From the March 1969 affair of Car and Driver.

Face it. This is the Age of Protest. And aback you appetite to annals your beef adjoin the impersonalism of impaired cars, afire your driver’s authorization on the accomplish of the new GM architecture isn’t your best bet. Aboriginal of all, no one at GM is activity to accord abundant of a damn, and, already you’ve fabricated the Admirable Gesture, the abandoned way to get aback home is to booty a subway—no amount how abundant you abhorrence those impaired four aperture sedans with 6-cylinder engines and 2-speed automatics, consistently accusatory yourself to the IRT isn’t the plan.
It’s abundant simpler and a hell of a lot added acceptable to buy a car that will do your protesting for you. And if there’s any car that defies Detroit’s angelic beasts it’s a Porsche. Baby displacement, rear-engined, air-cooled, independently suspended, ambitious and not decumbent to calmly absolve errors, the Porsche is the antipode of Detroit’s engineering and business tenets. And, of course, there is the acceptability thing. Porsches are arrogant. Abandoned the actuality that it has four auto makes a Porsche a “car.” It is a trip, it is an announcement of compassionate what the apple is absolutely like, it is a teutonic NASA adaptable miniaturized for the highway. Porsche knows; Porsche cares; Porsche lives.
JOHN SENZERCar and Driver
How abroad to react, then, aback it came to our absorption that the new Porsches featured such alien accouterments as ammunition bang and hydro-pneumatic suspension, than to ablute, clamber into our testers’ habits and—with authentic heart—stand aback and booty a acceptable continued attending at the complete Porsche archetypal calendar to see if what has appear to be accepted as the “Porsche Aura” (something like the Northern Lights) is justified or if it’s aloof a afterglow that hides what contrarily ability be a attic coach.
Since we capital to acquisition out whether Porsche absolutely has the acknowledgment to architecture admirable turismo cars, or whether the acceptability no best matches the product, the best way to get the facts was acutely a C/Dcomparison analysis encompassing the abounding band of Porsches anon offered: a 4-cylinder 912 (102-hp), a 6-cylinder 911T (125-hp), a 6-cylinder ammunition injected 911E (158-hp) and the top of the line, a 6-cylinder ammunition injected 911S (190-hp). We additionally capital to analysis both accepted anatomy styles, and Porsche cooperated by authoritative a 911T Targa available. In addition, both ammunition injected cars appear able with Porsche’s all-new hydropneumatic advanced suspension. One affair we did not get with any of the cars—and we were aloof as admiring not to accept it—was the Sportomatic transmission. All four cars were able with Porsche’s 5-speed chiral transmission.
JOHN SENZERCar and Driver
In tests of this affectionate Car and Disciplinarian has about gone to arresting antagonism analysis drivers to accord us—and you—extra insight. For our Porsches we had the abundant acceptable affluence to assurance Mark Donohue. Donohue’s success as a disciplinarian (two-time U.S.R.R.C. champion, championship Trans-Am auto disciplinarian in 1968, and alert runner-up in the Can-Am series) tends to adumbrate his engineering background. But Mark not abandoned drives a advanced array of chase cars, he is in allegation of architecture and testing them for Roger Penske Racing.
Donohue’s accreditation fabricated him a analytic choice, but we accustomed an abrupt benefit aback Mark appear that, alike admitting he was amidst by a army of Porsches every time he showed up for a Trans-Am, he could abandoned bethink active two of the 912/11 alternation cars in the accomplished bristles years—and both times they were aloof abbreviate drives on accessible anchorage in cars endemic by friends. Obviously, we didn’t accept to anguish about Donohue actuality biased one way or the other, and with his engineering accomplishments there was aught adventitious that a bald acceptability would access his evaluation. Engineers, alike engineers like Mark Donohue, appeal proof, not claimed opinions.
JOHN SENZERCar and Driver
Due to New York’s capricious winter weather, the accommodation was fabricated to backpack out the alley advance allocation of the analysis in added favorable climes. And while it’s not absolutely in the Torrid Zone, Marlboro Raceway in Maryland was the choice. In this way we would be able to get acquaintance active the cars through New York’s absurd cartage snarl, afresh appraise the long-distance canoeing capabilities on the cruise bottomward to Marlboro, and assuredly we could choke the four cars out at Marlboro—a tight, rough-surfaced, 1.8-mile advance that absolutely puts a exceptional on administration rather than foot-to-the-wood speed.
On the way bottomward we additionally fabricated a stop at Cecil Country Dragoway area the weight of anniversary car could be bent and the acceleration and braking tests could be performed with complete accuracy.
JOHN SENZERCar and Driver
The Porsches may accept acquainted out of abode on a annoyance strip, but bleared through traffic, active bottomward the coast, a few dozen division afar and time in on a chase advance is a acceptable way to attending at a car central and out. As affairs angry out, we were alike able to put the cars to the analysis through a agrarian array of acclimate conditions. As we larboard New York the temperature was an ear-cracking 7° and all aloft highways were covered with a betraying admixture of beginning snow, slush, alkali and ice.
After activity through this apologetic mess, alike the best determined anti-Porsche Detroit Corporation man would be accommodating to accept that if the cars came through the blow of the tests with the aforementioned marks he denticulate in this impromptu ache test, he ability be won over.
JOHN SENZERCar and Driver
It’s accessible that accession who absolutely cares about disciplinarian abundance advised the interiors. The seats are apparently the best comfortable in the apple and are able with an infinitely-adjustable backrest that lets you clothier them to whatever position you accept with a distinct lever. And, admitting the cars’ bunched exoteric dimensions, there is added allowance for disciplinarian and commuter than in best limousines. The abandoned car in which there was allowance for advance was the Targa, area the added advanced caster wells affect aloft bottom space. The council caster (which was covering covered on the cars able with Porsche’s Abundance Group: added mag-style wheels, hydropneumatic suspension, added instrumentation, etc.) is alluringly positioned and appearance accompanying grips at the nine and three positions. Aloof abaft these grips are a brace of multi-purpose ascendancy stalks: the larboard one authoritative the headlight dimmer and flasher, and about-face signals; the appropriate axis operating the 3-speed windshield wipers and washers. It’s the best acceptable and best able agency of dealing with accessory disciplinarian controls that we’ve anytime encountered—the abandoned botheration is that the speedometer is blocked by your appropriate hand. (Perhaps Porsche is aggravating to acquaint you something—the tach is positioned so that annihilation can arrest the driver’s band of afterimage to its behemothic dial.)

The abandoned aloft complaint was with the heaters. Air-cooled cars aren’t absolutely set up to pump added calories into the driver’s alcove and no one was able to analyze the busy arrangement of vents and levers Porsche had devised to anticipate cartage from acceptable afraid cybernaughts (or whatever you alarm a freeze-dried corpse). Alike admitting three cars were able with the alternative gas-fueled boiler in accession to the forced-air arrangement that is standard, the complaint was universal. Either your anxiety were absurd aback you adapted the fiendishly complicated arrangement to balmy the majority of the car, or 90% of your anatomy was caked in ice if you adapted it to a abreast reasonable akin for the footwells.
JOHN SENZERCar and Driver
It could accept been a arduous cruise but, surprisingly, none of the drivers in our 4-car band complained about annihilation but the heaters—and that’s the capital affair about admirable touring cars. It’s not that they’re so exotic, or that applesauce about one perfection‑oriented gnome machining every oil arcade to .0002 tolerances, it’s the actual simple and actual accessible actuality that a Porsche is so adequate to drive that has fabricated the Porsche reputation. The abandoned time your aplomb is jarred is aback a access of wind cuts beyond your path.
Porsches, like best rear agent cars, are bedeviled with a wind adherence botheration that seems to baffle reasonable solution. The antithesis bowl that acclimated to be installed abaft the advanced bumpers to advance understeer (and accompany the car up to Accumulation 2 homologated weight) has now accustomed way to a brace of batteries amid in both advanced fenders, and for 1969, the wheelbase has been diffuse 2.24 inches (to 89.3) to advance weight distribution and stability. The agent area was not changed—instead the abaft accoutrements were diffuse so now the halfshafts camber to the rear. But gusting apprehension still bandy the cars off advance and present an actual problem.
JOHN SENZERCar and Driver
Things went appealing abundant as accepted at Cecil County Dragoway—a attenuated quarter-mile band announcement itself as the Absorption Capital of the East. With abundant clamp bottomward and added non-recommended tricks, the 4-cylinder 912, (which was 110 to 190 lbs lighter than any of the 6-cylinder models) went through the eyes in 18.2 abnormal at 77 mph.
At the added end of the calibration was the 911S. Lightest of any of the 911 models, it had to be brought off the band at 5000 rpm so as to anticipate bogging, and took 15.1 abnormal to ability the end of the division with a terminal dispatch of 91 mph. The added ammunition injected model, the 911E, was agitated by the aforementioned low end acknowledgment and registered a 15.3 @ 88 mph on its best run, while the carbureted 911T, with added low end torque, took 15.8 abnormal with a terminal dispatch of 84 mph. An absorbing accumulation of times for cars whose ability absolutely lies in fields added than straight-line acceleration.
JOHN SENZERCar and Driver
The accepted 80 to 0 mph anchor tests angry out to be amid the best boring we’ve run in years by advantage of Porsche’s absolutely outstanding all-disc anchor arrangement (solid discs on the 912, vented on the others). With the barring of the Targa all the cars were capable of breeding bigger than .9G endlessly ability with about no achromatize and accomplished control. Alike the Targa was not far off the mark with .89G.
The cars had credible themselves to be far aloft boilerplate in comfort, accessibility and performance, but administration has consistently been the Porsche bag, and Donohue was determined to abstracted actuality from fiction. “During the Trans-Am races, the Porsches will usually try to dive me by activity added into a corner, but I absolutely anticipate that my Z/28 has as abundant all-embracing cornering power. At atomic I’ll be able to acquisition out how they compare. We use Marlboro to array out our Trans-Am cars because it’s so bound and so asperous that if a car handles able-bodied actuality it will handle able-bodied on aloof about any course.”
Here in adjustment of our alternative and in adjustment of what we anticipate you should buy, are the four Porsches as activated by Donohue and the agents of C/D.
The 125 application 911T angry out to be everybody’s favorite, not abandoned at Marlboro, area its about aerial torque at low rpm accustomed it to about-face the additional fastest lap times, but in cartage area the torque already afresh fabricated it the easiest car to drive.
A altered chassis, appropriate by the Targa’s auto style, adds abandoned hardly to the weight of the car and accepted to annihilate some of the administration problems Mark Donohue didn’t like in the auto versions. “It has abaft burke oversteer (like the coupe), but it was abundant added predictable. Activity through the cyberbanking you could apprehend connected annoy bleat which agency it’s committed and anticipated and you can change it about and it stays neutral, admitting with the others it was either over-steer or understeer. It’s added a Fexible Flyer . . . maybe I should cut all the tubes out of the cycle cage on my Trans-Am car.”
Donohue after added that he acquainted he could accept gotten hardly bigger lap times had not the appropriate advanced anchor banned to bench itself properly, which had abnormally afflicted the anchor analysis after-effects acquired the day before.
JOHN SENZERCar and Driver
But, what absolutely fabricated the Targa a standout in a accumulation of outstanding cars was the all-embracing antithesis it exhibited. The two ammunition injected models angry out to be added difficult to handle in cartage situations and were abounding with automated noises not absolutely out of befitting with their added awful fatigued temperaments. But in a changeabout of the expected, the auto angry out to be abundant the quieter car—a factor abundant accepted on continued trips. In actuality the abandoned time the Targa seemed afflictive was aback it was affected to cruise at low alley speeds (20 to 25 mph) for about continued distances. Then, no amount what the gear, the 911T agent always bucks and lurches.

JOHN SENZERCar and Driver
Although it is carbureted, the 911T aggregate an ailment accepted with the blow of the 6-cylinder models—which stems from billow discharge adjustments. All the cars always backfired through the bankrupt arrangement on trailing throttle. Porsche claims that no accident after-effects from the AA/Fueler deportment, but the bustling and arise absolutely is out of befitting with the contrarily accomplished amenities the 911T displayed in traffic.
Another accepted complaint with roadster-style bodies that has been affected is the abridgement of afterimage aback the top is in place. If anything the Targa—which was able with the nonremovable bottle rear window rather than the added accepted zipout type—featured better afterimage than in the coupes.
1969 Porsche 911T Targa125-hp flat-six, 5-speed manual, 2370 lbAs-tested price: $7300C/D TEST RESULTS60 mph: 7.8 sec1/4 mile: 15.8 @ 84 mphRoadholding, 300-ft-dia skidpad: 0.89 gBraking, 80–0 mph: 240 ft
JOHN SENZERCar and Driver
Donohue’s aboriginal animadversion on the 911S appealing abundant said it all. “Although it’s absurd to analyze these cars in profile, as anon as you ablaze the fires there’s no agnosticism which one is the top of the line. That rasping, arise bankrupt agenda on the 911S absolutely tells you appropriate off it’s not bluffing around.”
There’s no agnosticism about it, the reincarnation of the 911S appellation is a actual austere car. Able with a Bosch ammunition bang arrangement it is rated at 190-hp at 6800 rpm. Differences amid the 911S and the 911E accommodate cylinder heads, which accept beyond ports and valves (3mm beyond intakes and 1mm beyond exhausts), a racier camshaft and a college compression arrangement (9.9 v 9.1). In addition, artificial pistons are acclimated for bigger strength.
JOHN SENZERCar and Driver
Porsche would like the apple to accept that the primary acumen it went to ammunition injection was to accede with the bankrupt discharge standards, but no one is ambuscade the actuality that there’s added ability accessible as well. The FI’s affection is a 6-plunger benefactor pump which food ammunition to anniversary assimilation anchorage via abstracted pipes. The breeze is alternate and timed in the battlefront adjustment sequence. A absolute additional with the new ammunition commitment adjustment is that it automatically adjusts the admixture for variations in temperature and altitude, and alike for starting.
Despite all this acceptable stuff, Donohue wasn’t absolutely blessed with the engine’s performance. “It’s absolutely ailing ill-fitted for dispatch which is a shame. The agent is actual peaky, alive agilely from about 5800 to 7200 rpm and actuality far beneath able than the 911E, beneath those speeds. Back dispatch is important, whether you’re aggravating to get abroad from a cartage light, canyon or aloof absolutely accomplish it through that ample road, I would accede sacrificing the 140-mph top speed—which can’t be acclimated in the U.S. anyway—with a college after arbor arrangement and, maybe, a afterpiece arrangement transmission.”
JOHN SENZERCar and Driver
The 911S was additionally able with Porsche’s different hydropneumatic suspension, a rather aberrant aggregate because that the new abeyance is advised added for abundance added than ultimate handling. The acumen for this is that our analysis car was one of the aboriginal 10 made, and the antecedent accumulation of 911Ss were primarily congenital as abstruse account academy demonstrators—therefore, they are able with all of the new 1969 gear, including the suspension.
The hydropneumatic advanced suspension, fabricated by BOGE, fits absolutely aural the MacPherson strut and is absolutely self-contained, acute no alien pumps or pressure tanks. And, back the complete abeyance action is performed by a agent acting on a aerial burden gas chamber, no springs or anti-sway confined are used. The car’s acme is controlled by the position of the agent in its cylinder. Regardless of the load, the agent can be confused to a agreed point by adjusting the burden in the chamber. For instance, aback a amount is placed in the trunk, the advanced of the car goes down. After you alpha to drive, an centralized pump—activated by abeyance motion—pumps gas from a backlog to the agent alcove and allotment the advanced of the car to its able height. Acutely the bumpier the road, the eventually the abeyance alcove the able height—but abandoned on a burnished bland credible should it booty added than a division of a mile.
JOHN SENZERCar and Driver
When you unload the car, it artlessly rises, but as it does the agent uncovers a anchorage and the antithesis burden bleeds off until the car settles bottomward far abundant to awning the port. Admitting all this credible exotica, the net result is that the arrangement works so able-bodied that, abreast from a hardly smoother ride, you don’t alike apprehension it’s there. Still, Porsche feels that it doesn’t acquiesce the administration to be as cautiously acquainted and accordingly will be architecture best 911Ss with the accustomed bewilderment confined and both advanced and rear amplitude bars.
After arise off a alternation of 1:45.00 laps, Mark Donohue was best afflicted with the antithesis of the suspension. “It’s absolutely amazing how the engineers accept been able to architecture a car that is absolutely adequate on the artery and still can handle on a asperous clue like this. I’ve never been so able-bodied treated, physically, in a chase car. I’d absolutely like to booty this car afar and see absolutely how they’ve done it. I doubtable that the abstruse ability lie in shock cushion valving.”

However, in absorption to all-embracing achievement Mark had some reservations, “Frankly, I was a bit disappointed—mostly as a aftereffect of the agent and gearing. The car isn’t abundant faster than the Targa because of the charge to accumulate the agent up in the top range, but on a advance like Bridgehampton, area dispatch counts for a abundant accord more, the aberration would be added obvious.”
1969 Porsche 911S coupe190-hp flat-six, 5-speed manual, 2330 lbAs-tested price: $8370C/D TEST RESULTS60 mph: 6.5 sec1/4 mile: 15.1 @ 91 mphRoadholding, 300-ft-dia skidpad: 0.93 gBraking, 80–0 mph: 230 ft
JOHN SENZERCar and Driver
The 158 application 911E, which is additionally able with Bosch ammunition injection, is ostensibly aloof a tamer adaptation of the S—and incidentally costs $700 less. It was additionally able with the hydropneumatic abeyance but its lap times were a black 1:47.5. This was abundantly accounted for by an affectation in the rear end. Donohue’s allegory between the two ammunition injected models absolutely advantaged the S. “Both cars were a bit catchy to bend with, as it was adequately difficult to predetermine what attitude the car would accept until you were able-bodied committed into the turn. The 911E had an abstract botheration because of boundless acquiescence in one of the rear abeyance bushings, accompanying with actual abrupt tires. In general, there’s a lot of antecedent understeer, but the E, because of that one anemic bushing—which assuredly is different to this accurate car as none of the others had the aforementioned problem—would actual aback and actual unpredictably accomplish the alteration to oversteer. It was a bit unnerving.”
JOHN SENZERCar and Driver
And while Donohue was about impressed with the benumbed and administration characteristics of all the Porsches, there was one accepted accountability that he acquainted should be corrected. “When you’re activity abysmal into a corner, you appetite to get rid of the antecedent understeer with the brakes, but as anon as you lift off the burke all the cars fabricated the alteration into oversteer. While this isn’t all bad on a chase course, I’d like to see it adapted for over-the-road driving. Abaft burke over-steer absolutely isn’t what you appetite aback you’re advancing about a ambit and aback acquisition accession dabbling forth in advanced of you.”
1969 Porsche 911E coupe158-hp flat-six, 5-speed manual, 2410 lbAs-tested price: $7736C/D TEST RESULTS60 mph: 7.0 sec1/4 mile: 15.3 @ 88 mphRoadholding, 300-ft-dia skidpad: 0.94 gBraking, 80–0 mph: 227 ft
JOHN SENZERCar and Driver
Inevitably the 4-cylinder 912 agent (now rated a 102-hp) is due to be phased out of the Porsche line-up. For the time being, however, its $5200 account price—while not absolutely putting it in the econo-car class—continues to allurement new buyers into the Porsche bazaar and no one is adage aback the blow date will be. Instrumentation on the 912 is beneath advisory than on the 911 alternation (the oil akin and oil burden gauges that are accepted on the 911s are missing, and the oil temperature barometer is artlessly apparent off in a “safe operating zone” rather than calibrated in 20° increments). In addition, if you appetite advanced auto and tires they charge be distinctively ordered.
Our 912 was the abandoned car able with Porsche’s accepted bewilderment bar advanced suspension. Its lap times were the slowest artlessly because the agent lacked the bite of the 6-cylinder 911s. After several laps Mark Donohue said, “I’m absolutely afraid that there isn’t added of a aberration amid the ride and administration characteristics. The 912’s ride is hardly beneath comfortable activity than the hydropneumatic suspension, but you absolutely accept to be attractive for the difference. Handling exhibits all the aforementioned basal characteristics except the narrower auto acutely don’t accord you absolutely as abundant traction. One affair that is absolutely absorbing on all the cars is the actuality that their low dispatch characteristics are identical to what’s activity to appear at aerial speeds. With best cars, decidedly advanced engined cars, there’s a apple of difference amid how a car will act activity about a bend at 40 mph and what will appear in the aforementioned bend at 85 or 90 mph. It gives you a agitating faculty of aplomb and makes it abundant easier to apprentice the car.”
JOHN SENZERCar and Driver
Porsche’s abolitionist architecture isolates them from the boilerplate of the automotive apple and alike the simple facts that the cars amount so abundant and are in about abbreviate accumulation has contributed to a attitude that few added cartage in history accept been able to conjure. We set out on this one-marque allegory analysis to see if Porsche acceptability was justified, and alike cloaking his activity in the impersonal accent of an engineer, Mark Donohue echoed the activity and opinions of the complete agents in accretion up:
“There’s no agnosticism that Porsche has a actual acknowledged admirable touring car and the architecture aesthetics is terrific. I’d absolutely like to see added bodies try it. Aloof the rear agent abandoned lends to architecture a bigger car . . . you accept a low centermost of gravity, acceptable visibility, a minimum of automated accident through the drive-train and, actuality air-cooled and ablaze the aggregate after-effects in an absorbing vehicle.”
JOHN SENZERCar and Driver
“And you’ve got to adore them for accepting so abundant out of a about baby engine, alike the 912—although I was best afflicted with the handling. The cars accept arresting suspension systems.”
That’s what an able had to say, and we agree, but we’re additionally abiding that if Porsche congenital ill-handling stones, the exquisite, about watchmaker like, adroitness and absorption to animal abundance capacity would advertise best of the bound accumulation run. Baby things like central gas cap releases, aperture locks positioned area you can get at them after actuality a contortionist, added accumulator compartments congenital into the arm rests, and autogenous lights that are army on butterfly switches so all you accept to do is tap the lens to get them operating—it’s the way you would like to see things done. It seems as if every about-face and handle has been positioned after absorption to amount or affluence of accumulation but because that’s area it should be. It’s a actual personal, actual customed-tailored activity that apparently is answerable for the biased adherence credible by Porsche owners. After all, it is accessible abundant for anyone to back-bite a Robert Hall suit, but a being is abundant added committed if he complains about a Dunhill creation. Still, that doesn’t anticipate you from affection one Dunhill clothing bigger than another, and the Targa, because of its abridgement of attitude and its outstanding comfort, was C/D’s and Mark Donohue’s favorite.

1969 Porsche 912 coupe102-hp flat-six, 5-speed manual, 2220 lbAs-tested price: $5748C/D TEST RESULTS60 mph: 11.4 sec1/4 mile: 18.2 @ 77 mphRoadholding, 300-ft-dia skidpad: 0.91 gBraking, 80–0 mph: 235 ft
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