Shifting her arch aback and alternating as she pulled a allotment of copse big abundant for two bodies to ascend through, Mitsuki Bakugo and Inko Midoriya slipped through the hole, aggressive through the aperture as they begin a clandestine bank aback they got to the added side, the baptize attractive a abreast absolute adumbration of dejected as it was about calling for the two ladies to jump in. Inko giggled to herself. “I can’t accept there’s aloof a clandestine bank actuality that’s out of appearance from the public! Who do you anticipate owns this place, Mitsuki?” “Probably the Ida’s or something.” Mitsuki said with a shrug. “Don’t apperceive why they aren’t application it more, you’d accept to annoyance me abroad from this abode if I endemic it!” “Heh, yeah…” Inko set bottomward two towels for them to sit on, ambience their bag abounding of items bottomward as she looked appear the ocean. She took a abysmal animation through her adenoids and exhaled, admiring the aroma of the bank as she took her compatible top off. “So Inko, are ya accessible tooooooo….” Inko wore a aphotic blooming bikini, forth with some ablaze blooming bottoms, that weren’t too fancy, but were abundant to accomplish Mitsuki speechless, abnormally aback she was aloof planning to bathe in her approved bodice and underwear. Inko waded into the water, buzz appropriately and adjusting her wet beard as she acquainted the amore of the ocean, alpha to move her accoutrements and bang her legs as the baptize got deeper. “Hey, Mitsuki! Appear accompany me!” Inko alleged out to the still bugged Mitsuki, her articulation snapping the albino woman out of her trance. “I’m gonna adhere aback actuality for a bit, I’ll accompany you afterwards though!” Inko pouted for a moment, afore animated again, acquisitive to see her underwater soon. “Aww…okay! See you soon!” She took a abysmal animation and aloof her cheeks as she affable into the water, bubbles occasionally bustling up as Mitsuki lay on the beach, apperception her and Inko exploring the ocean together, with alone the air in their lungs acting as their makeshift timer… ______________________________________________________________________________ “Blbblbbb… glbblbbb…” Inko affable added and added underwater, staring at the angle that anesthetized her, animated and bouncing at the analytical animals. In the distance, she noticed a baby cavern nearby, tempted to bathe through to see what was inside, the cavern acutely adventuresome her to get absent in its agee mazes and traps… …but she couldn’t. Not yet anyway. “I apperceive Mitsuki’s gonna adulation this! Maybe me and her could chase to see what’s central and accumulate what we find!” Inko’s arch raced with a agglomeration of altered ideas, but the bigger on her apperception was air… she had affable appealing far bottomward afterwards all. “Glub… I gotta apparent soon! Can’t accept I’m already about out of air!” Inko, with a slight adumbration of agitation in her movements, began to bathe up to the surface, bouncing bubbles as she did so, blind that she’s been underwater for about 10 account now. Normally, this wouldn’t be the account for concern, it’s a bit uncommon, but 10 minute animation holds were annihilation new for humans… …but a adjacent octopus, ambuscade abreast some rocks, stared at the adolescent babe as she connected to advance her accord and accumulate pond upward, alike aback she was about out of air… She would accomplish for a abundant amusement for the octopus, the animal animated with aberrant absorbed as it planned on what to do with her already it bent Inko… conceivably that cavern could authority article they could all enjoy? Well, alike if Inko didn’t like her situation, the octopus absolutely would… ______________________________________________________________________________ “GUAAAH! HAH… HAH…HAH…” About a minute later, Inko surfaced, asthmatic for air afterwards her long, abysmal dive. “YO, INKO! YOU WERE CUTTING IT KINDA CLOSE THERE! Mitsuki yelled out, chuckling. “I WAS BEGINNING TO THINK YOU GOT IN TROUBLE DOWN THERE!” Inko laughed. “Come on, Mitsuki! Accept some added acceptance in me!” She playfully teased, pond the connected ambit from the abode she alike to the beach, Mitsuki admiring how fast her acquaintance could swim, actuality far added able-bodied than she looked at first. She afresh noticed a red barb pop out of the ocean, and it was heading… beeline for Inko! “What’s wrong, Mitsuki?” Inko was readjusting her bra and her hair, accessible to hop aback in the baptize alike afterwards that acutely backbreaking dive and bathe aback to shore. “Come comedy in the baptize with me- hey, what’s on my fo- YIPE!” Afore Inko could accomplishment the sentence, she was yanked underwater by a abstruse tentacle, bald moments afore Mitsuki could acquaint her, abrogation her speechless. “I-INKO!” Mitsuki yelled with a compression of panic. Her best acquaintance aloof got snatched up, there was no time for her to waste! She took off her pants and shirt, abrogation the adolescent woman in her underwear, but she didn’t care, she anchored into the water, aggravating to amount out area to go, aback Inko’s face popped up, her anatomy disturbing to breach chargeless from the tentacles as her arch was dunked over and over again. “M-Mitsukbbkii-blbblb! GAAASP! H-Help me-blblbblblb!” “Hang on, I’ll save you!” With a acceleration that she didn’t alike apperceive she had, Mitsuki anchored into the water, diving in with aloof up cheeks as she saw Inko, disturbing as she looked at Mitsuki with a abashed expression, acquisitive she wouldn’t let this octopus do… whatever it capital to her! Mitsuki had a bent attending on her face admitting the peril- there was no way she was absolution this octopus get abroad with capturing her friend! Meanwhile, Inko connected to struggle, never actuality in this abundant peril before. She hoped that Mitsuki was on her way to save her, or at atomic one of those heroes she sees on TV heard her cries for help. Bubbles flew out of the poor girls aperture as tears formed, apprehensive what bad affair she did to deserve this… “Mitsuki… amuse save me!” The octopus swam through the cavern that Inko saw earlier, the blooming haired woman continuing to balloon as she knew her air was active out, and it wouldn’t be connected afore the assured happened… “Crap, Inko’s panicking must’ve done a cardinal on her air supply, she would accept lasted abundant best than that!” A agglomeration of bubbles aback able from Mitsuki’s mouth, hinting that she was blame her banned by actuality beneath actuality for so long… …but it was for a acceptable reason. Mitsuki abandoned her lung’s atrocious cries for air and connected pond forward, pond into the cavern as the ablaze from the ocean’s apparent began to fade, the albino haired woman diving added and added as she cautiously heaved and abashed her throat… “GLBBBLBB! MMMBBBMM!” Inko meanwhile, was continuing to struggle, blind of area she was, but accepting a bright ambition of artifice from this octopus, who’s intentions were still unclear. As a agglomeration of bubbles larboard Inko’s aperture again, she hoped Mitsuki was still hot on their trail, accessible to save her from this alarming event… Suddenly, the octopus stopped, comatose for a moment afore absolution Inko’s body, acutely actuality annoyed afterwards adventurous abroad from that beach. Inko acclimated this befalling to bathe abroad as fast as she could, the adolescent woman seeing a assertive amount pond appear her at aerial speed. “Is that… can it be?” Mitsuki could see Inko in the distance, the woman continuing to boost and balloon as she approved to bathe appear her, blank her bodies’ charge for air for about two account now, and she was advantageous heavily for it… “I’m advancing Inko…hang on…” Her anatomy began to apathetic down, her cheeks axis amethyst as her air was abrogation her aperture in massive bubbles, her eyes alpha to blur… “I’ll… save you…” About all at once, Mitsuki’s anatomy began to shut down, her accoutrements and legs advancing to a arrest as she blacked out, the adolescent woman’s anatomy alpha to float to the cave’s ceiling, apoplectic with the barring of the casual bubble. And as if her accepted bearings wasn’t alarming enough, watching her acquaintance asphyxiate was abundant to accomplish Inko go into abounding absolute agitation mode, her air abrogation her all at already in a aerated panic. “NNBLBBOOO! MBBITSBUBBI!” Inko approved to bathe appear Mitsuki, her anatomy cautiously thrashing as she acclimated the aftermost of her backbone to hug her, her own anatomy alpha to shut bottomward from blame her limits. A few tears able the blooming haired woman’s eyes, caressing Mitsuki’s face as her eyes were still closed. “I’m apologetic Mitsuki…if only…I were a little stronger…” Inko’s butt on Mitsuki began to abate as she anesthetized out, the blooming haired woman bubbles as she sank appear the cave’s aphotic floor, the two ladies acutely drowning in this cave… …until Mitsuki woke up with a jolt, acutely still conscious, alike with the abridgement of air. Mitsuki didn’t accept time to catechism it though, Inko was still sinking! Mitsuki swam appear Inko and approved her best to grab the woman, darting appear the beam of the cave. She wasn’t abiding if there was air up there… but she didn’t accept any bigger ideas, Inko’s activity was on the line! She bankrupt her eyes, pond faster as she put her acceptance in this accurate atom in the cavern accepting air… “GAAAAASP! COUGH COUGH COUGH!” Abiding enough, a baby air abridged big abundant for two bodies was the absolute abode for the two ladies to recover, Inko still benumbed while Mitsuki managed to get air in her lungs. “Inko! Inko! Appear on, deathwatch up!” Afterwards she recovered, she anon got to assignment on assuming CPR on her on a baby platform, acutely unresponsive. “Crap…there’s alone one affair larboard to do…” She placed her aperture over Inko’s and breathed air into her lungs, acquisitive that would be abundant for her acquaintance to appear back- “GAAAAAASP! COUGH COUGH COUGH!” It wasn’t connected afore Inko recovered as well, consistent in a happy, bawling hug amid the two friends. “Thank advantage you’re safe, Mitsuki… I was so abashed aback I saw you canyon out!” “Yeah, I anticipation I was a goner afterwards I anesthetized out… I accept no abstraction how I managed to save us, but I’m animated that my anatomy managed to cull through in the end! Mitsuki smiled, coil her anatomy as the roles amid the two women were actuality reversed, Inko staring in awe of her acquaintance who alike afterwards drowning, didn’t let it abash her, alike admitting they still had that octopus to accord with- “OH CRAP! THAT OCTOPUS IS STILL-!” Afore Mitsuki could accomplishment her sentence, the octopus popped up from underwater, it’s anatomy about able to fit in the aperture as it managed to annoyance the two girls underwater, aloof managing to get air in their lungs afore they were abject down. “Mmmbblbbmm! Glbblmmmbbmm!” “Blbbblbbmbb! Glbbblbbb!” The two bubbled and struggled in the octopus’ grasp, the octopus acutely blind of it’s new “friend’s” peril, appropriately bubbles as it was blind of Mitsuki accepting apart from its butt due to her quirk… …and Mitsuki took advantage of the octopus’ ignorance, pond advanced and punching the octopus with a alternation of punches, because it aftereffect for affliction Inko. The octopus was addled as Inko connected to bawl in its grasp, aggravating to accumulate her air in as she watched Mitsuki accord the octopus a acceptable socking, her punches acutely affecting the octopus a lot as it assuredly let go of Inko afterwards a minute connected beatdown, the blooming haired woman anon pond appear the end of the cave, bubbles and grunting as she swam. “Bbblbbblbb! Glggngbbb!” Mitsuki smirked, watching as the octopus swam abroad to assistant its wounds, the albino woman iimmediately demography off, pond abutting to Inko as she couldn’t advice but abode her aperture assimilate hers, giving her a little bit of air… …and authoritative the woman cool embarrassed. Inko’s face angry red due to the air transfer, but it larboard Mitsuki clutching her throat as they were still on the ocean floor, and Mitsuki was actual abutting to burning baptize already more… but afterwards assault an octopus, pond from the basal of the ocean acquainted about trivial. …to Inko at least. “Crap…please let me accomplish it to the apparent with my lungs intact!” Mitsuki anticipation to herself as she began to bathe with Inko, who was additionally struggling, but not about as abundant as Mitsuki, who was abutting to bursting, her cheeks axis a ablaze adumbration of purple. She shut her eyes, cerebration Inko was about to the surface, asthmatic for that candied air while she was still underwater, her anatomy moments abroad from shutting bottomward as she sank to the- “GLBBLNNNMMM?!” Aloof then, she acquainted a brace of aperture blow hers… it was Inko’s! The blooming haired woman knew Mitsuki was disturbing to bathe due to the abridgement of air, and managed to acquisition the backbone to backpack her and accord her some air in the process. It would alone booty addition 30 abnormal for the two ladies to apparent and assuredly ability that candied air… “GAAAAAASP! Hah…hah…hah…” The two ladies gasped for air and recovered as they floated in the ocean, the two beat afterwards their accident in the cave. Mitsuki laughed. “Well, that was an absorbing bank day.” “No kidding…” Inko sighed, aback accepting an abstraction pop up in her head. “Wanna bathe all the way aback to the shore?” Mitsuki looked at her in awe and a cast of confusion. “After all of that?! Jeez, Inko! Drowning absolutely hasn’t fabricated you abashed of the baptize at all?” Inko shrugged and smiled. “Nope! I mean, you’re with me right? What do I accept to be abashed of?” Mitsuki couldn’t advice but blush, clumsy to agitate the animosity that she was accepting for Inko… maybe she saw her as some array of guardian angel, and that abstraction fabricated her smile harder than anything. “Nothing at all… unless you appetite to acquaint the Ida ancestors who bankrupt into their accessible beach.” Inko aback perked up and got absolutely defensive. “Hey, hey! Alone he also-ran gets to acknowledge up to that!” “Looks like you’d bigger get to pond then, Inko~” And with that, the two ladies gasped and affable underwater, bubbles ascent to the apparent as they swam all the way aback to the bank to end their active bank day… [END]
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