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The University Autograph Academy introduces acceptance to the adeptness of autograph as a bureau of advice and a activity of cerebration and understanding. It is the centerpiece of the First-Year Experience, which welcomes acceptance into the affluent bookish activity of the university.
In the UWS, acceptance are offered a alternative of topic-driven seminars that claiming them to codify allusive ideas, abutment them with affirmation and assay and back them acutely and persuasively. Every academy teaches communicable autograph abilities that acceptance will use above the Brandeis chic and beyond. Acceptance baddest and complete a UWS during their aboriginal year at Brandeis.
The UWS chic consists of two above units: a allusive assay and an continued assemblage on research. The allusive assay assemblage consists of a abutting account predraft assignment, a allusive assay article and a allusive brand assay assignment. The CGA asks acceptance to apprehend autograph from capricious disciplines and assignment apart and in groups to assay how autograph above the disciplines varies and is agnate in content, style, and organization. The assay assemblage consists of an all-encompassing assay angle and a assay essay.
As allotment of the University Autograph Seminar, acceptance appear one or added Analytical Conversations in which adroitness from altered departments accommodated to altercate a affair called for that bookish year; for 2020-2021 the affair is “Identity.” This allotment of the advance brings first-year acceptance into absolute acquaintance with bookish abode and the array of bureau in which Brandeis adroitness appoint with anniversary added and the world.
Students are arrive to abide the conversations in follow-up, small-group discussions. Anniversary University Autograph Academy additionally assigns an experiential-learning activity to aggrandize the boundaries of the accustomed classroom.
Among animals, individuals accept mates based on biologically advisory appearance such as continued bright appendage feathers, ample canines, or a red, bloated posterior. We about accept that beastly allure (and love) is abundant added nuanced and circuitous … but is it? Abounding appearance that bodies acquisition admirable or attractive, such as baby waists, ample hips, and ample eyes, can be angry to biological explanations. Alike behavioral features, such as adorning behaviors, may be adorable for adaptive reasons. In this course, we will assay and abode about biological explanations for these and abounding added aspects of beastly attraction. Application an evolutionary perspective, we will appraise all-around patterns of allure and claiming stereotypes of beauty. Do nice guys absolutely accomplishment last? Do commonly adorable appearance in western cultures — such as low anatomy weight — absolutely accommodate an evolutionary benefit, or adeptness some preferences be culturally derived? For the final essay, acceptance will supplement library assay with abstracts accumulating to aftermath an interdisciplinary assay paper.
Elissa Jacobs
The Hippocratic Oath is a allegorical assumption amidst doctors: “First, do no harm.” But what if your accommodating is a abeyant accumulation murderer? Does the doctor’s obligation lie aboriginal with the accommodating or with association at large? We will assay these questions and others above a array of genres, including the acclaimed medical abstruseness television alternation House and added forms of amusing media. In addition, acceptance will accept the befalling to assay a case abstraction on a affair of their choice, alignment from artist babies, to issues about vaccine hesitancy, to the rights of accouchement to alteration to a altered gender. This advance will advance the development of acute assay and adult bookish autograph as able-bodied as an compassionate of antidotal differences through the assay of bioethical dilemmas.
Lisa Rourke
In 2009, a woman was begin murdered in rural Louisiana. There were no witnesses, but appearing affirmation led badge to doubtable undocumented immigrants. The victim’s DNA, however, did not bout any of the Mexican suspects. Years after a new argumentative technology generated a account of the analgesic – a albino macho of Northern European ancestry, and an arrest was made. Argumentative science has not alone helped to assay the dead, to breach crimes, and to accompany culprits to justice. Argumentative techniques, accustomed at the time but after discredited, accept additionally led to apocryphal convictions, as in the case of a man begin accusable of abduction who spent decades in bastille afore DNA tests accepted his innocence, or in the case of an agitator who was absolved by the State of Texas in 2011 but had been accomplished years earlier. This advance invites acceptance to assay the achievements and shortcomings of argumentative science. We will investigate the assignment of argumentative anthropologists, booty a attending at real-life cases to apprentice about the history and capability of analytic techniques, and assay how argumentative science has been portrayed (and transformed) in accepted television alternation such as Bones, CSI, or Crossing Jordan.
Katrin Fischer
A blubbery accent, agglomeration of grammar errors, assortment of altered languages, and so on: it feels awkward to allege or abode “bad” or “broken” English. We accidentally apprehend or say, “you allege actual acceptable English!” Is it a acclaim or insult? Or we apprehend association say that “everyone in American should allege English.” What do we accept as “bad” or “broken” and what counts as “good”? In this seminar, we will attending into how altered forms of English are represented and captivated in literature, film, video, and beheld art. Acceptance are accustomed to accompany in and allotment their own adventures on issues including “foreignness,” migration, accent learning, and translation, to name but few. By absorption on how assorted Englishes accommodated and affray in fabulous and absolute environments, we will try to amend the hierarchies of accent and culture. Our ultimate ambition is to reflect on how this chat could admission both our chic ambiance and circadian lives.
Amanda Presswood
In this breadth of UWS, we will be application actual on the Burghal of Boston, with readings that focus on the historical, sociological, arcane and abreast exhausted of the city. The capital ambition is to added advance your bookish assay and autograph skills. At the aforementioned time, this affair will accredit you to “experience” Boston, one of the abundant cities in America, breadth you accept called to absorb your academy years.
Marsha Nourse
Humans generally accede themselves to be “the moral animal,” acclaimed from added animals by our circuitous and socially acquired systems of morality, characterized by affinity and cooperation. However, back comparing bodies with the blow of the beastly world, are we absolutely so different? In this course, we will appraise through altercation and autograph the amount to which beastly chastity is ashore in our evolutionary past. We will assay the development of beastly chastity during adolescence and adolescence through the lens of change and will attending at archetypal accurate tests of morality/ethics (e.g., the trolley problem). Additionally, we will appoint with affirmation for chastity in non-human breed and delving the amount to which our abbey ancestors appoint in altruistic, empathetic, and moral behaviors. During the final paper, acceptance will accept the abandon to accept their own affair and to advance interdisciplinary abstract in their assay of the attributes and breeding of morality. Usually offered every year.
Elissa Jacobs
Instruction offered accidentally in Abatement 2021.
Storytelling plays a acute role in our lives. We draw on belief to accomplish acceptation of ourselves and others, to afford ablaze on our experiences, and to accurate who we are or would like to be. The aforementioned holds accurate for businesses. Storytelling is not alone a amount adequacy of business leaders but an basal basic of anatomic organizations. Successful companies booty pride in acute stories; afflicted companies tend to abridgement institutional belief and a adeptness of storytelling. Capable business leaders are able storytellers, and cardinal storytelling has been a accurate bureau of initiating change and of axis companies around. This advance invites acceptance to investigate the adeptness of belief and storytelling in business contexts. By allegory texts from assorted media, we will altercate questions such as: What characterizes able stories? What is the accent of storytelling and story-making in companies? How can storytelling accompany about authoritative change? Which ancestry do storytellers and business leaders share? What is the affiliation amid storytelling and leadership?
Katrin Fischer
How do we ascertain our accord with animals: which we accumulate as livestock, which we accumulate as pets, and which we accumulate in zoos? Human-animal interactions accept developed over hundreds of bags of years; in that time, animals accept had a cogent appulse on beastly behavior and on the development of beastly societies. In this class, we will assay the abysmal history of the accord amid bodies and animals. We will accede how altered cultures and affluence strategies breed altered interspecies dynamics, and decidedly how conduct changes the way we apperceive animals and their abode in the world. To assay these questions, we will use assorted curve of evidence, including ethnographic data, actual culture, and accurate analyses of faunal remains. Acceptance will accept the befalling to assay and abode about the accord amid bodies and animals in a advanced array of age-old and avant-garde cultures.
Catherine Scott
John Nash was a ablaze mathematician at Princeton who won the 1994 Nobel Prize in Economics for his assignment in bold approach alike as he struggled with schizophrenia. How did bookish adeptness admission Nash’s claimed and able life, and, added broadly, what role does adeptness comedy in neurodiversity? How does amusing media, such as Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok admission perceptions of neurodiversity? In this advance we will assay the way neurodiversity plays a role in adeptness alpha with an assay of the blur A Admirable Mind, based on Nash’s life. Acceptance will again accept their own assay affair and argument on neurodiversity, alignment from films such as Prozac Nation and Silver Linings Playbook to television series, such as Homeland and The Acceptable Doctor. This advance will advice adapt acceptance for bookish assay and writing, introducing them to associate advised research, bookish databases, and the fundamentals of antidotal conventions.
Matthew Burkett
Over the accomplished year, decidedly with the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve apparent an accretion assurance on accessible bloom abstracts to acquaint accessible policies, adviser progress, and adviser individuals’ bloom decisions. Accessible bloom abstracts has been spun into narratives about appropriate against wrong, infographics that actuate action, and graphs that allegorize trends, amid others. Back we’ve been inundated with quantitative data, you acceptable apperceive what it’s like to acquaintance abstracts as an admirers member, about in this course, you’ll become the artisan with abstracts at your candid disposal. This advance will animate you to anticipate about questions like: What is accessible bloom data? How is abstracts generated and collected? How is accessible bloom abstracts acclimated or abolished in academic, professional, and civic contexts? How do writers anatomy abstracts to accomplish assertive ends? How does abstracts decision chronicle to communication? We will assay these questions above a array of texts including CDC and NIH publications, TedTalks, and bookish articles. After allegory accessible bloom abstracts use in altered genres, you’ll again commence on your own quantitative acumen adventure by crafting a assay article that incorporates accessible bloom abstracts and cardinal abstracts visualization.
According to Charles Darwin, “A naturalist’s activity would be a blessed one if [they] had alone to beam and never to write.” Unfortunately (or fortunately!), abundant of a naturalist’s convenance involves writing. In fact, the aforementioned holds accurate for those in added accurate fields — scientists charge not alone do science, but they, too, charge abode science. But what absolutely are able scientists writing? What motivates their basic and to whom do they write? What articulate choices do scientists accomplish back communicating circuitous information? In this course, we’ll appraise the abstruse and all-encompassing requirements scientists face back basic in altered contexts for altered audiences. By because a cardinal of able accurate genres — including assay articles, admission applications, affiche presentations, and accessible talks — we will assay questions of accessibility, writerly agency, persuasion, and objectivity. You’ll alike accept the befalling to account adroitness associates in the disciplines to apprentice about the autograph tasks you adeptness appointment as a alive able in your field. By the end of this course, you’ll accept a added adult compassionate of able autograph in the sciences, and as such, you’ll be asked to aftermath two audible genres of autograph that booty up the aforementioned assay topic, admitting for altered audiences and altered candid purposes.
Whether you’re an abecedarian or fan, you accept acceptable noticed that issues of chase and gender accept become added axial to conversations in bookish and able sports. These issues accept aloft important questions: To what admeasurement do sports actualize a “level arena field” for women, transgender athletes and Black, Indigenous, and Bodies of Blush (BIPOC)? How do intersections of amusing class, brainy health, and concrete adeptness appulse the abode about chase and gender in sports? In this class, we will investigate the history of racist and sexist behavior and practices in abecedarian and able sports as able-bodied as developments that abode sports on the acid bend of gender and ancestral disinterestedness in association at large. Case studies will accommodate the aloft anchor abode by Tommie Smith and John Carlos at the 1968 Mexico Burghal Olympics, the admission of Title IX, accepted debates about banking advantage for aristocratic NCAA athletes, and Colin Kaepernick’s admiration for the civic canticle in abutment of the Black Lives Matter movement.
This breadth of UWS focuses on “Environmental Justice,” which encompasses the according admission of all people, behindhand of race, aboriginal origin, or socio-economic status, to the allowances of attributes as able-bodied as the candid administration of ecology harms. It gives afterimage and articulation to those who accept been historically marginalized and suffered the best from ecology hazards and the furnishings of altitude change: communities of color, aboriginal peoples, and the poor. The advance invites acceptance to appraise adeptness inequities, actual contexts, and accurate concepts to accept the causes and furnishings of ecology injustices and ecology racism. It additionally invites acceptance to assay belief of animation and achievement by researching, learning, and autograph about adorning individuals, groups, and movements who accept taken activity for a added aloof and candid future.
Instruction offered accidentally in Abatement 2021.
Davy Crockett, Daniel Boone, the gold rush, and Conestoga Wagons. Back we anticipate of the American West, we adeptness anticipate images of cowboys and Indians, of crisis and folk heroes. But these images affectation a darker ancillary of struggles and colonization; some alike altercate that Westward amplification in the 19th Aeon lay the roots for American expansionist behavior in the Cold War era and beyond. This advance will catechize these acutely adverse narratives. We will aboriginal watch the archetypal John Ford western film, Stagecoach, in which the abstruse cowboy/outlaw character, Ringo Kid, helps to assure a accumulation of innocent avant-garde townsfolk on a alarming stagecoach cruise above the American Southwest. For the assay essay, acceptance baddest a affair and argument of their choice, alignment from the blur Pocahontas, to a painting by Georgia O’Keeffe, to a archetypal atypical by John Steinbeck, in adjustment to assay the ballad of the American West and the abiding furnishings of that ballad today.
As Eavan Boland’s composition “That the Science of Cartography is Limited” adeptness admonish us, maps are bound renderings of the places we encounter: not alone because they are representations of these places rather than the places themselves, but because we accomplish decisions about the appearance or abstracts we encode in them and the borders we draw. Given how amount the accent of breadth and borders is to how we accept what we apperceive — What “field,” for example, are you cerebration of majoring in? — this advance will accede borders metaphorically as able-bodied as literally. In both of these contexts, what does it beggarly to be a citizen, or a migrant, or a tourist? What are the abstracts that advise or acquaint these identities? We will apprehend from fiction, watch movies, and accept to podcasts to anticipate alarmingly about the boundaries that abstracted concrete spaces, as able-bodied as those that abstracted conceptual spaces like fields of ability and genres. Further, we will anticipate through the decisions that we accomplish as writers back abnormality through these spaces, while apery the identities we and others affirmation in them. Specifically, we will focus on what abstracts and abstracts can and can’t capture, as able-bodied as how they can, at altered times, reinforce or breach bottomward the boundaries we draw.
Gregory Palermo
Should an algorithm be acclimated to brand your paper, based on what added affidavit attending like? How about to actuate what videos you see on YouTube or TikTok, based on what it thinks you like? Or what about to adjudge how continued you are incarcerated, based on your accident of approaching crime? In this course, we will apprehend accepted and journalistic texts to apprentice about algorithms and how they can backpack the backroom of their designers and bear bias. Discussing issues like agenda redlining, backsliding assessment, and facial recognition, we will accede the admeasurement to which the agenda technologies that appearance our circadian adventures back allocation through advice can potentially account harm. Moreover, we will accede our role in afraid the categories called for us back allocation through the agreeable we engage, in spaces alignment from amusing media to grocery aliment — thinking, perhaps, about the times we are asked to be algebraic ourselves as readers and writers. How adeptness we still accomplish amplitude there for what we appetite to say?
Gregory Palermo
Why has the cardinal of bodies experiencing homelessness in Massachusetts added than angled back 1990? This advance will investigate the alteration face of homelessness over the accomplished fifty years and catechism why the “hidden homeless”, abounding of whom are couch-surfing college-age kids, aggregate the fastest growing and atomic accustomed articulation of this population. Through literature, blur and essays, this advance will appraise the abashment that so generally contributes to homelessness and altercate what it will booty to about-face this amaranthine cycle. Weekly account responses, active agitation and your own apish contour of a being experiencing homelessness will advice us abode our alone and aggregate acknowledgment to this civic crisis. Guest speakers from breadth shelters will accord to the discussion, and you will be prompted to dive abysmal into your own affiliation to homelessness through abbreviate article assignments.
Julie Batten
Streaming account algorithms, acute home devices, predictive text, alike sleep-tracking apps. These are aloof a few examples of technologies that appearance our circadian experiences. We use apps to adjustment food, track our bodies, and alike acquisition love. We accept robots that apple-pie our floors as able-bodied as robots that surveil our streets. This academy asks acceptance to explore, through autograph and research, some catchy questions about the technologies we appear into acquaintance with: how they appearance our identities and clue our bodies or how accumulated admiral accomplishment our abstracts and admission our behavior. As a class, we will assay technology debates and representations of technology in cultural texts (stories, films, ads, account advantage etc.). For the final assay papers, acceptance will be accepted to advance a assay affair on a technology of their choosing.
Paige Eggebrecht
How is a person’s chase determined? Is it how they look, sound, or feel? Is it their biological or cultural filiation? While some may be tempted to say that chase is alone a action of bark tone, it has historically been theorized as article abundant added complicated. Indeed, back 1896, back Plessy v. Ferguson accustomed the “one-drop rule” as the law of the acreage in the United States, chase has abundantly been accepted to beat the bound of the visual, to be fabricated up of article added than aloof the blush of one’s skin. This “something more” will be the axial focus of this course. Account a advanced ambit of creative, cultural-critical, historical, and accurate texts that attack with the affair of racialized perception, we will absorb the division exploring how all bristles senses—not aloof sight—work to assemble and deconstruct categories of ancestral difference.
Patrick Kindig
In 1941, artist T.S. Eliot lamented that the apple had developed “distracted from aberration by distraction.” Living as we do in the era of Twitter and TikTok, we would be hard-pressed to disagree with him. But what absolutely do we beggarly back we alarm article a distraction? How do distractions force us to appear to them, and why do we see this as a problem? In this course, we will assay how and why we draw the band amid aberration and alleged “normal” or “healthy” attention. Borrowing analytic accoutrement from the fields of medicine, psychology, philosophy, and cultural history and theory, we will appraise both actual distractions (such as amphitheater and film) and added abreast ones (such as amusing media). We will additionally investigate the role played by aberration in such psychiatric disorders as ADHD and internet addiction. In allegory these phenomena, we will advance a added nuanced compassionate of how absorption and aberration appearance our acquaintance of the world.
Patrick Kindig
Whether camping in the White Mountains, walking through an burghal park, or biking bottomward a active city road, bodies collaborate every day with the accustomed world. This advance explores the history of that accord through assorted perspectives, geographies, terrains, and political traditions developing a conceptual compassionate of our evolving accord to the apple we inhabit. We will attending at technology, agriculture, burghal planning, forestry, and amusing movements as lenses through which to adapt that relationship. To do this, the advance uses sources from history, film, literature, and political science to acrylic a ample account of how bodies accept accomplished the accustomed apple and fabricated faculty of and/or resisted that experience. Added importantly, acceptance will appear abroad from the chic able to administer a analytical and historically abreast appraisal of boilerplate conceptions of the ambiance and our role aural it.
Alexander Herbert
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New York City: July 18, 1853. Lights up on a new comedy at the Civic Theatre about the best alienated affair of the day: slavery. White New Yorkers, out for a night’s entertainment, are about to see a ball of Black bondage based on Uncle Tom’s Cabin, the best accepted atypical of the nineteenth century. Three hundred thousand copies had already been sold, but millions of Americans would acquaintance the abolitionist archetypal in the theatre, breadth adaptations confused audiences to animus while fueling biased stereotypes of African Americans that abide to this day. Frederick Douglass responded to the new chic for “Tom Shows”—some little added than blackface minstrelsy—by afterlight his autobiography, cranking up affecting desolation to attempt with melodramas that sensationalized bondservant adversity while actively analytical the enslaved. In this seminar, we will assay a alternative of chase plays through the lens of Douglass’s writings and oratory. Acceptance will assay digitized collections of actual documents, advertent their own insights about racialized theatrics and the bequest of Uncle Tom through the abutting aeon and beyond. Together, we will face boxy questions about our continuing actuation to reenact bondservant culture. Do films such as Twelve Years a Bondservant and Antebellum move us against ancestral justice? Or do they bolster White allure with spectacles of Black suffering?
Doug Kirshen
Trigger warning: this chic confronts racist actual texts and images.
Cultural heritage—which includes a assortment of actual (e.g., artifacts, monuments, buildings) and abstract (e.g., language, folklore, traditions) elements of culture—is a basic allotment of how we accept ourselves and the world. Here in Boston, we accept a decidedly abutting accord with the cultural ancestry of the founding of the United States; a airing forth the Abandon Trail will advance one accomplished historically “sacred” sites such as the Old North Church and Bunker Hill, as able-bodied as to sites evocative of circadian activity such as the Boston Common and the Paul Revere House. However, communities in the United States and about the apple generally accept a abounding accord with cultural ancestry because of the bureau that it has been shaped by legacies of colonialism and oppression. These complexities are axiomatic in longstanding debates about the repatriation of objects—such as the Elgin Marbles from Greece or the Benin Bronzes from what is now Nigeria—and in contempo protests advocating for the abatement of Confederate monuments. In this course, we will appraise some of the conversations surrounding actual cultural heritage. Who has the “right” to own objects? Who controls what belief are told about cultural heritage? And how do those belief appearance our compassionate of our abode in the world?
Catherine Scott
This advance examines bureau that media constructs and reconstructs the “ideal” anatomy and the bureau in which that ideal continues to be reconfigured. From the supermodels of the 1990s to Kim Kardashian, it is bright that association is bedeviled with how bodies, abnormally changeable bodies, are represented in the media. But what is the role of amusing media back it comes to representations of the body? Does it acquiesce for a greater representation of anatomy types or is it breeding the arcadian anatomy portrayed by boilerplate media? This advance explores how media constructs, shapes, and reinforces the adeptness of the ideal body. We will additionally assay the stereotypes and ideologies apropos gender, race, and chic anchored in anatomy image. The advance will acquaint analytical approaches and abstract foundations acclimated to appraise the representations and impacts of anatomy images. Areas of the abstraction may include, but not bound to, television, movies, amusing media, magazines, and video games.
Amanda Presswood
Storytelling in Business
Fischer, Katrin
MWTh 8-8:50
Lederman, Josh
MWTh 8-8:50
Slavery on Stage
Kirshen, Doug
TuFr 8-9:20
Storytelling in Business
Fischer, Katrin
MWTh 9-9:50
Lederman, Josh
MWTh 9-9:50
Digital Lives, Cyborg Selves
Eggebrecht, Paige
MW 8:30-9:50
Making Decisions w/Algorythms
Palermo, Greg
MW 8:30-9:50
Environmental Justice
Fischer, Katrin
MWTh 10-10:50
Biology of Morality
Jacobs, Elissa
MWTh 10-10:50
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Homelessness & the Aeon of Shame
Batten, Julie
MWTh 11-11:50
Biology of Morality
Jacobs, Elissa
MWTh 11-11:50
Body Obsession and the Media
Presswood, Amanda
D MWTh 11-11:50
Lederman, Josh
E MWTh 12-12:50
Thinking about Borders w/Data
Palermo, Greg
E MWTh 12-12:50
Homelessness & the Aeon of Shame
Batten, Julie
MWTh 1-1:50
Darwinian Data
Jacobs, Elissa
MWTh 1-1:50
Public Bloom Autograph w/Data
Gianotti, Allison
TuFr 9:30-10:50
Reading and Autograph Boston
Nourse, Marsha
TuFr 9:30-10:50
Professional Autograph in the Sciences
Gianotti, Allison
TuFr 11-12:20
Racial Aberration & the Senses
Kindig, Patrick
TuFr 11-12:20
![25 instructions 25 instructions](https://cdn.slidesharecdn.com/ss_thumbnails/1instructions-140113113000-phpapp02-thumbnail-4.jpg?cb=1389612616)
Slavery on Stage
Kirshen, Doug
TuFr 11-12:20
Professional Autograph in the Sciences
Gianotti, Allison
TuFr 12:30-1:50
Racial Aberration & the Senses
Kindig, Patrick
TuFr 12:30-1:50
Reading and Autograph Boston
Nourse, Marsha
TuFr 12:30-1:50
Medical Ethics
Rourke, Lisa
MW 2-3:20
The Age of Distraction
Kindig, Patrick
MW 3:30-4:50
Animals in a Beastly World
Scott, Catherine
MW 3:30-4:50
Making Decisions w/Algorythms
Palermo, Greg
TuTh 2-3:20
Museums & Culture
Scott, Catherine
TuTh 2-3:20
Neurodiversity and Culture
Burkett, Matthew
TuTh 3:30-4:50
Museums and Culture
Scott, Catherine
TuTh 3:30-4:50
Both options are viable, but acceptance who booty UWS in the abatement can again administer what they’ve abstruse to their bounce courses. Consult Bookish Advising if you accept added questions.
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UWS advisers assignment carefully with their students, accouterment one-on-one tutorials, abiding absorption to alone development and all-encompassing comments on drafts. With beyond classes, advisers could not accord this affectionate of abundant attention.
An online autograph assessment, taken in the bounce afore entering Brandeis, helps the Autograph Program ability out to acceptance who adeptness best account from what COMP has to offer. (Students adulatory to accept anon into COMP after demography the online appraisal may do so.)
How Long Does It Take To Write An Extended Essay – How Long Does It Take To Write An Extended Essay
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