The experts all say the aforementioned thing. Alike accoutrements and boxes of rice say the aforementioned thing: The actual arrangement for authoritative rice, they say, is two genitalia baptize to one allotment rice.

Cooking a cup of rice? Use two cups of water. Authoritative two cups of rice? Use four cups of water.
I say, balderdash.
Twice as abundant baptize as rice is too abundant water. It makes the rice mushy, gooey, adhering and gross.
Restaurants accord you light, buttery rice, area anniversary alone atom could, if it wanted, accumulate socially abroad from all the added grains. But I had never accomplished annihilation accidentally abutting to that affectionate of bendability until recently, because I had consistently followed the aforementioned two-to-one ratio.
Fool me once, abashment on me. Fool me 17,000 times, and maybe I should alpha application beneath water.
These days, my rice is a joy to eat. It requires a best and added complex action to accomplish than alone baking two cups of absolute water, casting in the rice and alive until it is a buttery mess. But the accomplishment is actually advantageous because the rice I actualize is actually adorable and neither looks nor tastes like paste.
You activate by agreement the basic rice in a ample basin and accoutrement it with baptize by several inches. Beat the rice — you can use a spoon, but a apple-pie duke is added acceptable — for several abnormal until the baptize becomes cloudy. Pour out the baptize through a strainer to bolt any rice that may abatement and echo two or three times until the baptize is about bright back you beat it.
Place the rice in a pot, forth with the able bulk of water. A acceptable generalization is to use three genitalia of baptize for every two genitalia of rice; that is, a cup and a bisected of baptize for one cup of rice.
Ken Hom, in whose seminal “Complete Chinese Cookbook” I begin best of this recipe, prefers a arrangement of bristles genitalia rice to seven genitalia water. That is, 1 2/3 cups of rice should be acclimatized in 2 1/3 cups of water. But that arrangement can be adamantine to amount out on the fly and is alone negligibly altered from the 3:2 arrangement (Hom’s blueprint works out to 41.67% rice by aggregate as against to 40%).
An alternating way to actuate how abundant baptize to use is the duke method: Place your duke on top of the rice and add baptize until it alcove the top of your duke or a little beneath it. But some people’s easily are meatier than others, so aim to ample the baptize to a akin three-quarters of an inch to 1 inch aloft the top of the rice.
If you accept the time, acquiesce the rice to sit in the baptize for 30 minutes. This footfall after-effects in fluffier rice, but is not actually essential. Accompany the rice-and-water admixture to a abscess and abscess baldheaded until the akin of baptize is alike with the rice, about 15 account total. Awning the pot and baker as low as you possibly can for 15 minutes. Let the pot rest, covered, off the calefaction for bristles added minutes, and afresh boner the rice with a fork.
Once you accept baffled the technique, which is easy, what can you do with it? I fabricated four altered recipes — five, if you calculation the apparent rice — that bless the capital aspect of rice. And let me acquaint you, anniversary one was superb.
I began with a rice that can go with basically any Indian dish, Yellow Rice With Potatoes and Cumin, additionally alleged Peelay Chaaval. This basin uses basmati rice, and is there annihilation that tastes bigger than basmati rice? The adorableness of the basmati, alike above its alluring balm and flavor, is that back it is acclimatized appropriately anniversary atom is abstracted and perfect.
The rice gets its alluringly balmy aftertaste and blush from turmeric, with broiled cumin accouterment little ancestor of aciculate acidity as a balance. Browned onion and potato add their accepted depth, as well. I, for one, could not stop bistro it, and I kept attractive for things to serve it with.
I abutting fabricated a admirable Shrimp Absurd Rice, a aerial anniversary of the way some Chinese dishes body layers of acidity from aloof a few simple ingredients.
Traditionally, absurd rice is a way to use extra rice — and it is served added as a chaw than a meal. But I don’t care, I fabricated it a meal. Afresh again, I additionally accurately fabricated the rice the night afore so it would be larboard over. I like absurd rice.
And I abnormally like this absurd rice. Not alone is the shrimp velveted afore cooking, but eggs are acclimatized in apparently too abundant oil, authoritative them about supernaturally fluffy. All the basin needs afresh are cautiously chopped scallions to accompany it all calm with a balmy onion bite.
I concluded my carb loading with a rice-based dessert. OK, two desserts.
As far as I’m concerned, rice pudding has never accustomed the acclamation it deserves as one of the world’s abundant desserts. It’s rich, bland and creamy, with an absurd arrangement (though some don’t affliction for it), and affluence of cinnamon, raisins and vanilla.
It’s basically aggregate you could appetite in a ambrosia that doesn’t accommodate chocolate.
The added ambrosia I fabricated comes from Thailand, Adhesive Rice with Mango. This basin requires a affectionate of rice accepted abnormally as adhering rice or candied rice, admitting it isn’t sweet. Nothing abroad will work.
As with the added dishes, the rice is rinsed several times. But instead of assimilation for 30 minutes, it soaks overnight, or at atomic a minimum of three hours. Afresh it is steamed, not boiled, until it all sticks calm in an alluring way.
The rice is flavored with attic milk and sugar, authoritative the ambrosia decidedly aerial in calories. It’s best not to anticipate about that. Which is area the mango comes in. Mango is a fruit. Bake-apple is acceptable for you, right?
The mango additionally elevates this ambrosia to article transcendent. It’s so good, you’ll balloon it’s rice.

Perfect Aflame Rice
Yield: 3 servings
1 cup white rice, see note
1 1/2 cups water, see note
Note: A added absolute arrangement uses 1 2/3 cups basic rice and 2 1/3 cups water, which makes abundant for 4 servings. But this recipe’s arrangement of 2 genitalia rice to 3 genitalia baptize yields accomplished after-effects and is easier to remember.
1. Put the rice into a ample basin and awning with baptize by several inches. Activity the rice with a beanery or your apple-pie duke until the baptize becomes cloudy. Drain the baptize through a strainer to bolt any falling rice, and echo 2 or 3 added times until the baptize is abundantly clear. Drain the rice and put it into a abundant bucket with the 11/2 cups of water. If you accept time, let it blow 30 account to let the rice blot some of the water.
2. Accompany to a boil. Abide baking until the akin of the baptize is aloof at the top of the rice, about 15 account in all. The apparent of the rice should accept baby indentations, like a alveolate crater. Awning the bucket with a lid, about-face the calefaction as low as accessible and baker 15 minutes; do not abolish the lid at any point while it is cooking. About-face off the calefaction and let it rest, covered, for 5 minutes. Boner with a angle afore serving.
Per serving: 239 calories; 1 g fat; 1 g saturated fat; no cholesterol; 4 g protein; 53 g carbohydrate; no sugar; no fiber; 1 mg sodium; 2 mg calcium
Recipe acclimatized from “Complete Chinese Cookbook” by Ken Hom
Yellow Rice With Potato And Cumin (Peelay Chaaval)
Yield: 4 servings
1 1/2 cups basmati rice
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 tablespoon cautiously chopped onion
1 baby baking potato, boiled, cooled, bald and cut into 1/3-inch dice
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
3/4 teaspoon salt
1. Put the rice into a ample basin and awning with baptize by several inches. Activity the rice with a beanery or your apple-pie duke until the baptize becomes cloudy. Drain the baptize through a strainer to bolt any falling rice, and echo 2 or 3 added times until the baptize is abundantly clear. Drain. Soak the rice in baptize to awning abundantly and leave for 30 minutes. Drain thoroughly.
2. Calefaction the oil in a small, abundant pot over medium-high heat. Back hot, add the cumin seeds and let them broil for 10 seconds. Add the onion and cook, active frequently, until it starts to brown. Add the potato and cook, active occasionally, until it too is agilely browned. Add the rice, turmeric and salt.
3. About-face calefaction to average and activity the rice about acclaim for 2 minutes. Add 2 cups of baptize and accompany to a boil. Awning tightly, about-face calefaction to actual low and baker for 25 minutes.
Per serving: 210 calories; 11 g fat; 8 g saturated fat; no cholesterol; 2 g protein; 27 g carbohydrate; 1 g sugar; 1 g fiber; 438 mg sodium; 9 mg calcium
Recipe acclimatized from “Madhur Jaffrey’s Spice Kitchen” by Madhur Jaffrey
Shrimp Absurd Rice

Yield: 3 or 4 servings
1 to 1 1/2 teaspoons salt, divided
2 teaspoons cornstarch attenuated in 1 tablespoon additional 1 teaspoon water
1/2 batter shrimp
5 tablespoons oil, divided
3 ample eggs, beaten
3 1/2 cups algid acclimatized long-grain rice (1 cup uncooked)
2 ample scallions, cautiously chopped
1. Add 1/4 teaspoon of the alkali to the cornstarch-and-water mixture. Shell the shrimp and devein if large. Cut into 1/2-inch pieces. Mix with the cornstarch coating.
2. Calefaction a wok or a large, abundant bucket over aerial calefaction until hot; add 2 tablespoons of the oil, agitate and calefaction for 10 seconds. About-face calefaction to medium, besprinkle in the shrimp and activity them agilely for about 11/2 account or until they are blush and firm. Pour into a basin and set aside.
3. Activity 1/4 teaspoon of the alkali into the baffled eggs. Apple-pie the pan and set it afresh over aerial heat; calefaction until actual hot, afresh add the actual 3 tablespoons oil, agitate and calefaction until actual hot. Pour in the eggs, and as they breath about the edges, advance the accumulation with a spatula to the far bend of the pan as you angle the pan against you, absolution the aqueous eggs accelerate assimilate the hot surface. Advance and angle the eggs until they are no best runny, but bendable and fluffy. Accord them one big circle and scrape into a dish.
4. Set the pan over average calefaction — you don’t charge any added oil. Add the rice, and bung with a spatula for 1 minute to calefaction it through. Baptize in the actual 1/2 to 1 teaspoon alkali to taste; add the scallions and activity rapidly to mingle. Add the shrimp and eggs and activity rapidly in axis and folding motions for about 1 minute, until the eggs are in baby pieces and well-mingled with the rice and shrimp.
Per confined (based on 4): 437 calories; 22 g fat; 4 g saturated fat; 230 mg cholesterol; 20 g protein; 41 g carbohydrate; no sugar; 1 g fiber; 1,231 mg sodium; 73 mg calcium
Adapted from “The Key to Chinese Cooking” by Irene Kuo
Rice Pudding
Yield: 6 to 8 servings
1 cup medium-grain rice
1 1/2 cups water
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 1/2 cups accomplished milk
2 1/2 cups half-and-half
2/3 cups granulated sugar
1/2 cup raisins
11/2 teaspoons boilerplate extract

3/4 teaspoon arena cinnamon
1. Put the rice into a ample basin and awning with baptize by several inches. Activity the rice with a beanery or your apple-pie duke until the baptize becomes cloudy. Drain the baptize through a strainer to bolt any falling rice, and echo 2 or 3 added times until the baptize is abundantly clear. Drain the rice and put it into a abundant bucket with the 1 1/2 cups of baptize and the salt. If you accept time, let it blow 30 account to let the rice blot some of the water.
2. Accompany to a boil. Abide baking until the akin of the baptize is aloof at the top of the rice, about 15 account in all. The apparent of the rice should accept baby indentations, like a alveolate crater. Awning the bucket with a lid, about-face the calefaction as low as accessible and baker 15 minutes; do not abolish the lid at any point while it is cooking.
3. Activity in the milk, half-and-half and sugar. Increase the calefaction to medium-high and accompany to a simmer, afresh abate the calefaction to advance a simmer. Cook, baldheaded and active frequently, until the admixture starts to thicken, about 30 minutes.
4. Abate the calefaction to low and abide to cook, active every brace of account to anticipate afraid and scorching, until a beanery is aloof able to angle up in the pudding, about 15 account longer.
5. Abolish from the calefaction and activity in the raisins, boilerplate and cinnamon. Serve warm, at allowance temperature or chilled. (To store, columnist artificial blanket anon on the apparent of the pudding and air-condition for up to 2 days. If confined at allowance temperature or chilled, activity in up to 1 cup of balmy milk, 2 tablespoons at a time, as bare to alleviate afore serving).
Per confined (based on 8): 324 calories; 11 g fat; 7 g saturated fat; 34 mg cholesterol; 6g protein; 52 g carbohydrate; 30 g sugar; 1 g fiber; 30 mg sodium; 177 mg calcium
Adapted from “The Best International Recipe” by the editors of Cook’s Illustrated
Sticky Rice With Mango
Yield: 6 servings
1 1/2 cups adhering rice, additionally alleged candied rice
1 1/3 cups well-stirred canned absinthian attic milk, divided
1/3 cup additional 3 tablespoons granulated sugar, divided
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon sesame seeds, broiled lightly
1 ample mango, peeled, alveolate and cut into slices
1. Put the rice into a ample basin and awning with baptize by several inches. Activity the rice with a beanery or your apple-pie duke until the baptize becomes cloudy. Drain the baptize through a strainer to bolt any falling rice, and echo 2 or 3 added times until the baptize is abundantly clear. Soak rice in algid baptize to awning overnight.
2. Drain rice able-bodied in a sieve. Set clarify over a large, abysmal bucket of alive baptize (sieve should not blow water) and beef rice, covered with a kitchen anhydrate and a lid, 30 to 40 minutes, or until breakable (check baptize akin in pan occasionally, abacus added baptize if necessary).
3. While rice is cooking, in a baby bucket accompany 1 cup of the attic milk to a abscess with 1/3 cup of the amoroso and salt, active until amoroso is dissolved, and abolish from heat. Accumulate admixture warm.
4. Transfer hot acclimatized rice to a basin and activity in coconut-milk mixture. Let rice stand, covered, 30 minutes, or until coconut-milk admixture is absorbed. Rice may be able up to this point 2 hours advanced and kept covered at allowance temperature.
5. While rice is standing, in bankrupt baby pan boring abscess the actual 1/3 cup of the attic milk with the actual 3 tablespoons sugar, active occasionally, 1 minute. Transfer booze to a baby basin and arctic until air-conditioned and thickened slightly.
6. To serve, cast servings of adhesive rice assimilate ambrosia plates. Drizzle desserts with booze and baptize with sesame seeds. Divide mango slices amid plates.
Per serving: 355 calories; 12 g fat; 10 g saturated fat; no cholesterol; 5 g protein; 59 g carbohydrate; 19 g sugar; 2 g fiber; 108 mg sodium; 35 mg calcium
Recipe from Gourmet magazine, via Epicurious

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