How To Beat Stage 12 On Bloxorz

Are you stuck on Stage 12 of Bloxorz? You’re not alone! This stage can be tricky to beat, but with a little bit of logic and the right strategy, you can learn how to beat it! This article will guide you through the steps to success and help you conquer Stage 12 of Bloxorz.

Overview of the Level

Stage 12 of Bloxorz is a level with a large open space in the middle, surrounded by walls and obstacles. In order to beat the level, you must move the block to the square hole located at the end of the level. There are a few switches located around the level, which can be activated by pushing the block onto them.

Step-by-Step Guide to Beating the Level

  • Start by pushing the block to the right and onto the first switch. This will open up a wall to the left.
  • Push the block to the left, past the newly opened wall, and onto the second switch. This will open up a pathway to the bottom of the level.
  • Push the block to the bottom of the level and onto the third switch. This will open up a wall to the right.
  • Push the block to the right, through the newly opened wall, and onto the fourth switch. This will open up a pathway to the top of the level.
  • Push the block to the top of the level and onto the fifth switch, which will open up a wall to the left.
  • Push the block to the left, through the newly opened wall, and onto the sixth switch. This will open up a pathway to the square hole at the end of the level.
  • Push the block into the square hole to complete the level! Congratulations, you’ve now beaten Stage 12 of Bloxorz.

Tips and Tricks for Beating the Level

  • Pay close attention to the positions of the switches, as they determine which walls will open and which pathways will be accessible.
  • Take your time and don’t rush – rushing can lead to mistakes, which can be costly in this level.
  • If you get stuck, try to take a step back and look at the level from a different perspective.


Stage 12 of Bloxorz can be tricky to beat, but with a little bit of logic and the right strategy, you can learn how to beat it! Just follow the steps outlined in this article and you’ll be conquering Stage 12 in no time! Good luck!
