How Deep Does At&T Bury Fiber Optic Lines?

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Fiber optic lines are the backbone of modern communications systems. Without them, businesses, homes, and even cell phones would struggle to stay connected. But how deep do AT&T bury their fiber optic lines? Read on to learn more.

What is AT&T?

AT&T is one of the largest telecommunications companies in the world. Founded in 1983, the company provides services to millions of people each day, ranging from home phone service to mobile data plans. Their fiber optic lines are used to deliver these services to customers.

How Deep Does AT&T Bury Fiber Optic Lines?

AT&T buries its fiber optic lines at different depths, depending on the application. Generally speaking, AT&T buries its fiber optic lines at depths ranging from 18 inches to 36 inches. The deeper the line is buried, the better protected it is from weather, animals, and other potential hazards.

Burying Fiber Optic Lines in the Ground

When burying fiber optic lines in the ground, AT&T typically opts for a depth of 18 to 24 inches. This ensures that the lines are not disturbed by animals or other outside forces. It also ensures that the lines are not damaged by weather or other environmental factors.

Burying Fiber Optic Lines Underwater

When burying fiber optic lines underwater, AT&T typically opts for a depth of 24 to 36 inches. This ensures that the lines are not disturbed by ships or other large vessels. It also ensures that the lines are not damaged by currents or other underwater phenomenon.

Protective Measures

In addition to burying its fiber optic lines at different depths, AT&T also takes other protective measures. This can include using special protective coating on the lines and using special materials when burying the lines in the ground. These measures help to ensure the integrity of AT&T’s fiber optic lines.


AT&T buries its fiber optic lines at different depths, depending on the application. Generally speaking, AT&T buries its fiber optic lines at depths ranging from 18 inches to 36 inches. In addition to burying its fiber optic lines at different depths, AT&T also takes other protective measures to ensure the integrity of its fiber optic lines.
