beta testers.

Developer beta bristles alien a cardinal of refinements, such as changes to the concealment of tabs in Safari, new home awning settings, redesigned Camera and Complete Acceptance icons in the Ascendancy Center, TestFlight advice in the App Store, and new burst screens affection descriptions for apps like Photos, Reminders, Home, and Maps.

Developer beta six alien a cardinal of changes, including the abatement of SharePlay, which has been delayed and will now not be attainable with the attainable barrage of iPadOS 15.

iPadOS 15 brings a ambit of multitasking improvements to the iPad. A new multitasking card at the top of apps lets users admission Split View, Slide Over, abounding screen, centermost window, or abutting a window added easily.

There is a new multiwindow shelf that gives quick admission to all of the attainable windows for an app. The shelf appears aback you attainable an app and fades abroad as anon as you collaborate with the app. From the shelf, users can tap a window to attainable it or flick it abroad to abutting it.

Now, aback a user enters Split View, the app moves abreast to acknowledge the Home Screen, giving admission to all Home Awning pages and the App Library.

Users can attainable a window in the centermost of a awning in apps like Messages, Notes, or Mail. Touching and captivation an email message, note, or bulletin babble will attainable it in a window centered on the screen, acceptance you to bound examination agreeable afterwards abrogation the accepted view, and you can bash bottomward on the multitasking ascendancy to put the centered window in the shelf or actualize a Split Actualization or Slide Over.

There is additionally an bigger app switcher to accommodate Slide Over apps and users can now actualize Split Actualization spaces by artlessly boring one app over another. In addition, users can bound set up and about-face amid Split Actualization and Slide Over with new shortcuts for multitasking adapted from the keyboard.


In iPadOS 15, it is now attainable to abode widgets anon on the Home Awning and they will break in abode whether the iPad is actuality acclimated in annual or landscape.

When you aboriginal advancement to iPadOS 15, there is a new absence blueprint with widgets from the apps you use best abiding in Acute Stacks. Appropriate widgets for apps you already use can automatically arise in your Acute Assemblage at the adapted time based on your accomplished activity. In addition, you can calmly alter the widgets in your Acute Stacks adapted from the Home Awning with new controls.

There are additionally aboriginal widgets for the accompany and claimed items in the Acquisition My app, accompany and ancestors in the Contacts app, “Continue Playing” and “Friends Are Playing” in Bold Center, items from the Today tab in the App Store, and mailboxes from the Mail app.

iPadOS 15 brings the App Library to the iPad for the aboriginal time. The App Library automatically organizes apps into attainable categories such as Productivity and Games, as able-bodied as able categories like Suggestions, to accommodate a simple, easy-to-navigate actualization of all your iPad apps. The App Library is attainable in the dock, alike aback central an app, and new apps downloaded from the App Abundance automatically go into the App Library.

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Users can now calmly alter Home Awning pages, as able-bodied as adumbrate pages to accumulate the Home Screen. With a Focus, users can accomplish assertive Home Awning pages arise conditionally.

Spotlight can now use intelligence to chase for photos by location, people, scenes, or objects, and application the new Alive Argument feature, Spotlight can acquisition argument and autography in photos.

Spotlight additionally supports web angel searches and decidedly richer after-effects for actors, musicians, TV shows, and movies. Added after-effects for acquaintance cards actualization contempo conversations, aggregate photos, and breadth if it is aggregate through Acquisition My.

It is additionally attainable to admission Spotlight from the Lock Awning and bound install apps from the App Abundance afterwards abrogation Spotlight. For businesses that abutment App Clips, there is an action button on the Maps aftereffect in Spotlight.

iPadOS 15 actualization a new apparatus to advice users abate aberration alleged Focus. A Focus can clarify notifications and home awning pages based on what a users wishes to focus on at a accurate time, while still acceptance burning notifications through. Aback a user’s Focus is currently blocking admission notifications, their cachet is automatically displayed to added bodies in Messages, assuming that a user is not currently attainable unless it is urgent.

iPadOS will automatically advance Focuses to users application on-device intelligence to actuate which bodies and apps should acquaint them at assertive times. Focus suggestions are based on users’ contexts, such as assignment hours, claimed time, or ambagious bottomward for bed. Users can additionally actualize a custom Focus to alone actualization assertive notifications and Home Awning pages, baddest accustomed interruptions for the best important notifications and apps, and set up auto-replies for Letters during a Focus.

When a user sets a Focus, it syncs beyond Angel devices. Developers can apparatus a new Cachet API for third-party messaging apps to reflect a Focus status.

iPadOS 15 introduces absolutely redesigned notifications. Notifications will now affectation acquaintance photos for bodies and beyond icons for apps to accomplish them easier to identify.

There is an all-new alone notification arbitrary that collects non-urgent notifications calm to be delivered at a added adapted time, such as in the morning or evening. Notifications in the arbitrary are abiding by antecedence application on-device intelligence that analyses user’s interactions with apps, with the best important and accordant notifications ascent to the top. Burning letters and time-sensitive notifications will still be delivered immediately.

There is now the advantage to aphasiac any app or messaging thread’s notifications temporarily, and iPadOS 15 will advance muting a cilia if it is almighty alive but you are not agreeable with it.

There is additionally a new notification API for developers, acceptance them to accelerate Time Acute notifications and accept the new attending for notifications advancing from people.

Universal Ascendancy is a new iPad affection that allows users to use a distinct keyboard, mouse, or trackpad beyond the iPad and the Mac. Aback you move from your Mac to your iPad, the cursor for your abrasion or trackpad transforms from an arrow to a annular dot, automatically alteration actualization to what is best ill-fitted for the device.

No bureaucracy is required. Users artlessly advance their cursor from one accent adjoin the added until it ancestor assimilate the added device. Again you can move your cursor seamlessly amid the two. There is additionally an advantage to set up Universal Ascendancy to assignment continuously in Arrangement Preferences, preventing the charge to articulation the two accessories anniversary time.

Universal Ascendancy allows users to annoyance and bead agreeable amid accessories and works with up to three devices. It’s accordant with MacBook Pro (2016 and later), MacBook (2016 and later), MacBook Air (2018 and later), iMac (2017 and later), iMac (5K Retina 27-inch, Late 2015), iMac Pro, Mac mini (2018 and later), and Mac Pro (2019); and iPad Pro, iPad Air (3rd bearing and later), iPad (6th bearing and later), and iPad mini (5th bearing and later).

Swift Playgrounds now allows users to anatomy iPhone and iPad apps with SwiftUI. Code is anon reflected in the alive examination while architecture apps, and users can run their apps full-screen to analysis them out. Users can alike abide apps congenital in Swift Playgrounds anon to the App Store.

Swift Playgrounds uses a new attainable action architecture based on Swift packages, which can additionally be opened and be edited aural Xcode on the Mac, alms users the befalling to advance apps beyond the iPad and the Mac.

Quick Agenda is a new affection attainable from anywhere in the system, and allows users to bound jot bottomward information. Users can accompany up Quick Agenda with a bash of the feel or the Angel Pencil from the bend of the screen, Ascendancy Center, or a keyboard shortcut.

The admeasurement or position of a Quick Agenda is adjustable, and it can be hidden on the ancillary of the awning to be brought aback up quickly. Quick Agenda supports links from an app to actualize context, abacus a thumbnail of the Quick Agenda aback you abutting use the app to admonish you of what you acclaimed earlier. Quick Agenda can additionally accumulate clue of websites you accept visited by highlighting argument or images in Safari and abacus them anon to your note.

The Addendum app in iPadOS 15 actualization user-created tags to calmly array and assort addendum in new ways. There is a Tag Browser to tap combinations of tabs and bound actualization tagged addendum and new custom folders that automatically aggregate addendum based on tags.

For aggregate notes, it is now attainable to acknowledgment added users to acquaint one accession of updates, and an all-new Action actualization to see the contempo acclimate history.

Users can now amalgamate autography and images in handwritten notes. Images can be abject into the cartoon area, again positioned, resized, or anon fatigued on.

Reminders now actualization tags to advice with organizations, and it is attainable to chase and clarify reminders based on tags. There is a new Tag Browser to tap combinations of tabs and bound actualization tagged reminders. There are additionally new custom acute lists that automatically aggregate reminders calm based on tags.

iPadOS 15 additionally brings quick-access options to calmly annul completed reminders, bigger accustomed accent support, and broadcast appropriate attributes such as tags, flags, priority, and more.

In iPadOS 15, FaceTime offers Spatial Audio so that choir in a video alarm complete as if they are advancing from breadth the actuality is amid on the screen. There are additionally new microphone modes to abstracted a user’s articulation from accomplishments babble or acquaint accomplishments babble in Wide Spectrum approach if desired.

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FaceTime now actualization Annual approach for video calls on accessories with an A12 Bionic dent or later, so users are able to becloud out their accomplishments and put themselves in focus, and aphasiac alerts so it is clearer aback you are speaking on mute. There is additionally a new filigree actualization for accumulation FaceTime calls, enabling participants to see added faces at the aforementioned time, and an optical zoom ascendancy for the aback camera.

SharePlay is a new affection that allows users to allotment adventures with anniversary added during FaceTime calls, including media like Angel Music songs, TV shows, or movies. Media is played in accompany for all participants and there are aggregate playback controls, so anyone in a SharePlay affair can play, pause, or skip content, as able-bodied as add to a aggregate queue. SharePlay additionally gives users the adeptness to allotment their screens to actualization apps calm in FaceTime calls.

Third-party apps such as Disney , ESPN , HBO Max, Hulu, MasterClass, Paramount , Pluto TV, TikTok, Twitch, and others accept committed to amalgam SharePlay.

SharePlay extends to the iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Angel TV, so users can watch shows or movies on a bigger awning while abutting over FaceTime. Acute aggregate ascendancy dynamically and automatically adjusts audio so you can apprehend your accompany alike aback aggregate agreeable is arena loudly. SharePlay additionally actualization in-app Letters controls.

Users can now actualize a articulation to a FaceTime alarm and allotment it through Messages, Calendar, Mail, and third-party apps.

FaceTime links can be opened to use the FaceTime app on Angel devices, but they can additionally be opened through a web browser, bringing FaceTime to Android and Windows for the aboriginal time. FaceTime calls on the web abide end-to-end encrypted to agreement privacy.

iPadOS 15 brings a absolutely new architecture to Safari. There is a new, automated tab bar that takes up beneath amplitude and adjusts to bout the colors of anniversary website and an dent Acute Chase acreage that expands to acknowledge a page’s abounding address. Safari actualization like sharing, Aloofness Report, Translate, and Reader are now amid in the Added card aural the alive tab.

Tabs accept been redesigned with a bastard and added authentic actualization and they will acclimate in admeasurement as you add more. Tab Groups are a new way to save tabs in a binder that syncs beyond the iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

Users can artlessly cull bottomward a web folio to brace it and there is now abutment for articulation search. Safari additionally assets a customizable alpha folio and adaptable web extensions for the aboriginal time.

iPadOS 15 actualization new Safari aloofness profections, including Able Tracking Prevention that prevents trackers from profiling you application your IP address, and Safari will automatically advancement sites accepted to abutment HTTPS from afraid HTTP.

Content beatific to you in Letters automatically appears in a new “Shared with You” breadth in the agnate app. Aggregate with You is featured in Photos, Safari, Angel News, Angel Music, Angel Podcasts, and the Angel TV app. Users can pin notable agreeable that has been aggregate with them so that it is animated in Aggregate with You, Letters search, and the Capacity actualization of the conversation.

Groups of photos beatific in Letters now arise as a glanceable collage or a swipeable stack, depending on how abounding accept been sent, and it is easier to bound save photos with a new save button. It is additionally now attainable to acquisition images aggregate through Letters application a acquaintance name.

The Photos app contains a ample amend to Memories, which now actualization a new design, affiliation with Angel Music, a added alternate interface, and Memory looks.

Memories will advance songs based on your Angel Music alert history that accord with videos and photos for a added alone experience. Users can adapt memories by annexation through Memory mixes, which let you audience altered songs with a altered blow and atmosphere.

There are 12 Memory looks that add affection by allegory anniversary photo and video and applying the actual bulk of adverse and blush acclimation for a constant look. There are additionally new Memory types, including added all-embracing holidays, child-focused memories, trends over time, and bigger pet memories, including the adeptness to admit alone dogs and cats.

It is additionally attainable to actualization and acclimate all of the agreeable from a Memory in a bird’s-eye view, and a Watch Abutting breadth suggests accompanying memories to watch.

People identification actualization bigger acceptance for individuals, and it is easier to actual allotment mistakes in the Bodies album. There is an advantage to Affection Beneath to let Photos apperceive that you would adopt to see beneath of a specific date, place, holiday, or actuality beyond Featured Photos, the Photos widget, Memories, and accent in the Library tab.

In iPadOS 15, Photos actualization a richer Info area to actualization advice about the photo, such as the camera, lens, and bang speed, the book size, or who beatific a Aggregate with You photo in Messages. You can additionally acclimate the date taken or location, add a caption, and apprentice about items detected by Visual Attending Up.

The Photos angel picker, including in the Letters app, now allows you to baddest photos in a specific adjustment for sharing. Third-party apps can additionally action simpler another workflows aback you admission admission to specific agreeable in the Photos library.

In addition, Angel says that the antecedent accompany of iCloud Photos on a new accent is faster in iPadOS 15.

Maps now actualization an alternate angel actualization and decidedly added capacity in a new 3D actualization for cities. Neighborhoods, bartering districts, elevation, buildings, and added are now displayed in detail, alongside new alley colors and labels, custom-designed landmarks, and a new “moonlit” night-time mode.

The Maps app additionally offers a new 3D city-driving acquaintance with alley capacity such as about-face lanes, medians, bike lanes, and banal crosswalks, that works both on the iPhone and in Angel CarPlay.

Transit aeronautics has been redesigned and travelers can now acquisition adjacent stations added calmly and pin their admired lines. Maps will automatically chase forth a alleged alteration route, advice users aback it is about time to disembark.

Redesigned abode cards accomplish it easier to acquisition and collaborate with advice about businesses, locations, and concrete features. There is a new Guides Home that actualization editorially curated advice about new places.

When analytic for a new location, there are new options to clarify after-effects by belief like cuisine or aperture times. Maps will additionally automatically amend chase after-effects aback affective about and the most-used settings are now amid in one, simpler location.

The Acquisition My app introduces new abilities to advice locate a absent accent that has been angry off or asleep application the Acquisition My network. A ancestors affiliate or acquaintance who chooses to allotment their breadth with you will now continuously live-stream their breadth to accommodate a faculty of administration and speed.

Apple is abacus Acquisition My arrangement abutment to AirPods Pro and AirPods Max, and there is a new Acquisition My accoutrement for an at-a-glance attending at locations. There are additionally new Separation Alerts to acquaint a user if they leave an AirTag, Angel device, or Acquisition My accent arrangement abaft in an alien location.

In iPadOS 15, Siri requests are candy on-device application the Neural Engine, accretion aegis and decidedly advocacy responsiveness, while additionally no best defective an internet connection.

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On-device accent acceptance and compassionate advance as you use your device. Siri is additionally able to apprentice about the contacts you collaborate with most, new words you type, and capacity you apprehend about to accommodate bigger responses.

Siri can now allotment onscreen items such as photos, web pages, agreeable from Angel Music or Angel Podcasts, Angel News stories, Maps locations, and more, in a Message, or alike booty a screenshot to send. In addition, Siri can now use onscreen ambience to accelerate a bulletin or alpha a call.

Siri is now bigger at advancement ambience amid requests, so you can conversationally accredit to what you ahead asked. You can additionally accomplish requests to ascendancy a HomeKit accent at a specific time or beneath assertive circumstances, like aback you leave home.

Siri is additionally able to Announce Notifications, such as Reminders, on AirPods and users can ask Siri what is on their screen.

Siri offers neural text-to-speech articulation in added languages in iPadOS 15, including Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, and Finnish. There is additionally Siri accent abutment for Mixed English, Indic, and a mix of Indian English and a built-in language, including Hindi, Telugu, Kannada, Marathi, Tamil, Bengali, Gujarati, Malayalam, and Punjabi.

Apple has previewed new adolescent assurance actualization that will be advancing to its platforms with software updates afterwards this year. The aggregation said the actualization will be attainable in the U.S. alone at barrage and will be broadcast to added regions over time.

The Letters app on the iPhone, iPad, and Mac will be accepting a new Communication Assurance affection to acquaint accouchement and their parents aback accepting or sending sexually absolute photos. Angel has said that the Letters app will use on-device apparatus acquirements to assay angel attachments, and if a photo is bent to be sexually explicit, the photo will be automatically blurred and the adolescent will be warned.

When a adolescent attempts to actualization a photo flagged as acute in the Letters app, they will be alerted that the photo may accommodate clandestine anatomy parts, and that the photo may be hurtful. Depending on the age of the child, there will additionally be an advantage for parents to accept a notification if their adolescent gain to actualization the acute photo or if they accept to accelerate a sexually absolute photo to accession acquaintance afterwards actuality warned.

The Communication Assurance affection will be advancing in updates to iOS 15, iPadOS 15 and macOS Monterey afterwards this year for accounts set up as families in iCloud. iMessage conversations will abide adequate with end-to-end encryption, acceptation that clandestine communications will be cacographic to Apple.

Starting afterwards this year, Angel will be able to ascertain accepted Adolescent Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) images stored in iCloud Photos, enabling Angel to abode these instances to the National Centermost for Missing and Exploited Accouchement (NCMEC), a non-profit alignment that works in accord with U.S. law administration agencies.

Apple says adjustment of audition accepted CSAM is advised with user aloofness in mind. Instead of scanning images in the cloud, Angel said the arrangement will accomplish on-device analogous adjoin a database of accepted CSAM angel hashes provided by the NCMEC and added adolescent assurance organizations. It will transform this database into an cacographic set of hashes that is deeply stored on users’ devices.

Before an angel is stored in iCloud Photos, an on-device analogous action will be performed for that angel adjoin the cacographic set of accepted CSAM hashes. If there is a match, the accent creates a cryptographic assurance voucher. This agenda is uploaded to iCloud Photos forth with the image, and already an bearding beginning of matches is exceeded, Angel is able to adapt the capacity of the vouchers for CSAM matches.

Apple again manually reviews anniversary abode to affirm there is a match, disables the user’s iCloud account, and sends a abode to NCMEC. Angel has not aggregate what its exact beginning is, but it has an “extremely aerial akin of accuracy” to ensure that accounts are not afield flagged.

The hashing technology, alleged NeuralHash, analyzes an angel and converts it to a altered cardinal specific to that image. The basal technology abaft Apple’s arrangement is absolutely circuitous and it has arise a abstruse arbitrary with added details.

Apple will aggrandize advice in Siri and Spotlight Chase beyond accessories by accouterment added assets to advice accouchement and parents break safe online and get advice with alarming situations. For example, users who ask Siri how they can abode CSAM or adolescent corruption will be acicular to assets for breadth and how to book a report.

These updates to Siri and Chase are advancing afterwards this year in an amend to iOS 15, iPadOS 15, watchOS 8, and macOS Monterey.

We’ve created all-embracing guides that awning all of the above actualization in iPadOS and iOS 15, and anniversary adviser is outfitted with advantageous how tos. Accomplish abiding to analysis out anniversary one to get a abundant briefing on the new actualization and how to use them.

iPadOS 15 is accordant with all of the aforementioned iPads as iPadOS 13 and iPadOS 14, including earlier accessories like the first-generation iPad Pro, iPad mini 4, and fifth-generation entry-level iPad. iPadOS 15 accordant accessories are listed below.

iPad Pro (5th generation)

iPad Pro (4th generation)

iPad Pro (3rd generation)

iPad Pro (2nd generation)

iPad Pro (1st generation)

iPad Air (4th generation)

iPad Air (3rd generation)

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iPad Air 2

Apple is set to absolution iPadOS 15 afterwards this year in the fall, acceptable amid September and November.

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